merging gui editor repo.

This commit is contained in:
mattraykowski 2013-02-14 09:53:06 -06:00
commit 69d1538521
652 changed files with 93796 additions and 73041 deletions

View file


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@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ IF(WITH_3D)

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/debug.h"
#include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h"
#include <map>
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlBase;
* interface for action handlers
* \author Nicolas Brigand
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class IActionHandler
// Execute the answer to the action
// Params has the following form : paramName=theParam|paramName2=theParam2|...
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &/* sParams */) { }
virtual ~IActionHandler() {}
static std::string getParam (const std::string &Params, const std::string &ParamName);
static void getAllParams (const std::string &Params, std::vector< std::pair<std::string,std::string> > &AllParams);
interface for action handlers factory
no release in this factory : a handler must be destroyed by the control that created it
class CAHManager
typedef std::map< std::string, IActionHandler* > TFactoryMap;
typedef std::map< IActionHandler*, std::string > TNameMap;
static CAHManager* getInstance()
if (_GlobalInstance == NULL)
_GlobalInstance = new CAHManager;
return _GlobalInstance;
/// return pointer to action handler or null if it doesn't exist
IActionHandler *getActionHandler(const std::string &name) const
TFactoryMap::const_iterator it = FactoryMap.find(name);
if( it == FactoryMap.end() )
nlwarning( "Couldn't find action handler %s", name.c_str() );
return NULL;
return it->second;
/// Return the name of the action handler given its pointer
const std::string &getActionHandlerName(IActionHandler *pAH) const
TNameMap::const_iterator it = NameMap.find(pAH);
return it != NameMap.end() ? it->second : EmptyName;
/// map of action handler factories
TFactoryMap FactoryMap;
TNameMap NameMap;
std::string EmptyName;
/// return the Action Handler 'name'. if name is of form 'ah:params', then params are filled (NB: else not changed)
IActionHandler *getAH(const std::string &name, std::string &params);
IActionHandler *getAH(const std::string &name, class CStringShared &params);
/** common method to parse Action Handler from a xml node
* \param ahId eg: "onclick_l"
* \param paramId eg: "params_l".
* \param params returned parameters.
* NB: if paramId is NULL, empty or does not exist in the xmlNode, then the optional param in ahId (eg: "show:phrase_book")
* is taken
* NB: if none of the optional param in ahId, or the specified param are filled/found, then params is not changed
void parseAH(xmlNodePtr cur, const char *ahId, const char *paramId, IActionHandler *&ahRet, std::string &params);
void parseAH(xmlNodePtr cur, const char *ahId, const char *paramId, IActionHandler *&ahRet, class CStringShared &params);
/// Get the AH name from ptr
const std::string &getAHName(IActionHandler *pAH){ return getActionHandlerName(pAH); }
void runActionHandler(const std::string &AHName, CCtrlBase *pCaller, const std::string &Params=std::string("") );
void runActionHandler(IActionHandler *ah, CCtrlBase *pCaller, const std::string &Params=std::string("") );
// Submit a generic event
void submitEvent( const std::string &evt );
static void setEditorMode( bool b ){ editorMode = b; }
static CAHManager *_GlobalInstance;
static bool editorMode;
/// Ah name must all be lower case
#define REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(handler ,name) \
class handler##Factory : public handler \
{ \
public: \
handler##Factory () \
{ \
nlassert(name!=NULL); \
const char *c= name; \
while(*c!='\0') \
{ \
nlassert(islower(*c) || !isalpha(*c)); \
c++; \
} \
CAHManager *pAHFM = CAHManager::getInstance(); \
pAHFM->FactoryMap.insert(CAHManager::TFactoryMap::value_type(name,this)); \
pAHFM->NameMap.insert(CAHManager::TNameMap::value_type(this,name)); \
}; \
}; \
handler##Factory handler##FactoryInstance ; \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef RZ_CTRL_BASE_H
#define RZ_CTRL_BASE_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_base.h"
#include "nel/gui/event_descriptor.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlBase : public CViewBase
// Tooltip mode
enum TToolTipParentType
TTMouse= 0, // The tooltip is displayed relatively to the mouse when it appears
TTCtrl= 1, // The tooltip is displayed relatively to the ctrl it comes from when it apeears
TTWindow= 2, // The tooltip is displayed relatively to the window where the control lies.
TTSpecialWindow= 3, // The tooltip is displayed relatively to a special user window
/// Constructor
CCtrlBase(const TCtorParam &param) : CViewBase(param)
_ToolTipInstant= true;
_ToolTipParent= TTCtrl;
// see interface.txt for meaning of auto
_ToolTipParentPosRef= Hotspot_TTAuto;
_ToolTipPosRef= Hotspot_TTAuto;
resizer = false;
/// Destructor
virtual ~CCtrlBase();
static std::string tooltipParentToString( TToolTipParentType type );
static TToolTipParentType stringToToolTipParent( const std::string &str );
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
// special parse
virtual bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
/// Handle all events (implemented by derived classes) (return true to signal event handled)
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event);
virtual CCtrlBase *getSubCtrl (sint32 /* x */, sint32 /* y */) { return this; }
/// Debug
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
/// Get the ContextHelp for this control. Default is to return _ContextHelp
virtual void getContextHelp(ucstring &help) const {help= _ContextHelp;}
/// Get the ContextHelp for this control, with tooltip specific code. Default behaviour is identical to getContextHelp.
virtual void getContextHelpToolTip(ucstring &help) const { getContextHelp(help); }
// Get the name of the context help window. Default to "context_help"
virtual std::string getContextHelpWindowName() const;
/// Get the ContextHelp ActionHandler. If "", noop
const std::string &getContextHelpActionHandler() const {return _OnContextHelp;}
/// Get the ContextHelp ActionHandler Params
const std::string &getContextHelpAHParams() const {return _OnContextHelpParams;}
/// true if both are empty
bool emptyContextHelp() const;
// Should return true if the context help should be displayed instantly
bool wantInstantContextHelp() const { return _ToolTipInstant; }
/// Set true if ToolTip should be displayed instantly
void setInstantContextHelp(bool instant) { _ToolTipInstant = instant;}
/** If ctrl has a non rectangle shape, perform further test to know
* if control should be taken in account for context help
virtual bool preciseHitTest(sint32 /* x */, sint32 /* y */) const { return true; }
/// return the type of anchor for the tooltip of this control
TToolTipParentType getToolTipParent() const { return _ToolTipParent;}
const std::string &getToolTipSpecialParent() const {return _ToolTipSpecialParent.toString();}
/// Set the type of anchor for the tooltip of this control
void setToolTipParent(TToolTipParentType type) { _ToolTipParent = type; }
void setToolTipSpecialParent(const std::string &parent) { _ToolTipSpecialParent = parent; }
/// Get the ToolTip pos references (parent relevant only if getToolTipParent()!=TTMouse)
THotSpot getToolTipParentPosRef() const { return _ToolTipParentPosRef;}
THotSpot getToolTipPosRef() const { return _ToolTipPosRef;}
THotSpot getToolTipParentPosRefAlt() const { return _ToolTipParentPosRefAlt;}
THotSpot getToolTipPosRefAlt() const { return _ToolTipPosRefAlt;}
/// Set the ToolTip pos references (parent relevant only if getToolTipParent()!=TTMouse)
void setToolTipParentPosRef(THotSpot pos) { _ToolTipParentPosRef = pos;}
void setToolTipPosRef(THotSpot pos) { _ToolTipPosRef = pos;}
/// replace the default contextHelp
ucstring getDefaultContextHelp() const {return _ContextHelp;}
void setDefaultContextHelp(const ucstring &help) {_ContextHelp= help;}
void setOnContextHelp(const std::string &help) {_OnContextHelp= help;}
void setOnContextHelpAHParams(const std::string &p) {_OnContextHelpParams= p;}
// called when this element or a son has been captured
virtual void elementCaptured(CCtrlBase * /* capturedElement */) {}
virtual bool isCtrl() const { return true; }
// Made for CtrlResizer to take the precedence over son controls.
virtual uint getDeltaDepth() const { return 0; }
// true if this ctrl is capturable (true by default, false for tooltip)
virtual bool isCapturable() const {return true;}
bool isResizer() const{ return resizer; }
// from CInterfaceElement
virtual void visit(CInterfaceElementVisitor *visitor);
/** test if virtual desktop change is possible while this element is captured by the mouse
* Useful for resizers
virtual bool canChangeVirtualDesktop() const { return true; }
// called when keyboard capture has been lost
virtual void onKeyboardCaptureLost() {}
REFLECT_UCSTRING("tooltip", getDefaultContextHelp, setDefaultContextHelp);
// special for mouse over : return true and fill the name of the cursor to display
virtual bool getMouseOverShape(std::string &/* texName */, uint8 &/* rot */, NLMISC::CRGBA &/* col */) { return false; }
virtual void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
uint32 getDepth( CInterfaceGroup *group );
// This is the ContextHelp filled by default in parse()
ucstring _ContextHelp;
CStringShared _OnContextHelp;
CStringShared _OnContextHelpParams;
CStringShared _ToolTipSpecialParent;
TToolTipParentType _ToolTipParent;
bool _ToolTipInstant : 1;
THotSpot _ToolTipParentPosRef : 6;
THotSpot _ToolTipPosRef : 6;
THotSpot _ToolTipParentPosRefAlt : 6;
THotSpot _ToolTipPosRefAlt : 6;
void convertTooltipHotSpot(const char *prop, THotSpot &parentHS, THotSpot &childHS);
static std::string TooltipHotSpotToString( THotSpot parent, THotSpot child );
void mapAHString( const std::string &key, const std::string &value );
std::string getAHString( const std::string &key ) const;
static std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, std::string > > AHCache;
bool resizer;
#endif // RZ_VIEW_BASE_H
/* End of ctrl_base.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_base.h"
#include "nel/gui/action_handler.h"
namespace NLGUI
// ***************************************************************************
* Base Class For Buttons.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CCtrlBaseButton : public CCtrlBase
enum EType { PushButton = 0, ToggleButton, RadioButton, ButtonTypeCount };
/// Constructor
CCtrlBaseButton(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur,CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor& event);
/// \name Misc
// @{
void setType (EType t) { _Type = t; }
EType getType() { return _Type; }
std::string getTypeString() const;
void setTypeFromString( const std::string &type );
void setClickWhenPushed(bool click) { _ClickWhenPushed = click; }
bool getClickWhenPushed() const { return _ClickWhenPushed; }
void setPushed (bool state);
bool getPushed () const { return _Pushed; }
void setFrozen (bool state);
bool getFrozen () const { return _Frozen; }
// Set half tone mode for the display of frozen buttons. Default is true.
void setFrozenHalfTone(bool enabled);
bool getFrozenHalfTone() const { return _FrozenHalfTone; }
// if the radio is a radio button, then all radio button are unselected
void unselect();
// @}
/// \name Colors
// @{
void setColor(NLMISC::CRGBA col) { _ColorNormal = col; }
void setColorPushed(NLMISC::CRGBA col) { _ColorPushed = col; }
void setColorOver(NLMISC::CRGBA col) { _ColorOver = col; }
NLMISC::CRGBA getColor() const { return _ColorNormal; }
NLMISC::CRGBA getColorPushed() const { return _ColorPushed; }
NLMISC::CRGBA getColorOver() const { return _ColorOver; }
// Override because mustupdate 3 states
void setModulateGlobalColorAll(bool state);
void setModulateGlobalColorNormal(bool state) {_ModulateGlobalColorNormal= state;}
void setModulateGlobalColorPushed(bool state) {_ModulateGlobalColorPushed= state;}
void setModulateGlobalColorOver(bool state) {_ModulateGlobalColorOver= state;}
virtual sint32 getAlpha() const { return _ColorNormal.A; }
virtual void setAlpha (sint32 a) { _ColorOver.A = _ColorNormal.A = _ColorPushed.A = (uint8)a; }
std::string getColorAsString() const
{ return NLMISC::toString(_ColorNormal.R) + " " + NLMISC::toString(_ColorNormal.G) + " " +
NLMISC::toString(_ColorNormal.B) + " " + NLMISC::toString(_ColorNormal.A); }
std::string getColorOverAsString() const
{ return NLMISC::toString(_ColorOver.R) + " " + NLMISC::toString(_ColorOver.G) + " " +
NLMISC::toString(_ColorOver.B) + " " + NLMISC::toString(_ColorOver.A); }
std::string getColorPushedAsString() const
{ return NLMISC::toString(_ColorPushed.R) + " " + NLMISC::toString(_ColorPushed.G) + " " +
NLMISC::toString(_ColorPushed.B) + " " + NLMISC::toString(_ColorPushed.A); }
void setColorAsString(const std::string &col) { _ColorNormal = convertColor (col.c_str()); }
void setColorOverAsString(const std::string &col) { _ColorOver = convertColor (col.c_str()); }
void setColorPushedAsString(const std::string &col) { _ColorPushed = convertColor (col.c_str()); }
// @}
///\name radio button specific
/** Initialize radio button reference
* Advanced:
* NB: must call initRBRef() for radio button if button is created without parse().
* NB: setParent() must be called before (else assert)
void initRBRef();
void initRBRefFromRadioButton(CCtrlBaseButton * pBut);
/// \name Handlers
// @{
// Event part
void setActionOnLeftClick (const std::string &actionHandlerName) { _AHOnLeftClickString = actionHandlerName; _AHOnLeftClick = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH(actionHandlerName, _AHLeftClickParams); }
void setActionOnLeftClickParams(const std::string &params) { _AHOnLeftClickStringParams = params; }
void setActionOnRightClick (const std::string &actionHandlerName) { _AHOnRightClick = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH(actionHandlerName, _AHRightClickParams); }
void setActionOnClockTick (const std::string &ahName) { _AHOnClockTick = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH(ahName, _AHClockTickParams); }
void setParamsOnLeftClick (const std::string &paramsHandlerName) { _AHLeftClickParams = paramsHandlerName; }
void setParamsOnRightClick (const std::string &paramsHandlerName) { _AHRightClickParams = paramsHandlerName; }
void setParamsOnClockTick (const std::string &ahParamsName) { _AHClockTickParams = ahParamsName; }
