<?php class AdmAtom extends Node implements ADM { ######################### # PHP 5.3 compatible # AdmDispatcher_trait replaces this in PHP 5.4 function insertNode($n) { $n->setParent($this); $n->insert(); $this->addChild($n); } function removeNode($id) { $res = $this->getChildDataByID($id); if($res != null) { $res->delete_me(); $this->removeChild($id); } } function updateNode($id) { // PROBABLY USELESS! $res = $this->getChildDataByID($id); if($res != null) { $res->update(); } } function getPathID($path = "") { if($path != "") { $path = ";".$path; } $path = $this->getID().$path; if($this->parent != null) { return $this->parent->getPathID($path); } return $path; } function getElementByPath($pid) { $tmp = explode(";",$pid); if($tmp[0] == $this->getID()) { if(sizeof($tmp) > 1) { $c = $this->getChildDataByID($tmp[1]); if($c != null) { unset($tmp[0]); return $c->getElementByPath(implode(";",$tmp)); } return null; } else { return $this; } } return null; } ######################### protected $objective; protected $mandatory; protected $ruleset; protected $ruleset_parsed; protected $parent_id; function AdmAtom($data,$parent) { $this->parent = $parent; $this->id = $data['atom_id']; $this->objective = $data['atom_objective']; $this->mandatory = $data['atom_mandatory']; $this->ruleset = $data['atom_ruleset']; $this->ruleset_parsed = $data['atom_ruleset_parsed']; } function delete_me() { // aaaaand... it's gone ^^ global $DBc; $DBc->sqlQuery("DELETE FROM ach_atom WHERE atom_id='".$this->id."'"); $DBc->sqlQuery("DELETE FROM ach_player_atom WHERE apa_atom='".$this->id."'"); } function update() { // write updated data to database global $DBc; $DBc->sqlQuery("UPDATE ach_atom SET atom_mandatory='".$this->getMandatory()."',atom_ruleset='".$DBc->sqlEscape($this->getRuleset())."',atom_ruleset_parsed='".$DBc->sqlEscape($this->getRulesetParsed())."' WHERE atom_id='".$this->id."'"); } function insert() { // insert atoms as new row global $DBc; $DBc->sqlQuery("INSERT INTO ach_atom (atom_objective,atom_mandatory,atom_ruleset,atom_ruleset_parsed) VALUES ('".$this->getObjective()."','".$this->getMandatory()."','".$DBc->sqlEscape($this->getRuleset())."','".$DBc->sqlEscape($this->getRulesetParsed())."')"); $id = $DBc->insertID(); $this->setID($id); } function getObjective() { return $this->objective; } function setObjective($o) { $this->objective = $o; } function setMandatory($ft) { if($ft == true) { $this->mandatory = 1; } else { $this->mandatory = 0; } } function setRuleset($r) { $this->ruleset = $r; $this->parse(); } function getMandatory() { return $this->mandatory; } function isMandatory() { return ($this->mandatory == 1); } function getRuleset() { return $this->ruleset; } function getRulesetParsed() { return $this->ruleset_parsed; } private function parse() { // parsing the ruleset /* VALUE _money AS $money { CACHE blach AS $test; if($money >= 10000 && $test == 0) { RESET; GRANT $money UNTIL TIMER:3600; FINAL; } else { CACHE blach SET $money; } SCRIPT wealth($money) AS $res; if($res == "lol") { DENY; } } ENTITY _pos AS $pos { SCRIPT inside($pos,"majestic_garden") AS $region; if($region == true) { GRANT; } } */ $res = $this->ruleset; #VALUE ([^ ]+) AS ([$][^ ]+) {# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#VALUE ([^ ]+) AS ([$][^ ]+) {#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $key=>$elem) { $func = "_".md5(microtime()); $tmp = '$this->registerValue("'.$match[1][$key].'","'.$func.'"); function '.$func.'('.$match[2][$key].',$_P,$_CB) { global $_CACHE; $_IDENT = "'.$match[1][$key].'";'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #ENTITY ([^ ]+) AS ([$][^ ]+) {# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#ENTITY ([^ ]+) AS ([$][^ ]+) {#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $key=>$elem) { $func = "_".md5(microtime()); $tmp = '$this->registerEntity("'.$match[1][$key].'","'.$func.'"); function '.$func.'('.$match[2][$key].',$_P,$_CB) { global $_CACHE; $_IDENT = "'.$match[1][$key].'";'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #EVENT ([^ ]+) AS ([$][^ ]+) {# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#EVENT ([^ ]+) AS ([$][^ ]+) {#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $key=>$elem) { $func = "_".md5(microtime()); $tmp = '$this->registerEvent("'.$match[1][$key].'","'.$func.'"); function '.$func.'('.$match[2][$key].',$_P,$_CB) { global $_CACHE; $_IDENT = "'.$match[1][$key].'";'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #GRANT ([^;]*);# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#GRANT ([^;]*);#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $key=>$elem) { $tmp = '$_P->grant('.$match[1][$key].');'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #GRANT;# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#GRANT;#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $elem) { $tmp = '$_P->grant();'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #DENY;# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#DENY;#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $elem) { $tmp = '$_P->deny();'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #UNLOCK;# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#UNLOCK;#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $elem) { $tmp = '$_P->unlock();'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #RESET;# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#RESET;#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $elem) { $tmp = '$_P->reset_();'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #UNLOCK_ALL;# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#UNLOCK_ALL;#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $elem) { $tmp = '$_P->unlock_all();'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #RESET_ALL;# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#RESET_ALL;#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $elem) { $tmp = '$_P->reset_all();'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #FINAL VALUE;# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#FINAL VALUE;#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $elem) { $tmp = '$_P->unregisterValue($_IDENT,$_CB);'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #FINAL ENTITY;# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#FINAL ENTITY;#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $elem) { $tmp = '$_P->unregisterEntity($_IDENT,$_CB);'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #FINAL EVENT;# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#FINAL EVENT;#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $elem) { $tmp = '$_P->unregisterEvent($_IDENT,$_CB);'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #CACHE ([^ ]+) AS ([$][^ ]+);# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#CACHE ([^ ]+) AS ([$][^;]+);#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $key=>$elem) { $tmp = $match[2][$key].' = $_CACHE->getData(\''.$match[1][$key].'\');'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #CACHE ([^ ]+) SET ([$][^ ]+);# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#CACHE ([^ ]+) SET ([$][^;]+);#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $key=>$elem) { $tmp = '$_CACHE->writeData(\''.$match[1][$key].'\','.$match[2][$key].');'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } #SCRIPT ([^ ]+) AS ([$][^ ]+);# $match = array(); preg_match_all("#SCRIPT ([^\(]+)\(([^\)]*)\) AS ([$][^;]+);#",$this->ruleset,$match); foreach($match[0] as $key=>$elem) { $tmp = '@include_once("script/'.$match[1][$key].'_script.php"); '.$match[3][$key].' = '.$match[1][$key].'('.$match[2][$key].');'; //replace $res = str_replace($elem,$tmp,$res); } $this->ruleset_parsed = $res; } } ?>