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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/plane.h"
#include "nel/misc/contiguous_block_allocator.h"
#include "nel/3d/transform_shape.h"
#include "nel/3d/particle_system.h"
#include "nel/3d/particle_system_manager.h"
#include "nel/3d/clip_trav.h"
#include "nel/3d/anim_detail_trav.h"
#include "nel/3d/load_balancing_trav.h"
#include "nel/3d/scene.h"
// tmp
#include "nel/misc/hierarchical_timer.h"
#include <vector>
namespace NL3D {
// SEE also CParticleSystemshape, CParticleSystem //
class CParticleSystem;
class CScene;
class CParticleSystemShape;
/** A particle system model : it is built using a CParticleSystemShape.
* You should forgot to call the animate() method of the CScene it is part of
* if you want motion to be performed
class CParticleSystemModel : public CTransformShape
///\name Object
/// ctor
/// dtor
/// register the basic models
static void registerBasic();
///\name Embedded particle system
/** Get the particle system contained in this transform shape. (NB: This is shared by a smart ptr)
* \return pointer to the system, or NULL if no system is currently hold by this model.
* this may happen when the system is not visible and that it has been deleted
CParticleSystem *getPS(void)
return _ParticleSystem;
/** Get the particle system (NB : This is shared by a smart ptr) contained in this transform shape.
* This may be null if the model is not visible.
const CParticleSystem *getPS(void) const
return _ParticleSystem;
/** Set the particle system for this transform shape after it has been instanciated (from a memory stream, or by sharing)
* see CParticleSystemShape
void setParticleSystem(CParticleSystem *ps)
_ParticleSystem = ps;
///\name Life managment
* test whether the system has become invalid. The condition for a system to be invalid
* are encoded in the system itself (no more particles for example). When a system has become invalid, you may want to remove it most of the time
bool isInvalid(void) const { return _Invalidated; }
/// interface for object that observe this model. They will be notified when it becomes invalid
struct IPSModelObserver
virtual ~IPSModelObserver() {}
/// called when a system has been invalidated
virtual void invalidPS(CParticleSystemModel *psm) = 0;
/// register an observer that will be notified when this model becomes invalid
void registerPSModelObserver(IPSModelObserver *obs);
/** remove an observer
* \see registerPSModelObserver
void removePSModelObserver(IPSModelObserver *obs);
/// test whether obs observe this model
bool isPSModelObserver(IPSModelObserver *obs);
//\name Time managment
/** when called with true, this force the model to querry himself the ellapsed time to the scene.
* This is the default. Otherwise, setEllapsedTime must be called
void enableAutoGetEllapsedTime(bool enable = true)
_AutoGetEllapsedTime = enable;
/** This apply a ratio on the ellapsed time. This can be used to slow down a system
* This must be in the >= 0.
* 1 means the system run at normal speed
void setEllapsedTimeRatio(float value)
nlassert(value >= 0);
_EllapsedTimeRatio = value;
float getEllapsedTimeRatio() const { return _EllapsedTimeRatio; }
/// tells whether the model will querry himself for the ellapsed time
bool isAutoGetEllapsedTimeEnabled(void) const
return _AutoGetEllapsedTime;
/// set the ellapsed time (in second) used for animation.
void setEllapsedTime(TAnimationTime ellapsedTime)
_EllapsedTime = ellapsedTime;
/// get the ellapsed time used for animation
TAnimationTime getEllapsedTime(void) const
return _EllapsedTime;
///\name Edition related methods
/// activate the display of tool (for edition purpose)
void enableDisplayTools(bool enable = true);
// check whether the display of tools is enabled
bool isToolDisplayEnabled(void) const
return _ToolDisplayEnabled;
/** force the edition mode : this will prevent the system from being removed when it is out of range.
* When the model is first allocated, the system resource are not allocated until it becomes visible.
* This also forces the resources to be allocated.
