<?php class CSRTask extends AchTask implements CSR { ######################### # PHP 5.3 compatible # CSRDispatcher_trait replaces this in PHP 5.4 function grantNode($path,$player) { #echo "start: ".$path." id: ".$this->getID()."<br>"; if(is_numeric($path)) { //it's me (id == numeric) if($this->getID() == $path) { $this->grant($player); #echo "grant()<br>"; } } else { //get child with the next level id and dispatch $tmp = explode(";",$path); $c = $this->getChildDataByID($tmp[1]); #echo "...".$tmp[1]; if($c != null) { // check if it's really own child unset($tmp[0]); $c->grantNode(implode(";",$tmp),$player); #echo "grantNode()<br>"; } } #echo "end<br>"; } function denyNode($path,$player) { if(is_numeric($path)) { //it's me (id == numeric) if($this->getID() == $path) { $this->deny($player); } } else { //get child with the next level id and dispatch $tmp = explode(";",$path); if($tmp[0] == $this->getID()) { // it's my id! $c = $this->getChildDataByID($tmp[1]); if($c != null) { // check if it's really own child unset($tmp[0]); $c->denyNode(implode(";",$tmp),$player); } } } } function getPath($path = "") { if($path != "") { $path = ";".$path; } $path = $this->getID().$path; if($this->hasParent()) { $path = $this->parent->getPath($path); } return $path; } private function hasParent() { return ($this->parent != null); } ######################### function CSRTask($data,$parent) { parent::__construct($data,$parent); } protected function makeChild($d) { return new CSRObjective($d,$this); } function grant($pid) { global $DBc; $DBc->sqlQuery("INSERT INTO ach_player_task (apt_task,apt_player,apt_date) VALUES ('".$this->getID()."','".$pid."','".time()."')"); $this->done = time(); #echo $this->idx."<br>"; $this->parent->setTaskDone($this->id); $iter = $this->getIterator(); while($iter->hasNext()) { $curr = $iter->getNext(); $curr->grant($pid); } } function deny($pid) { global $DBc; $DBc->sqlQuery("DELETE FROM ach_player_task WHERE apt_task='".$this->getID()."' AND apt_player='".$pid."'"); $this->done = 0; $this->parent->setTaskOpen($this->id); $iter = $this->getIterator(); while($iter->hasNext()) { $curr = $iter->getNext(); $curr->deny($pid); } } } ?>