// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "stdpch.h"
// misc
#include "nel/misc/command.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector_2d.h"
#include "nel/misc/vectord.h"
#include "nel/misc/hierarchical_timer.h"
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
#include "nel/misc/sheet_id.h"
#include "nel/ligo/primitive.h"
#include "nel/ligo/ligo_config.h"
// game share
#include "game_share/tick_event_handler.h"
#include "game_share/ryzom_version.h"
#include "game_share/mirrored_data_set.h"
#include "game_share/ryzom_mirror_properties.h"
#include "game_share/mode_and_behaviour.h"
#include "game_share/synchronised_message.h"
#include "server_share/used_continent.h"
#include "server_share/pet_interface_msg.h"
#include "game_share/utils.h"
// r2 share
#include "server_share/r2_variables.h"
// local
#include "gpm_service.h"
#include "world_position_manager.h"
#include "vision_delta_manager.h"
#include "client_messages.h"
#include "sheets.h"
# define NOMINMAX
# include
#endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS
// force admin module to link in
extern void admin_modules_forceLink();
void foo()
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NLNET;
CGlobalPositionManagerService *pCGPMS= NULL;
NLLIGO::CLigoConfig LigoConfig;
* Get var from config file
// Sint version
bool getVarFromConfigFile(CConfigFile &cf, const string &name, sint32 &variable, sint32 defaultValue = 0)
CConfigFile::CVar *ptr = cf.getVarPtr(name);
bool success;
variable = ((success = (ptr != NULL)) ? ptr->asInt() : defaultValue);
return success;
// Uint version
bool getVarFromConfigFile(CConfigFile &cf, const string &name, uint32 &variable, uint32 defaultValue = 0)
CConfigFile::CVar *ptr = cf.getVarPtr(name);
bool success;
variable = ((success = (ptr != NULL)) ? ptr->asInt() : defaultValue);
return success;
// Bool version
bool getVarFromConfigFile(CConfigFile &cf, const string &name, bool &variable, bool defaultValue = false)
CConfigFile::CVar *ptr = cf.getVarPtr(name);
bool success;
variable = ((success = (ptr != NULL)) ? (ptr->asInt() != 0) : defaultValue);
return success;
// Float version
bool getVarFromConfigFile(CConfigFile &cf, const string &name, float &variable, float defaultValue = 0.0f)
CConfigFile::CVar *ptr = cf.getVarPtr(name);
bool success;
variable = ((success = (ptr != NULL)) ? ptr->asFloat() : defaultValue);
return success;
// Double version
bool getVarFromConfigFile(CConfigFile &cf, const string &name, double &variable, double defaultValue = 0)
CConfigFile::CVar *ptr = cf.getVarPtr(name);
bool success;
variable = ((success = (ptr != NULL)) ? ptr->asDouble() : defaultValue);
return success;
// String version
bool getVarFromConfigFile(CConfigFile &cf, const string &name, string &variable, const string &defaultValue = string(""))
CConfigFile::CVar *ptr = cf.getVarPtr(name);
bool success;
variable = ((success = (ptr != NULL)) ? ptr->asString() : defaultValue);
return success;
#define GET_VAR_FROM_CF(var, def) getVarFromConfigFile(ConfigFile, #var, var, def);
void cbConnection( const std::string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId, void *arg )
} // cbConnection //
TGameCycle TickStopGameCycle = 0;
void cbDisconnection( const std::string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId, void *arg )
if( serviceName == string("TICKS") )
TickStopGameCycle = CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle();
nlinfo( "tick stop -> %u", TickStopGameCycle );
// remove all entities created by this service
//CWorldPositionManager::removeAiVisionEntitiesForService( serviceId );
if (!IsRingShard)
} // cbDisconnection //
void cbEGSConnection( const std::string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId, void *arg )
// The follwoing code commented out by Sadge because no refference could be found to reception of this message
// // transmit the names of the used continents to the EGS
// try
// {
// CUsedContinent::TUsedContinentCont continents = CUsedContinent::instance().getContinents();
// vector< string > continentsNames;
// for (uint i=0; iConfigFile.getVar("UsedContinents");
// for ( uint i = 0; (sint)isend( "EGS", msgout );
// }
// catch(const EUnknownVar &)
// {
