<?php /* Copyright (C) 2009 Winch Gate Property Limited * * This file is part of ryzom_api. * ryzom_api is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ryzom_api is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with ryzom_api. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ include_once('logger.php'); include_once('dfm.php'); define('SERVER', 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); function stripslashes_deep($value) { $value = is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) : stripslashes($value); return $value; } if (ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') == 1) { $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST); $_GET = stripslashes_deep($_GET); } // Always use this function to get param because in game, the param can be pass by _GET or by _POST function ryzom_get_param($var, $default='') { if (isset($_POST[$var])) return $_POST[$var]; else if (isset($_GET[$var])) return $_GET[$var]; else return $default; } function parse_query($var) { $var = parse_url($var); $arr = array(); if (isset($var['query'])) { $var = html_entity_decode($var['query']); $var = explode('&', $var); foreach($var as $val) { $x = explode('=', $val); if (count($x) > 1) $arr[$x[0]] = urldecode($x[1]); else $arr[$x[0]] = ''; } unset($val, $x, $var); } return $arr; } function ryzom_get_params() { if (!isset($GLOBALS['URL_PARAMS'])) $GLOBALS['URL_PARAMS'] = parse_query($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); return $GLOBALS['URL_PARAMS']; } function ryzom_unset_url_param($name) { if (!isset($GLOBALS['URL_PARAMS'])) $GLOBALS['URL_PARAMS'] = parse_query($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); unset($GLOBALS['URL_PARAMS'][$name]); return $GLOBALS['URL_PARAMS']; } if (!function_exists('http_build_query')) { function http_build_query($data, $prefix='', $sep='', $key='') { $ret = array(); foreach ((array)$data as $k => $v) { if (is_int($k) && $prefix != null) { $k = urlencode($prefix . $k); } if ((!empty($key)) || ($key === 0)) $k = $key.'['.urlencode($k).']'; if (is_array($v) || is_object($v)) { array_push($ret, http_build_query($v, '', $sep, $k)); } else { array_push($ret, $k.'='.urlencode($v)); } } if (empty($sep)) $sep = ini_get('arg_separator.output'); return implode($sep, $ret); } } if(!function_exists('_url')){ function _url($base_params=null, $add_params=array()){ if ($base_params !== null) return SERVER.'?'.http_build_query(array_merge($base_params, $add_params)); else return SERVER; } } if(!function_exists('_h')){ function _h($s){ return htmlspecialchars($s, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } } if(!function_exists('_i')){ function _i($img, $alt=''){ if (substr($img, strlen($img)-4) == '.tga') // img from client texture : ig only return $img; if (is_file(RYAPI_PATH.'/data/icons/'.$img.'.png')) $img = RYAPI_URL.'/data/icons/'.$img.'.png'; else if (is_file(RYAPP_PATH.'/data/icons/'.$img.'.png')) $img = RYAPP_URL.'/data/icons/'.$img.'.png'; else $img = 'view_remove'; if ($alt) return '<img src="'.$img.'" title="'.$alt.'" alt="'.utf8_decode($alt).'" />'; else return '<img src="'.$img.'" />'; } } if(!function_exists('_l')){ function _l($text, $base_params=array(), $add_params=array()) { return '<a href="'.SERVER.'?'.http_build_query(array_merge($base_params, $add_params)).'">'.$text.'</a>'; } } if(!function_exists('_b')){ function _b($text, $base_params=array(), $add_params=array()) { return '<a href="'.SERVER.'?'.http_build_query(array_merge($base_params, $add_params)).'" class="ryzom-ui-button">'.$text.'</a>'; } } /*** * * Translation utilities * * ***/ function translation_exists($id) { global $user, $ryzom_texts; return isset($ryzom_texts[$id]) && isset($ryzom_texts[$id][$user['lang']]); } // Translate the $id in the selected language function get_translation($id, $lang, $args=array()) { global $ryzom_texts, $user; if(!isset($ryzom_texts[$id])) return '{'.