Ryzom Account Management System  1.0
/home/daan/ryzom/ryzomcore/code/ryzom/tools/server/ryzom_ams/www/html/inc/show_ticket.php File Reference


 show_ticket ()
 This function is beign used to load info that's needed for the show_ticket page.

Function Documentation

This function is beign used to load info that's needed for the show_ticket page.

check if the person browsing this page is a mod/admin or the ticket creator himself, if not he'll be redirected to an error page. if the $_GET['action'] var is set and the user executing is a mod/admin, it will try to execute the action. The actions here are: forwarding of a ticket, assigning a ticket and unassigning a ticket. This function returns a lot of information that will be used by the template to show the ticket. Mods/admins will be able to also see hidden replies to a ticket.

Daan Janssens, mentored by Matthew Lagoe
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