2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// User Privilege set in the mysql database must be like that ":GM:" or "" or ":GM:ADMIN:" ....
// Includes
# include "stdpch.h"
# include "admin.h"
# include "nel/misc/common.h"
# include "nel/misc/command.h"
# include "nel/misc/variable.h"
# include "nel/misc/eid_translator.h"
# include "nel/misc/algo.h"
# include "nel/misc/sstring.h"
# include "nel/net/admin.h"
# include "nel/net/service.h"
# include "game_share/scores.h"
# include "game_share/send_chat.h"
# include "game_share/time_weather_season/time_date_season_manager.h"
# include "game_share/permanent_ban_magic_number.h"
# include "game_share/fame.h"
# include "game_share/visual_slot_manager.h"
# include "game_share/shard_names.h"
# include "server_share/log_command_gen.h"
# include "server_share/r2_vision.h"
2010-09-27 12:36:03 +00:00
# include "server_share/log_item_gen.h"
# include "server_share/log_character_gen.h"
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
# include "egs_sheets/egs_sheets.h"
# include "egs_sheets/egs_static_rolemaster_phrase.h"
# include "egs_sheets/egs_static_encyclo.h"
# include "player_manager/player_manager.h"
# include "player_manager/player.h"
# include "player_manager/character.h"
# include "player_manager/character_encyclopedia.h"
# include "creature_manager/creature_manager.h"
# include "phrase_manager/phrase_manager.h"
# include "mission_manager/mission_manager.h"
# include "mission_manager/mission_queue_manager.h"
# include "entities_game_service.h"
# include "player_manager/character_respawn_points.h"
# include "weather_everywhere.h"
# include "phrase_manager/fg_prospection_phrase.h"
# include "team_manager/team_manager.h"
# include "world_instances.h"
# include "egs_variables.h"
# include "player_manager/gm_tp_pending_command.h"
# include "guild_manager/guild_manager.h"
# include "guild_manager/guild.h"
# include "guild_manager/guild_member.h"
# include "guild_manager/guild_member_module.h"
# include "guild_manager/guild_char_proxy.h"
# include "guild_manager/fame_manager.h"
# include "mission_manager/mission_solo.h"
# include "mission_manager/mission_solo.h"
# include "position_flag_manager.h"
//#include "name_manager.h"
# include "zone_manager.h"
# include "player_manager/character_game_event.h"
# include "game_event_manager.h"
# include "dyn_chat_egs.h"
# include "pvp_manager/pvp.h"
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
# include "pvp_manager/pvp_manager_2.h"
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
# include "player_manager/admin_properties.h"
# include "shop_type/offline_character_command.h"
# include "player_manager/item_service_manager.h"
# include "outpost_manager/outpost_manager.h"
# include "primitives_parser.h"
# include "shop_type/named_items.h"
# include "progression/progression_pvp.h"
# include "modules/shard_unifier_client.h"
# include "modules/client_command_forwarder.h"
# include "modules/guild_unifier.h"
// Externs
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
// Max number of user channel character can be have
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
extern CPlayerManager PlayerManager ;
extern CCreatureManager CreatureManager ;
extern CPlayerService * PS ;
extern CGenericXmlMsgHeaderManager GenericMsgManager ;
extern CBSAIDeathReport BotDeathReport ;
extern NLMISC : : CVariable < uint32 > FixedSessionId ;
// Namespaces
using namespace NLMISC ;
using namespace NLNET ;
using namespace std ;
extern CVariable < string > BannerPriv ;
// Functions
// You can assume here that the user can execute the command, you don't have to check it
// Don't forget to add your command in the AdminCommandsInit array if you want the command to be executed on the client
// If you change parameter or add/remove something, please update the wiki:
// http://www.nevrax.net/wiki/index.php/Main/CommandesAdmin
// AddEid must be true if you want to have the eid in the args[0] of the command
// Privileges are now stored in a text file (data_shard/client_commands_privileges.txt), do not forget to update it.
// please update the following stuff if you add new GM titles
// player_manager.cpp : NLMISC_COMMAND(setPriv,"set a privilege to a user using his user id, must be in form :priv1:priv2:priv3:","<uid> <priv>")
// player_manager.cpp : hasBetterCSRGrade
static const struct
const char * Name ;
bool AddEId ;
AdminCommandsInit [ ] =
// player character accessible commands
" teamInvite " , true ,
" guildInvite " , true ,
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
" roomInvite " , true ,
" roomKick " , true ,
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
" setGuildMessage " , true ,
" clearGuildMessage " , true ,
" dodge " , true ,
" parry " , true ,
" respawnAfterDeath " , true ,
" resurrected " , true ,
" validateRespawnPoint " , true ,
" summonPet " , true ,
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
" connectUserChannel " , true ,
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
" addPetAnimal " , true ,
" addSkillPoints " , true ,
" addXPToSkill " , true ,
" changeMode " , true ,
" checkTargetSP " , true ,
" clearFriendsList " , true ,
" clearIgnoreList " , true ,
" clearIsFriendOfList " , true ,
" createItemInBag " , true ,
" createItemInInv " , true ,
" createItemInTmpInv " , true ,
" createNamedItemInBag " , true ,
" createFullArmorSet " , true ,
" displayInfosOnTarget " , true ,
" execPhrase " , true ,
" execMemorizedPhrase " , true ,
" executeSabrinaPhrase " , true ,
" forceTargetToDie " , true ,
" learnAllBricks " , true ,
" learnAllRolemasterBricks " , true ,
" learnAllPhrases " , true ,
" learnBrick " , true ,
" unlearnBrick " , true ,
" learnPhrase " , true ,
" learnAllForagePhrases " , true ,
" learnAllFaberPlans " , true ,
" logXpGain " , true ,
" memorizePhrase " , true ,
" resetPowerFlags " , true ,
" setSkillsToMaxValue " , true ,
" displayForageRM " , true ,
" setItemSapLoad " , true ,
" showFBT " , true ,
" allowSummonPet " , true ,
" setPetAnimalSatiety " , true ,
" getPetAnimalSatiety " , true ,
" taskPass " , true ,
" setFamePlayer " , true ,
" guildMOTD " , true ,
// CSR commands
" motd " , false ,
" broadcast " , false ,
" summon " , true ,
" dismiss " , true ,
" teleport " , true ,
" renamePlayerForEvent " , true ,
" renamePlayer " , true ,
" renameGuild " , true ,
" setGuildDescription " , true ,
" setGuildIcon " , false ,
" killMob " , true ,
" changeVar " , true ,
" root " , true ,
" unroot " , true ,
" ignoreTells " , true , // hierarchy
" showCSR " , true ,
" monitorMissions " , true ,
" stopMonitorMissions " , true ,
" failMission " , true ,
" progressMission " , true ,
" mute " , true ,
" unmute " , true ,
" muteUniverse " , true ,
" unmuteUniverse " , true ,
" universe " , true ,
" setGMGuild " , true ,
" targetInfos " , true ,
" infos " , true ,
" addPosFlag " , true ,
" setPosFlag " , true ,
" delPosFlag " , true ,
" lPosFlags " , true ,
" listPosFlags " , true ,
" tpPosFlag " , true ,
" updateGuildMembersList " , true ,
" listGuildMembers " , true ,
" addGuildMember " , true ,
" setGuildMemberGrade " , true ,
" setGuildLeader " , true ,
" startEvent " , true ,
" stopEvent " , true ,
" getEventFaction " , true ,
" setEventFaction " , true ,
" clearEventFaction " , true ,
" giveRespawnPoint " , true ,
" provideItemService " , true ,
" dumpFactionPVPDamage " , true ,
" changeHairCut " , true ,
" farTPPush " , true ,
" farTPReplace " , true ,
" farTPReturn " , true ,
" resetPVPTimers " , true ,
" savePlayerActiveChar " , false ,
" reloadPlayer " , false ,
" characterMissionDump " , true ,
" removeMission " , true ,
" addMission " , true ,
// CSR variables
" Invisible " , true , // not in /who; hierarchy except for user with privilege
" God " , true ,
" Invulnerable " , true ,
" ShowFactionChannels " , true ,
" CreateCharacterStartSkillsValue " , false ,
" HP " , true ,
" MaxHP " , true ,
" Speed " , true ,
" Money " , true ,
" MoneyGuild " , true ,
" FactionPoint " , true ,
" Name " , true ,
" Position " , true ,
" Priv " , true ,
" PriviledgePVP " , true ,
" FBT " , true ,
" RyzomDate " , false ,
" RyzomTime " , false ,
" addGuildXp " , false ,
" setGuildChargePoint " , false ,
// remove when message of the day interface is ready
// remove this when death interface is ready
" respawnCharacter " , true ,
" buyPact " , true ,
" cancelTopPhrase " , true , //temp : to remove
" EntitiesNoActionFailure " , false ,
" EntitiesNoCastBreak " , false ,
" EntitiesNoResist " , false ,
// aggroable state
" Aggro " , true ,
// outpost commands
" outpostBanGuild " , false ,
" outpostBanPlayer " , false ,
" outpostUnbanGuild " , false ,
" outpostUnbanPlayer " , false ,
" outpostChallengeByGuild " , false ,
" outpostSimulateTimer0End " , false ,
" outpostSimulateTimer1End " , false ,
" outpostSimulateTimer2End " , false ,
" outpostSetFightData " , false ,
" setOutpostLevel " , false ,
" outpostAccelerateConstruction " , false ,
" outpostSetOutpostOwner " , false ,
" outpostChallengeOutpost " , true ,
" outpostGiveupOutpost " , true ,
" outpostDisplayGuildOutposts " , true ,
" outpostForceOpenGuildInventory " , true ,
" outpostForceCloseGuildInventory " , true ,
" outpostSetPlayerPvpSide " , true ,
" outpostSetOutpostToPlayer " , true ,
" outpostSelectOutpost " , true ,
" outpostUnselectOutpost " , true ,
" setPvpClan " , true , //remove it when interface fo choose pvp clan is ready
" setPvPTag " , true , //set pvp tag to true or false
// stuff added by sadge for testing character read/ write stuff
" saveToXML " , true ,
" loadFromXML " , true ,
" saveToPDR " , true ,
" loadFromPDR " , true ,
// queues related stuff
" acceptProposalForQueue " , true ,
" awakePlayerInQueue " , true ,
" displayShopSelector " , true ,
" addFactionAttackableToTarget " , true ,
" eventCreateNpcGroup " , true ,
" eventNpcGroupScript " , true ,
" eventSetBotName " , true ,
" eventSetBotScale " , true ,
" eventSetNpcGroupAggroRange " , true ,
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
" eventSetNpcGroupEmote " , true ,
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
" eventSetFaunaBotAggroRange " , true ,
" eventResetFaunaBotAggroRange " , true ,
" eventSetBotCanAggro " , true ,
" eventSetItemCustomText " , true ,
" eventResetItemCustomText " , true ,
" eventSetBotSheet " , true ,
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
// "eventSetBotVPx", true,
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
" eventSetBotFaction " , true ,
" eventSetBotFameByKill " , true ,
" dssTarget " , true , //ring stuff
" forceMissionProgress " , true ,
" eventSetBotURL " , true ,
" eventSetBotURLName " , true ,
} ;
static vector < CAdminCommand > AdminCommands ;
static string CommandsPrivilegesFileName ;
static string PositionFlagsFileName ;
static const char * DefaultPriv = " :DEV: " ;
// forward declarations
static void loadCommandsPrivileges ( const string & fileName , bool init ) ;
void cbRemoteClientCallback ( uint32 rid , const std : : string & cmd , const std : : string & entityNames ) ;
CAdminCommand * findAdminCommand ( const string & name )
H_AUTO ( findAdminCommand ) ;
2010-05-18 14:53:47 +00:00
const uint nbCommands = ( uint ) AdminCommands . size ( ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < nbCommands ; i + + )
if ( name = = AdminCommands [ i ] . Name )
return & AdminCommands [ i ] ;
return NULL ;
static void cbCommandsPrivilegesFileChange ( const string & fileName )
H_AUTO ( cbCommandsPrivilegesFileChange ) ;
if ( fileName ! = CommandsPrivilegesFileName )
return ;
loadCommandsPrivileges ( fileName , false ) ;
void initAdmin ( )
const uint nbCommands = sizeof ( AdminCommandsInit ) / sizeof ( AdminCommandsInit [ 0 ] ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < nbCommands ; i + + )
CAdminCommand cmd ;
cmd . Name = AdminCommandsInit [ i ] . Name ;
cmd . AddEId = AdminCommandsInit [ i ] . AddEId ;
cmd . Priv = DefaultPriv ;
AdminCommands . push_back ( cmd ) ;
setRemoteClientCallback ( cbRemoteClientCallback ) ;
void initCommandsPrivileges ( const std : : string & fileName )
H_AUTO ( initCommandsPrivileges ) ;
loadCommandsPrivileges ( fileName , true ) ;
static void loadCommandsPrivileges ( const string & fileName , bool init )
H_AUTO ( loadCommandsPrivileges ) ;
CIFile ifile ;
if ( ! ifile . open ( fileName ) )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: file '%s' cannot be opened " , fileName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
if ( init )
const string filePath = CPath : : getFullPath ( fileName , false ) ;
CFile : : removeFileChangeCallback ( CommandsPrivilegesFileName ) ;
CFile : : addFileChangeCallback ( filePath , cbCommandsPrivilegesFileChange ) ;
CommandsPrivilegesFileName = filePath ;
// reset privileges with default value
2010-05-18 14:53:47 +00:00
const uint nbCommands = ( uint ) AdminCommands . size ( ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < nbCommands ; i + + )
AdminCommands [ i ] . Priv = DefaultPriv ;
// load file content
CSString fileContent ;
uint32 fileSize = ifile . getFileSize ( ) ;
uint8 * buf = new uint8 [ fileSize + 1 ] ;
ifile . serialBuffer ( buf , fileSize ) ;
ifile . close ( ) ;
buf [ fileSize ] = 0 ;
fileContent = ( char * ) buf ;
delete [ ] buf ;
while ( ! fileContent . empty ( ) )
CSString line = fileContent . strtok ( " \r \n " ) ;
// remove any comment
line = line . splitTo ( " // " ) ;
if ( line . strip ( ) . empty ( ) )
continue ;
CSString fullLine = line ;
// only extract the first 2 params
CVectorSString params ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; ! line . empty ( ) & & i < 2 ; i + + )
string param = line . strtok ( " \t " ) ;
if ( param . empty ( ) )
break ;
params . push_back ( param ) ;
if ( params . size ( ) < 1 )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: invalid entry: '%s'. " , fullLine . c_str ( ) ) ;
continue ;
// check second param if it is a forward info
if ( params . size ( ) > 1 & & params [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = = ' [ ' )
// this is a forward
else if ( params . size ( ) > 2 )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: invalid entry: '%s'. " , fullLine . c_str ( ) ) ;
continue ;
// no forward
params . insert ( params . begin ( ) + 1 , " [] " ) ;
if ( params . size ( ) < 3 )
// no required privilege
params . push_back ( " " ) ;
const string & cmdName = params [ 0 ] ;
const string & forward = params [ 1 ] ;
const string & cmdPriv = params [ 2 ] ;
CAdminCommand * cmd = findAdminCommand ( cmdName ) ;
if ( cmd )
cmd - > Priv = cmdPriv ;
cmd - > ForwardToservice = forward . substr ( 1 , forward . size ( ) - 2 ) ;
nlinfo ( " ADMIN: command '%s' forwarded to [%s] has new privileges '%s'. " , cmdName . c_str ( ) , cmd - > ForwardToservice . c_str ( ) , cmdPriv . c_str ( ) ) ;
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: command '%s' is unknown. " , cmdName . c_str ( ) ) ;
void initPositionFlags ( const std : : string & fileName )
H_AUTO ( initPositionFlags ) ;
string fileNameAndPath = Bsi . getLocalPath ( ) + fileName ;
if ( CFile : : fileExists ( fileNameAndPath ) )
CPositionFlagManager : : getInstance ( ) . loadFromFile ( fileName ) ;
PositionFlagsFileName = fileName ;
static void selectEntities ( const string & entityName , vector < CEntityId > & entities )
H_AUTO ( selectEntities ) ;
if ( entityName . empty ( ) )
return ;
* valid name formats :
* - * Select all entities
* - < entity id ( id : type : crea : dyn ) > Select the specified entity using his eid
if ( entityName = = " * " )
// we want all entities
for ( CPlayerManager : : TMapPlayers : : const_iterator it = PlayerManager . getPlayers ( ) . begin ( ) ; it ! = PlayerManager . getPlayers ( ) . end ( ) ; + + it )
if ( ( * it ) . second . Player ! = 0 )
const CCharacter * c = ( * it ) . second . Player - > getActiveCharacter ( ) ;
if ( c ! = 0 )
entities . push_back ( c - > getId ( ) ) ;
else if ( entityName [ 0 ] = = ' ( ' )
// we want a specific entity id
CEntityId eid ( entityName ) ;
if ( eid ! = CEntityId : : Unknown )
entities . push_back ( eid ) ;
// try with the name
CEntityId eid = CEntityIdTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getByEntity ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( TSessionId ( FixedSessionId ) , entityName ) ) ;
if ( eid ! = CEntityId : : Unknown )
entities . push_back ( eid ) ;
# define ENTITY_VARIABLE(__name,__help) \
struct __name # # Class : public NLMISC : : ICommand \
{ \
__name # # Class ( ) : NLMISC : : ICommand ( " variables " , # __name , __help , " <entity> [<value>] " ) { Type = Variable ; } \
virtual bool execute ( const std : : string & rawCommandString , const std : : vector < std : : string > & args , NLMISC : : CLog & log , bool quiet , bool human ) \
{ \
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 & & args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) \
return false ; \
vector < CEntityId > entities ; \
selectEntities ( args [ 0 ] , entities ) ; \
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < entities . size ( ) ; i + + ) \
{ \
string value ; \
if ( args . size ( ) = = 2 ) \
value = args [ 1 ] ; \
else \
value = " ??? " ; \
pointer ( entities [ i ] , ( args . size ( ) = = 1 ) , value ) ; \
if ( quiet ) \
log . displayNL ( " %s %s " , entities [ i ] . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , value . c_str ( ) ) ; \
else \
log . displayNL ( " Entity %s Variable %s = %s " , entities [ i ] . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , _CommandName . c_str ( ) , value . c_str ( ) ) ; \
} \
return true ; \
} \
void pointer ( CEntityId entity , bool get , std : : string & value ) ; \
} ; \
__name # # Class __name # # Instance ; \
void __name # # Class : : pointer ( CEntityId entity , bool get , std : : string & value )
// This macro get an eid and return c that is a pointer to a CCharacter.
