-- debugging aid --------------- -- FUNCTIONS -- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function tracing asked in config file ? -- if traceFunctions == true then -- local function traceFunction(what) -- debug.sethook() -- local di = debug.getinfo(2) -- --luaObject(di) -- if di.name ~= nil and di.name ~= 'getmetatable' then -- debugInfo(what .. " : " .. tostring(di.name) .. " : " .. tostring(di.short_src) .. " : " .. tostring(di.currentline)) -- end -- debug.sethook(traceFunction, "cr") -- end -- debugInfo("turning debug hook on") -- debug.sethook(traceFunction, "c") --else -- --debugInfo("turning debug hook off") -- debug.sethook() --end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- dump objects cycles for the given object function dumpCycles(base, visitedSet, infos) local function fullName(infos) local result = "" while infos do result = infos.Name .. "." .. result infos = infos.Parent end return result end if visitedSet == nil then visitedSet = {} end if infos == nil then infos = { Name = "root", Parent = nil } end for k, v in pairs(base) do if v ~= _G._G then if type(v) == "table" then local newInfos = { Name = tostring(k), Parent = infos } if visitedSet[v] then debugInfo(fullName(visitedSet[v]) .. "is referenced by " .. fullName(newInfos)) else visitedSet[v] = newInfos -- mark as visited dumpCycles(v, visitedSet, newInfos) visitedSet[v] = nil -- only intersted in cycles end end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- display time taken to execute a function function profileFunction(func, name) assert(type(func) == "function") if name == nil then name = debug.getinfo(func).name end local startTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime() func() local endTime = nltime.getPreciseLocalTime() --debugInfo(string.format("time for %s is %d", tostring(name), endTime - startTime)) end -- display time taken to execute a function function profileMethod(table, funcName, name) assert(table) assert(type(funcName) == "string") assert(type(table[funcName]) == "function") if name == nil then name = select(debug.getinfo(table[funcName]).name, funcName) end local startTime = nltime.getLocalTime() table[funcName](table) local endTime = nltime.getLocalTime() debugInfo(string.format("time for %s is %f", tostring(name), (endTime - startTime) / 1000)) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- add a break that is triggered when a value in a table has been changed function addBreakOnChange(table, watchedKey) assert(type(table) == "table") local value = table[watchedKey] assert(value ~= nil) table[watchedKey] = nil debugInfo("Adding break on change of key " .. tostring(watchedKey)) local mt = getmetatable(table) local oldNewIndex if mt then oldNewIndex = mt.__newindex end local newMT if mt then newMT = clone(mt) else newMT = {} end -- WRITE newMT.__newindex = function(table, key, newValue) debugInfo('write') if key == watchedKey then value = newValue debugInfo(debug.traceback()) debugWarning("<addBreakOnChange> Key " .. tostring(watchedKey) .. " changed to " .. tostring(value)) assert(nil) elseif mt and mt.__newindex then mt.__newindex(table, key, newValue) else rawset(table, key, newValue) end end -- READ newMT.__index = function(table, key) debugInfo('read') if key == watchedKey then return value elseif mt and mt.__index then return mt.__index(table, key, value) else return rawget(table, key) end end -- setmetatable(table, newMT) end ---------- -- INIT -- ---------- -- replace the assert function with a more verbose one if oldAssert == nil then oldAssert = assert end function assert(cond) if not cond then -- rawDebugInfo(colorTag(255, 0, 255) .. "ASSERTION FAILED !! ") rawDebugInfo("@{FOFF}ASSERTION FAILED !! ") dumpCallStack(2); error("") end end local gcStartTime -- special nico stuff : modified lua version calls "__notify_debug" when a garbage collection cycle occurs function __notify_gc() gcStartTime = nltime.getLocalTime() end function __notify_post_gc() local deltaTime = nltime.getLocalTime() - gcStartTime local used, threshold = gcinfo() debugInfo(colorTag(255, 0, 0) .. string.format("** GC ** (%d ms) (used = %d kb, threshold = %d kb", deltaTime, used, threshold)) end --testTable = { tata = 1, toto = 2 } --addBreakOnChange(testTable, "tata") --testTable.tutu = 2 --testTable.tata = testTable.tata + 20