diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/scripts/nel_assets_resave.ms b/code/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/scripts/nel_assets_resave.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab9e45325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/scripts/nel_assets_resave.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
+heapSize += 15000000
+nlErrorFilename = "W:/database/conversion.log"
+nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"w"
+if nlErrorStream == undefined then
+	nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
+-- Log a message
+fn nllog message =
+	if nlErrorStream != undefined then
+	(
+		format "%\n" message to:nlErrorStream
+		flush nlErrorStream
+	)
+	-- To the console
+	print message
+include "nel_utility.ms"
+rollout assets_resave_rollout "Properties"
+	fn do_it =
+	(
+		max select none
+		actionMan.executeAction 0 "40021"  -- Selection: Select All
+		actionMan.executeAction 0 "311"  -- Tools: Zoom Extents All Selected
+		actionMan.executeAction 0 "40807"  -- Views: Activate All Maps
+		actionMan.executeAction 0 "63508"  -- Views: Standard Display with Maps
+		actionMan.executeAction 0 "40043"  -- Selection: Select None
+		max views redraw
+		return 1
+	)
+	-- This script is a base script to include to add multiple functionality to your script
+	-- To use this script
+	--	Include it in your script into the rollout at the beginning.
+	--	Implement a do_it function to do the job in your rollout.
+	--	The function should retun -1 if an arror occured, else the count of modification done
+	--	It the function returns <1, the project will not be overwritten
+	Group "Running properties"
+	(
+		RadioButtons	SourceFiles				"Source projects"				labels:#("Current project", "All Projects in a folder") align:#left
+		Label			DirectoryLabel			"Source directory"							align:#left
+		EditText		Directory				""								width:500	align:#left enabled:false
+		Button			BrowseDirectory			"Browse..."						align:#left enabled:false
+		CheckBox		Recurse					"Look in subfolders"			checked:true enabled:false
+		CheckBox		Test					"Test only, do not save"		checked:false enabled:false
+		CheckBox		BackupFiles				"Backup files"					checked:false enabled:false
+		CheckBox		StopOnError				"Stop on error"					checked:false enabled:false
+		CheckBox		UseTag					"Use tag"						checked:false enabled:false
+		Label			ProgressText											width:500	align:#left
+		ProgressBar		Progress												width:500	align:#left
+		Button 			GoButton				"Go"							width:500	align:#left
+	)
+	local countModifications
+	local countErrors
+	local fileModified
+	local fileParsed
+	fn UpdateData =
+	(
+		if SourceFiles.state == 2 then
+			isSourceDir = true
+		else
+			isSourceDir = false
+		if Test.checked == true then
+			isTest = true
+		else
+			isTest = false
+		Directory.enabled = isSourceDir
+		BrowseDirectory.enabled = isSourceDir
+		Recurse.enabled = isSourceDir
+		Test.enabled = isSourceDir
+		BackupFiles.enabled = isSourceDir and (isTest == false)
+		StopOnError.enabled = isSourceDir
+		UseTag.enabled = isSourceDir
+	)
+	on SourceFiles changed state do
+	(
+		UpdateData ()
+	)
+	on Test changed state do
+	(
+		UpdateData ()
+	)
+	fn call_do_it =
+	(
+		local result
+		-- One more project
+		fileParsed = fileParsed + 1
+		-- Call it
+		result = do_it ()
+		-- Error ?
+		if result < 0 then
+			countErrors = countErrors + 1
+		else 
+			countModifications = countModifications + result
+		-- Return result
+		return result
+	)
+	fn BackupFile file =
+	(
+		local i
+		local newFilename
+		i = 0
+		while true do
+		(
+			-- New file name
+			newFilename = file + ".backup_" + (i as string)
+			-- File exist ?