// get Event part
std::string _getActionOnOver() const{ return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName( _AHOnOver ); }
std::string _getActionOnLeftClick() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName( _AHOnLeftClick ); }
std::string _getActionOnLeftLongClick() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName( _AHOnLeftLongClick ); }
std::string _getActionOnDblLeftClick() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName( _AHOnLeftDblClick ); }
std::string _getActionOnRightClick() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName( _AHOnRightClick ); }
std::string _getActionOnClockTick() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName( _AHOnClockTick ); }
IActionHandler *getActionOnLeftClick () const { return _AHOnLeftClick; }
IActionHandler *getActionOnRightClick () const { return _AHOnRightClick; }
IActionHandler *getActionOnClockTick () const { return _AHOnClockTick; }
std::string _getParamsOnOver() const{ return _AHOverParams.toString(); }
std::string _getParamsOnLeftClick () const { return _AHLeftClickParams.toString(); }
const std::string &getParamsOnLeftClick () const { return _AHLeftClickParams; }
const std::string &getParamsOnRightClick () const { return _AHRightClickParams; }
const std::string &getParamsOnClockTick () const { return _AHClockTickParams; }
// run action on left click
void runLeftClickAction();
// Context menu accessor/ One for each button
void setListMenuLeft (const std::string &cm) { _ListMenuLeft = cm; }
void setListMenuRight (const std::string &cm) { _ListMenuRight = cm; }
void setListMenuBoth (const std::string &cm) { _ListMenuLeft= _ListMenuRight= cm; }
std::string getListMenuLeft () { return _ListMenuLeft.toString(); }
std::string getListMenuRight () { return _ListMenuRight.toString(); }
// @}
int luaRunLeftClickAction(CLuaState &ls);
REFLECT_BOOL("pushed", getPushed, setPushed);
REFLECT_STRING("col_normal", getColorAsString, setColorAsString);
REFLECT_STRING("col_over", getColorOverAsString, setColorOverAsString);
REFLECT_STRING("col_pushed", getColorPushedAsString, setColorPushedAsString);
REFLECT_RGBA("col_normal_rgba", getColor, setColor);
REFLECT_RGBA("col_over_rgba", getColorOver, setColorOver);
REFLECT_RGBA("col_pushed_rgba", getColorPushed, setColorPushed);
REFLECT_BOOL("frozen", getFrozen, setFrozen);
REFLECT_BOOL("frozen_half_tone", getFrozenHalfTone, setFrozenHalfTone);
REFLECT_STRING("onclick_l", _getActionOnLeftClick, setActionOnLeftClick);
REFLECT_STRING("params_l", _getParamsOnLeftClick, setParamsOnLeftClick);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("runLeftClickAction", luaRunLeftClickAction);
EType _Type;
// State
bool _Pushed : 1;
bool _Over : 1;
bool _OverWhenPushed : 1;
bool _Frozen : 1;
bool _FrozenHalfTone : 1;
bool _ClickWhenPushed : 1;
bool _ModulateGlobalColorNormal : 1;
bool _ModulateGlobalColorPushed : 1;
bool _ModulateGlobalColorOver : 1;
bool _LeftLongClickHandled : 1; // Is it already handled ?
bool _LeftDblClickHandled : 1;
///\name radio button specific
CCtrlBaseButton *_RBRefBut; // The reference button. If NULL the control do not own the reference
// There is only one radio button per group that own the reference (the first one)
CCtrlBaseButton **_RBRef; // The pointer onto the reference button
// Colors
NLMISC::CRGBA _ColorNormal;
NLMISC::CRGBA _ColorPushed;
///\name Long click specific
sint64 _LeftLongClickDate; // Time we left click down
// for double click : last date at which last left click occurred
static sint64 _LastLeftClickDate;
static NLMISC::CRefPtr<CCtrlBaseButton> _LastLeftClickButton;
///\name Action Handler
IActionHandler *_AHOnOver;
CStringShared _AHOverParams;
std::string _AHOnLeftClickString;
std::string _AHOnLeftClickStringParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnLeftClick;
CStringShared _AHLeftClickParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnLeftDblClick;
CStringShared _AHLeftDblClickParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnRightClick;
CStringShared _AHRightClickParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnClockTick;
CStringShared _AHClockTickParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnLeftLongClick;
CStringShared _AHLeftLongClickParams;
CStringShared _ListMenuLeft;
CStringShared _ListMenuRight;
// get the colors modulated on request
NLMISC::CRGBA getCurrentColorNormal(NLMISC::CRGBA globalColor) const
NLMISC::CRGBA rgba = _ColorNormal;
rgba.modulateFromColor(rgba, globalColor);
return rgba;
NLMISC::CRGBA getCurrentColorPushed(NLMISC::CRGBA globalColor) const
NLMISC::CRGBA rgba = _ColorPushed;
rgba.modulateFromColor(rgba, globalColor);
return rgba;
NLMISC::CRGBA getCurrentColorOver(NLMISC::CRGBA globalColor) const
NLMISC::CRGBA rgba = _ColorOver;
rgba.modulateFromColor(rgba, globalColor);
return rgba;
// call it at draw
void updateOver(bool &lastOver);
virtual void elementCaptured(CCtrlBase *capturedElement);
/* End of ctrl_base_button.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_base_button.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_renderer.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CEventDescriptor;
* <Class description>
* \author Nicolas Brigand
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CCtrlButton : public CCtrlBaseButton
/// Constructor
CCtrlButton(const TCtorParam &param) : CCtrlBaseButton(param)
_Scale = false;
_Align = 0;
void setAlignFromString( const std::string &s );
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
// Init part
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur,CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
virtual bool getMouseOverShape(std::string &/* texName */, uint8 &/* rot */, NLMISC::CRGBA &/* col */);
// Display part
virtual void draw();
void setTexture (const std::string&name);
void setTexturePushed (const std::string&name);
void setTextureOver (const std::string&name);
void fitTexture();
std::string getTexture () const;
std::string getTexturePushed () const;
std::string getTextureOver() const;
bool isTextureValid() const { return _TextureIdNormal != -1; }
// test if the texture must scale
bool getScale() const { return _Scale; }
void setScale(bool scale) { _Scale = scale; }
/// \from CInterfaceElement
sint32 getMaxUsedW() const;
sint32 getMinUsedW() const;
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CCtrlButton, CCtrlBaseButton)
REFLECT_STRING("texture", getTexture, setTexture);
REFLECT_STRING("texture_pushed", getTexturePushed, setTexturePushed);
REFLECT_STRING("texture_over", getTextureOver, setTextureOver);
REFLECT_BOOL("scale", getScale, setScale);
CViewRenderer::CTextureId _TextureIdNormal;
CViewRenderer::CTextureId _TextureIdPushed;
CViewRenderer::CTextureId _TextureIdOver;
bool _Scale;
sint32 _Align; /// 1st bit - Left/Right (0/1) 2nd bit - Bottom/Top (0/1)
#endif // RZ_CTRL_BUTTON_H
/* End of ctrl_button.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_base.h"
namespace NLGUI
* Class handling a Color Picker
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CCtrlColPick : public CCtrlBase
CCtrlColPick(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual void draw();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event);
sint32 getColorR () const { return _ColorSelect.R; }
sint32 getColorG () const { return _ColorSelect.G; }
sint32 getColorB () const { return _ColorSelect.B; }
sint32 getColorA () const { return _ColorSelect.A; }
void setColorR (sint32 r) { _ColorSelect.R = (uint8)r; }
void setColorG (sint32 g) { _ColorSelect.G = (uint8)g; }
void setColorB (sint32 b) { _ColorSelect.B = (uint8)b; }
void setColorA (sint32 a) { _ColorSelect.A = (uint8)a; }
std::string getColor () const; // Get Color Selected
void setColor (const std::string &col); // Set Color Selected
std::string getColorOver () const; // Get Color Over
void setColorOver (const std::string &col); // Set Color Over
REFLECT_SINT32("r", getColorR, setColorR);
REFLECT_SINT32("g", getColorG, setColorG);
REFLECT_SINT32("b", getColorB, setColorB);
REFLECT_SINT32("a", getColorA, setColorA);
REFLECT_STRING("color", getColor, setColor);
REFLECT_STRING("color_over", getColorOver, setColorOver);
void selectColor (sint32 x, sint32 y);
NLMISC::CRGBA getColor (sint32 x, sint32 y);
bool _MouseDown;
sint32 _Texture;
NLMISC::CRGBA _ColorSelect; // Last Color selected
NLMISC::CRGBA _ColorOver; // Color Under Mouse Pointer
std::string _AHOnChange;
std::string _AHOnChangeParams;
CInterfaceProperty _ColSelR;
CInterfaceProperty _ColSelG;
CInterfaceProperty _ColSelB;
CInterfaceProperty _ColSelA;
#endif // RZ_CTRL_COL_PICK_H
/* End of ctrl_col_pick.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_base.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlDraggable : public CCtrlBase
DECLARE_UI_CLASS( CCtrlDraggable )
CCtrlDraggable( const TCtorParam &param );
virtual ~CCtrlDraggable(){};
static CCtrlDraggable *getDraggedSheet(){ return _LastDraggedSheet; }
bool isDragged() const{ return dragged; }
void setDragged( bool dragged ){ this->dragged = dragged; }
bool isDraggable() const{ return draggable; }
void setDraggable( bool draggable ){ this->draggable = draggable; }
void abortDragging()
dragged = false;
_LastDraggedSheet = NULL;
// Necessary because of reflection, no other purpose
void draw(){}
REFLECT_BOOL("dragable", isDraggable, setDraggable);
static void setDraggedSheet( CCtrlDraggable *draggable ){ _LastDraggedSheet = draggable; }
static CCtrlDraggable *_LastDraggedSheet;
bool dragged;
bool draggable;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_base.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_renderer.h"
#include "nel/misc/geom_ext.h"
#include "nel/misc/polygon.h"
namespace NLMISC
class CVector2f;
namespace NLGUI
/** Display of an arbitrary polygon in the ui.
* polygons are clipped & batched.
* Derives from CCtrlBase in order to provide button / tooltip capability
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 1/2006
class CCtrlPolygon : public CCtrlBase
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual void draw();
/** Change the vertices. This is costly because concav / complex polys are split in a list of triangles
void setVertices(const std::vector<NLMISC::CVector> &vertices);
const std::vector<NLMISC::CVector> &getVertices() const { return _Poly.Vertices; }
// test if current position in inside the current (transformed) poly (in window space)
bool contains(const NLMISC::CVector2f &pos) const;
// color
void setColorRGBA(NLMISC::CRGBA col) { _Color = col; }
NLMISC::CRGBA getColorRGBA() const { return _Color; }
// from CViewBase
virtual sint32 getAlpha() const { return (sint32) _Color.A; }
virtual void setAlpha(sint32 a);
/** Change the matrix for this poly. Changing the matrix is usually cheaper than changing
* The vertices because complex poly do not have to be split again
//void setMatrix(const NLMISC::CMatrix &mat);
//const NLMISC::CMatrix &getMatrix() const { return _Matrix; }
// test if last call to 'setVertices' was for a valid poly (e.g one that doesn't overlapp itself)
bool isValid() const { return _Valid; }
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event);
// no capturable by default (just tooltip capability wanted)
virtual bool isCapturable() const { return false; }
NLMISC::CPolygon _Poly;
NLMISC::CPolygon2D _XFormPoly;
//NLMISC::CMatrix _Matrix;
bool _Valid;
bool _Touched;
std::vector<NLMISC::CTriangle> _Tris;
std::vector<NLMISC::CTriangle> _RealTris; // clipped tris in screen coordinates
void updateBoudingRect();
// TMP TMP : have to solve matrix imprecision for display in map -> do the full computation for now ...
virtual void computeScaledVertex(NLMISC::CVector2f &dest, const NLMISC::CVector2f &src);
void touch();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef RZ_CTRL_QUAD_H
#define RZ_CTRL_QUAD_H
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_base.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_renderer.h"
#include "nel/misc/geom_ext.h"
namespace NLGUI
/** Display of an arbitrary textured quad in the UI. The applied texture is filtered.
* Unlike CViewBitmap, the texture is always scaled here, and this ui element coordinates
* are driven by the quad vertices coordinates (see setQuad).
* Derives from CCtrlBase for tooltipping support
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 12/2005
class CCtrlQuad : public CCtrlBase
enum TWrapMode { Repeat = 0, Clamp, CustomUVs, WrapModeCount };
// from CInterfaceElement
bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur,CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual void draw();
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
// from CViewBase
virtual sint32 getAlpha() const { return (sint32) _Color.A; }
virtual void setAlpha (sint32 a);
// texture
void setTexture(const std::string &texName);
std::string getTexture () const;
// color
void setColorRGBA(NLMISC::CRGBA col) { _Color = col; }
NLMISC::CRGBA getColorRGBA() const { return _Color; }
/** Set a new quad relative to parent pos
* x,y, w, h & hotspot are updated to fit the bounding rect of the quad
void setQuad(const NLMISC::CQuad &quad);
void setQuad(const NLMISC::CVector &start, const NLMISC::CVector &end, float thickness);
/** Fit the given texture size (no hotspot for now, always centered)
* NB : current texture is not modified.
void setQuad(const std::string &texName, const NLMISC::CVector &pos, float angle = 0.f, float offCenter = 0.f);
void setQuad(const NLMISC::CVector &pos, float radius, float angle = 0.f);
const NLMISC::CQuad &getQuad() const { return _Quad; }
void setAdditif(bool additif);
bool getAdditif() const { return _Additif; }
void setFiltered(bool filtered);
bool getFiltered() const { return _Filtered; }
void setPattern(float umin, float umax, TWrapMode wrapMode);
/** Set uvs for each corners -> this will change the wrap mode to CustomUVs
* Use setPattern(0.f, 0.f, CCtrlQuad::Repeat) to return to previous behavior
void setCustomUVs(const NLMISC::CUV uvs[4]);
// from CCtrlBase, no op by default
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event);
// see if this control contains the given point (in parent coords)
bool contains(const NLMISC::CVector2f &pos) const;
// no capturable by default (just tooltip capability wanted)
virtual bool isCapturable() const { return false; }
NLMISC::CQuad _Quad;
NLMISC::CQuadUV _RealQuad; // absolute coords
float _ClampedUCorrection;
CViewRenderer::CTextureId _TextureId; /// Accelerator
bool _Additif;
bool _Filtered;
float _UMin;
float _UMax;
TWrapMode _WrapMode;
NLMISC::CUV _CustomUVs[4];