TLogContext_Character_AdminCommand commandContext ( entity ) ; \
CEntityBase * e = CEntityBaseManager : : getEntityBasePtr ( entity ) ; \
if ( e = = 0 ) \
{ \
nlwarning ( " Unknown entity '%s' " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ; \
if ( get ) value = " UnknownEntity " ; \
return ; \
} \
if ( ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( e - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) ) \
{ \
nlwarning ( " '%s' is not valid in mirror " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ; \
if ( get ) value = " NotValidInMirror " ; \
return ; \
TLogContext_Character_AdminCommand commandContext ( entity ) ; \
CCharacter * c = PlayerManager . getChar ( entity ) ; \
if ( c = = 0 ) \
{ \
nlwarning ( " Unknown player '%s' " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ; \
if ( get ) value = " UnknownPlayer " ; \
return ; \
} \
if ( ! c - > getEnterFlag ( ) ) \
{ \
nlwarning ( " '%s' is not entered " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ; \
if ( get ) value = " NotEntered " ; \
return ; \
} \
if ( ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( c - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) ) \
{ \
nlwarning ( " '%s' is not valid in mirror " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ; \
if ( get ) value = " NotValidInMirror " ; \
return ; \
void GET_CHARACTER_Helper ( std : : string & command , const NLMISC : : CEntityId & id , const std : : string & adminCommand )
CAdminOfflineCommand : : makeStringCommande ( command , id , adminCommand ) ;
COfflineCharacterCommand : : getInstance ( ) - > addOfflineCommandWithoutApply ( command ) ;
# define GET_ENTITY \
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 ) { nlwarning ( " Missing argument number 0 that should be the eid " ) ; return false ; } \
CEntityId eid ( args [ 0 ] ) ; \
if ( eid = = CEntityId : : Unknown ) \
return true ; \
TLogContext_Character_AdminCommand commandContext ( eid ) ; \
CEntityBase * e = CEntityBaseManager : : getEntityBasePtr ( eid ) ; \
if ( e = = 0 ) \
{ \
nlwarning ( " Unknown entity '%s' " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ; \
return true ; \
} \
if ( ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( e - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) ) \
{ \
nlwarning ( " '%s' is not valid in mirror " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ; \
return true ; \
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 ) { nlwarning ( " Missing argument number 0 that should be the eid " ) ; return false ; } \
CEntityId eid ( args [ 0 ] ) ; \
TLogContext_Character_AdminCommand commandContext ( eid ) ; \
CCharacter * c = PlayerManager . getChar ( eid ) ; \
if ( ! c ) \
{ \
2010-06-13 14:58:11 +00:00
nlwarning ( " Unknown character '%s' " , args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ; \
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
return false ; \
# define CHECK_RIGHT( csr, target ) \
{ \
if ( ! PlayerManager . hasBetterCSRGrade ( csr , target ) ) \
{ \
if ( csr ) \
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( csr - > getEntityRowId ( ) , " CSR_BAD_RIGHTS " ) ; \
return false ; \
} \
# define GET_GUILD(argPos, onlyLocal, eId) \
CGuild * guild = CGuildManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getGuildByName ( args [ argPos ] ) ; \
if ( guild = = NULL ) \
{ \
/* try to find the guild with an id*/ \
uint32 shardId = 0 ; \
uint32 guildId = 0 ; \
sscanf ( args [ argPos ] . c_str ( ) , " %u:%u " , & shardId , & guildId ) ; \
guild = CGuildManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getGuildFromId ( ( shardId < < 20 ) + guildId ) ; \
if ( guild = = NULL ) \
{ \
if ( eId ! = NLMISC : : CEntityId : : Unknown ) \
{ \
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eId , " GUILD_IS_PROXY " ) ; \
} \
log . displayNL ( " Invalid guild '%s' " , args [ argPos ] . c_str ( ) ) ; \
return true ; \
} \
} \
if ( onlyLocal & & guild - > isProxy ( ) ) \
{ \
log . displayNL ( " The guild '%s' is a foreign guild, operation forbidden " , guild - > getName ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ; \
return true ; \
} \
// You can here all variables for a player.
// Don't forget to add your command in the AdminCommandsInit array if you want the command to be executed on the client
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( HP , " Hit points of a player " )
if ( get )
value = toString ( e - > currentHp ( ) ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint32 v ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( value , v ) ;
e - > getScores ( ) . _PhysicalScores [ SCORES : : hit_points ] . Current = v ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( MaxHP , " Max hit points of a player " )
if ( get )
value = toString ( e - > maxHp ( ) ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint32 v ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( value , v ) ;
e - > getScores ( ) . _PhysicalScores [ SCORES : : hit_points ] . Max = v ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( Speed , " Speed modifier of an entity " )
if ( get )
value = toString ( e - > getEventSpeedVariationModifier ( ) ) ;
e - > setEventSpeedVariationModifier ( ( float ) atof ( value . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( Name , " Name of a player " )
if ( get )
// value = CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->getByEntity(entity).toString();
value = e - > getName ( ) . toString ( ) ;
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( Money , " Money " )
if ( get )
value = toString ( " % " NL_I64 " u " , c - > getMoney ( ) ) ;
sint dir = 0 ;
if ( ! value . empty ( ) )
if ( value [ 0 ] = = ' + ' ) dir = + 1 ;
else if ( value [ 0 ] = = ' - ' ) dir = - 1 ;
else if ( ! isdigit ( value [ 0 ] ) )
nlwarning ( " Bad money format for %s right format is [<sign>]<value> sign can be +,- or nothing to set the money " , value . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
nlwarning ( " You must provide a [<sign>]<value> " ) ;
return ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
c - > setMoney ( NLMISC : : atoiInt64 ( value . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
uint64 val = NLMISC : : atoiInt64 ( value . substr ( 1 ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( dir = = 1 )
c - > giveMoney ( val ) ;
c - > spendMoney ( val ) ;
nlinfo ( " Player %s money is % " NL_I64 " u " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , c - > getMoney ( ) ) ;
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( MoneyGuild , " MoneyGuild " )
CGuild * guild = CGuildManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getGuildFromId ( c - > getGuildId ( ) ) ;
if ( guild = = NULL )
nlwarning ( " Invalid guild " ) ;
return ;
if ( get )
value = toString ( " % " NL_I64 " u " , guild - > getMoney ( ) ) ;
sint dir = 0 ;
if ( ! value . empty ( ) )
if ( value [ 0 ] = = ' + ' ) dir = + 1 ;
else if ( value [ 0 ] = = ' - ' ) dir = - 1 ;
else if ( ! isdigit ( value [ 0 ] ) )
nlwarning ( " Bad money format for %s right format is [<sign>]<value> sign can be +,- or nothing to set the money " , value . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
nlwarning ( " You must provide a [<sign>]<value> " ) ;
return ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
guild - > setMoney ( NLMISC : : atoiInt64 ( value . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 val ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( value . substr ( 1 ) , val ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( dir = = 1 )
guild - > addMoney ( val ) ;
guild - > spendMoney ( val ) ;
nlinfo ( " Player %s guild money is % " NL_I64 " u " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , guild - > getMoney ( ) ) ;
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( FactionPoint , " FactionPoint " )
if ( get )
string sTmp ;
for ( uint i = PVP_CLAN : : BeginClans ; i < = PVP_CLAN : : EndClans ; + + i )
sTmp + = PVP_CLAN : : toString ( ( PVP_CLAN : : TPVPClan ) i ) + " : " + toString ( c - > getFactionPoint ( ( PVP_CLAN : : TPVPClan ) i ) ) + " \n " ;
value = sTmp ;
string sFactionName = value . substr ( 0 , value . find ( ' , ' ) ) ;
string sNumber = value . substr ( value . find ( ' , ' ) + 1 ) ;
if ( value . empty ( ) | | sFactionName . empty ( ) | | sNumber . empty ( ) )
nlwarning ( " You must provide : <faction_name> [<sign>]<value> " ) ;
return ;
sint dir = 0 ;
if ( sNumber [ 0 ] = = ' + ' ) dir = + 1 ;
else if ( sNumber [ 0 ] = = ' - ' ) dir = - 1 ;
else if ( ! isdigit ( sNumber [ 0 ] ) )
nlwarning ( " Bad format for '%s' right format is [<sign>]<value> sign can be +,- or nothing " , sNumber . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
PVP_CLAN : : TPVPClan clan = PVP_CLAN : : fromString ( sFactionName ) ;
if ( ( clan < PVP_CLAN : : BeginClans ) | | ( clan > PVP_CLAN : : EndClans ) )
nlwarning ( " '%s' is not a valid faction name " , sFactionName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 val ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( sNumber , val ) ;
c - > setFactionPoint ( clan , val , true ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 val ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( sNumber . substr ( 1 ) , val ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( dir = = 1 )
c - > setFactionPoint ( clan , c - > getFactionPoint ( clan ) + val , true ) ;
c - > setFactionPoint ( clan , c - > getFactionPoint ( clan ) - val , true ) ;
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( Priv , " User privilege " )
CPlayer * p = PlayerManager . getPlayer ( PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( c - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
if ( p = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " Can't find player with UserId %d for checking privilege, assume no priv " , PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( c - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
return ;
if ( get )
value = p - > getUserPriv ( ) ;
p - > setUserPriv ( value ) ;
nlinfo ( " %s have now this priv '%s' " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , value . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( FBT , " Focus Beta Tester " )
CPlayer * p = PlayerManager . getPlayer ( PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( c - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
if ( p = = NULL )
nlwarning ( " Can't find player with UserId %d " , PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( c - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
return ;
if ( get )
value = NLMISC : : toString ( p - > isBetaTester ( ) ) ;
if ( value = = " 1 " | | value = = " on " | | strlwr ( value ) = = " true " )
p - > isBetaTester ( true ) ;
else if ( value = = " 0 " | | value = = " off " | | strlwr ( value ) = = " false " )
p - > isBetaTester ( false ) ;
nlinfo ( " %s %s now a Focus Beta Tester " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , ( p - > isBetaTester ( ) ? " is " : " isn't " ) ) ;
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( Position , " Position of a player (in meter) <eid> <posx>,<posy>[,<posz>][,<season>] | <bot_name> | <player_name> | home | <creature> " )
H_AUTO ( Position ) ;
vector < string > res ;
sint32 x = 0 , y = 0 , z = 0 ;
if ( get )
x = e - > getState ( ) . X ( ) / 1000 ;
y = e - > getState ( ) . Y ( ) / 1000 ;
z = e - > getState ( ) . Z ( ) / 1000 ;
value = toString ( " %d,%d,%d " , x , y , z ) ;
if ( value . find ( ' , ' ) ! = string : : npos )
explode ( value , string ( " , " ) , res ) ;
if ( res . size ( ) > = 2 )
x = atoi ( res [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) * 1000 ;
y = atoi ( res [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) * 1000 ;
if ( res . size ( ) > = 3 )
z = atoi ( res [ 2 ] . c_str ( ) ) * 1000 ;
if ( value . find ( " .creature " ) ! = string : : npos )
CSheetId creatureSheetId ( value ) ;
if ( creatureSheetId ! = CSheetId : : Unknown )
double minDistance = - 1. ;
CCreature * creature = NULL ;
TMapCreatures : : const_iterator it ;
const TMapCreatures & creatures = CreatureManager . getCreature ( ) ;
for ( it = creatures . begin ( ) ; it ! = creatures . end ( ) ; + + it )
CSheetId sheetId = ( * it ) . second - > getType ( ) ;
if ( sheetId = = creatureSheetId )
double distance = PHRASE_UTILITIES : : getDistance ( e - > getEntityRowId ( ) , ( * it ) . second - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) ;
if ( ! creature | | ( creature & & distance < minDistance ) )
creature = ( * it ) . second ;
minDistance = distance ;
if ( creature )
x = creature - > getState ( ) . X ( ) ;
y = creature - > getState ( ) . Y ( ) ;
z = creature - > getState ( ) . Z ( ) ;
nlwarning ( " <Position> '%s' is an invalid creature " , value . c_str ( ) ) ;
// try to find the player name
CCharacter * c = dynamic_cast < CCharacter * > ( e ) ;
if ( c = = NULL )
nlwarning ( " <Position> '%s' is not a player " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
CEntityBase * entityBase = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , value ) ) ;
if ( entityBase = = 0 )
// try to find the bot name
vector < TAIAlias > aliases ;
CAIAliasTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getNPCAliasesFromName ( value , aliases ) ;
if ( aliases . empty ( ) )
nldebug ( " <Position> Ignoring attempt to teleport because no NPC found matching name '%s' " , value . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
TAIAlias alias = aliases [ 0 ] ;
const CEntityId & botId = CAIAliasTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getEntityId ( alias ) ;
if ( botId ! = CEntityId : : Unknown )
entityBase = CreatureManager . getCreature ( botId ) ;
nlwarning ( " '%s' has no eId. Is it Spawned??? " , value . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
if ( entityBase ! = 0 )
x = entityBase - > getState ( ) . X + sint32 ( cos ( entityBase - > getState ( ) . Heading ) * 2000 ) ;
y = entityBase - > getState ( ) . Y + sint32 ( sin ( entityBase - > getState ( ) . Heading ) * 2000 ) ;
z = entityBase - > getState ( ) . Z ;
if ( x = = 0 & & y = = 0 & & z = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " '%s' is a bad value for position, don't change position " , value . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
CCharacter * c = dynamic_cast < CCharacter * > ( e ) ;
if ( c )
CContinent * cont = CZoneManager : : getInstance ( ) . getContinent ( x , y ) ;
if ( c - > getCurrentContinent ( ) = = CONTINENT : : NEWBIELAND )
if ( cont = = 0 | | cont - > getId ( ) ! = CONTINENT : : NEWBIELAND )
log_Command_TPOutsideNewbieland ( c - > getId ( ) ) ;
// nlwarning("Position %s player outside NEWBIELAND, this is logged.", c->getId().toString().c_str());
c - > allowNearPetTp ( ) ;
if ( res . size ( ) > = 4 )
// season included
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint8 season ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( res [ 3 ] , season ) ;
c - > teleportCharacter ( x , y , z , true , false , 0.f , 0xFF , 0 , season ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
c - > teleportCharacter ( x , y , z , true ) ;
if ( cont )
c - > getRespawnPoints ( ) . addDefaultRespawnPoint ( CONTINENT : : TContinent ( cont - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
e - > tpWanted ( x , y , z ) ;
// change_mode :
NLMISC_COMMAND ( changeMode , " change_mode " , " <entity id(id:type:crea:dyn)> <mode> " )
if ( args . size ( ) = = 2 )
CEntityId id ;
id . fromString ( args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint iMode ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , iMode ) ;
MBEHAV : : EMode mode = MBEHAV : : EMode ( iMode ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CEntityBase * e = 0 ;
if ( id . getType ( ) = = 0 )
e = PlayerManager . getChar ( id ) ;
if ( e )
e - > setMode ( mode , true ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Character %s mode changed to %d " , id . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , mode ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Unknown entity %s " , id . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
} // change_mode //
// checkTargetSP :check target player SP
NLMISC_COMMAND ( checkTargetSP , " check target player skill points (if there is lost SP) " , " <entity id(id:type:crea:dyn)> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 )
return false ;
CCharacter * targetPlayer = PlayerManager . getChar ( c - > getTargetDataSetRow ( ) ) ;
if ( ! targetPlayer )
log . displayNL ( " No target or invalid target " ) ;
return true ;
uint32 totalEarnedSp = targetPlayer - > getTotalEarnedSP ( ) ;
uint32 spentSp = targetPlayer - > getActionsSPValue ( ) - targetPlayer - > getStartActionsSPValue ( ) ;
uint32 currentSp = ( uint32 ) targetPlayer - > getSP ( EGSPD : : CSPType : : Craft ) ;
currentSp + = ( uint32 ) targetPlayer - > getSP ( EGSPD : : CSPType : : Fight ) ;
currentSp + = ( uint32 ) targetPlayer - > getSP ( EGSPD : : CSPType : : Magic ) ;
currentSp + = ( uint32 ) targetPlayer - > getSP ( EGSPD : : CSPType : : Harvest ) ;
// log result
log . displayNL ( " Player %s : Current SP total = %u, totalEarnedSp = %u, spentTotalSP = %u, MISSING SP = %d " , targetPlayer - > getId ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , currentSp , totalEarnedSp , spentSp , totalEarnedSp - spentSp - currentSp ) ;
// send result to asker
string strTemp = NLMISC : : toString ( " Player %s : Current SP total = %u, totalEarnedSp = %u, spentTotalSP = %d, MISSING SP = %d " , targetPlayer - > getId ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , currentSp , totalEarnedSp , spentSp , totalEarnedSp - spentSp - currentSp ) ;
chatToPlayer ( eid , strTemp ) ;
return true ;
} // checkSP //
NLMISC_COMMAND ( createItemInBag , " Create an item and put it in the player bag " , " <eid> <sheetId>|<sheetName> <quantity> <quality> [force] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 4 | | args . size ( ) > 5 ) return false ;
string sheetName = args [ 1 ] ;
CSheetId sheet ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 sheetId ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( sheetName , sheetId ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( sheetId ! = 0 )
sheet = CSheetId ( sheetId ) ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " . " ) = = string : : npos )
sheetName + = " .sitem " ;
sheet = CSheetId ( sheetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( sheet = = CSheetId : : Unknown )
log . displayNL ( " sheetId '%s' is Unknown " , sheetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
// banners are the only items in game which use privilege
2010-05-17 12:30:28 +00:00
if ( sheetName . find ( " banner " ) ! = string : : npos )
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CPlayer * player = PlayerManager . getPlayer ( PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( eid ) ) ;
// if (player != NULL && !player->havePriv(":DEV:") )
if ( player ! = NULL & & player - > havePriv ( BannerPriv ) )
2010-05-17 12:30:28 +00:00
if ( sheetName . find ( " _gu " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :G: " ) ) return false ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " _sgu " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :SG: " ) ) return false ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " _vgu " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :VG: " ) ) return false ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " _gm " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :GM: " ) ) return false ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " _sgm " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :SGM: " ) ) return false ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
const CStaticItem * form = CSheets : : getForm ( sheet ) ;
if ( form = = 0 )
log . displayNL ( " sheetId '%s' is not found " , sheetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint quantity ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , quantity ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( quantity < 1 )
log . displayNL ( " Quantity must be > 0 " ) ;
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint quality ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 3 ] , quality ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( quality < 1 )
log . displayNL ( " Quality must be > 0 " ) ;
return false ;
bool res = c - > createItemInInventory ( INVENTORIES : : bag , quality , quantity , sheet ) ;
bool forceCreate ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 5 & & args [ 4 ] = = " force " )
forceCreate = true ;
forceCreate = false ;
if ( ! res & & forceCreate )
CGameItemPtr item = GameItemManager . createItem ( sheet , quality , true , true ) ;
if ( item ! = NULL )
res = c - > addItemToInventory ( INVENTORIES : : bag , item ) ;
if ( ! res )
item . deleteItem ( ) ;
if ( res )
log . displayNL ( " Item '%s' created and set in the bag of the player %s " , sheet . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Failed to create and set the item '%s' for the player %s " , sheet . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return res ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( createItemInTmpInv , " Create an item and put it in the player temp inventory " , " <eid> <sheetId>|<sheetName> <quantity> <quality> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 4 ) return false ;
string sheetName = args [ 1 ] ;
CSheetId sheet ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 sheetId ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( sheetName , sheetId ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( sheetId ! = 0 )
sheet = CSheetId ( sheetId ) ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " . " ) = = string : : npos )
sheetName + = " .item " ;
sheet = CSheetId ( sheetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( sheet = = CSheetId : : Unknown )
log . displayNL ( " sheetId '%s' is Unknown " , sheetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
// banners are the only items in game which use privilege
2010-05-17 12:30:28 +00:00
if ( sheetName . find ( " banner " ) ! = string : : npos )
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CPlayer * player = PlayerManager . getPlayer ( PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( eid ) ) ;
if ( player ! = NULL & & player - > havePriv ( BannerPriv ) )
2010-05-17 12:30:28 +00:00
if ( sheetName . find ( " _gu " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :G: " ) ) return false ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " _sgu " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :SG: " ) ) return false ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " _vgu " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :VG: " ) ) return false ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " _gm " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :GM: " ) ) return false ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " _sgm " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :SGM: " ) ) return false ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
const CStaticItem * form = CSheets : : getForm ( sheet ) ;
if ( form = = 0 )
log . displayNL ( " sheetId '%s' is not found " , sheetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint quantity ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , quantity ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( quantity < 1 )
log . displayNL ( " Quantity must be > 0 " ) ;
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint quality ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 3 ] , quality ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( quality < 1 )
log . displayNL ( " Quality must be > 0 " ) ;
return false ;
bool res = c - > createItemInInventory ( INVENTORIES : : temporary , quality , quantity , sheet ) ;
if ( res )
log . displayNL ( " Item '%s' created and set in the temp inventory of the player %s " , sheet . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Failed to create and set the item '%s' for the player %s " , sheet . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return res ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( createItemInInv , " Create items and put them in the given inventory " , " <eid> <invId> <sheetId>|<sheetName> <quantity> <quality> <nb items> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 6 ) return false ;
string sheetName = args [ 2 ] ;
CSheetId sheet ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 sheetId ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( sheetName , sheetId ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( sheetId ! = 0 )
sheet = CSheetId ( sheetId ) ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " . " ) = = string : : npos )
sheetName + = " .sitem " ;
sheet = CSheetId ( sheetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( sheet = = CSheetId : : Unknown )
log . displayNL ( " sheetId '%s' is Unknown " , sheetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
// banners are the only items in game which use privilege
2010-05-17 12:30:28 +00:00
if ( sheetName . find ( " banner " ) ! = string : : npos )
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CPlayer * player = PlayerManager . getPlayer ( PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( eid ) ) ;
if ( player ! = NULL & & player - > havePriv ( BannerPriv ) )
2010-05-17 12:30:28 +00:00
if ( sheetName . find ( " _gu " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :G: " ) ) return false ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " _sgu " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :SG: " ) ) return false ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " _vgu " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :VG: " ) ) return false ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " _gm " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :GM: " ) ) return false ;