+			if (fileExist newFilename) == false then
+			(
+				if (copyFile file newFilename) == false then 
+					return false
+				else 
+					return true
+			)
+			i = i + 1
+		)
+	)
+	fn RecurseFolder currentDirectory =
+	(
+		resetMAXFile #noprompt
+		local result
+		local file
+		local files
+		local origAnimStart
+		local origAnimEnd
+		local origFrameRate
+		-- Parse files
+		files = getFiles (currentDirectory+"/*.max")
+		-- For each files
+		for i = 1 to files.count do
+		(
+			-- File name
+			file = files[i]
+			-- Progress bar
+			ProgressText.text  = "In directory "+currentDirectory+", compute file \"" + (getFilenameFile file) + "\""
+			Progress.value = i*100/files.count
+			if (UseTag.checked == false) or ((NeLTestFileDate file "W:/database/conversion.tag") == true) then
+			(
+				resetMAXFile #noprompt
+				nllog("CONVERT " + file)
+				-- Open the max project
+				if loadMaxFile file quiet:true == true then
+				(
+					origAnimStart = animationRange.start
+					origAnimEnd = animationRange.end
+					origFrameRate = frameRate
+					resetMAXFile #noprompt
+					animationRange = interval origAnimStart origAnimEnd
+					frameRate = origFrameRate
+					-- Merge the max project
+					if mergeMaxFile file quiet:true == true then
+					(
+						result = call_do_it () 
+						-- Error ?
+						if result < 0 then
+						(
+							if StopOnError.checked == true then
+								Messagebox ("Error in file " + file)
+						)
+						else
+						(
+							-- Save the max project ?
+							if (Test.checked == false) and (result != 0) then
+							(
+								-- Backup the max project ?
+								local ok
+								ok = true
+								if BackupFiles.checked == true then
+								(
+									-- Backup the file
+									if (BackupFile file) == false then
+									(
+										-- Don't save the file because backup has failed
+										ok = false
+										if StopOnError.checked == true then
+											Messagebox ("Can't backup file " + file)
+										-- One more error
+										countErrors = countErrors + 1
+									)
+								)
+								-- Save the max project ?
+								if ok == true then
+								(
+									if (saveMaxFile file) == true then
+									(
+										fileModified = fileModified + 1
+									)
+									else
+									(
+										if StopOnError.checked == true then
+											Messagebox ("Can't write file " + file)
+										-- One more error
+										countErrors = countErrors + 1
+									)
+								)
+							)
+						)
+					)
+					else
+					(
+						if StopOnError.checked == true then
+							Messagebox ("Can't load file " + file)
+						-- One more error
+						countErrors = countErrors + 1
+					)
+				)
+			)
+			else
+			(
+				nllog("SKIP " + file + " by tag")
+			)
+		)
+		-- Parse sub directory ?
+		if (Recurse.checked == true) then
+		(
+			local directories
+			-- Get the directories
+			directories = getDirectories (currentDirectory+"/*")
+			-- For each directories
+			for dir in directories do
+			(
+				RecurseFolder dir
+			)
+		)
+	)
+	on BrowseDirectory pressed do
+	(
+		local dir
+		try
+		(
+			dir = getSavePath () -- caption:"Select the projects directory"
+			if dir != undefined then
+				Directory.text = dir
+		)
+		catch 
+		(
+		)
+	)
+	on GoButton pressed do
+	(
+		-- Reset count
+		countModifications = 0
+		countErrors = 0
+		fileModified = 0
+		fileParsed = 0
+		-- Get files in the shape_source_directory
+		if SourceFiles.state == 2 then
+		(
+			-- Should warning user ?
+			if (SourceFiles.state == 2) and (Test.checked == false) then
+			(
+				-- Warning !
+				if ((queryBox "Warning, all the files in the specified folders will be overwrited.\nYou should backup your files before executing this script.\nDo you want to continue executing this script ?" beep:true) == true) then
+					RecurseFolder (adjustPathStringForScript Directory.text)
+			)
+			else
+			(
+				RecurseFolder (adjustPathStringForScript Directory.text)
+			)
+		)
+		else
+		(
+			-- Just compute the current project
+			call_do_it ()
+		)
+		-- Show errors
+		ProgressText.text  = (fileParsed as string) + " project(s) opened, " + (countModifications as string) + " project modification(s), " + (fileModified as string) + " project(s) saved, " + (countErrors as string) + " error(s)."
