mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 17:38:44 +00:00
Merge with develop
--HG-- branch : compatibility-develop
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 221 additions and 53 deletions
@ -1389,10 +1389,3 @@ void CContinent::releaseSky()
/*static*/ uint CContinent::getMaxNbUserLandMarks()
uint nbBonusLandmarks = (uint)IngameDbMngr.getProp( "INTERFACES:NB_BONUS_LANDMARKS" );
return STANDARD_NUM_USER_LANDMARKS + nbBonusLandmarks;
@ -133,9 +133,6 @@ public:
const uint STANDARD_NUM_USER_LANDMARKS = 256; // not counting bonus landmarks
* Class to manage the fog of war over a continent
* \author Matthieu 'Trap' Besson
@ -4046,7 +4046,6 @@ void CDBCtrlSheet::setItemPrice(sint32 price)
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CDBCtrlSheet::getItemResaleFlag() const
@ -4071,6 +4070,54 @@ void CDBCtrlSheet::setItemResaleFlag(sint32 rf)
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CDBCtrlSheet::getItemCreateTime() const
CCDBNodeLeaf *node = getItemCreateTimePtr();
if (!node) return 0;
return node->getValue32();
// ***************************************************************************
CCDBNodeLeaf *CDBCtrlSheet::getItemCreateTimePtr() const
CCDBNodeBranch *root = getRootBranch();
if (!root) return NULL;
return dynamic_cast<CCDBNodeLeaf *>(root->getNode(ICDBNode::CTextId("CREATE_TIME"), false));
// ***************************************************************************
void CDBCtrlSheet::setItemCreateTime(sint32 ct)
CCDBNodeLeaf *node = getItemCreateTimePtr();
if (!node) return;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CDBCtrlSheet::getItemSerial() const
CCDBNodeLeaf *node = getItemSerialPtr();
if (!node) return 0;
return node->getValue32();
// ***************************************************************************
CCDBNodeLeaf *CDBCtrlSheet::getItemSerialPtr() const
CCDBNodeBranch *root = getRootBranch();
if (!root) return NULL;
return dynamic_cast<CCDBNodeLeaf *>(root->getNode(ICDBNode::CTextId("SERIAL"), false));
// ***************************************************************************
void CDBCtrlSheet::setItemSerial(sint32 rf)
CCDBNodeLeaf *node = getItemSerialPtr();
if (!node) return;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CDBCtrlSheet::getLockedByOwner() const
@ -514,6 +514,18 @@ public:
// set item RESALE_FLAG
void setItemResaleFlag(sint32 rf);
//get item CREATE_TIME. 0 if no DB
sint32 getItemCreateTime() const;
NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *getItemCreateTimePtr() const;
// set item CREATE_TIME
void setItemCreateTime(sint32 ct);
//get item SERIAL. 0 if no DB
sint32 getItemSerial() const;
NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *getItemSerialPtr() const;
// set item CREATE_TIME
void setItemSerial(sint32 serial);
// get item locked by owner
bool getLockedByOwner() const;
@ -851,14 +851,13 @@ void CGroupCompasMenu::setActive (bool state)
// User landmarks
uint nbUserLandMarks = std::min( uint(currCont->UserLandMarks.size()), CContinent::getMaxNbUserLandMarks() );
// User landmarks
// Sort the landmarks
std::vector<CUserLandMark> sortedLandmarks(currCont->UserLandMarks);
std::sort(sortedLandmarks.begin(), sortedLandmarks.end(), UserLandMarksSortPredicate);
for(k = 0; k < nbUserLandMarks; ++k)
for(k = 0; k < sortedLandmarks.size(); ++k)
if (sortedLandmarks[k].Type < CUserLandMark::UserLandMarkTypeCount)
@ -2391,9 +2391,8 @@ void CGroupMap::createContinentLandMarks()
// Continent Landmarks
uint nbUserLandMarks = std::min( uint(_CurContinent->UserLandMarks.size()), CContinent::getMaxNbUserLandMarks());
// User Landmarks
for(k = 0; k < nbUserLandMarks; ++k)
for(k = 0; k < _CurContinent->UserLandMarks.size(); ++k)
NLMISC::CVector2f mapPos;
worldToMap(mapPos, _CurContinent->UserLandMarks[k].Pos);
@ -2431,8 +2430,7 @@ void CGroupMap::updateUserLandMarks()
// Re create User Landmarks
uint nbUserLandMarks = std::min( uint(_CurContinent->UserLandMarks.size()), CContinent::getMaxNbUserLandMarks());
for(k = 0; k < nbUserLandMarks; ++k)
for(k = 0; k < _CurContinent->UserLandMarks.size(); ++k)
NLMISC::CVector2f mapPos;
worldToMap(mapPos, _CurContinent->UserLandMarks[k].Pos);
@ -3263,12 +3261,6 @@ void createUserLandMark(CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* params */)
// pop the rename dialog