if ( sheetName . find ( " _sgm " ) ! = string : : npos & & ! player - > havePriv ( " :SGM: " ) ) return false ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
const CStaticItem * form = CSheets : : getForm ( sheet ) ;
if ( form = = 0 )
log . displayNL ( " sheetId '%s' is not found " , sheetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint quantity ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 3 ] , quantity ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( quantity < 1 )
log . displayNL ( " Quantity must be > 0 " ) ;
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint quality ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 4 ] , quality ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( quality < 1 )
log . displayNL ( " Quality must be > 0 " ) ;
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint nb ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 5 ] , nb ) ;
uint nbItems = min ( nb , 1000U ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
uint nbCreatedItems = 0 ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < nbItems ; i + + )
if ( ! c - > createItemInInventory ( INVENTORIES : : toInventory ( args [ 1 ] ) , quality , quantity , sheet , CEntityId : : Unknown ) )
break ;
nbCreatedItems + + ;
log . displayNL ( " %u (of %u) items '%s' created and set in the inventory '%s' of the player %s " , nbCreatedItems , nbItems , sheet . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( createNamedItemInBag , " create a named item in bag " , " <eId> <item> [<quantity>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
return false ;
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 )
return false ;
CCharacter * user = PlayerManager . getChar ( CEntityId ( args [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( ! user )
log . displayNL ( " invalid char '%s' " , args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
uint16 quantity ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 3 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , quantity ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( quantity = = 0 )
log . displayNL ( " invalid quantity '%s' " , args [ 2 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
quantity = 1 ;
CGameItemPtr item = CNamedItems : : getInstance ( ) . createNamedItem ( args [ 1 ] , quantity ) ;
if ( item = = NULL )
log . displayNL ( " invalid item '%s' " , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
user - > addItemToInventory ( INVENTORIES : : bag , item ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( createFullArmorSet , " Create and equip player with chosen full armor set " , " <eid> <race (fyros/matis/zorai/tryker)> <type (light/medium/heavy)> <quality> " )
static string armors [ ] =
" boots " ,
" gloves " ,
" pants " ,
" sleeves " ,
" vest " ,
} ;
static string heavyArmors [ ] =
" boots " ,
" gloves " ,
" helmet " ,
" pants " ,
" sleeves " ,
" vest " ,
} ;
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 4 ) return false ;
const string & race = args [ 1 ] ;
const string & type = args [ 2 ] ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint16 quality ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 3 ] , quality ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
const uint16 min = quality - ( quality - 1 ) % 5 ;
const string minStr = ( min < 10 ) ? string ( " 0 " ) + toString ( min ) : toString ( min ) ;
const uint16 max = min + 4 ;
const string maxStr = ( max < 10 ) ? string ( " 0 " ) + toString ( max ) : toString ( max ) ;
const string endName = string ( " _ " ) + minStr + string ( " _ " ) + maxStr + string ( " .item " ) ;
// create the armor pieces
if ( type = = " heavy " )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( heavyArmors ) / sizeof ( heavyArmors [ 0 ] ) ; + + i )
const string sheetName = race + string ( " _ " ) + type + string ( " _ " ) + heavyArmors [ i ] + endName ;
CSheetId sheetId ( sheetName ) ;
if ( ! c - > createItemInInventory ( INVENTORIES : : bag , quality , 1 , sheetId , eid ) )
log . displayNL ( " For entity %s Failed to create item %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , sheetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( armors ) / sizeof ( armors [ 0 ] ) ; + + i )
const string sheetName = race + string ( " _ " ) + type + string ( " _ " ) + armors [ i ] + endName ;
CSheetId sheetId ( sheetName ) ;
if ( ! c - > createItemInInventory ( INVENTORIES : : bag , quality , 1 , sheetId , eid ) )
log . displayNL ( " For entity %s Failed to create item %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , sheetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( displayInfosOnTarget , " display info on entity target " , " <eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 ) return false ;
TDataSetRow target = c - > getTargetDataSetRow ( ) ;
if ( TheDataset . isAccessible ( target ) )
// little slow but acceptable in command
CMirrorPropValueRO < uint32 > instanceNumber ( TheDataset , target , DSPropertyAI_INSTANCE ) ;
CAIAskForInfosOnEntityMsg msg ;
msg . EntityRowId = target ;
msg . AskerRowID = c - > getEntityRowId ( ) ;
CWorldInstances : : instance ( ) . msgToAIInstance ( instanceNumber , msg ) ;
log . displayNL ( " <displayInfosOnTarget> Entity %s has no valid target " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( forceTargetToDie , " (debug) Force entity target to die " , " <eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
// force sending of target as dead (can only be done on creature)
CCreature * target = CreatureManager . getCreature ( c - > getTargetDataSetRow ( ) ) ;
if ( target )
if ( ! target - > isDead ( ) )
target - > changeCurrentHp ( - 100000 ) ;
BotDeathReport . Bots . push_back ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) ;
TDataSetRow emptyRow ;
BotDeathReport . Killers . push_back ( emptyRow ) ;
BotDeathReport . Zombies . push_back ( true ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( learnAllBricks , " Specified player learns all possible bricks for it's skill values " , " <eid> " )
H_AUTO ( learnAllBricks ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
// get all phrases and bypass brick requirements
vector < CSheetId > phrases ;
vector < CSheetId > tempPhrases ;
static const EGSPD : : CPeople : : TPeople races [ ] =
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Common ,
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Tryker ,
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Fyros ,
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Matis ,
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Zorai
} ;
const uint nbRaces = sizeof ( races ) / sizeof ( races [ 0 ] ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < nbRaces ; + + i )
// fight
string filter = " bf " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// magic
filter = " bm " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// craft
filter = " bc " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// harvest
filter = " bh " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// special powers
filter = " bs " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// learn all bricks
uint nbBricks = 0 ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < phrases . size ( ) ; + + i )
const CStaticRolemasterPhrase * phrase = CSheets : : getSRolemasterPhrase ( phrases [ i ] ) ;
if ( phrase ! = NULL )
2010-05-18 14:53:47 +00:00
const uint size = ( uint ) phrase - > Bricks . size ( ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
for ( uint j = 0 ; j < size ; + + j )
c - > addKnownBrick ( phrase - > Bricks [ j ] ) ;
+ + nbBricks ;
log . displayNL ( " %s learnt %u bricks " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , nbBricks ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( learnAllRolemasterBricks , " Specified player learns all possible bricks sold by rolemaster for it's skill values " , " <eid> " )
H_AUTO ( learnAllRolemasterBricks ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
// get all phrases and bypass brick requirements
vector < CSheetId > phrases ;
vector < CSheetId > tempPhrases ;
static const EGSPD : : CPeople : : TPeople races [ ] =
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Common ,
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Tryker ,
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Fyros ,
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Matis ,
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Zorai
} ;
const uint nbRaces = sizeof ( races ) / sizeof ( races [ 0 ] ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < nbRaces ; + + i )
// fight
string filter = " bf " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true , false ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// magic
filter = " bm " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true , false ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// craft
filter = " bc " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true , false ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// harvest
filter = " bh " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true , false ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// special powers
filter = " bs " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true , false ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// learn all bricks
uint nbBricks = 0 ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < phrases . size ( ) ; + + i )
const CStaticRolemasterPhrase * phrase = CSheets : : getSRolemasterPhrase ( phrases [ i ] ) ;
if ( phrase ! = NULL )
2010-05-18 14:53:47 +00:00
const uint size = ( uint ) phrase - > Bricks . size ( ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
for ( uint j = 0 ; j < size ; + + j )
c - > addKnownBrick ( phrase - > Bricks [ j ] ) ;
+ + nbBricks ;
log . displayNL ( " %s learnt %u bricks " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , nbBricks ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( learnAllPhrases , " Specified player learns all possible phrases for it's skill values " , " <eid> " )
H_AUTO ( learnAllPhrases ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
// get all phrases and bypass brick requirements
vector < CSheetId > phrases ;
vector < CSheetId > tempPhrases ;
static const EGSPD : : CPeople : : TPeople races [ ] =
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Common ,
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Tryker ,
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Fyros ,
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Matis ,
EGSPD : : CPeople : : Zorai
} ;
const uint nbRaces = sizeof ( races ) / sizeof ( races [ 0 ] ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < nbRaces ; + + i )
// fight
string filter = " bf " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// magic
filter = " bm " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// craft
filter = " bc " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// harvest
filter = " bh " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// special powers
filter = " bs " ;
c - > getAvailablePhrasesList ( filter , tempPhrases , races [ i ] , true ) ;
phrases . insert ( phrases . end ( ) , tempPhrases . begin ( ) , tempPhrases . end ( ) ) ;
tempPhrases . clear ( ) ;
// learn all phrases
uint16 nbPhrases = 0 ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < phrases . size ( ) ; + + i )
uint16 index = c - > getFirstFreeSlotInKnownPhrase ( ) ;
if ( ! c - > learnPrebuiltPhrase ( phrases [ i ] , index ) )
log . displayNL ( " %s FAILED to learn phrase id %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , phrases [ i ] . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
+ + nbPhrases ;
log . displayNL ( " %s learnt %u phrases " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , nbPhrases ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( learnBrick , " Specified player learns given brick " , " <eid> <brickid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
CSheetId brickId ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
c - > addKnownBrick ( brickId ) ;
log . displayNL ( " %s learnt brick %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , brickId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( unlearnBrick , " Specified player unlearns given brick " , " <eid> <brickid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
CSheetId brickId ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
c - > removeKnownBrick ( brickId ) ;
log . displayNL ( " %s unlearnt brick %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , brickId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( learnPhrase , " Specified player learns a phrase and set it at index knownPhraseIndex " , " <eid> <phraseSheet> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
CSheetId phraseId ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
const CStaticRolemasterPhrase * phrase = CSheets : : getSRolemasterPhrase ( phraseId ) ;
if ( ! phrase )
log . displayNL ( " %s isn't a valid phrase ! " , phraseId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
uint16 index = c - > getFirstFreeSlotInKnownPhrase ( ) ;
if ( c - > learnPrebuiltPhrase ( phraseId , index ) )
log . displayNL ( " %s learnt phrase id %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , phraseId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " %s FAILED to learn phrase id %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , phraseId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( logXpGain , " log or not xp gain infos for specified player " , " <eid> <on/off> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
bool flag ;
if ( args [ 1 ] = = " 1 " | | strlwr ( args [ 1 ] ) = = " on " | | strlwr ( args [ 1 ] ) = = " true " )
flag = true ;
else if ( args [ 1 ] = = " 0 " | | strlwr ( args [ 1 ] ) = = " off " | | strlwr ( args [ 1 ] ) = = " false " )
flag = false ;
return false ;
PlayerManager . logXPGain ( c - > getEntityRowId ( ) , flag ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Player %s. Flag logXpGain is now %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , ( flag ? " ON " : " OFF " ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( learnAllForagePhrases , " Learn all forage phrase, begin at specified index " , " <eid> <index> " )
H_AUTO ( learnAllForagePhrases ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint i ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , i ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
uint nbSuccess = 0 , nbFail = 0 ;
const CAllRolemasterPhrases & phrases = CSheets : : getSRolemasterPhrasesMap ( ) ;
for ( CAllRolemasterPhrases : : const_iterator ip = phrases . begin ( ) ; ip ! = phrases . end ( ) ; + + ip )
const string phraseCode = ( * ip ) . first . toString ( ) ;
if ( phraseCode . find ( " abhf " ) = = 0 )
if ( c - > learnPrebuiltPhrase ( ( * ip ) . first , i ) )
+ + nbSuccess ;
+ + nbFail ;
+ + i ;
log . displayNL ( " %u phrases learned, %u phrases failed " , nbSuccess , nbFail ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( learnAllFaberPlans , " Specified player learns all faber plans " , " <eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 ) return false ;
c - > learnAllFaberPlans ( ) ;
log . displayNL ( " %s learnt all faber plans " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
/* Don't use this command, use Money variable instead (same syntax for example "Money <eid> +10")
NLMISC_COMMAND ( giveMoney , " Give money to a player " , " <eid> <money> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
c - > giveMoney ( NLMISC : : atoiInt64 ( args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " You gave money to player %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
} */
/* Don't use this command, use SP variable instead (same syntax for example "SP <eid> +10")
NLMISC_COMMAND ( giveSP , " Give SP (skill points) to a player " , " <eid> <SP> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
uint32 nbSp = atol ( args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
c - > addSP ( ( double ) nbSp ) ;
log . displayNL ( " You gave %u SP to player %s " , nbSp , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
} */
NLMISC_COMMAND ( respawn , " Same as '/a Position home' but without any privilege " , " <eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 ) return false ;
//TODO rules of spawn point
// COfflineEntityState state = PlayerManager.getStartState (c->getActiveRole ());
COfflineEntityState state ;
c - > forbidNearPetTp ( ) ;
c - > tpWanted ( state . X , state . Y , state . Z ) ;
return true ;
// saveToXML
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( pdr , saveToXML , " save a character to an XML file " , " <eid> <file name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
std : : string fileName = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( c )
static CPersistentDataRecordRyzomStore pdr ;
pdr . clear ( ) ;
c - > store ( pdr ) ;
pdr . writeToTxtFile ( ( fileName + " .xml " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
// loadFromXML
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( pdr , loadFromXML , " load a character from an XML file " , " <eid> <file name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
std : : string fileName = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( c )
ucstring name = c - > getName ( ) ;
uint32 guildId = c - > getGuildId ( ) ;
NLMISC : : CEntityId id = c - > getId ( ) ;
static CPersistentDataRecord pdr ;
pdr . clear ( ) ;
pdr . readFromTxtFile ( ( fileName + " .xml " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
c - > apply ( pdr ) ;
c - > setName ( name ) ;
c - > setGuildId ( guildId ) ;
c - > setId ( id ) ;
c - > allowNearPetTp ( ) ;
c - > tpWanted ( c - > getX ( ) , c - > getY ( ) , c - > getZ ( ) , true , c - > getHeading ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
// saveToPDR
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( pdr , saveToPDR , " save a character to a binary PDR file " , " <eid> <file name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
std : : string fileName = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( c )
static CPersistentDataRecordRyzomStore pdr ;
pdr . clear ( ) ;
c - > store ( pdr ) ;
pdr . writeToBinFile ( ( fileName + " .pdr " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
// loadFromPDR
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( pdr , loadFromPDR , " load a character from a binary PDR file " , " <eid> <file name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
std : : string fileName = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( c )
ucstring name = c - > getName ( ) ;
uint32 guildId = c - > getGuildId ( ) ;
NLMISC : : CEntityId id = c - > getId ( ) ;
static CPersistentDataRecord pdr ;
pdr . clear ( ) ;
pdr . readFromBinFile ( ( fileName + " .pdr " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
c - > apply ( pdr ) ;
c - > setName ( name ) ;
c - > setGuildId ( guildId ) ;
c - > setId ( id ) ;
c - > allowNearPetTp ( ) ;
c - > tpWanted ( c - > getX ( ) , c - > getY ( ) , c - > getZ ( ) , true , c - > getHeading ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
// listPDRFiles
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND ( pdr , listPDRFiles , " list files in the current directory " , " [<wildcard>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 0 )
return false ;
std : : vector < std : : string > files ;
NLMISC : : CPath : : getPathContent ( " . " , false , false , true , files ) ;
2010-05-18 14:53:47 +00:00
for ( uint32 i = ( uint32 ) files . size ( ) ; i - - ; )
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( ! NLMISC : : testWildCard ( files [ i ] , " *.xml " ) & & ! NLMISC : : testWildCard ( files [ i ] , " *.pdr " ) )
files [ i ] = files . back ( ) ;
files . pop_back ( ) ;
std : : sort ( files . begin ( ) , files . end ( ) ) ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < files . size ( ) ; + + i )
log . displayNL ( " %-40s %10d " , files [ i ] . c_str ( ) , NLMISC : : CFile : : getFileSize ( files [ i ] ) ) ;
return true ;
// addPetAnimal
NLMISC_COMMAND ( addPetAnimal , " Add pet animal to character " , " <eid> <PetTicket> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
CSheetId ticket = CSheetId ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( c )
if ( ticket ! = CSheetId : : Unknown )
CGameItemPtr item = c - > createItemInInventoryFreeSlot ( INVENTORIES : : bag , 1 , 1 , ticket ) ;
if ( item ! = 0 )
c - > addCharacterAnimal ( ticket , 0 , item ) ;
return true ;
log . displayNL ( " <addPetAnimal> command, unknown pet ticket '%s' " , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
} // addPetAnimal //
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setPetAnimalSatiety , " Set the satiety of pet animal (petIndex in 0..3) " , " <eid> <petIndex> full|<value> [<nameForAnswer>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 3 ) return false ;
if ( c )
// Set the new satiety
string result ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint petIndex ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , petIndex ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
float previousSatiety , maxSatiety ;
if ( c - > getAnimalSatiety ( petIndex , previousSatiety , maxSatiety ) )
if ( args [ 2 ] = = " full " )
c - > setAnimalSatietyToMax ( petIndex ) ;
float value = ( float ) atof ( args [ 2 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
c - > setAnimalSatiety ( petIndex , value ) ;
float currentSatiety ;
if ( c - > getAnimalSatiety ( petIndex , currentSatiety , maxSatiety ) )
result = toString ( " Satiety changed from %.1f to %.1f / %.1f " , previousSatiety , currentSatiety , maxSatiety ) ;
result = toString ( " Internal error " ) ;
result = toString ( " Pet %u not found " , petIndex ) ;
// Send result if requested
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
CCharacter * addressee = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 3 ] ) ) ;
if ( addressee )
CHECK_RIGHT ( addressee , c ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( addressee - > getId ( ) , result ) ;
result + = " nameForAnswer not found " ;
log . displayNL ( result . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( getPetAnimalSatiety , " Set the satiety of pet animal (petIndex in 0..3) " , " <eid> <petIndex> [<nameForAnswer>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint petIndex ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , petIndex ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( c )
// Get the satiety
string result ;
float currentSatiety , maxSatiety ;
if ( c - > getAnimalSatiety ( petIndex , currentSatiety , maxSatiety ) )
result = toString ( " Satiety: %.1f / %.1f " , currentSatiety , maxSatiety ) ;
result = toString ( " Pet %u not found " , petIndex ) ;
// Send result if requested
if ( args . size ( ) > 2 )
CCharacter * addressee = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 2 ] ) ) ;
if ( addressee )
CHECK_RIGHT ( addressee , c ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( addressee - > getId ( ) , result ) ;
result + = " nameForAnswer not found " ;
log . displayNL ( result . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( addSkillPoints , " add skill points of given type (Fight = 0, Magic = 1,Craft = 2, Harvest = 3) " , " <eid> <SP type [0..3]> <nb SP> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 3 ) return false ;
EGSPD : : CSPType : : TSPType type = ( EGSPD : : CSPType : : TSPType ) atoi ( args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( type > = EGSPD : : CSPType : : EndSPType )
log . displayNL ( " Unknown SP type %u " , atoi ( args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
return false ;
uint32 nbSP = atoi ( args [ 2 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
c - > addSP ( nbSP , type ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Added %d skill points of type %u (%s) to player %s " , nbSP , ( uint8 ) type , EGSPD : : CSPType : : toString ( type ) . c_str ( ) , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
} // addSkillPoints //
NLMISC_COMMAND ( addXPToSkill , " Gain experience in a given skills " , " <eid> <xp> <skill> [<count>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 3 ) return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 xp ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , xp ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
string skill = args [ 2 ] ;
uint count ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 3 )
count = 1 ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 3 ] , count ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
count = min ( count , ( uint ) 100 ) ;
uint i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; + + i )
c - > addXpToSkill ( ( double ) xp , skill ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Added %d xp skill '%s' to player %s %d time(s) " , xp , skill . c_str ( ) , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , count ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setSkillsToMaxValue , " Set skills character to max value of each skill " , " <eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 ) return false ;
c - > setSkillsToMaxValue ( ) ;
log . displayNL ( " You set skills of player %s to max value of each skill " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( cancelTopPhrase , " cancelTopPhrase " , " <eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 ) return false ;
CPhraseManager : : getInstance ( ) . cancelTopPhrase ( c - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( clearFriendsList , " clear the friend list of a player " , " <eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 ) return false ;
