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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef NL_QUAD_TREE_H
#define NL_QUAD_TREE_H
#include "nel/misc/debug.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector.h"
#include "nel/misc/plane.h"
#include "nel/misc/matrix.h"
#include <list>
#include <vector>
namespace NL3D
* class: CQuadTree.
* A template CQuadTree.
* This first implementation support real-time quad node split, but never merge the quad node.
* The possibility to merge (delete) empty quads, when an element erase occurs, will be added later.
* The quadtree is geometrically delimited. By default, his size is 1*1, centered on (0,0,0). If an element
* which is out this zone is inserted, then it will ALWAYS be considered selected in select*() methods.
* By default, the quad tree is aligned on XZ.
* Sample code using CQuadTree:
* \code
* // My quad tree
* CQuadTree<myType> quadTree;
* // My min and max BoundingBox corner of each element
* CVector minPoint[elementCount]=...;
* CVector maxPoint[elementCount]=...;
* // My values
* myType value[elementCount]=...;
* // Init the quadTree with recursions depth = 6 (so max 64*64 cells)
* // centered in (0,0,0) with a max size of 10 in the plane XZ
* quadTree.create (6, CVector (0.f, 0.f, 0.f), 10.f);
* // Insert element in the quadTree
* for (int i=0; i<elementCount; i++)
* quadTree.insert (minPoint[i], maxPoint[i], value[i]);
* // [...]
* // Clear the selection
* quadTree.clearSelection ();
* // Select an element with the X axis as a 3d ray
* quadTree.selectRay (CVector (0,0,0), CVector (1,0,0));
* // Get first selected nodes..
* CQuadTree<myType>::CIterator it=quadTree.begin();
* while (it!=quadTree.end())
* {
* // Check what you want...
* // Next selected element
* it++;
* }
* \endcode
template<class T> class CQuadTree
/// Iterator of the contener
class CIterator;
friend class CIterator;
/// Const iterator of the contener
class CConstIterator;
friend class CConstIterator;
/// Default constructor, use axes XZ
/// dtor.
/// \name Initialization
/** Change the base matrix of the quad tree. For exemple this code init the quad tree in the plane XY:
* \code
* CQuadTree quadTree;
* NLMISC::CMatrix tmp;
* NLMISC::CVector I(1,0,0);
* NLMISC::CVector J(0,0,-1);
* NLMISC::CVector K(0,1,0);
* tmp.identity();
* tmp.setRot(I,J,K, true);
* quadTree.changeBase (tmp);
* \endcode
* \param base Base of the quad tree
void changeBase(const NLMISC::CMatrix& base);
/** Init the container
* \param DepthMax is the max depth in the tree. The max cell count is (1<<DepthMax)^2
* \param center is the center of the quad tree
* \param size is the width and the height of the initial quad tree.
void create(uint DepthMax, const NLMISC::CVector& center, float size);
/// \name Container operation
/// Clear the container. Elements are deleted, and the quadtree too (create() is undone)
void clear();
/** Erase all elements from the container
void eraseAll();
/** Erase an interator from the container
* \param it is the iterator to erase.
void erase(CIterator it);
/** Insert a new element in the container. The bounding box of the element MUST be included in the bounding box of the quadtree.
* \param bboxmin is the corner of the bounding box of the element to insert with minimal coordinates.
* \param bboxmax is the corner of the bounding box of the element to insert with maximal coordinates.
* \param val is a reference on the value to insert
CIterator insert(const NLMISC::CVector &bboxmin, const NLMISC::CVector &bboxmax, const T &val);
/// \name Selection
/** Clear the selection list
void clearSelection();
/** Select all the container
void selectAll();
/** Select element intersecting a bounding box
* \param bboxmin is the corner of the bounding box used to select
* \param bboxmax is the corner of the bounding box used to select
void select(const NLMISC::CVector &bboxmin, const NLMISC::CVector &bboxmax);
/** Select element with multiple planes. Intersect with a polytope convex made of planes.
* The normals of planes must be directed outwards the polytope.