LastClickedMap = dynamic_cast<CGroupMap *>(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCtrlLaunchingModal());
if (LastClickedMap->isInDeathMode()) return;
if (LastClickedMap->getNumUserLandMarks() >= CContinent::getMaxNbUserLandMarks() )
// too many landmark, can't create
im->displaySystemInfo(CI18N::get("uiNoMoreLandMarks"), "CHK");
LastSelectedLandMark = NULL;
@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ bool CItemGroup::contains(CDBCtrlSheet *other, SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment &s
for(int i=0;i<Items.size();i++)
CItem item = Items[i];
if(item.useCreateTime() && item.createTime == other->getItemCreateTime() && item.serial == other->getItemSerial())
slot = item.slot;
return true;
// Present for compatibility reasons
NLMISC::CSheetId sheet = NLMISC::CSheetId(other->getSheetId());
if (sheet.toString() == item.sheetName && other->getQuality() == item.quality &&
other->getItemWeight() == item.weight && other->getItemColor() == item.color &&
@ -65,9 +71,9 @@ bool CItemGroup::contains(CDBCtrlSheet *other, SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment &s
return false;
void CItemGroup::addItem(std::string sheetName, uint16 quality, uint32 weight, uint8 color, SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot)
void CItemGroup::addItem(sint32 createTime, sint32 serial, SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot)
Items.push_back(CItem(sheetName, quality, weight, color, slot));
Items.push_back(CItem(createTime, serial, slot));
void CItemGroup::addRemove(std::string slotName)
@ -90,14 +96,23 @@ void CItemGroup::writeTo(xmlNodePtr node)
CItem item = Items[i];
xmlNodePtr itemNode = xmlNewChild(groupNode, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"item", NULL);
xmlSetProp (itemNode, (const xmlChar*)"createTime", (const xmlChar*)NLMISC::toString(item.createTime).c_str());
xmlSetProp (itemNode, (const xmlChar*)"serial", (const xmlChar*)NLMISC::toString(item.serial).c_str());
// Present for compatibility reasons
xmlSetProp (itemNode, (const xmlChar*)"sheetName", (const xmlChar*)item.sheetName.c_str());
xmlSetProp (itemNode, (const xmlChar*)"quality", (const xmlChar*)NLMISC::toString(item.quality).c_str());
xmlSetProp (itemNode, (const xmlChar*)"weight", (const xmlChar*)NLMISC::toString(item.weight).c_str());
xmlSetProp (itemNode, (const xmlChar*)"color", (const xmlChar*)NLMISC::toString(item.color).c_str());
xmlSetProp (itemNode, (const xmlChar*)"minPrice", (const xmlChar*)NLMISC::toString(item.minPrice).c_str());
xmlSetProp (itemNode, (const xmlChar*)"maxPrice", (const xmlChar*)NLMISC::toString(item.maxPrice).c_str());
// We need to save slot only if it's useful for clarity
if(item.slot == SLOT_EQUIPMENT::HANDL || item.slot == SLOT_EQUIPMENT::HANDR)
//if(item.slot == SLOT_EQUIPMENT::HANDL || item.slot == SLOT_EQUIPMENT::HANDR)
xmlSetProp(itemNode, (const xmlChar*)"slot", (const xmlChar*)SLOT_EQUIPMENT::toString(item.slot).c_str());
for(int i=0;i<removeBeforeEquip.size();i++)
@ -121,6 +136,15 @@ void CItemGroup::readFrom(xmlNodePtr node)
CItem item;
ptrName = (char*) xmlGetProp(curNode, (xmlChar*)"createTime");
if (ptrName) NLMISC::fromString((const char*)ptrName, item.createTime);
ptrName = (char*) xmlGetProp(curNode, (xmlChar*)"serial");
if (ptrName) NLMISC::fromString((const char*)ptrName, item.serial);
ptrName = (char*) xmlGetProp(curNode, (xmlChar*)"slot");
std::string slot;
if (ptrName) NLMISC::fromString((const char*)ptrName, slot);
item.slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::stringToSlotEquipment(NLMISC::toUpper(slot));
// Old read, keep for compatibility reasons
ptrName = (char*) xmlGetProp(curNode, (xmlChar*)"sheetName");
if (ptrName) NLMISC::fromString((const char*)ptrName, item.sheetName);
ptrName = (char*) xmlGetProp(curNode, (xmlChar*)"quality");
@ -134,12 +158,7 @@ void CItemGroup::readFrom(xmlNodePtr node)
ptrName = (char*) xmlGetProp(curNode, (xmlChar*)"maxPrice");
if (ptrName) NLMISC::fromString((const char*)ptrName, item.maxPrice);
item.usePrice = (item.minPrice != 0 || item.maxPrice != std::numeric_limits<uint32>::max());
ptrName = (char*) xmlGetProp(curNode, (xmlChar*)"slot");
std::string slot;
if (ptrName) NLMISC::fromString((const char*)ptrName, slot);
item.slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::stringToSlotEquipment(NLMISC::toUpper(slot));
