family_name	id	type	description	texture_id	texture
root	0	ROOT	root bricks	9000	root_bricks.tga
spell_power	1	KEY	power of the spell	9001	power.tga
effect_area	2	SUFFIX	define the effect area of the spell	9002	area.tga
casting_time	3	SUFFIX	inc/dec the casting time of the spell	9003	casting_time.tga
range	4	KEY	range of the spell	9004	range.tga
characteristic	5	KEY	choose affected characteristic	9005	charac.tga
virulence	6	KEY	virulence	9006	virulence.tga
healing	7	KEY	healing power	9007	healing_power.tga
spell length	8	KEY	length of spell effects	9008	effect_length.tga
destination	9	KEY	teleport's destination	10003	teleport.tga
reduce resistance	10	SUFFIX	reduce target's resistance	10003	teleport.tga
easy	11	SUFFIX	reduce spell difficulty	10003	teleport.tga
cheap	12	SUFFIX	reduce spell cost	10003	teleport.tga
concentration	13	SUFFIX	reduce casting interruption chances	10003	teleport.tga