// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "parser.h"
#include "cpp_output.h"
#include "templatizer.h"
#include "parser_rules.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
//using namespace RY_PDS;
bool GenerateCpp = true;
bool GenerateXmlDescription = true;
bool VerboseMode = false;
bool GenerateDebugMessages = false;
bool GenerateHAuto = false;
bool GenerateOnlyLogs = false;
CTokenizer Tokenizer;
CTemplatizer Templatizer;
CHashKey HashKey;
string CurrentEnum;
CEnumNode *CurrentEnumNode = NULL;
string DbDescriptionVersion("0.0");
string formatDescription(const string &str)
string result;
uint pos = 0;
while (pos < str.size() && (str[pos] == ' ' || str[pos] == '\t' || str[pos] == '\r' || str[pos] == '\n'))
bool first = true;
while (pos < str.size())
if (!first)
result += "\n";
first = false;
result += "* ";
while (pos < str.size() && str[pos] != '\n')
result += str[pos++];
while (pos < str.size() && (str[pos] == ' ' || str[pos] == '\t' || str[pos] == '\r' || str[pos] == '\n'))
return result;
string strReplace(string str, const string &search, const string &replace)
std::string::size_type pos = 0;
while ((pos = str.find(search)) != string::npos)
str.replace(pos, search.size(), replace);
return str;
string xmlSpecialChars(string str)
str = strReplace(str, "&", "&");
str = strReplace(str, "<", "<");
str = strReplace(str, ">", ">");
str = strReplace(str, "\"", """);
str = strReplace(str, "'", "'");
return str;
string getFullStdPathNoExt(const string &path)
string dir = strlwr(NLMISC::CFile::getPath(path));
string file = strlwr(NLMISC::CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(path));
return dir.empty() ? file : NLMISC::CPath::standardizePath(dir)+file;
string getFullStdPath(const string &path)
string dir = strlwr(NLMISC::CFile::getPath(path));
string file = strlwr(NLMISC::CFile::getFilename(path));
return dir.empty() ? file : NLMISC::CPath::standardizePath(dir)+file;
string appendArg(const std::string& firstArgs, const std::string& nextArg)
if (firstArgs.empty())
return nextArg;
return firstArgs + ", " + nextArg;
* Start parsing
CParseNode *parse(const string &file)
HashKey = getSHA1(file);
if (Tokenizer.tokenize())
return parseMain(Tokenizer);
return NULL;
* Execute nodes
// DB Node
bool CDbNode::prolog()
addTypeNode("CSheetId", "NLMISC::CSheetId", "NLMISC::CSheetId::Unknown");
addTypeNode("CEntityId", "NLMISC::CEntityId", "NLMISC::CEntityId::Unknown");
addTypeNode("double", "double", "0.0");
addTypeNode("float", "float", "0.0f");
addTypeNode("sint64", "sint64", "(sint64)0");
addTypeNode("uint64", "uint64", "(uint64)0");
addTypeNode("sint32", "sint32", "0");
addTypeNode("uint32", "uint32", "0");
addTypeNode("sint16", "sint16", "0");
addTypeNode("uint16", "uint16", "0");
addTypeNode("sint8", "sint8", "0");
addTypeNode("uint8", "uint8", "0");
addTypeNode("ucchar", "ucchar", "0");
addTypeNode("char", "char", "0");
addTypeNode("bool", "bool", "false");
return true;
bool inlineAccessors = false;
string getFunctionPrefix = "get";
string setFunctionPrefix = "set";
string newFunction = "addTo";
string deleteFunction = "deleteFrom";
string indexVariable = "__i";
string valueVariable = "__v";
string keyVariable = "__k";
string objectVariable = "__o";
bool inlineUserInitDefaultCode = false;
string userInitFunction = "init";
string userReleaseFunction = "release";
bool inlineStaticPublic = false;
string staticCreateFunction = "create";
string staticRemoveFunction = "remove";
string staticSetUserFactoryFunction = "setFactory";
string staticLoadFunction = "load";
string staticUnloadFunction = "unload";
string staticSetLoadCbFunction = "setLoadCallback";
string staticGetFunction = "get";
string staticCastFunction = "cast";
string staticConstCastFunction = "cast";
string staticBeginFunction = "begin";
string staticEndFunction = "end";
bool inlineInternal = false;
string initFunction = "pds__init";
string destroyFunction = "pds__destroy";
string registerFunction = "pds__register";
string registerAttributesFunction = "pds__registerAttributes";
string unregisterFunction = "pds__unregister";
string unregisterAttributesFunction = "pds__unregisterAttributes";