View file

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_scroll_base.h"
namespace NLGUI
* Class handling scollbar function
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CCtrlScroll : public CCtrlScrollBase, public NLMISC::ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver
CCtrlScroll(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual void draw();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event);
void setTarget (CInterfaceGroup *pIG);
// Return the delta value the track has moved
sint32 moveTrackX (sint32 dx);
sint32 moveTrackY (sint32 dy);
/** Move the Target Ofs with a Delta, and recompute TrackPos from this Ofs.
* Useful for finer controled group scrolling when the list is very big (with mouseWheel or scroll buttons)
void moveTargetX (sint32 dx);
void moveTargetY (sint32 dy);
void setAlign (sint32 nAlign) { _Aligned = nAlign; }
// invert the factor for target
void setInverted(bool invert) { _Inverted = invert; }
void setTextureBottomOrLeft (const std::string &txName);
void setTextureMiddle (const std::string &txName);
void setTextureTopOrRight (const std::string &txName);
std::string getTextureBottomOrLeft() const;
std::string getTextureMiddle() const;
std::string getTextureTopOrRight() const;
void setTextureBottomOrLeft (sint32 txid) { _TxIdB = txid; }
void setTextureMiddle (sint32 txid) { _TxIdM = txid; }
void setTextureMiddleTile (uint8 tile) { _TileM = tile; } // 0 - not tiled (1 BL) (2 BR) (3 TL) (4 TR)
void setTextureTopOrRight (sint32 txid) { _TxIdT = txid; }
// number scroller
sint32 getValue() const { return _IsDBLink ? _DBLink.getSInt32() : _Value; }
// NB: the value is clamped (see setMinMax) and stepped (see setStepValue())
void setValue(sint32 value);
void setMinMax(sint32 nMin, sint32 nMax) { _Min = nMin; _Max = nMax; }
void setStepValue(uint32 step) { _StepValue= step; }
void setTrackPos(sint32 pos);
sint32 getTrackPos() const { return _TrackPos; }
sint32 getTrackSize() const { return _TrackSize; }
// dummy set for track size (forlua export)
void setTrackSize(sint32 /* trackSize */) { throw NLMISC::Exception("TrackSize is read-only"); }
void setFrozen (bool state);
bool getFrozen () const { return _Frozen; }
int luaSetTarget(CLuaState &ls);
int luaEnsureVisible(CLuaState &ls);
// name
void setName(const std::string & val) {_Name = val;}
std::string getName() const {return _Name;}
// max
void setMax(sint32 max) {_Max = max;}
sint32 getMax() const {return _Max;}
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CCtrlScroll, CCtrlScrollBase)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setTarget", luaSetTarget)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("ensureVisible", luaEnsureVisible);
REFLECT_SINT32("value", getValue, setValue);
REFLECT_SINT32("trackPos", getTrackPos, setTrackPos);
REFLECT_SINT32("trackSize", getTrackSize, setTrackSize);
REFLECT_STRING("name", getName, setName);
REFLECT_SINT32("max", getMax, setMax);
/** Ensure that a child element be visible into the frame through which
* its parent group is displayed.
* Example : Had we a list of items for which we want some item 'itemPtr' to have its top position
* matching the middle of the list, we would do :
* this->ensureVisible(itemPtr, Hotspot_Tx, Hotspot_Mx);
* The scrollbar will be moved accordingly.
void ensureVisible(CInterfaceElement *childElement, THotSpot childHotSpot, THotSpot parentHotSpot);
CInterfaceProperty _DBLink; // If this is a value scroller we can link it with db
sint32 _Value; // Or we can use a normal value
sint32 _InitialValue;
sint32 _Min, _Max;
std::string _AHOnScroll;
std::string _AHOnScrollParams;
std::string _AHOnScrollEnd;
std::string _AHOnScrollEndParams;
std::string _AHOnScrollCancel;
std::string _AHOnScrollCancelParams;
sint32 _Aligned; // 0-Top 1-Bottom 2-Left 3-Right
sint32 _TrackDispPos;
sint32 _TrackPos;
sint32 _TrackSize;
sint32 _TrackSizeMin;
sint32 _MouseDownOffsetX;
sint32 _MouseDownOffsetY;
sint32 _TxIdB; // Same as Left if Horizontal sb
sint32 _TxIdM;
sint32 _TxIdT; // Same as Right if Horizontal sb
uint8 _TileM;
sint32 _LastTargetHReal;
sint32 _LastTargetMaxHReal;
sint32 _LastTargetOfsY;
sint32 _LastTargetWReal;
sint32 _LastTargetMaxWReal;
sint32 _LastTargetOfsX;
bool _Vertical : 1; // true if vertical track bar
bool _IsDBLink : 1;
bool _ObserverOn : 1;
bool _Inverted : 1;
bool _MouseDown : 1;
bool _CallingAH : 1;
bool _Cancelable : 1; // true if the slider may be cancelled when pressed on the mouse right button
bool _Frozen : 1;
// For Target Scroller only: the target offset step in pixel.
sint32 _TargetStepX;
sint32 _TargetStepY;
// For Value Scroller only: indicate the step the scroll bar has. 0 or 1 means no step
uint32 _StepValue;
// Slider's name
std::string _Name;
void computeTargetOfsFromPos();
// from IPropertyObserver
virtual void update(NLMISC::ICDBNode *node);
// step the value, and clamp it
void normalizeValue(sint32 &value);
void runAH(const std::string &name, const std::string &params);
#endif // RZ_CTRL_SCROLL_H
/* End of ctrl_scroll.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_base.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CInterfaceGroup;
class CCtrlScrollBase : public CCtrlBase
CCtrlScrollBase( const TCtorParam &param );
virtual ~CCtrlScrollBase();
virtual void setTarget( CInterfaceGroup *pIG );
CInterfaceGroup* getTarget(){ return _Target; }
virtual sint32 moveTrackX( sint32 dx );
virtual sint32 moveTrackY( sint32 dy );
/** Move the Target Ofs with a Delta, and recompute TrackPos from this Ofs.
* Useful for finer controled group scrolling when the list is very big (with mouseWheel or scroll buttons)
virtual void moveTargetX( sint32 dx );
virtual void moveTargetY( sint32 dy );
// Necessary because of reflection, no other purpose
void draw(){}
CInterfaceGroup *_Target; // If NULL the scroller is a value scroller

View file

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace NLGUI
class IActionHandler;
/** Infos about a selection group
class CSheetSelectionGroup
CSheetSelectionGroup(std::string name) : _Name(name), _Active(false), _TextureIndex(-1), _Color(NLMISC::CRGBA::White), _GlobalColorEnabled(true) {}
void setTexture(const std::string &texName);
sint32 getTextureIndex() const { return _TextureIndex; }
sint32 getTextureWidth() const { return _TextureWidth; }
sint32 getTextureHeight() const { return _TextureHeight; }
void setColor(NLMISC::CRGBA color) { _Color = color; }
NLMISC::CRGBA getColor() const { return _Color; }
void setActive(bool active) { _Active = active; }
bool isActive() const { return _Active; }
const std::string &getName() const { return _Name; }
void enableGlobalColor(bool enabled) { _GlobalColorEnabled = enabled; }
bool isGlobalColorEnabled() const { return _GlobalColorEnabled; }
std::string _Name;
bool _Active;
sint32 _TextureIndex; // index for the selection texture
sint32 _TextureWidth;
sint32 _TextureHeight;
NLMISC::CRGBA _Color; // color that modulate the texture of selection
bool _GlobalColorEnabled;
/** Class to manage selection of sheet.
* Sheet are managed by groups, identified by their ID.
class CCtrlSheetSelection
// Add a group, and returns its index, or -1 if already created.
sint addGroup(const std::string &name);
// Get a group by its name (must exist)
CSheetSelectionGroup *getGroup(const std::string &name);
const CSheetSelectionGroup *getGroup(const std::string &name) const;
// Get a group by its index
CSheetSelectionGroup *getGroup(uint index);
const CSheetSelectionGroup *getGroup(uint index) const;
// Get the index of a group from its name, return -1 if not a group
sint getGroupIndex(const std::string &name) const;
// Deactivate all groups
void deactivateAll();
// delete all groups
void deleteGroups();
typedef std::vector<CSheetSelectionGroup> TGroupVect;
typedef std::map<std::string, uint> TGroupNameToIndex;
TGroupVect _Groups;
TGroupNameToIndex _GroupNameToIndex;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_base_button.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_renderer.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CEventDescriptor;
class CViewText;
// ***************************************************************************
* Text Button that can be either Push or Toggle button. Localized, auto-resize
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CCtrlTextButton : public CCtrlBaseButton
/// Constructor
CCtrlTextButton(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
// Init part
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur,CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
// Display part
virtual void draw();
// Hide/Show the text also.
virtual void setActive(bool state);
// Add also our ViewText
virtual void onAddToGroup();
/// \from CInterfaceElement
sint32 getMaxUsedW() const;
sint32 getMinUsedW() const;
// Special Text Colors accessors
// Colors
NLMISC::CRGBA getTextColorNormal() const {return _TextColorNormal;}
void setTextColorNormal(NLMISC::CRGBA v) {_TextColorNormal= v;}
NLMISC::CRGBA getTextColorPushed() const {return _TextColorPushed;}
void setTextColorPushed(NLMISC::CRGBA v) {_TextColorPushed= v;}
NLMISC::CRGBA getTextColorOver() const {return _TextColorOver;}
void setTextColorOver(NLMISC::CRGBA v) {_TextColorOver= v;}
// Shadow Colors
NLMISC::CRGBA getTextShadowColorNormal() const {return _TextShadowColorNormal;}
void setTextShadowColorNormal(NLMISC::CRGBA v) {_TextShadowColorNormal= v;}
NLMISC::CRGBA getTextShadowColorPushed() const {return _TextShadowColorPushed;}
void setTextShadowColorPushed(NLMISC::CRGBA v) {_TextShadowColorPushed= v;}
NLMISC::CRGBA getTextShadowColorOver() const {return _TextShadowColorOver;}
void setTextShadowColorOver(NLMISC::CRGBA v) {_TextShadowColorOver= v;}
// Global Modulate Colors
bool getTextModulateGlobalColorNormal() const {return _TextModulateGlobalColorNormal;}
void setTextModulateGlobalColorNormal(bool v) {_TextModulateGlobalColorNormal= v;}
bool getTextModulateGlobalColorPushed() const {return _TextModulateGlobalColorPushed;}
void setTextModulateGlobalColorPushed(bool v) {_TextModulateGlobalColorPushed= v;}
bool getTextModulateGlobalColorOver() const {return _TextModulateGlobalColorOver;}
void setTextModulateGlobalColorOver(bool v) {_TextModulateGlobalColorOver= v;}
// Set text (noop if text id)
void setText (const ucstring &text);
ucstring getText () const;
void setHardText (const std::string &text);
std::string getHardText () const;
CViewText* getViewText();
void setViewText(CViewText* text) {_ViewText=text;}
void setTextX(sint32 x);
sint32 getTextX() const { return _TextX; }
void setWMargin(sint32 w) { _WMargin = w; }
sint32 getWMargin() const { return _WMargin; }
sint32 getWMin() const { return _WMin; }
void setWMin( sint32 wmin ) { _WMin = wmin; }
// Compute Size according to bitmap and Text (Ensure as big as possible button)
sint32 getWMax() const;
int luaGetViewText(CLuaState &ls);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CCtrlTextButton, CCtrlBaseButton)
REFLECT_UCSTRING("uc_hardtext", getText, setText);
REFLECT_STRING("hardtext", getHardText, setHardText);
REFLECT_SINT32("text_x", getTextX, setTextX)
REFLECT_SINT32("wmargin", getWMargin, setWMargin)
REFLECT_SINT32("wmin", getWMin, setWMin)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getViewText", luaGetViewText)
enum {NumTexture= 3};
CViewRenderer::CTextureId _TextureIdNormal[NumTexture];
CViewRenderer::CTextureId _TextureIdPushed[NumTexture];
CViewRenderer::CTextureId _TextureIdOver[NumTexture];
// setup
void setup();
CViewText *_ViewText;
bool _Setuped;
bool _IsViewTextId;
bool _ForceTextOver; // text is displayed over the "over" texture
// Size of Bitmaps
sint32 _BmpLeftW, _BmpMiddleW, _BmpRightW, _BmpH;
// Value to add to TextW to get button W.
sint32 _WMargin;
// Min W Value
sint32 _WMin;
sint32 _TextY;
sint32 _TextX;
THotSpot _TextPosRef;
THotSpot _TextParentPosRef;
// Special Colors for text
NLMISC::CRGBA _TextColorNormal;
NLMISC::CRGBA _TextColorPushed;
NLMISC::CRGBA _TextColorOver;
NLMISC::CRGBA _TextShadowColorNormal;
NLMISC::CRGBA _TextShadowColorPushed;
NLMISC::CRGBA _TextShadowColorOver;
bool _TextModulateGlobalColorNormal;
bool _TextModulateGlobalColorPushed;
bool _TextModulateGlobalColorOver;
bool _TextHeaderColor;
/* End of ctrl_text_button.h */

