// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/file.h"
#include "nel/misc/sstring.h"
#include "nel/misc/mutable_container.h"
#include "nel/net/service.h"
#include "nel/net/module.h"
#include "nel/net/module_builder_parts.h"
#include "admin_modules_itf.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NLNET;
void as_forceLink() {}
namespace ADMIN
/// name of the persistent state file
const char *ASPersistentStateFilename = "as_state.txt";
class CAdminService
: public CEmptyModuleServiceBehav > >,
/// The maximum time without report from an AES before flagging it as 'not responding'
typedef CModuleTracker TAESTracker;
/// Tracker for EAS modules
TAESTracker _AESTracker;
struct TAESServices
/// The date of last report send by this AES. Used to display 'not responding' AES
uint32 LastReportDate;
/// The list of service known by this AES
vector ServiceStatus;
: LastReportDate(0)
/// all known service status by known AES
typedef map TKnownServices;
TKnownServices _KnownServices;
/// data for a command comming form web and waiting execution by the module task
struct TPendingWebCommand
/// Received command date
uint32 ReceptionDate;
/// Is this a control command (otherwise it's a service command)
bool ControlCommand;
/// Sock id of the web connection that wait the command result
TSockId Requester;
/// Alias of the command target service
string ServiceAlias;
/// the command and it's parameters
string Command;
typedef uint32 TCommandId;
TCommandId _NextCommandId;
typedef map TPendingWebCommands;
/// A stack of web command request to be treated by module task
TPendingWebCommands _PendingWebCommands;
/// The global running state of the domain
// TRunningOrders _GlobalOrders;
typedef string TShardName;
typedef map TShardsOrders;
/// The running state of each shard
TShardsOrders _ShardOrders;
/// a flag to write the state file at next module update
bool _NeedToWriteStateFile;
: _AESTracker(TModuleClassPred("AdminExecutorService")),
// _GlobalOrders(TRunningOrders::ro_running),
_AESTracker.init(this, this);
void setShardOrders(const std::string &shardName, TShardOrders newOrders)
_ShardOrders[shardName] = newOrders;
// switch(_GlobalOrders.getValue())
// {
// case TRunningOrders::ro_stopped:
// IService::getInstance()->addStatusTag("GLOBAL_STOPPED");
// break;
// case TRunningOrders::ro_running:
// IService::getInstance()->removeStatusTag("GLOBAL_STOPPED");
// break;
// }
_NeedToWriteStateFile = true;
// update all AES with the new state
CAdminExecutorServiceProxy::broadcast_setShardOrders(_AESTracker.getTrackedModules().begin(), _AESTracker.getTrackedModules().end(),
this, shardName, newOrders);
/// Methods called by a module task to handle web command request
void sendCommandToAES(TCommandId commandId, TPendingWebCommand &pwc)
// look in the list of known state to retrieve the target of the command
TKnownServices::iterator first(_KnownServices.begin()), last(_KnownServices.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
const vector &status = first->second.ServiceStatus;
for (uint i=0; ifirst);
if (pwc.ControlCommand)
// this is a control command
aes.controlCmd(this, commandId, pwc.ServiceAlias, pwc.Command);
// this is a service command
aes.serviceCmd(this, commandId, pwc.ServiceAlias, pwc.Command);
// terminate here !
// not found !