* \param BVolume is a plane vector
void select(const std::vector<NLMISC::CPlane> &BVolume);
/** Select element with a ray
* \param source is a point in the ray
* \param dir is the direction off the ray
void selectRay(const NLMISC::CVector& source, const NLMISC::CVector& dir);
/** Select element with a segment
* \param source is the source of the segment
* \param dest is the destination of the segment
void selectSegment(const NLMISC::CVector& source, const NLMISC::CVector& dest);
/** Return the first iterator of the selected element list. begin and end are valid till the next insert.
CIterator begin();
/** Return the end iterator of the selected element list. begin and end are valid till the next insert.
CIterator end();
// =================
// =================
// =================
// =================
private:// Classes.
// =================
// =================
// CBaseNode.
// =================
// =================
// Links fo an element node class.
class CBaseNode
// for the Selection list.
CBaseNode *Prev, *Next;
// for the quadnode list. A node MAY be pointed by 4 quad (each having the same level).
CBaseNode *QuadPrevs[4];
CBaseNode *QuadNexts[4];
QuadPrevs[0]= QuadPrevs[1]= QuadPrevs[2]= QuadPrevs[3]= NULL;
QuadNexts[0]= QuadNexts[1]= QuadNexts[2]= QuadNexts[3]= NULL;
virtual ~CBaseNode() {} // Empty destructor, but declare it as virtual...
void clear() // update links.
// On le retire de la selection.
if(Prev) Prev->Next= Next;
if(Next) Next->Prev= Prev;
// On le retire des listes dans les quads.
for(uint i=0;i<4;i++)
if(QuadPrevs[i]) {nlassert(QuadPrevs[i]->QuadNexts[i]==this); QuadPrevs[i]->QuadNexts[i]= QuadNexts[i];}
if(QuadNexts[i]) {nlassert(QuadNexts[i]->QuadPrevs[i]==this); QuadNexts[i]->QuadPrevs[i]= QuadPrevs[i];}
bool isSelected() // return true if Prev is not NULL!!!
return Prev!=NULL;
// =================
// =================
// CNode.
// =================
// =================
// An element node class.
class CNode : public CBaseNode
// A base node, plus the Value.
T Value;
CNode(const T &val) : Value(val) {}
// =================
// =================
// CQuadNode.
// =================
// =================
class CQuadNode
uint Level;
NLMISC::CVector BBoxMin, BBoxMax;
bool BBoxNeverRescale;
CQuadNode *Sons[4];
CBaseNode RootNode; // First element of the element list in this quad.
uint ListIndex; // [0,3]. index of which list to follow in "Node.QuadNexts[]".
/* Topology of sons (top view: axe x/z):
| |
// ============================================================================================
Level=0; Sons[0]= Sons[1]= Sons[2]= Sons[3]= NULL;
ListIndex= 0;
// ============================================================================================
bool isLeaf()
return Sons[0]==NULL;
// ============================================================================================
void clear()
// delete items in this quad node
CBaseNode *p;
while( (p=RootNode.QuadNexts[ListIndex]) )
p->clear(); // clear the links. => RootNode.QuadNexts[ListIndex] is implicitly modified
delete p; // delete this element
// delete quad children
for(uint i=0;i<4;i++)
delete Sons[i];
Sons[i]= NULL;
// ============================================================================================
void split()
sint i;
Sons[i]= new CQuadNode;
Sons[i]->Level= Level+1;
Sons[i]->ListIndex= i;
// Middle compute.
NLMISC::CVector MidLeft(0,0,0), MidRight(0,0,0), MidTop(0,0,0), MidBottom(0,0,0), Middle(0,0,0);
MidLeft.x = BBoxMin.x; MidLeft.z = (BBoxMin.z + BBoxMax.z)/2;
MidRight.x = BBoxMax.x; MidRight.z = (BBoxMin.z + BBoxMax.z)/2;
MidTop.x = (BBoxMin.x + BBoxMax.x)/2; MidTop.z = BBoxMin.z;
MidBottom.x= (BBoxMin.x + BBoxMax.x)/2; MidBottom.z= BBoxMax.z;
Middle.x = MidTop.x; Middle.z = MidLeft.z;
// Sons compute.
