Ryzom Account Management System
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AssignedHandles the assigning of a ticket to a user
DBLayerHandles the database connections
ForwardedHandles the forwarding of a ticket to a support_group
Gui_ElementsHelper class for generating gui related elements
HelpersHelper class for more site specific functions
In_Support_GroupHandles the linkage of users being in a support group
Mail_HandlerHandles the mailing functionality
MyCryptBasic encryption/decryption class
PaginationHandles returning arrays based on a given pagenumber
QuerycacheClass for storing changes when shard is offline
Support_GroupGroups moderators & admins together
SyncHandler for performing changes when shard is back online after being offline
TicketClass that handles most ticket related functions
Ticket_CategoryClass related to the ticket categories
Ticket_ContentClass that handles the content of a reply
Ticket_InfoClass that handles additional info sent by ticket creation ingame
Ticket_LogClass that handles the logging
Ticket_QueueData class that holds a lot of queries that load specific tickets
Ticket_Queue_HandlerReturns tickets (queues) that are related in some way
Ticket_ReplyHandles functions related to replies on tickets
Ticket_UserUser entry point in the ticket system
UsersHandles basic user registration & management functions (shard related)
WebUsersHandles CMS/WWW related functions regarding user management & registration
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