
2760 lines
78 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <map>
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_parser.h"
#include "nel/misc/i_xml.h"
#include "nel/misc/file.h"
#include "nel/misc/algo.h"
#include "nel/misc/mem_stream.h"
#include "nel/misc/factory.h"
#include "nel/misc/big_file.h"
#include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_options.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_anim.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_pointer.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_modal.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_list.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_container.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_link.h"
#include "nel/gui/lua_helper.h"
#include "nel/gui/lua_ihm.h"
#include "nel/gui/lua_manager.h"
#include "lua_ide_dll_nevrax/include/lua_ide_dll/ide_interface.h" // external debugger
const uint32 UI_CACHE_SERIAL_CHECK = (uint32) 'IUG_';
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace std;
namespace NLGUI
void saveXMLTree(COFile &f, xmlNodePtr node)
// save node name
std::string name = (const char *) node->name;
// save properties
uint32 numProp = 0;
xmlAttrPtr currProp = node->properties;
while (currProp)
++ numProp;
currProp = currProp->next;
currProp = node->properties;
while (currProp)
std::string name = (const char *) currProp->name;
CXMLAutoPtr ptr(xmlGetProp(node, currProp->name));
std::string value = (const char *) ptr;
currProp = currProp->next;
uint32 numChildren = 0;
xmlNodePtr currChild = node->children;
while (currChild)
++ numChildren;
currChild = currChild->next;
currChild = node->children;
while (currChild)
saveXMLTree(f, currChild);
currChild = currChild->next;
xmlNodePtr buildTree(CIFile &f)
// load node name
std::string name;
xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewNode(NULL, (const xmlChar *) name.c_str());
// slod properties
uint32 numProp;
for(uint k = 0; k < numProp; ++k)
std::string name, value;
f.serial(name, value);
xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) name.c_str(), (const xmlChar *) value.c_str());
uint32 numChildren;
for(uint k = 0; k < numChildren; ++k)
xmlAddChild(node, buildTree(f));
return node;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRootGroup
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CRootGroup : public CInterfaceGroup
CRootGroup(const TCtorParam &param)
: CInterfaceGroup(param)
{ }
/// Destructor
virtual ~CRootGroup() { }
virtual CInterfaceElement* getElement (const std::string &id)
if (_Id == id)
return this;
if (id.substr(0, _Id.size()) != _Id)
return NULL;
vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator itv;
for (itv = _Views.begin(); itv != _Views.end(); itv++)
CViewBase *pVB = *itv;
if (pVB->getId() == id)
return pVB;
vector<CCtrlBase*>::const_iterator itc;
for (itc = _Controls.begin(); itc != _Controls.end(); itc++)
CCtrlBase* ctrl = *itc;
if (ctrl->getId() == id)
return ctrl;
// Accelerate
string sTmp = id;
sTmp = sTmp.substr(_Id.size()+1,sTmp.size());
string::size_type pos = sTmp.find(':');
if (pos != string::npos)
sTmp = sTmp.substr(0,pos);
map<string,CInterfaceGroup*>::iterator it = _Accel.find(sTmp);
if (it != _Accel.end())
CInterfaceGroup *pIG = it->second;
return pIG->getElement(id);
return NULL;
virtual void addGroup (CInterfaceGroup *child, sint eltOrder = -1)
string sTmp = child->getId();
sTmp = sTmp.substr(_Id.size()+1,sTmp.size());
_Accel.insert(pair<string,CInterfaceGroup*>(sTmp, child));
virtual bool delGroup (CInterfaceGroup *child, bool dontDelete = false)
string sTmp = child->getId();
sTmp = sTmp.substr(_Id.size()+1,sTmp.size());
map<string,CInterfaceGroup*>::iterator it = _Accel.find(sTmp);
if (it != _Accel.end())
return CInterfaceGroup::delGroup(child,dontDelete);
map<string,CInterfaceGroup*> _Accel;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInterfaceParser
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
luaInitialized = false;
cacheUIParsing = false;
/** Convert a string into a memstream
static void interfaceScriptAsMemStream(const std::string &script, CMemStream &destStream)
if (destStream.isReading()) // we must be sure that we are reading the stream
}, NLMISC::IStream::begin);
if (script.empty()) return;
destStream.serialBuffer(const_cast<uint8 *>((const uint8 *) &script[0]), (uint)script.size());
destStream.invert();, NLMISC::IStream::begin);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseInterface (const std::vector<std::string> & strings, bool reload, bool isFilename, bool checkInData)
bool ok;
bool needCheck = false;
needCheck = false;
// TestYoyo. UnHide For Parsing Profile
//ignore the content of tags containing only white space
//parse all interface files and build a single xml document
xmlNodePtr globalEnclosing;
nlassert (strings.size());
CIXml read;
string nextFileName;
static const char *SCRIPT_AS_STRING = "<script as string>";
CIFile file;
CMemStream scriptStream;
string firstFileName;
vector<string>::const_iterator it = strings.begin();
if (isFilename)
//get the first file document pointer
firstFileName = *it;
string filename = CPath::lookup(firstFileName);
bool isInData = false;
string::size_type pos = filename.find ("@");
if (pos != string::npos)
vector<string> bigFilePaths;
if (CBigFile::getInstance().getBigFileName(filename.substr(0, pos)) != "data/"+filename.substr(0, pos))
isInData = false;
isInData = true;
if ((needCheck && !isInData) || ! (CPath::lookup(firstFileName)))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not open file %s, skipping xml parsing",firstFileName.c_str());
return false;
read.init (file);
firstFileName = SCRIPT_AS_STRING; // for error msg
interfaceScriptAsMemStream(*it, scriptStream);
//get the enclosing element (<interface config>)
globalEnclosing = read.getRootNode();
if (!globalEnclosing)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("no root element in xml file %s, skipping xml parsing",firstFileName.c_str());
return false;
if (strcmp( (char*)globalEnclosing->name,"interface_config") )
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("wrong root element in xml file %s, skipping xml parsing",firstFileName.c_str());
return false;
if (isFilename)
// Get all other xml files, and add their nodes to the first xml document
uint32 i = 0;
for (; it != strings.end(); it++)
//nlwarning("Parsing interface file : %s", it->c_str());
nextFileName = *it;
CIXml nextRead;
xmlNodePtr cur = NULL;
bool saveParseResult = false;
bool readFromUncompressedXML = true;
if( isFilename && cacheUIParsing )
saveParseResult = true;
std::string archive = CPath::lookup(nextFileName + "_compressed", false, false);
std::string current = CPath::lookup(nextFileName, false, false);
if (!archive.empty() && !current.empty())
if (CFile::getFileModificationDate(current) <= CFile::getFileModificationDate(archive))
CIFile input;;
cur = buildTree(input);
readFromUncompressedXML = false;
saveParseResult = false;
if (!cur)
if (isFilename)
if (!, false, false)))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not open file %s, skipping xml parsing",nextFileName.c_str());
return false;
nextRead.init (file);
interfaceScriptAsMemStream(nextFileName, scriptStream);
nextFileName = SCRIPT_AS_STRING; // for error MSG
cur = nextRead.getRootNode();
if (!cur)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("no root element in xml file %s, skipping xml parsing", it->c_str() );
return false;
if (saveParseResult)
std::string outputFilename = CPath::standardizePath("data") + CFile::getFilename(nextFileName) + std::string("_compressed");
COFile f;;
saveXMLTree(f, cur);
if (strcmp( (char*)cur->name,"interface_config") )
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("wrong root element in xml file %s. should be interface config, skipping xml parsing", nextFileName.c_str());
return false;
xmlNodePtr curSon = cur->children;
while (curSon)
xmlNodePtr bufNode = xmlCopyNode (curSon, 1);
xmlAddChild (globalEnclosing,bufNode);
curSon = curSon->next;
if (!readFromUncompressedXML)
if (isFilename)
catch (const Exception &e)
// Output error
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("CInterfaceParser: Error while loading the xml interface file %s, skipping xml parsing : %s", nextFileName.c_str(), e.what());
if (testWildCard(nextFileName, "save/keys_?*.xml"))
// if file matches 'save/keys_?*.xml', move this file as a backup
string backup = nextFileName+".backup";
if (CFile::fileExists(backup))
CFile::moveFile(backup.c_str(), nextFileName.c_str());
return false;
//parse the built doc
ok = parseXMLDocument(globalEnclosing, reload);
// freeXMLNodeAndSibblings(globalEnclosing); // Done by the ~CIXml
// TestYoyo. UnHide for Parsing Profile
// Display and save profile to a File.
