// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/> // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #include "stdafx.h" #include "georges_edit.h" #include "main_frm.h" #include "georges_edit_doc.h" #include "georges_edit_view.h" #include "left_view.h" #include "action.h" using namespace std; using namespace NLGEORGES; using namespace NLMISC; // *************************************************************************** // CLeftView // *************************************************************************** IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CLeftView, CView) // *************************************************************************** BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CLeftView, CView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CLeftView) ON_WM_SIZE() ON_WM_SETFOCUS() ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_COPY, OnEditCopy) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_PASTE, OnEditPaste) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_CUT, OnEditCut) ON_COMMAND(ID_INSERT, OnInsert) ON_COMMAND(ID_DELETE, OnDelete) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_REDO, OnEditRedo) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EDIT_REDO, OnUpdateEditRedo) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_UNDO, OnEditUndo) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EDIT_UNDO, OnUpdateEditUndo) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_RENAME, OnEditRename) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_FETCH1, OnEditFetch1) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_FETCH2, OnEditFetch2) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_FETCH3, OnEditFetch3) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_FETCH4, OnEditFetch4) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_HOLD1, OnEditHold1) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_HOLD2, OnEditHold2) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_HOLD3, OnEditHold3) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_HOLD4, OnEditHold4) ON_WM_KEYDOWN() ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_COLLAPSEALL, OnEditCollapseall) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_EXPANDALL, OnEditExpandall) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() // *************************************************************************** // CLeftView construction/destruction // *************************************************************************** CLeftView::CLeftView() { } // *************************************************************************** CLeftView::~CLeftView() { } // *************************************************************************** BOOL CLeftView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying // the CREATESTRUCT cs return CView::PreCreateWindow(cs); } // *************************************************************************** // CLeftView drawing // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { CGeorgesEditDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); // TODO: add draw code for native data here } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::getSubObject (CGeorgesEditDocSub *subObject, HTREEITEM parent, HTREEITEM item) { // Is this child exist ? if (!item) { int itemImage = subObject->getItemImage (GetDocument()); item = TreeCtrl.InsertItem (subObject->getName ().c_str(), itemImage, itemImage, parent); } // Set name TreeCtrl.SetItemText (item, subObject->getName ().c_str()); // Set item data TreeCtrl.SetItemData (item, (DWORD)subObject); // For each children HTREEITEM child = TreeCtrl.GetChildItem (item); for (uint i=0; i<subObject->getChildrenCount(); i++) { getSubObject (subObject->getChild (i), item, child); if (child) { // Next child child = TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem (child); } } // Remove old children while (child) { HTREEITEM toDelete = child; child = TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem (child); nlverify (TreeCtrl.DeleteItem (toDelete)); } } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::expand () { if (IsWindow (TreeCtrl)) { HTREEITEM item = TreeCtrl.GetRootItem (); if (item != NULL) { item = TreeCtrl.GetChildItem (item); if (item != NULL) { item = TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem (item); expand (item); } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::expand (HTREEITEM item) { TreeCtrl.Expand (item, TVE_EXPAND); HTREEITEM child = TreeCtrl.GetChildItem (item); while (child) { expand (child); child = TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem (child); } } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::collapse (HTREEITEM item) { TreeCtrl.Expand (item, TVE_COLLAPSE); HTREEITEM child = TreeCtrl.GetChildItem (item); while (child) { collapse (child); child = TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem (child); } } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::OnInitialUpdate() { CView::OnInitialUpdate(); // Create