// Don't care of Y.
Sons[0]->BBoxMin = BBoxMin; Sons[0]->BBoxMax = Middle;
Sons[1]->BBoxMin = MidTop ; Sons[1]->BBoxMax = MidRight;
Sons[2]->BBoxMin = MidLeft; Sons[2]->BBoxMax = MidBottom;
Sons[3]->BBoxMin = Middle; Sons[3]->BBoxMax = BBoxMax;
// ============================================================================================
// This is a quadtree, so those tests just test against x/z. (the base of the box).
bool includeBoxQuad(const NLMISC::CVector &boxmin, const NLMISC::CVector &boxmax)
if( BBoxMin.x<= boxmin.x && BBoxMax.x>= boxmax.x &&
BBoxMin.z<= boxmin.z && BBoxMax.z>= boxmax.z)
return true;
return false;
// ============================================================================================
bool intersectBoxQuad(const NLMISC::CVector &boxmin, const NLMISC::CVector &boxmax)
// inequality and equality is very important, to ensure that a element box will not fit in too many quad boxes.
if(boxmin.x > BBoxMax.x) return false;
if(boxmin.z > BBoxMax.z) return false;
if(boxmax.x <= BBoxMin.x) return false;
if(boxmax.z <= BBoxMin.z) return false;
return true;
// ============================================================================================
bool intersectBox(const NLMISC::CVector &boxmin, const NLMISC::CVector &boxmax)
// inequality and equality is very important, to ensure that a element box will not fit in too many quad boxes.
if(boxmin.x > BBoxMax.x) return false;
if(boxmin.y > BBoxMax.y) return false;
if(boxmin.z > BBoxMax.z) return false;
if(boxmax.x <= BBoxMin.x) return false;
if(boxmax.y <= BBoxMin.y) return false;
if(boxmax.z <= BBoxMin.z) return false;
return true;
// ============================================================================================
bool intersectBox(std::vector<NLMISC::CPlane> &BVolume)
const NLMISC::CVector &b1=BBoxMin;
const NLMISC::CVector &b2=BBoxMax;
for(sint i=0;i<(int)BVolume.size();i++)
const NLMISC::CPlane &plane=BVolume[i];
// If only one of the box vertex is IN the plane, then all the box is IN this plane.
if(plane* NLMISC::CVector(b1.x, b1.y, b1.z)<=0) continue;
if(plane* NLMISC::CVector(b1.x, b1.y, b2.z)<=0) continue;
if(plane* NLMISC::CVector(b1.x, b2.y, b1.z)<=0) continue;
if(plane* NLMISC::CVector(b1.x, b2.y, b2.z)<=0) continue;
if(plane* NLMISC::CVector(b2.x, b1.y, b1.z)<=0) continue;
if(plane* NLMISC::CVector(b2.x, b1.y, b2.z)<=0) continue;
if(plane* NLMISC::CVector(b2.x, b2.y, b1.z)<=0) continue;
if(plane* NLMISC::CVector(b2.x, b2.y, b2.z)<=0) continue;
// If ALL box vertices are OUT of this plane, then the box is OUT of the entire volume.
return false;
// TODO. This is a simple box detection. The box is not really clipped and sometimes, the box will said
// it intersect but it is not the case... Here, We should test the real box volume, against BVolume.