CLog log;
CFileDisplayer fileDisplayer(NLMISC::CFile::findNewFile(getLogDirectory() + "profile_parseInterface.log"));
// diplay
NLMISC::CHTimer::displayHierarchicalByExecutionPathSorted(&log, CHTimer::TotalTime, true, 48, 2);
NLMISC::CHTimer::display(&log, CHTimer::TotalTime);
return ok;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseXMLDocument(xmlNodePtr root, bool reload)
CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup *curRoot = NULL;
CInterfaceGroup *rootGroup = NULL;
//parse templates
xmlNodePtr curNode = root->children;
std::vector< CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup > &_MasterGroups = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getAllMasterGroup();
while (curNode)
// first solve define for the xml node and his sons
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not read all define");
// then try to solve Style for the xml node and his sons
else if (!solveStyle(curNode))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not read all styles");
// If define and style oks, try to parse "1st pass" objets (define, options....).
else if ( !strcmp((char*)curNode->name,"template") )
// Check there is a valid name for this template
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp( curNode, (xmlChar*)"name" ));
if (ptr)
// remove any template with the same name in the list (useful when using 'loadui' command)
for(uint k = 0; k < _Templates.size(); ++k)
CXMLAutoPtr otherTemplName((const char*) xmlGetProp( _Templates[k], (xmlChar*)"name" ));
if (strcmp((const char *) otherTemplName, (const char *) ptr) == 0)
nlwarning("Replacing template %s with new version", (const char *) ptr);
_Templates[k] = NULL;
_Templates.erase(std::remove(_Templates.begin(), _Templates.end(), (xmlNodePtr) NULL), _Templates.end());
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("no name in a template node");
else if ( !strcmp((char*)curNode->name,"options") )
if (!parseOptions(curNode,rootGroup))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse options");
else if ( !strcmp((char*)curNode->name,"define") )
if (!parseDefine(curNode))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse define");
else if ( !strcmp((char*)curNode->name,"style") )
if (!parseStyle(curNode))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse 'style'");
IParserModule *module = getModuleFor( (char*)( curNode->name ) );
if( module != NULL ){
if( module->canParseInStage( IParserModule::Unresolved ) )
module->parse( curNode, rootGroup );
curNode = curNode->next;
if (!reload) // TMP : crahs when doing the setup twice (old pointer on the text manager ...)
//parse filters , groups and eventually instances
// vector that are on top of the xml hierarchy
root = root->children;
while (root)
if ( !strcmp((char*)root->name,"root") )
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*)xmlGetProp (root, (xmlChar*)"id"));
if (ptr)
rootGroup = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getMasterGroupFromId (string("ui:") + (const char*)ptr);
if (rootGroup == NULL)
rootGroup = (CInterfaceGroup*)(new CRootGroup(CViewBase::TCtorParam()));
rootGroup->parse (root, NULL);
CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup mg;
mg.Group = rootGroup;
_MasterGroups.push_back (mg);
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _MasterGroups.size(); ++i)
if (_MasterGroups[i].Group == rootGroup)
curRoot = &_MasterGroups[i];
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse root");
else if (!strcmp((char*)root->name,"group"))
if (!parseGroup(root,rootGroup, reload))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse group");
else if (!strcmp((char*)root->name,"instance"))
if (!parseInstance(root))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse instance");
else if (!strcmp((char*)root->name,"view"))
if (!parseView(root,rootGroup, reload))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse view");
else if (!strcmp((char*)root->name,"ctrl"))
if (!parseControl(root,rootGroup, reload))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse control");
else if ( !strcmp((char*)root->name,"vector") )
if (!parseVector(root))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse vector");
else if ( !strcmp((char*)root->name,"link") )
if (!parseLink(root,rootGroup))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse link");
else if ( !strcmp((char*)root->name,"variable") )
if (!parseVariable(root,rootGroup))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse variable");
else if ( !strcmp((char*)root->name,"tree") )
if (!parseTree(root,curRoot))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse tree");
/* if (!setupTree(root,curRoot))
nlwarning ("could not setup tree"); */
else if ( !strcmp((char*)root->name,"proc") )
if (!parseProcedure(root, reload))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse procedure");
else if ( !strcmp((char*)root->name,"sheet_selection") )
if (!parseSheetSelection(root))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse sheet selection");
else if ( !strcmp((char*)root->name,"anim") )
if (!parseAnim(root,rootGroup))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse 'anim'");
else if ( !strcmp((char*)root->name,"lua") )
nlwarning ("could not parse 'lua'");
IParserModule *module = getModuleFor( (char*)( root->name ) );
if( module != NULL )
if( module->canParseInStage( IParserModule::Resolved ) )
module->parse( root, rootGroup );
root = root->next;
// add all modals group to the window list
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _MasterGroups.size(); ++i)
CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[i];
// insert all modals
for (uint32 j = 0; j < rMG.Group->getGroups().size(); ++j)
CGroupModal *pIG = dynamic_cast<CGroupModal*>(rMG.Group->getGroups()[j]);
// if it is a modal group
// add to the window list
CWidgetManager::getInstance()->addWindowToMasterGroup(rMG.Group->getId(), pIG);
// init all the elements coords, and Lua Script
if (!initCoordsAndLuaScript())
return false;
std::vector<xmlNodePtr> keptTemplates;
// keep template that have the "keep" flag if we are not reloading
// if reloading, always keep the template