View file

@ -19,35 +19,41 @@
#include "ctrl_base.h"
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_base.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_texture.h"
class CEventDescriptor;
class CInterfaceManager;
* \author Matthieu 'Mr TRAP' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CCtrlToolTip : public CCtrlBase
namespace NLGUI
/// Constructor
CCtrlToolTip(const TCtorParam &param) : CCtrlBase(param) {}
class CEventDescriptor;
virtual bool handleEvent (const CEventDescriptor& eventDesc);
virtual void draw();
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
// Can do nothing with tooltip (but display it :) )
virtual bool isCapturable() const {return false;}
virtual void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
* \author Matthieu 'Mr TRAP' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CCtrlToolTip : public CCtrlBase
/// Constructor
CCtrlToolTip(const TCtorParam &param) : CCtrlBase(param) {}
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor& eventDesc);
virtual void draw();
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
// Can do nothing with tooltip (but display it :) )
virtual bool isCapturable() const {return false;}
virtual void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
/* End of ctrl_tooltip.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/cdb_manager.h"
namespace NLGUI
Database Manager
Provides access to a simple CDB based tree hierarchical data store
class CDBManager : public NLMISC::CCDBManager
static CDBManager* getInstance();
static void release();
Retrieves a leaf node from the database.
@param name - name of the data leaf node we are querying.
@param create - when true if a node cannot be found it is created.
NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf* getDbProp( const std::string &name, bool create = true );
Deletes a node from the database.
@param name - name of the node.
void delDbProp( const std::string &name );
Returns a leaf node's content as an sint32
@param name - name of the leaf node.
sint32 getDbValue32( const std::string &name );
Returns the root branch of the database.
NLMISC::CCDBNodeBranch* getDB() const;
static CDBManager *instance;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlBaseButton;
class CViewText;
class CGroupMenu;
// ***************************************************************************
* Widget: ComboBox of text
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CDBGroupComboBox : public CInterfaceGroup
/// Constructor
CDBGroupComboBox(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
/// CInterfaceGroup Interface
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void updateCoords ();
virtual void checkCoords ();
// Combo Texts
void resetTexts();
void addText(const ucstring &text);
void setText(uint i, const ucstring &text);
void insertText(uint i, const ucstring &text);
const ucstring &getText(uint i) const;
const uint &getTextId(uint i) const;
uint getTextPos(uint nId) const;
const ucstring &getTexture(uint i) const;
void removeText(uint nPos);
uint getNumTexts() const {return (uint)_Texts.size();}
void sortText();
// selection
void setSelection(sint32 val);
void setSelectionNoTrigger(sint32 val);
sint32 getSelection() const;
// selection number
void setSelectionNb(sint32 /* val */){}
sint32 getSelectionNb() const {return (sint32)_Texts.size();}
// selection text
void setSelectionText(const std::string & val);
std::string getSelectionText() const;
// view text
void setViewText(const ucstring & text);
ucstring getViewText() const;
void setTexture(uint i, const ucstring &texture);
sint32 evalContentWidth() const;
int luaAddText(CLuaState &ls);
int luaRemoveSelection(CLuaState &ls);
int luaRemoveText(CLuaState &ls);
int luaRemoveTextByIndex(CLuaState &ls);
int luaResetTexts(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSetText(CLuaState &ls);
int luaInsertText(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetText(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetNumTexts(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSetTexture(CLuaState &ls);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CDBGroupComboBox, CInterfaceGroup)
REFLECT_SINT32("selection", getSelection, setSelection)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addText", luaAddText)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setText", luaSetText)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("insertText", luaInsertText)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setTexture", luaSetTexture)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getText", luaGetText)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getNumTexts", luaGetNumTexts)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("removeSelection", luaRemoveSelection)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("removeText", luaRemoveText)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("removeTextByIndex", luaRemoveTextByIndex)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("resetTexts", luaResetTexts)
REFLECT_SINT32 ("selectionNb", getSelectionNb, setSelectionNb)
REFLECT_STRING ("selection_text", getSelectionText, setSelectionText)
REFLECT_UCSTRING ("view_text", getViewText, setViewText)
friend class CHandlerComboBoxSelectStart;
bool _LinkedToDB; // if not linked to db, then _NotLinkedToDBSelection is used instead
bool _Setuped;
bool _DirtySelection;
sint32 _CacheSelection;
// sint32
CInterfaceProperty _Selection;
sint32 _NotLinkedToDBSelection;
std::vector<std::pair<uint, ucstring> > _Texts;
std::vector<ucstring> _Textures;
// Action Handler called on combo click
std::string _AHOnSelectStart;
// Action handler called when the content is changed
std::string _AHOnChange;
std::string _AHOnChangeParams;
bool _CallingOnChangeActionHandler; // avoid infinite loop here
// Children
CViewText *_ViewText;
CCtrlBaseButton *_SelectButton;
bool _IsExternViewText;
ucstring _ExternViewText;
void setup();
void dirt();
// private : fill a menu with current content
void fillMenu(CGroupMenu *groupMenu) const;
static std::string measureMenu;
static std::string selectMenu;
static std::string selectMenuOut;
/* End of dbgroup_combo_box.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlBaseButton;
class CViewText;
class CViewBitmap;
// ***************************************************************************
* Widget to select a number
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CDBGroupSelectNumber : public CInterfaceGroup
/// Constructor
CDBGroupSelectNumber(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
/// CInterfaceGroup Interface
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void updateCoords ();
virtual void checkCoords();
virtual void draw ();
virtual void clearViews ();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &eventDesc);
// mod interface
void changeValue(sint delta);
sint32 getMinValue () const { return _MinValue; }
void setMinValue (sint32 m) { _MinValue = m; }
sint32 getMaxValue () const { return _MaxValue; }
void setMaxValue (sint32 m) { _MaxValue = m; }
sint32 getCurrentValue () const { return _Number.getSInt32(); }
void setCurrentValue (sint32 val) { _Number.setSInt32(val); }
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CDBGroupSelectNumber, CInterfaceGroup)
REFLECT_SINT32("min", getMinValue, setMinValue);
REFLECT_SINT32("max", getMaxValue, setMaxValue);
// sint32
CInterfaceProperty _Number;
bool _LoopMode;
sint _MinValue;
sint _MaxValue;
sint _DeltaMultiplier;
// Children
CViewBitmap *_SlotNumber;
CViewText *_TextNumber;
CCtrlBaseButton *_ButtonUp;
CCtrlBaseButton *_ButtonDown;
void setup();
/* End of dbgroup_select_number.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_bitmap.h"
namespace NLGUI
* class implementing a bitmap used as the front texture of a progress bar
* the bitmap is drawn from _X to _W * _Range/_RangeMax
* \author Nicolas Brigand
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CDBViewBar : public CViewBitmap
enum TViewBar { ViewBar_UltraMini, ViewBar_Mini, ViewBar_Normal, ViewBar_MiniThick };
/// Constructor
CDBViewBar(const TCtorParam &param)
: CViewBitmap(param),
_Color= NLMISC::CRGBA::White;
_ValueInt= 0;
_RangeInt = 255;
_ReferenceInt= 0;
_Type = ViewBar_Normal;
void setType (TViewBar vb);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur,CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
virtual void updateCoords ();
virtual void draw ();
/// Nbs: Values by Int are not used if the Links are setuped
void setValue (sint32 r) { _ValueInt = r; }
void setRange (sint32 r) { _RangeInt = r; }
void setReference (sint32 r) { _ReferenceInt = r; }
sint32 getValue () const { return _ValueInt; }
sint32 getRange () const { return _RangeInt; }
sint32 getReference () const { return _ReferenceInt; }
void setValueDbLink (const std::string &r);
void setRangeDbLink (const std::string &r);
void setReferenceDbLink (const std::string &r);
std::string getValueDbLink () const;
std::string getRangeDbLink () const;
std::string getReferenceDbLink () const;
// Reflect ValueInt (ie not used if the link is setuped)
REFLECT_SINT32 ("value", getValue, setValue);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("range", getRange, setRange);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("reference", getReference, setReference);
REFLECT_STRING ("value_dblink", getValueDbLink, setValueDbLink);
REFLECT_STRING ("range_dblink", getRangeDbLink, setRangeDbLink);
REFLECT_STRING ("reference_dblink", getReferenceDbLink, setReferenceDbLink);
CViewBitmap _Slot;
TViewBar _Type;
sint32 _HBar;
NLMISC::CRGBA _ColorNegative;
// Value of the progression in arbitrary units. should be integer
CInterfaceProperty _Value;
// Max range of the progression in arbitrary units. should be integer
CInterfaceProperty _Range;
// Reference of the progression (substracted from value and range).
CInterfaceProperty _Reference;
/// Nbs: Values by Int are not used if the Links are setuped. NB: not overwritten by links
sint32 _ValueInt;
sint32 _RangeInt;
sint32 _ReferenceInt;
void parseValProp(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceProperty &dbProp, sint32 &intProp, const char *name);
sint64 getCurrentValProp(const CInterfaceProperty &dbProp, sint32 intProp);
#endif // RZ_DBVIEW_BAR_H
/* End of dbview_bar.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef RZ_DBVIEW_BAR3_H
#define RZ_DBVIEW_BAR3_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_bitmap.h"
namespace NLGUI
* class implementing a 3 Bar widget
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CDBViewBar3 : public CViewBitmap
/// Constructor
CDBViewBar3(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur,CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
virtual void updateCoords ();
void setMini (bool mini);
virtual void draw ();
/// Nbs: Values by Int are not used if the Links are setuped
void setValue0 (sint32 r) { _ValueInt[0] = r; }
void setValue1 (sint32 r) { _ValueInt[1] = r; }
void setValue2 (sint32 r) { _ValueInt[2] = r; }
void setRange0 (sint32 r) { _RangeInt[0] = r; }
void setRange1 (sint32 r) { _RangeInt[1] = r; }
void setRange2 (sint32 r) { _RangeInt[2] = r; }
sint32 getValue0 () const { return _ValueInt[0]; }
sint32 getValue1 () const { return _ValueInt[1]; }
sint32 getValue2 () const { return _ValueInt[2]; }
sint32 getRange0 () const { return _RangeInt[0]; }
sint32 getRange1 () const { return _RangeInt[1]; }
sint32 getRange2 () const { return _RangeInt[2]; }
// Reflect ValueInt (ie not used if the link is setuped)
REFLECT_SINT32 ("value1", getValue0, setValue0);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("value2", getValue1, setValue1);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("value3", getValue2, setValue2);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("range1", getRange0, setRange0);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("range2", getRange1, setRange1);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("range3", getRange2, setRange2);
static void forceLink();
CViewBitmap _Slot;
// Value of the progression in arbitrary units. should be integer
CInterfaceProperty _Value[3];
// Max range of the progression in arbitrary units. should be integer
CInterfaceProperty _Range[3];
/// Nbs: Values by Int are not used if the Links are setuped. NB: not overwritten by links
sint32 _ValueInt[3];
sint32 _RangeInt[3];
NLMISC::CRGBA _Colors[3];
NLMISC::CRGBA _ColorsNegative[3];
bool _Mini;
// Height of the bitmap
sint32 _BarH;
void parseValProp(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceProperty &dbProp, sint32 &intProp, const char *name);
void setValProp( const std::string &value, CInterfaceProperty &dbProp, sint32 &intProp );
sint32 getCurrentValProp(const CInterfaceProperty &dbProp, sint32 intProp);
std::string getValProp( const CInterfaceProperty &prop, sint32 intProp ) const;
#endif // RZ_DBVIEW_BAR3_H
/* End of dbview_bar3.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_base.h"
namespace NLGUI
// ***************************************************************************
* A number displayed with special bitmaps
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CDBViewDigit : public CViewBase
/// Constructor
CDBViewDigit(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual void draw ();
virtual void updateCoords();
CInterfaceProperty _Number;
sint32 _Cache;
sint32 _NumDigit;
// space between each digit
sint32 _WSpace;
// The texture digit for the current number
sint32 _DigitId[10];
uint _DivBase;
/* End of dbview_digit.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_text.h"
namespace NLGUI
// ***************************************************************************
* Display a text from a database number
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CDBViewNumber : public CViewText
/// Constructor
CDBViewNumber(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual void checkCoords();
virtual void draw ();
void link (const std::string &dbprop)
{ (dbprop.c_str());
static void forceLink();
sint64 getVal() { if (_Modulo == 0) return (_Number.getSInt64() / _Divisor);
else return (_Number.getSInt64() / _Divisor)%_Modulo; }
CInterfaceProperty _Number;
sint64 _Cache;
bool _Positive; // only positive values are displayed
bool _Format; // the number will be formatted (like "1,000,000") if >= 10k
sint64 _Divisor, _Modulo;
// string to append to the value (eg: meters)
CStringShared _Suffix;
CStringShared _Prefix;
/* End of dbview_number.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_text.h"
namespace NLGUI
// ***************************************************************************
* Display a text in the form of val / max or "empty"
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CDBViewQuantity : public CViewText
/// Constructor
CDBViewQuantity(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual void draw ();
static void forceLink();
CInterfaceProperty _Number;
CInterfaceProperty _NumberMax;
sint32 _Cache;
sint32 _CacheMax;
ucstring _EmptyText;
void buildTextFromCache();
/* End of dbview_quantity.h */

View file

@ -20,7 +20,10 @@
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/events.h"
namespace NLGUI
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CEventDescriptor
@ -247,6 +250,8 @@ protected:
bool _HasFocus;
/* End of event_descriptor.h */