// But this is more expensive...
return true;
// ============================================================================================
void addElement(CNode *newNode)
newNode->QuadPrevs[ListIndex]= &RootNode;
newNode->QuadNexts[ListIndex]= RootNode.QuadNexts[ListIndex];
RootNode.QuadNexts[ListIndex]->QuadPrevs[ListIndex]= newNode;
RootNode.QuadNexts[ListIndex]= newNode;
// ============================================================================================
// Insertion of a node in this quad node, or his sons...
void insert(const NLMISC::CVector &boxmin, const NLMISC::CVector &boxmax, uint wantdepth, CNode *newNode)
// all out of quadtree items are in the root node
if(!includeBoxQuad(boxmin, boxmax))
// expand Y-axe of quadnode BBox
BBoxMin.y= boxmin.y;
BBoxMax.y= boxmax.y;
BBoxNeverRescale= false;
BBoxMin.y= std::min(boxmin.y, BBoxMin.y);
BBoxMax.y= std::max(boxmax.y, BBoxMax.y);
// If at least one part of the item is not in the node of this quad, exit.
if(!intersectBoxQuad(boxmin, boxmax))
// If we are inserting there or its children, we have to resize the Y-axe BBox of quadnode.
BBoxMin.y= boxmin.y;
BBoxMax.y= boxmax.y;
BBoxNeverRescale= false;
BBoxMin.y= std::min(boxmin.y, BBoxMin.y);
BBoxMax.y= std::max(boxmax.y, BBoxMax.y);
// If we are at the right level, we only have to insert it in this node.
// If the quad is a leaf, we need to split it (because we are not yet at the right level).
// And we are looking to put the item in one of these nodes.
Sons[0]->insert(boxmin, boxmax, wantdepth, newNode);
Sons[1]->insert(boxmin, boxmax, wantdepth, newNode);
Sons[2]->insert(boxmin, boxmax, wantdepth, newNode);
Sons[3]->insert(boxmin, boxmax, wantdepth, newNode);
// ============================================================================================
// Selection.
void selectLocalNodes(CBaseNode &selroot)
CBaseNode *p= RootNode.QuadNexts[ListIndex];
p->Prev= &selroot;
p->Next= selroot.Next;
selroot.Next->Prev= p;
selroot.Next= p;
// ============================================================================================
void selectAll(CBaseNode &selroot)
// ============================================================================================
void select(CBaseNode &selroot, const NLMISC::CVector &bboxmin, const NLMISC::CVector &bboxmax)
// TODO:
// there is a bug with level0: bbox is not expanded to contain items.
if(!intersectBox(bboxmin, bboxmax))
Sons[0]->select(selroot, bboxmin, bboxmax);
Sons[1]->select(selroot, bboxmin, bboxmax);
Sons[2]->select(selroot, bboxmin, bboxmax);
Sons[3]->select(selroot, bboxmin, bboxmax);
// ============================================================================================
void select(CBaseNode &selroot, std::vector<NLMISC::CPlane> &BVolume)
// TODO:
// there is a bug with level0: bbox is not expanded to contain items.
Sons[0]->select(selroot, BVolume);
Sons[1]->select(selroot, BVolume);
Sons[2]->select(selroot, BVolume);
Sons[3]->select(selroot, BVolume);
// =================
// =================
// Attributes/Methods/iterators..
// =================
// =================
private:// Attributes.
CQuadNode _QuadRoot;
CBaseNode _Selection;
uint _DepthMax;
float _Size;
NLMISC::CMatrix _ChangeBasis;
private:// Methods.
// CLASS const_iterator.
class const_iterator
const_iterator() {_Ptr=NULL;}
const_iterator(CNode *p) : _Ptr(p) {}
const_iterator(const CIterator& x) : _Ptr(x._Ptr) {}
const T& operator*() const
{return _Ptr->Value; }
// Doesn't work...
/*const T* operator->() const
{return (&**this); }*/
const_iterator& operator++()
{_Ptr = (CNode*)(_Ptr->Next); return (*this); }
const_iterator operator++(int)
{const_iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return (tmp); }
const_iterator& operator--()
{_Ptr = (CNode*)(_Ptr->Prev); return (*this); }
const_iterator operator--(int)
{const_iterator tmp = *this; --*this; return (tmp); }
bool operator==(const const_iterator& x) const
{return (_Ptr == x._Ptr); }
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& x) const
{return (!(*this == x)); }
CNode *_Ptr;
friend class CQuadTree<T>;
friend class CIterator;
// CLASS CIterator
class CIterator : public const_iterator
CIterator() {const_iterator::_Ptr=NULL;}
CIterator(CNode *p) : const_iterator(p) {}
T& operator*() const
{return const_iterator::_Ptr->Value; }
// Doesn't work...