$id.'}'; if(empty($ryzom_texts[$id][$lang])){ if(isset($ryzom_texts[$id]['en'])) return @vsprintf($ryzom_texts[$id]['en'], $args); return '{'.$id.'['.$lang.']}'; } return @vsprintf($ryzom_texts[$id][$lang], $args); } // Translate the $id in the user language function _t($id, $args=array()) { global $ryzom_texts, $user; $a = ''; if ($args) { if (is_array($args)) { $a = array(); foreach ($args as $arg) $a[] = strval($arg); $a = ' '.implode(', ', $a); } else $a = ' '.strval($args); } if(!isset($ryzom_texts[$id])) return '{'.$id.$a.'}'; if(empty($ryzom_texts[$id][$user['lang']])){ if(!empty($ryzom_texts[$id]['en'])) return @vsprintf($ryzom_texts[$id]['en'], $args); if(!empty($ryzom_texts[$id]['fr'])) return '{'.$id.$a.'}'; if(!empty($ryzom_texts[$id]['de'])) return '{'.$id.$a.'}'; return '{'.$id.'['.$user['lang'].']'.$a.'}'; } return @vsprintf($ryzom_texts[$id][$user['lang']], $args); } /*** * * Ryzom time * * ***/ function ryzom_timer($timestamp) { $d = intval($timestamp / 86400); $timestamp = $timestamp % 86400; $h = intval($timestamp / 3600); $timestamp = $timestamp % 3600; $m = intval($timestamp / 60); $s = $timestamp % 60; if ($d>1) return sprintf('%d'._t('days').' %02d:%02d:%02d', $d, $h, $m, $s); else if ($d) return sprintf('%d'._t('day').' %02d:%02d:%02d', $d, $h, $m, $s); else return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $h, $m, $s); } // Get a human and translated readable time, for example "3 days ago" function ryzom_relative_time($timestamp) { global $ryzom_periods, $user; $difference = time() - $timestamp; $lengths = array("60","60","24","7","4.35","12","10"); if ($difference >= 0) { // this was in the past $ending = _t('ago'); } else { // this was in the future $difference = -$difference; $ending = _t('to_go'); } for($j = 0,$m=count($lengths); $j<$m && $difference >= $lengths[$j]; $j++) $difference /= $lengths[$j]; // round hours as '1.2 hours to go' $difference = round($difference, ($j == 2) ? 1 : 0); $form = ($difference == 1) ? 'singular' : 'plural'; // Handle exceptions // French uses singular form if difference = 0 if ($user['lang'] == 'fr' && ($difference == 0)) { $form = 'singular'; } // Russian has a different plural form for plurals of 2 through 4 if ($user['lang'] == 'ru' && ($form == 'plural')) { if ($difference < 5) { $form = '2-4'; } } if(!empty($ryzom_periods[$user['lang']][$form][$j])) $final = $ryzom_periods[$user['lang']][$form][$j]; else $final = $ryzom_periods['en'][$form][$j]; $text = _t('date_format', array($difference, $final, $ending)); return $text; } // Get a human and translated absolute date function ryzom_absolute_time($timestamp) { global $user, $ryzom_daysofweek, $ryzom_monthnames; $day_of_month = date("j", $timestamp); $dow = date("w", $timestamp); $month = date("n", $timestamp); $day_of_week = $ryzom_daysofweek[$user['lang']][$dow]; $month_str = $ryzom_monthnames[$user['lang']][$month-1]; $text = _t("absolute_date_format", array($day_of_month, $day_of_week, $month_str, $month, date("m", $timestamp), date("d", $timestamp))); return $text; } /*** * * Ryzom utilities * * * ***/ function ryzom_generate_password($length=8, $level=2, $oneofeach=false) { $validchars[1] = "0123456789abcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz"; $validchars[2] = "0123456789abcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; $validchars[3] = "0123456789_!@#$%&*()-=+/abcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_!@#$%&*()-=+/"; $password = ""; $counter = 0; while ($counter < $length) { $actChar = substr($validchars[$level], rand(0, strlen($validchars[$level])-1), 1); // if $oneofeach then All character must be different (slower) if (!$oneofeach || !strstr($password, $actChar)) { $password .