the tree RECT rect; GetClientRect (&rect); TreeCtrl.Create (TVS_EDITLABELS|TVS_HASLINES|TVS_LINESATROOT|TVS_HASBUTTONS|WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD, rect, this, 0); TreeCtrl.SetImageList( &(theApp.ImageList.ImageList), TVSIL_NORMAL); getFromDocument (); if (theApp.StartExpanded) expand (); HTREEITEM child = TreeCtrl.GetChildItem (TreeCtrl.GetRootItem ()); if (child) { child = TreeCtrl.GetNextItem (child, TVGN_NEXT); if (child) { if (TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem ()) TreeCtrl.SetItemState(TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (), 0, TVIS_BOLD); TreeCtrl.Select (child, TVGN_CARET); TreeCtrl.SetItemState(child, TVIS_BOLD, TVIS_BOLD); } } } // *************************************************************************** // CLeftView diagnostics // *************************************************************************** #ifdef _DEBUG void CLeftView::AssertValid() const { CView::AssertValid(); } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CView::Dump(dc); } // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDoc* CLeftView::GetDocument() // non-debug version is inline { ASSERT(m_pDocument->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CGeorgesEditDocType)) || m_pDocument->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CGeorgesEditDocDfn)) || m_pDocument->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CGeorgesEditDocForm))); return (CGeorgesEditDoc*)m_pDocument; } #endif //_DEBUG // *************************************************************************** // CLeftView message handlers // *************************************************************************** BOOL CLeftView::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult) { // Selection change ? NMHDR *pnmh = (LPNMHDR) lParam; switch (pnmh->code) { case TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT: { // Get tree selection LPNMTVDISPINFO ptvdi = (LPNMTVDISPINFO) lParam; if (ptvdi->item.hItem) { // Get the sub object CGeorgesEditDocSub *subObject = (CGeorgesEditDocSub*)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (ptvdi->item.hItem); if (subObject) { // Editable ? if (subObject->isEditable ()) { // Get some information about the current node bool deleteInsert = false; // Is a form child ? CGeorgesEditDocSub *parent = subObject->getParent (); if (parent && parent->getType () == CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form) { // Does the node in the same form ? CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = GetDocument (); if (doc) { // Get the parent node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *parentNode; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc->getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = (CFormElm *)doc->getRootNode (subObject->getSlot ()); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (parent->getFormName ().c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &parentNode, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); // Is a non empty array ? if (array && parentNode) { // Edit the tree *pResult = 0; return TRUE; } } } } } } *pResult = 1; return TRUE; } break; case TVN_ENDLABELEDIT: { // Get tree selection LPNMTVDISPINFO ptvdi = (LPNMTVDISPINFO) lParam; if (ptvdi->item.hItem) { // Get the sub object CGeorgesEditDocSub *subObject = (CGeorgesEditDocSub*)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (ptvdi->item.hItem); if (subObject) { // Editable ? if (subObject->isEditable ()) { // Get some information about the current node bool deleteInsert = false; // Is a form child ? CGeorgesEditDocSub *parent = subObject->getParent (); if (parent && parent->getType () == CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form) { // Does the node in the same form ? CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = GetDocument (); if (doc) { // Get the parent node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *parentNode; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc->getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = (CFormElm *)doc->getRootNode (subObject->getSlot ()); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (parent->getFormName ().c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &parentNode, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); // Is a non empty array ? if (array && parentNode && (ptvdi->item.mask & TVIF_TEXT)) { // Change the node name TreeCtrl.SetItemText (ptvdi->item.hItem, ptvdi->item.pszText); doc->modify (new CActionString (IAction::FormArrayRename, ptvdi->item.pszText, *doc, subObject->getFormName ().c_str (), toString (subObject->getIdInParent ()).c_str(), doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), subObject->getSlot ())); return TRUE; } } } } } } *pResult = 1; return TRUE; } break; case TVN_SELCHANGED: { LPNMTREEVIEW itemData = (LPNMTREEVIEW) lParam; // Unbold old item if (itemData->itemOld.hItem) TreeCtrl.SetItemState(itemData->itemOld.hItem, 