+		Progress.value = 100
+	)
+assets_resave_floater = newRolloutFloater "NeL Assets Resave Database" 550 874
+addrollout assets_resave_rollout assets_resave_floater rolledUp:false
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/scripts/nel_assets_resave_hard.ms b/code/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/scripts/nel_assets_resave_hard.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05220c7a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/scripts/nel_assets_resave_hard.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
+heapSize += 15000000
+nlErrorFilename = "W:/database/conversion.log"
+nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"w"
+if nlErrorStream == undefined then
+	nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
+-- Log a message
+fn nllog message =
+	if nlErrorStream != undefined then
+	(
+		format "%\n" message to:nlErrorStream
+		flush nlErrorStream
+	)
+	-- To the console
+	print message
+include "nel_utility.ms"
+rollout assets_resave_rollout "Properties"
+	fn do_it =
+	(
+		max select none
+		actionMan.executeAction 0 "40021"  -- Selection: Select All
+		actionMan.executeAction 0 "311"  -- Tools: Zoom Extents All Selected
+		actionMan.executeAction 0 "40807"  -- Views: Activate All Maps
+		actionMan.executeAction 0 "63508"  -- Views: Standard Display with Maps
+		actionMan.executeAction 0 "40043"  -- Selection: Select None
+		max views redraw
+		return 1
+	)
+	-- This script is a base script to include to add multiple functionality to your script
+	-- To use this script
+	--	Include it in your script into the rollout at the beginning.
+	--	Implement a do_it function to do the job in your rollout.
+	--	The function should retun -1 if an arror occured, else the count of modification done
+	--	It the function returns <1, the project will not be overwritten
+	Group "Running properties"
+	(
+		RadioButtons	SourceFiles				"Source projects"				labels:#("Current project", "All Projects in a folder") align:#left
+		Label			DirectoryLabel			"Source directory"							align:#left
+		EditText		Directory				""								width:500	align:#left enabled:false
+		Button			BrowseDirectory			"Browse..."						align:#left enabled:false
+		CheckBox		Recurse					"Look in subfolders"			checked:true enabled:false
+		CheckBox		Test					"Test only, do not save"		checked:false enabled:false
+		CheckBox		BackupFiles				"Backup files"					checked:false enabled:false
+		CheckBox		StopOnError				"Stop on error"					checked:false enabled:false
+		CheckBox		UseTag					"Use tag"						checked:false enabled:false
+		Label			ProgressText											width:500	align:#left
+		ProgressBar		Progress												width:500	align:#left
+		Button 			GoButton				"Go"							width:500	align:#left
+	)
+	local countModifications
+	local countErrors
+	local fileModified
+	local fileParsed
+	fn UpdateData =
+	(
+		if SourceFiles.state == 2 then
+			isSourceDir = true
+		else
+			isSourceDir = false
+		if Test.checked == true then
+			isTest = true
+		else
+			isTest = false
+		Directory.enabled = isSourceDir
+		BrowseDirectory.enabled = isSourceDir
+		Recurse.enabled = isSourceDir
+		Test.enabled = isSourceDir
+		BackupFiles.enabled = isSourceDir and (isTest == false)
+		StopOnError.enabled = isSourceDir
+		UseTag.enabled = isSourceDir
+	)
+	on SourceFiles changed state do
+	(
+		UpdateData ()
+	)
+	on Test changed state do
+	(
+		UpdateData ()
+	)
+	fn call_do_it =
+	(
+		local result
+		-- One more project
+		fileParsed = fileParsed + 1
+		-- Call it
+		result = do_it ()
+		-- Error ?
+		if result < 0 then
+			countErrors = countErrors + 1
+		else 
+			countModifications = countModifications + result
+		-- Return result
+		return result
+	)
+	fn BackupFile file =
+	(
+		local i
+		local newFilename
+		i = 0
+		while true do
+		(
+			-- New file name
+			newFilename = file + ".backup_" + (i as string)
+			-- File exist ?