CXMLAutoPtr ptr;
for(uint k = 0; k < _Templates.size(); ++k)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr(xmlGetProp(_Templates[k], (const xmlChar *) "keep"));
if (reload || (ptr && nlstricmp((const char *) ptr, "true") == 0))
// xmlUnsetProp(_Templates[k], (const xmlChar *) "keep");
xmlNodePtr copy = xmlCopyNode(_Templates[k], 1);
if (copy)
// free the original node, whether we kept a copy or not
xmlUnlinkNode( _Templates[k] );
xmlFreeNode( _Templates[k] );
_Templates[k] = NULL;
// keep new list
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseTemplateNode(xmlNodePtr node,xmlNodePtr instance,xmlNodePtr templ)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr;
//get the node properties
xmlAttrPtr props = node->properties;
while (props)
//get the property value
ptr = (char*)xmlGetProp( node, props->name);
//if it begins with a #, it is a reference in the instance attribute
if (strchr(ptr, '#') != NULL)
string LastProp = ptr;
string NewProp ="";
string RepProp;
while (LastProp.size() > 0)
string::size_type diesPos = LastProp.find("#");
if (diesPos != string::npos)
if (diesPos > 0)
NewProp += LastProp.substr(0, LastProp.find("#"));
LastProp = LastProp.substr(LastProp.find("#"),LastProp.size());
CXMLAutoPtr instanceProp;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < LastProp.size(); ++i)
RepProp = LastProp.substr(0, LastProp.size()-i);
instanceProp = xmlGetProp (instance , (const xmlChar*)(RepProp.c_str() + 1));
if (instanceProp)
instanceProp = xmlGetProp (templ , (const xmlChar*)(RepProp.c_str() + 1));
if (instanceProp)
if (!instanceProp)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr2((const char*)xmlGetProp( instance, (xmlChar*)"id"));
string sTmp;
if (ptr2.getDatas() != NULL)
sTmp = string("cannot parse template node property: ") + ((const char *) ptr + 1) + string(" in instance : ") + string((const char*)ptr2);
sTmp = string("cannot parse template node property: ") + ((const char *) ptr + 1) + string(" in instance : NULL");
// todo hulud interface syntax error
return false;
NewProp += string((const char*)instanceProp);
LastProp = LastProp.substr (RepProp.size(), LastProp.size());
NewProp += LastProp;
LastProp = "";
xmlSetProp(node,props->name, (const xmlChar*)NewProp.c_str());
props = props->next;
//parse the node children
node = node->children;
while (node)
if (!parseTemplateNode(node,instance,templ))
return false;
node = node->next;
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseInstance(xmlNodePtr cur)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr;
//try to find the instance template in our template vector. If the template doesn't exist, return false
CXMLAutoPtr templ((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"template" ));
if (!templ)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo("parse error : no referenced template in an instance");
return false;
vector<xmlNodePtr>::const_iterator it;
for (it = _Templates.begin(); it != _Templates.end();it++)
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( *it, (xmlChar*)"name" );
if (!ptr)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo("no name in a template node");
return false;
if ( !strcmp(templ,ptr) )
if ( it == _Templates.end() )
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo("the template %s was not found", (const char*)templ);
return false;
xmlNodePtr templNode = *it;
//for each child of the template, create the appropriate node
xmlNodePtr child = (*it)->children;
xmlNodePtr nextSibling=cur;
while (child)
//copy the template child node
xmlNodePtr node = xmlCopyNode (child, 1);
//add it to our tree
//node = xmlAddChild(cur->parent,node);
node = xmlAddNextSibling (nextSibling, node);
nextSibling = nextSibling->next;
//parse the child
if (!parseTemplateNode(node, cur, templNode))
return false;
child = child->next;
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseVector(xmlNodePtr cur)
//get the number of elements
CXMLAutoPtr cSize((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"_size" ));
if (!cSize)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo("no _size in a vector");
return false;
sint32 size;
fromString(cSize, size);
if (size <= 0)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
return false;
// Vector of groups
bool bGroupVector = true;
//get the first position reference
CXMLAutoPtr firstpos((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"_firstpos" ));
if (!firstpos)
bGroupVector = false;
//get the next position reference
CXMLAutoPtr nextpos((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"_nextpos" ));
if (!nextpos)
bGroupVector = false;
sint32 index = 0;
//get the first index value
CXMLAutoPtr indexChar((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"_firstindex" ));
if (indexChar)
fromString((const char*)indexChar, index);
sint32 step = 1;
//get the step for the indices
CXMLAutoPtr stepChar((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"_step" ));
if (stepChar)
fromString((const char*)stepChar, step);
//get the x and y of the first element
CXMLAutoPtr xfirst((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"_xfirst" ));
CXMLAutoPtr yfirst((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"_yfirst" ));
xmlNodePtr node;
CXMLAutoPtr id;
xmlNodePtr nextSibling= cur;
//now we can add all the following elements
sint32 i;
for (i = index;; i += step)
if (step > 0)
if (i >= index + size) break;
if (i <= index - size) break;
//copy the node
node = xmlCopyNode(cur,1);
//set the name and posref
if (bGroupVector)
if (i==index)
xmlSetProp(node,(xmlChar*)"posref",(const xmlChar*)firstpos);
if (xfirst)
xmlSetProp(node,(xmlChar*)"x",(const xmlChar*)xfirst);
if (yfirst)
xmlSetProp(node,(xmlChar*)"y",(const xmlChar*)yfirst);
xmlSetProp(node,(xmlChar*)"posref",(const xmlChar*)nextpos);
xmlSetProp(node,(xmlChar*)"posparent",(const xmlChar*)id);
//replace all the $i
xmlAttrPtr attr = node->properties;
CXMLAutoPtr prop((const char*) xmlGetProp( node, attr->name ));
string str((const char*)prop);
string::size_type pos = str.find("$i");
while (pos != string::npos)
pos = str.find("$i",pos);
attr = attr->next;
//add the new instance to our tree, just near us.