= $actChar; $counter++; } } return $password; } function file_get_contents_cached($fn, $cache_time=300) { global $ryzom_bench_text; $lfn = 'tmp/'.strtr($fn, ':/.?&=', '____________'); // get the new file from internet every $cache_time (default=5min) if (file_exists($lfn) && filesize($lfn) > 0 && time() < filemtime($lfn) + $cache_time) { $content = file_get_contents($lfn); } else { $content = file_get_contents($fn); if ($content != '') file_put_contents($lfn, $content); } return $content; } function ryzom_redirect($url, $group='', $extra_lua='') { global $user; $lua = $extra_lua."\n"; if ($user['ig']) { if (!$group) $lua .= 'getUI(__CURRENT_WINDOW__):browse("'.str_replace('&', '&', $url).'")'; else { if (substr($group, 0, 3) == 'ui:') $lua .= 'getUI("'.$group.'"):browse("'.str_replace('&', '&', $url).'")'; else $lua .= 'getUI("ui:interface:'.$group.':content:html"):browse("'.str_replace('&', '&', $url).'")'; } echo '<lua>'.$lua.'</lua>'; exit(); } else { header('Location: '.$url); exit(); } } /*** * * Debug tools * * ***/ function alert($var, $value=NULL, $level=1) { p($var, $value, '#FF7777', $level); } define('pNULL', '§$£¤*µ%ù²&#!;,;:.?/?.<>'); function p($var, $value=pNULL, $color='#FFFF00', $level=0) { ob_start(); debug_print_backtrace(); $bt = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $bt = explode("\n#",$bt); if (isset($bt[$level])) $bt1 = explode('[', $bt[$level]); else $bt1 = array(''); if (isset($bt[$level+1])) $bt2 = explode('[', $bt[$level+1]); else $bt2 = array(''); $c = ''; if ($value !== pNULL) { $c .= '<font color="#FFFFFF">'.$var.' : </font>'; $var = $value; } $c .= '<font color="#AAFFFF">'.substr(str_replace("\n", "", $bt2[count($bt2)-1]), 0, -1).' => '.substr(str_replace("\n", "", $bt1[count($bt1)-1]), 0, -1)."</font> "; ryLogger::getInstance()->addPrint($c); ob_start(); var_dump($var); ryLogger::getInstance()->addPrint(_h(ob_get_contents()), $color); ob_end_clean(); } /*** * * Lua tools * * ***/ class ryLua { static private $lua = array(); static private $luaend = array(); static private $indent; static private $indentend; static private $linkTargetId = 0; static function add($code, $indent=NULL) { if ($indent !== NULL) self::$indent += $indent; $tabs = str_repeat(" ", self::$indent); $a = $tabs.str_replace("\n", "\n ".$tabs, $code); self::$lua[] = $a; } static function addEnd($code, $indent=NULL) { if ($indent !== NULL) self::$indentend += $indent; $tabs = str_repeat(" ", self::$indentend); $a = $tabs.str_replace("\n", "\n ".$tabs, $code); self::$luaend[] = $a; } static function get($ig) { ryLogger::getInstance()->addPrint(implode("\n", self::$lua), '#FF00FF'); $ret = ($ig)?"<lua>\n".implode("\n", self::$lua)."\n</lua>":''; self::$lua = array(); return $ret; } static function getEnd($ig) { ryLogger::getInstance()->addPrint(implode("\n", self::$luaend), '#FF55FF'); $ret = ($ig)?"<lua>\n".implode("\n", self::$luaend)."\n</lua>":''; self::$luaend = array(); return $ret; } static function text($text) { return str_replace('"', '\"', $text); } static function url($base_params=null, $add_params=array()) { return str_replace('&', '&', _url($base_params, $add_params)); } function openLink($text, $target='webig', $base_params=array(), $add_params=array(), $urllua='', $runlua='') { $url = self::url($base_params, $add_params); if ($target == "help_browser") $url .= "&ignore="; $id = ryzom_generate_password(8).strval(time()).strval(self::$linkTargetId++); $lua = <<< END function openLink{$id}() runAH(nil, "browse", "name=ui:interface:{$target}:content:html|url={$url}"{$urllua}) {$runlua} end END; self::add($lua); if (RYZOM_IG) return '<a href="ah:lua&openLink'.$id.'()">'.$text.'</a>'; return $text; } static function link($id, $luacode, $text) { $lua = <<<END function runLua{$id}() {$luacode} end END; self::add($lua); if (RYZOM_IG) return '<a href="ah:lua&runLua'.$id.'()">'.$text.'</a>'; return $text; } } ?>