// nlwarning(" UsedContinents not found, no continent used");
// }
// send ESG all IA creatures
} // cbEGSConnection //
void cbEVSConnection( const std::string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId, void *arg )
EVSUp = true;
void cbEVSDisconnection( const std::string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId, void *arg )
EVSUp = false;
void cbSync()
// update World Position Manager time
if( !TickStopGameCycle )
if (!IsRingShard) { CWorldPositionManager::setCurrentTick( CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle() ); }
nlinfo( "Sync -> %u", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle() );
} // cbSync //
* Crash Callback
string crashCallback()
return CWorldPositionManager::getPlayersPosHistory();
************** callback table for input message ****************
TUnifiedCallbackItem CbArray[] =
* Initialisation 2
void cbMirrorIsReady( CMirror *mirror )
// init the service
void CGlobalPositionManagerService::init()
setVersion (RYZOM_VERSION);
// keep pointer on class
pCGPMS = this;
// set update time out
CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->setServiceUpCallback( string("*"), cbConnection, 0);
CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->setServiceUpCallback( "EGS", cbEGSConnection, 0);
CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->setServiceUpCallback( "EVS", cbEVSConnection, 0);
CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->setServiceDownCallback( string("*"), cbDisconnection, 0);
CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->setServiceDownCallback( "EVS", cbEVSDisconnection, 0);
uint32 WorldMapSizeX;
uint32 WorldMapSizeY;
uint32 VisionDistance;
uint32 PrimitiveMaxSize;
uint32 NbWorldImages;
bool LoadPacsPrims;
bool LoadPacsCol;
// init the class transport system
GET_VAR_FROM_CF(CheckPlayerSpeed, true);
GET_VAR_FROM_CF(Verbose, false);
GET_VAR_FROM_CF(WorldMapSizeX, 2100);
GET_VAR_FROM_CF(WorldMapSizeY, 2970);
GET_VAR_FROM_CF(VisionDistance, 250000);
GET_VAR_FROM_CF(PrimitiveMaxSize, 8);
GET_VAR_FROM_CF(NbWorldImages, 31);
GET_VAR_FROM_CF(LoadPacsCol, false);
GET_VAR_FROM_CF(LoadPacsPrims, true);
// World Position Manager init
if (!IsRingShard)
CWorldPositionManager::init(WorldMapSizeX, WorldMapSizeY, VisionDistance, PrimitiveMaxSize, (uint8)NbWorldImages, LoadPacsPrims, LoadPacsCol);
// Init ligo
if (!LigoConfig.readPrimitiveClass ("world_editor_classes.xml", false))
// Should be in l:\leveldesign\world_editor_files
nlerror ("Can't load ligo primitive config file world_editor_classes.xml");
/* // read the continent name translator
map translator;
CConfigFile::CVar *v = IService::getInstance()->ConfigFile.getVarPtr("ContinentNameTranslator");
if (v)
for (sint i=0; isize()/2; ++i)
string s1, s2;
s1 = v->asString(i*2);
s2 = v->asString(i*2+1);
translator[s1] = s2;
// todo: r2 GPMS doesn't read pacs for now - this will have to be fixed later
if (!IsRingShard)
// init continents
CUsedContinent::TUsedContinentCont continents = CUsedContinent::instance().getContinents();
// CConfigFile::CVar& cvUsedContinents = ConfigFile.getVar("UsedContinents");
// uint i;
// for (i=0; (sint)i UsedContinents not found, no continent used");
if (!IsRingShard) { CWorldPositionManager::initPatatManager(); }
// Init the mirror system
vector datasetNames;
datasetNames.push_back( "fe_temp" );
Mirror.init( datasetNames, cbMirrorIsReady, gpmsUpdate, cbSync );
Mirror.setServiceMirrorUpCallback( "EGS", cbEGSConnection, 0);
if (IsRingShard)
// setup the R2 Vision object and move checker object
pCGPMS->RingVisionDeltaManager=new CVisionDeltaManager;
pCGPMS->RingVisionUniverse= new R2_VISION::CUniverse;
pCGPMS->MoveChecker= new CMoveChecker;
} // init //
* Init after the mirror init
void CGlobalPositionManagerService::initMirror()
// Allow to add a few entities manually (using the command addEntity)
Mirror.declareEntityTypeOwner( RYZOMID::player, 10 );
Mirror.declareEntityTypeOwner( RYZOMID::npc, 500 );
DataSet = &(Mirror.getDataSet("fe_temp"));
DataSet->declareProperty( "X", PSOReadWrite | PSONotifyChanges, "X" ); // group notification on X
DataSet->declareProperty( "Y", PSOReadWrite | PSONotifyChanges, "X" ); // group notification on X