if ( c ! = 0 )
c - > clearFriendList ( ) ;
log . displayNL ( " player %s friends list cleared " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( clearIgnoreList , " clear the ignore list of a player " , " <eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 ) return false ;
if ( c ! = 0 )
c - > clearIgnoreList ( ) ;
log . displayNL ( " player %s ignore list cleared " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( clearIsFriendOfList , " clear the ignore list of a player " , " <eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 ) return false ;
if ( c ! = 0 )
c - > clearFriendOfList ( ) ;
log . displayNL ( " player %s 'IsFriendOf' list cleared " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
// set the defense mode to dodge
NLMISC_COMMAND ( dodge , " set the defense mode to dodge " , " <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)> " )
if ( args . size ( ) > = 1 )
c - > dodgeAsDefense ( true ) ;
log . displayNL ( " player id %s defense mode is now dodge " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
} // dodge //
// set the defense mode to parry
NLMISC_COMMAND ( parry , " set the defense mode to parry " , " <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)> " )
if ( args . size ( ) > = 1 )
c - > dodgeAsDefense ( false ) ;
log . displayNL ( " player id %s defense mode is now parry " , c - > getId ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
} // parry //
// reset the ineffective aura and the power flags for given player
NLMISC_COMMAND ( resetPowerFlags , " reset the ineffective aura and the power flags for given character " , " <eId> " )
if ( args . size ( ) = = 1 )
c - > resetPowerFlags ( ) ;
log . displayNL ( " resetPowerFlags for character %s " , c - > getId ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
} // resetPowerFlags
// excute a sabrina phrase
NLMISC_COMMAND ( execPhrase , " execute a sabrina phrase " , " <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)> <cyclic 0/1> [<brick ids>...] " )
if ( args . size ( ) > = 3 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
bool cyclic ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , cyclic ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
vector < CSheetId > brickIds ;
for ( uint i = 2 ; i < args . size ( ) ; + + i )
CSheetId sheet ( args [ i ] ) ;
brickIds . push_back ( sheet ) ;
CPhraseManager : : getInstance ( ) . executePhrase ( c - > getEntityRowId ( ) , c - > getTargetDataSetRow ( ) , brickIds , cyclic ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
} // execPhrase //
// excute a sabrina phrase
NLMISC_COMMAND ( executeSabrinaPhrase , " execute a sabrina phrase, an sphrase " , " <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)> <cyclic 0/1> <phraseId> " )
if ( args . size ( ) = = 3 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
bool cyclic ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , cyclic ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CSheetId phraseSheet ( args [ 2 ] ) ;
CPhraseManager : : getInstance ( ) . executePhrase ( c - > getEntityRowId ( ) , c - > getTargetDataSetRow ( ) , phraseSheet , cyclic ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
} // executeSabrinaPhrase //
// memorize a sabrina phrase
NLMISC_COMMAND ( memorizePhrase , " memorize a sabrina phrase " , " <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)> <index> [<brick ids>...] " )
/* if ( args.size() >= 3 )
CEntityId id ;
id . fromString ( args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint8 index ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , index ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CCharacter * c = PlayerManager . getChar ( id ) ;
if ( c )
vector < CSheetId > brickIds ;
for ( uint i = 2 ; i < args . size ( ) ; + + i )
CSheetId sheet ( args [ i ] ) ;
brickIds . push_back ( sheet ) ;
c - > memorize ( index , brickIds ) ;
log . displayNL ( " invalid player id %s " , id . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
} // memorizePhrase //
// execute a memorized sabrina phrase
NLMISC_COMMAND ( execMemorizedPhrase , " memorize a memorized sabrina phrase " , " <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)> <index> <cyclic 0/1> " )
/* if ( args.size() >= 2 )
CEntityId id ;
id . fromString ( args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint8 index ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , index ) ;
bool cyclic ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , cyclic ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CCharacter * c = PlayerManager . getChar ( id ) ;
if ( c )
c - > executeMemorizedPhrase ( index , cyclic , false ) ;
log . displayNL ( " invalid player id %s " , id . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
*/ return false ;
} // execMemorizedPhrase //
// Death commands until client interface is ready //
// Simulate character choice a re-spawn point until UI is ready
NLMISC_COMMAND ( respawnAfterDeath , " respawnAfterDeath at re-spawn point name, it must be valid (validated by PC and usable) " , " <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)><Respawn idx> " )
if ( args . size ( ) = = 2 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint16 idx ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , idx ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// A death character can choose to re-spawn to a previously validated re-spawn point, a last of one re-spawn point is always valid
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
c - > respawn ( idx ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
return true ;
return false ;
} // execMemorizedPhrase //
// Simulate Resurrection by other PC until UI is ready
NLMISC_COMMAND ( resurrected , " Another PC resurrect PC by giving some energy " , " <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)><Hp gived><Sta gived><Sap gived><Focus gived> " )
if ( args . size ( ) = = 1 )
c - > resurrected ( ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
// Simulate buy kami / karavan pact until UI is ready
NLMISC_COMMAND ( buyPact , " Buy Kami or Karavan pact " , " <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)><Pact Name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) = = 3 )
// Character buy pact with Kami / Karavan by botchat (same has trade)
// effect is validate re-spawn point for one use
c - > buyPact ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
// Simulate validate re-spawn point until UI is ready
NLMISC_COMMAND ( validateRespawnPoint , " Validate re-spawn point " , " <player id(id:type:crea:dyn)><Re-spawn point idx> " )
if ( args . size ( ) = = 2 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
CCharacterRespawnPoints : : TRespawnPoint respawnPoint ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , respawnPoint ) ;
c - > getRespawnPoints ( ) . addRespawnPoint ( respawnPoint ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
return true ;
return false ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( displayForageRM , " Display forageable raw materials near by or at the exact position of a player " , " <eid> <exactPos=1> <extendedInfo=0> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 ) return false ;
bool exactPos = ! ( ( args . size ( ) > 1 ) & & ( args [ 1 ] = = " 0 " ) ) ;
bool extendedInfo = ( args . size ( ) > 2 ) & & ( args [ 2 ] = = " 1 " ) ;
CFgProspectionPhrase : : displayRMNearBy ( c , exactPos , extendedInfo , & log ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setItemSapLoad , " set an item sap load " , " <eId><slot index in bag (starts at 0)><float value> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 )
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint slot ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , slot ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
float value = ( float ) atof ( args [ 2 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
// vector<CGameItemPtr>& items = (vector<CGameItemPtr> &)c->getInventory()[INVENTORIES::bag]->getChildren();
CInventoryPtr invent = c - > getInventory ( INVENTORIES : : bag ) ;
// if ( slot >= invent->getNumChildren() )
if ( slot > = invent - > getSlotCount ( ) )
// log.displayNL("Invalid slot %u max = %u",slot, items.size()-1);
log . displayNL ( " Invalid slot %u max = %u " , slot , invent - > getSlotCount ( ) - 1 ) ;
return true ;
// if( items[slot] == NULL )
if ( invent - > getItem ( slot ) = = NULL )
log . displayNL ( " empty slot %u " , slot ) ;
return true ;
uint32 sapLoad = 0 ;
// CGameItemPtr item = invent->getChildItem(slot);
CGameItemPtr item = invent - > getItem ( slot ) ;
// if ( items[slot]->getSheetId() == CSheetId("stack.sitem") )
// if (item->getSheetId() == CSheetId("stack.sitem") )
// {
//// for ( uint i = 0; i < items[slot]->getChildren().size(); i++ )
// for ( uint i = 0; i < item->getNumChildren(); i++ )
// {
//// if ( items[slot]->getChildren()[i] != NULL)
// if ( item->getChildItem(i) != NULL)
// {
//// items[slot]->getChildren()[i]->setMaxSapLoad( value );
// item->getChildItem(i)->setMaxSapLoad( value );
//// sapLoad = items[slot]->getChildren()[i]->maxSapLoad();
// sapLoad = item->getChildItem(i)->maxSapLoad();
// }
// }
// }
// else
// items[slot]->setMaxSapLoad( value );
item - > setMaxSapLoad ( value ) ;
// sapLoad = items[slot]->maxSapLoad();
sapLoad = item - > maxSapLoad ( ) ;
//trap c->incSlotVersion( INVENTORIES::bag,slot);
log . displayNL ( " item in slot %u has now a sap load of %u " , slot , sapLoad ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( showFBT , " show Focus Beta Tester title if the player is a FBT " , " <FBT id> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
CPlayer * p = PlayerManager . getPlayer ( PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( c - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
if ( p = = NULL )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: Can't find player with UserId %d " , PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( c - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! p - > isBetaTester ( ) )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: UserId %d is not a FBT " , PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( c - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
return false ;
c - > setTitle ( CHARACTER_TITLE : : FBT ) ;
c - > registerName ( ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( summonPet , " player can summon it's pet one time only " , " <eid><Pet Number> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 index ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , index ) ;
- - index ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
const std : : vector < CPetAnimal > & pet = c - > getPlayerPets ( ) ;
if ( index < pet . size ( ) )
if ( pet [ index ] . PetStatus ! = CPetAnimal : : not_present )
if ( pet [ index ] . IsTpAllowed )
c - > sendPetCommand ( CPetCommandMsg : : DESPAWN , index , true ) ;
c - > setPetStatus ( index , CPetAnimal : : waiting_spawn ) ;
c - > setSpawnPetFlag ( index ) ;
c - > petTpAllowed ( index , false ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( allowSummonPet , " autorize player summon it's pet one time only " , " <eid><Pet Number> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 index ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , index ) ;
- - index ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
const std : : vector < CPetAnimal > & pet = c - > getPlayerPets ( ) ;
if ( index < pet . size ( ) )
if ( pet [ index ] . PetStatus ! = CPetAnimal : : not_present )
c - > petTpAllowed ( index , true ) ;
return true ;
// You can add here all variables to administrate this service.
NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE ( float , RyzomTime , " Current ryzom time " )
if ( get )
* pointer = CTimeDateSeasonManager : : getRyzomTimeReference ( ) . getRyzomTime ( ) ;
/* else
CMessage msgout ( " SET_RYZOM_TIME " ) ;
msgout . serial ( * pointer ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( " WOS " , msgout ) ;
NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE ( uint32 , RyzomDate , " Current ryzom date " )
if ( get )
* pointer = CTimeDateSeasonManager : : getRyzomTimeReference ( ) . getRyzomDay ( ) ;
/* else
CMessage msgout ( " SET_RYZOM_DAY " ) ;
msgout . serial ( * pointer ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( " WOS " , msgout ) ;
// all admin /a /b commands executed by the client go in this callback
void cbClientAdmin ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
H_AUTO ( cbClientAdmin ) ;
CEntityId eid ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
CEntityId targetEid ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
msgin . serial ( eid ) ;
bool onTarget ;
msgin . serial ( onTarget ) ;
CSString cmdName , arg ;
msgin . serial ( cmdName , arg ) ;
nlinfo ( " ADMIN: Executing admin command: eid=%s onTarget=%s cmdName=%s arg=%s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , onTarget ? " true " : " false " , cmdName . quote ( ) . c_str ( ) , arg . quote ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
TLogContext_Command_ExecCtx logContext ( eid ) ;
// find the character
CCharacter * c = PlayerManager . getChar ( eid ) ;
if ( c = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: Unknown player %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
chatToPlayer ( eid , " Unknown player " ) ;
return ;
// test character is ready and valid
if ( ! c - > getEnterFlag ( ) )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: player %s not ready " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
if ( ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( c - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: player %s not ready in mirror (invalid rowid) " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
// find if the command is available
const CAdminCommand * cmd = findAdminCommand ( cmdName ) ;
if ( ! cmd )
nlinfo ( " ADMIN: Player %s tried to execute a no valid client admin command '%s' " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , cmdName . c_str ( ) ) ;
chatToPlayer ( eid , " Unknown command " ) ;
return ;
if ( ! c - > havePriv ( cmd - > Priv ) )
nlinfo ( " ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute the client admin command '%s' " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , cmdName . c_str ( ) ) ;
chatToPlayer ( eid , " You don't have privilege to execute this command " ) ;
return ;
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
if ( onTarget & & ! c - > haveAnyPrivilege ( ) )
nlinfo ( " ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute /b command onTarget '%s' " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , cmdName . c_str ( ) ) ;
chatToPlayer ( eid , " You don't have privilege to execute this command " ) ;
return ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( ! cmd - > ForwardToservice . empty ( ) )
// we need to forward the command to another service
if ( IClientCommandForwader : : getInstance ( ) )
IClientCommandForwader : : getInstance ( ) - > sendCommand ( cmd - > ForwardToservice , cmdName , eid , onTarget , onTarget ? c - > getTarget ( ) : CEntityId : : Unknown , arg ) ;
// execute locally
// create the command line
string res = cmdName + " " ;
if ( cmdName = = string ( " Position " ) )
// check validity of Position command
if ( onTarget )
if ( ! c - > havePriv ( " :DEV:SGM:GM:EM: " ) )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute the client admin command /b '%s' " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , cmdName . c_str ( ) ) ;
chatToPlayer ( eid , " You don't have privilege to execute this command " ) ;
return ;
std : : string targetName = string ( " implicite " ) ;
// add the eid of the player or target if necessary
if ( cmd - > AddEId )
if ( onTarget )
log_Command_ExecOnTarget ( c - > getTarget ( ) , cmdName , arg ) ;
res + = c - > getTarget ( ) . toString ( ) ;
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
targetEid = c - > getTarget ( ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
targetName = NLMISC : : toString ( " (%s,%s) " , c - > getTarget ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , CEntityIdTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getByEntity ( c - > getTarget ( ) ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
log_Command_Exec ( cmdName , arg ) ;
res + = eid . toString ( ) ;
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
targetEid = eid ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
targetName = string ( " Himself " ) ;
res + = " " ;
res + = arg ;
TLogContext_Item_Command itemCtx ( onTarget ? c - > getTarget ( ) : eid ) ;
TLogContext_Character_BuyRolemasterPhrase characterCtx ( onTarget ? c - > getTarget ( ) : eid ) ;
std : : string csName = CEntityIdTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getByEntity ( eid ) . toString ( ) ;
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
NLMISC : : CSString cs_res = CSString ( res ) ;
cs_res = cs_res . replace ( " #player " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
cs_res = cs_res . replace ( " #target " , targetEid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
res = ( string ) cs_res ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
nlinfo ( " ADMIN: Player (%s,%s) will execute client admin command '%s' on target %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , csName . c_str ( ) , res . c_str ( ) , targetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
CLightMemDisplayer * CmdDisplayer = new CLightMemDisplayer ( " CmdDisplayer " ) ;
CLog * CmdLogger = new CLog ( CLog : : LOG_NO ) ;
CmdLogger - > addDisplayer ( CmdDisplayer ) ;
NLMISC : : ICommand : : execute ( res , * CmdLogger , true ) ;
const std : : deque < std : : string > & strs = CmdDisplayer - > lockStrings ( ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < strs . size ( ) ; i + + )
InfoLog - > displayNL ( trim ( strs [ i ] ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal = trim ( strs [ i ] ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " LITERAL " , params ) ;
CmdDisplayer - > unlockStrings ( ) ;
CmdLogger - > removeDisplayer ( CmdDisplayer ) ;
delete CmdDisplayer ;
delete CmdLogger ;
// all admin /c commands executed by the client go in this callback
void cbClientAdminOffline ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
H_AUTO ( cbClientAdminOffline ) ;
CEntityId eid ;
msgin . serial ( eid ) ;
string characterName ;
msgin . serial ( characterName ) ;
string cmdName , arg ;
msgin . serial ( cmdName , arg ) ;
nlinfo ( " ADMIN: Executing admin /c command: eid=%s onTarget=%s cmdName=%s arg=%s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , characterName . c_str ( ) , cmdName . c_str ( ) , arg . c_str ( ) ) ;
// find the character
CCharacter * c = PlayerManager . getChar ( eid ) ;
if ( c = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: Unknown player %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
chatToPlayer ( eid , " Unknown player " ) ;
return ;
// test character is ready and valid
if ( ! c - > getEnterFlag ( ) )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: player %s not ready " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
if ( ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( c - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: player %s not ready in mirror (invalid rowid) " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
// find if the command is available
const CAdminCommand * cmd = findAdminCommand ( cmdName ) ;
if ( ! cmd )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: Player %s tried to execute a no valid client admin command '%s' " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , cmdName . c_str ( ) ) ;
chatToPlayer ( eid , " Unknown command " ) ;
return ;
if ( ! c - > havePriv ( cmd - > Priv ) )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute the client admin command '%s' " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , cmdName . c_str ( ) ) ;
chatToPlayer ( eid , " You don't have privilege to execute this command " ) ;
return ;
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
if ( ! c - > haveAnyPrivilege ( ) )
nlinfo ( " ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute /c command '%s' " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , cmdName . c_str ( ) ) ;
chatToPlayer ( eid , " You don't have privilege to execute this command " ) ;
return ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// find the character eid
CEntityId charEid = CEntityIdTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getByEntity ( characterName ) ;
if ( charEid = = CEntityId : : Unknown )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: Unknown character %s " , characterName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
if ( cmdName = = string ( " Position " ) )
// check validity of Position command
if ( ! c - > havePriv ( " :DEV:SGM:GM: " ) )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute the client admin command /c '%s' " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , cmdName . c_str ( ) ) ;
chatToPlayer ( eid , " You don't have privilege to execute this command " ) ;
return ;
// create the command line
string res = cmdName + " " ;
// add the eid of the player or target if necessary
if ( cmd - > AddEId )
res + = charEid . toString ( ) ;
res + = " " ;
res + = arg ;
std : : string csName = CEntityIdTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getByEntity ( eid ) . toString ( ) ;
std : : string targetName = NLMISC : : toString ( " (%s,%s) " , CEntityIdTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getByEntity ( ucstring ( characterName ) ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , characterName . c_str ( ) ) ;
nlinfo ( " ADMINOFFLINE: Player (%s,%s) will execute client admin command '%s' on target %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , csName . c_str ( ) , res . c_str ( ) , targetName . c_str ( ) ) ;
NLMISC : : ICommand : : execute ( res , * InfoLog ) ;
void cbRemoteClientCallback ( uint32 rid , const std : : string & cmd , const std : : string & entityNames )
vector < CEntityId > entities ;
selectEntities ( entityNames , entities ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < entities . size ( ) ; i + + )
CCharacter * c = PlayerManager . getChar ( entities [ i ] ) ;
if ( c ! = 0 )
nlinfo ( " ADMIN: I have to send a request for admin to a client : rid %d cmd '%s' eid %s " , rid , cmd . c_str ( ) , entities [ i ] . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
CMessage msgout ( " IMPULSION_ID " ) ;
msgout . serial ( entities [ i ] ) ;
CBitMemStream bms ;
if ( ! GenericMsgManager . pushNameToStream ( " COMMAND:REMOTE_ADMIN " , bms ) )
nlstopex ( ( " Missing a message in the msg.xml " ) ) ;
bms . serial ( rid ) ;
bms . serial ( const_cast < string & > ( cmd ) ) ;
msgout . serialBufferWithSize ( ( uint8 * ) bms . buffer ( ) , bms . length ( ) ) ;
sendMessageViaMirror ( NLNET : : TServiceId ( entities [ i ] . getDynamicId ( ) ) , msgout ) ;
void cbClientRemoteAdmin ( NLNET : : CMessage & msgin , const std : : string & serviceName , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
H_AUTO ( cbClientRemoteAdmin ) ;
CEntityId eid ;
msgin . serial ( eid ) ;
uint32 rid ;
msgin . serial ( rid ) ;
string cmd ;
msgin . serial ( cmd ) ;
string answer ;
msgin . serial ( answer ) ;
vector < string > vara , vala ;
if ( ICommand : : isCommand ( cmd ) )
vara . push_back ( " __log " ) ;
vala . push_back ( " ----- Result from " + eid . toString ( ) + " " + IService : : getInstance ( ) - > getServiceUnifiedName ( ) + " of command ' " + cmd + " ' \n " ) ;
vala . push_back ( answer ) ;
vara . push_back ( " service " ) ;
vala . push_back ( IService : : getInstance ( ) - > getServiceUnifiedName ( ) ) ;
vara . push_back ( " entity " ) ;
vala . push_back ( eid . toString ( ) ) ;
vara . push_back ( cmd ) ;
vala . push_back ( answer ) ;
nlinfo ( " ADMIN: received an answer from %s for command '%s' that is '%s' for rid %d " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , cmd . c_str ( ) , answer . c_str ( ) , rid ) ;
addRequestAnswer ( rid , vara , vala ) ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( displayWeather , " Display current weather at specified pos " , " <x> <y> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 )
return false ;
CVector pos ;
pos . x = ( float ) atof ( args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
pos . y = ( float ) atof ( args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
pos . z = 0 ;
CRyzomTime : : EWeather weather = WeatherEverywhere . getWeather ( pos , CTimeDateSeasonManager : : getRyzomTimeReference ( ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Weather: %u " , ( uint ) weather ) ;
return true ;
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
NLMISC_COMMAND ( csrCmd , " Invoke a CSR command from service console or admin tool without the need to have a CSR logged in " , " <csrCommandName> <command params>+ " )
if ( args . empty ( ) )
return false ;
// build the command line
string command = args [ 0 ] ;
command + = string ( " (0x0000000000:00:00:00) " ) ;
for ( uint i = 1 ; i < args . size ( ) ; + + i )
command + = " \" " + args [ i ] + " \" " ;
if ( i < args . size ( ) - 1 )
command + = " " ;
ICommand : : execute ( command , log , quiet , human ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( motd , " set the current message of the day " , " <message to be displayed (string)> " )
if ( args . empty ( ) )
return false ;
string msg = args [ 0 ] ;
for ( uint i = 1 ; i < args . size ( ) ; i + + )
msg + = " " + args [ i ] ;