* when there are no more particles in it etc. (this also mean that you can safely keep a pointer on it)
* This flag is not saved.
void setEditionMode(bool enable = true) ;
/// test if edition mode is activated
bool getEditionMode(void) const
return _EditionMode;
/// edition purpose : touch the system to tell that the transparency state of the system has changed (added/removed opaque/tansparent faces )
void touchTransparencyState(void)
_TransparencyStateTouched = true;
/// edition purpose : touch the system to tell that the lightable state of the system has changed (added/removed lightable faces )
void touchLightableState(void)
_LightableStateTouched = true;
///\name User params / animation
/// for now, we have 4 animatables value in a system
enum TAnimValues
OwnerBit= CTransformShape::AnimValueLast,
PSTrigger, // trigger the instanciation of the system
virtual IAnimatedValue *getValue (uint valueId);
virtual const char *getValueName (uint valueId) const;
static const char *getPSParamName (uint valueId);
virtual ITrack *getDefaultTrack (uint valueId);
virtual void registerToChannelMixer(CChannelMixer *chanMixer,
const std::string &prefix = "");
// Bypass a global user param.
void bypassGlobalUserParamValue(uint userParamIndex, bool byPass = true);
bool isGlobalUserParamValueBypassed(uint userParamIndex) const;
/** This update the infos about opacity (e.g are there solid faces and / or transparent faces in the system).
* This must be called when the system is instanciated, or when attributes have changed, such as the blending mode
void updateOpacityInfos(void);
// Update the lighted/not lighted flag of the system
void updateLightingInfos(void);
virtual void getAABBox(NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox) const;
/// inherited from CTransformShape. Returns the number of triangles wanted depeneding on the distance
virtual float getNumTriangles (float distance);
/// create an instance of this class
static CTransform *creator()
return new CParticleSystemModel;
/// \name CTransform traverse specialisation
// @{
/** Very special clip for Particle System (because of the complexity of not rendered, but still detail-animated...)
virtual void traverseClip();
// no-op clip() because all done in special traverse()
virtual bool clip();
* - call CTransformShape::traverseAnimDetail()
* - Detail animation for a particle system. It perform motion of the particles
* (so, motion occurs only when the system has not be clipped)
virtual void traverseAnimDetail();
virtual void traverseRender();
// @}
// activate / deactivate all emitters
void activateEmitters(bool active);
// test if there are active emitters in the system
bool hasActiveEmitters() const;
// user color
void setUserColor(NLMISC::CRGBA userColor);
NLMISC::CRGBA getUserColor() const { return _UserColor; }
/** Set user matrix of the system.
* Particle can be located in various coordinate system :
* - in world (identity matrix)
* - local to the particle system (matrix of the particle system)
* - local to the coord. sys. defined by the user matrix
void setUserMatrix(const NLMISC::CMatrix &userMatrix) { _UserMatrix = userMatrix; }
// Set the user matrix, with instant update of the CParticleSystem pointed by that model (if instanciated)
void forceSetUserMatrix(const NLMISC::CMatrix &userMatrix);
const NLMISC::CMatrix &getUserMatrix() const { return _UserMatrix; }
void forceInstanciate();
// Set z-bias. Value is in world coordinates. Value remains even if ps isn't present (rsc not allocated)
void setZBias(float value);
// sound on / off
void stopSound();
void reactivateSound();
// from CTransform
virtual void update();
friend class CParticleSystemShape;
friend class CParticleSystemManager;
/// Called when the resource (attached system) for this system must be reallocated
void reallocRsc();
/// Called by the particle system manager to release this model resources (if it is too far for example)
void refreshRscDeletion(const std::vector<CPlane> &worldFrustumPyramid, const NLMISC::CVector &viewerPos);
// Release the resources (attached system) of this model, but doesn't make it invalid.
void releaseRsc();
// Mark this system model as invalid, delete the attached system, and calls his observers
void releaseRscAndInvalidate();
/// Return true if the system is in the given world pyramid
bool checkAgainstPyramid(const std::vector<CPlane> &worldFrustumPyramid) const;
// Release PS and backup system params
void releasePSPointer();
void invalidateAutoAnimatedHandle();
// insert the model in the Clip/AnimDetail/LoadBalacing visible list.
void insertInVisibleList()
// if not already not inserted
if (!_InsertedInVisibleList)
_Visible = true;
_InsertedInVisibleList = true;
// add to clip/load Trav.