string fetchFunction = "pds__fetch";
string setParentFunction = "pds__setParent";
string setUnnotifiedParentFunction = "pds__setParentUnnotified";
string getTableFunction = "pds__getTable";
string unlinkFunction = "pds__unlink";
string notifyInitFunction = "pds__notifyInit";
string notifyReleaseFunction = "pds__notifyRelease";
string clearFunction = "clear";
string storeFunction = "store";
string applyFunction = "apply";
string declareTokensFunction = "pds__declareTokens";
bool inlineStaticInternal = false;
string staticInitFactoryFunction = "pds_static__setFactory";
string staticFactoryFunction = "pds_static__factory";
string staticFetchFunction = "pds_static__fetch";
string staticInitFunction = "pds_static__init";
string staticNotifyLoadFailure = "pds_static__notifyFailure";
string staticLoadCbAttribute = "__pds__LoadCallback";
bool inlineLog = false;
string logStartFunction = "pds__startLog";
string logStopFunction = "pds__stopLog";
string PDSNamespace = "RY_PDS";
string CPDSLibName = PDSNamespace+"::CPDSLib";
string objectIndexName = PDSNamespace+"::CObjectIndex";
string nullIndexName = PDSNamespace+"::CObjectIndex::null()";
string TTableIndexName = PDSNamespace+"::TTableIndex";
string TRowIndexName = PDSNamespace+"::TRowIndex";
string TColumnIndexName = PDSNamespace+"::TColumnIndex";
string indexAllocatorName = PDSNamespace+"::CIndexAllocator";
string pdBaseDataName = PDSNamespace+"::IPDBaseData";
//string pdBaseInheritDataName = PDSNamespace+"::IPDBaseInheritData";
string CPDataName = PDSNamespace+"::CPData";
string TPDFactoryName = PDSNamespace+"::TPDFactory";
string TPDFetchName = PDSNamespace+"::TPDFetch";
string TPDFetchFailureName = PDSNamespace+"::TPDFetchFailure";
bool inlineLogFunctions = false;
string pdslibFunc(const std::string& func)
//return CPDSLibName+"::"+func;
return "PDSLib."+func;
bool CDbNode::epilog()
uint i;
Env = Templatizer.RootEnv;
setEnv("db", Name);
string fullfile = getFullStdPathNoExt(MainFile.empty() ? Name : MainFile);
string filename = NLMISC::strlwr(NLMISC::CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(fullfile));
setEnv("filename", filename);
setEnv("fullfilename", fullfile);
setEnv("headerfilename", strReplace(strupr(filename+".h"), ".", "_"));
DbHpp.setFileHeader(filename+".h", "Initialisation of the "+Name+" database, declarations\n"+Description);
DbCpp.setFileHeader(filename+".cpp", "Initialisation of the "+Name+" database, implementation\n"+Description);
DbHppInline.setFileHeader(filename+"_inline.h", "Initialisation of the "+Name+" database, inline implementation\n"+Description);
DbSummary << "\n\n";
DbSummary << "Summary of " << Name << " database classes of database\n";
DbSummary << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
DbSummary << "This file is automatically generated.\n";
DbSummary << "This is a reminder of all classes generated and methods implemented.\n\n\n";
DbSummary << "Database " << Name << " is managed through 4 functions located in " << fullfile << ".h:\n\n";
DbSummary << Name << "::init():\n";
DbSummary << "Initialises database context and connection towards database server (refered as PDS).\n";
DbSummary << "All user factories must have been set before call to this function.\n";
DbSummary << "Call this function in service init method.\n\n";
DbSummary << Name << "::ready():\n";
DbSummary << "Tells whether the whole database engine is ready to work.\n";
DbSummary << "You must not update any value nor call update() unless ready() is true.\n\n";
DbSummary << Name << "::update():\n";
DbSummary << "Updates the database engine and sends updates to the PDS.\n";
DbSummary << "Call this function each tick, provided ready() returned true.\n\n";
DbSummary << Name << "::release():\n";
DbSummary << "Releases the database engine. Drops all data, closes the connection to the PDS.\n";
DbSummary << "Call this function in service release method.\n\n";
DbSummary << "\n\n";
DbSummary << "Summary of generated classes for " << Name << "\n\n";
DbHpp << "\n#ifndef " << strReplace(strupr(filename+".h"), ".", "_") << "\n";
DbHpp << "#define " << strReplace(strupr(filename+".h"), ".", "_") << "\n";
DbHpp << "\n";