MessageOfTheDay = msg ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( summon , " summon a player in front of the CSR " , " <CSR eId><player name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( ! target | | ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_PENDING_CHARACTER_LOG " ) ;
COfflineEntityState state ;
state . X = c - > getState ( ) . X ;
state . Y = c - > getState ( ) . Y ;
state . Z = c - > getState ( ) . Z ;
state . Heading = c - > getState ( ) . Heading ;
CGmTpPendingCommand : : getInstance ( ) - > addTpPendingforCharacter ( args [ 1 ] , state ) ;
return true ;
CHECK_RIGHT ( c , target ) ;
if ( target - > getCurrentContinent ( ) = = CONTINENT : : NEWBIELAND )
if ( c - > getCurrentContinent ( ) ! = CONTINENT : : NEWBIELAND )
log . displayNL ( " Summon player outside NEWBIELAND is forbiden, <CSR eId %s> try to made an illegal action, this is loged. " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
chatToPlayer ( eid , " You don't have privilege to execute this command " ) ;
return true ;
COfflineEntityState state ;
state . X = target - > getState ( ) . X ;
state . Y = target - > getState ( ) . Y ;
state . Z = target - > getState ( ) . Z ;
state . Heading = target - > getState ( ) . Heading ;
PlayerManager . addSummonnedUser ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) , state ) ;
state . X = c - > getState ( ) . X + sint32 ( cos ( c - > getState ( ) . Heading ) * 2000 ) ;
state . Y = c - > getState ( ) . Y + sint32 ( sin ( c - > getState ( ) . Heading ) * 2000 ) ;
state . Z = c - > getState ( ) . Z ;
state . Heading = c - > getState ( ) . Heading + ( float ) NLMISC : : Pi ;
if ( state . Heading > = ( float ) NLMISC : : Pi )
state . Heading - = 2 * ( float ) NLMISC : : Pi ;
target - > allowNearPetTp ( ) ;
target - > tpWanted ( state . X , state . Y , state . Z , true , state . Heading ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( dismiss , " teleport a player back to its former position ( before last call to summonPlayer ) " , " <CSR eId><player name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( ! target | | ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_BAD_TARGET " ) ;
return true ;
CHECK_RIGHT ( c , target ) ;
COfflineEntityState state ;
if ( PlayerManager . getDismissCoords ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) , state ) )
target - > allowNearPetTp ( ) ;
target - > tpWanted ( state . X , state . Y , state . Z , true , state . Heading ) ;
CContinent * cont = CZoneManager : : getInstance ( ) . getContinent ( state . X , state . Y ) ;
if ( cont )
target - > getRespawnPoints ( ) . addDefaultRespawnPoint ( CONTINENT : : TContinent ( cont - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
PlayerManager . removeSummonedUser ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_NOT_SUMMONED " ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( teleport , " teleport the CSR in front of a player " , " <CSR eId><player name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( ! target | | ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_BAD_TARGET " ) ;
return true ;
float heading = target - > getState ( ) . Heading ;
sint32 x = target - > getState ( ) . X + sint32 ( cos ( target - > getState ( ) . Heading ) * 2000 ) ;
sint32 y = target - > getState ( ) . Y + sint32 ( sin ( target - > getState ( ) . Heading ) * 2000 ) ;
sint32 z = target - > getState ( ) . Z ;
heading + = ( float ) NLMISC : : Pi ;
if ( heading > = ( float ) NLMISC : : Pi )
heading - = 2 * ( float ) NLMISC : : Pi ;
c - > allowNearPetTp ( ) ;
c - > teleportCharacter ( x , y , z , true , true , heading ) ;
CContinent * continent = CZoneManager : : getInstance ( ) . getContinent ( x , y ) ;
if ( continent ! = NULL )
c - > getRespawnPoints ( ) . addDefaultRespawnPoint ( CONTINENT : : TContinent ( continent - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
return true ;
//static string capitalize(const string & s)
// if ( s.empty() )
// return s;
// return toUpper( s.substr(0,1) ) + toLower( s.substr(1,string::npos) );
NLMISC_COMMAND ( renamePlayerForEvent , " rename a player for the event " , " <CSR eId><player name><new playerName> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 )
return false ;
ucstring newName ( args [ 2 ] ) ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( ! target | | ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_BAD_TARGET " ) ;
return true ;
CHECK_RIGHT ( c , target ) ;
// assign new name to player
// PlayerManager.addEntityForStringIdRequest( target->getId() );
target - > registerName ( newName ) ;
return true ;
//NLMISC_COMMAND( renamePlayer, "rename a player", "<CSR eId><player name><new playerName>" )
// if ( args.size() != 3 )
// return false;
// ucstring oldName( capitalize(args[1]) );
// ucstring newName( capitalize(args[2]) );
// CCharacter * target = PlayerManager.getCharacterByName( args[1] );
// if ( !target || !TheDataset.isAccessible( target->getEntityRowId() ) )
// {
// CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid, "CSR_BAD_TARGET" );
// return true;
// }
// CHECK_RIGHT( c,target );
// if ( CEntityIdTranslator::getInstance()->entityNameExists( newName ) )
// {
// CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid, "CSR_NAME_EXISTS" );
// return true;
// }
// // assign new name to player
// bool result = CNameManager::getInstance()->assignName( target->getId(), newName );
// if ( !result )
// {
// CCharacter::sendDynamicSystemMessage( eid, "CSR_BAD_NAME" );
// nlwarning("assignName failed for name: %s", newName.toUtf8().c_str() );
// return true;
// }
// PlayerManager.addEntityForStringIdRequest( target->getId() );
// target->setName( newName );
// target->registerName();
// if ( toLower(newName) != toLower(oldName) )
// {
// // liberate old name
// CNameManager::getInstance()->liberateName( target->getId(), oldName );
// }
// return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( renameGuild , " rename a guild " , " <CSR_eId> <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <new_guild_name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 )
return false ;
if ( args [ 0 ] ! = " admin_tool " )
GET_GUILD ( 1 , true , NLMISC : : CEntityId : : Unknown ) ;
ucstring name ( args [ 2 ] ) ;
// check if name already exists in the player list
if ( NLMISC : : CEntityIdTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > entityNameExists ( name ) /*|| EGSPD::PDSLib.getStringManager().stringExists(name, RYZOMID::guildName)*/ )
if ( args [ 0 ] = = " admin_tool " )
log . displayNL ( " renameGuild failed because the name is already taken: " , args [ 2 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_NAME_EXISTS " ) ;
return false ;
guild - > setName ( name ) ;
if ( IGuildUnifier : : getInstance ( ) ! = NULL )
IGuildUnifier : : getInstance ( ) - > broadcastGuildUpdate ( guild ) ;
// CGuildManager::getInstance()->addGuildsAwaitingString(name,guild->getId());
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setGuildDescription , " set a guild description " , " <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <new_guild_description> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
GET_GUILD ( 0 , true , NLMISC : : CEntityId : : Unknown ) ;
ucstring desc ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
guild - > setDescription ( desc ) ;
if ( IGuildUnifier : : getInstance ( ) ! = NULL )
IGuildUnifier : : getInstance ( ) - > broadcastGuildUpdate ( guild ) ;
// CGuildManager::getInstance()->addGuildsAwaitingString(desc,guild->getId());
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setGuildIcon , " set a guild icon " , " <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <new_icon_code(on 64 bits)> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
GET_GUILD ( 0 , true , NLMISC : : CEntityId : : Unknown ) ;
uint64 icon = atoiInt64 ( args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
guild - > setIcon ( icon ) ;
if ( IGuildUnifier : : getInstance ( ) ! = NULL )
IGuildUnifier : : getInstance ( ) - > broadcastGuildUpdate ( guild ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( killMob , " kill a mob ( /a killMob ) " , " <CSR eId> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
CCreature * creature = CreatureManager . getCreature ( c - > getTarget ( ) ) ;
if ( creature = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " Unknown creature '%s' " , c - > getTarget ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( creature - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
nlwarning ( " '%s' is not valid in mirror " , c - > getTarget ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! creature - > getContextualProperty ( ) . directAccessForStructMembers ( ) . attackable ( ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_NOT_ATTACKABLE " ) ;
return true ;
creature - > getScores ( ) . _PhysicalScores [ SCORES : : hit_points ] . Current = 0 ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( dssTarget , " target a mob and send information to dss( /b dssTarget ) " , " <ring player eId>[<cmd>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 )
return false ;
CCreature * creature = CreatureManager . getCreature ( c - > getTarget ( ) ) ;
if ( creature = = 0 )
nlwarning ( " Unknown creature '%s' " , c - > getTarget ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( creature - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
nlwarning ( " '%s' is not valid in mirror " , c - > getTarget ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
NLMISC : : CEntityId creatureId = creature - > getId ( ) ;
TAIAlias alias = CAIAliasTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getAIAlias ( creatureId ) ;
TDataSetRow entityRowId = creature - > getEntityRowId ( ) ;
if ( alias = = CAIAliasTranslator : : Invalid )
nlwarning ( " '%s' has no alias translation " , creatureId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
CMessage msgout ( " DSS_TARGET " ) ;
msgout . serial ( eid ) ; //eid of the player
msgout . serial ( creatureId ) ; // eid of the mob
msgout . serial ( alias ) ; //mob targeted
msgout . serial ( entityRowId ) ; //datasetrow
2010-05-18 14:53:47 +00:00
uint32 args_size = ( uint32 ) args . size ( ) - 1 ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
uint32 i = 0 ;
msgout . serial ( args_size ) ;
for ( ; i ! = args_size ; + + i )
std : : string str = args [ 1 + i ] ;
msgout . serial ( str ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( " DSS " , msgout ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( root , " root a player " , " <CSR id><player name><time in second> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 )
return false ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( ! target | | ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_BAD_TARGET " ) ;
return true ;
CHECK_RIGHT ( c , target ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : TGameCycle cycle ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , cycle ) ;
cycle = TGameCycle ( NLMISC : : TGameTime ( cycle ) / CTickEventHandler : : getGameTimeStep ( ) + CTickEventHandler : : getGameCycle ( ) ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
PlayerManager . addGMRoot ( eid , target - > getId ( ) , cycle ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( unroot , " stop rooting a player " , " <CSR id> <player name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( ! target | | ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_BAD_TARGET " ) ;
return true ;
CHECK_RIGHT ( c , target ) ;
PlayerManager . removeGMRoot ( eid , target - > getId ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( ignoreTells , " ignore incoming tell " , " <CSR id> <0 / false / 1 / true > " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CMessage msgout ( " IGNORE_TELL_MODE " ) ;
msgout . serial ( eid ) ;
bool ignore = ( args [ 1 ] = = " 1 " | | strlwr ( args [ 1 ] ) = = " on " | | strlwr ( args [ 1 ] ) = = " true " ) ;
msgout . serial ( ignore ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( " IOS " , msgout ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( showCSR , " activate GM title " , " <CSR id> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
CPlayer * p = PlayerManager . getPlayer ( PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( eid ) ) ;
if ( p = = NULL )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: Can't find player with UserId %d " , PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( eid ) ) ;
return false ;
CHARACTER_TITLE : : ECharacterTitle title = CHARACTER_TITLE : : getGMTitleFromPriv ( p - > getUserPriv ( ) ) ;
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: UserId %d has an invalid privilege %s " , PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( eid ) , p - > getUserPriv ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
c - > setTitle ( title ) ;
c - > registerName ( ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( monitorMissions , " monitor a player missions " , " <CSR id><player name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( ! target | | ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_BAD_TARGET " ) ;
return true ;
CHECK_RIGHT ( c , target ) ;
// CSR must have no missions to monitor a player
if ( c - > getMissionsBegin ( ) = = c - > getMissionsEnd ( ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( c - > getEntityRowId ( ) , " CSR_HAS_MISSION " ) ;
return true ;
// target missions must not be monitored
if ( target - > getMonitoringCSR ( ) ! = TDataSetRow : : createFromRawIndex ( INVALID_DATASET_ROW ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( c - > getEntityRowId ( ) , " CSR_MISSION_MONITORED " ) ;
return true ;
target - > setMonitoringCSR ( c - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) ;
c - > getAdminProperties ( ) . setMissionMonitoredUser ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) ;
for ( map < TAIAlias , CMission * > : : iterator it = target - > getMissionsBegin ( ) ; it ! = target - > getMissionsEnd ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) . second - > updateUsersJournalEntry ( ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( stopMonitorMissions , " monitor a player missions " , " <CSR id> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getChar ( c - > getAdminProperties ( ) . getMissionMonitoredUser ( ) ) ;
c - > getAdminProperties ( ) . setMissionMonitoredUser ( TDataSetRow : : createFromRawIndex ( INVALID_DATASET_ROW ) ) ;
if ( target )
target - > setMonitoringCSR ( TDataSetRow : : createFromRawIndex ( INVALID_DATASET_ROW ) ) ;
/// todo mission
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( failMission , " force mission failure " , " <CSR id><mission idx> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint index ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , index ) ;
CMission * mission = c - > getAdminProperties ( ) . getMission ( index ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( ! mission )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( c - > getEntityRowId ( ) , " CSR_BAD_MISSION " ) ;
return true ;
mission - > onFailure ( true ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( progressMission , " force mission progression " , " <CSR id><mission idx>[repeat] " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 | | args . size ( ) ! = 3 )
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint index ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , index ) ;
CMission * mission = c - > getAdminProperties ( ) . getMission ( index ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( ! mission )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( c - > getEntityRowId ( ) , " CSR_BAD_MISSION " ) ;
return true ;
CCharacter * user = mission - > getMainEntity ( ) ;
uint repeat = 1 ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 3 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , repeat ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CMissionEventDebug event ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < repeat ; i + + )
user - > processMissionEvent ( event ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( changeVar , " change a variable of a player " , " <eid> <var> <val> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 )
return false ;
CEntityId eid ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
string var = args [ 1 ] ;
string value = args [ 2 ] ;
CCharacter * e = PlayerManager . getChar ( eid ) ;
if ( e ! = 0 )
if ( e - > setValue ( var , value ) )
log . displayNL ( " Change Var of Entity %s Var %s Value %s " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , var . c_str ( ) , value . c_str ( ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " Unknown entity %s (not a player or a creature) " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( mute , " mute a user " , " <csr id> <player name><duration> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 )
return false ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( ! target | | ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_BAD_TARGET " ) ;
return true ;
CHECK_RIGHT ( c , target ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 duration ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , duration ) ;
NLMISC : : TGameCycle cycle = ( NLMISC : : TGameCycle ) ( duration / CTickEventHandler : : getGameTimeStep ( ) + CTickEventHandler : : getGameCycle ( ) ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
PlayerManager . addGMMute ( eid , target - > getId ( ) , cycle ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( unmute , " unmute a user " , " <csr id> <player name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( ! target | | ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_BAD_TARGET " ) ;
return true ;
PlayerManager . removeGMMute ( eid , target - > getId ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( universe , " chat in universe mode " , " <boolean> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
bool on = ( args [ 1 ] = = " 1 " | | strlwr ( args [ 1 ] ) = = " on " | | strlwr ( args [ 1 ] ) = = " true " ) ;
CMessage msgOut ( " UNIVERSE_MODE " ) ;
msgOut . serial ( const_cast < CEntityId & > ( eid ) ) ;
msgOut . serial ( on ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( " IOS " , msgOut ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( muteUniverse , " mute the univers chat " , " <csr id><player name><duration> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 )
return false ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( ! target | | ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_BAD_TARGET " ) ;
return true ;
// find if the command is available
const CAdminCommand * cmd = findAdminCommand ( " muteUniverse " ) ;
if ( ! cmd )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: Player %s tried to execute a no valid client admin command '%s' " , c - > getId ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , " muteUniverse " ) ;
chatToPlayer ( c - > getId ( ) , " Unknown command " ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! c - > havePriv ( cmd - > Priv ) )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute the client admin command '%s' " , c - > getId ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , " muteUniverse " ) ;
chatToPlayer ( c - > getId ( ) , " You don't have privilege to execute this command " ) ;
return true ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 duration ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , duration ) ;
NLMISC : : TGameCycle cycle = ( NLMISC : : TGameCycle ) ( duration / CTickEventHandler : : getGameTimeStep ( ) + CTickEventHandler : : getGameCycle ( ) ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
PlayerManager . muteUniverse ( eid , cycle , target - > getId ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( unmuteUniverse , " unmute the univers chat " , " <csr id><player name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( ! target | | ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_BAD_TARGET " ) ;
return true ;
// find if the command is available
const CAdminCommand * cmd = findAdminCommand ( " unmuteUniverse " ) ;
if ( ! cmd )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: Player %s tried to execute a no valid client admin command '%s' " , c - > getId ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , " unmuteUniverse " ) ;
chatToPlayer ( c - > getId ( ) , " Unknown command " ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! c - > havePriv ( cmd - > Priv ) )
nlwarning ( " ADMIN: Player %s doesn't have privilege to execute the client admin command '%s' " , c - > getId ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , " unmuteUniverse " ) ;
chatToPlayer ( c - > getId ( ) , " You don't have privilege to execute this command " ) ;
return true ;
PlayerManager . unmuteUniverse ( eid , target - > getId ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setGMGuild , " set the current GM guild " , " " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
uint32 guildId = c - > getGuildId ( ) ;
CGuildManager : : getInstance ( ) - > setGMGuild ( guildId ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( targetInfos , " give infos on the target " , " " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
string answer = " displaying info on target : \n " ;
if ( c - > getTarget ( ) . getType ( ) = = RYZOMID : : creature | | c - > getTarget ( ) . getType ( ) = = RYZOMID : : npc )
CCreature * target = CreatureManager . getCreature ( c - > getTarget ( ) ) ;
if ( ! target )
answer = " invalid creature target " ;
answer = NLMISC : : toString ( " HP : %u / %u " ,
target - > getScores ( ) . _PhysicalScores [ SCORES : : hit_points ] . Current ( ) ,
target - > getScores ( ) . _PhysicalScores [ SCORES : : hit_points ] . Max ( ) ) ;
else if ( c - > getTarget ( ) . getType ( ) = = RYZOMID : : player )
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getChar ( c - > getTarget ( ) ) ;
if ( ! target )
answer + = " invalid player target " ;
const std : : vector < SCharacteristicsAndScores > & scores = target - > getScores ( ) . _PhysicalScores ;
answer = NLMISC : : toString ( " HP : %d / %d \n SAP : %d / %d \n STA : %d / %d \n FOCUS : %d / %d \n " ,
scores [ SCORES : : hit_points ] . Current ( ) , scores [ SCORES : : hit_points ] . Max ( ) ,
scores [ SCORES : : sap ] . Current ( ) , scores [ SCORES : : sap ] . Max ( ) ,
scores [ SCORES : : stamina ] . Current ( ) , scores [ SCORES : : stamina ] . Max ( ) ,
scores [ SCORES : : focus ] . Current ( ) , scores [ SCORES : : focus ] . Max ( ) ) ;
answer + = " \n Displaying skills > 1: \n " ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < target - > getSkills ( ) . _Skills . size ( ) ; i + + )
sint32 base = target - > getSkillBaseValue ( ( SKILLS : : ESkills ) i ) ;
sint32 current = target - > getSkillValue ( ( SKILLS : : ESkills ) i ) ;
if ( base > 1 | | current > 1 )
answer + = NLMISC : : toString ( " %s: %d / %d \n " , SKILLS : : toString ( i ) . c_str ( ) , current , base ) ;
answer + = " invalid target type " ;
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal = answer ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " LITERAL " , params ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( infos , " give info on character (GodMode, Invisible...) " , " " )
CSString str ( " GM STATUS: " ) ;
if ( c - > invulnerableMode ( ) )
if ( c - > godMode ( ) )
str < < " GOD MODE " ;
if ( c - > invulnerableMode ( ) = = false )
str < < " VULNERABLE " ;
if ( R2_VISION : : isEntityVisibleToPlayers ( c - > getWhoSeesMe ( ) ) )
str < < " VISIBLE " ;
if ( IsRingShard )
str < < " INVISIBLE( " < < R2_VISION : : extractInvisibilityLevel ( c - > getWhoSeesMe ( ) ) < < " ) " ;
str < < " INVISIBLE " ;
if ( IsRingShard & & R2_VISION : : extractVisionLevel ( c - > getWhoSeesMe ( ) ) ! = R2_VISION : : VISIBLE )
str < < " SEEINVIS( " < < R2_VISION : : extractVisionLevel ( c - > getWhoSeesMe ( ) ) < < " ) " ;
if ( c - > getAggroableSave ( ) )
str < < " AGGROABLE " ;
str < < " NOT_AGGROABLE " ;
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal = str ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " LITERAL " , params ) ;
return true ;
//NLMISC_COMMAND(addGuildXp,"add xp of a guild","<guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <xp ( positive or negative )>")
// if ( args.size() != 2 )
// return false;
// GET_GUILD(0, true, NLMISC::CEntityId::Unknown);
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
// sint xp;
// NLMISC::fromString(args[1], xp);
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// if ( xp < 0 )
// {
// uint32 uXP = (uint32)(-xp);
// if ( uXP > guild->getXP() )
// guild->spendXP( guild->getXP() );
// else
// guild->spendXP( uXP );
// }
// else
// {
// uint32 uXP = (uint32)xp;
// guild->addXP ( uXP );
// }
// log.displayNL( "added %d xp. Current xp is %u", xp, guild->getXP() );
// return true;
//NLMISC_COMMAND(setGuildChargePoint,"set the charge points of a guild","<guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <points>")
// if ( args.size() != 2 )
// return false;
// GET_GUILD(0, true, NLMISC::CEntityId::Unknown);
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
// uint32 points;
// NLMISC::fromString(args[1], points);
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// guild->clearChargePoints();
// guild->addChargePoints( points );
// log.displayNL( "set charge points to %u", points );
// return true;
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( Invisible , " Invisibility of a player " )
if ( get )
value = R2_VISION : : isEntityVisibleToPlayers ( e - > getWhoSeesMe ( ) ) ? " 0 " : " 1 " ;
TDataSetRow userRow = TheDataset . getDataSetRow ( e - > getId ( ) ) ;
if ( ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( userRow ) )
return ;
// may be null !