CAdminServiceWebItf::commandResult(pwc.Requester, pwc.ServiceAlias, "ERROR : AS : unknown service alias");
// remove the pending command
bool initModule(const TParsedCommandLine &pcl)
// read the command line
const TParsedCommandLine *webPort = pcl.getParam("webPort");
nlassert(webPort != NULL);
uint16 port;
NLMISC::fromString(webPort->ParamValue, port);
// open the web interface
// read the persistent state file if any
string filename = CPath::standardizePath(IService::getInstance()->SaveFilesDirectory.toString(), true)+ASPersistentStateFilename;
FILE *fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rt");
if (fp != NULL)
char buffer[1024];
char *ret;
while ((ret=fgets(buffer, 1024, fp)) != NULL)
CSString line(buffer);
string cmd = line.firstWord(true);
if (cmd == "ShardOrders")
string shardName = line.firstWord(true);
string orders = line.firstWord(true);
TShardOrders shardOrders(orders);
if (shardOrders != TShardOrders::invalid_val)
setShardOrders(shardName, shardOrders);
// clear the flag because 'setGlobalState' has set it
_NeedToWriteStateFile = false;
return true;
void onModuleUpdate()
if (_NeedToWriteStateFile)
string filename = CPath::standardizePath(IService::getInstance()->SaveFilesDirectory.toString(), true)+ASPersistentStateFilename;
FILE *fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wt");
if (fp != NULL)
CSString line;
TShardsOrders::iterator first(_ShardOrders.begin()), last(_ShardOrders.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
line << "ShardOrders "<first<<" "<second.toString()<<"\n";
fputs(line.c_str(), fp);
_NeedToWriteStateFile = false;
uint32 now = NLMISC::CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
// check for timeout commands
TPendingWebCommands::iterator first(_PendingWebCommands.begin()), last(_PendingWebCommands.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
TPendingWebCommand &pwc = first->second;
if (now - pwc.ReceptionDate > 10)
CAdminServiceWebItf::commandResult(pwc.Requester, pwc.ServiceAlias, "ERROR : no response from service or AES");
// check at next update for the rest
// save one high rez graph at a time
static string lastCheckedBuffer;
THighRezBuffers::iterator it(_HighRezBuffers.upper_bound(lastCheckedBuffer));
if (it == _HighRezBuffers.end())
lastCheckedBuffer = "";
lastCheckedBuffer = it->first;
THighRezBuffer &hrBuffer = it->second;
if (hrBuffer.Dirty)
// save this buffer
CMemStream sbuff;
// write the updated buffer
string filename = getHighRezBufferFilename(it->first);
NLMISC::COFile of(filename);
if (of.isOpen()) // test added, because sometime on windows, the file fail to open !
of.serialBuffer((uint8*)sbuff.buffer(), sbuff.size());
hrBuffer.Dirty = false;
nlwarning("CAdminService::onUpdateModule : failed to open file %s for writing", filename.c_str());
//// Virtuals from IModuleTrackerCb
virtual void onTrackedModuleUp(IModuleProxy *moduleProxy)
nldebug("AES module '%s' UP", moduleProxy->getModuleName().c_str());
// send it the current global state
CAdminExecutorServiceProxy aes(moduleProxy);
TShardsOrders::iterator first(_ShardOrders.begin()), last(_ShardOrders.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
aes.setShardOrders(this, first->first, first->second);
virtual void onTrackedModuleDown(IModuleProxy *moduleProxy)
nldebug("AES module '%s' DOWN", moduleProxy->getModuleName().c_str());
// check for any pending commands with this AES
TAESServices &as = _KnownServices[moduleProxy];
for (uint i=0; isecond;
if (pwc.ServiceAlias == aliasName)
// remove this command
CAdminServiceWebItf::commandResult(pwc.Requester, pwc.ServiceAlias, "ERROR : connection lost with AES during command");
TCommandId commandId = first->first;
// restart the loop to avoid iterator dodging
goto retry_pending_command;
// remove any service status
//// Virtuals from CAdminServiceSkel
// An AES send an update of the list of service up
virtual void upServiceUpdate(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::vector < TServiceStatus > &serviceStatus)
if (_AESTracker.getTrackedModules().find(sender) == _AESTracker.getTrackedModules().end())
nlwarning("'%s' send upServiceUpdate but is not an valid AES", sender->getModuleName().c_str());
_KnownServices[sender].LastReportDate = NLMISC::CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
_KnownServices[sender].ServiceStatus = serviceStatus;
// check that we have this shards in the shard orders table
for (uint i=0; iConfigFile.getVar("RRDVarPath").asString());
