// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . function addToLog($str) { global $adminLog; $adminLog[] = $str; } function htmlProlog($rootFile, $title, $displayLinks = true, $addToHead = "") { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "$title\n"; echo "\n"; echo $addToHead."\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; global $admcookielogin, $admcookiepassword; addToLog("admcookielogin=$admcookielogin admcookiepassword=$admcookiepassword"); addToLog("admlogin=$admcookielogin admcookiepassword=$admcookiepassword"); if ($displayLinks) linkBar($title); } function htmlEpilog($logInfo = true) { global $HTTP_POST_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $sqlQueries, $nel_queries, $nel_updates, $admlogin, $allowrootdebug, $adminLog; if ($admlogin == "root") echo "
Execute Raw NeL query :
\n"; if ($admlogin == "root" && $allowrootdebug && $logInfo) { if (isset($nel_queries) && count($nel_queries)>=1) { echo "
NeL shard queries\n"; echo "\n"; } displayQueries(); echo "
			echo "\nHTTP_GET_VAR\n";
			echo "
\n"; if (is_array($adminLog)) { echo "
\n"; foreach ($adminLog as $log) echo "$log
\n"; } } /* echo "
			echo "
"; */ echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } function button($text, $bdcolor="#888888", $bgcolor="#eeeeee") { return "
"; } function linkBar($title) { global $admlogin, $group; echo "\n"; if (file_exists("./nel.gif")) { echo "\n"; } echo "
"; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
".button($title)."".button("$admlogin/$group on ".$HTTP_HOST.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].helpLink("Main"))."
"; echo "
"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; if ($admlogin == "root" || strtolower($group) == "nevraxgroup") { echo ""; } if ($admlogin == "root") { echo ""; } echo ""; echo "
".button("Main page")."".button("Custom View")."".button("Player Locator")."".button("Log Analysis")."".button("Preferences")."".button("Commands")."".button("Administration")."".button("Logout")."
"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } function subBar($menus) { echo "
\n"; foreach($menus as $name => $url) echo ""; echo "\n
\n"; } function getFileRoot($name) { $n = basename($name); $pos = strrpos($n, "."); if ($pos === NULL) return $n; return substr($n, 0, $pos); } function helpLink($topic) { return "+"; } function help($topic) { return helpLink($topic); } function helpCommon($topic) { return "+"; } function helpAll($directory, $topic) { return "+"; } function getVar($name) { if(isset($_POST[$name])) return $_POST[$name]; else if(isset($_GET[$name])) return $_GET[$name]; } ?>