<?php class AVLTree { /*--------------------------- AVL trees are balanced B-Trees. Please refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVL_tree This implementation allows the functions insert, find and remove. Please note, that remove does not rebalance the tree, since node removal is quite rare in this project. ---------------------------*/ private $root; private $debug; function AVLTree($log = false) { $this->root = null; $this->debug = $log; } function preorder() { $this->AVLpreorder($this->root); } private function AVLpreorder($p) { // recursive; output preorder representation if($p != null) { echo $p->getID().", "; $this->AVLpreorder($p->getLeft()); $this->AVLpreorder($p->getRight()); } } function inorder() { $this->AVLinorder($this->root); } private function AVLinorder($p) { // recursive; output postorder representation if($p != null) { $this->AVLinorder($p->getLeft()); echo $p->getID().", "; $this->AVLinorder($p->getRight()); } } function insert($node) { // insert a new node if($this->root == null) { $this->root = new AVLTreeNode($node); } else { $this->root = $this->AVLinsert($this->root,new AVLTreeNode($node)); } } function remove($id) { // remove a node $n = $this->AVLfind($id,$this->root); if($n != null) { $this->AVLremove($this->root,$n); return $n->getNode(); } return null; } function find($id) { // find a node $res = $this->AVLfind($id,$this->root); if($res != null) { return $res->getNode(); } return null; } private function AVLfind($id,$n) { // recursive; search for a node if($n != null) { if($n->getID() != $id) { if($n->getID() > $id) { $n = $this->AVLfind($id,$n->getLeft()); } else { $n = $this->AVLfind($id,$n->getRight()); } } } return $n; } private function AVLremove($r,$n) { // remove a node from the actual tree if($n->getLeft() == null || $n->getRight() == null) { $s = $n; } else { $s = $this->Successor($n); $n->setNode($r->getNode()); } if($r->getLeft() != null) { $p = $s->getLeft(); } else { $p = $s->getRight(); } if($p != null) { $p->setParent($s->getParent()); } if($r->getParent() == null) { $r = $p; } else { $tmp = $s->getParent(); if($s == $tmp->getLeft()) { $tmp->setLeft($p); } else { $tmp->setRight($p); } } return $r; } private function AVLinsert($r,$n) { // insert a node into the actual tree if($r == null) { $r = $n; } else { if($n->getID() < $r->getID()) { $r->setLeft($this->AVLinsert($r->getLeft(),$n)); $r = $this->balance($r); // rebalance } elseif($n->getID() > $r->getID()) { $r->setRight($this->AVLinsert($r->getRight(),$n)); $r = $this->balance($r); // rebalance } $r->setHeight(max($r->getHeightLeft(),$r->getHeightRight())+1); } return $r; } private function balance($r) { // do a rebalancation of the tree if($r->bal() == -2) { $lc = $r->getLeft(); if($lc->getHeightLeft() >= $lc->getHeightRight()) { $r = $this->RotateToRight($r); } else { $r = $this->DoubleRotateLeftRight($r); } } if($r->bal() == 2) { $rc = $r->getRight(); if($rc->getHeightRight() >= $rc->getHeightLeft()) { $r = $this->RotateToLeft($r); } else { $r = $this->DoubleRotateRightLeft($r); } } return $r; } private function Successor($r) { // find the successor for a node if($r->getRight() != null) { return $this->Minimum($r->getRight()); } else { $n = $r->getParent(); while($n != null && $r == $n->getRight()) { $r = $n; $n = $n->getParent(); } return $n; } } private function Minimum($r) { // find the minimum of a tree if($r == null) { return null; } if($r->getLeft() == null) { return $r; } $p = $r; while($p->getLeft() != null) { $p = $p->getLeft(); } return $p; } //rotations private function RotateToRight($r) { if($this->debug) { echo "rotaRight<br>"; } $v = $r->getLeft(); $r->setLeft($v->getRight()); $v->setRight($r); $r->setHeight(max($r->getHeightLeft(),$r->getHeightRight())+1); $v->setHeight(max($v->getHeightLeft(),$r->getHeight())+1); return $v; } private function DoubleRotateLeftRight($r) { $r->setLeft($this->RotateToLeft($r->getLeft())); return $this->RotateToRight($r); } private function RotateToLeft($r) { if($this->debug) { echo "rotaLeft<br>"; } $v = $r->getRight(); $r->setRight($v->getLeft()); $v->setLeft($r); $r->setHeight(max($r->getHeightLeft(),$r->getHeightRight())+1); $v->setHeight(max($v->getHeightRight(),$r->getHeight())+1); return $v; } private function DoubleRotateRightLeft($r) { $r->setRight($this->RotateToRight($r->getRight())); return $this->RotateToLeft($r); } //end rotations } /* * AVL tree nodes */ class AVLTreeNode { private $height; private $left; private $right; private $node; private $parent; function AVLTreeNode($node) { $this->height = 0; $this->left = null; // left child $this->right = null; // right child $this->node = $node; // actual data stored $this->parent = null; // parent node } function getParent() { return $this->parent; } function setParent($p) { $this->parent = $p; } function getNode() { return $this->node; } function getLeft() { return $this->left; } function getRight() { return $this->right; } function getHeightLeft() { if($this->left == null) { return -1; } return $this->left->getHeight(); } function getHeightRight() { if($this->right == null) { return -1; } return $this->right->getHeight(); } function bal() { // calculate value to eval balancing $r = -1; $l = -1; if($this->right != null) { $r = $this->right->getHeight(); } if($this->left != null) { $l = $this->left->getHeight(); } return ($r-$l); } function getID() { return $this->node->getID(); } function getHeight() { return $this->height; } function setHeight($h) { $this->height = $h; } function setRight($r) { $this->right = $r; if($r != null) { $r->setParent($this); } } function setLeft($l) { $this->left = $l; if($l != null) { $l->setParent($this); } } function setNode($n) { $this->node = $n; } } ?>