CCharacter * c = dynamic_cast < CCharacter * > ( e ) ;
uint64 val ;
if ( value = = " 1 " | | value = = " on " | | strlwr ( value ) = = " true " )
if ( c ! = NULL )
c - > setInvisibility ( true ) ;
if ( IsRingShard )
// seup the default value to use
val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_INVISIBLE_PLAYER , false ) ;
CPlayer * player = PlayerManager . getPlayer ( PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( entity ) ) ;
if ( player ! = NULL )
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :VG: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_INVISIBLE_VG , false ) ;
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :SG: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_INVISIBLE_SG , false ) ;
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :EG: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_INVISIBLE_EG , false ) ;
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :EM: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_INVISIBLE_EM , false ) ;
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :GM: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_INVISIBLE_GM , false ) ;
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :SGM: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_INVISIBLE_SGM , false ) ;
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :DEV: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_INVISIBLE_DEV , false ) ;
val = 0 ;
else if ( value = = " 0 " | | value = = " off " | | strlwr ( value ) = = " false " )
if ( c ! = NULL )
c - > setInvisibility ( false ) ;
if ( IsRingShard )
// seup the default value to use
val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_VISIBLE_PLAYER , false ) ;
CPlayer * player = PlayerManager . getPlayer ( PlayerManager . getPlayerId ( entity ) ) ;
if ( player ! = NULL )
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :VG: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_VISIBLE_VG , false ) ;
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :SG: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_VISIBLE_SG , false ) ;
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :EG: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_VISIBLE_EG , false ) ;
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :EM: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_VISIBLE_EM , false ) ;
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :GM: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_VISIBLE_GM , false ) ;
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :SGM: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_VISIBLE_SGM , false ) ;
if ( player - > havePriv ( " :DEV: " ) ) val = R2_VISION : : buildWhoSeesMe ( R2_VISION : : WHOSEESME_VISIBLE_DEV , false ) ;
val = ~ 0 ;
return ;
// Set visibility of character
e - > setWhoSeesMe ( val ) ;
// Force unmounting (can't be invisible on a mount)
if ( c )
CEntityBase * mount = c - > getMountEntity ( ) ;
if ( mount )
c - > unmount ( true ) ;
// Ignore tells if invisible
CMessage msgout ( " IGNORE_TELL_MODE " ) ;
msgout . serial ( const_cast < CEntityId & > ( e - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
bool ignore = ( val = = 0 ) ;
msgout . serial ( ignore ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( " IOS " , msgout ) ;
nlinfo ( " %s has now '% " NL_I64 " X' in invisibility " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , e - > getWhoSeesMe ( ) ) ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( broadcast , " [repeat=<num repeat> or during=<time in seconds>] [every=<delay in secondes>] message " , " <message> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 )
return false ;
string message ;
uint i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < args . size ( ) ; i + + )
message + = args [ i ] ;
if ( i ! = args . size ( ) - 1 )
message + = " " ;
uint32 repeat = 1 ;
uint32 during = 0 ;
uint32 every = 0 ;
2010-05-17 12:30:28 +00:00
string : : size_type posMessage = 0 ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
2010-05-17 12:30:28 +00:00
string : : size_type pos = message . find ( " repeat " ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( pos ! = string : : npos )
2010-05-17 12:30:28 +00:00
string : : size_type posEgale = message . find ( " = " , pos ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( posEgale ! = string : : npos )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( message . substr ( posEgale + 1 ) , repeat ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( posEgale + 1 > posMessage )
posMessage = posEgale + 1 ;
pos = message . find ( " during " ) ;
if ( pos ! = string : : npos )
2010-05-17 12:30:28 +00:00
string : : size_type posEgale = message . find ( " = " , pos ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( posEgale ! = string : : npos )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( message . substr ( posEgale + 1 ) , during ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( posEgale + 1 > posMessage )
posMessage = posEgale + 1 ;
pos = message . find ( " every " ) ;
if ( pos ! = string : : npos )
2010-05-17 12:30:28 +00:00
string : : size_type posEgale = message . find ( " = " , pos ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( posEgale ! = string : : npos )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( message . substr ( posEgale + 1 ) , every ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( posEgale + 1 > posMessage )
posMessage = posEgale + 1 ;
if ( posMessage ! = 0 )
posMessage = message . find ( " " , posMessage + 1 ) ;
if ( posMessage ! = string : : npos )
message = message . substr ( posMessage + 1 ) ;
message . clear ( ) ;
if ( message . size ( ) = = 0 )
log . displayNL ( " You must enter a not empty message " ) ;
return false ;
if ( repeat > 1 & & during ! = 0 )
log . displayNL ( " You can't use repeat and during option in same time " ) ;
return false ;
if ( ( ( repeat > 1 | | during > 0 ) & & every = = 0 ) | | ( ( every > during ) & & during > 0 ) )
log . displayNL ( " Can't execute broadcast command, check you'r repeat/during/every parameters " ) ;
return false ;
log . displayNL ( " Execute Broadcast: repeat=%d during=%d every=%d message=%s " , repeat , during , every , message . c_str ( ) ) ;
PlayerManager . broadcastMessage ( repeat , during , every , message ) ;
return true ;
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( God , " God mode, invulnerability " )
if ( get )
value = c - > godMode ( ) ? " 1 " : " 0 " ;
if ( value = = " 1 " | | value = = " on " | | strlwr ( value ) = = " god " | | strlwr ( value ) = = " true " )
c - > setGodModeSave ( true ) ;
c - > setGodMode ( true ) ;
else if ( value = = " 0 " | | value = = " off " | | strlwr ( value ) = = " false " )
c - > setGodModeSave ( false ) ;
c - > setGodMode ( false ) ;
nlinfo ( " %s %s now in god mode " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , c - > godMode ( ) ? " is " : " isn't " ) ;
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( Invulnerable , " Invulnerable mode, invulnerability too all " )
if ( get )
value = c - > invulnerableMode ( ) ? " 1 " : " 0 " ;
if ( value = = " 1 " | | value = = " on " | | strlwr ( value ) = = " invulnerable " | | strlwr ( value ) = = " true " )
c - > setInvulnerableMode ( true ) ;
else if ( value = = " 0 " | | value = = " off " | | strlwr ( value ) = = " false " )
c - > setInvulnerableMode ( false ) ;
nlinfo ( " %s %s now in invulnerable mode " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , c - > invulnerableMode ( ) ? " is " : " isn't " ) ;
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
NLMISC_COMMAND ( ShowFactionChannels , " Show faction channels " , " <csr id> <channel> <0|1> " )
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 )
return false ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
// PVP_CLAN::TPVPClan channelClan = PVP_CLAN::fromString( args[1] );
bool display = ( args [ 2 ] = = " 1 " | | strlwr ( args [ 2 ] ) = = " on " | | strlwr ( args [ 2 ] ) = = " true " ) ;
TChanID channel = CPVPManager2 : : getInstance ( ) - > getFactionDynChannel ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( channel = = DYN_CHAT_INVALID_CHAN )
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
log . displayNL ( " Invalid Faction name: '%s' " , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
CPVPManager2 : : getInstance ( ) - > addRemoveFactionChannelToUserWithPriviledge ( channel , c , display ) ;
nlinfo ( " %s %s now in show %s channel mode " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , display ? " is " : " isn't " , channel . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
// If channel not exists create it
NLMISC_COMMAND ( connectUserChannel , " Connect to user channels " , " <user id> <channel_name> [<pass>] " )
if ( ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) | | ( args . size ( ) > 3 ) )
return false ;
CPVPManager2 * inst = CPVPManager2 : : getInstance ( ) ;
string pass ;
2011-03-03 18:32:52 +00:00
string name = args [ 1 ] ;
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
TChanID channel = CPVPManager2 : : getInstance ( ) - > getUserDynChannel ( name ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) < 3 )
2011-03-03 18:32:52 +00:00
pass = toLower ( name ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
pass = args [ 2 ] ;
if ( ( channel = = DYN_CHAT_INVALID_CHAN ) & & ( pass ! = string ( " * " ) ) & & ( pass ! = string ( " *** " ) ) )
channel = inst - > createUserChannel ( name , pass ) ;
if ( channel ! = DYN_CHAT_INVALID_CHAN )
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
string channelPass = inst - > getPassUserChannel ( channel ) ;
if ( ( channel ! = DYN_CHAT_INVALID_CHAN ) & & ( pass = = string ( " *** " ) ) & & ( c - > havePriv ( " :DEV: " ) | | c - > havePriv ( " :SGM: " ) | | c - > havePriv ( " :GM: " ) | | c - > havePriv ( " :EM: " ) ) )
inst - > deleteUserChannel ( name ) ;
else if ( channelPass = = pass )
std : : vector < TChanID > userChannels = inst - > getCharacterUserChannels ( c ) ;
if ( userChannels . size ( ) > = NB_MAX_USER_CHANNELS )
inst - > removeFactionChannelForCharacter ( userChannels [ 0 ] , c , true ) ;
inst - > addFactionChannelToCharacter ( channel , c , true , true ) ;
else if ( pass = = string ( " * " ) )
inst - > removeFactionChannelForCharacter ( channel , c , true ) ;
log . displayNL ( " You don't have rights to connect to channel %s " , name . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
return false ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( PriviledgePVP , " Priviledge Pvp Mode " )
if ( get )
value = c - > priviledgePVP ( ) ? " 1 " : " 0 " ;
if ( value = = " 1 " | | value = = " on " | | strlwr ( value ) = = " pvp " | | strlwr ( value ) = = " true " )
c - > setPriviledgePVP ( true ) ;
else if ( value = = " 0 " | | value = = " off " | | strlwr ( value ) = = " false " )
c - > setPriviledgePVP ( false ) ;
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
// c->setPVPRecentActionFlag();
CPVPManager2 : : getInstance ( ) - > setPVPModeInMirror ( c ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
nlinfo ( " %s %s now in pvp mode " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , c - > priviledgePVP ( ) ? " is " : " isn't " ) ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( addPosFlag , " add a new position flag " , " <csr_eid> <flag_name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
const string & flagName = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( CPositionFlagManager : : getInstance ( ) . flagExists ( flagName ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_POS_FLAG_EXISTS " ) ;
return false ;
CFlagPosition flagPos ( c - > getState ( ) . X ( ) / 1000 , c - > getState ( ) . Y ( ) / 1000 , c - > getState ( ) . Z ( ) / 1000 ) ;
CPositionFlagManager : : getInstance ( ) . setFlag ( flagName , flagPos ) ;
CPositionFlagManager : : getInstance ( ) . saveToFile ( PositionFlagsFileName ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setPosFlag , " set a position flag " , " <csr_eid> <flag_name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
const string & flagName = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( ! CPositionFlagManager : : getInstance ( ) . flagExists ( flagName ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_POS_FLAG_NOT_EXISTS " ) ;
return false ;
CFlagPosition flagPos ( c - > getState ( ) . X ( ) / 1000 , c - > getState ( ) . Y ( ) / 1000 , c - > getState ( ) . Z ( ) / 1000 ) ;
CPositionFlagManager : : getInstance ( ) . setFlag ( flagName , flagPos ) ;
CPositionFlagManager : : getInstance ( ) . saveToFile ( PositionFlagsFileName ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( delPosFlag , " delete a position flag " , " <csr_eid> <flag_name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
const string & flagName = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( ! CPositionFlagManager : : getInstance ( ) . flagExists ( flagName ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_POS_FLAG_NOT_EXISTS " ) ;
return false ;
CPositionFlagManager : : getInstance ( ) . removeFlag ( flagName ) ;
CPositionFlagManager : : getInstance ( ) . saveToFile ( PositionFlagsFileName ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( lPosFlags , " list position flags (short format) " , " <csr_eid> [<radius_in_meters>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 | | args . size ( ) > 2 )
return false ;
uint32 radius = 0 ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 2 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , radius ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CPositionFlagManager : : getInstance ( ) . sendFlagsList ( eid , true , radius ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( listPosFlags , " list position flags (long format) " , " <csr_eid> [<radius_in_meters>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 | | args . size ( ) > 2 )
return false ;
uint32 radius = 0 ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 2 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , radius ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CPositionFlagManager : : getInstance ( ) . sendFlagsList ( eid , false , radius ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( tpPosFlag , " teleport a player to a position flag " , " <eid> <flag_name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
const string & flagName = args [ 1 ] ;
const CFlagPosition * flagPos = CPositionFlagManager : : getInstance ( ) . getFlagPosition ( flagName ) ;
if ( flagPos = = NULL )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_POS_FLAG_NOT_EXISTS " ) ;
return false ;
const sint32 x = flagPos - > X * 1000 ;
const sint32 y = flagPos - > Y * 1000 ;
const sint32 z = flagPos - > Z * 1000 ;
c - > allowNearPetTp ( ) ;
c - > teleportCharacter ( x , y , z , true ) ;
CContinent * continent = CZoneManager : : getInstance ( ) . getContinent ( x , y ) ;
if ( continent ! = NULL )
c - > getRespawnPoints ( ) . addDefaultRespawnPoint ( CONTINENT : : TContinent ( continent - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( updateGuildMembersList , " update guild members list on members clients " , " <csr eid> <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
GET_GUILD ( 1 , false , eid ) ;
guild - > updateMembersStringIds ( ) ;
std : : map < EGSPD : : TCharacterId , EGSPD : : CGuildMemberPD * > : : iterator it ;
for ( it = guild - > getMembersBegin ( ) ; it ! = guild - > getMembersEnd ( ) ; + + it )
CGuildMember * member = EGS_PD_CAST < CGuildMember * > ( ( * it ) . second ) ;
BOMB_IF ( ! member , " null guild member!!! " , continue ) ;
guild - > setMemberClientDB ( member ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( listGuildMembers , " display guild members list " , " <csr eid> <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
GET_GUILD ( 1 , false , eid ) ;
std : : map < EGSPD : : TCharacterId , EGSPD : : CGuildMemberPD * > : : iterator it ;
for ( it = guild - > getMembersBegin ( ) ; it ! = guild - > getMembersEnd ( ) ; + + it )
CGuildMember * member = EGS_PD_CAST < CGuildMember * > ( ( * it ) . second ) ;
BOMB_IF ( ! member , " null guild member!!! " , continue ) ;
const string memberName = CEntityIdTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getByEntity ( member - > getIngameEId ( ) ) . toUtf8 ( ) ;
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_2 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal . fromUtf8 ( memberName ) ;
params [ 1 ] . Literal = EGSPD : : CGuildGrade : : toString ( member - > getGrade ( ) ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_GUILD_MEMBER_LIST " , params ) ;
return true ;
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
NLMISC_COMMAND ( roomInvite , " send a room invite to a player character " , " <eid> <member name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CEntityId eId ;
eId . fromString ( args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
CCharacter * user = PlayerManager . getChar ( eId ) ;
if ( ! user )
log . displayNL ( " <ROOMINVITE>'%s' is not a valid char. Cant process command " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! user - > getEnterFlag ( ) )
log . displayNL ( " '%s' is not entered " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( user - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
log . displayNL ( " '%s' is not valid in mirror " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( user - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( target = = 0 | | target - > getEnterFlag ( ) = = false )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( user - > getId ( ) , " TEAM_INVITED_CHARACTER_MUST_BE_ONLINE " ) ;
return true ;
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : player ) ;
params [ 0 ] . setEIdAIAlias ( user - > getId ( ) , CAIAliasTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getAIAlias ( user - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( target - > getId ( ) , " ROOM_INVITED_BY " , params ) ;
params [ 0 ] . setEIdAIAlias ( target - > getId ( ) , CAIAliasTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getAIAlias ( target - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( user - > getId ( ) , " ROOM_YOU_INVITE " , params ) ;
user - > addRoomAccessToPlayer ( target - > getId ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( roomKick , " kick player from room " , " <eid> <member name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CEntityId eId ;
eId . fromString ( args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
CCharacter * user = PlayerManager . getChar ( eId ) ;
if ( ! user )
log . displayNL ( " <ROOMKICK>'%s' is not a valid char. Cant process command " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! user - > getEnterFlag ( ) )
log . displayNL ( " '%s' is not entered " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( user - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
log . displayNL ( " '%s' is not valid in mirror " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( user - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( target = = 0 | | target - > getEnterFlag ( ) = = false )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( user - > getId ( ) , " TEAM_KICKED_CHARACTER_MUST_BE_ONLINE " ) ;
return true ;
user - > removeRoomAccesToPlayer ( target - > getId ( ) , false ) ;
return true ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
NLMISC_COMMAND ( guildInvite , " send a guild invite to a player character " , " <eid> <member name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CEntityId eId ;
eId . fromString ( args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
CCharacter * user = PlayerManager . getChar ( eId ) ;
if ( ! user )
log . displayNL ( " <GUILDINVITE>'%s' is not a valid char. Cant process command " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! user - > getEnterFlag ( ) )
log . displayNL ( " '%s' is not entered " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( user - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
log . displayNL ( " '%s' is not valid in mirror " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
CGuildMemberModule * gmModule = NULL ;
if ( ! user - > getModuleParent ( ) . getModule ( gmModule ) )
log . displayNL ( " <GUILD>'%s' has no valid guild module, Cant process command " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
uint32 guildId = user - > getGuildId ( ) ;
CGuild * guild = CGuildManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getGuildFromId ( guildId ) ;
if ( guild = = NULL )
log . displayNL ( " <GUILD>'%s' Failed to find guild %u " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , guildId ) ;
return true ;
// make sure the guild is local
if ( guild - > isProxy ( ) )
log . displayNL ( " <GUILD>'%s' is in a foreign guild, Cant process command " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eId , " GUILD_INVITE_ONLY_LOCAL_GUILD " ) ;
return true ;
gmModule - > inviteCharacterInGuild ( PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( user - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( addGuildMember , " add a new member to a guild " , " <csr eid> <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <member name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 )
return false ;
GET_GUILD ( 1 , true , eid ) ;
string memberName = CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 2 ] ) ;
CCharacter * memberChar = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( memberName ) ;
if ( ! memberChar | | ! memberChar - > getEnterFlag ( ) | | ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( memberChar - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
if ( CEntityIdTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getByEntity ( ucstring ( memberName ) ) = = CEntityId : : Unknown )
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal . fromUtf8 ( memberName ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_UNKNOWN_PLAYER " , params ) ;
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal . fromUtf8 ( memberName ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_OFFLINE_PLAYER " , params ) ;
return true ;
CGuildCharProxy proxy ( memberChar ) ;
CGuildMemberModule * module ;
if ( proxy . getModule ( module ) )
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : player ) ;
params [ 0 ] . setEIdAIAlias ( proxy . getId ( ) , CAIAliasTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getAIAlias ( proxy . getId ( ) ) ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_GUILD_ALREADY_MEMBER " , params ) ;
return true ;
// message for all guild members about the new member
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : player ) ;
params [ 0 ] . setEIdAIAlias ( proxy . getId ( ) , CAIAliasTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getAIAlias ( proxy . getId ( ) ) ) ;
guild - > sendMessageToGuildMembers ( " GUILD_JOIN " , params ) ;
proxy . setGuildId ( guild - > getId ( ) ) ;
// message for the new member
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : string_id ) ;
params [ 0 ] . StringId = guild - > getNameId ( ) ;
proxy . sendSystemMessage ( " GUILD_YOU_JOIN " , params ) ;
CGuildMember * member = guild - > newMember ( proxy . getId ( ) ) ;
BOMB_IF ( ! member , " created null guild member! " , return true ) ;
// ask the client to open it's guild interface
PlayerManager . sendImpulseToClient ( proxy . getId ( ) , " GUILD:OPEN_GUILD_WINDOW " ) ;
// module = new CGuildMemberModule( proxy, member );
// BOMB_IF( !module, "created null guild member module!", return true );
// member->setMemberGrade( EGSPD::CGuildGrade::Member );
// guild->setMemberOnline( member, proxy.getId().getDynamicId() );
log . displayNL ( " %s now is a member of guild '%s' " , memberName . c_str ( ) , guild - > getName ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_2 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : player , STRING_MANAGER : : string_id ) ;
params [ 0 ] . setEIdAIAlias ( proxy . getId ( ) , CAIAliasTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getAIAlias ( proxy . getId ( ) ) ) ;
params [ 1 ] . StringId = guild - > getNameId ( ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_GUILD_NEW_MEMBER " , params ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setGuildMemberGrade , " set the grade of a guild member " , " <csr eid> <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <memberName> <grade = Member/Officer/HighOfficer/Leader> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 4 )
return false ;
GET_GUILD ( 1 , true , eid ) ;
string memberName = CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 2 ] ) ;
CEntityId memberEId = CEntityIdTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getByEntity ( ucstring ( memberName ) ) ;
if ( memberEId = = CEntityId : : Unknown )