/*T* operator->() const
{return (&**this); }*/
CIterator& operator++()
{const_iterator::_Ptr = (CNode*)(const_iterator::_Ptr->Next); return (*this); }
CIterator operator++(int)
{CIterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return (tmp); }
CIterator& operator--()
{const_iterator::_Ptr = (CNode*)(const_iterator::_Ptr->Prev); return (*this); }
CIterator operator--(int)
{CIterator tmp = *this; --*this; return (tmp); }
bool operator==(const const_iterator& x) const
{return (const_iterator::_Ptr == x._Ptr); }
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& x) const
{return (!(*this == x)); }
friend class CQuadTree<T>;
// ============================================================================================
// ============================================================================================
// Template CQuadTree implementation. Construction/Destruction.
// ============================================================================================
// ============================================================================================
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> CQuadTree<T>::CQuadTree()
_Selection.Next= NULL;
_DepthMax= 0;
_QuadRoot.BBoxMin.set(-0.5, 0, -0.5);
_QuadRoot.BBoxMax.set( 0.5, 0, 0.5);
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> void CQuadTree<T>::changeBase(const NLMISC::CMatrix& base)
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> CQuadTree<T>::~CQuadTree NL_TMPL_PARAM_ON_METHOD_1(T)()
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> void CQuadTree<T>::clear()
_Selection.Next= NULL;
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> void CQuadTree<T>::create(uint DepthMax, const NLMISC::CVector& center, float size)
NLMISC::CVector mycenter=_ChangeBasis*center;
_DepthMax= DepthMax;
_Size= size;
_QuadRoot.BBoxMin= mycenter-NLMISC::CVector(size/2, 0 , size/2);
_QuadRoot.BBoxMax= mycenter+NLMISC::CVector(size/2, 0 , size/2);
// ============================================================================================
// ============================================================================================
// Template CQuadTree implementation. Element Insertion/Deletion.
// ============================================================================================
// ============================================================================================
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> void CQuadTree<T>::eraseAll()
CIterator it;
std::vector<CIterator> its;
// First, make a copy of all elements.
for(it= begin();it!=end();it++)
// Then erase them. Must do it OUTSIDE the select loop.
for(sint i=0;i<(sint)its.size();i++)
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> void CQuadTree<T>::erase(CIterator it)
CNode *p=it._Ptr;
// Clear links.
// delete it!!
delete p;
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> typename CQuadTree<T>::CIterator CQuadTree<T>::insert(const NLMISC::CVector &bboxmin, const NLMISC::CVector &bboxmax, const T &val)
NLMISC::CVector myboxmin2=_ChangeBasis*bboxmin;
NLMISC::CVector myboxmax2=_ChangeBasis*bboxmax;
NLMISC::CVector myboxmin (std::min (myboxmin2.x, myboxmax2.x), std::min (myboxmin2.y, myboxmax2.y), std::min (myboxmin2.z, myboxmax2.z));
NLMISC::CVector myboxmax (std::max (myboxmin2.x, myboxmax2.x), std::max (myboxmin2.y, myboxmax2.y), std::max (myboxmin2.z, myboxmax2.z));
CNode *newNode=new CNode(val);
float boxsize= std::max(myboxmax.x-myboxmin.x, myboxmax.z-myboxmin.z );
// Prevent float precision problems. Increase bbox size a little.
// We must find the level quad which is just bigger.
float wantsize=_Size;
uint wantdepth=0;
while(boxsize<wantsize/2 && wantdepth<_DepthMax)
_QuadRoot.insert(myboxmin, myboxmax, wantdepth, newNode);
return CIterator(newNode);
// ============================================================================================
// ============================================================================================
// Template CQuadTree implementation. Quad Selection, element iteration.