rrdfilename << gd.getServiceAlias() <<"." <ConfigFile.getVar("RRDToolPath").asString(), arg);
arg = "";
arg<<"update "<ConfigFile.getVar("RRDToolPath").asString(), arg);
/// Circular buffer to store high resolution samples
struct THighRezBuffer
bool Dirty;
uint32 NBSample;
uint32 FrameStart;
uint32 FrameEnd; // == FrameStart if empty
struct THighRezItem
uint32 Date;
TTime SampleTick;
double Value;
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &s)
vector Datas;
: Dirty(false),
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &s)
if (s.isReading())
// make some adjustment in case of HR_BUFFER_SIZE change
FrameStart %= HR_BUFFER_SIZE;
typedef map THighRezBuffers;
THighRezBuffers _HighRezBuffers;
string getHighRezBufferFilename(const std::string &varAddr)
CSString filename = CPath::standardizePath (IService::getInstance()->ConfigFile.getVar("RRDVarPath").asString());
filename << varAddr<<".hrd";
return filename;
// An AES send high rez graph data update
virtual void highRezGraphUpdate(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const THighRezDatas &graphDatas)
// dump the datas
// nldebug("Received high rez graph info for var %s from service %s",
// graphDatas.getServiceName().c_str(),
// graphDatas.getVarName().c_str());
// for (uint i=0; igetModuleClassName().c_str(),
TPendingWebCommand &pwc = it->second;
CAdminServiceWebItf::commandResult(pwc.Requester, pwc.ServiceAlias, result);
// erase this command
// An AES send it's updated state strings
// virtual void updateAESStates(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::vector < std::string > &states)
// {
// nlstop;
// }
// AES send back the result of execution of a control command
virtual void controlCmdResult(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &serviceName, const std::vector < std::string > &result)
//// Virtuals from CAdminServiceWebItf
/// Connection callback : a new interface client connect
virtual void on_CAdminServiceWeb_Connection(NLNET::TSockId from)
/// Disconnection callback : one of the interface client disconnect
virtual void on_CAdminServiceWeb_Disconnection(NLNET::TSockId from)
// This is used to issue global commands like 'as.allStart' or 'as.allStop'.
// The result is returned by the return message
// serviceCmdResult.
virtual void on_globalCmd(NLNET::TSockId from, const std::string &command)
// create a displayer to gather the output of the command
class CStringDisplayer: public IDisplayer
virtual void doDisplay( const CLog::TDisplayInfo& args, const char *message)
_Data += message;
std::string _Data;
nldebug("Global command from web : '%s'",
// ok, we can execute the command concerning the service.
CStringDisplayer stringDisplayer;
// build the command line
CSString cmdLine;
cmdLine << getCommandHandlerName() << "." << command;
// retrieve the command from the input message and execute it
nlinfo ("ADMIN: Executing global command : '%s'", cmdLine.c_str());
ICommand::execute (cmdLine, IService::getInstance()->CommandLog);
// unhook our displayer as it's work is now done
// send the result back to the web
CAdminServiceWebItf::commandResult(from, "", stringDisplayer._Data);
// Send a service related command to the executor
// (not to the controled service)
// The return value is a string containing the content
// returned by the command.
virtual void on_controlCmd(NLNET::TSockId from, const std::string &serviceAlias, const std::string &command)
// push the request info
TPendingWebCommand pwc;
pwc.ReceptionDate = NLMISC::CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
pwc.Command = command;
pwc.ControlCommand = true;
pwc.Requester = from;
pwc.ServiceAlias = serviceAlias;
_PendingWebCommands.insert(make_pair(_NextCommandId, pwc));
// send the request to the AES
sendCommandToAES(_NextCommandId++, pwc);
// Send a command to the AS.
// Send a command to a service.
// The return value is a string containing the content returned by the
virtual void on_serviceCmd(NLNET::TSockId from, const std::string &serviceAlias, const std::string &command)
// push the request info
TPendingWebCommand pwc;
pwc.ReceptionDate = NLMISC::CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
pwc.Command = command;
pwc.ControlCommand = false;
pwc.Requester = from;
pwc.ServiceAlias = serviceAlias;
_PendingWebCommands.insert(make_pair(_NextCommandId, pwc));
// send the request to the AES
sendCommandToAES(_NextCommandId++, pwc);
// Get the orders of each known shard.