xmlAddNextSibling (nextSibling, node);
nextSibling= node;
//get the node id, used in the next iteration
if (bGroupVector)
id = (char*) xmlGetProp( node, (xmlChar*)"id" );
if (!id)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo("no id in a vector");
return step > 0 ? (i == index + size) : (i == index - size);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseLink(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"expr"));
if (!ptr)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning("<CInterfaceParser::parseLink> Can't read the expression for a link node");
return false;
std::string expr = ptr;
std::vector<CInterfaceLink::CTargetInfo> targets;
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"target");
if (ptr)
CInterfaceLink::splitLinkTargets(std::string((const char*)ptr), parentGroup, targets);
// optional action handler
std::string action;
std::string params;
std::string cond;
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"action");
if (ptr) action = (const char *) ptr;
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"params");
if (ptr) params = (const char *) ptr;
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"cond");
if (ptr) cond = (const char *) ptr;
// create the link
CInterfaceLink *il = new CInterfaceLink;
il->init(targets, expr, action, params, cond, parentGroup); // init will add 'il' in the list of link present in 'elm'
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseVariable (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * /* parentGroup */)
//get the args
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"entry"));
if (!ptr)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo ("no entry in a variable tag");
return false;
string entry((const char*)ptr);
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"type");
if (!ptr)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo ("no type in a variable tag");
return false;
string type((const char*)ptr);
string value;
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"value");
if (!ptr)
//if no value is specified, try to get the db entry directly
value = entry;
value = string((const char*)ptr);
// Array definition
sint size= 1;
bool ArrayMode= false;
string entryPrefix;
string entrySuffix;
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"size");
if (ptr)
ArrayMode= true;
fromString((const char*)ptr, size);
string::size_type pos= entry.find("$i");
if( pos==string::npos )
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo ("no $i found in a 'variable' tag with 'size' defined ");
return false;
entryPrefix= entry.substr(0, pos);
entrySuffix= entry.substr(pos+2);
// loop all variables
for(sint index= 0;index<size;index++)
// If array variable, build the variable name
entry= entryPrefix + toString(index) + entrySuffix;
// access the database
CInterfaceProperty prop;
if (type == "sint64")
else if (type == "sint32")
else if (type == "float" || type == "double")
else if (type == "bool")
else if (type == "rgba")
else if (type == "hotspot")
else if (type == "text")
/*uint textId = addText(value);
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseOptions (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * /* parentGroup */)
// build the options from type
CInterfaceOptions *options = NULL;
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"type" ));
if (ptr)
options = NLMISC_GET_FACTORY( CInterfaceOptions, std::string ).createObject( std::string( (const char*)ptr ), CInterfaceOptions::TCtorParam() );
if( options == NULL )
options = new CInterfaceOptions( CInterfaceOptions::TCtorParam() );
options = new CInterfaceOptions( CInterfaceOptions::TCtorParam() );
CWidgetManager *wm = CWidgetManager::getInstance();
// get the name
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"name" );
if (!ptr)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo ("options has no name");
return false;
string optionsName = ptr;
// herit if possible
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"herit" );
if (ptr)
string optionsParentName = ptr;
CInterfaceOptions *io = wm->getOptions( optionsParentName );
if( io != NULL )
options->copyBasicMap( *io );
// parse parameters
if (options->parse (cur))
// Remove old one
wm->removeOptions( optionsName );
wm->addOptions( optionsName, options );
delete options;
return false;
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseGroup (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, bool reload)
CInterfaceGroup * group;
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"type" ));
if (ptr)
group = dynamic_cast<CInterfaceGroup*>( NLMISC_GET_FACTORY(CViewBase, std::string).createObject(string((const char*)ptr), CViewBase::TCtorParam()) );
if (group == NULL)
group = dynamic_cast<CInterfaceGroup*>(NLMISC_GET_FACTORY(CViewBase, std::string).createObject("interface_group", CViewBase::TCtorParam()));
group = dynamic_cast<CInterfaceGroup*>(NLMISC_GET_FACTORY(CViewBase, std::string).createObject("interface_group", CViewBase::TCtorParam()));
// parse the group attributes
if (!group->parse(cur,parentGroup))
delete group;
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("cannot parse group attributes");
return false;
if (parentGroup)
CGroupList *pList = dynamic_cast<CGroupList*>(parentGroup);
if (parentGroup->getElement(group->getId()) != NULL)
// Remove old groupe and replace
if (reload)
// Remove from the parent
parentGroup->delElement (group->getId(), true);
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("id already exists for %s in %s", group->getId().c_str(), parentGroup->getId().c_str());
delete group;
return false;
if (pList != NULL)
pList->addChild (group);
parentGroup->addGroup (group);
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo ("no parent for %s", group->getId().c_str());
delete group;
return false;
//parse the children
bool ok = parseGroupChildren(cur, group, reload);
if (!ok)
string tmp = "cannot parse group "+group->getId();
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo (tmp.c_str());
return ok;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseGroupChildren(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, bool reload)
cur = cur->children;
bool ok = true;
while (cur)
if ( !strcmp((char*)cur->name,"view") )
ok = ok && parseView(cur,parentGroup, reload);
else if ( !strcmp((char*)cur->name,"ctrl") )
ok = ok && parseControl(cur,parentGroup, reload);
else if ( !strcmp((char*)cur->name,"group") )
ok = ok && parseGroup(cur,parentGroup, reload);
else if ( !strcmp((char*)cur->name,"instance") )
ok = ok && parseInstance(cur);
else if ( !strcmp((char*)cur->name,"vector") )
ok = ok && parseVector(cur);
else if ( !strcmp((char*)cur->name,"link") )
ok = ok && parseLink(cur,parentGroup);
IParserModule *module = getModuleFor( (char*)( cur->name ) );
if( module != NULL )
if( module->canParseInStage( IParserModule::GroupChildren ) )
ok = ok && module->parse( cur, parentGroup );
cur = cur->next;
return ok;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseControl (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, bool reload)
CCtrlBase* ctrl = NULL;
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"type" ));
if (!ptr)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo ("no type in a control tag");
return false;
ctrl = dynamic_cast<CCtrlBase*>(NLMISC_GET_FACTORY(CViewBase, std::string).createObject(string((const char*)ptr), CViewBase::TCtorParam()));
if (ctrl)
if (!ctrl->parse(cur,parentGroup))
delete ctrl;
return false;
if (parentGroup->getElement(ctrl->getId()) != NULL)
// Remove old groupe and replace
if (reload)
parentGroup->delElement (ctrl->getId());
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("id already exists for %s in %s", ctrl->getId().c_str(), parentGroup->getId().c_str());
delete ctrl;
return false;
// Add the ctrl to the parent group
return true;
return false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseView(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, bool reload)
CViewBase * view=NULL;
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"type" ));
if (!ptr)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo("no type in a view");
return false;
view = NLMISC_GET_FACTORY(CViewBase, std::string).createObject(string((const char*)ptr), CViewBase::TCtorParam());
if ( !strcmp(ptr,"pointer"))
CWidgetManager::getInstance()->setPointer( dynamic_cast<CViewPointer*>(view) );
//nlinfo("view type %s mem : %d",ptr,view->getMemory());
if (view)
if (!view->parse(cur,parentGroup))
delete view;
return false;
if (parentGroup->getElement(view->getId()) != NULL)
// Remove old groupe and replace
if (reload)
parentGroup->delElement (view->getId());
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("id already exists for %s in %s", view->getId().c_str(), parentGroup->getId().c_str());
delete view;
return false;
//add the view to the parent group
CGroupList *pList = dynamic_cast<CGroupList*>(parentGroup);
if (pList != NULL)
pList->addChild (view);
return true;
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo("unknown view type %s", (const char*)ptr);
return false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseTreeNode (xmlNodePtr cur, CGroupContainer *parentGroup)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"node" ));
if (!ptr) return false;
CInterfaceElement *pEltFound = NULL;
std::vector< CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup > &_MasterGroups = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getAllMasterGroup();
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _MasterGroups.size(); ++i)
CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[i];
for (uint32 j = 0; j < rMG.Group->getGroups().size(); ++j)
CInterfaceGroup *pIG = rMG.Group->getGroups()[j];
string stmp = strlwr(pIG->getId().substr(pIG->getId().rfind(':')+1,pIG->getId().size()));
string stmp2 = strlwr(string((const char*)ptr));
if (stmp == stmp2)
pEltFound = pIG;
if (pEltFound != NULL)
if (pEltFound == NULL)
string stmp = string("element not found for tree : ") + string((const char*)ptr);
// todo hulud interface syntax error
return false;
CGroupContainer *pIC = dynamic_cast<CGroupContainer*>(pEltFound);
if (pIC == NULL)
string stmp = string("not a container : ") + pEltFound->getId();
// todo hulud interface syntax error
return false;
parentGroup->attachContainer (pIC);
cur = cur->children;
while (cur)
parseTreeNode(cur, pIC);
cur = cur->next;
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::setupTreeNode (xmlNodePtr cur, CGroupContainer * /* parentGroup */)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"node" ));
if (!ptr) return false;
std::vector< CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup > &_MasterGroups = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getAllMasterGroup();
CInterfaceElement *pEltFound = NULL;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _MasterGroups.size(); ++i)
CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[i];
for (uint32 j = 0; j < rMG.Group->getGroups().size(); ++j)
CInterfaceGroup *pIG = rMG.Group->getGroups()[j];
string stmp = strlwr(pIG->getId().substr(pIG->getId().rfind(':')+1,pIG->getId().size()));
string stmp2 = strlwr(string((const char*)ptr));
if (stmp == stmp2)
pEltFound = pIG;
if (pEltFound != NULL)
if (pEltFound == NULL)
string stmp = string("element not found for tree : ") + string((const char*)ptr);
// todo hulud interface syntax error
return false;
CGroupContainer *pIC = dynamic_cast<CGroupContainer*>(pEltFound);
if (pIC == NULL)
string stmp = string("not a container : ") + pEltFound->getId();
// todo hulud interface syntax error
return false;
// See if the group should be docked.