DataSet->declareProperty( "Z", PSOReadWrite | PSONotifyChanges, "X" ); // group notification on X
DataSet->declareProperty( "Theta", PSOReadWrite | PSONotifyChanges, "X" ); // group notification on X
DataSet->declareProperty( "AIInstance", PSOReadOnly | PSONotifyChanges );
DataSet->declareProperty( "WhoSeesMe", PSOReadOnly | PSONotifyChanges );
DataSet->declareProperty( "LocalX", PSOReadWrite );
DataSet->declareProperty( "LocalY", PSOReadWrite );
DataSet->declareProperty( "LocalZ", PSOReadWrite );
DataSet->declareProperty( "TickPos", PSOReadWrite );
DataSet->declareProperty( "Sheet", PSOReadWrite );
DataSet->declareProperty( "Mode", PSOReadOnly /*| PSONotifyChanges*/ );
DataSet->declareProperty( "Behaviour", PSOReadOnly );
DataSet->declareProperty( "Cell", PSOReadWrite );
DataSet->declareProperty( "VisionCounter", PSOReadWrite );
DataSet->declareProperty( "CurrentRunSpeed", PSOReadOnly );
DataSet->declareProperty( "CurrentWalkSpeed", PSOReadOnly );
DataSet->declareProperty( "RiderEntity", PSOReadOnly );
DataSet->declareProperty( "Fuel", PSOReadOnly );
initRyzomVisualPropertyIndices( *DataSet );
Mirror.setNotificationCallback( IsRingShard? CGlobalPositionManagerService::ringShardProcessMirrorUpdates: CGlobalPositionManagerService::processMirrorUpdates );
// main loop
bool CGlobalPositionManagerService::update()
return true;
} // update //
void CGlobalPositionManagerService::_checkAddCharacterToRingAIInstance(sint32 aiInstance)
TCharactersPerAIInstance::iterator it= _CharactersPerAIInstance.find(aiInstance);
if (it==_CharactersPerAIInstance.end())
// this is the first character to be added to this instance so initialise it
nlinfo("Creating new AIInstance in ring vision universe: %d",aiInstance);
nldebug("Increasing number of entities in aiInstance %d to %d",aiInstance,it->second);
void CGlobalPositionManagerService::_checkRemoveCharacterFromRingAIInstance(sint32 aiInstance)
TCharactersPerAIInstance::iterator it= _CharactersPerAIInstance.find(aiInstance);
BOMB_IF(it==_CharactersPerAIInstance.end(),NLMISC::toString("BUG: Can't find ai instance %d to remove character from",aiInstance),return);
// decrement count of characters in ai instance and remove the instance if its empty
if (it->second<1)
// this was the last character in the instance so delete it
nlinfo("removing AIInstance because last character has just left: %d",aiInstance);
nldebug("Decreasing number of entities in aiInstance %d to %d",aiInstance,it->second);
void CGlobalPositionManagerService::ringShardProcessMirrorUpdates()
// Process entities added to mirror
TDataSetRow entityIndex = TheDataset.getNextAddedEntity();
while ( entityIndex != LAST_CHANGED )
// lookup stats for the entity in the mirror
const NLMISC::CEntityId &eid= TheDataset.getEntityId( entityIndex );
CMirrorPropValueRO aiInstance ( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyAI_INSTANCE );
CMirrorPropValueRO x ( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyPOSX );
CMirrorPropValueRO y ( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyPOSY );
CMirrorPropValueRO whoSeesMe ( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyWHO_SEES_ME );
R2_VISION::TInvisibilityLevel invisibility= (R2_VISION::TInvisibilityLevel)(whoSeesMe&((1<_checkAddCharacterToRingAIInstance(aiInstance);
// if we have a player then set them up in the move checker
if (eid.getType()==RYZOMID::player)
pCGPMS->MoveChecker->teleport(entityIndex, x, y, CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle());
// add entity to the ring vision universe object
entityIndex = TheDataset.getNextAddedEntity();
// Process entities removed from mirror
CEntityId *id;
entityIndex = TheDataset.getNextRemovedEntity( &id );
while ( entityIndex != LAST_CHANGED )
// check that the character being removed exists in the r2VisionUniverse and get hold of their AIInstance
const R2_VISION::SUniverseEntity* theEntity= pCGPMS->RingVisionUniverse->getEntity(entityIndex);
BOMB_IF(theEntity==NULL,"Failed to identify the character that the mirror tells us is being removed",continue);
uint32 aiInstance= theEntity->AIInstance;
// remove entity from the ring vision universe object
// decrement the count of characters in the given instance and remove it if need be
// prepare to iterate...