// The return value is a vector of string, one entry by shard
virtual std::vector on_getShardOrders(NLNET::TSockId from)
vector ret;
TShardsOrders::iterator first(_ShardOrders.begin()), last(_ShardOrders.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
CSString orders;
orders << "ShardName=" << first->first;
orders << "\tOrders=" << first->second.toString();
return ret;
// Get the last known state of all services.
// The return value is a vector of string, one entry by service
virtual std::vector on_getStates(NLNET::TSockId from)
uint32 now = NLMISC::CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
vector ret;
TAESTracker::TTrackedModules::iterator first(_AESTracker.getTrackedModules().begin()), last(_AESTracker.getTrackedModules().end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
IModuleProxy *aes = *first;
const vector &status = _KnownServices[*first].ServiceStatus;
uint32 aesStallDelay = now - _KnownServices[*first].LastReportDate;
bool aesStall = aesStallDelay > AES_REPORT_WARNING_DELAY;
for (uint i=0; i::const_iterator frt(ss.getRunningTags().begin()), lrt(ss.getRunningTags().end());
for (; frt != lrt; ++frt)
state << frt->toString() << " ";
state << "\t" << status[i].getStatus();
if (aesStall)
state << "\tAESStall=" << toString(aesStallDelay);
return ret;
// Get information about a high rez graph.
// The return is a string array containing
// the name of the var, the available sample
// period as two unix date (start dans end)
// and the number of samples available
// If the var is not found, an empty array is returned
virtual std::vector on_getHighRezGraphInfo(NLNET::TSockId from, const std::string &varAddr)
vector ret;
THighRezBuffers::iterator it(_HighRezBuffers.find(varAddr));
if (it == _HighRezBuffers.end())
return ret;
THighRezBuffer &buffer = it->second;
if (buffer.FrameStart == buffer.FrameEnd)
// the buffer is empty
ret.push_back(toString((buffer.FrameEnd - buffer.FrameStart) % HR_BUFFER_SIZE));
return ret;
// Get the data for a high resolution graph.
// The return is a string array, each
// string containing 'time:milliOffset:value
virtual std::vector on_getHighRezGraph(NLNET::TSockId from, const std::string &varAddr, uint32 startDate, uint32 endDate, uint32 milliStep)
vector ret;
THighRezBuffers::iterator it(_HighRezBuffers.find(varAddr));
if (it == _HighRezBuffers.end())
return ret;
THighRezBuffer &buffer = it->second;
if (buffer.FrameStart == buffer.FrameEnd)
// the buffer is empty
return ret;
if (endDate == 0)
// the end date is zero, this mean that start date is relative
// to the last sample date.
endDate = buffer.Datas[(buffer.FrameEnd-1)%HR_BUFFER_SIZE].Date;
if (endDate > startDate)
startDate = endDate - startDate;
startDate = 0;
// advance in the buffer until we found a time greater than start date
uint32 startPointer = buffer.FrameStart;
while (startPointer != buffer.FrameEnd && buffer.Datas[startPointer].Date < startDate)
if (startPointer == HR_BUFFER_SIZE)
startPointer = 0;
if (startPointer == buffer.FrameEnd)
return ret;
// retrieve starting times
uint32 startTime = buffer.Datas[buffer.FrameStart].Date;
TTime startMilli = buffer.Datas[buffer.FrameStart].SampleTick;
TTime lastSampleTick = startMilli;
double minSample = DBL_MAX;
double maxSample = DBL_MIN;
double meanSample = 0;
uint32 nbMergedSample = 0;
// now collect sample in the result until end of buffer or end date
for (uint32 i=startPointer; i != buffer.FrameEnd; ++i%=HR_BUFFER_SIZE)
// check for end of time slice
if (buffer.Datas[i].Date >= endDate)
// stop the loop
double value = buffer.Datas[i].Value;
if (value < minSample)
minSample = value;
if (value > maxSample)
maxSample = value;
meanSample += value;
if (buffer.Datas[i].SampleTick - lastSampleTick > milliStep)
// output this sample
uint32 date = startTime + uint32((buffer.Datas[i].SampleTick - startMilli)/1000);