0, TVIS_BOLD); CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = GetDocument(); if (doc) { CGeorgesEditDocSub *data = (CGeorgesEditDocSub *)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (itemData->itemNew.hItem); nlassert (data); doc->changeSubSelection (data, this); TreeCtrl.SetFocus (); } } break; case NM_RCLICK: { // Get item clicked TVHITTESTINFO tvhti; GetCursorPos(&tvhti.pt); ::ScreenToClient(TreeCtrl, &tvhti.pt); tvhti.flags = LVHT_NOWHERE; TreeView_HitTest(TreeCtrl, &tvhti); // Item clicked ? if(TVHT_ONITEM & tvhti.flags) { // Select the item if (TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem ()) TreeCtrl.SetItemState(TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (), 0, TVIS_BOLD); TreeCtrl.SelectItem (tvhti.hItem); TreeCtrl.SetItemState(tvhti.hItem, TVIS_BOLD, TVIS_BOLD); // Get the sub object CGeorgesEditDocSub *subObject = (CGeorgesEditDocSub*)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (tvhti.hItem); if (subObject) { // Editable ? if (subObject->isEditable ()) { // Get some information about the current node bool deleteInsert = false; // Is a form child ? CGeorgesEditDocSub *parent = subObject->getParent (); if (parent && parent->getType () == CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form) { // Does the node in the same form ? CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = GetDocument (); if (doc) { // Get the node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *node; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc->getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = (CFormElm *)doc->getRootNode (subObject->getSlot ()); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (parent->getFormName ().c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &node, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); // Is the parent array ? deleteInsert = array; } } // Show right click menu // Create menu CMenu mainMenu; mainMenu.LoadMenu (IDR_LEFT_VIEW_CONTEXT); CMenu *popup = mainMenu.GetSubMenu (0); // Enable disable items popup->EnableMenuItem (4, MF_BYPOSITION|(deleteInsert?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED)); popup->EnableMenuItem (5, MF_BYPOSITION|(deleteInsert?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED)); popup->EnableMenuItem (6, MF_BYPOSITION|(deleteInsert?MF_ENABLED:MF_GRAYED)); ::ClientToScreen(TreeCtrl, &tvhti.pt); popup->TrackPopupMenu (TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, tvhti.pt.x, tvhti.pt.y, this, NULL); } } } } break; } return CView::OnNotify(wParam, lParam, pResult); } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::getFromDocument () { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = GetDocument(); if (doc && IsWindow (TreeCtrl)) { // Get the tree root //TreeCtrl.Expand (TreeCtrl.GetRootItem (), TVE_EXPAND); getSubObject (&doc->RootObject, NULL, TreeCtrl.GetRootItem ()); } } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::OnUpdate(CView* pSender, LPARAM lHint, CObject* pHint) { if (IsWindow (TreeCtrl)) { getFromDocument (); } } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); if (IsWindow (TreeCtrl)) { RECT rect; GetClientRect (&rect); TreeCtrl.SetWindowPos (NULL, 0, 0, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top, SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOOWNERZORDER); } } // *************************************************************************** BOOL CLeftView::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { if (theApp.m_pMainWnd->PreTranslateMessage(pMsg)) return TRUE; // Key ? if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN) { // Tabulation ? if ((int) pMsg->wParam == VK_TAB) { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { // Right view ? CGeorgesEditView* pView = doc->getRightView (); if (pView->isFocusable ()) { doc->switchToView (pView); // Shift ? if (GetAsyncKeyState (VK_SHIFT) & (1<<15)) pView->setFocusLastWidget (); } } return TRUE; } else if ((int) pMsg->wParam == VK_INSERT) { OnInsert (); return TRUE; } else if ((int) pMsg->wParam == VK_DELETE) { OnDelete (); return TRUE; } } return CView::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd) { CView::OnSetFocus(pOldWnd); TreeCtrl.SetFocus (); } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::OnEditCopy() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { // What is selected ? HTREEITEM item = TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (); if (item != NULL) { // Edit the label ? CEdit *edit = TreeCtrl.GetEditControl(); if (edit) { edit->SendMessage (WM_COPY); } else { // Get the sub data CGeorgesEditDocSub *subData = (CGeorgesEditDocSub*)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (item); if (subData) { // Get thte node type CGeorgesEditDocSub::TSub subType = subData->getType (); // Good type for copy ? if (subType == CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form) { theApp.SerialIntoMemStream (subData->getFormName ().c_str(), doc, subData->getSlot (), true); } } } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::OnEditPaste() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { // What is selected ? HTREEITEM item = TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (); if (item != NULL) { // Edit the label ? CEdit *edit = TreeCtrl.GetEditControl(); if (edit) { edit->SendMessage (WM_PASTE); } else { // Get the sub data CGeorgesEditDocSub *subData = (CGeorgesEditDocSub*)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (item); if (subData) { // Get thte node type CGeorgesEditDocSub::TSub subType = subData->getType (); // Good type for copy ? if (subType == CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form) { // Document is modified by this view if (theApp.FillMemStreamWithClipboard (subData->getFormName ().c_str(), doc, subData->getSlot ())) { doc->modify (new CActionBuffer (IAction::FormPaste, theApp.MemStream.buffer (), theApp.MemStream.length(), *doc, subData->getFormName ().c_str(), "", doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), subData->getSlot ())); } } } } } } } // *************************************************************************** CGeorgesEditDocSub *CLeftView::getSelectedObject () { HTREEITEM item = TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (); if (item != NULL) { return (CGeorgesEditDocSub *)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (item); } return NULL; } // *************************************************************************** bool CLeftView::changeSubSelection (CGeorgesEditDocSub *sub, HTREEITEM item) { // First time ? if (item == NULL) item = TreeCtrl.GetRootItem (); // Good one ? if ( (CGeorgesEditDocSub *)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (item) == sub ) { // Select it. if (TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem ()) TreeCtrl.SetItemState(TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (), 0, TVIS_BOLD); nlverify (TreeCtrl.SelectItem (item)); TreeCtrl.SetItemState(item, TVIS_BOLD, TVIS_BOLD); return true; } // Scan ohters HTREEITEM child = TreeCtrl.GetChildItem (item); while (child) { // Good one ? if (changeSubSelection (sub, child)) return true; // Get next item child = TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem (child); } // Selection not found return false; } // *************************************************************************** bool CLeftView::changeSubSelection (uint &sub, HTREEITEM item) { // First time ? if (item == NULL) item = TreeCtrl.GetRootItem (); // Good one ? if ( sub == 0 ) { // Select it. if (TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem ()) TreeCtrl.SetItemState(TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (), 0, TVIS_BOLD); nlverify (TreeCtrl.SelectItem (item)); TreeCtrl.SetItemState(item, TVIS_BOLD, TVIS_BOLD); return true; } // Scan ohters HTREEITEM child = TreeCtrl.GetChildItem (item); while (child) { // Good one ? if (changeSubSelection (--sub, child)) return true; // Get next item child = TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem (child); } // Selection not found return false; } // *************************************************************************** uint CLeftView::getCurrentSelectionId (uint *count, HTREEITEM item) { if (IsWindow (TreeCtrl)) { uint id = 0; // Root item if (item == NULL) item = TreeCtrl.GetRootItem (); // First id if (count == NULL) { count = &id; *count = 0; } // Good node ? if (TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem () == item) { return *count; } // Look in children item = TreeCtrl.GetChildItem (item); while (item) { // Increment id (*count) ++; // Found ? if (getCurrentSelectionId (count, item) != 0xffffffff) return *count; // Next child item = TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem (item); } } // Not found return 0xffffffff; } // *************************************************************************** bool CLeftView::setCurrentSelectionId (uint id, HTREEITEM item) { if (IsWindow (TreeCtrl)) { // Root item if (item == NULL) { item = TreeCtrl.GetRootItem (); } // Good node ? if (id == 0) { // Select the node if (TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem ()) TreeCtrl.SetItemState(TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (), 0, TVIS_BOLD); TreeCtrl.Select (item, TVGN_CARET); TreeCtrl.SetItemState(item, TVIS_BOLD, TVIS_BOLD); return true; } // Look in children item = TreeCtrl.GetChildItem (item); while (item) { // Increment id id++; // Found ? if (setCurrentSelectionId (id, item)) return true; // Next child item = TreeCtrl.GetNextSiblingItem (item); } } // Not found return false; } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::OnEditCut() { // Copy OnEditCopy (); // Delete OnDelete (); } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::OnInsert() { // Get tree selection HTREEITEM item = TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (); if (item) { // Get the sub object CGeorgesEditDocSub *subObject = (CGeorgesEditDocSub*)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (item); if (subObject) { // Editable ? if (subObject->isEditable ()) { // Get some information about the current node bool deleteInsert = false; // Is a form child ? CGeorgesEditDocSub *parent = subObject->getParent (); if (parent && parent->getType () == CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form) { // Does the node in the same form ? CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = GetDocument (); if (doc) { // Get the parent node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *parentNode; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc->getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = (CFormElm *)doc->getRootNode (subObject->getSlot ()); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (parent->getFormName ().c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &parentNode, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); // Is a non empty array ? if (array && parentNode) { // Document modified doc->modify (new CActionString (IAction::FormArrayInsert, toString (subObject->getIdInParent ()).c_str (), *doc, subObject->getFormName ().c_str (), "", doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), subObject->getSlot ())); } } } } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::OnDelete() { // Get tree selection HTREEITEM item = TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (); if (item) { // Edit the label ? CEdit *edit = TreeCtrl.GetEditControl(); if (edit) { edit->SetWindowText (""); } else { // Get the sub object CGeorgesEditDocSub *subObject = (CGeorgesEditDocSub*)TreeCtrl.GetItemData (item); if (subObject) { // Editable ? if (subObject->isEditable ()) { // Get some information about the current node bool deleteInsert = false; // Is a form child ? CGeorgesEditDocSub *parent = subObject->getParent (); if (parent && parent->getType () == CGeorgesEditDocSub::Form) { // Does the node in the same form ? CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = GetDocument (); if (doc) { // Get the parent node const CFormDfn *parentDfn; uint indexDfn; const CFormDfn *nodeDfn; const CType *nodeType; CFormElm *parentNode; UFormDfn::TEntryType type; bool array; bool parentVDfnArray; CForm *form=doc->getFormPtr (); CFormElm *elm = (CFormElm *)doc->getRootNode (subObject->getSlot ()); nlverify ( elm->getNodeByName (parent->getFormName ().c_str (), &parentDfn, indexDfn, &nodeDfn, &nodeType, &parentNode, type, array, parentVDfnArray, true, NLGEORGES_FIRST_ROUND) ); // Is a non empty array ? if (array && parentNode) { // Document modified doc->modify (new CActionBuffer (IAction::FormArrayDelete, NULL, 0, *doc, subObject->getFormName ().c_str (), toString (subObject->getIdInParent ()).c_str (), doc->getLeftView ()->getCurrentSelectionId (), subObject->getSlot ())); } } } } } } } } // *************************************************************************** void CLeftView::OnEditRedo() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { doc->OnEditRedo(); } } void CLeftView::OnUpdateEditRedo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { doc->OnUpdateEditRedo(pCmdUI) ; } } void CLeftView::OnEditUndo() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { doc->OnEditUndo(); } } void CLeftView::OnUpdateEditUndo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { doc->OnUpdateEditUndo(pCmdUI) ; } } void CLeftView::OnEditRename() { // Edit the tree HTREEITEM item = TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (); if (item) TreeCtrl.EditLabel ( item ); } void CLeftView::OnEditFetch1() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { if (doc->isForm ()) ((CGeorgesEditDocForm*)doc)->OnEditFetch1(); } } void CLeftView::OnEditFetch2() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { if (doc->isForm ()) ((CGeorgesEditDocForm*)doc)->OnEditFetch2(); } } void CLeftView::OnEditFetch3() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { if (doc->isForm ()) ((CGeorgesEditDocForm*)doc)->OnEditFetch3(); } } void CLeftView::OnEditFetch4() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { if (doc->isForm ()) ((CGeorgesEditDocForm*)doc)->OnEditFetch4(); } } void CLeftView::OnEditHold1() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { if (doc->isForm ()) ((CGeorgesEditDocForm*)doc)->OnEditHold1(); } } void CLeftView::OnEditHold2() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { if (doc->isForm ()) ((CGeorgesEditDocForm*)doc)->OnEditHold2(); } } void CLeftView::OnEditHold3() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { if (doc->isForm ()) ((CGeorgesEditDocForm*)doc)->OnEditHold3(); } } void CLeftView::OnEditHold4() { CGeorgesEditDoc *doc = (CGeorgesEditDoc*)GetDocument( ); if (doc) { if (doc->isForm ()) ((CGeorgesEditDocForm*)doc)->OnEditHold4(); } } void CLeftView::OnEditCollapseall() { // Edit the tree HTREEITEM item = TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (); if (item) collapse (item); } void CLeftView::OnEditExpandall() { // Edit the tree HTREEITEM item = TreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem (); if (item) expand (item); }