DbHpp << "#include \n";
DbHpp << "#include \n";
DbHpp << "\n";
DbHpp << "namespace " << Name << "\n{\n\n";
if (!Pch.empty())
DbCpp << "\n#include \"" << Pch << "\"\n\n";
DbCpp << "#include \"" << filename << ".h\"\n\n";
DbCpp << "namespace " << Name << "\n{\n\n";
DbCpp << "RY_PDS::CPDSLib PDSLib;\n";
DbHppInline << "namespace " << Name << "\n{\n\n";
uint maxClassId = 0;
for (i=0; i");
// Check dependencies order
vector classesOrder;
vector filesOrder;
buildClassOrder(classesOrder, filesOrder);
// generate all file prologs
for (i=0; igenerateProlog();
initDb.IsInline = false;
initDb.Proto = "uint32 overrideDbId";
initDb.Type = "void";
initDb.Description = "Initialise the whole database engine.\nCall this function at service init.";
readyDb.IsInline = false;
readyDb.Proto = "";
readyDb.Type = "bool";
readyDb.Description = "Tells if database engine is ready to work.\nEngine may not be ready because PDS is down, not yet ready\nor message queue to PDS is full.";
updateDb.IsInline = false;
updateDb.Proto = "";
updateDb.Type = "void";
updateDb.Description = "Update the database engine.\nCall this method once per tick, only if engine is ready (see also ready() above).";
logChatDb.IsInline = false;
logChatDb.Proto = "const ucstring& sentence, const NLMISC::CEntityId& from, const std::vector& to";
logChatDb.Type = "void";
logChatDb.Description = "Logs chat sentence with sender and receipiants.";
logTellDb.IsInline = false;
logTellDb.Proto = "const ucstring& sentence, const NLMISC::CEntityId& from, const NLMISC::CEntityId& to";
logTellDb.Type = "void";
logTellDb.Description = "Logs tell sentence with sender and single recipient (might be player or group).";
releaseDb.IsInline = false;
releaseDb.Proto = "";
releaseDb.Type = "void";
releaseDb.Description = "Release the whole database engine.\nCall this function at service release.";
for (i=0; i\tids;");
logTellDb.add(pdslibFunc("logChat")+"(sentence, from, ids);");
logTellDb.flush(DbHpp, DbCpp, DbHppInline);
releaseDb.flush(DbHpp, DbCpp, DbHppInline);
DbHpp << "\n// @}\n\n";
DbHpp << "extern RY_PDS::CPDSLib PDSLib;\n";
DbHpp << "\n} // End of " << Name <<"\n";
DbHpp << "\n#include \"" << filename << "_inline.h\"\n\n";
DbHpp << "\n#endif\n";
DbCpp << "\n} // End of " << Name <<"\n";
DbHppInline << "\n} // End of " << Name <<"\n";
for (i=0; igenerateEpilog();
return true;
void CDbNode::pass1()
* PASS 1
* - all type names and class names are known
* -> look for classes in set or backreferences
uint i;
uint classId = 0;
uint typeId = 0;
for (i=0; icheckClassReferences();
classnd->Id = classId++;
classnd->getFileNode()->IncludeStandard = true;
classnd->getFileNode()->IncludeDbFile = true;
for (i=0; iId = typeId++;
uint tsize = 0;
if (typend->StorageType == "bool") tsize = 1;
if (typend->StorageType == "char") tsize = 1;
if (typend->StorageType == "ucchar") tsize = 2;
if (typend->StorageType == "uint8") tsize = 1;
if (typend->StorageType == "sint8") tsize = 1;
if (typend->StorageType == "uint16") tsize = 2;
if (typend->StorageType == "sint16") tsize = 2;
if (typend->StorageType == "uint32") tsize = 4;
if (typend->StorageType == "sint32") tsize = 4;
if (typend->StorageType == "uint64") tsize = 8;
if (typend->StorageType == "sint64") tsize = 8;
if (typend->StorageType == "float") tsize = 4;
if (typend->StorageType == "double") tsize = 8;
if (typend->StorageType == "CEntityId") tsize = 8;
if (typend->StorageType == "CSheetId") tsize = 4;
typend->Size = tsize;
string xmlnode = "isEnum())
CEnumNode *enumnd = static_cast(typend);
xmlnode += " type='enum'>";
uint j;
for (j=0; jValues.size(); ++j)
else if (typend->isDimension())
CDimensionNode *dimnd = static_cast(typend);
xmlnode += " type='dimension' dimension='"+toString(dimnd->Dimension)+"'/>";
xmlnode += " type='type'/>";
void CDbNode::pass2()
* PASS 2
* - class hierarchy, backreferences and in set information are known
* -> fill up attributes
uint i;
for (i=0; iInherited.empty() && child->MappedFlag && !child->HasParent)
child->error("class cannot inherit another class and be mapped. Try to map base class instead.");
if (child->MappedFlag && child->getClassKey() == NULL)