entityIndex = TheDataset.getNextRemovedEntity( &id );
// Process properties changed and notified in the mirror
TPropertyIndex propIndex;
TheDataset.getNextChangedValue( entityIndex, propIndex );
while ( entityIndex != LAST_CHANGED )
if (propIndex == DSPropertyAI_INSTANCE)
// lookup stats for the entity in the mirror
sint32 aiInstance= CMirrorPropValueRO( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyAI_INSTANCE );
sint32 x= CMirrorPropValueRO( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyPOSX );
sint32 y= CMirrorPropValueRO( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyPOSY );
CMirrorPropValueRO whoSeesMe ( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyWHO_SEES_ME );
R2_VISION::TInvisibilityLevel invisibility= (R2_VISION::TInvisibilityLevel)(whoSeesMe&((1<MoveChecker->teleport(entityIndex, x, y, CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle());
// check that the character being teleported exists in the r2VisionUniverse and get hold of their old AIInstance
const R2_VISION::SUniverseEntity* theEntity= pCGPMS->RingVisionUniverse->getEntity(entityIndex);
BOMB_IF(theEntity==NULL, "Failed to identify the character that the mirror tells us is being removed",
TheDataset.getNextChangedValue( entityIndex, propIndex ); continue);
sint32 oldAiInstance= theEntity->AIInstance;
// check whether this is a real teleportation or just a move
if (oldAiInstance==aiInstance)
// the aiInstance hasn't changed so just perform a move
// note: this happens systematicaly on appearance of a new entity - the ai instance is
// setup once via code that manages appearance of new entities in mirror and it's setup
// again here... the coordinates are probably the same too but since I can't guarantee
// it I prefer to let the code do its stuff
// make sure the instance we're teleporting to exists
// teleport entity within the ring vision universe
// if this was the last entity in their old instance then get rid of the instance
else if (propIndex == DSPropertyPOSX)
// lookup stats for the entity in the mirror
CMirrorPropValueRO x ( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyPOSX );
CMirrorPropValueRO y ( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyPOSY );
// update the cell
CMirrorPropValue1DS cell ( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyCELL );
uint32 cx = (uint16) ( + x()/CWorldPositionManager::getCellSize() );
uint32 cy = (uint16) ( - y()/CWorldPositionManager::getCellSize() );
cell = (cx<<16) + cy;
// move entity within the ring vision universe
else if (propIndex == DSPropertyWHO_SEES_ME)
// lookup stats for the entity in the mirror
CMirrorPropValueRO whoSeesMe ( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyWHO_SEES_ME );
uint32 visibilityValue= ((uint32)whoSeesMe==0)? R2_VISION::WHOSEESME_INVISIBLE_DM: ((uint32)(whoSeesMe+1)==0)? R2_VISION::WHOSEESME_VISIBLE_MOB: (uint32)whoSeesMe;
// apply the change to the entity
pCGPMS->RingVisionUniverse->setEntityInvisibilityInfo(entityIndex, visibilityValue);
TheDataset.getNextChangedValue( entityIndex, propIndex );
void CGlobalPositionManagerService::processMirrorUpdates()
// Process entities added to mirror
TDataSetRow entityIndex = TheDataset.getNextAddedEntity();
while ( entityIndex != LAST_CHANGED )
//nldebug( "%u: OnAddEntity %d", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(), entityIndex );
CWorldPositionManager::onAddEntity( entityIndex );
entityIndex = TheDataset.getNextAddedEntity();
// Process entities removed from mirror
CEntityId *id;
entityIndex = TheDataset.getNextRemovedEntity( &id );
while ( entityIndex != LAST_CHANGED )
//nldebug( "%u: OnRemoveEntity %d", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(), entityIndex );
entityIndex = TheDataset.getNextRemovedEntity( &id );
// Process properties changed and notified in the mirror
TPropertyIndex propIndex;
TheDataset.getNextChangedValue( entityIndex, propIndex );
while ( entityIndex != LAST_CHANGED )
//nldebug( "%u: OnPosChange %d", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(), entityIndex );
//nlassert( propIndex == DSPropertyPOSX ); // (X, Y, Z, Theta) use "group notification" with prop X (and are the only ones with notification)
if (propIndex == DSPropertyPOSX)
// TEMP: while we don't handle all by entity indices, we need to test if the entityId has been notified (added)
CWorldEntity *entity = CWorldPositionManager::getEntityPtr(entityIndex);
if (entity)
if (entity->getType() == CWorldEntity::Player && entity->CheckMotion)
// this is a player and has to check motion
// then reset the player position according to the mirror pos
entity->PosInitialised = true;
//nlinfo("Update %s pos: %d,%d,%d - %d", entity->Id.toString().c_str(), entity->X(), entity->Y(), entity->Z(), entity->X.getWriterServiceId());
//nldebug( "Pos changed from mirror E%d", entityIndex );
TheDataset.getNextChangedValue( entityIndex, propIndex );
void CGlobalPositionManagerService::gpmsUpdate()
if ( ! pCGPMS->Mirror.mirrorIsReady() )
// process vision update for non-ring shards
if (!IsRingShard)
// also update internal clock (increase tick counter by one)
H_TIME(PositionManagerUpdate, CWorldPositionManager::update(););
uint i;
for (i=0; iTracked.size(); ++i)
// process vision update for ring shards
if (IsRingShard)
} // gpmsUpdate //
void CGlobalPositionManagerService::release()
if (!IsRingShard)
}// release //
NLNET_SERVICE_MAIN( CGlobalPositionManagerService, "GPMS", "gpm_service", 0, CbArray, "", "" );