2010-05-06 02:08:41 +02:00

419 lines
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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "std3d.h"
#include "nel/3d/texture_dlm.h"
#include "nel/misc/common.h"
#include "nel/misc/fast_mem.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
namespace NL3D
// ***************************************************************************
CTextureDLM::CTextureDLM(uint width, uint height)
// verify there is sufficient blocks.
_WBlock= width/NL_DLM_BLOCK_SIZE;
uint nBlocks= _WBlock * (height/NL_DLM_BLOCK_SIZE);
// The DLM texture always reside in memory...
// NB: this is simplier like that, and this is not a problem, since actually only 256Ko is allocated :o)
// create the bitmap.
CBitmap::resize(width, height, CBitmap::RGBA);
// Format of texture, 32 bits and no mipmaps.
// NB: 16 bits is not a good idea, because implies lot of flicking
setFilterMode(ITexture::Linear, ITexture::LinearMipMapOff);
// Fill the array of blocks.
uint i;
for(i = 0; i < _Blocks.size(); i++)
// compute position of the block in the texture
_Blocks[i].PosX = (i%_WBlock) * NL_DLM_BLOCK_SIZE;
_Blocks[i].PosY = (i/_WBlock) * NL_DLM_BLOCK_SIZE;
// This block is free!!
_EmptyBlocks[i] = i;
// init list to NULL.
for(i = 0; i < NL_DLM_LIGHTMAP_TYPE_SIZE; i++)
_FreeBlocks[i] = NULL;
// Since NL_DLM_BLOCK_SIZE is 10 or 18 (a factor of prime number 5 or 3 respectively), we are sure there is
// at least one pixel which is not used by blcks. The last pixel is filled with black (see CTextureDLm doc)
nlassert(NL_DLM_BLOCK_SIZE==10 || NL_DLM_BLOCK_SIZE==18);
CRGBA *ptr = (CRGBA*)(&CBitmap::getPixels(0)[0]);
// fill last pixel with black.
ptr[width*height-1]= CRGBA::Black;
// Also, to ensure the texture do not wrap around, disable Tiling.
// ***************************************************************************
uint CTextureDLM::getTypeForSize(uint width, uint height)
nlassert(width==3 || width==5 || width==9 || width==17);
nlassert(height==3 || height==5 || height==9 || height==17);
nlassert(width==2 || width==3 || width==5 || width==9);
nlassert(height==2 || height==3 || height==5 || height==9);
// 0 for 2, 1 for 3, 2 for 5, and 3 for 9, and 4 for 17
width= getPowerOf2(width-1);
height= getPowerOf2(height-1);
// 0 for 3, 1 for 5, 2, for 9, and 3 for 17
width--; height--;
uint id= width + height*4;
return id;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CTextureDLM::canCreateLightMap(uint w, uint h)
// First test if the list is not empty.
return true;
// If empty, test if there is an empty block.
return _EmptyBlocks.size()>0;
// ***************************************************************************
void CTextureDLM::linkFreeBlock(uint lMapType, CBlock *block)
// link me to others
block->FreeNext= _FreeBlocks[lMapType];
block->FreePrec= NULL;
// link other to me
_FreeBlocks[lMapType]->FreePrec= block;
_FreeBlocks[lMapType]= block;
// ***************************************************************************
void CTextureDLM::unlinkFreeBlock(uint lMapType, CBlock *block)
// unlink other from me
block->FreeNext->FreePrec= block->FreePrec;
block->FreePrec->FreeNext= block->FreeNext;
_FreeBlocks[lMapType]= block->FreeNext;
// reset me
block->FreePrec= NULL;
block->FreeNext= NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CTextureDLM::createLightMap(uint w, uint h, uint &x, uint &y)
// at least cna create it??
if(!canCreateLightMap(w, h))
return false;
// the type of lightmap.
uint lMapType= getTypeForSize(w,h);
// First manage case list is empty.
// list is empty => allocate a block from _EmptyBlocks.
// pop a block from empty list
CBlock *block= &_Blocks[_EmptyBlocks.back()];
// init this block.
// set size of lightmaps for this blocks.
block->Width= w;
block->Height= h;
// Link this block to the list.
linkFreeBlock(lMapType, block);
// Get the block from the list.
CBlock *block= _FreeBlocks[lMapType];
// Allocate block lightmap.
// compute block info.
uint nLMapOnX= NL_DLM_BLOCK_SIZE / block->Width;
uint nLMapOnY= NL_DLM_BLOCK_SIZE / block->Height;
uint nLMapPerBlock= nLMapOnX * nLMapOnY;
// bit must fit in a uint64
// get an id in the FreeSpace bitField.
uint i;
for(i= 0;i<nLMapPerBlock; i++)
uint mask= 1<<i;
// If the bit is not set, then this id is free.
if( (block->FreeSpace & mask)==0 )
// take this id, hence set this bit
block->FreeSpace|= mask;
// stop, found.
// compute x/y texture pos for this id.
x= block->PosX + (i%nLMapOnX) * w;
y= block->PosY + (i/nLMapOnX) * h;
// if lightmap full
// if bitfield is full
if( block->FreeSpace == (uint)(1<<nLMapPerBlock)-1 )
// Must remove it from free list.
unlinkFreeBlock(lMapType, block);
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
void CTextureDLM::copyRect(uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h, CRGBA *textMap)
// copy image.