View file

@ -15,28 +15,30 @@
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/event_listener.h"
#include "nel/gui/input_handler.h"
#include "interface_group.h"
// Special group to handle the mouse wheel message
class CInterfaceGroupWheel : public CInterfaceGroup
namespace NLGUI
/// Constructor
CInterfaceGroupWheel(const TCtorParam &param);
/// Coming from CInterfaceElement
virtual bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual bool handleEvent (const CEventDescriptor &event);
IActionHandler *_AHWheelUp;
CStringShared _AHWheelUpParams;
IActionHandler *_AHWheelDown;
CStringShared _AHWheelDownParams;
class CEventListener : public NLMISC::IEventListener
void addToServer( NLMISC::CEventServer *server );
void removeFromServer();
void operator()( const NLMISC::CEvent &evnt );
NLGUI::CInputHandler inputHandler;
NLMISC::CEventServer *eventServer;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_container_base.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CEventDescriptorLocalised;
class CCtrlButton;
class CCtrlScroll;
class CViewText;
class CViewBitmap;
class CGroupList;
class COptionsContainerInsertion;
class COptionsContainerMove;
class COptionsLayer;
class CGroupContainer;
// ***************************************************************************
* class describing a resizer for the container
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \date 2003
class CCtrlResizer : public CCtrlBase
CCtrlResizer(const TCtorParam &param);
virtual void draw ();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event);
// Add a big delta so when the user is over the Resizer, always take it whatever other controls under
virtual uint getDeltaDepth() const { return 100; }
// get real resizer pos : if parent has pop_min_w == pop_max_w, then horizontal resizer will be discarded
// if parent has pop_min_h == pop_max_h, then vertical resizer will be discarded
THotSpot getRealResizerPos() const;
THotSpot getResizerPos() const { return _ResizerPos; }
void setResizerPos(THotSpot resizerPos) { _ResizerPos = resizerPos; }
bool IsMaxH; // Do this resizer is a MaxH resizer ?
// Max sizes for the parent
sint32 WMin, WMax;
sint32 HMin, HMax;
// from CCtrlBase
virtual bool canChangeVirtualDesktop() const { return !_MouseDown; }
sint32 resizeW (sint32 dx);
sint32 resizeH (sint32 dy);
THotSpot _ResizerPos; // how the resizer should resize its parent
bool _MouseDown;
sint32 _MouseDownX;
sint32 _MouseDownY;
sint32 _XBias;
sint32 _YBias;
// ***************************************************************************
* Class describing a Mover for the container
* Clicking on it can also open the container
* This can be used to move a container if it is movable.
* If the container is popable, it will first pull it of the hierarchy, then it becomes movable.
* It can also be used to change the position of a group container that is inserted in the list of another container.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \date 2003
class CCtrlMover : public CCtrlBase
CCtrlMover(const TCtorParam &param, bool canMove, bool canOpen);
virtual void draw ();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event);
bool canMove() { return _CanMove; }
bool isMoving() const {return _Moving;}
bool isMovingInParentList() const { return _MovingInParentList; }
// from CCtrlBase
virtual bool canChangeVirtualDesktop() const { return !_Moving; }
sint32 _MoveStartX, _MoveStartY;
sint32 _MoveDeltaXReal, _MoveDeltaYReal;
sint64 _ScrollTime;
sint32 _StartIndex;
sint32 _InsertionIndex;
// clip window from parent list
sint32 _ParentListTop;
sint32 _ParentListBottom;
sint64 _WaitToOpenCloseDate;
bool _CanMove : 1;
bool _CanOpen : 1;
bool _Moving : 1;
bool _MovingInParentList : 1;
bool _HasMoved : 1;
bool _ParentScrollingUp : 1;
bool _ParentScrollingDown : 1;
bool _StopScrolling : 1; // stop scrolling at next draw
bool _WaitToOpenClose : 1;
static COptionsContainerInsertion *getInsertionOptions();
void setPoped(CGroupContainer *gc, sint32 x, sint32 y, const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse &eventDesc);
void setMovingInParent(CGroupContainer *gc, sint32 x, sint32 y, const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse &eventDesc);
void updateInsertionIndex(const CGroupList *gl, sint32 posY);
void stopMove();
bool runTitleActionHandler();
void handleScrolling();
// ***************************************************************************
* class describing a group of views controls and other groups
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CGroupContainer : public CGroupContainerBase
enum { NumResizers = 8 };
// observer to know when children have moved. This can be used to keep external datas in sync
struct IChildrenObs
virtual void childrenMoved(uint srcIndex, uint destIndex, CGroupContainer *children) = 0;
CGroupContainer(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
xmlNodePtr serializeTreeData( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void updateCoords ();
virtual void draw ();
virtual void clearViews ();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &eventDesc);
virtual void launch ();
virtual void setActive (bool state);
virtual bool getViewsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 clipX, sint32 clipY, sint32 clipW, sint32 clipH, std::vector<CViewBase*> &vVB); // Return true if x,y under the group
virtual bool getCtrlsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 clipX, sint32 clipY, sint32 clipW, sint32 clipH, std::vector<CCtrlBase*> &vICL);
void open();
void close();
void setup(); // Create the container
/** If insertion order is -1, pIC is added at the end of the container
* otherwise it is inserted after containers of a lower order
void attachContainer (CGroupContainer *pIC, sint insertionOrder = -1);
// Insert a container at the given index.
bool attachContainerAtIndex(CGroupContainer *pIC, uint index);
// Before a container is detached from parent, it should be pop in
void detachContainer (CGroupContainer *pIC);
void removeAllContainers();
void setOpen(bool opened)
if (opened)
bool isOpen() const { return _Opened; }
// Force Open for container setActive and open()
virtual void forceOpen();
/// Set the title open and close
virtual bool isMovable() const {return _Movable;}
void setMovable(bool b);
void setContent (CInterfaceGroup *pC);
std::string getTitle () const;
void setTitle (const std::string &title);
std::string getTitleOpened () const;
void setTitleOpened (const std::string &title);
std::string getTitleClosed () const;
void setTitleClosed (const std::string &title);
std::string getTitleColorAsString() const;
void setTitleColorAsString(const std::string &col);
void setHeaderColor (const std::string &ptr) {; }
// Get the header color draw. NB: depends if grayed, and if active.
NLMISC::CRGBA getDrawnHeaderColor () const;
ucstring getUCTitleOpened () const;
void setUCTitleOpened (const ucstring &title);
ucstring getUCTitleClosed () const;
void setUCTitleClosed (const ucstring &title);
ucstring getUCTitle () const;
void setUCTitle (const ucstring &title);
void setPopable(bool popable) { _Popable = popable; }
bool isPopable() const { return _Popable; }
bool isPopuped() const { return _Poped; }
void setMovableInParentList(bool /* movable */) { _MovableInParentList = true; }
bool isMovableInParentList() const { return _MovableInParentList; }
// high light the border of the container
void setHighLighted(bool hightlighted, uint8 alpha=255) { _HighLighted = hightlighted; _HighLightedAlpha = alpha; }
bool isHighLighted() const { return _HighLighted; }
// y offset for content of container
sint32 getContentYOffset() const { return (sint32) _ContentYOffset; }
void setContentYOffset(sint32 value);
// Window requires attention
void requireAttention();
// Lua exports
int luaBlink(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSetHeaderColor(CLuaState &ls);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CGroupContainer, CGroupContainerBase)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("blink", luaBlink);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setHeaderColor", luaSetHeaderColor);
REFLECT_STRING("title", getTitle, setTitle);
REFLECT_STRING("title_opened", getTitleOpened, setTitleOpened);
REFLECT_STRING("title_closed", getTitleClosed, setTitleClosed);
REFLECT_UCSTRING("uc_title_opened", getUCTitleOpened, setUCTitleOpened);
REFLECT_UCSTRING("uc_title_closed", getUCTitleClosed, setUCTitleClosed);
REFLECT_UCSTRING("uc_title", getUCTitle, setUCTitle);
REFLECT_STRING("title_color", getTitleColorAsString, setTitleColorAsString);
REFLECT_SINT32("pop_min_h", getPopupMinH, setPopupMinH);
REFLECT_SINT32("pop_max_h", getPopupMaxH, setPopupMaxH);
REFLECT_SINT32("pop_min_w", getPopupMinW, setPopupMinW);
REFLECT_SINT32("pop_max_w", getPopupMaxW, setPopupMaxW);
REFLECT_SINT32("title_delta_max_w", getTitleDeltaMaxW, setTitleDeltaMaxW);
REFLECT_SINT32("content_y_offset", getContentYOffset, setContentYOffset);
REFLECT_BOOL("openable", isOpenable, setOpenable);
REFLECT_BOOL("opened", isOpen, setOpen);
REFLECT_BOOL("lockable", isLockable, setLockable);
REFLECT_BOOL("locked", isLocked, setLocked);
REFLECT_BOOL("header_active", getHeaderActive, setHeaderActive);
REFLECT_BOOL("right_button_enabled", getRightButtonEnabled, setRightButtonEnabled);
sint32 getLayerSetup() const { return _LayerSetup; }
// if this window is popable, pop it at its actual position
void popupCurrentPos();
// Popup at previous memorized position
void popup();
/** Popin the window and possibly put it back in its father container, using the order defined in the list of the container.
* \param putBackInFather When true, put the window back in its former father container, otherwise, the container is unliked from the hierachy (parents are NULL)
* \param insertPos If this is equal to -1, then the window is inserted at its previous position. Otherwise it is inserted before the given position in the list
void popin(sint32 insertPos = -1, bool putBackInFatherContainer = true);
// get the mover control associated with that control, or NULL if none
CCtrlMover *getCtrlMover() const { return _Mover; }
// true if there is a mover and if the window is being moved
bool isMoving() const { return _Mover && _Mover->isMoving(); }
/** Force the container to blink (to tell the user that an event has happened).
* This uses the global color, so the container must use it
* This state is automatically disabled if the container is opened
* \param numBlinks 0 If the container should blink endlessly, the number of blink otherwise
virtual void enableBlink(uint numBlinks = 0);
virtual void disableBlink();
virtual bool isBlinking() const { return _Blinking; }
CGroupList *getList() const { return _List; }
CInterfaceGroup *getHeaderOpened() const { return _HeaderOpened; }
CInterfaceGroup *getHeaderClosed() const { return _HeaderClosed; }
CInterfaceGroup *getContent() const { return _Content; }
void setChildrenObs(IChildrenObs *obs) { _ChildrenObs = obs; }
IChildrenObs *getChildrenObs() const { return _ChildrenObs; }
// Get current father container (if any).
CGroupContainer *getFatherContainer() const;
// Get current father container (if any). If the container is popup, it gives the proprietary container
CGroupContainer *getProprietaryContainer() const;
bool isOpenable() const { return _Openable; }
void setOpenable(bool openable);
bool getHeaderActive() const { return _HeaderActive; }
void setHeaderActive(bool active) { _HeaderActive = active; }
bool getRightButtonEnabled() const { return _EnabledRightButton; }
void setRightButtonEnabled(bool enabled);
CCtrlScroll *getScroll() const { return _ScrollBar; }
bool isSavable() const { return _Savable; }
void setSavable(bool savable) { _Savable = savable; }
bool isActiveSavable() const { return _ActiveSavable; }
bool isLocalize() const { return _Localize; }
void setLocalize(bool localize) { _Localize = localize; }
void setPopupX(sint32 x) { _PopupX = x; }
void setPopupY(sint32 y) { _PopupY = y; }
void setPopupW(sint32 w) { _PopupW = w; }
void setPopupH(sint32 h) { _PopupH = h; }
sint32 getPopupX() const { return _PopupX; }
sint32 getPopupY() const { return _PopupY; }
sint32 getPopupW() const { return _PopupW; }
sint32 getPopupH() const { return _PopupH; }
sint32 getRefW() const { return _RefW; }
/** Increase the rollover alpha for the current frame.
* Example of use : an edit box that has focus in a group container
void rollOverAlphaUp();
// force the rollover alpha to its max value, depending on there's keyboard focus or not
void forceRolloverAlpha();
bool isOpenWhenPopup() const { return _OpenWhenPopup; }
/// Locking of window (prevent it from being moved)
void setLockable(bool lockable);
bool isLockable() const { return _Lockable; }
void setLocked(bool locked);
// to be called by the 'deactive check' handler
static void validateCanDeactivate(bool validate) { _ValidateCanDeactivate = validate; }
const std::string &getAHOnDeactiveCheck() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName(_AHOnDeactiveCheck); }
const std::string &getAHOnDeactiveCheckParams() const { return _AHOnDeactiveCheckParams; }
const std::string &getAHOnCloseButton() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName(_AHOnCloseButton); }
const std::string &getAHOnCloseButtonParams() const { return _AHOnCloseButtonParams; }
IActionHandler *getAHOnMovePtr() const { return _AHOnMove; }
const std::string &getAHOnMove() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName(_AHOnMove); }
const std::string &getAHOnMoveParams() const { return _AHOnMoveParams; }
IActionHandler *getAHOnResizePtr() const { return _AHOnResize; }
const std::string &getAHOnResize() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName(_AHOnResize); }
const std::string &getAHOnResizeParams() const { return _AHOnResizeParams; }
IActionHandler *getAHOnBeginMovePtr() const { return _AHOnBeginMove; }
const std::string &getAHOnBeginMove() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName(_AHOnBeginMove); }
const std::string &getAHOnBeginMoveParams() const { return _AHOnBeginMoveParams; }
void setOnCloseButtonHandler(const std::string &h) { _AHOnCloseButton = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH(h,_AHOnCloseButtonParams); }
void setOnCloseButtonParams(const std::string &p) { _AHOnCloseButtonParams = p; }
void setModalParentList (const std::string &name);
bool checkIfModal(const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor& event); // Return true if we can handle the event (and prevent from selecting a window)
bool isGrayed() const;
bool blinkAllSons();
// true if the resizer is enabled.
bool getEnabledResizer() const {return _EnabledResizer;}
sint32 getPopupMinW() const {return _PopupMinW;}
sint32 getPopupMaxW() const {return _PopupMaxW;}
sint32 getPopupMinH() const {return _PopupMinH;}
sint32 getPopupMaxH() const {return _PopupMaxH;}
sint32 getMinW() const {return _MinW;}
void setMinW(sint32 minW) { _MinW = minW;}
void setMaxW(sint32 maxW) { _MaxW = maxW;}
sint32 getMaxW() const {return _MaxW;}
void setPopupMinW(sint32 minW);
void setPopupMaxW(sint32 maxW);
void setPopupMinH(sint32 minW);
void setPopupMaxH(sint32 maxW);
// backup the current position of this container
void backupPosition();
// restore the current position of this container
void restorePosition();
// get x for backup position
sint32 getBackupX() const { return _BackupX; }
sint32 getBackupY() const { return _BackupY; }
// Set backup position
void setBackupPosition(sint32 x, sint32 y);
// clear backup
void clearBackup() { _PositionBackuped = false; }
// Test if position has been backuped (flag cleared by 'restorePosition()')
bool isPositionBackuped() const { return _PositionBackuped; }
// check if the container has been moved, resized, or popuped by the user (and eventually clear that flag)
bool getTouchFlag(bool clearFlag) const;
// from CInterfaceGroup
virtual void restoreAllContainersBackupPosition() { restorePosition(); }
// when isModal() is true, the whole interface cannot switch desktop
bool isModal() const { return _Modal; }
void setModal(bool modal) { _Modal = modal; }
// return true if the container has a modal parent window setuped => the whole interface cannot switch desktop
bool isModalSon() const { return !_ModalParents.empty(); }
// return the help web page of this container. "" if none
const std::string &getHelpPage() const { return _HelpPage; }
// set the help web page of this container. "" if none. NB: the help button is not updated
void setHelpPage(const std::string &newPage);
void setTitleDeltaMaxW(sint32 delta) { _TitleDeltaMaxW = delta; }
sint32 getTitleDeltaMaxW() const { return _TitleDeltaMaxW; }
uint8 _ICurrentRolloverAlphaContainer;
uint8 _HighLightedAlpha;
float _CurrentRolloverAlphaContainer;
float _CurrentRolloverAlphaContent;
sint32 _LayerSetup;
ucstring _TitleTextOpened;
ucstring _TitleTextClosed;
CViewText *_TitleOpened;
CViewText *_TitleClosed;
sint32 _TitleDeltaMaxW;
CViewBitmap *_ViewOpenState; // Arrow showing if we are opened or not (if we are openable)
CCtrlButton *_RightButton; // Multi usage button : deactive or popup or popin
CCtrlButton *_HelpButton; // Help button
CGroupList *_List;
CCtrlScroll *_ScrollBar;
CGroupContainer *_OldFatherContainer;
// NB: _ModalParentNames is a list of modal parent, separated by '|'
std::string _ModalParentNames; // Modal handling between container (container can be linked together,
std::vector<CGroupContainer*> _ModalSons; // when the son is active the parent is not active
std::vector<CGroupContainer*> _ModalParents; // (but the rest of the interface is))
uint _InsertionOrder;
uint _BlinkDT;
uint _NumBlinks;
CInterfaceGroup *_Content; // Read From Script
CInterfaceGroup *_HeaderOpened; // Read From Script
CInterfaceGroup *_HeaderClosed; // Read From Script
CCtrlResizer *_Resizer[NumResizers]; // up to 8 resizers are available
CCtrlMover *_Mover;
IChildrenObs *_Obs;
// If layer==0 constraint on resize
sint32 _PopupMinW;
sint32 _PopupMaxW;
sint32 _PopupMinH;
sint32 _PopupMaxH;
// If layer>0 constraint on resize
sint32 _MinW;
sint32 _MaxW;
// backuped position
sint32 _BackupX;
sint32 _BackupY;
// old position at which the window was popup, -1 values means that the window hasn't been turned into a popup yet
sint32 _PopupX;
sint32 _PopupY;
sint32 _PopupW;
sint32 _PopupH;
sint32 _RefW;
sint32 _MoverDeltaW;
// action handler
IActionHandler *_AHOnOpen;
CStringShared _AHOnOpenParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnClose;
CStringShared _AHOnCloseParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnCloseButton;
CStringShared _AHOnCloseButtonParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnMove;
CStringShared _AHOnMoveParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnResize;