// Add only if no ancestor skeleton model
if( _AncestorSkeletonModel==NULL )
// need to test isLightable(), because most of PS are not lightable
// NB: don't insert if has an _AncestorSkeletonModel, because in this case,
// result is driven by the _LightContribution of the _AncestorSkeletonModel.
if( isLightable() )
// no need to test isAnimDetailable()... for PS, always add them
// NB: don't insert if has an _AncestorSkeletonModel, because in this case, this ancestor will
// animDetail through the hierarchy...
bool checkDestroyCondition(CParticleSystem *ps);
// perform actual animation of the particles
void doAnimate();
CParticleSystemManager::TModelHandle _ModelHandle; /** a handle to say when the resources
* of the model (_ParticleSystem) are deleted
CParticleSystemManager::TAlwaysAnimatedModelHandle _AnimatedModelHandle; // handle for permanenlty animated models
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CParticleSystem> _ParticleSystem;
CScene *_Scene;
TAnimationTime _EllapsedTime;
float _EllapsedTimeRatio;
// old animation mode for the system
CParticleSystem::TAnimType _AnimType;
bool _AutoGetEllapsedTime : 1;
bool _ToolDisplayEnabled : 1;
bool _TransparencyStateTouched : 1;
bool _LightableStateTouched : 1;
bool _EditionMode : 1;
bool _Invalidated : 1; /// if false, system should be recreated
bool _InsertedInVisibleList : 1;
bool _InClusterAndVisible : 1;
bool _EmitterActive : 1;
bool _SoundActive : 1;
std::vector<IPSModelObserver *> _Observers;
CAnimatedValueBool _TriggerAnimatedValue;
/// user params of the system
CAnimatedValueFloat _UserParam[MaxPSUserParam];
uint8 _BypassGlobalUserParam; // mask to bypass a global user param. This state is not serialized
NLMISC::CMatrix _UserMatrix;
float _ZBias;
CHrcTrav::TVisibility _LastVisibility;
// for fast allocation of ps resources
NLMISC::CContiguousBlockAllocator _Allocator;
// tmp
class CMiniTimer
NLMISC::CSimpleClock SC;
uint64 &Target;
uint64 StartDate;
CMiniTimer(uint64 &target) : Target(target)
Target += SC.getNumTicks();
#define MINI_TIMER(name)
#define MINI_TIMER(name) CMiniTimer mt(name);
extern uint64 PSStatsRegisterPSModelObserver;
extern uint64 PSStatsRemovePSModelObserver;
extern uint64 PSStatsUpdateOpacityInfos;
extern uint64 PSStatsUpdateLightingInfos;
extern uint64 PSStatsGetAABBox;
extern uint64 PSStatsReallocRsc;
extern uint64 PSStatsReleasePSPointer;
extern uint64 PSStatsRefreshRscDeletion;
extern uint64 PSStatsReleaseRsc;
extern uint64 PSStatsReleaseRscAndInvalidate;
extern uint64 PSStatsGetNumTriangles;
extern uint64 PSStatsCheckAgainstPyramid;
extern uint64 PSStatsTraverseAnimDetail;
extern uint64 PSStatsTraverseAnimDetailPart1;
extern uint64 PSStatsTraverseAnimDetailPart2;
extern uint64 PSStatsTraverseAnimDetailPart3;
extern uint64 PSStatsTraverseAnimDetailPart4;
extern uint64 PSStatsDoAnimate;
extern uint64 PSStatsDoAnimatePart1;
extern uint64 PSStatsDoAnimatePart2;
extern uint64 PSStatsDoAnimatePart3;
extern uint64 PSStatsTraverseRender;
extern uint64 PSStatsTraverseClip;
extern uint64 PSStatsClipSystemInstanciated;
extern uint64 PSStatsClipSystemNotInstanciated;
extern uint64 PSStatsClipSystemCheckAgainstPyramid;
extern uint64 PSStatsInsertInVisibleList;
extern uint64 PSStatsCheckDestroyCondition;
extern uint64 PSStatsForceInstanciate;
extern uint64 PSAnim1;
extern uint64 PSAnim2;
extern uint64 PSAnim3;
extern uint64 PSAnim4;
extern uint64 PSAnim5;
extern uint64 PSAnim6;
extern uint64 PSAnim7;
extern uint64 PSAnim8;
extern uint64 PSAnim9;
extern uint64 PSAnim10;
extern uint64 PSAnim11;
extern uint PSStatsNumDoAnimateCalls;;
extern float PSMaxET;
extern uint PSMaxNBPass;
extern uint64 PSStatsZonePlane;
extern uint64 PSStatsZoneSphere;
extern uint64 PSStatsZoneDisc;
extern uint64 PSStatsZoneRectangle;
extern uint64 PSStatsZoneCylinder;
extern uint64 PSMotion1;
extern uint64 PSMotion2;
extern uint64 PSMotion3;
extern uint64 PSMotion4;
extern uint64 PSStatCollision;
extern uint64 PSStatEmit;
extern uint64 PSStatRender;
} // NL3D
/* End of particle_system_model.h */