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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// misc
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
// game share
#include "game_share/ai_event_report.h"
#include "s_phrase.h"
#include "phrase_utilities_functions.h"
#include "combat_attacker.h"
#include "combat_defender.h"
#include "combat_action.h"
Brick parameters
cr_sta:int_value - stamina cost to attacker
cr_hp:int_value - hp cost to attacker
cr_t0:int_value - execution length modifier (in ticks)
cr_t1:int_value - latency length modifier (in ticks)
cr_open:str_name - constraint meaning action can only be performed when named condition is met
dmgr:float_value - damage ratio on targets
dmgm:int_value - damage modifier on targets
aim:str_value - target specified slot
skmat:int_value - attacker skill modifier (on attack)
skmde:int_value - defender skill modifier (on defense)
absstar:float_value - ratio of absorbed stamina on target(s) (relative to damage on hps)
absstam:int_value - modifier on absorbed stamina on target(s)
abssapr:float_value - ratio of absorbed sap on target(s) (relative to damage on hps)
abssapm:int_value - modifier on absorbed sap on target(s)
lapr:float_value - light armor protection ratio (after all computing) (1.0 = default; 1.2 = +20% ; 0.6 = -40%)
mapr:float_value - medium armor protection ratio (after all computing) (1.0 = default; 1.2 = +20% ; 0.6 = -40%)
hapr:float_value - heavy armor protection ratio (after all computing) (1.0 = default; 1.2 = +20% ; 0.6 = -40%)
lawr:float_value - light armor wear ratio (1.0 = default; 1.2 = +20% ; 0.6 = -40%)
mawr:float_value - medium armor wear ratio (1.0 = default; 1.2 = +20% ; 0.6 = -40%)
hawr:float_value - heavy armor wear ratio (1.0 = default; 1.2 = +20% ; 0.6 = -40%)
agrr:float_value - aggro ratio (default 1.0)
rdpbr:float_value - range damage point blank ratio
rdsrr:float_value - range damage short range ratio
rdmrr:float_value - range damage medium range ratio
rdlrr:float_value - range damage long range ratio
bev_exec:int_value - value of the behaviour for execution
bev_ok:int_value - value of the behaviour for success
bev_crit:int_value - value of the behaviour for critical success
bev_fail:int_value - value of the behaviour for failure
bev_fumb:int_value - value of the behaviour for fumble
// following are the special effecs
:int_value - duration of the stun
:int_value - duration of the stun when resisted
:float_value - ratio of the slow effect (0.8 = -20%)
:float_value - ratio of the slow effect when resisted (0.8 = -20%)
:int_value - duration of the slow (in ticks)
:int_value - duration of the slow when resisted (in ticks)
:float_value - ratio of the hp lost by the target that are given to the attacker (vampire effect)
:float_value - ratio of the stamina lost by the target that are given to the attacker (vampire effect)
:float_value - ratio of the sap lost by the target that are given to the attacker (vampire effect)
:int_value - Hit Rate Modifier for the defender (in ticks)
:int_value - Hit Rate Modifier for the defender when resist (in ticks)
:int_value - Duration of the Hit Rate modification for the defender (in ticks)
:int_value - Duration of Hit Rate modification for the defender when resist (in ticks)
:int_value - duration of the fear effect
:int_value - duration of the fear effect if resisted
:int_value - duration of the bleed effect
:int_value - duration of the bleed effect if resisted
:int_value - nb of hp lost each repeat by the target
:int_value - nb of hp lost each repeat by the target if resisted
:int_value - repeat rate of the bleed effect (every x ticks)
:int_value - repeat rate of the bleed effect when resisted (every x ticks)
:int_value - duration of the poison effect
:int_value - duration of the poison effect if resisted
:int_value - nb of hp lost each repeat by the target
:int_value - nb of hp lost each repeat by the target if resisted
:int_value - repeat rate of the poison effect (every x ticks)
:int_value - repeat rate of the poison effect when resisted (every x ticks)
:int_value - duration of the disease effect
:int_value - duration of the disease effect if resisted
:int_value - nb of hp lost each repeat by the target
:int_value - nb of hp lost each repeat by the target if resisted
:int_value - repeat rate of the disease effect (every x ticks)
:int_value - repeat rate of the disease effect when resisted (every x ticks)
:int_value - amount of fire damage added to the attack
:int_value - amount of fire damage added to the attack if target resists
ef:bcast - break target casting
* Specialized phrase for combat actions
* \author David Fleury
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CCombatPhrase : public CSPhrase
/// default Constructor
CCombatPhrase() { init(); }
/// Constructor
CCombatPhrase(const CStaticBrick &rootBrick);
/// destructor
virtual ~CCombatPhrase();
/// init method
void init();
/// build the phrase
virtual bool build( const TDataSetRow & actorRowId, const std::vector< const CStaticBrick* >& bricks );
* set the actor
virtual void setActor( const TDataSetRow &entityRowId )
* set the primary item
* \param itemPtr pointer on primary item
//virtual void setPrimaryItem( CGameItemPtr itemPtr ) {}
* set the secondary item
* \param itemPtr pointer on secondary item
//virtual void setSecondaryItem( CGameItemPtr itemPtr ){}
* add a consumable ressource (object)
* \param itemPtr pointer on the consumable item
//virtual void addConsumableItem( CGameItemPtr itemPtr ){}
* set the primary target
* \param entityId id of the primary target