CStringShared _AHOnResizeParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnBeginMove;
CStringShared _AHOnBeginMoveParams;
// action handler to test whether the windows can be deactivated (when the close button is pressed)
IActionHandler *_AHOnDeactiveCheck;
CStringShared _AHOnDeactiveCheckParams;
// Observer to know when children have moved
IChildrenObs *_ChildrenObs;
// list of container that are poped up
std::vector<CGroupContainer *> _PopedCont;
// Open management
bool _Openable : 1; // Is the container can be manually opened or closed ?
bool _Opened : 1; // Is the container currently opened or closed ?
bool _OpenWhenPopup : 1; // Does the container must open when poped up ? (layer>0)
// and close when poped in...
bool _OpenAtStart : 1; // Mgt : to setup _Opened state at start
bool _OpenedBeforePopup : 1; // Mgt : Is the container opened before poped up ? (layer>0)
// Move management
bool _Movable : 1; // Is the container movable ?
bool _MovableInParentList: 1;
bool _Lockable : 1;
bool _MovingInParentList : 1; // Mgt : currently moving ?
// Pop up / pop in
bool _Popable : 1;
bool _Poped : 1;
bool _EnabledResizer : 1;
bool _HighLighted : 1;
bool _Blinking : 1;
bool _BlinkState : 1;
bool _Savable : 1;
bool _ActiveSavable : 1;
// Display title background or not
bool _HeaderActive : 1;
bool _EnabledRightButton : 1; // Is the Button Deactive/Popup/Popin is enabled ?
enum TTileClass {TitleText=0, TitleTextFormated, TitleTextId, TitleTextDynString};
uint8 _TitleClass : 2;
mutable bool _TouchFlag : 1;
bool _PositionBackuped : 1;
bool _Modal : 1; // the container is modal and prevent from switching virtual desktop
bool _EnabledHelpButton : 1; // Is the Button Help is enabled ?
bool _TitleOverExtendViewText : 1; // Does the title over extend view text
bool _Localize : 1;
CInterfaceProperty _HeaderColor;
sint8 _ContentYOffset;
// Special Top Resizer Height (for Inventory and ChatGroup). <0 (default) => take default option value
sint8 _ResizerTopSize;
uint8 _ICurrentRolloverAlphaContent;
static bool _ValidateCanDeactivate;
CStringShared _OptionsName;
// Web Page used for help
CStringShared _HelpPage;
sint32 getLayer();
void updateResizerSize(CCtrlResizer *cr);
void updateRightButton();
void updateHelpButton();
void updateMover();
void updateViewOpenState();
void updateTitle();
void createResizer(uint index, THotSpot posRef, THotSpot type, sint32 offsetX, sint32 offsetY, bool bMaxH);
void createResizerMaxH();
void removeResizerMaxH();
TTileClass convertTitleClass(const char *ptr);
static COptionsContainerMove *getMoveOptions();
COptionsLayer *getContainerOptions(sint32 ls=-1); // Depends if overload by OptionsName or default used
bool hasKeyboardFocus() const;
// private for modal system
void addModalParent (CGroupContainer *pParent);
void addModalSon (CGroupContainer *pSon);
// Avoid each frame setup layer0, layer1 etc...
enum {NumLayerName=10};
static const std::string _OptionLayerName[NumLayerName];
// for use by CCtrlMover
// Tell that this group is moving in its parent list
void setMovingInParentList(bool enable);
CGroupList *getPreviousParentList() const { return _OldFatherContainer ? _OldFatherContainer->_List : NULL; }
CCtrlScroll *getPreviousParentScrollBar() const { return _OldFatherContainer ? _OldFatherContainer->_ScrollBar : NULL; }
CGroupContainer *getPreviousContainer() const { return _OldFatherContainer; }
// set the 'hasMoved' flag
void touch(bool touched = true) { _TouchFlag = touched; }
friend class CICDeactive;
/* End of interface_container.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CGroupContainerBase : public CInterfaceGroup
DECLARE_UI_CLASS( CGroupContainerBase )
CGroupContainerBase( const TCtorParam &param );
virtual ~CGroupContainerBase();
virtual void removeAllContainers();
virtual void setLocked( bool locked );
bool isLocked() const { return _Locked; }
uint8 getContainerAlpha() const { return _ContainerAlpha; }
uint8 getContentAlpha() const { return _ContentAlpha; }
uint8 getRolloverAlphaContent() const { return _RolloverAlphaContent; }
uint8 getRolloverAlphaContainer() const { return _RolloverAlphaContainer; }
void setContainerAlpha( uint8 alpha );
void setContentAlpha( uint8 alpha );
void setRolloverAlphaContent( uint8 alpha );
void setRolloverAlphaContainer( uint8 alpha );
// for export
sint32 getContainerAlphaAsSInt32() const{ return (sint32)_ContainerAlpha; }
sint32 getContentAlphaAsSInt32() const{ return (sint32)_ContentAlpha; }
sint32 getRolloverAlphaContentAsSInt32() const{ return (sint32)_RolloverAlphaContent; }
sint32 getRolloverAlphaContainerAsSInt32() const{ return (sint32)_RolloverAlphaContainer; }
// sin32 versions for export
void setContainerAlpha( sint32 alpha ){ setContainerAlpha((uint8) alpha); }
void setContentAlpha( sint32 alpha ){ setContentAlpha((uint8) alpha); }
void setRolloverAlphaContent( sint32 alpha ){ setRolloverAlphaContent((uint8) alpha); }
void setRolloverAlphaContainer( sint32 alpha ){ setRolloverAlphaContainer((uint8) alpha); }
void setUseGlobalAlpha( bool use );
bool isUsingGlobalAlpha() const{ return _UseGlobalAlpha; }
std::string getAHOnAlphaSettingsChanged() const{ return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName( _AHOnAlphaSettingsChanged ); }
std::string getAHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams() const{ return _AHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams; }
void setAHOnAlphaSettingsChanged( const std::string &h ){ _AHOnAlphaSettingsChanged = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH( h, _AHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams ); }
void setAHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams( const std::string &p ){ _AHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams = p; }
REFLECT_EXPORT_START( CGroupContainerBase, CInterfaceGroup )
REFLECT_SINT32("container_alpha", getContainerAlphaAsSInt32, setContainerAlpha);
REFLECT_SINT32("content_alpha", getContentAlphaAsSInt32, setContentAlpha);
REFLECT_SINT32("rollover_content_alpha", getRolloverAlphaContentAsSInt32, setRolloverAlphaContent);
REFLECT_SINT32("rollover_container_alpha", getRolloverAlphaContainerAsSInt32, setRolloverAlphaContainer);
REFLECT_BOOL("use_global_alpha_settings", isUsingGlobalAlpha, setUseGlobalAlpha);
REFLECT_STRING("on_alpha_settings_changed", getAHOnAlphaSettingsChanged, setAHOnAlphaSettingsChanged);
REFLECT_STRING("on_alpha_settings_changed_aparams", getAHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams, setAHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams);
virtual bool isMoving() const{ return false; }
// Get the header color draw. NB: depends if grayed, and if active.
virtual NLMISC::CRGBA getDrawnHeaderColor () const{ return NLMISC::CRGBA(); };
uint8 getCurrentContainerAlpha() const{ return _CurrentContainerAlpha; }
uint8 getCurrentContentAlpha() const{ return _CurrentContentAlpha; }
virtual bool isGrayed() const{ return false; }
virtual bool getTouchFlag(bool clearFlag) const{ return false; }
virtual void backupPosition(){}
virtual void restorePosition(){}
void triggerAlphaSettingsChangedAH();
uint8 _CurrentContainerAlpha;
uint8 _CurrentContentAlpha;
uint8 _ContainerAlpha;
uint8 _ContentAlpha;
uint8 _RolloverAlphaContainer; // Alpha for the window when mouse not over it
uint8 _RolloverAlphaContent; // Alpha for the content when mouse not over it
bool _Locked : 1; // Is the container locked (ie override movable, openable ...)
bool _UseGlobalAlpha : 1;
IActionHandler *_AHOnAlphaSettingsChanged;
CStringShared _AHOnAlphaSettingsChangedParams;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_editbox_base.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_texture.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CEventDescriptor;
class CViewText;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CGroupEditBox : public CGroupEditBoxBase
class IComboKeyHandler
virtual ~IComboKeyHandler(){}
virtual bool isComboKeyChat( const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorKey &edk ) const = 0;
enum TEntryType { Text, Integer, PositiveInteger, Float, PositiveFloat, Alpha, AlphaNum, AlphaNumSpace, Password, Filename, PlayerName }; // the type of entry this edit bot can deal with
/// Constructor
CGroupEditBox(const TCtorParam &param);
/// Dtor
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur,CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
virtual void draw();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor& eventDesc);
/// Accessors
ucstring getInputString() const { return _InputString; }
const ucstring &getInputStringRef() const { return _InputString; }
const ucstring &getPrompt() const { return _Prompt; }
/** Set the prompt
* NB : line returns are encoded as '\n', not '\r\n'
void setPrompt(const ucstring &s) { _Prompt = s; }
void setInputString(const ucstring &str);
void setInputStringRef(const ucstring &str) {_InputString = str; };
void setInputStringAsInt(sint32 val);
sint32 getInputStringAsInt() const;
void setInputStringAsInt64(sint64 val);
sint64 getInputStringAsInt64() const;
void setInputStringAsFloat(float val);
float getInputStringAsFloat() const;
void setInputStringAsStdString(const std::string &str);
std::string getInputStringAsStdString() const;
void setInputStringAsUtf8(const std::string &str);
std::string getInputStringAsUtf8() const;
void setColor(NLMISC::CRGBA col);
/// force the selection of all the text
void setSelectionAll();
virtual void checkCoords();
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual void clearViews ();
virtual void setActive (bool state);
static CGroupEditBox *getMenuFather() { return _MenuFather; }
void setCommand(const ucstring &command, bool execute);
// Stop parent from blinking
void stopParentBlink() { if (_Parent) _Parent->disableBlink(); }
// Get / set cursor position
sint32 getCursorPos () const {return _CursorPos;}
void setCursorPos (sint32 pos) {_CursorPos=pos;}
// Get / set cursor at previous line end
bool isCursorAtPreviousLineEnd () const {return _CursorAtPreviousLineEnd;}
void setCursorAtPreviousLineEnd (bool setCursor) {_CursorAtPreviousLineEnd=setCursor;}
// Get / set current selection position
static sint32 getSelectCursorPos () {return _SelectCursorPos;}
static void setSelectCursorPos (sint32 pos) {_SelectCursorPos=pos;}
// Get the view text
const CViewText *getViewText () const {return _ViewText;}
// Get the historic information
sint32 getMaxHistoric() const {return _MaxHistoric;}
sint32 getCurrentHistoricIndex () const {return _CurrentHistoricIndex;}
void setCurrentHistoricIndex (sint32 index) {_CurrentHistoricIndex=index;}
const ucstring &getHistoric(uint32 index) const {return _Historic[index];}
uint32 getNumHistoric() const {return (uint32)_Historic.size ();}
// Get on change action handler
const std::string &getAHOnChange() const {return _AHOnChange;}
const std::string &getParamsOnChange() const {return _ParamsOnChange;}
void cutSelection();
/// From CInterfaceElement
sint32 getMaxUsedW() const;
sint32 getMinUsedW() const;
// Copy the selection into buffer
void copy();
// Paste the selection into buffer
void paste();
// Write the string into buffer
void writeString(const ucstring &str, bool replace = true, bool atEnd = true);
// Expand the expression (true if there was a '/' at the start of the line)
bool expand();
// Back space
void back();
// ignore the next char/key event -> useful when a key set the focus on an editbox (keydown is received, the focus, then keychar is received by the editbox again, but is irrelevant)
void bypassNextKey() { _BypassNextKey = true; }
// True if the editBox loose the focus on enter
bool getLooseFocusOnEnter() const {return _LooseFocusOnEnter;}
virtual void clearAllEditBox();
// From CInterfaceElement
virtual bool wantSerialConfig() const;
// From CInterfaceElement
virtual void serialConfig(NLMISC::IStream &f);
// From CInterfaceElement
virtual void onQuit();
// From CInterfaceElement
virtual void onLoadConfig();
// from CCtrlBase
virtual void elementCaptured(CCtrlBase *capturedElement);
// from CCtrlBase
virtual void onKeyboardCaptureLost();
// set the input string as "default". will be reseted at first click (used for user information)
void setDefaultInputString(const ucstring &str);
// For Interger and PositiveInteger, can specify min and max values
void setIntegerMinValue(sint32 minValue) {_IntegerMinValue=minValue;}
void setIntegerMaxValue(sint32 maxValue) {_IntegerMaxValue=maxValue;}
void setPositiveIntegerMinValue(uint32 minValue) {_PositiveIntegerMinValue=minValue;}
void setPositiveIntegerMaxValue(uint32 maxValue) {_PositiveIntegerMaxValue=maxValue;}
void setFocusOnText();
int luaSetSelectionAll(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSetupDisplayText(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSetFocusOnText(CLuaState &ls);
int luaCancelFocusOnText(CLuaState &ls);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CGroupEditBox, CGroupEditBoxBase)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setupDisplayText", luaSetupDisplayText);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setSelectionAll", luaSetSelectionAll);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setFocusOnText", luaSetFocusOnText);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("cancelFocusOnText", luaCancelFocusOnText);
REFLECT_STRING("input_string", getInputStringAsStdString, setInputStringAsStdString);
REFLECT_UCSTRING("uc_input_string", getInputString, setInputString);
/** Restore the original value of the edit box.
* This value is captured when the edit box get focus
* (return true if no undo was available)
* Will always fails ifthe edito box do not have the focus
bool undo();
/** Cancel last undo operation
* Return true if redo operation is available
bool redo();
/// freeze the control (loose focus, and cannot edit)
void setFrozen (bool state);
bool getFrozen () const { return _Frozen; }
// Cursor infos
float _BlinkTime;
sint32 _CursorPos;
uint32 _MaxNumChar;
uint32 _MaxNumReturn;
uint32 _MaxFloatPrec; // used in setInputStringAsFloat() only
sint32 _MaxCharsSize;
sint32 _FirstVisibleChar;
sint32 _LastVisibleChar;
// Text selection
static sint32 _SelectCursorPos;
bool _SelectingText;
NLMISC::CRGBA _TextSelectColor;
NLMISC::CRGBA _BackSelectColor;
// Text info
ucstring _Prompt;
ucstring _InputString;
CViewText *_ViewText;
// undo / redo
ucstring _StartInputString; // value of the input string when focus was acuired first
ucstring _ModifiedInputString;
// Historic info
typedef std::deque<ucstring> THistoric;
THistoric _Historic;
uint32 _MaxHistoric;
sint32 _CurrentHistoricIndex;
sint32 _PrevNumLine;
// Action Handler
std::string _AHOnChange;
std::string _ParamsOnChange;
std::string _ListMenuRight;
std::string _AHOnFocusLost;
std::string _AHOnFocusLostParams;
// entry type
TEntryType _EntryType;
bool _Setupped : 1; // setup
bool _BypassNextKey : 1;
bool _BlinkState : 1;
bool _CursorAtPreviousLineEnd : 1; // force the cursor to be displayed at the end of the previous line end (if END has beeen pressed while in a string split accross 2 lines)
bool _LooseFocusOnEnter : 1;
bool _ResetFocusOnHide : 1;
bool _BackupFatherContainerPos : 1; // Backup father container position when characters are typed.
// If the edit box is at the bottom of the screen and if it expands on y
// because of multiline, thz parent container will be moved to top
// The good position can be restored by a press on enter then
bool _WantReturn : 1; // Want return char, don't call the enter action handler
bool _Savable : 1; // should content be saved ?
bool _DefaultInputString : 1; // Is the current input string the default one (should not be edited)
bool _Frozen : 1; // is the control frozen? (cannot edit in it)
bool _CanRedo : 1;
bool _CanUndo : 1;
std::vector<char> _NegativeFilter;
sint _CursorTexID;
sint32 _CursorWidth;
sint32 _IntegerMinValue;
sint32 _IntegerMaxValue;
uint32 _PositiveIntegerMinValue;
uint32 _PositiveIntegerMaxValue;
sint32 _ViewTextDeltaX;
void setupDisplayText();
void makeTopWindow();
void handleEventChar(const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorKey &event);
void handleEventString(const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorKey &event);
void setup();
void triggerOnChangeAH();
void appendStringFromClipboard(const ucstring &str);
ucstring getSelection();
static CGroupEditBox *_MenuFather;
static bool isValidAlphaNumSpace(ucchar c)
if (c > 255) return false;
char ac = (char) c;
return (ac >= '0' && ac <= '9') ||
(ac >= 'a' && ac <= 'z') ||
(ac >= 'A' && ac <= 'Z') ||
ac==' ';
static bool isValidAlphaNum(ucchar c)
if (c > 255) return false;
char ac = (char) c;
return (ac >= '0' && ac <= '9') ||
(ac >= 'a' && ac <= 'z') ||
(ac >= 'A' && ac <= 'Z');
static bool isValidAlpha(ucchar c)
if (c > 255) return false;
char ac = (char) c;
return (ac >= 'a' && ac <= 'z') ||
(ac >= 'A' && ac <= 'Z');
static bool isValidPlayerNameChar(ucchar c)
// valid player name (with possible shard prefix / suffix format
return isValidAlpha(c) || c=='.' || c=='(' || c==')';
static bool isValidFilenameChar(ucchar c)
if (c == '\\' ||
c == '/' ||
c == ':' ||
c == '*' ||
c == '?' ||
c == '\"' ||
c == '<' ||
c == '>' ||
c == '|') return false;
return true;
bool isFiltered(ucchar c)
uint length = (uint)_NegativeFilter.size();
for (uint k = 0; k < length; ++k)
if ((ucchar) _NegativeFilter[k] == c) return true;
return false;
static IComboKeyHandler *comboKeyHandler;
static void setComboKeyHandler( IComboKeyHandler *handler ){ comboKeyHandler = handler; }
/* End of ctrl_editbox.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CGroupEditBoxBase : public CInterfaceGroup
CGroupEditBoxBase( const TCtorParam &param );
// True if the editBox can recover the focus on enter. if not, it does not erase OldCapturedKeyboard when loose focus
bool getRecoverFocusOnEnter() const{ return _RecoverFocusOnEnter; }
void setRecoverFocusOnEnter( bool state ){ _RecoverFocusOnEnter = state; }
std::string getAHOnFocus(){ return _AHOnFocus; }
std::string getAHOnFocusParams(){ return _AHOnFocusParams; }
// disable any current selection
static void disableSelection(){ _CurrSelection = NULL; }
// Get / set current selection
static CGroupEditBoxBase *getCurrSelection(){ return _CurrSelection; }
static void setCurrSelection( CGroupEditBoxBase *selection ){ _CurrSelection = selection; }
void draw(){}
REFLECT_EXPORT_START( CGroupEditBoxBase, CInterfaceGroup )
REFLECT_BOOL( "enter_recover_focus", getRecoverFocusOnEnter, setRecoverFocusOnEnter );
bool _RecoverFocusOnEnter : 1;
std::string _AHOnFocus;
std::string _AHOnFocusParams;
static CGroupEditBoxBase *_CurrSelection; // the edit box for which the selection is currently active, or NULL if there's none