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal . fromUtf8 ( memberName ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_UNKNOWN_PLAYER " , params ) ;
return true ;
EGSPD : : CGuildGrade : : TGuildGrade grade = EGSPD : : CGuildGrade : : fromString ( args [ 3 ] ) ;
CGuildMember * member = guild - > getMemberFromEId ( memberEId ) ;
if ( ! member )
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_2 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal , STRING_MANAGER : : string_id ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal . fromUtf8 ( memberName ) ;
params [ 1 ] . StringId = uint32 ( guild - > getNameId ( ) ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_GUILD_NOT_MEMBER " , params ) ;
return true ;
guild - > setMemberGrade ( member , grade , & log , eid ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setGuildLeader , " set the leader of a guild " , " <csr eid> <guild_name>|<shardId:guildId> <member name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 )
return false ;
GET_GUILD ( 1 , true , eid ) ;
string memberName = CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 2 ] ) ;
CEntityId memberEId = CEntityIdTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getByEntity ( ucstring ( memberName ) ) ;
if ( memberEId = = CEntityId : : Unknown )
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal . fromUtf8 ( memberName ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_UNKNOWN_PLAYER " , params ) ;
return true ;
CGuildMember * member = guild - > getMemberFromEId ( memberEId ) ;
if ( ! member )
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_2 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal , STRING_MANAGER : : string_id ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal . fromUtf8 ( memberName ) ;
params [ 1 ] . StringId = guild - > getNameId ( ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_GUILD_NOT_MEMBER " , params ) ;
return true ;
if ( member - > getGrade ( ) = = EGSPD : : CGuildGrade : : Leader )
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal . fromUtf8 ( memberName ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_GUILD_ALREADY_HAS_GRADE " , params ) ;
return true ;
CGuildMember * leader = guild - > getLeader ( ) ;
if ( leader )
guild - > setMemberGrade ( leader , EGSPD : : CGuildGrade : : Member , & log , eid ) ;
guild - > setMemberGrade ( member , EGSPD : : CGuildGrade : : Leader , & log , eid ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setPvpClan , " set the pv clan for player " , " <csr eid> <clan number 0=neutral, 1=clan1, 2=clan2 > " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint8 clan ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , clan ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( c & & c - > getEnterFlag ( ) )
if ( c - > getPVPInterface ( ) . isValid ( ) )
c - > getPVPInterface ( ) . setUserClan ( clan ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( startEvent , " start an event with the given name " , " <csr eid> <event name> [<faction1> <faction2> [<Faction 1 GM channel name> <faction2 GM channel Name> [<zone only ?>]]] " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 & & args . size ( ) < 4 )
return false ;
const string & eventName = args [ 1 ] ;
string eventFaction1 ;
string eventFaction2 ;
string eventFaction1ChannelName ;
string eventFaction2ChannelName ;
bool factionChanelInZoneOnly = false ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
eventFaction1 = args [ 2 ] ;
eventFaction2 = args [ 3 ] ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 5 )
eventFaction1ChannelName = args [ 4 ] ;
eventFaction2ChannelName = args [ 5 ] ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 6 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 6 ] , factionChanelInZoneOnly ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CGameEventManager : : getInstance ( ) . resetGameEvent ( eventName , eventFaction1 , eventFaction2 , eventFaction1ChannelName , eventFaction2ChannelName , factionChanelInZoneOnly ) ;
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal . fromUtf8 ( eventName ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_START_EVENT " , params ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( stopEvent , " stop previous started event " , " <csr eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
const string & eventName = CGameEventManager : : getInstance ( ) . getGameEventName ( ) ;
CGameEventManager : : getInstance ( ) . resetGameEvent ( string ( " " ) , string ( " " ) , string ( " " ) , string ( " " ) , string ( " " ) , false ) ;
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal . fromUtf8 ( eventName ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_STOP_EVENT " , params ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setEventFaction , " set the event faction of player " , " <csr eid> <player name> <event faction> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 )
return false ;
const string & playerName = args [ 1 ] ;
const string & eventFaction = args [ 2 ] ;
CCharacter * player = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , playerName ) ) ;
if ( ! player )
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal . fromUtf8 ( playerName ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_UNKNOWN_PLAYER " , params ) ;
return true ;
player - > getGameEvent ( ) . setEventFaction ( eventFaction ) ;
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_2 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : player , STRING_MANAGER : : event_faction ) ;
params [ 0 ] . setEIdAIAlias ( player - > getId ( ) , CAIAliasTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getAIAlias ( player - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
params [ 1 ] . Identifier = eventFaction ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_GET_EVENT_FACTION " , params ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( clearEventFaction , " clear the event faction of player " , " <csr eid> <player name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
const string & playerName = args [ 1 ] ;
CCharacter * player = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , playerName ) ) ;
if ( ! player )
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal . fromUtf8 ( playerName ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_UNKNOWN_PLAYER " , params ) ;
return true ;
player - > getGameEvent ( ) . clearEventFaction ( ) ;
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : player ) ;
params [ 0 ] . setEIdAIAlias ( player - > getId ( ) , CAIAliasTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getAIAlias ( player - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_CLEAR_EVENT_FACTION " , params ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( getEventFaction , " get the event faction of player " , " <csr eid> <player name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
const string & playerName = args [ 1 ] ;
CCharacter * player = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , playerName ) ) ;
if ( ! player )
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : literal ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Literal . fromUtf8 ( playerName ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_UNKNOWN_PLAYER " , params ) ;
return true ;
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_2 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : player , STRING_MANAGER : : event_faction ) ;
params [ 0 ] . setEIdAIAlias ( player - > getId ( ) , CAIAliasTranslator : : getInstance ( ) - > getAIAlias ( player - > getId ( ) ) ) ;
params [ 1 ] . Identifier = player - > getGameEvent ( ) . getEventFaction ( ) ;
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_GET_EVENT_FACTION " , params ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( provideItemService , " provide a service from an item to a player " , " <eid> <sheet name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CSheetId sheetId ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
const CStaticItem * form = CSheets : : getForm ( sheetId ) ;
if ( form )
CItemServiceManager : : getInstance ( ) - > provideService ( form , c ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( dumpFactionPVPDamage , " dump damage made in Faction PvP " , " <eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
PROGRESSIONPVP : : CCharacterProgressionPVP : : getInstance ( ) - > dumpPlayerDamageScoreTable ( c , log ) ;
log . displayNL ( " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( changeHairCut , " change the haircut of a player " , " <eid> <sheet name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CSheetId sheetId ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
const CStaticItem * form = CSheets : : getForm ( sheetId ) ;
if ( form = = NULL )
nlwarning ( " unknown item : '%s' " , sheetId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
if ( form - > Type ! = ITEM_TYPE : : HAIR_MALE & & form - > Type ! = ITEM_TYPE : : HAIR_FEMALE )
nlwarning ( " '%s' is not a haircut item " , sheetId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
uint32 hairValue = CVisualSlotManager : : getInstance ( ) - > sheet2Index ( form - > SheetId , SLOTTYPE : : HEAD_SLOT ) ;
if ( c - > setHair ( hairValue ) )
c - > resetHairCutDiscount ( ) ;
return true ;
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
// create a new channel with a localized name
NLMISC_COMMAND ( addLocalizedChan , " Add a new dyn chat channel " , " <string name of the channel localized name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 ) return false ;
TChanID chanID = DynChatEGS . addLocalizedChan ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
nlwarning ( " Can't create localized channel %s " , args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return true ;
// create a new channel
NLMISC_COMMAND ( addChan , " Add a new dyn chat channel " , " <string name of the channel localized name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
ucstring mess ;
for ( uint k = 2 ; k < args . size ( ) ; + + k )
if ( k ! = 0 ) mess + = ucstring ( " " ) ;
mess + = ucstring ( args [ k ] ) ;
TChanID chanID = DynChatEGS . addChan ( args [ 0 ] , mess ) ;
nlwarning ( " Can't create channel %s " , args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return true ;
// remove a channel
NLMISC_COMMAND ( removeChan , " Remove a new dyn chat channel " , " <string name of the channel localized name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 ) return false ;
TChanID chanID = DynChatEGS . getChanIDFromName ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
nlwarning ( " Unknown channel : %s " , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
bool res = DynChatEGS . removeChan ( chanID ) ;
if ( ! res )
nlwarning ( " Couldn't remove chan : %s " , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
// set historic size for a channel
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setChanHistoricSize , " Set size of the historic for a localized channel " , " <string name of the channel localized name><size> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
TChanID chanID = DynChatEGS . getChanIDFromName ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
nlwarning ( " Unknown channel : %s " , args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint historicSize ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , historicSize ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( historicSize > 1000 )
nlwarning ( " Historic size too big " ) ;
return true ;
DynChatEGS . setHistoricSize ( chanID , historicSize ) ;
return true ;
// add a client to a channel
NLMISC_COMMAND ( addChanClient , " add a client to a channel " , " <client name or user id><string name of the channel localized name>[1=Read/Write,0=ReadOnly(default)] " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
TChanID chanID = DynChatEGS . getChanIDFromName ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
nlwarning ( " Unknown channel : %s " , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
bool writeRight = true ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) > 2 )
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , writeRight ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
bool res = DynChatEGS . addSession ( chanID , c - > getEntityRowId ( ) , writeRight ) ;
if ( ! res )
nlwarning ( " Couldn't add character %s to channel %s " , args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
// remove clients from channels
NLMISC_COMMAND ( removeChanClient , " remove a client to a channel " , " <client name or user id><string name of the channel localized name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
TChanID chanID = DynChatEGS . getChanIDFromName ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
nlwarning ( " Unknown channel : %s " , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
bool res = DynChatEGS . removeSession ( chanID , c - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) ;
if ( ! res )
nlwarning ( " Couldn't remove character %s from channel %s " , args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
// Set the read only for a client in a channel
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setChanClientWriteRight , " set write right for a client in the given channel " , " <client name or user id><string name of the channel localized name><1=Read/Write,0=ReadOnly(default)> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 ) return false ;
TChanID chanID = DynChatEGS . getChanIDFromName ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
nlwarning ( " Unknown channel : %s " , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
bool canWrite ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , canWrite ) ;
bool res = DynChatEGS . setWriteRight ( chanID , c - > getEntityRowId ( ) , canWrite ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( ! res )
nlwarning ( " Couldn't remove character %s from channel %s " , args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
// Display the list of all channels
NLMISC_COMMAND ( chanList , " display the list of all channels " , " <> " )
if ( ! args . empty ( ) ) return false ;
std : : vector < CDynChatChan * > chans ;
DynChatEGS . getChans ( chans ) ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < chans . size ( ) ; + + k )
ucstring name = DynChatEGS . getChanNameFromID ( chans [ k ] - > getID ( ) ) ;
nlinfo ( " Channel name : %s, num sessions = %d, historic size = %d " , name . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , ( int ) chans [ k ] - > getSessionCount ( ) , ( int ) chans [ k ] - > HistoricSize ) ;
return true ;
ENTITY_VARIABLE ( Aggro , " Aggroable by creatures " )
if ( get )
value = toString ( c - > getAggroableOverride ( ) ) ;
TDataSetRow userRow = TheDataset . getDataSetRow ( c - > getId ( ) ) ;
if ( ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( userRow ) )
return ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint8 aggroable ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( value , aggroable ) ;
c - > setAggroableOverride ( aggroable ) ;
c - > setAggroableSave ( aggroable ) ;
aggroable = c - > getAggroableOverride ( ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
nlinfo ( " %s aggroable = %d " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , aggroable ) ;
if ( aggroable > 0 )
nlinfo ( " %s is now aggroable " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
else if ( aggroable < 0 )
nlinfo ( " %s aggroable is defined by privilege " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
nlinfo ( " %s is now non aggroable " , entity . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( acceptProposalForQueue , " player accept to enter critical part (for queue Id i) " , " <eid> <accept (0/1)> [<queueId>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 | | args . size ( ) > 3 ) return false ;
CEntityId eid ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
bool accept ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , accept ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
uint32 queueId = 0 ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 3 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , queueId ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CCharacter * player = PlayerManager . getChar ( eid ) ;
if ( player )
queueId = player - > getEnterCriticalZoneProposalQueueId ( ) ;
CMissionQueueManager : : getInstance ( ) - > playerEntersCriticalArea ( eid , queueId , accept ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( awakePlayerInQueue , " awake player in given queue " , " <eid> <queueId> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
CEntityId eid ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 queueId ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , queueId ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CMissionQueueManager : : getInstance ( ) - > playerWakesUp ( eid , queueId ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( debugMissionsQueues , " dump mission queues for debug " , " " )
CMissionQueueManager : : getInstance ( ) - > dump ( ) ;
return true ;
static bool serialMagicNumberMsg ( const std : : string & msgName , const std : : string & userID , uint64 magicNumber )
CMessage msgout ( " IMPULSION_ID " ) ;
CEntityId eid ( userID ) ;
msgout . serial ( eid ) ;
CBitMemStream bms ;
if ( ! GenericMsgManager . pushNameToStream ( msgName , bms ) )
nlwarning ( " Msg name %s not found " , msgName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return false ;
bms . serial ( magicNumber ) ;
msgout . serialBufferWithSize ( ( uint8 * ) bms . buffer ( ) , bms . length ( ) ) ;
CUnifiedNetwork : : getInstance ( ) - > send ( NLNET : : TServiceId ( eid . getDynamicId ( ) ) , msgout ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( permanentBan , " permanently ban a player (player must be online) " , " " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 ) return false ;
return serialMagicNumberMsg ( " CONNECTION:PERMANENT_BAN " , args [ 0 ] , PermanentBanMSGMagicNumber ) ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( permanentUnban , " unban a player (player must be online) " , " " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 ) return false ;
return serialMagicNumberMsg ( " CONNECTION:UNBAN " , args [ 0 ] , PermanentUnbanMSGMagicNumber ) ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( nbKnownPhrases , " display nb of known phrases for player " , " <eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
CEntityId eid ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
CCharacter * player = PlayerManager . getChar ( eid ) ;
if ( ! player )
nlwarning ( " Player %s not found " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
const vector < CKnownPhrase > & kp = player - > getKnownPhrases ( ) ;
nlinfo ( " For player %s, size of Known Phrases vector = %u " , eid . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , kp . size ( ) ) ;
uint count = 0 ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < kp . size ( ) ; + + i )
if ( ! kp [ i ] . empty ( ) )
+ + count ;
nlinfo ( " Total nb of non null known phrases = %u " , count ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( displayShopSelector , " display shop selector for a NPC " , " " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 ) return false ;
CEntityId eid ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
CCreature * c = CreatureManager . getCreature ( eid ) ;
if ( c ! = 0 )
c - > displayShopSelectors ( log ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( addFactionAttackableToTarget , " Add a faction to attackable list to given entity target creature/npc " , " <player eid> <faction name> <fameLevel -600+600> <0/1 0 = below 1 = above> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 4 ) return false ;
// get faction
uint factionIndex = CStaticFames : : getInstance ( ) . getFactionIndex ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( factionIndex ! = CStaticFames : : INVALID_FACTION_INDEX )
const CEntityId & target = c - > getTarget ( ) ;
if ( target ! = CEntityId : : Unknown & & target . getType ( ) ! = RYZOMID : : player )
CCreature * creature = CreatureManager . getCreature ( target ) ;
if ( creature )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint32 fameLevel ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , fameLevel ) ;
bool above ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 3 ] , above ) ;
creature - > addFactionAttackable ( factionIndex , fameLevel * FameAbsoluteMax / 100 , above ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( taskPass , " pass a task from a rite " , " <player eid> <rite> [<task>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 & & args . size ( ) ! = 3 ) return false ;
string rite = args [ 1 ] ;
uint32 nAlbum = 0 ;
uint32 nThema = 0 ;
uint32 taskCount = 0 ;
CSheets : : getEncyclopedia ( ) . getRiteInfos ( rite , nAlbum , nThema , taskCount ) ;
if ( nAlbum ! = 0 & & nThema ! = 0 & & taskCount ! = 0 )
CCharacterEncyclopedia & rEncy = c - > getEncyclopedia ( ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) = = 3 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 nTask ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , nTask ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( nTask > 7 )
nlwarning ( " <taskPass> task index too high : %d " , nTask ) ;
return false ;
rEncy . updateTask ( nAlbum , nThema , nTask , 2 , true ) ;
uint i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < = taskCount ; + + i )
rEncy . updateTask ( nAlbum , nThema , i , 2 , true ) ;
nlwarning ( " <taskPass> wrong rite ? %s " , rite . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( setFamePlayer , " set the fame value of a player in the given faction " , " <player eid> <faction> <fame> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 3 )
return false ;
string faction = args [ 1 ] ;
uint32 factionIndex = PVP_CLAN : : getFactionIndex ( PVP_CLAN : : fromString ( faction ) ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint32 fame ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , fame ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CFameManager : : getInstance ( ) . setEntityFame ( c - > getId ( ) , factionIndex , fame , true ) ;
return true ;
2011-03-09 12:52:52 +00:00
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventCreateNpcGroup , " create an event npc group " , " <player eid> <nbBots> <sheet> [<dispersionRadius=10m> [<spawnBots=true> [<orientation=random|self|-360..360> [<name> [<x> [<y>]]]]]] " )
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) < 3 ) return false ;
uint32 instanceNumber = e - > getInstanceNumber ( ) ;
sint32 x = e - > getX ( ) ;
sint32 y = e - > getY ( ) ;
2010-07-08 14:06:34 +00:00
sint32 orientation = 6666 ; // used to specify a random orientation
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
uint32 nbBots = NLMISC : : atoui ( args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( nbBots < = 0 )
log . displayNL ( " invalid bot count " ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC : : CSheetId sheetId ( args [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( sheetId = = NLMISC : : CSheetId : : Unknown )
sheetId = args [ 2 ] + " .creature " ;
if ( sheetId = = NLMISC : : CSheetId : : Unknown )
log . displayNL ( " invalid sheet id " ) ;
return true ;
double dispersionRadius = 10. ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
dispersionRadius = atof ( args [ 3 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( dispersionRadius < 0. )
log . displayNL ( " invalid dispersion radius " ) ;
return true ;
bool spawnBots = true ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 4 )
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 4 ] , spawnBots ) ;
2010-07-08 14:06:34 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) > 5 )
if ( args [ 5 ] = = " self " )
orientation = ( sint32 ) ( e - > getHeading ( ) * 1000.0 ) ;
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
else if ( args [ 5 ] ! = " random " )
2010-07-08 14:06:34 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 5 ] , orientation ) ;
orientation = ( sint32 ) ( ( double ) orientation / 360.0 * ( NLMISC : : Pi * 2.0 ) * 1000.0 ) ;
std : : string botsName ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 6 ) botsName = args [ 6 ] ;
2011-03-09 12:52:52 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) > 7 )
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 7 ] , x ) ;
x = x * 1000 ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 8 )
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 8 ] , y ) ;
y = y * 1000 ;
2010-07-08 14:06:34 +00:00
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CMessage msgout ( " EVENT_CREATE_NPC_GROUP " ) ;
