2015-03-07 17:01:14 +01:00

44 lines
2.3 KiB

# texts relative to the harvest
BS_HARVEST_BEGIN_S "&VE&You begin to harvest $0s."
BS_HARVEST_FUMBLE "&RG&You have fumbled and all the resources you were harvesting are lost."
BS_HARVEST_CANCEL "&RG&Your recovering action has been cancelled."
BS_HARVEST_INVALID_SOURCE "&RG&Invalid entity for harvest."
BS_HARVEST_INVALID_INDEX "&RG&Invalid raw material index."
BS_HARVEST_NEED_TOOL "&RG&You need the right tool in one of your sheaths to harvest."
BS_HARVEST_NEED_TOOL_S "&RG&You need a tool using skill $0s in one of your sheaths."
BS_HARVEST_INVALID_MODE "&RG&You cannot harvest in this mode."
# EGS_HARVEST_CORPSE_TOO_FAR "&RG&The corpse you are trying to skin is too far away, get closer."
OPS_HARVEST_SUCESS_ISI "&VE&You obtain $0i $1s of quality $2i."
OPS_ERROR_NON_HARVESTABLE_E "&RG&$0e cannot be harvested."
OPS_HARVEST_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS_EE "&RG&$0e is already being harvested by $1e."
# OPS_HARVEST_MP_IN_PROGRESS_E "&RG&You are already harvesting raw material on $0e."
OPS_HARVEST_INTERRUPTED "&RG&Your harvesting action has been interrupted."
# EGS_FORAGE_INTERRUPTED "&RG&Your foraging action has been interrupted."
# EGS_QUARTER_INTERRUPTED "&RG&Your quartering action has been interrupted."
OPS_HARVEST_BAG_FULL "&RG&You don't have a free bag slot inventory, action cancelled."
EGS_HARVEST_WOS_DOWN "&RG&(Server Debug) The world service is down, cannot harvest any deposit..."
WOS_HARVEST_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS_E "&RG&This deposit is already being harvested by $1e."
WOS_HARVEST_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS "&RG&You are already harvesting."
# WOS_HARVEST_FOUND_NOTHING "&RG&You found nothing."
# WOS_HARVEST_FAILED "&RG&You failed to take the ressources you were trying to harvest."
# WOS_HARVEST_SEARCHING "&VE&Looking for resources ..."
# WOS_HARVEST_FOUND_MP_S "&VE&You found $0s."
WOS_HARVEST_FOUND_MP "&VE&You found resources."
# texts relative to loot
EGS_NOTHING_TO_LOOT_E "&RG&There is nothing to loot on $0e."
EGS_NOTHING_TO_QUARTER_E "&RG&There is nothing to quarter on $0e."
EGS_CREATURE_ALREADY_BEING_LOOTED_EE "&RG&$0e is already being looted by $1e."
# EGS_ITEM_ALREADY_BEING_LOOTED_E "&RG&$This bag is already being looted by $1e."
EGS_LOOT_VBS_I "&JA&You loot $0i very big seeds."
EGS_LOOT_BS_I "&JA&You loot $0i big seeds."
EGS_LOOT_MS_I "&JA&You loot $0i medium seeds."
EGS_LOOT_LS_I "&JA&You loot $0i little seeds."