// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" #include "archive.h" #include "utils.h" #include "nel/misc/big_file.h" #include "nel/misc/callback.h" #include "nel/misc/file.h" #include "nel/misc/path.h" #include "7z.h" #include "7zAlloc.h" #include "7zBuf.h" #include "7zCrc.h" #include "qzipreader.h" #include #include #ifndef FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY 0x1 #endif #ifndef FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN 0x2 #endif #ifndef FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM 0x4 #endif #ifndef FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY 0x10 #endif #ifndef FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE 0x20 #endif #ifndef FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE 0x40 #endif #ifndef FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 0x80 #endif #ifndef FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY 0x100 #endif #ifndef FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE 0x200 #endif #ifndef FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT 0x400 #endif #ifndef FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED 0x800 #endif #ifndef FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE 0x1000 #endif #ifndef FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED 0x4000 #endif #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_EXTENSION 0x8000 /* trick for Unix */ #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_WINDOWS 0x5fff #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX 0xffff0000 bool Set7zFileAttrib(const QString &filename, uint32 fileAttributes) { bool attrReadOnly = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY != 0); bool attrHidden = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN != 0); bool attrSystem = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM != 0); bool attrDir = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY != 0); bool attrArchive = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE != 0); bool attrDevice = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE != 0); bool attrNormal = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL != 0); bool attrTemp = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY != 0); bool attrSparceFile = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE != 0); bool attrReparsePoint = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT != 0); bool attrCompressed = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED != 0); bool attrOffline = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE != 0); bool attrEncrypted = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED != 0); bool attrUnix = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_EXTENSION != 0); uint32 unixAttributes = (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX) >> 16; uint32 windowsAttributes = fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_WINDOWS; qDebug() << "attribs" << QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)&fileAttributes, 4).toHex(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN SetFileAttributesW((wchar_t*)filename.utf16(), windowsAttributes); #else const char *name = filename.toUtf8().constData(); struct stat stat_info; if (lstat(name, &stat_info)!=0) { nlwarning("SetFileAttrib(%s,%d) : false-2-1", (const char *)name, fileAttributes); return false; } if (attrUnix) { stat_info.st_mode = unixAttributes; if (S_ISLNK(stat_info.st_mode)) { if (convert_to_symlink(name) != 0) { nlwarning("SetFileAttrib(%s,%d) : false-3",(const char *)name,fileAttributes); return false; } } else if (S_ISREG(stat_info.st_mode)) { nlwarning("##DBG chmod-2(%s,%o)", (const char *)name, (unsigned)stat_info.st_mode & gbl_umask.mask); chmod(name, stat_info.st_mode & gbl_umask.mask); } else if (S_ISDIR(stat_info.st_mode)) { // user/7za must be able to create files in this directory stat_info.st_mode |= (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR); nlwarning("##DBG chmod-3(%s,%o)", (const char *)name, (unsigned)stat_info.st_mode & gbl_umask.mask); chmod(name, stat_info.st_mode & gbl_umask.mask); } } else if (!S_ISLNK(stat_info.st_mode)) { // do not use chmod on a link // Only Windows Attributes