//Old version of groups.xml could save unknown sheets, remove them for clarity
if(item.sheetName != "unknown.unknown")
if (strcmp((char*)curNode->name, "remove") == 0)
@ -159,10 +178,12 @@ CItemGroupManager::CItemGroupManager()
_EndInvalidAction = 0;
_StartInvalidAction = 0;
_MigrationDone = false;
void CItemGroupManager::init()
_MigrationDone = false;
@ -300,6 +321,98 @@ void CItemGroupManager::update()
_EndInvalidAction = 0;
//Migration code, present for compatibility reasons
CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
if(!_MigrationDone && pIM)
NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *node = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:CDB_INIT_IN_PROGRESS");
nlinfo("Starting migration");
_MigrationDone = true;
nlinfo("Item group migration from old system to new system is done !");
bool CItemGroupManager::migrateGroups()
std::vector<CItemGroup> newGroups;
//This is not very optimised, but this will be executed only once (and removed in the near future)
for(int i=0; i < _Groups.size(); i++)
CItemGroup group = _Groups[i];
//Migrate the group only if there is items inside, and the first one hasn't been migrated
bool needMigration = group.Items.size() > 0 && !group.Items[0].useCreateTime();
//If we are here, migrate the group
_Groups = newGroups;
return true;
CItemGroup CItemGroupManager::migrateGroup(CItemGroup group)
//Get all matching items from all inventory
CItemGroup out;
out.name = group.name;
for (int i=0; i < INVENTORIES::TInventory::NUM_ALL_INVENTORY; i++)
INVENTORIES::TInventory inventory = (INVENTORIES::TInventory)i;
std::vector<CInventoryItem> items = matchingItems(&group, inventory);
for(int j = 0; j < items.size(); j++)
//slot might be undefined here, but we want it for clarity purpose in the xml (to easily find lines)
if(items[j].slot != SLOT_EQUIPMENT::UNDEFINED)
slot = items[j].slot;
// We can't get a perfect match (can't know if it's a right/left jewel for example), but it's good enough
const CItemSheet* sheet = items[j].pCS->asItemSheet();
nlinfo("Could not get as itemSheet, strange");
else if (sheet->hasSlot(SLOTTYPE::NECKLACE)) slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::NECKLACE;
else if (sheet->hasSlot(SLOTTYPE::FINGERS)) slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::FINGERL;
else if (sheet->hasSlot(SLOTTYPE::ANKLE)) slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::ANKLEL;
else if (sheet->hasSlot(SLOTTYPE::WRIST)) slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::WRISTL;
else if (sheet->hasSlot(SLOTTYPE::EARS)) slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::EARL;
else if (sheet->hasSlot(SLOTTYPE::HEAD)) slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::HEAD;
else if (sheet->hasSlot(SLOTTYPE::HANDS)) slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::HANDS;
else if (sheet->hasSlot(SLOTTYPE::ARMS)) slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::ARMS;
else if (sheet->hasSlot(SLOTTYPE::CHEST)) slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::CHEST;
else if (sheet->hasSlot(SLOTTYPE::FEET)) slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::FEET;
// pants
else if (sheet->hasSlot(SLOTTYPE::LEGS)) slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::LEGS;
out.addItem(items[j].pCS->getItemCreateTime(), items[j].pCS->getItemSerial(), slot);
return out;
void CItemGroupManager::fakeInvalidActions(NLMISC::TGameCycle time)
@ -417,7 +530,6 @@ bool CItemGroupManager::equipGroup(std::string name, bool pullBefore)
{ITEM_TYPE::RING, false},
std::vector<CInventoryItem> duals;
std::vector<CInventoryItem> items = matchingItems(group, INVENTORIES::TInventory::bag);
@ -425,9 +537,10 @@ bool CItemGroupManager::equipGroup(std::string name, bool pullBefore)
CInventoryItem item = items[i];
ITEM_TYPE::TItemType itemType = item.pCS->asItemSheet()->ItemType;
// Special case for dagger (and all other items that can be equipped both right AND left hand, currently it's only dagger)
// We don't equip the one intended for left hand right away (it will be done in duals items later), let right hand be normally equipped
if(itemType == ITEM_TYPE::DAGGER && item.slot == SLOT_EQUIPMENT::HANDL)
// We'll equip items in left hand later (the right hand will be normally equipped)
// This way, if we switch from 2 hands to 2 * 1 hands, both hands will be equipped correctly (first right, which will remove the 2 hands, then left)