View file

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
namespace NLGUI
// ***************************************************************************
/** A Group with a background and a frame displayed
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CGroupFrame : public CInterfaceGroup
/// Constructor
CGroupFrame(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void draw ();
void copyOptionFrom(const CGroupFrame &other);
void setupOptions();
void setColorAsString(const std::string & col);
std::string getColorAsString() const;
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CGroupFrame, CInterfaceGroup)
REFLECT_STRING ("color", getColorAsString, setColorAsString);
static void resetDisplayTypes() { _DispTypes.clear(); }
// ******************
bool _DisplayFrame;
uint8 _DispType;
std::string _Options;
// Fields Defined in the XML => must not herit them from extends=""
bool _DisplayFrameDefined : 1;
bool _ColorDefined : 1;
bool _DispTypeDefined : 1;
// Static stuff
TextTL= 0,
struct SDisplayType
std::string Name;
sint32 BorderIds[9];
uint8 TileBorder[9]; // Dont works for TextTL, TextTR, TextBL, TextBR
sint32 LeftBorder; // enum
sint32 RightBorder;
sint32 TopBorder;
sint32 BottomBorder;
// -----------------------
for (uint i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
TileBorder[i] = 0;
static std::vector<SDisplayType> _DispTypes;
#endif // NL_GROUP_FRAME_H
/* End of group_frame.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/group_list.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CGroupHeaderEntry;
// *****************************************************************************************************************
/** Display a header with movable entries.
* Usually used with a table to change the size of each column (much like the windows file explorer in 'details' mode)
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2006
class CGroupHeader : public CGroupList
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("enlargeColumns", luaEnlargeColumns);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("resizeColumnsAndContainer", luaResizeColumnsAndContainer);
CGroupHeader(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
// from CInterfaceGroup
virtual bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
sint32 getHeaderMaxSize() const { return _HeaderMaxSize; }
// get the entries in this header
void getEntries(std::vector<CGroupHeaderEntry *> &dest);
// ensure that max. content of columns is visible (without the total width becoming more than 'getHeaderMaxSize()'
void enlargeColumns(sint32 margin);
// ensure that content of each column is visible
void resizeColumnsAndContainer(sint32 margin);
sint32 _HeaderMaxSize;
int luaEnlargeColumns(CLuaState &ls);
int luaResizeColumnsAndContainer(CLuaState &ls);
// *****************************************************************************************************************
// an entry in a header, includes a "mover control" to move it inside its parent header
// NOTE : when not used inside a CGroupHeader, will work, but there will be no 'max_size'
class CGroupHeaderEntry : public CInterfaceGroup
CGroupHeaderEntry(const TCtorParam &param);
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
// from CInterfaceGroup
virtual bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
sint32 getMinSize() const { return _MinSize; }
virtual void updateCoords();
CInterfaceGroup *getTargetColumn() const;
const std::string &getAHOnResize() const { return _AHOnResize; }
const std::string &getAHOnResizeParams() const { return _AHOnResizeParams; }
sint32 _MinSize;
sint32 _ResizerSize;
std::string _TargetColumnId;
std::string _AHOnResize;
std::string _AHOnResizeParams;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_scrolltext.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_tree.h"
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_button.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_table.h"
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> TStyle;
extern "C"
#include "libwww/WWWInit.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlButton;
class CCtrlScroll;
class CGroupList;
class CDBGroupComboBox;
class CGroupParagraph;
// HTML group
* Widget to have a resizable scrolltext and its scrollbar
* \author Cyril 'Hulud' Corvazier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CGroupHTML : public CGroupScrollText
friend void TextAdd (struct _HText *me, const char * buf, int len);
friend void TextBeginElement (_HText *me, int element_number, const BOOL *present, const char ** value);
friend void TextEndElement (_HText *me, int element_number);
friend void TextLink (struct _HText *me, int element_number, int attribute_number, struct _HTChildAnchor *anchor, const BOOL *present, const char **value);
friend void TextBuild (HText * me, HTextStatus status);
friend void TextBeginUnparsedElement(HText *me, const char *buffer, int length);
friend void TextEndUnparsedElement(HText *me, const char *buffer, int length);
friend int requestTerminater (HTRequest * request, HTResponse * response, void * param, int status);
/// Web browser options for CGroupHTML
struct SWebOptions
/// Id of the browser ( e.g.: Chrome, Firefox, Ryzom )
std::string appName;
/// Version of the browser
std::string appVersion;
/// Language code of the browser( e.g.: en, hu )
std::string languageCode;
/// List of domains the widget can consider secure.
std::vector< std::string > trustedDomains;
static SWebOptions options;
// Constructor
CGroupHTML(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
// CInterfaceGroup Interface
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void draw ();
// Events
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor& eventDesc);
// Browse
virtual void browse (const char *url);
// Refresh
void refresh();
// submit form
void submitForm (uint formId, const char *submitButtonName);
// Browse error
void browseError (const char *msg);
// stop browse
void stopBrowse ();
bool isBrowsing();
void clean() { stopBrowse(); updateRefreshButton(); removeContent(); }
// Update coords
void updateCoords();
// New paragraph
void newParagraph(uint beginSpace);
// End of the paragraph
void endParagraph();
// Timeout
void setTimeout(float tm) {_TimeoutValue= std::max(0.f, tm);}
float getTimeout() const {return (float)_TimeoutValue;}
// Some constants
bool ErrorColorGlobalColor;
bool LinkColorGlobalColor;
bool TextColorGlobalColor;
bool H1ColorGlobalColor;
bool H2ColorGlobalColor;
bool H3ColorGlobalColor;
bool H4ColorGlobalColor;
bool H5ColorGlobalColor;
bool H6ColorGlobalColor;
uint TextFontSize;
uint H1FontSize;
uint H2FontSize;
uint H3FontSize;
uint H4FontSize;
uint H5FontSize;
uint H6FontSize;
uint TDBeginSpace;
uint PBeginSpace;
uint LIBeginSpace;
uint ULBeginSpace;
uint LIIndent;
uint ULIndent;
float LineSpaceFontFactor;
std::string DefaultButtonGroup;
std::string DefaultFormTextGroup;
std::string DefaultFormTextAreaGroup;
std::string DefaultFormSelectGroup;
std::string DefaultCheckBoxBitmapNormal;
std::string DefaultCheckBoxBitmapPushed;
std::string DefaultCheckBoxBitmapOver;
std::string DefaultBackgroundBitmapView;
std::string CurrentLinkTitle;
// Browser home
std::string Home;
// Undo browse: Browse the precedent url browsed. no op if none
void browseUndo ();
// Redo browse: Browse the precedent url undoed. no op if none
void browseRedo ();
// clear undo/redo
void clearUndoRedo();
std::string getURL() const { return _URL; }
void setURL(const std::string &url);
int luaBrowse(CLuaState &ls);
int luaRefresh(CLuaState &ls);
int luaRemoveContent(CLuaState &ls);
int luaInsertText(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddString(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddImage(CLuaState &ls);
int luaBeginElement(CLuaState &ls);
int luaEndElement(CLuaState &ls);
int luaShowDiv(CLuaState &ls);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("browse", luaBrowse)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("refresh", luaRefresh)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("removeContent", luaRemoveContent)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("insertText", luaInsertText)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addString", luaAddString)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addImage", luaAddImage)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("beginElement", luaBeginElement)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("endElement", luaEndElement)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("showDiv", luaShowDiv)
REFLECT_FLOAT("timeout", getTimeout, setTimeout)
protected :
// \name callback from libwww
// Begin of the parsing of a HTML document
virtual void beginBuild ();
// End of the parsing of a HTML document
virtual void endBuild ();
// A new text block has been parsed
virtual void addText (const char * buf, int len);
// A link has been parsed
virtual void addLink (uint element_number, uint attribute_number, HTChildAnchor *anchor, const BOOL *present, const char **value);
// A new begin HTML element has been parsed (<IMG> for exemple)
virtual void beginElement (uint element_number, const BOOL *present, const char **value);
// A new end HTML element has been parsed (</IMG> for exemple)
virtual void endElement (uint element_number);
// A new begin unparsed element has been found
virtual void beginUnparsedElement(const char *buffer, int length);
// A new end unparsed element has been found
virtual void endUnparsedElement(const char *buffer, int length);
// Add GET params to the url
virtual void addHTTPGetParams (std::string &url, bool trustedDomain);
// Add POST params to the libwww list
virtual void addHTTPPostParams (HTAssocList *formfields, bool trustedDomain);
// the current request is terminated
virtual void requestTerminated(HTRequest *request);
// Get Home URL
virtual std::string home();
// Parse style html tag
TStyle parseStyle(const std::string &str_styles);
// Handle some work at each pass
virtual void handle ();
// \name internal methods
// Add a group in the current parent group
void addGroup (CInterfaceGroup *group, uint beginSpace);
// Get the current parent group
CInterfaceGroup *getCurrentGroup();
// Update current paragraph dependent data
void paragraphChange ();
// Clear the contexts info
void clearContext();
// Translate a char
bool translateChar(ucchar &output, ucchar input, ucchar lastChar) const;
// Add a string in the current paragraph
void addString(const ucstring &str);
// Add an image in the current paragraph
void addImage(const char *image, bool globalColor, bool reloadImg=false);
// Add a text area in the current paragraph
CInterfaceGroup *addTextArea (const std::string &templateName, const char *name, uint rows, uint cols, bool multiLine, const ucstring &content);
// Add a combo box in the current paragraph
CDBGroupComboBox *addComboBox(const std::string &templateName, const char *name);
// Add a button in the current paragraph. actionHandler, actionHandlerParams and tooltip can be NULL.
CCtrlButton *addButton(CCtrlButton::EType type, const std::string &name, const std::string &normalBitmap, const std::string &pushedBitmap,
const std::string &overBitmap, bool useGlobalColor, const char *actionHandler, const char *actionHandlerParams, const char *tooltip);
// Set the background color
void setBackgroundColor (const NLMISC::CRGBA &bgcolor);
// Set the background
void setBackground (const std::string &bgtex, bool scale, bool tile);
// Force the current string to be in a single string
void flushString();
// Set the title
void setTitle (const ucstring &title);
// Lookup a url in local file system
bool lookupLocalFile (std::string &result, const char *url, bool isUrl);
// Delete page content and prepare next page
void removeContent ();
// Current URL
std::string _URL;
// Current DOMAIN
bool _TrustedDomain;
// Title prefix
ucstring _TitlePrefix;
// Title string
ucstring _TitleString;
// Need to browse next update coords..
bool _BrowseNextTime;
bool _PostNextTime;
uint _PostFormId;
std::string _PostFormSubmitButton;
// Browsing..
bool _Browsing;
bool _Connecting;
double _TimeoutValue; // the timeout in seconds
double _ConnectingTimeout;
// minimal embeded lua script support
// Note : any embeded script is executed immediately after the closing
// element has been found
// True when the <lua> element has been encountered
bool _ParsingLua;
bool _IgnoreText;
// the script to execute
std::string _LuaScript;
bool _Object;
std::string _ObjectScript;
// Someone is conecting. We got problem with libwww : 2 connection requests can deadlock the client.
static CGroupHTML *_ConnectingLock;
// LibWWW data
class CLibWWWData *_LibWWW;
// Current paragraph
std::string _DivName;
CGroupParagraph* _Paragraph;
inline CGroupParagraph *getParagraph()
return _Paragraph;
/*if (_Paragraph.empty())
return NULL;
return _Paragraph.back();*/
// PRE mode
std::vector<bool> _PRE;
inline bool getPRE() const
if (_PRE.empty())
return false;
return _PRE.back();
// UL mode
std::vector<bool> _UL;
inline bool getUL() const
if (_UL.empty())
return false;
return _UL.back();
// A mode
std::vector<bool> _A;
inline bool getA() const
if (_A.empty())
return false;
return _A.back();
// IL mode
bool _LI;
// Current text color
std::vector<NLMISC::CRGBA> _TextColor;
inline const NLMISC::CRGBA &getTextColor() const
if (_TextColor.empty())
return TextColor;
return _TextColor.back();
// Current global color flag
std::vector<bool> _GlobalColor;
inline bool getGlobalColor() const
if (_GlobalColor.empty())
return false;
return _GlobalColor.back();
// Current font size
std::vector<uint> _FontSize;
inline uint getFontSize() const
if (_FontSize.empty())
return TextFontSize;
return _FontSize.back();
// Current link
std::vector<std::string> _Link;
inline const char *getLink() const
if (_Link.empty())
return "";
return _Link.back().c_str();
std::vector<std::string> _LinkTitle;
inline const char *getLinkTitle() const
if (_LinkTitle.empty())
return "";
return _LinkTitle.back().c_str();
std::vector<std::string> _LinkClass;
inline const char *getLinkClass() const
if (_LinkClass.empty())
return "";
return _LinkClass.back().c_str();
// Divs (i.e. interface group)
std::vector<class CInterfaceGroup*> _Divs;
inline CInterfaceGroup *getDiv() const
if (_Divs.empty())
return NULL;
return _Divs.back();
// Tables
std::vector<class CGroupTable*> _Tables;
inline CGroupTable *getTable() const
if (_Tables.empty())
return NULL;
return _Tables.back();
// Cells
std::vector<class CGroupCell*> _Cells;
// TR
std::vector<bool> _TR;
inline bool getTR() const
if (_TR.empty())
return false;
return _TR.back();
// Forms
class CForm
class CEntry
CEntry ()
TextArea = NULL;
Checkbox = NULL;
ComboBox = NULL;
InitialSelection = 0;
// Variable name
std::string Name;
// Variable value
ucstring Value;
// Text area group
CInterfaceGroup *TextArea;
// Checkbox
CCtrlButton *Checkbox;
// Combobox group
CDBGroupComboBox *ComboBox;
// select values (for the <select> tag)
std::vector<std::string> SelectValues;
sint InitialSelection; // initial selection for the combo box
// The action the form has to perform
std::string Action;
// The text area associated with the form
std::vector<CEntry> Entries;
std::vector<CForm> _Forms;
std::vector<CInterfaceGroup *> _Groups;
// Cells parameters
class CCellParams
CCellParams () : BgColor(0,0,0,0)
Align = CGroupCell::Left;
VAlign = CGroupCell::Top;
LeftMargin = 0;
NoWrap = false;
std::string Style;
CGroupCell::TAlign Align;
CGroupCell::TVAlign VAlign;
sint32 LeftMargin;
bool NoWrap;
std::vector<CCellParams> _CellParams;
// Indentation
uint _Indent;
// Current node is a title
bool _Title;
// Current node must be localized
bool _Localize;
// Current node is a text area
bool _TextArea;
std::string _TextAreaTemplate;
ucstring _TextAreaContent;
std::string _TextAreaName;
uint _TextAreaRow;
uint _TextAreaCols;
// current mode is in select option
bool _SelectOption;
ucstring _SelectOptionStr;
// Current node is a object
std::string _ObjectType;
std::string _ObjectData;
std::string _ObjectMD5Sum;
std::string _ObjectAction;
std::string _TextAreaScript;
// Get last char
ucchar getLastChar() const;
// Current link view
class CViewLink *_CurrentViewLink;
class CViewBitmap *_CurrentViewImage;
// Current group table
class CGroupCell *_CurrentCell;
// The main group
class CGroupListAdaptor *_GroupListAdaptor;
// For auto selecting the node in a BrowseTree bound to this HTML web page
std::string _BrowseTree;
// select the tree node that has the correct url
const std::string &selectTreeNodeRecurs(CGroupTree::SNode *node, const std::string &url);
// search if the action / params match the url. look recurs into procedures
bool actionLaunchUrlRecurs(const std::string &ah, const std::string &params, const std::string &url);
// Browse undo and redo
enum {MaxUrlUndoRedo= 256};
std::string _BrowseUndoButton;
std::string _BrowseRedoButton;
std::string _BrowseRefreshButton;
// _BrowseUrl is different from _URL, in that _URL may change in handle()
std::string _AskedUrl;
std::deque<std::string> _BrowseUndo;
std::deque<std::string> _BrowseRedo;
void pushUrlUndoRedo(const std::string &url);
void doBrowse(const char *url);
void updateUndoRedoButtons();
void updateRefreshButton();
// For Killing request. Associate each CGroupHTML object with a unique ID.
uint32 _GroupHtmlUID;
static uint32 _GroupHtmlUIDPool;
typedef std::map<uint32, NLMISC::CRefPtr<CGroupHTML> > TGroupHtmlByUIDMap;
static TGroupHtmlByUIDMap _GroupHtmlByUID;
// decode all HTML entities
static ucstring decodeHTMLEntities(const ucstring &str);
// ImageDownload system
enum TDataType {ImgType= 0, BnpType};
struct CDataDownload
CDataDownload(CURL *c, const std::string &u, FILE *f, TDataType t, CViewBase *i, const std::string &s, const std::string &m) : curl(c), url(u), luaScript(s), md5sum(m), type(t), fp(f)
if (t == ImgType) imgs.push_back(i);
CURL *curl;
std::string url;
std::string luaScript;
std::string md5sum;
TDataType type;
FILE *fp;
std::vector<CViewBase *> imgs;