child->error("class is mapped and has no key defined");
child->ForceReference = (child->HasInheritance || child->MappedFlag || child->DerivatedFlag || (child->HasParent && !child->ParentIsHidden));
if (child->ForceReference && child->ParentIsHidden)
child->error("Parent attribute cannot be hidden because class has inheritance, is mapped or is derivated.");
child->getFileNode()->IncludePDSLib = true;
if (!child->Inherited.empty())
CClassNode *icln = child;
CClassNode *lastMapped = (child->MappedFlag ? child : NULL);
while (!icln->Inherited.empty())
icln = getClassNode(icln->Inherited);
if (icln->MappedFlag)
if (lastMapped != NULL)
lastMapped->error("class cannot be remapped since parent "+icln->Name+" is already mapped");
lastMapped = icln;
if (icln->MappedFlag)
child->MapClass = icln;
child->MapClass = lastMapped;
else if (child->MappedFlag)
child->MapClass = child;
void CDbNode::pass3()
* PASS 3
* - attributes are known
* -> fill up backrefs and array/set forwardrefs
uint i;
for (i=0; ifillRefs();
for (i=0; icomputeFriends();
void CDbNode::pass4()
* PASS 4
* - everything is ok in database descriptor
* -> output c++ code
uint i;
for (i=0; iHpp << "\n\n//\n// Typedefs & Enums\n//\n\n";
for (i=0; iExternFlag || type->InternFlag)
void CDbNode::generateClassesDeclaration()
uint i;
DbHpp << "\n//\n";
DbHpp << "// Global Forward Declarations\n";
DbHpp << "//\n\n";
for (i=0; iName << ";\n";
DbHpp << "\n";
DbHpp << "//\n\n";
void CDbNode::generateIncludes(vector& filesOrder)
uint i;
DbHpp << "\n//\n";
DbHpp << "// Includes\n";
DbHpp << "//\n\n";
for (i=0; iSeparatedFlag)
filesOrder[i]->setEnv("as", getFileNoExtPath(filesOrder[i]->IncludeAs));
DbHpp << "#include \"" << getFileNoExtPath(filesOrder[i]->IncludeAs) << ".h\"\n";
DbHpp << "\n";
for (i=0; iIncludeDbFile && !filesOrder[i]->SeparatedFlag)
DbHpp << "#include \"" << getFileNoExtPath(filesOrder[i]->IncludeAs) << "_inline.h\"\n";
DbHpp << "\n";
DbHpp << "//\n\n";
void CDbNode::generateClassesContent(vector& classesOrder)
uint i;
// output classes content
for (i=0; iId)+", \""+cln->Name+"\");");
void CDbNode::buildClassOrder(vector& classesOrder, vector& filesOrder)
set checkedClasses;
uint i;
for (i=0; i beingChecked;
child->checkDependencies(beingChecked, checkedClasses, classesOrder);
set checkedFiles;
for (i=0; i beingChecked;
child->checkDependencies(beingChecked, checkedFiles, filesOrder);
for (i=0; iEnv = Env->nextArrayNode("files");
for (i=0; iEnv = classesOrder[i]->getFileNode()->Env->nextArrayNode("classes");
void CDbNode::generateLogContent()
uint logid = 0;
uint i;
for (i=0; iId = logid;
logid += (uint)child->Logs.size();
// get file path from this file
string CDbNode::getFileNoExtPath(const std::string& file)
string thisPath = NLMISC::CFile::getPath(strlwr(getDbFile()));
string filePath = NLMISC::CFile::getPath(strlwr(file));
string fileName = NLMISC::CFile::getFilename(strlwr(file));
if (thisPath == filePath)
return CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(fileName);
return CPath::standardizePath(filePath)+CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(strlwr(file));
// File Node
bool CFileNode::prolog()
CDbNode* db = getDbNode();
if (GenerateOnlyLogs)
Generate = false;
return true;
bool CFileNode::epilog()
return true;
bool CFileNode::generateProlog()
CDbNode* db = getDbNode();
if (!db->Description.empty())
Hpp << db->Description << "\n";
string filename = strlwr(CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(Name));
setEnv("fullfilename", getFullStdPathNoExt(Name));
setEnv("filename", filename);
setEnv("headerfilename", strReplace(strupr(filename+".h"), ".", "_"));
setEnv("description", Description);
Hpp.setFileHeader(filename+".h", Description);
Cpp.setFileHeader(filename+".cpp", Description);
HppInline.setFileHeader(filename+"_inline.h", Description);
Hpp << "\n#ifndef " << strReplace(strupr(filename+".h"), ".", "_") << "\n";
Hpp << "#define " << strReplace(strupr(filename+".h"), ".", "_") << "\n\n";
Hpp << "#include \n";
Hpp << "#include \n";
Hpp << "#include \n";
if (GenerateHAuto)
Hpp << "#include \n";
if (IncludeStandard)
Hpp << "#include \n";
Hpp << "#include \n";
Hpp << "#include \n";
Hpp << "#include