virtual void setPrimaryTarget( const TDataSetRow &entityRowId )
// _TargetRowId = entityRowId;
* add a target entity
* \param entityId id of the target
virtual void addTargetEntity( const TDataSetRow &entityRowId )
* evaluate phrase
* \param evalReturnInfos struct that will receive evaluation results
* \return true if eval has been made without errors
virtual bool evaluate(CEvalReturnInfos *msg = NULL);
* validate phrase
* \return true of the phrase is valid
virtual bool validate();
* update method
virtual bool update();
* execute this phrase
virtual void execute();
* apply method, called at the end of the execution, starts latency
virtual void apply();
* called at the end of the latency time
virtual void end();
* set attacker
* \param attacker
inline void setAttacker( CCombatAttacker *attacker) { _Attacker = attacker; }
* set primary defender
* \param defender
inline void setPrimaryDefender( CCombatDefender *defender) { _Defender = defender; }
/// set the disengageOnEnd flag
inline void disengageOnEnd(bool flag) { _DisengageOnEnd = flag; }
/// get the disengageOnEnd flag
inline bool disengageOnEnd() const { return _DisengageOnEnd; }
* add a brick to the phrase
* \param brick the added brick
void addBrick( const CStaticBrick &brick );
* test attacker skill against opponent defense
* \return true if the oppent dodged the attack
bool testOpponentDefense(const TDataSetRow &targetRowId, const PHRASE_UTILITIES::TPairSlotShield &localisation);
* test phrase success
* \return true if success, false if failed (partially or totally)
bool testPhraseSuccess();
* check target validity
* \param targetRowId rowid of the target to check
* \param errorCode the string that will receive the error code if any
* \return true if the target is valid
bool checkTargetValidity( const TDataSetRow &targetRowId, std::string &errorCode );
* check the attacker can pay phrase's costs
bool checkPhraseCost( std::string &errorCode );
* create the defender structure from given row id
void createDefender( const TDataSetRow &targetRowId );
* validate combat actions
bool validateCombatActions(std::string &errorCode);
* apply combat actions
void applyCombatActions();
// total cost (sabrina system)
uint16 _SabrinaCost;
// total credit (sabrina system)
uint16 _SabrinaCredit;
/// stamina cost of the attack
sint32 _StaminaCost;
// hp cost
sint32 _HPCost;
/// execution length modifier (in ticks)
sint32 _ExecutionLengthModifier;
/// hit rate modifier (in ticks)
sint32 _HitRateModifier;
/// modifier on dealt damage
sint32 _DamageModifier;
/// factor on dealt damage
float _DamageFactor;
/// forced localisation if any
SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment _ForcedLocalisation;
/// skill used by the root brick
SKILLS::ESkills _RootSkill;
/// skill modifier for attack
sint32 _AttackSkillModifier;
/// repeat mode on/off
bool _CyclicPhrase;
/// stamina loss factor
float _StaminaLossFactor;
/// stamina loss modifier
uint32 _StaminaLossModifier;
/// sap loss factor
float _SapLossFactor;
/// sap loss modifier
uint32 _SapLossModifier;
/// opening needed
std::string _Opening;
bool _DisengageOnEnd;
//\name the behaviours for the actor
MBEHAV::CBehaviour _ExecutionBehaviour;
MBEHAV::CBehaviour _SuccessBehaviour;
MBEHAV::CBehaviour _CriticalSuccessBehaviour;
MBEHAV::CBehaviour _FailureBehaviour;
MBEHAV::CBehaviour _FumbleBehaviour;
MBEHAV::CBehaviour _EndBehaviour;
MBEHAV::CBehaviour _StopBehaviour;
/// Multiplier on light armor damage absorption (after all computing)(1.0 = default; 1.2 = +20% ; 0.6 = -40%)
float _LightArmorAbsorptionMultiplier;
/// Modifier on light armor damage absorption
sint32 _LightArmorAbsorptionModifier;
/// Multiplier on light armor wear ( armor hp lost)
float _LightArmorWearMultiplier;
/// Multiplier on Medium armor damage absorption
float _MediumArmorAbsorptionMultiplier;
/// Modifier on medium armor damage absorption
sint32 _MediumArmorAbsorptionModifier;
/// Multiplier on Medium armor wear ( armor hp lost)
float _MediumArmorWearMultiplier;
/// Multiplier on Heavy armor damage absorption
float _HeavyArmorAbsorptionMultiplier;
/// Modifier on heavy armor damage absorption
sint32 _HeavyArmorAbsorptionModifier;
/// Multiplier on Heavy armor wear ( armor hp lost)
float _HeavyArmorWearMultiplier;
/// factor on target aggressivity (aggro) (1.0 = default; 1.2 = +20% ; 0.6 = -40%)
float _AggroMultiplier;
/// modifier on target aggressivity (aggro)
sint32 _AggroModifier;
//\name damage multipliers for ranged attacks
float _DamagePointBlank;
float _DamageShortRange;
float _DamageMediumRange;
float _DamageLongRange;
/// vector of ai event report structures if target is managed by ai (ie. not a player)
//std::vector<CAiEventReport*> _AiEventReports;
CAiEventReport _AiEventReport;
// following will be used later on
// secondary targets
// std::vector<NLMISC::CEntityId> _SecondaryTargets;
/// \name temp vars
/// success damage factor (1.0 if real success, < 1 if partial success, 0 = total failure)
float _PhraseSuccessDamageFactor;
/// skill used to attack
SKILLS::ESkills _AttackSkill;
/// validated flag
bool _Validated;
/// already sent a target too far message since last strike
bool _TargetTooFarMsg;
bool _NotEnoughHpMsg;
bool _NotEnoughStaminaMsg;
/// is current target valid ?
bool _CurrentTargetIsValid;
/// melee or range combat
bool _MeleeCombat;
/// delta level between attacker and defender
sint32 _DeltaLevel;
/// combat special actions (such as stun, bleed, slow etc)
std::vector< CCombatAction * > _CombatActions;
/// attacker
CCombatAttacker *_Attacker;
/// attacker
CCombatDefender *_Defender;
/* End of combat_phrase.h */