if( S_ISDIR(stat_info.st_mode)) { // Remark : FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ignored for directory. nlwarning("##DBG chmod-4(%s,%o)", (const char *)name, (unsigned)stat_info.st_mode & gbl_umask.mask); chmod(name,stat_info.st_mode & gbl_umask.mask); } else { // octal!, clear write permission bits if (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) stat_info.st_mode &= ~0222; nlwarning("##DBG chmod-5(%s,%o)", (const char *)name, (unsigned)stat_info.st_mode & gbl_umask.mask); chmod(name,stat_info.st_mode & gbl_umask.mask); } } #endif return true; } #ifdef DEBUG_NEW #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif #define SZ_ERROR_INTERRUPTED 18 class Q7zFile : public ISeekInStream { QFile m_file; public: Q7zFile(const QString &filename):m_file(filename) { Read = readFunc; Seek = seekFunc; } ~Q7zFile() { } bool open() { return m_file.open(QFile::ReadOnly); } // the read function called by 7zip to read data static SRes readFunc(void *object, void *buffer, size_t *size) { Q7zFile *me = (Q7zFile*)object; qint64 len = *size; len = me->m_file.read((char*)buffer, len); if (len == *size) { *size = len; return SZ_OK; } else { return SZ_ERROR_READ; } } // the seek function called by seven zip to seek inside stream static SRes seekFunc(void *object, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin) { Q7zFile *me = (Q7zFile*)object; qint64 newPos; switch(origin) { case SZ_SEEK_SET: newPos = *pos; break; case SZ_SEEK_CUR: newPos = me->m_file.pos() + *pos; break; case SZ_SEEK_END: newPos = me->m_file.size() - *pos; break; } if (me->m_file.seek(newPos)) { *pos = newPos; return SZ_OK; } else { return SZ_ERROR_READ; } } }; CArchive::CArchive(QObject *parent):QObject(parent), m_mustStop(false) { } CArchive::~CArchive() { } bool CArchive::extract(const QString &filename, const QString &dest) { m_filename = filename; m_dest = dest; QFile file(m_filename); // open archive file to check format if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) return false; // read 2 first bytes QByteArray header = file.read(2); // close file file.close(); // create destination directory QDir dir; dir.mkpath(dest); QFuture future; // compare to supported formats and call the appropriate decompressor if (header == "7z") { future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &CArchive::extract7z); } else if (header == "PK") { future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &CArchive::extractZip); } else if (QFileInfo(filename).suffix().toLower() == "bnp") { future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &CArchive::extractBnp); } else { qDebug() << "Unsupported format"; return false; } return true; } void CArchive::getFilesList(const QString &srcDir, const QString &dstDir, const QStringList &filter, FilesToCopy &files) { QDir dir(srcDir); QFileInfoList entries = dir.entryInfoList(filter); foreach(const QFileInfo &entry, entries) { QString fullPath = entry.absoluteFilePath(); QString dstPath = dstDir + "/" + dir.relativeFilePath(fullPath); if (entry.isDir()) { QDir().mkpath(dstPath); QDir subDir(fullPath); QDirIterator it(subDir, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext()) { fullPath = it.next(); if (it.fileName().startsWith('.')) continue; QFileInfo fileInfo = it.fileInfo(); dstPath = dstDir + "/" + dir.relativeFilePath(fullPath); if (fileInfo.isDir()) { QDir().mkpath(dstPath); } else { FileToCopy file; file.filename = it.fileName(); file.src = it.filePath(); file.dst = dstPath; file.size = it.fileInfo().size(); file.date = it.fileInfo().lastModified(); files << file; } } } else { FileToCopy file; file.filename = entry.fileName(); file.src = entry.filePath(); file.dst = dstPath; file.size = entry.size(); file.date = entry.lastModified(); files << file; } } } bool CArchive::copyServerFiles() { emit extractPrepare(); FilesToCopy files; QStringList serverFiles; serverFiles << "cfg"; serverFiles << "data"; serverFiles << "examples"; serverFiles << "patch"; serverFiles << "unpack"; serverFiles << "client_default.cfg"; CArchive::getFilesList(m_filename, m_dest, serverFiles, files); return copyFiles(files); } bool CArchive::copyProfileFiles() { emit extractPrepare(); FilesToCopy files; QStringList configFiles; configFiles << "cache"; configFiles << "save"; configFiles << "user"; configFiles << "screenshots"; configFiles << "client.cfg"; configFiles << "*.log"; CArchive::getFilesList(m_filename, m_dest, configFiles, files); return copyFiles(files); } bool CArchive::cleanServerFiles(const QString &directory) { QDir dir(directory); // directory doesn't exist if (!dir.exists()) return false; if (!dir.cd("data") && dir.exists()) return false; // temporary files QStringList files = dir.entryList(QStringList() << "*.string_cache" << "*.packed_sheets" << "*.packed" << "*.pem", QDir::Files); foreach(const QString &file, files) { dir.remove(file); } // fonts directory is not needed anymore if (dir.cd("fonts") && dir.exists()) { dir.removeRecursively(); } emit done(); return true; } bool CArchive::copyServerFiles(const QString &src, const QString &dst) { if (src.isEmpty() || dst.isEmpty()) return false; m_filename = src; m_dest = dst; // create destination directory QDir().mkpath(dst); QFuture future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &CArchive::copyServerFiles); return true; } bool CArchive::copyProfileFiles(const QString &src, const QString &dst) { if (src.isEmpty() || dst.isEmpty()) return false; m_filename = src; m_dest = dst; // create destination directory QDir().mkpath(dst); QFuture future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &CArchive::copyProfileFiles); return true; } bool CArchive::copyFiles(const FilesToCopy &files) { qint64 totalSize = 0; foreach(const FileToCopy &file, files) { totalSize += file.size; qDebug() << file.filename; } emit extractInit(0, totalSize); emit extractStart(); qint64 processedSize = 0; foreach(const FileToCopy &file, files) { if (mustStop()) { emit extractStop(); return true; } emit extractProgress(processedSize, file.filename); QFileInfo dstFileInfo(file.dst); if (dstFileInfo.size() != file.size || dstFileInfo.lastModified() != file.date) { if (!QFile::copy(file.src, file.dst)) { emit extractFail(tr("Unable to copy file %1").arg(file.src)); return false; } if (!NLMISC::CFile::setFileModificationDate(qToUtf8(file.dst), file.date.toTime_t())) { qDebug() << "Unable to change date"; } } processedSize += file.size; } emit extractSuccess(totalSize); emit done(); return true; } bool CArchive::extract7z() { Q7zFile inFile(m_filename); if (!inFile.open()) { emit extractFail(tr("Unable to open %1").arg(m_filename)); return false; } emit extractPrepare(); UInt16 *temp = NULL; size_t tempSize = 0; // register the files read handlers CLookToRead lookStream; lookStream.realStream = &inFile; LookToRead_CreateVTable(&lookStream, False); LookToRead_Init(&lookStream); // init CRC table CrcGenerateTable(); // init 7z CSzArEx db; SzArEx_Init(&db); // register allocators ISzAlloc allocImp; allocImp.Alloc = SzAlloc; allocImp.Free = SzFree; ISzAlloc allocTempImp; allocTempImp.Alloc = SzAllocTemp; allocTempImp.Free = SzFreeTemp; qint64 total = 0, totalUncompressed = 0; QString error; // open 7z acrhive SRes res = SzArEx_Open(&db, &lookStream.s, &allocImp, &allocTempImp); if (res == SZ_OK) { // process each file in archive for (UInt32 i = 0; i < db.NumFiles; ++i) { bool isDir = SzArEx_IsDir(&db, i) != 0; if (!isDir) total += SzArEx_GetFileSize(&db, i); } emit extractInit(0, total); emit extractStart(); // variables used for decompression UInt32 blockIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF; Byte *outBuffer = NULL; size_t outBufferSize = 0; // process each file in archive for (UInt32 i = 0; i < db.NumFiles; ++i) { if (mustStop()) { res = SZ_ERROR_INTERRUPTED; break; } size_t offset = 0; size_t outSizeProcessed = 0; bool isDir = SzArEx_IsDir(&db, i) != 0; size_t len = SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&db, i, NULL); if (len > tempSize) { SzFree(NULL, temp); tempSize = len; temp = (UInt16 *)SzAlloc(NULL, tempSize * sizeof(temp[0])); if (!temp) { res = SZ_ERROR_MEM; break; } } SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&db, i, temp); QString path = QString::fromUtf16(temp); QString filename = QFileInfo(path).fileName(); if (!isDir) { emit extractProgress(totalUncompressed, filename); res = SzArEx_Extract(&db, &lookStream.s, i, &blockIndex, &outBuffer, &outBufferSize, &offset, &outSizeProcessed, &allocImp, &allocTempImp); if (res != SZ_OK) break; } QString destPath = m_dest + '/' + path; QDir dir; if (isDir) { dir.mkpath(destPath); continue; } dir.mkpath(QFileInfo(destPath).absolutePath()); QFile outFile(destPath); if (!outFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { error = tr("Unable to open output file"); res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; break; } size_t processedSize = outFile.write((const char*)(outBuffer + offset), outSizeProcessed); if (processedSize != outSizeProcessed) { error = tr("Unable to write output file"); res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; break; } outFile.close(); totalUncompressed += SzArEx_GetFileSize(&db, i); emit extractProgress(totalUncompressed, filename); if (SzBitWithVals_Check(&db.Attribs, i)) Set7zFileAttrib(destPath, db.Attribs.Vals[i]); } IAlloc_Free(&allocImp, outBuffer); } SzArEx_Free(&db, &allocImp); SzFree(NULL, temp); switch(res) { case SZ_OK: emit extractSuccess(totalUncompressed); emit done(); return true; case SZ_ERROR_INTERRUPTED: emit extractStop(); return true; case SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED: error = tr("7zip decoder doesn't support this archive"); break; case SZ_ERROR_MEM: error = tr("Unable to allocate memory"); break; case SZ_ERROR_CRC: error = tr("7zip decoder doesn't support this archive"); break; case SZ_ERROR_FAIL: // error already defined break; default: error = tr("Error %1").arg(res); } emit extractFail(error); return false; } bool CArchive::extractZip() { emit extractPrepare(); QZipReader reader(m_filename); QDir baseDir(m_dest); // create directories first QList allFiles = reader.fileInfoList(); qint64 totalSize = 0, currentSize = 0; foreach (const QZipReader::FileInfo &fi, allFiles) { if (fi.isDir) { const QString absPath = m_dest + QDir::separator() + fi.filePath; if (!baseDir.mkpath(fi.filePath)) { emit extractFail(tr("Unable to create directory %1").arg(absPath)); return false; } if (!QFile::setPermissions(absPath, fi.permissions)) { emit extractFail(tr("Unable to set permissions of %1").arg(absPath)); return false; } } totalSize += fi.size; } emit extractInit(0, totalSize); emit extractStart(); // client won't use symbolic links so don't process them foreach (const QZipReader::FileInfo &fi, allFiles) { const QString absPath = m_dest + QDir::separator() + fi.filePath; if (fi.isFile) { if (mustStop()) { emit extractStop(); return true; } QFile f(absPath); if (!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { emit extractFail(tr("Unable to open %1").arg(absPath)); return false; } currentSize += f.write(reader.fileData(fi.filePath)); f.setPermissions(fi.permissions); f.close(); emit extractProgress(currentSize, QFileInfo(absPath).fileName()); } } emit extractSuccess(totalSize); emit done(); return true; } bool CArchive::progress(const std::string &filename, uint32 currentSize, uint32 totalSize) { if (mustStop()) { emit extractStop(); return false; } if (currentSize == 0) { emit extractInit(0, (qint64)totalSize); emit extractStart(); } emit extractProgress((qint64)currentSize, qFromUtf8(filename)); if (currentSize == totalSize) { emit extractSuccess((qint64)totalSize); emit done(); } return true; } bool CArchive::extractBnp() { QString error; emit extractPrepare(); NLMISC::CBigFile::TUnpackProgressCallback cbMethod = NLMISC::CBigFile::TUnpackProgressCallback(this, &CArchive::progress); try { if (NLMISC::CBigFile::unpack(qToUtf8(m_filename), qToUtf8(m_dest), &cbMethod)) { return true; } if (mustStop()) { // stopped return true; } error.clear(); } catch(const NLMISC::EDiskFullError &e) { error = tr("disk full"); } catch(const NLMISC::EWriteError &e) { error = tr("unable to write %1").arg(qFromUtf8(e.Filename)); } catch(const NLMISC::EReadError &e) { error = tr("unable to read %1").arg(qFromUtf8(e.Filename)); } catch(const std::exception &e) { error = tr("failed (%1)").arg(qFromUtf8(e.what())); } emit extractFail(tr("Unable to unpack %1 to %2: %3").arg(m_filename).arg(m_dest).arg(error)); return false; } void CArchive::stop() { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); m_mustStop = true; } bool CArchive::mustStop() { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); return m_mustStop; }