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"docked" );
if (nlstricmp((const char *) ptr, "true") == 0)
// dock the container
// compute position on screen
sint32 x = 0, y = 0, w = 200, h = 100;
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"x" );
if (ptr)
sint32 value;
if (fromString((const char*)ptr, value))
x = value;
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"y" );
if (ptr)
sint32 value;
if (fromString((const char*)ptr, value))
y = value;
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"w" );
if (ptr)
sint32 value;
if (fromString((const char*)ptr, value))
w = value;
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"h" );
if (ptr)
sint32 value;
if (fromString((const char*)ptr, value))
h = value;
while (cur)
setupTreeNode(cur, pIC);
cur = cur->next;
return true;
void CInterfaceParser::addModule( std::string name, IParserModule *module )
std::map< std::string, IParserModule* >::iterator itr =
moduleMap.find( name );
if( itr != moduleMap.end() )
nlwarning( "Tried to add parser module %s, which already exists.",name.c_str() );
delete module;
module->setParser( this );
moduleMap[ name ] = module;
CInterfaceParser::IParserModule* CInterfaceParser::getModuleFor( std::string name ) const
std::map< std::string, IParserModule* >::const_iterator itr =
moduleMap.find( name );
if( itr == moduleMap.end() )
return NULL;
return itr->second;
void CInterfaceParser::removeAllModules()
std::map< std::string, IParserModule* >::iterator itr;
for( itr = moduleMap.begin(); itr != moduleMap.end(); ++itr )
delete itr->second;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::setupTree (xmlNodePtr cur, CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup * /* parentGroup */)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"node" ));
if (!ptr) return false;
std::vector< CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup > &_MasterGroups = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getAllMasterGroup();
CInterfaceElement *pEltFound = NULL;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _MasterGroups.size(); ++i)
CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[i];
for (uint32 j = 0; j < rMG.Group->getGroups().size(); ++j)
CInterfaceGroup *pIG = rMG.Group->getGroups()[j];
string stmp = strlwr(pIG->getId().substr(pIG->getId().rfind(':')+1,pIG->getId().size()));
string stmp2 = strlwr(string((const char*)ptr));
if (stmp == stmp2)
pEltFound = pIG;
if (pEltFound != NULL)
if (pEltFound == NULL)
string stmp = string("no group found for ") + string((const char*)ptr);
// todo hulud interface syntax error
return false;
// the element must be a group
CInterfaceGroup *pIG = dynamic_cast<CInterfaceGroup*>(pEltFound);
if (pIG == NULL)
string stmp = string("not a group !") + pEltFound->getId();
// todo hulud interface syntax error
return false;
// but must not be a group modal
if (dynamic_cast<CGroupModal*>(pIG))
string stmp = string("tree can't have modal group !") + pEltFound->getId();
// todo hulud interface syntax error
return false;
CGroupContainer *pIC = dynamic_cast<CGroupContainer*>(pEltFound);
if (pIC != NULL)
cur = cur->children;
while (cur)
setupTreeNode(cur, pIC);
cur = cur->next;
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseTree (xmlNodePtr cur, CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup *parentGroup)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"node" ));
if (!ptr) return false;
std::vector< CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup > &_MasterGroups = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getAllMasterGroup();
CInterfaceElement *pEltFound = NULL;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _MasterGroups.size(); ++i)
CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup &rMG = _MasterGroups[i];
for (uint32 j = 0; j < rMG.Group->getGroups().size(); ++j)
CInterfaceGroup *pIG = rMG.Group->getGroups()[j];
string stmp = NLMISC::toLower(pIG->getId().substr(pIG->getId().rfind(':')+1,pIG->getId().size()));
string stmp2 = NLMISC::toLower(string((const char*)ptr));
if (stmp == stmp2)
pEltFound = pIG;
if (pEltFound != NULL)
if (pEltFound == NULL)
string stmp = string("no group found for ") + string((const char*)ptr);
// todo hulud interface syntax error
return false;
// the element must be a group
CInterfaceGroup *pIG = dynamic_cast<CInterfaceGroup*>(pEltFound);
if (pIG == NULL)
string stmp = string("not a group !") + pEltFound->getId();
// todo hulud interface syntax error
return false;
// but must not be a group modal
if (dynamic_cast<CGroupModal*>(pIG))
string stmp = string("tree can't have modal group !") + pEltFound->getId();
// todo hulud interface syntax error
return false;
// Ok add it.
CWidgetManager::getInstance()->addWindowToMasterGroup(parentGroup->Group->getId(), pIG);
CGroupContainer *pIC = dynamic_cast<CGroupContainer*>(pEltFound);
if (pIC != NULL)
cur = cur->children;
while (cur)
parseTreeNode(cur, pIC);
cur = cur->next;
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseDefine(xmlNodePtr cur)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"id" ));
if (!ptr || *ptr==0)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo ("no id in a define");
return false;
CXMLAutoPtr ptrVal2;
CXMLAutoPtr ptrVal((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"value" ));
if (!ptrVal)
ptrVal2 = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"value_from_code" );
if (!ptrVal2)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("<parseDefine> : no value nor value_from_code in a define");
return false;
// verify id.