ret.push_back(toString("%u : %"NL_I64"u : %f %f %f", date, buffer.Datas[i].SampleTick, minSample, meanSample/nbMergedSample, maxSample));
lastSampleTick = buffer.Datas[i].SampleTick;
minSample = DBL_MAX;
maxSample = DBL_MIN;
meanSample = 0;
nbMergedSample = 0;
return ret;
//// commands handlers
NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(CAdminService, dump, "Dump a status report to appropriate output logger", "no args")
// NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(CAdminService, allStart, "set the state of the controled domain to started", "no args")
// NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(CAdminService, allStop, "set the state of the controled domain to stopped", "no args")
// NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(CAdminService, startShard, "start a shard in the controled domain", "")
// NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(CAdminService, stopShard, "stop a shard in the controled domain", "")
NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(CAdminService, setShardStartMode, "set the autostart mode of a shard", " on|off")
NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(CAdminService, stopShard, "stop all service of a shard with a programmable timer (can be 0 for immediate shutdown)", " ")
if (args.size() != 2)
return false;
string shardName = args[0];
if (_ShardOrders.find(shardName) == _ShardOrders.end())
log.displayNL("Unknown shard '%s'", shardName.c_str());
return true;
TShardOrders shardOrders;
if (args[1] == "on")
shardOrders = TShardOrders::so_autostart_on;
else if (args[1] == "off")
shardOrders = TShardOrders::so_autostart_off;
log.displayNL("Invalid option '%s', must be 'on' or 'off'", args[1].c_str());
return true;
setShardOrders(shardName, shardOrders);
return true;
// {
// if (args.size() != 1)
// return false;
// string shardName = args[0];
// if (_ShardOrders.find(shardName) == _ShardOrders.end())
// {
// log.displayNL("Unknown shard '%s'", shardName.c_str());
// return true;
// }
// setShardOrders(shardName, TRunningOrders::ro_running);
// return true;
// }
// {
// if (args.size() != 1)
// return false;
// string shardName = args[0];
// if (_ShardOrders.find(shardName) == _ShardOrders.end())
// {
// log.displayNL("Unknown shard '%s'", shardName.c_str());
// return true;
// }
// setShardOrders(shardName, TRunningOrders::ro_stopped);
// return true;
// }
// {
// if (args.size() != 0)
// return false;
// setGlobalOrders(TRunningOrders::ro_running);
// return true;
// }
// {
// if (args.size() != 0)
// return false;
// setGlobalOrders(TRunningOrders::ro_stopped);
// return true;
// }
if (args.size() != 2)
return false;
string shardName = args[0];
uint32 delay;
NLMISC::fromString(args[1], delay);
if (_ShardOrders.find(shardName) == _ShardOrders.end())
log.displayNL("Unknown shard '%s'", shardName.c_str());
return true;
// dispatch the request to all AES (they will apply to the pertinent service)
CAdminExecutorServiceProxy::broadcast_shutdownShard(_AESTracker.getTrackedModules().begin(), _AESTracker.getTrackedModules().end(),
this, shardName, delay);
return true;
log.displayNL(" Dumping Admin states");
// log.displayNL(" Global orders is '%s'", _GlobalOrders.toString().c_str());
log.displayNL(" There are %u known shards :", _ShardOrders.size());
TShardsOrders::iterator first(_ShardOrders.begin()), last(_ShardOrders.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
log.displayNL(" + Shard '%s' is '%s'", first->first.c_str(), first->second.toString().c_str());
log.displayNL(" There are %u AES services :", _AESTracker.getTrackedModules().size());
TAESTracker::TTrackedModules::iterator first(_AESTracker.getTrackedModules().begin()), last(_AESTracker.getTrackedModules().end());
for (; first != last; ++first) {
IModuleProxy *aes = *first;
const vector &status = _KnownServices[*first].ServiceStatus;
log.displayNL(" + AES '%s', with %u connected services",
for (uint i=0; i