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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_base.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_geom.h"
#include "nel/3d/mrm_parameters.h"
namespace NL3D
class CMeshMultiLodInstance;
class CCoarseMeshManager;
* Mesh with several LOD meshes.
* This mesh handle several meshes of any kind of shape (MRM, standard, coarse meshes..)
* At run time, it chooses what LOD meshes it must render according to its settings.
* \author Cyril 'Hulud' Corvazier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class CMeshMultiLod : public CMeshBase
/* ***********************************************
* WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance
* It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance
* ***********************************************/
/// \name Structures for building a multi lod mesh.
/// Class used to build a multi lod mesh
class CMeshMultiLodBuild
CMeshMultiLodBuild() : StaticLod(false) { }
/// A slot of mesh for the build
class CBuildSlot
CBuildSlot() : MeshGeom(NULL), DistMax(0.0f), BlendLength(0.0f), Flags(0) { }
* Flags for the build of a slot
* BlendIn: if this flag is specified, this mesh will blend before be displayed.
* BlendOut: if this flag is specified, this mesh will blend before disapear.
* CoarseMesh: if this flag is specified, this mesh is a coarse mesh.
BlendIn = 0x01,
BlendOut = 0x02,
CoarseMesh = 0x04,
IsOpaque = 0x08,
IsTransparent = 0x10,
* A mesh base build to describe the mesh. Can't be NULL. The pointer is owned by the CMeshMultiLod
* after the call.
IMeshGeom *MeshGeom;
/// Distance before which this lod is displayed
float DistMax;
/// Length of the blend used to show this mesh
float BlendLength;
/// Flags for the build. See flags description.
uint8 Flags;
/// True if this mesh is a static lod (static means it doesn't move at each frame), else false for dynamic.
bool StaticLod;
/// The mesh base build structure
CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild BaseMesh;
/// An array of basic mesh build
std::vector<CBuildSlot> LodMeshes;
/// Build a mesh from material info, and a builded MeshGeom. WARNING: This has a side effect of deleting AnimatedMaterials.
void build(CMeshMultiLodBuild &mbuild);
// @}
/// \name From IShape
// @{
/// Create a CMeshInstance, which contains materials.
virtual CTransformShape *createInstance(CScene &scene);
/// clip this mesh in a driver.
virtual bool clip(const std::vector<CPlane> &pyramid, const CMatrix &worldMatrix) ;
/// render() this mesh in a driver.
virtual void render(IDriver *drv, CTransformShape *trans, bool passOpaque);
/// Get bbox.
virtual void getAABBox(NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox) const;
/// serial this mesh.
virtual void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// Declare name of the shape
/// profiling
virtual void profileSceneRender(CRenderTrav *rdrTrav, CTransformShape *trans, bool opaquePass);
/// System Mem Geometry Copy, built at load time
virtual void buildSystemGeometry();
// @}
/// Geometry accessor
const IMeshGeom& getMeshGeom (uint slot) const;
/// Get slot mesh count.
uint getNumSlotMesh () const
return (uint)_MeshVector.size();
/// Get a slot mesh.
IMeshGeom *getSlotMesh (uint i, bool& coarseMesh)
// Coarse mesh ?
// Return the mesh pointer
return _MeshVector[i].MeshGeom;
/// Is static mesh ?
bool isStatic () const
return _StaticLod;
/** Change MRM Distance setup of the Lod 0 only. No op if the lod0 is not a CMeshMRMGeom
* NB: no-op if distanceFinest<0, distanceMiddle<=distanceFinest or if distanceCoarsest<=distanceMiddle.
* \param distanceFinest The MRM has its max faces when dist<=distanceFinest.
* \param distanceMiddle The MRM has 50% of its faces at dist==distanceMiddle.
* \param distanceCoarsest The MRM has faces/Divisor (ie near 0) when dist>=distanceCoarsest.
void changeMRMDistanceSetup(float distanceFinest, float distanceMiddle, float distanceCoarsest);
/// \name Mesh Block Render Interface
// @{
virtual IMeshGeom *supportMeshBlockRendering (CTransformShape *trans, float &polygonCount ) const;
// @}
/// should not be called direclty as the intance of this shape will use 'getNumTrianglesWithCoarsestDist' themselves to get the correct distance.
virtual float getNumTriangles (float distance)
return getNumTrianglesWithCoarsestDist(distance, -1);
// The same as getNumTriangles, but a coarsest dist is provided. When not -1, it overrides the dist of the coarsest mesh
float getNumTrianglesWithCoarsestDist(float distance, float coarsestMeshDist) const;
* This is a slot of the mesh base list
* A LOD "currentLOD" is displayed between distances:
* [previousLOD->DistMax - currentLOD->BlendLength ; currentLOD->DistMax]
class CMeshSlot
/// Flags of CMeshSlot
BlendIn = 0x01,
BlendOut = 0x02,
CoarseMesh = 0x04,
IsOpaque = 0x08,
IsTransparent = 0x10,
/// Ctor
CMeshSlot ();
~CMeshSlot ();
/// The mesh base. Can be NULL if the geom mesh has not been loaded.
IMeshGeom *MeshGeom;
/// Factor of distance to polycount function. polyCount = A * distance + B
float A;
/// Constant of distance to polycount function. polyCount = A * distance + B
float B;
/// Dist max to show this mesh
float DistMax;
/// Polygon count at dist max for this slot
float EndPolygonCount;
/// Length of the blend used to show this mesh
float BlendLength;
/// Blend On/Off, misc flags
uint8 Flags;
// For Coarse Mesh only. Precomputed Triangles indexes.
uint CoarseNumTris;
std::vector<TCoarseMeshIndexType> CoarseTriangles;
/// Serial
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream);
/// Is Opaque ?
bool isOpaque() { return (Flags&IsOpaque)!=0; }
/// Is Transparent ?
bool isTransparent() { return (Flags&IsTransparent)!=0; }
/// Static or dynamic load ? Yoyo: no more used, but leave for possible usage later...
bool _StaticLod;
/// Vector of meshes
std::vector<CMeshSlot> _MeshVector;
/// Clear the mesh
void clear ();
/// Render the MeshGeom of a slot, even if coarseMesh
void renderMeshGeom (uint slot, IDriver *drv, CMeshMultiLodInstance *trans, float numPoylgons, uint32 rdrFlags, float alpha, CCoarseMeshManager *manager);
/// Render the CoarseMesh of a slot. must be a coarseMesh, and shoudl be called only in passOpaque.
void renderCoarseMesh (uint slot, IDriver *drv, CMeshMultiLodInstance *trans, CCoarseMeshManager *manager);
/// Profile the MeshGeom of a slot, even if coarseMesh
void profileMeshGeom (uint slot, CRenderTrav *rdrTrav, CMeshMultiLodInstance *trans, float numPoylgons, uint32 rdrFlags);
/// compile misc things, like distMax, Coarse meshes, collision mesh at load time...
void compileRunTime();
/// copileDistMax called by compileRunTime
void compileDistMax();
/// compile Coarse Meshs called by compileRunTime
void compileCoarseMeshes();
/// called at createInstance() time
void instanciateCoarseMeshSpace(CMeshMultiLodInstance *mi);
friend class CMeshMultiLodInstance;
} // NL3D
/* End of mesh_multi_lod.h */