uint32 messageVersion = 1 ;
msgout . serial ( messageVersion ) ;
msgout . serial ( instanceNumber ) ;
msgout . serial ( x ) ;
msgout . serial ( y ) ;
2010-07-08 14:06:34 +00:00
msgout . serial ( orientation ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
msgout . serial ( nbBots ) ;
msgout . serial ( sheetId ) ;
msgout . serial ( dispersionRadius ) ;
msgout . serial ( spawnBots ) ;
2010-07-08 14:06:34 +00:00
msgout . serial ( botsName ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CWorldInstances : : instance ( ) . msgToAIInstance2 ( instanceNumber , msgout ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventNpcGroupScript , " executes a script on an event npc group " , " <bot eid> <script> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 ) return false ;
uint32 instanceNumber = e - > getInstanceNumber ( ) ;
2010-05-18 14:53:47 +00:00
uint32 nbString = ( uint32 ) args . size ( ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CMessage msgout ( " EVENT_NPC_GROUP_SCRIPT " ) ;
uint32 messageVersion = 1 ;
msgout . serial ( messageVersion ) ;
msgout . serial ( nbString ) ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < nbString ; + + i )
string arg = args [ i ] ;
msgout . serial ( arg ) ;
CWorldInstances : : instance ( ) . msgToAIInstance2 ( instanceNumber , msgout ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventSetBotName , " changes the name of a bot " , " <bot eid> <name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
TDataSetRow row = e - > getEntityRowId ( ) ;
ucstring name ;
name . fromUtf8 ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
NLNET : : CMessage msgout ( " CHARACTER_NAME " ) ;
msgout . serial ( row ) ;
msgout . serial ( name ) ;
sendMessageViaMirror ( " IOS " , msgout ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventSetBotScale , " changes the scale of a bot (in % up to 255) " , " <bot eid> <scale in %> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
TDataSetRow row = e - > getEntityRowId ( ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 scale ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , scale ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( scale > 255 )
scale = 0 ;
CMirrorPropValue < SAltLookProp2 , CPropLocationPacked < 2 > > visualPropertyB ( TheDataset , row , DSPropertyVPB ) ;
SET_STRUCT_MEMBER ( visualPropertyB , PropertySubData . Scale , scale ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventSetNpcGroupAggroRange , " changes the aggro range of a npc group " , " <bot eid> <range> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
uint32 instanceNumber = e - > getInstanceNumber ( ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > args2 ;
args2 . push_back ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
args2 . push_back ( NLMISC : : toString ( " ()setAggro(%f, 0); " , atof ( args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ) ) ;
2010-05-18 14:53:47 +00:00
uint32 nbString = ( uint32 ) args2 . size ( ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CMessage msgout ( " EVENT_NPC_GROUP_SCRIPT " ) ;
uint32 messageVersion = 1 ;
msgout . serial ( messageVersion ) ;
msgout . serial ( nbString ) ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < nbString ; + + i )
string arg = args2 [ i ] ;
msgout . serial ( arg ) ;
CWorldInstances : : instance ( ) . msgToAIInstance2 ( instanceNumber , msgout ) ;
return true ;
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventSetNpcGroupEmote , " Set emote animation to a npc group " , " <bot eid> <emote> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
CEntityId entityId ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
uint32 instanceNumber = e - > getInstanceNumber ( ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > args2 ;
args2 . push_back ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
args2 . push_back ( NLMISC : : toString ( " ()emote( \" %s \" , \" %s \" ); " , entityId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
uint32 nbString = ( uint32 ) args2 . size ( ) ;
CMessage msgout ( " EVENT_NPC_GROUP_SCRIPT " ) ;
uint32 messageVersion = 1 ;
msgout . serial ( messageVersion ) ;
msgout . serial ( nbString ) ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < nbString ; + + i )
string arg = args2 [ i ] ;
msgout . serial ( arg ) ;
CWorldInstances : : instance ( ) . msgToAIInstance2 ( instanceNumber , msgout ) ;
return true ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventSetFaunaBotAggroRange , " changes the aggro range of a fauna bot " , " <bot eid> <not hungry range> [<hungry range> [<hunting range>]] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
uint32 instanceNumber = e - > getInstanceNumber ( ) ;
uint32 messageVersion = 1 ;
string botName = args [ 0 ] ;
float notHungryRadius = ( float ) atof ( args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
float hungryRadius = - 1.f ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 2 )
hungryRadius = ( float ) atof ( args [ 2 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
float huntingRadius = - 1.f ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
huntingRadius = ( float ) atof ( args [ 3 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
CMessage msgout ( " EVENT_FAUNA_BOT_SET_RADII " ) ;
msgout . serial ( messageVersion ) ;
msgout . serial ( botName ) ;
msgout . serial ( notHungryRadius ) ;
msgout . serial ( hungryRadius ) ;
msgout . serial ( huntingRadius ) ;
CWorldInstances : : instance ( ) . msgToAIInstance2 ( instanceNumber , msgout ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventResetFaunaBotAggroRange , " reset the aggro range of a fauna bot to sheet defaults " , " <bot eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 ) return false ;
uint32 instanceNumber = e - > getInstanceNumber ( ) ;
uint32 messageVersion = 1 ;
string botName = args [ 0 ] ;
CMessage msgout ( " EVENT_FAUNA_BOT_RESET_RADII " ) ;
msgout . serial ( messageVersion ) ;
msgout . serial ( botName ) ;
CWorldInstances : : instance ( ) . msgToAIInstance2 ( instanceNumber , msgout ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventSetBotCanAggro , " tells the bot if he can aggro or not " , " <bot eid> <can aggro> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
uint32 instanceNumber = e - > getInstanceNumber ( ) ;
uint32 messageVersion = 1 ;
string botName = args [ 0 ] ;
bool canAggro = true ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , canAggro ) ;
CMessage msgout ( " EVENT_BOT_CAN_AGGRO " ) ;
msgout . serial ( messageVersion ) ;
msgout . serial ( botName ) ;
msgout . serial ( canAggro ) ;
CWorldInstances : : instance ( ) . msgToAIInstance2 ( instanceNumber , msgout ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventSetBotSheet , " Change the sheet of a bot " , " <bot eid> <sheet id> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
uint32 instanceNumber = e - > getInstanceNumber ( ) ;
uint32 messageVersion = 3 ;
bool bAutoSpawnDespawn = false ;
string botName = args [ 0 ] ;
string sCustomName ; // Not needed here
CSheetId sheetId ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( sheetId = = CSheetId : : Unknown )
sheetId = CSheetId ( args [ 1 ] + " .creature " ) ;
if ( sheetId = = CSheetId : : Unknown )
log . displayNL ( " Unknown sheet id '%s' " , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
CMessage msgout ( " EVENT_BOT_SHEET " ) ;
msgout . serial ( messageVersion ) ;
msgout . serial ( botName ) ;
msgout . serial ( sheetId ) ;
msgout . serial ( bAutoSpawnDespawn ) ;
msgout . serial ( sCustomName ) ;
CWorldInstances : : instance ( ) . msgToAIInstance2 ( instanceNumber , msgout ) ;
return true ;
2010-10-23 12:29:27 +00:00
/*NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetBotVPx, "Change the VPx of a bot", "<bot eid> <vpx>")
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
uint32 instanceNumber = e - > getInstanceNumber ( ) ;
uint32 messageVersion = 3 ;
string botName = args [ 0 ] ;
string vpx = args [ 1 ] ;
CMessage msgout ( " EVENT_BOT_VPX " ) ;
msgout . serial ( messageVersion ) ;
msgout . serial ( botName ) ;
msgout . serial ( vpx ) ;
CWorldInstances : : instance ( ) . msgToAIInstance2 ( instanceNumber , msgout ) ;
return true ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
extern sint32 clientEventSetItemCustomText ( CCharacter * character , INVENTORIES : : TInventory inventory , uint32 slot , ucstring const & text ) ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventSetItemCustomText , " set an item custom text, which replaces help text " , " <eId> <inventory> <slot in inventory> <text> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 4 )
return false ;
if ( ! c )
log . displayNL ( " Invalid character '%s' " , args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
INVENTORIES : : TInventory inventory ;
uint32 slot ;
ucstring text ;
inventory = INVENTORIES : : toInventory ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , slot ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
text . fromUtf8 ( args [ 3 ] ) ;
sint32 ret = clientEventSetItemCustomText ( c , inventory , slot , text ) ;
switch ( ret )
case 0 :
log . displayNL ( " Item in slot %u has now the custom text \" %s \" " , slot , text . toUtf8 ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
break ;
case - 1 :
log . displayNL ( " '%s' is not a valid inventory name " , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
break ;
case - 2 :
log . displayNL ( " Invalid slot %u " , slot ) ;
break ;
case - 3 :
log . displayNL ( " Empty slot %u " , slot ) ;
break ;
default :
log . displayNL ( " Unknown error " ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventResetItemCustomText , " set an item custom text, which replaces help text " , " <eId> <inventory> <slot in inventory> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 3 )
log . displayNL ( " not enough parameters " ) ;
return false ;
INVENTORIES : : TInventory inventory = INVENTORIES : : toInventory ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( inventory = = INVENTORIES : : UNDEFINED )
log . displayNL ( " '%s' is not a valid inventory name " , args [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 slot ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , slot ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
CInventoryPtr invent = c - > getInventory ( inventory ) ;
if ( slot > = invent - > getSlotCount ( ) )
log . displayNL ( " Invalid slot %u max = %u " , slot , invent - > getSlotCount ( ) - 1 ) ;
return true ;
if ( invent - > getItem ( slot ) = = NULL )
log . displayNL ( " empty slot %u " , slot ) ;
return true ;
CGameItemPtr item = invent - > getItem ( slot ) ;
item - > setCustomText ( ucstring ( ) ) ;
// Following line was commented out by trap, reason unknown
c - > incSlotVersion ( INVENTORIES : : bag , slot ) ;
log . displayNL ( " item in slot %u has now its default text displayed " , slot ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( useCatalyser , " use an xp catalyser " , " <eId> [<slot in bag>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
log . displayNL ( " not enough parameters " ) ;
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint32 slot ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , slot ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( slot > 0 )
c - > useItem ( ( uint32 ) slot ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventSetBotFaction , " changes the faction of a bot " , " <bot eid> <faction>|default " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
CEntityId eid ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
CCreature * creature = CreatureManager . getCreature ( eid ) ;
if ( creature )
if ( args [ 1 ] = = " default " )
creature - > resetFaction ( ) ;
creature - > setFaction ( CStaticFames : : getInstance ( ) . getFactionIndex ( args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventSetBotFameByKill , " set the fame a player win after killing a bot " , " <bot eid> <fame>|default " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
CEntityId eid ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
sint32 fame = 0 ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , fame ) ;
CCreature * creature = CreatureManager . getCreature ( eid ) ;
if ( creature )
if ( args [ 1 ] = = " default " )
creature - > resetFameByKill ( ) ;
creature - > resetFameByKillValid ( ) ;
creature - > setFameByKill ( fame ) ;
creature - > setFameByKillValid ( true ) ;
return true ;
// Dev only ------------------------------------------------------------------
NLMISC_COMMAND ( displayPositionStack , " Display the position stack of a character (top to bottom) (works as soon as player is connected) " , " <eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 )
return false ;
// Get character without using GET_CHARACTER to prevent from issueing an "offline command"
CEntityId eid ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( eid = = CEntityId : : Unknown )
return true ;
CCharacter * c = PlayerManager . getChar ( eid ) ;
if ( c = = 0 )
log . displayNL ( " Character not found " ) ;
return true ;
if ( c - > sessionId ( ) = = SessionLockPositionStack )
COfflineEntityState st ( c - > getState ( ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " [STACK LOCKED] Current pos: %s " , st . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
for ( sint p = ( ( sint ) ( c - > PositionStack . size ( ) ) ) - 1 ; p > = 0 ; - - p )
log . displayNL ( " %u: Session %u, %s " , p , c - > PositionStack [ p ] . SessionId . asInt ( ) , c - > PositionStack [ p ] . PosState . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
// Dev only ------------------------------------------------------------------
NLMISC_COMMAND ( popPosition , " Remove the top position in the stack of a character " , " <eid> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 )
return false ;
if ( ! c - > PositionStack . empty ( ) )
c - > PositionStack . pop ( ) ;
log . displayNL ( " OK, %u remaining in stack " , c - > PositionStack . size ( ) ) ;
log . displayNL ( " No pos in stack " ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( farTPPush , " Far TP a character, but let the current position in the stack for returning. Pos in meters. " , " <eid> <destSessionId> [<X> <Y> [<Z> [<Heading>]]] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 )
return false ;
// Push the new position into the stack
c - > pushCurrentPosition ( ) ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 sessionId ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , sessionId ) ;
c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . SessionId = TSessionId ( sessionId ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . X ) ;
c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . X * = 1000 ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 3 ] , c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . Y ) ;
c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . Y * = 1000 ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) > 4 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 4 ] , c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . Z ) ;
c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . Z * = 1000 ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) > 5 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 5 ] , c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . Heading ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Lock the stack to save it in this state, and make the client Far TP
c - > setSessionId ( SessionLockPositionStack ) ;
c - > requestFarTP ( c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . SessionId ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( farTPReplace , " Far TP a character. Pos in meters. Default values = current values " , " <eid> [<destSessionId> [<X> <Y> [<Z> [<Heading>]]]] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 )
return false ;
// Modify the top position in the stack
if ( c - > PositionStack . empty ( ) )
c - > pushCurrentPosition ( ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) > 1 ) // with the same session id: will make the client reconnect
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 sessionId ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , sessionId ) ;
c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . SessionId = TSessionId ( sessionId ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . X ) ;
c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . X * = 1000 ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 3 ] , c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . Y ) ;
c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . Y * = 1000 ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) > 4 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 4 ] , c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . Z ) ;
c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . Z * = 1000 ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) > 5 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 5 ] , c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . PosState . Heading ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Lock the stack to save it in this state, and make the client Far TP
c - > setSessionId ( SessionLockPositionStack ) ;
c - > requestFarTP ( c - > PositionStack . topToModify ( ) . SessionId , false ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( farTPReturn , " Far TP a character back to the previous session in the stack " , " " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 )
return false ;
c - > returnToPreviousSession ( ~ 0 , ~ 0 , 0 ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( farTPSubst , " Substitute a position in the stack (no immediate far TP, does not lock the stack, works as soon as player is connected). Pos in meters. Default values = current values " , " <eid> index <sessionId> [<X> <Y> [<Z> [<Heading>]]] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 3 )
return false ;
// Get character without using GET_CHARACTER to prevent from issueing an "offline command"
CEntityId eid ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( eid = = CEntityId : : Unknown )
return true ;
CCharacter * c = PlayerManager . getChar ( eid ) ;
if ( c = = 0 )
log . displayNL ( " Character not found " ) ;
return true ;
// Access the specified position in the stack
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint index ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 1 ] , index ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( c - > PositionStack . size ( ) < = index )
log . displayNL ( " Index out of bounds " ) ;
return true ;
// Modify
CFarPosition newFarPos = c - > PositionStack [ index ] ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
uint32 sessionId ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 2 ] , sessionId ) ;
newFarPos . SessionId = TSessionId ( sessionId ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) > 3 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 3 ] , newFarPos . PosState . X ) ;
newFarPos . PosState . X * = 1000 ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 4 ] , newFarPos . PosState . Y ) ;
newFarPos . PosState . Y * = 1000 ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) > 5 )
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 5 ] , newFarPos . PosState . Z ) ;
newFarPos . PosState . Z * = 1000 ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( args . size ( ) > 6 )
newFarPos . PosState . Heading = ( float ) atof ( args [ 6 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
c - > PositionStack . substFarPosition ( index , newFarPos ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( teamInvite , " send a team invite to a player character " , " <eid> <member name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 2 )
return false ;
CEntityId eId ;
eId . fromString ( args [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
// check user
CCharacter * user = PlayerManager . getChar ( eId ) ;
if ( ! user )
log . displayNL ( " <TEAMINVITE>'%s' is not a valid char. Cant process command " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! user - > getEnterFlag ( ) )
log . displayNL ( " '%s' is not entered " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( user - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
log . displayNL ( " '%s' is not valid in mirror " , eId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
// Get target
CCharacter * invitedCharacter = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( user - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( invitedCharacter = = 0 | | invitedCharacter - > getEnterFlag ( ) = = false )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( user - > getId ( ) , " TEAM_INVITED_CHARACTER_MUST_BE_ONLINE " ) ;
return true ;
// Join
user - > setAfkState ( false ) ;
TeamManager . joinProposal ( user , invitedCharacter - > getId ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( resetPVPTimers , " reset the pvp timers of a player " , " <CSR eId><player name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 )
return false ;
CCharacter * target = PlayerManager . getCharacterByName ( CShardNames : : getInstance ( ) . makeFullNameFromRelative ( c - > getHomeMainlandSessionId ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( ! target | | ! TheDataset . isAccessible ( target - > getEntityRowId ( ) ) )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( eid , " CSR_BAD_TARGET " ) ;
return true ;
CHECK_RIGHT ( c , target ) ;
target - > resetPVPTimers ( ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( revive , " player revives at full health at his location " , " <eId> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 )
return false ;
c - > revive ( ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( quitDelay , " Inform the player that the shard will be stopped in N seconds " , " <timeBeforeShutdown> " )
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 )
return false ;
2010-10-23 15:39:06 +00:00
sint delay ;
NLMISC : : fromString ( args [ 0 ] , delay ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
SM_STATIC_PARAMS_1 ( params , STRING_MANAGER : : integer ) ;
params [ 0 ] . Int = delay ;
IPlayerManager & pm = CPlayerManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
const IPlayerManager : : TMapPlayers & players = pm . getPlayers ( ) ;
IPlayerManager : : TMapPlayers : : const_iterator first ( players . begin ( ) ) , last ( players . end ( ) ) ;
for ( ; first ! = last ; + + first )
CCharacter * character = pm . getActiveChar ( first - > first ) ;
if ( character ! = NULL )
CCharacter : : sendDynamicSystemMessage ( TheDataset . getDataSetRow ( character - > getId ( ) ) , " SHUTDOWN_WARNING " , params ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventSetBotURL , " changes the url of a bot " , " <bot eid> [<url>] " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 1 ) return false ;
CEntityId eid ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
CCreature * creature = CreatureManager . getCreature ( eid ) ;
if ( ! creature )
log . displayNL ( " Not a creature " ) ;
return false ;
uint32 program = creature - > getBotChatProgram ( ) ;
if ( ! ( program & ( 1 < < BOTCHATTYPE : : WebPageFlag ) ) ) {
if ( program ! = 0 )
log . displayNL ( " This creature already had a program 0x%x, cannot add a web program " , program ) ;
return false ;
log . displayNL ( " Add web program on this creature " ) ;
program | = 1 < < BOTCHATTYPE : : WebPageFlag ;
creature - > setBotChatProgram ( program ) ;
const string & wp = creature - > getWebPage ( ) ;
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) {
log . displayNL ( " Remove web program on this creature " ) ;
( string & ) wp = " " ;
program & = ~ ( 1 < < BOTCHATTYPE : : WebPageFlag ) ;
creature - > setBotChatProgram ( program ) ;
( string & ) wp = args [ 1 ] ;
log . displayNL ( " Set url '%s' " , creature - > getWebPage ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
NLMISC_COMMAND ( eventSetBotURLName , " changes the url name of a bot " , " <bot eid> <name> " )
if ( args . size ( ) < 2 ) return false ;
CEntityId eid ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
CCreature * creature = CreatureManager . getCreature ( eid ) ;
if ( ! creature )
log . displayNL ( " Not a creature " ) ;
return false ;
uint32 program = creature - > getBotChatProgram ( ) ;
if ( ! ( program & ( 1 < < BOTCHATTYPE : : WebPageFlag ) ) ) {
log . displayNL ( " This creature is not flagged as chat in web 0x%x " , program ) ;
return false ;
const string & wpn = creature - > getWebPageName ( ) ;
( string & ) wpn = args [ 1 ] ;
log . displayNL ( " Set url name '%s' " , creature - > getWebPageName ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;