Ryzom Account Management System  1.0
/home/daan/ryzom/ryzomcore/code/ryzom/tools/server/ryzom_ams/www/html/inc/show_queue.php File Reference


 show_queue ()
 This function is beign used to load info that's needed for the show_queue page.

Function Documentation

This function is beign used to load info that's needed for the show_queue page.

check if the person who wants to view this page is a mod/admin, if this is not the case, he will be redirected to an error page. if an action is set (this is done by $_GET['action']) it will try to execute it first, actions are: assign a ticket, unassign a ticket an create a queue. There are a few predefined queues which is the 'all tickets' queue, 'archive' queue, 'todo' queue, .. these are passed by $_GET['get']. if $_GET['get'] = create; then it's a custom made queue, this will call the createQueue function which builds the query that we will later use to get the tickets. The tickets fetched will be returned and used in the template. Now why use POST and GET params here and have a createQueue function twice? Well the first time someone creates a queue the POST variables will be used, however after going to the next page it will use the GET params.

Daan Janssens, mentored by Matthew Lagoe
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