string id= (const char*)ptr;
for(uint i=0;i<id.size();i++)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("<parseDefine> : bad id in a define. Bad char found: %c", id[i]);
return false;
// Check if we have to execute some code
if (ptrVal2)
CInterfaceExprValue res;
if (CInterfaceExpr::eval(ptrVal2, res))
if (!res.toString())
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("<parseDefine> : cant eval to string value_from_code : %s", (const char*)ptrVal2);
return false;
setDefine(id, res.getString().c_str());
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("<parseDefine> : cant eval value_from_code : %s", (const char*)ptrVal2);
return false;
// Assign var
setDefine (id, (const char*)ptrVal);
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::parseProcedure(xmlNodePtr cur, bool reload)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr((const char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"id" ));
if (!ptr || *ptr==0)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("no id in a procedure");
return false;
string procId= ptr;
if (_ProcedureMap.find(procId) != _ProcedureMap.end())
// If reloading the interface, remove the old proc
if (reload)
_ProcedureMap.erase (procId);
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("id already exists for procedure %s", procId.c_str());
return false;
// build the procedure
CProcedure newProc;
// Look for sons.
cur = cur->children;
while (cur)
if (stricmp((char*)cur->name,"action") == 0)
CXMLAutoPtr name((const char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"handler"));
CXMLAutoPtr params((const char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"params"));
CXMLAutoPtr cond((const char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"cond"));
CProcAction action;
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo("no action name in a action of procedure %s", procId.c_str());
return false;
action.Action= (const char*)name;
action.buildParamBlock((const char*)params);
action.buildCondBlock ((const char*)cond);
else if (!strcmp((char*)cur->name,"instance"))
if (!parseInstance(cur))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse instance");
else if (!strcmp((char*)cur->name,"vector"))
if (!parseVector(cur))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning ("could not parse vector");
cur = cur->next;
// add/replace the procedure
_ProcedureMap[procId]= newProc;
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::initCoordsAndLuaScript()
// set all position associations
for (map<CInterfaceElement*,string>::const_iterator it = _ParentPositionsMap.begin(); it != _ParentPositionsMap.end();it++)
CInterfaceElement *pIEL = it->first;
string EltName = it->second;
CInterfaceGroup *parent = pIEL->getParent();
CInterfaceElement *parentpos;
//if the element has a parent check the parent's children
if (parent)
parentpos = parent->getElement(EltName);
//if the element has no parent, check the windows
parentpos = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getWindowFromId(EltName);
if (parentpos == NULL)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo(" the element %s was not found as %s position reference ", EltName.c_str(), pIEL->getId().c_str());
pIEL->setParentPos (parentpos);
// Same for size
for (map<CInterfaceElement*,string>::const_iterator it2 = _ParentSizesMap.begin(); it2 != _ParentSizesMap.end(); it2++)
CInterfaceElement *pIEL = it2->first;
string EltName = it2->second;
CInterfaceGroup *parent = pIEL->getParent();
CInterfaceElement *parentsize;
if (EltName == "parent")
parentsize = pIEL->getParent();
//if the element has a parent check the parent's children
if (parent)
parentsize = parent->getElement(EltName);
//if the element has no parent, check the windows
parentsize = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getWindowFromId(EltName);
if (parentsize == NULL)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo(" the element %s was not found as %s size reference ", EltName.c_str(), pIEL->getId().c_str());
pIEL->setParentSize (parentsize);
// Same for size max
for (map<CInterfaceElement*,string>::const_iterator it3 = _ParentSizesMaxMap.begin(); it3 != _ParentSizesMaxMap.end(); it3++)
CInterfaceGroup *pIEL = dynamic_cast<CInterfaceGroup*>(it3->first);
if (pIEL == NULL) continue;
string EltName = it3->second;
CInterfaceGroup *parent = pIEL->getParent();
CInterfaceElement *parentsizemax;
if (EltName == "parent")
parentsizemax = parent;
//if the element has a parent check the parent's children
if (parent)
parentsizemax = parent->getElement(EltName);
//if the element has no parent, check the windows
parentsizemax = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getWindowFromId(EltName);
if (parentsizemax == NULL)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo(" the element %s was not found as %s sizemax reference ", EltName.c_str(), pIEL->getId().c_str());
pIEL->setParentSizeMax (parentsizemax);
// Same For LUA Class association
for (map<CInterfaceGroup*,string>::const_iterator itLua = _LuaClassAssociation.begin(); itLua != _LuaClassAssociation.end(); itLua++)
// execute the script on this group
CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler("lua", itLua->first, itLua->second);
// Clear all structures used only for init
NLMISC::contReset (_ParentPositionsMap);
NLMISC::contReset (_ParentSizesMap);
NLMISC::contReset (_ParentSizesMaxMap);
NLMISC::contReset (_LuaClassAssociation);
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceParser::addParentPositionAssociation(CInterfaceElement* element, const std::string& parent)
_ParentPositionsMap.insert (std::map<CInterfaceElement*,std::string>::value_type(element, parent));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceParser::addParentSizeAssociation(CInterfaceElement* element, const std::string& parent)
_ParentSizesMap.insert (std::map<CInterfaceElement*,std::string>::value_type(element, parent));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceParser::addParentSizeMaxAssociation (CInterfaceElement *element, const std::string &parent)
_ParentSizesMaxMap.insert (std::map<CInterfaceElement*,std::string>::value_type(element, parent));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInterfaceParser::addLuaClassAssociation (CInterfaceGroup *group, const std::string &luaScript)
_LuaClassAssociation.insert (std::map<CInterfaceGroup*,std::string>::value_type(group, luaScript));
// ***************************************************************************
const std::string &CInterfaceParser::getDefine(const std::string &id) const
static string NullStr;
CstItVarMap it= _DefineMap.find(id);
return NullStr;
return it->second;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CInterfaceParser::isDefineExist(const std::string &id) const
CstItVarMap it= _DefineMap.find(id);
return it!=_DefineMap.end();
// ***************************************************************************
void CInterfaceParser::setDefine(const std::string &id, const std::string &value)
_DefineMap[id]= value;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CInterfaceParser::validDefineChar(char c) const
if(c>='A' && c<='Z')
return true;
if(c>='a' && c<='z')
return true;
if(c>='0' && c<='9')
return true;
return true;
return false;
#define DEFINE_IDENT '%'
// ***************************************************************************
bool CInterfaceParser::solveDefine(const std::string &propVal, std::string &newPropVal, std::string &defError)
string::size_type curPos= 0;
string::size_type lastPos= 0;
//if it has some % then solve define value
while( (curPos=propVal.find(DEFINE_IDENT, curPos)) != string::npos)
// If it is end of line
// then skip
curPos= propVal.size();
// If it is a double %%
else if(propVal[curPos+1]==DEFINE_IDENT)
// copy from last to cur included
newPropVal+= propVal.substr(lastPos, curPos-lastPos);
// both % are skipped
lastPos= curPos;
// else parse define value
// copy the last not define sub string.