// ============================================================================================
// ============================================================================================
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> void CQuadTree<T>::clearSelection()
CBaseNode *p;
// We are removing this node from selection, which will implicitly modify _Selection.Next.
if(p->Prev) p->Prev->Next= p->Next;
if(p->Next) p->Next->Prev= p->Prev;
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> void CQuadTree<T>::selectAll()
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> void CQuadTree<T>::select(const NLMISC::CVector &bboxmin, const NLMISC::CVector &bboxmax)
NLMISC::CVector myboxmin2=_ChangeBasis*bboxmin;
NLMISC::CVector myboxmax2=_ChangeBasis*bboxmax;
NLMISC::CVector bboxminCopy (std::min (myboxmin2.x, myboxmax2.x), std::min (myboxmin2.y, myboxmax2.y), std::min (myboxmin2.z, myboxmax2.z));
NLMISC::CVector bboxmaxCopy (std::max (myboxmin2.x, myboxmax2.x), std::max (myboxmin2.y, myboxmax2.y), std::max (myboxmin2.z, myboxmax2.z));
_QuadRoot.select(_Selection, bboxminCopy, bboxmaxCopy);
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> void CQuadTree<T>::select(const std::vector<NLMISC::CPlane> &BVolume)
std::vector<NLMISC::CPlane> BVolumeCopy;
BVolumeCopy.resize (BVolume.size());
for (int i=0; i<(int)BVolumeCopy.size(); i++)
_QuadRoot.select(_Selection, BVolumeCopy);
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> void CQuadTree<T>::selectRay(const NLMISC::CVector& source, const NLMISC::CVector& dir)
NLMISC::CMatrix mat;
mat.identity ();
// Set a wrong matrix
NLMISC::CVector vTmp=dir^((fabs(vTmp*NLMISC::CVector(1,0,0))>0.f)?NLMISC::CVector(1,0,0):NLMISC::CVector(0,1,0));
mat.setRot (dir, vTmp, dir^vTmp);
// Normalize it Yoyo!
mat.normalize (NLMISC::CMatrix::XYZ);
// Get the planes..
std::vector<NLMISC::CPlane> BVolume;
BVolume.reserve (4);
// Setup the planes
NLMISC::CPlane plane;
plane.make (mat.getJ(), source);
BVolume.push_back (plane);
plane.make (mat.getK(), source);
BVolume.push_back (plane);
plane.make (-mat.getJ(), source);
BVolume.push_back (plane);
plane.make (-mat.getK(), source);
BVolume.push_back (plane);
// Select the nodes
select (BVolume);
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> void CQuadTree<T>::selectSegment(const NLMISC::CVector& source, const NLMISC::CVector& dest)
NLMISC::CMatrix mat;
mat.identity ();
// Set a wrong matrix
NLMISC::CVector dir=dest-source;
NLMISC::CVector vTmp=dir^((fabs(vTmp*NLMISC::CVector(1,0,0))>0.f)?NLMISC::CVector(1,0,0):NLMISC::CVector(0,1,0));
mat.setRot (dir, vTmp, dir^vTmp);
// Normalize it Yoyo!
mat.normalize (NLMISC::CMatrix::XYZ);
// Get the planes..
std::vector<NLMISC::CPlane> BVolume;
BVolume.reserve (4);
// Setup the planes
NLMISC::CPlane plane;
plane.make (mat.getJ(), source);
BVolume.push_back (plane);
plane.make (mat.getK(), source);
BVolume.push_back (plane);
plane.make (-mat.getJ(), source);
BVolume.push_back (plane);
plane.make (-mat.getK(), source);
BVolume.push_back (plane);
plane.make (mat.getI(), dest);
BVolume.push_back (plane);
plane.make (-mat.getI(), source);
BVolume.push_back (plane);
// Select the nodes
select (BVolume);
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> typename CQuadTree<T>::CIterator CQuadTree<T>::begin()
return (CNode*)(_Selection.Next);
// ============================================================================================
template<class T> typename CQuadTree<T>::CIterator CQuadTree<T>::end()
return CIterator(NULL);