+			if (fileExist newFilename) == false then
+			(
+				if (copyFile file newFilename) == false then 
+					return false
+				else 
+					return true
+			)
+			i = i + 1
+		)
+	)
+	fn RecurseFolder currentDirectory =
+	(
+		resetMAXFile #noprompt
+		local result
+		local file
+		local files
+		local origAnimStart
+		local origAnimEnd
+		local origFrameRate
+		-- Parse files
+		files = getFiles (currentDirectory+"/*.max")
+		-- For each files
+		for i = 1 to files.count do
+		(
+			-- File name
+			file = files[i]
+			-- Progress bar
+			ProgressText.text  = "In directory "+currentDirectory+", compute file \"" + (getFilenameFile file) + "\""
+			Progress.value = i*100/files.count
+			if (UseTag.checked == false) or ((NeLTestFileDate file "W:/database/conversion.tag") == true) then
+			(
+				resetMAXFile #noprompt
+				nllog("CONVERT " + file)
+				-- Merge the max project
+				if mergeMaxFile file quiet:true == true then
+				(
+					result = call_do_it () 
+					-- Error ?
+					if result < 0 then
+					(
+						if StopOnError.checked == true then
+							Messagebox ("Error in file " + file)
+					)
+					else
+					(
+						-- Save the max project ?
+						if (Test.checked == false) and (result != 0) then
+						(
+							-- Backup the max project ?
+							local ok
+							ok = true
+							if BackupFiles.checked == true then
+							(
+								-- Backup the file
+								if (BackupFile file) == false then
+								(
+									-- Don't save the file because backup has failed
+									ok = false
+									if StopOnError.checked == true then
+										Messagebox ("Can't backup file " + file)
+									-- One more error
+									countErrors = countErrors + 1
+								)
+							)
+							-- Save the max project ?
+							if ok == true then
+							(
+								if (saveMaxFile file) == true then
+								(
+									fileModified = fileModified + 1
+								)
+								else
+								(
+									if StopOnError.checked == true then
+										Messagebox ("Can't write file " + file)
+									-- One more error
+									countErrors = countErrors + 1
+								)
+							)
+						)
+					)
+				)
+				else
+				(
+					if StopOnError.checked == true then
+						Messagebox ("Can't load file " + file)
+					-- One more error
+					countErrors = countErrors + 1
+				)
+			)
+			else
+			(
+				nllog("SKIP " + file + " by tag")
+			)
+		)
+		-- Parse sub directory ?
+		if (Recurse.checked == true) then
+		(
+			local directories
+			-- Get the directories
+			directories = getDirectories (currentDirectory+"/*")
+			-- For each directories
+			for dir in directories do
+			(
+				RecurseFolder dir
+			)
+		)
+	)
+	on BrowseDirectory pressed do
+	(
+		local dir
+		try
+		(
+			dir = getSavePath () -- caption:"Select the projects directory"
+			if dir != undefined then
+				Directory.text = dir
+		)
+		catch 
+		(
+		)
+	)
+	on GoButton pressed do
+	(
+		-- Reset count
+		countModifications = 0
+		countErrors = 0
+		fileModified = 0
+		fileParsed = 0
+		-- Get files in the shape_source_directory
+		if SourceFiles.state == 2 then
+		(
+			-- Should warning user ?
+			if (SourceFiles.state == 2) and (Test.checked == false) then
+			(
+				-- Warning !
+				if ((queryBox "Warning, all the files in the specified folders will be overwrited.\nYou should backup your files before executing this script.\nDo you want to continue executing this script ?" beep:true) == true) then
+					RecurseFolder (adjustPathStringForScript Directory.text)
+			)
+			else
+			(
+				RecurseFolder (adjustPathStringForScript Directory.text)
+			)
+		)
+		else
+		(
+			-- Just compute the current project
+			call_do_it ()
+		)
+		-- Show errors
+		ProgressText.text  = (fileParsed as string) + " project(s) opened, " + (countModifications as string) + " project modification(s), " + (fileModified as string) + " project(s) saved, " + (countErrors as string) + " error(s)."
+		Progress.value = 100
+	)
+assets_resave_floater = newRolloutFloater "NeL Assets Resave Database Hard" 550 874
+addrollout assets_resave_rollout assets_resave_floater rolledUp:false