// If we don't, we might try to equip the left hand first, which will do nothing because we have a 2 hands equipped
if(item.slot == SLOT_EQUIPMENT::HANDL)
@ -465,6 +578,8 @@ bool CItemGroupManager::equipGroup(std::string name, bool pullBefore)
dstPath += ":EQUIP:" + NLMISC::toString((int)SLOT_EQUIPMENT::FINGERR);;break;
dstPath += ":HAND:1"; break;
@ -502,8 +617,7 @@ bool CItemGroupManager::createGroup(std::string name, bool removeUnequiped)
if(!pCS) continue;
NLMISC::CSheetId sheet(pCS->getSheetId());
group.addItem(sheet.toString(), pCS->getQuality(), pCS->getItemWeight(), pCS->getItemColor(), slot);
group.addItem(pCS->getItemCreateTime(), pCS->getItemSerial(), slot);
else if(removeUnequiped)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public:
CDBCtrlSheet* pCS;
INVENTORIES::TInventory origin;
uint32 indexInBag;
SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot; // Used only for dagger (right/left hand slot)
SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot; // Used to differentiate right/left hands, and for clarity in the xml file
CInventoryItem(CDBCtrlSheet *pCS, INVENTORIES::TInventory origin, uint32 indexInBag, SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::UNDEFINED) :
pCS(pCS), origin(origin), indexInBag(indexInBag), slot(slot) {}
@ -37,17 +37,24 @@ public:
class CItemGroup {
struct CItem {
SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot; // Used only for dagger (right/left hand slot)
sint32 createTime;
sint32 serial;
// Old variables, present for compatibility reasons
std::string sheetName;
uint16 quality;
uint32 weight;
uint8 color;
SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot; // Used only for dagger (right/left hand slot)
uint32 minPrice;
uint32 maxPrice;
bool usePrice;
CItem(std::string sheetName = "", uint16 quality = 0, uint32 weight = 0, uint8 color = 0, SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::UNDEFINED, uint32 minPrice = 0, uint32 maxPrice = std::numeric_limits<uint32>::max(), bool usePrice = false) :
sheetName(sheetName), quality(quality), weight(weight), color(color), slot(slot), minPrice(minPrice), maxPrice(maxPrice), usePrice(usePrice) {}
CItem(sint32 createTime, sint32 serial, SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::UNDEFINED) :
createTime(createTime), serial(serial), slot(slot) {}
//Old constructor, present for compatibility reasons
CItem(std::string sheetName = "", uint16 quality = 0, uint32 weight = 0, uint8 color = 0, sint32 createTime = 0, sint32 serial = 0, SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot = SLOT_EQUIPMENT::UNDEFINED, uint32 minPrice = 0, uint32 maxPrice = std::numeric_limits<uint32>::max(), bool usePrice = false) :
sheetName(sheetName), quality(quality), weight(weight), color(color), createTime(createTime), serial(serial), slot(slot), minPrice(minPrice), maxPrice(maxPrice), usePrice(usePrice) {}
//present for compatibility reasons
bool useCreateTime() const { return createTime != 0 && serial != 0;}
@ -56,12 +63,14 @@ public:
// return true if any item in the group match the parameter ; slot is UNDEFINED unless the item has been found in the group
bool contains(CDBCtrlSheet *other);
bool contains(CDBCtrlSheet* other, SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment &slot);
void addItem(std::string sheetName, uint16 quality, uint32 weight, uint8 color, SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot);
void addItem(sint32 createTime, sint32 serial, SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot);
void addRemove(std::string slotName);
void addRemove(SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot);
void writeTo(xmlNodePtr node);
void readFrom(xmlNodePtr node);
// return true if no item inside
bool empty() const { return Items.size() == 0;}
std::string name;
std::vector<CItem> Items;
std::vector<SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment> removeBeforeEquip;
@ -107,6 +116,11 @@ private:
NLMISC::TGameCycle _EndInvalidAction;
NLMISC::TGameCycle _StartInvalidAction;
//Used to migrate old groups ; keep for compatibility purpose
bool migrateGroups();
//Return a new group who uses create time and serial (param group isn't modified)
CItemGroup migrateGroup(CItemGroup group);
bool _MigrationDone;
Reference in a new issue