newPropVal+= propVal.substr(lastPos, curPos-lastPos);
// skip the %
// get the id pos
uint startIdPos= (uint)curPos;
while( curPos<propVal.size() && validDefineChar(propVal[curPos]) )
// get the id
string defineId= propVal.substr(startIdPos, curPos-startIdPos);
defError= defineId;
return false;
// Add the define value to the string
newPropVal+= getDefine(defineId);
// valid pos is current pos
lastPos= curPos;
// concat last part
newPropVal+= propVal.substr(lastPos, propVal.size()-lastPos);
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CInterfaceParser::solveDefine(xmlNodePtr cur)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr;
//get the node properties
xmlAttrPtr props = cur->properties;
while (props)
//get the property value
ptr = (char*)xmlGetProp( cur, props->name);
string propVal= ptr;
string newPropVal;
// solve define of this prop
string defError;
if(!solveDefine(propVal, newPropVal, defError))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo("can't find define: %s", defError.c_str());
return false;
// change value
xmlSetProp(cur, props->name, (const xmlChar*)newPropVal.c_str());
// next property
props = props->next;
// recurs to node children
cur= cur->children;
return false;
cur= cur->next;
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CInterfaceParser::parseSheetSelection(xmlNodePtr cur)
CXMLAutoPtr prop;
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"name" );
if (!prop)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning("<CInterfaceParser::parseSheetSelection> can't get name of a selection");
return false;
std::string groupName = (const char *) prop;
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"texture" );
if (!prop)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning("<CInterfaceParser::parseSheetSelection> can't get texture name for selection %s", groupName.c_str());
return false;
std::string texName = (const char *) prop;
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"color" );
CRGBA color = CRGBA::White;
if (prop)
color = CInterfaceElement::convertColor(prop);
bool globalColor = true;
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"global_color" );
if (prop) globalColor = CInterfaceElement::convertBool(prop);
sint groupIndex = _CtrlSheetSelection.addGroup(groupName);
if (groupIndex != -1)
CSheetSelectionGroup *csg = _CtrlSheetSelection.getGroup(groupIndex);
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CInterfaceParser::addLink(CInterfaceLink *link, const std::string &id)
if (!link)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning("link empty");
return false;
TLinkMap::const_iterator it = _LinkMap.find(id);
if (it != _LinkMap.end())
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning("<CInterfaceParser::addLink> link %s added twice", id.c_str());
return false;
#ifdef NL_DEBUG
link->LinkName = id;
_LinkMap[id] = link;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CInterfaceParser::removeLink(const std::string &id)
TLinkMap::iterator it = _LinkMap.find(id);
if (it == _LinkMap.end())
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning("<CInterfaceParser::removeLink> unknown link %s", id.c_str());
return false;
CSmartPtr<CInterfaceLink> &link = it->second; // dont need to copy a smart ptr on link since still in map
for (uint k = 0; k < link->getNumTargets(); ++k)
link->getTarget(k)->removeLink(link); // remove the link from the list & delete it
_LinkMap.erase(it); // NB : the link is holded by a smart ptr, to do this decrease the ref count
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
xmlNodePtr CInterfaceParser::searchTreeNodeInHierarchy(xmlNodePtr root, const char *node)
// if I match...
CXMLAutoPtr prop((const char*) xmlGetProp( root, (xmlChar*)"node" ));
// not a valide tree node? abort.
if (!prop) return NULL;
// match?
if ( !strcmp((const char*)prop, node ) )
return root;
// No, try with sons.
xmlNodePtr cur= root->children;
xmlNodePtr candidate= searchTreeNodeInHierarchy(cur, node);
// if found in this branch.
return candidate;
// try next
cur= cur->next;
// not found
return NULL;
bool CInterfaceParser::parseAnim(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup)
CInterfaceAnim *pAnim;
CXMLAutoPtr ptr;
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"id" );
if (!ptr)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlinfo ("anim has no id");
return false;
string animId = ptr;
pAnim = new CInterfaceAnim;
if (pAnim->parse (cur, parentGroup))
if (_AnimMap.count(animId))
nlwarning("Anim %s already exists, replacing with new one", animId.c_str());
_AnimMap[animId] = pAnim;
delete pAnim;
return false;
return true;
void CInterfaceParser::freeXMLNodeAndSibblings(xmlNodePtr node)
if (!node) return;
while (node)
xmlNodePtr currNode = node;
node = node->next;
// ***************************************************************************
CInterfaceGroup *CInterfaceParser::createGroupInstance(const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, const std::pair<std::string,std::string> *templateParams, uint numParams, bool updateLinks /* = true */)
// create basic xml node that contains infos for the template
xmlNodePtr instance = xmlNewNode(NULL, (const xmlChar *) "instance");
if (!instance)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning("<CInterfaceParser::createGroupInstance> Can't create xml node ");
return NULL;
for(uint k = 0; k < numParams; ++k)
xmlSetProp(instance, (const xmlChar *) templateParams[k].first.c_str(), (const xmlChar *) templateParams[k].second.c_str());
xmlSetProp(instance, (const xmlChar *) "template", (const xmlChar *) templateName.c_str());
if (!parseInstance(instance))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning("<CInterfaceParser::createGroupInstance> cannot create instance from template %s", templateName.c_str());
return NULL;
// result should contain a group
xmlNodePtr currNode = instance->next;
while (currNode)
if (strcmp((const char *) currNode->name, "group") == 0 && currNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
// TODO nico : build a struct from that mess
std::map<CInterfaceElement*,std::string> localParentPositionsMap;
std::map<CInterfaceElement*,std::string> localParentSizesMap;
std::map<CInterfaceElement*,std::string> localParentSizesMaxMap;
std::map<CInterfaceGroup*,std::string> localLuaClassAssociation;
CViewBase::TCtorParam params;
CInterfaceGroup dummyGroup(params);
if (!parseGroup(currNode, &dummyGroup, false))
return NULL;
CInterfaceGroup *group = dummyGroup.getGroup((uint) 0);
dummyGroup.delGroup(group, true);
if ((group != NULL) && updateLinks)
CGroupContainer *pGC = dynamic_cast<CGroupContainer*>(group);
if (pGC != NULL)
return group;
currNode = currNode->next;
// todo hulud interface syntax error
CXMLAutoPtr ptr(xmlGetProp(instance, (const xmlChar *) templateName.c_str()));
nlwarning("<CInterfaceParser::createGroupInstance> no group found in template %s", (const char*)ptr);
return NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
CInterfaceElement *CInterfaceParser::createUIElement(const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, const std::pair<std::string,std::string> *templateParams, uint numParams, bool updateLinks /* = true */)
std::string elementId;
// create basic xml node that contains infos for the template
xmlNodePtr instance = xmlNewNode(NULL, (const xmlChar *) "instance");
if (!instance)
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning("<CInterfaceParser::addUIElement> Can't create xml node ");
return NULL;
for(uint k = 0; k < numParams; ++k)
xmlSetProp(instance, (const xmlChar *) templateParams[k].first.c_str(), (const xmlChar *) templateParams[k].second.c_str());
if (!strcmp(templateParams[k].first.c_str(), "id"))
elementId = templateParams[k].second;
xmlSetProp(instance, (const xmlChar *) "template", (const xmlChar *) templateName.c_str());
if (!parseInstance(instance))