CRGBA *src= textMap;
CRGBA *dst= (CRGBA*)getPixels().getPtr();
dst+= y*getWidth()+x;
for(sint n= h;n>0;n--, src+= w, dst+= getWidth())
memcpy(dst, src, w*sizeof(CRGBA));
// Invalidate the rectangle.
ITexture::touchRect(CRect(x, y, w, h));
// ***************************************************************************
void CTextureDLM::fillRect(uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h, uint8 value)
// copy image.
CRGBA *dst= (CRGBA*)getPixels().getPtr();
dst+= y*getWidth()+x;
for(sint n= h;n>0;n--, dst+= getWidth())
memset(dst, value, w*sizeof(CRGBA));
// Invalidate the rectangle.
ITexture::touchRect(CRect(x, y, w, h));
// ***************************************************************************
void CTextureDLM::modulateAndfillRect565(uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h, CRGBA *textMap, uint16 *modColor)
// compute start dst to copy.
CRGBA *dst= (CRGBA*)getPixels().getPtr();
dst+= y*getWidth()+x;
// precahce Data in memory (best CPU support)
CFastMem::precache(textMap, w*h*sizeof(CRGBA));
CFastMem::precache(modColor, w*h*sizeof(uint16));
// For all lines
for(sint n= h;n>0;n--, dst+= (getWidth()-w) )
// For all the line.
for(sint nc= w;nc>0;nc--, textMap++, modColor++, dst++)
uint16 tc= *modColor;
// modulate R.
dst->R= ( (tc>>11) * textMap->R)>>5;
// modulate G.
dst->G= (((tc>>5)&63) * textMap->G)>>6;
// modulate B.
dst->B= ( (tc&31) * textMap->B)>>5;
// Invalidate the rectangle.
ITexture::touchRect(CRect(x, y, w, h));
// ***************************************************************************
void CTextureDLM::modulateAndfillRect8888(uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h, CRGBA *textMap, CRGBA *modColor)
// compute start dst to copy.
CRGBA *dst= (CRGBA*)getPixels().getPtr();
dst+= y*getWidth()+x;
// precahce Data in memory (best CPU support)
CFastMem::precache(textMap, w*h*sizeof(CRGBA));
CFastMem::precache(modColor, w*h*sizeof(CRGBA));
// For all lines
for(sint n= h;n>0;n--, dst+= (getWidth()-w) )
// For all the line.
for(sint nc= w;nc>0;nc--, textMap++, modColor++, dst++)
CRGBA mc= *modColor;
// modulate RGB only
dst->R= ( mc.R * textMap->R)>>8;
dst->G= ( mc.G * textMap->G)>>8;
dst->B= ( mc.B * textMap->B)>>8;
// Invalidate the rectangle.
ITexture::touchRect(CRect(x, y, w, h));
// ***************************************************************************
void CTextureDLM::modulateConstantAndfillRect(uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h, CRGBA *textMap, CRGBA mc)
// compute start dst to copy.
CRGBA *dst= (CRGBA*)getPixels().getPtr();
dst+= y*getWidth()+x;
// precahce Data in memory (best CPU support)
CFastMem::precache(textMap, w*h*sizeof(CRGBA));
// For all lines
for(sint n= h;n>0;n--, dst+= (getWidth()-w) )
// For all the line.
for(sint nc= w;nc>0;nc--, textMap++, dst++)
// modulate RGB only
dst->R= ( mc.R * textMap->R)>>8;
dst->G= ( mc.G * textMap->G)>>8;
dst->B= ( mc.B * textMap->B)>>8;
// Invalidate the rectangle.
ITexture::touchRect(CRect(x, y, w, h));
// ***************************************************************************
void CTextureDLM::releaseLightMap(uint x, uint y)
// Search what block is under this pos.
uint blockId= (y/NL_DLM_BLOCK_SIZE)*_WBlock + (x/NL_DLM_BLOCK_SIZE);
CBlock *block= &_Blocks[blockId];
// compute block info.
uint nLMapOnX= NL_DLM_BLOCK_SIZE / block->Width;
uint nLMapOnY= NL_DLM_BLOCK_SIZE / block->Height;
uint nLMapPerBlock= nLMapOnX * nLMapOnY;
// was Full (ie all bits set) before this release
bool wasFull= (block->FreeSpace == (uint)(1<<nLMapPerBlock)-1);
// the type of lightmap.
uint lMapType= getTypeForSize(block->Width, block->Height);
// get relative pos to the block.
x-= block->PosX;
y-= block->PosY;
// compute bit number.
uint bitX= x/block->Width;
uint bitY= y/block->Height;
// assert good pos param.
nlassert(x == bitX*block->Width);
nlassert(y == bitY*block->Height);
// compute bitId, as done in createLightMap()
uint bitId= bitY * nLMapOnX + bitX;
uint mask= 1<<bitId;
// Free this bit in the block.
nlassert(block->FreeSpace & mask);
block->FreeSpace&= ~mask;
// Free the block if necessary.
bool isEmpty= block->FreeSpace==0;
// If wasFull and now it is empty (nLMapPerBlock==1 case), just append to EmptyBlocks.
if(wasFull && isEmpty)
// add the id to the empty list.
// if wasFull, but still have some lightmap now, must insert into FreeList
else if(wasFull && !isEmpty)
linkFreeBlock(lMapType, block);
// if was not full but now it is empty, must remove from free list and insert into EmptyBlocks
else if(!wasFull && isEmpty)
// remove the block from Free List
unlinkFreeBlock(lMapType, block);
// add the id to the empty list.
// else (!wasFull && !isEmpty) no-op, since must be kept in the FreeList.
} // NL3D