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning("<CInterfaceParser::addUIElement> cannot create instance from template %s", templateName.c_str());
return NULL;
CInterfaceElement *pIE= CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(parentID);
CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup = dynamic_cast<CInterfaceGroup*>(pIE);
nlwarning("<CInterfaceParser::addUIElement> no parent group %s found ", parentID.c_str());
return NULL;
// result should contain a group
xmlNodePtr currNode = instance->next;
CInterfaceElement * newElement = NULL;
while (currNode)
if (strcmp((const char *) currNode->name, "group") == 0 && currNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (!parseGroup(currNode, parentGroup, false))
return NULL;
newElement = parentGroup->getGroup(elementId);
parentGroup->delGroup((CInterfaceGroup*)newElement, true);
else if (strcmp((const char *) currNode->name, "ctrl") == 0 && currNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (!parseControl(currNode, parentGroup, false))
return NULL;
newElement = parentGroup->getCtrl(elementId);
parentGroup->delCtrl((CCtrlBase*)newElement, true);
if(newElement != NULL)
if (updateLinks)
return newElement;
currNode = currNode->next;
// todo hulud interface syntax error
CXMLAutoPtr ptr(xmlGetProp(instance, (const xmlChar *) templateName.c_str()));
nlwarning("<CInterfaceParser::addUIElement> no group found in template %s", (const char *)ptr);
return NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
void CInterfaceParser::removeAllLinks()
// ***************************************************************************
void CInterfaceParser::removeAllProcedures()
// ***************************************************************************
void CInterfaceParser::removeAllDefines()
// ***************************************************************************
void CInterfaceParser::removeAllTemplates()
for (uint i = 0; i < _Templates.size(); ++i)
// ***************************************************************************
void CInterfaceParser::removeAllAnims()
TAnimMap::iterator it = _AnimMap.begin();
while (it != _AnimMap.end())
CInterfaceAnim *pAnim = it->second;
delete pAnim;
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
void CInterfaceParser::removeAll()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint CInterfaceParser::getProcedureNumActions(const std::string &procName) const
CstItProcedureMap it= _ProcedureMap.find(procName);
const CProcedure &proc= it->second;
return (uint)proc.Actions.size();
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInterfaceParser::getProcedureAction(const std::string &procName, uint actionIndex, std::string &ah, std::string &params) const
CstItProcedureMap it= _ProcedureMap.find(procName);
const CProcedure &proc= it->second;
const CProcAction &action= proc.Actions[actionIndex];
// if not a variable parametrized Params
if(action.ParamBlocks.size()==1 && action.ParamBlocks[0].NumParam==-1)
ah= action.Action;
params= action.ParamBlocks[0].String;
return true;
return false;
CInterfaceAnim* CInterfaceParser::getAnim( const std::string &name) const
TAnimMap::const_iterator it = _AnimMap.find( name );
if( it == _AnimMap.end() )
nlwarning( "anim %s not found", name.c_str() );
return NULL;
return it->second;
CProcedure* CInterfaceParser::getProc( const std::string &name )
TProcedureMap::iterator itr = _ProcedureMap.find( name );
if( itr == _ProcedureMap.end() )
return NULL;
return &itr->second;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CInterfaceParser::parseStyle(xmlNodePtr cur)
string styleId;
CXMLAutoPtr prop;
prop = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"style");
styleId= (const char*)prop;
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning("'style' not found in 'style'");
return false;
// create or replace style
CStyle newStyle;
//get the node properties
xmlAttrPtr props = cur->properties;
while (props)
// if not the "style" property
if( nlstricmp((const char*)props->name, "style") != 0 )
// Append it.
newStyle.Properties.back().Name= (const char*)props->name;
CXMLAutoPtr ptr(xmlGetProp( cur, props->name ));
newStyle.Properties.back().Value = (const char*)ptr;
props= props->next;
// associate.
_StyleMap[styleId]= newStyle;
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CInterfaceParser::parseLUAScript (xmlNodePtr cur)
// read fileName
CXMLAutoPtr prop;
string fileName;
prop = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"file");
fileName= (const char*)prop;
nlwarning("'file' not found in 'lua'");
return false;
// Append to set of reloadable FileScripts
// just display warning here.
string dummyError;
return loadLUA(fileName, dummyError);
// ***************************************************************************
bool CInterfaceParser::solveStyle(xmlNodePtr cur)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr;
// if the node is a style, abort (not recrusive because use "style" as param name)
if ( !strcmp((char*)cur->name,"style") )
return true;
// try to read a "style" param.
ptr= (char*)xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"style");
// get the style
TStyleMap::iterator it= _StyleMap.find((const char*)ptr);
if( it==_StyleMap.end() )
// todo hulud interface syntax error
nlwarning("style '%s' not found", (const char*)ptr);
return false;
// the style
CStyle &style= it->second;
// for all properties of the style, set them in the node
for(uint i=0;i<style.Properties.size();i++)
const char *propName= style.Properties[i].Name.c_str();
const char *propValue= style.Properties[i].Value.c_str();
// replace it only if the property is not already defined, (=> user can overide style properties)
CXMLAutoPtr ptr2(xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)propName));
if( !ptr2 )
xmlSetProp(cur, (xmlChar*)propName, (xmlChar*)propValue);
// recurs to node children
cur= cur->children;
return false;
cur= cur->next;
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
class CLuaDebugBreakScreen : public IDebuggedAppMainLoop
// called by external lua debugger when application is breaked
virtual void breakEventLoop()
Driver->clearBuffers(CRGBA(90, 90, 90));
// TOP LEFT //
TextContext->printfAt(0.5f, 0.5f, "Break in LUA code");
static CLuaDebugBreakScreen LuaDebugBreakScreen;
// ***************************************************************************
void CInterfaceParser::initLUA()
extern ILuaIDEInterface *LuaDebuggerIDE;
if (LuaDebuggerIDE) LuaDebuggerIDE->setDebuggedAppMainLoop(&LuaDebugBreakScreen);
// register LUA methods
CLuaIHM::registerAll( *( CLuaManager::getInstance().getLuaState() ) );
luaInitialized = true;
// ***************************************************************************
void CInterfaceParser::uninitLUA()
luaInitialized = false;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CInterfaceParser::loadLUA(const std::string &fileName, std::string &error)
// get file
bool needCheck = false;
needCheck = false;
string pathName= CPath::lookup(fileName, false);
nlwarning("LUA Script '%s' not found", fileName.c_str());
return false;
bool isInData = false;
std::string::size_type pos = pathName.find("@");
if (pos != string::npos)
if (CBigFile::getInstance().getBigFileName(pathName.substr(0, pos)) != "data/"+pathName.substr(0, pos))
isInData = false;
isInData = true;
if (needCheck && !isInData)
nlwarning("You are not allowed to modify the lua files");
// return true so it'll not generate a message box, we just ignore the file
return true;
// Parse script
catch(const ELuaError &e)
error= e.luaWhat();
return false;
return true;
void CInterfaceParser::reloadAllLuaFileScripts()
std::set< std::string >::const_iterator it;
for( it = _LuaFileScripts.begin(); it != _LuaFileScripts.end(); ++it )
std::string error;
// if fail to reload a script, display the error code
if( !loadLUA( *it, error ) )
nlwarning( LuaHelperStuff::formatLuaErrorSysInfo( error ).c_str() );