std::vector<CDataDownload> Curls;
CURLM *MultiCurl;
int RunningCurls;
void initImageDownload();
void checkImageDownload();
void addImageDownload(const std::string &url, CViewBase *img);
std::string localImageName(const std::string &url);
bool isTrustedDomain(const std::string &domain);
void setImage(CViewBase *view, const std::string &file);
// BnpDownload system
void initBnpDownload();
void checkBnpDownload();
bool addBnpDownload(const std::string &url, const std::string &action, const std::string &script, const std::string &md5sum);
std::string localBnpName(const std::string &url);
void releaseDownloads();
void checkDownloads();
// adapter group that store y offset for inputs inside an html form
class CGroupHTMLInputOffset : public CInterfaceGroup
sint32 Offset;
CGroupHTMLInputOffset(const TCtorParam &param);
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_frame.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_text.h"
namespace NLGUI
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CGroupList : public CInterfaceGroup
enum EAlign
Bottom = 0,
CGroupList(const TCtorParam &param);
// dtor
* add a child element to the group at the last position
* 'order' of the element is set to the last order + 1
* \param child : pointer to the child element
void addChild (CViewBase* child, bool deleteOnRemove=true);
/** add a child before the element at the given index.
* 'order' of the element is set to 0
* \return true if there was enough room for that child
bool addChildAtIndex(CViewBase *child, uint index, bool deleteOnRemove = true);
* add a text child element to the group, using the text template
* \param line : text to be added
* \param color : text color
void addTextChild (const ucstring& line,const NLMISC::CRGBA &textColor, bool multiLine = true);
* add a text child element to the group, using the text template
* \param line : text to be added
void addTextChild (const ucstring& line, bool multiLine = true);
/// Same as adding a text child but the text will be taken from the string manager
void addTextChildID (uint32 id, bool multiLine = true);
// the same, but with id taken from the database
void addTextChildID (const std::string &dbPath, bool multiLine = true);
bool delChild (CViewBase* child, bool noWarning=false, bool forceDontDelete = false);
bool delChild(uint index, bool forceDontDelete = false);
CViewBase *getChild(uint index) const { return _Elements[index].Element; }
int luaGetChild(CLuaState &ls);
void deleteAllChildren();
void removeHead();
// Get the number of children
uint getNumChildren() const { return (uint)_Elements.size(); }
// Get the number of active children
uint getNumActiveChildren() const;
* set the template that will be used to add text;
* \templ : a CViewText object. Only its font size, color and shadow are required.
void setTextTemplate(const CViewText& templ);
* set the template that will be used to add text;
* \templ : a CViewText object. Only its font size, color and shadow are required.
CViewText * getTextTemplatePtr()
return &_Templ;
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
* parse the element and initalize it
* \paral cur : pointer to the node describing this element
* \param parentGroup : the parent group of this element
* \return true if success
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
//virtual uint32 getMemory();
* init or reset the children element coords. Orverloaded from CInterfaceGroup because we begin with the last inserted element here
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual void draw();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor& eventDesc);
virtual void clearViews();
virtual void clearControls();
virtual void clearGroups();
void setSpace (sint32 s) { _Space = s; }
virtual CInterfaceElement* getElement (const std::string &id)
{ return CInterfaceGroup::getElement (id); }
sint32 getNbElement() { return (sint32)_Elements.size(); }
sint32 getSpace() { return _Space; }
void setDynamicDisplaySize (bool dds) { _DynamicDisplaySize = dds; }
bool getDynamicDisplaySize() { return _DynamicDisplaySize; }
void forceSizeW (sint32 newSizeW);
void forceSizeH (sint32 newSizeH);
void setMinW(sint32 minW);
void setMinH(sint32 minH);
sint32 getMinW() const {return _MinW;}
sint32 getMinH() const {return _MinH;}
// set the rank for the element at the given index (used to reinsert container after they have been turned into popups)
void setOrder(uint index, uint order) { _Elements[index].Order = order; }
uint getOrder(uint index) const { return _Elements[index].Order; }
// get element of index or -1 if not found
sint32 getElementIndex(CViewBase* child) const;
int luaGetElementIndex(CLuaState &ls);
// swap 2 entries in the list (and also their orders)
void swapChildren(uint index1, uint index2);
int luaUpChild(CLuaState &ls);
int luaDownChild(CLuaState &ls);
// deleteOnRemove flag
void setDelOnRemove(uint index, bool delOnRemove);
bool getDelOnRemove(uint index) const;
// children number
void setChildrenNb(sint32 /* val */){}
sint32 getChildrenNb() const {return (sint32)_Elements.size();}
int luaAddChild(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddChildAtIndex(CLuaState &ls);
int luaDetachChild(CLuaState &ls);
int luaClear(CLuaState &ls); // synonimous for deleteAllChildren
int luaAddTextChild(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddColoredTextChild(CLuaState &ls);
int luaDelChild(CLuaState &ls);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CGroupList, CInterfaceGroup)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addTextChild", luaAddTextChild)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addColoredTextChild", luaAddColoredTextChild)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addChild", luaAddChild);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addChildAtIndex", luaAddChildAtIndex);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("detachChild", luaDetachChild);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("clear", luaClear);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("delChild", luaDelChild);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("upChild", luaUpChild);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("downChild", luaDownChild);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getChild", luaGetChild);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getElementIndex", luaGetElementIndex);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("childrenNb", getChildrenNb, setChildrenNb);
std::string _HardText;
uint32 _TextId;
//max number of elements
sint32 _MaxElements;
// Where to add next element
EAlign _AddElt;
// Where to align the newly added element
EAlign _Align;
// Space between two elements in pixel
sint32 _Space;
// Text template
CViewText _Templ;
// Current id of the view
sint32 _IdCounter;
// Used for context menu to display the same size as the whole content
bool _DynamicDisplaySize;
// Do we have a color under the element pointed by the mouse
bool _Over;
// If over is true so we have a color
// Current elt over the pointer
sint32 _OverElt;
struct CElementInfo
uint Order; // Used to sort the window by their insertion order.
// This is used to put back a window at the right place if it was turned into a popup.
CViewBase *Element;
bool EltDeleteOnRemove;
friend struct CRemoveViewPred;
friend struct CRemoveCtrlPred;
friend struct CRemoveGroupPred;
// The list is forced to be at least this size in updateCoords().
sint32 _MinW;
sint32 _MinH;
// To conserve elements in the order they have been added
// (the element drawn are stored in _views, _contrlos or _childrengroups of cinterfacegroup
std::vector<CElementInfo> _Elements;
void setHSGroup (CViewBase *child, EAlign addElt, EAlign align);
void setHSParent(CViewBase *view, EAlign addElt, EAlign align, uint space);
void setupSizes();
void onTextChanged();
#endif // NL_GROUP_LIST_H
/* End of group_list.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_modal.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_submenu_base.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_text.h"
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_text_button.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlScroll;
class CViewBitmap;
class CGroupList;
class CGroupMenu;
* CViewTextMenu is an element of a sub menu
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CViewTextMenu : public CViewText
CViewTextMenu(const TCtorParam &param) : CViewText(param)
_Grayed = false;
_Checked = false;
_Checkable = false;
_CheckBox = NULL;
Over = false;
bool getGrayed() const;
void setGrayed (bool g);
bool getChecked() const { return _Checked; }
void setChecked(bool c);
bool getCheckable() const { return _Checkable; }
void setCheckable(bool c);
void setCheckBox(CViewBitmap *checkBox) { _CheckBox = checkBox; }
CViewBitmap * getCheckBox() const { return _CheckBox; }
bool getFormatted () const { return getMultiLine (); }
virtual sint32 getAlpha() const;
virtual void setAlpha (sint32 a);
REFLECT_BOOL("grayed", getGrayed, setGrayed);
REFLECT_BOOL("checked", getChecked, setChecked);
bool Over;
NLMISC::CRGBA OldShadowColor;
NLMISC::CRGBA OldShadowColorOver;
NLMISC::CRGBA OldColorGrayed;
NLMISC::CRGBA OldShadowColorGrayed;
CViewBitmap *_CheckBox;
bool _Grayed;
bool _Checked;
bool _Checkable;
* CGroupSubMenu describe an element of a contextual menu (contains text lines and sub menu)
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CGroupSubMenu : public CGroupSubMenuBase
CGroupSubMenu(const TCtorParam &param);
virtual ~CGroupSubMenu();
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parent=NULL);
virtual void checkCoords();
virtual void updateCoords ();
virtual void draw ();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &eventDesc);
virtual CInterfaceElement* getElement (const std::string &id);
// retrieve the index of a line from its id (-1 if not found)
sint getLineFromId(const std::string &id);
CViewTextMenu* addLine (const ucstring &name, const std::string &ah,
const std::string &params, const std::string &id="",
const std::string &cond = std::string(), const std::string &texture="",
bool checkable = false, bool checked = false, bool formatted = false
CViewTextMenu* addLineAtIndex(uint index, const ucstring &name, const std::string &ah,
const std::string &params, const std::string &id="",
const std::string &cond = std::string(), const std::string &texture="",
bool checkable = false, bool checked = false, bool formatted = false
void addSeparator(const std::string &id = "");
void addSeparatorAtIndex(uint index, const std::string &id = "");
uint getNumLine() const { return (uint)_Lines.size(); }
void removeLine(uint index);
const std::string getActionHandler(uint lineIndex) const;
const std::string getActionHandlerParam(uint lineIndex) const;
void openSubMenu (sint32 nb);
void hideSubMenus ();
// reset all entries of the sub menu
void reset();
virtual void setActive (bool state);
// Tell if the line is a separator or not
bool isSeparator (uint i) const;
/** Set a user defined group at the given line
* 'ownership' tells whether this menu should remove the group when it is deleted
* Setting a user group on a line with a separator is illegal
void setUserGroupRight(uint line, CInterfaceGroup *group, bool ownership);
CInterfaceGroup *getUserGroupRight(uint line) const;
void setUserGroupLeft(uint line, CInterfaceGroup *group, bool ownership);
CInterfaceGroup *getUserGroupLeft(uint line) const;
void removeAllUserGroups();
uint getNumLines() const { return (uint)_Lines.size(); }
// return pointer to submenu or NULL if there's none
CGroupSubMenu *getSubMenu(uint index) const;
void setSubMenu(uint index, CGroupSubMenu *sub);
// if a menu isn't selectable, can't click on it, and there's no selection when the mouse is over it (but can click on its widgets, such as a usergroup)
void setSelectable(uint lineIndex, bool selectable);
bool getSelectable(uint lineIndex) const;
// Gray a line.
void setGrayedLine(uint line, bool g);
// Hide a line.
void setHiddenLine(uint line, bool h);
// Max Visible Line (-1 == no limit)
void setMaxVisibleLine(sint32 mvl);
sint32 getMaxVisibleLine() { return _MaxVisibleLine; }
// Get the Line Id (not the full Id)
const std::string &getLineId(uint index);
int luaGetNumLine(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetSubMenu(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddSubMenu(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetLineId(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetLineFromId(CLuaState &ls);
int luaIsSeparator(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddLine(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddLineAtIndex(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddSeparator(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddSeparatorAtIndex(CLuaState &ls);
int luaRemoveLine(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSetUserGroupRight(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetUserGroupRight(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSetUserGroupLeft(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetUserGroupLeft(CLuaState &ls);
int luaReset(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSetMaxVisibleLine(CLuaState &ls);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CGroupSubMenu, CGroupSubMenuBase)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getNumLine", luaGetNumLine);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getLineId", luaGetLineId); // return the id of a line from its index
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getLineFromId", luaGetLineFromId); // return -1 if line with id is not found
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getSubMenu", luaGetSubMenu);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addSubMenu", luaAddSubMenu);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("isSeparator", luaIsSeparator);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addLine", luaAddLine); // name, ah, ah_params, id
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addLineAtIndex", luaAddLineAtIndex); // index, name, ah, ah_params, id
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addSeparator", luaAddSeparator);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addSeparatorAtIndex", luaAddSeparatorAtIndex);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("removeLine", luaRemoveLine);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("reset", luaReset);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setUserGroupRight", luaSetUserGroupRight); // line, group ptr
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getUserGroupRight", luaGetUserGroupRight); // line
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setUserGroupLeft", luaSetUserGroupLeft); // line, group ptr
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getUserGroupLeft", luaGetUserGroupLeft);// line
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setMaxVisibleLine", luaSetMaxVisibleLine);
struct SSubMenuEntry
CViewTextMenu *ViewText; // Backup of the children that are in grouplist
CInterfaceGroup *Separator;
std::string AHName;
std::string AHParams;
std::string Id;
std::string Cond; // condition to know if the entry is grayed
CViewBitmap *CheckBox;
CViewBitmap *RightArrow;
CInterfaceGroup *UserGroupRight; // not for separator, inserted before checkbox & submenu arrow
CInterfaceGroup *UserGroupLeft;
bool UserGroupRightOwnership;
bool UserGroupLeftOwnership;
bool Selectable;
sint32 HReal; // max H of the view text and the other user group
sint32 TextDY; // Y of the view text to set
ViewText = NULL;
Separator = NULL;
CheckBox = NULL;
RightArrow = NULL;
UserGroupRight = NULL;
UserGroupLeft = NULL;
UserGroupRightOwnership = false;
Selectable = true;
HReal= 0;
TextDY= 0;
CGroupList *_GroupList;
CCtrlScroll *_ScrollBar;
CViewBitmap *_SelectionView;
std::vector<SSubMenuEntry> _Lines;
std::vector<CGroupSubMenu*> _SubMenus;
CGroupMenu *_GroupMenu; // Master parent
sint32 _Selected;
sint32 _MaxVisibleLine; // -1 == no limit
friend class CGroupMenu;
/** Clone this menu, and set its new father
* If appendToMenu is NULL, the menu is just copied
* otherwise, no copy is made, but this menu entries are appended to the already created 'appendMenu' menu.
* NB : user groups are not duplicated
CGroupSubMenu *cloneMenu(CGroupSubMenu *appendToMenu, CGroupMenu *newFather, CInterfaceGroup *initGroup = NULL) const;
void initOptions(CInterfaceGroup *parent);
CViewBitmap *createCheckBox(bool checked);
CViewBitmap *createRightArrow(CInterfaceElement *parentPos, bool center);
* class describing a menu composed of one or more CGroupListSubMenu
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CGroupMenu : public CGroupModal
CGroupMenu(const TCtorParam &param);
virtual ~CGroupMenu();
TCaseMode getCaseMode() { return _CaseMode; }
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void draw ();
void recurseDraw(CGroupSubMenu *pSubMenu);
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &eventDesc);
virtual CInterfaceElement* getElement (const std::string &id);
virtual void setActive (bool state);
virtual bool isWindowUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y);
// add line with a string, for backward compatibility
void addLine (const std::string &name, const std::string &ah, const std::string &params,
const std::string &id = std::string(),
const std::string &cond = std::string(), const std::string &texture="",
bool checkable = false, bool checked = false);
uint getNumLine() const;
void deleteLine(uint index);
const std::string getActionHandler(uint lineIndex) const;
const std::string getActionHandlerParam(uint lineIndex) const;
void addLine (const ucstring &name, const std::string &ah = "", const std::string &params = "",
const std::string &id = std::string(),
const std::string &cond = std::string(), const std::string &texture="",
bool checkable = false, bool checked = false
void addLineAtIndex (uint index, const ucstring &name, const std::string &ah = "", const std::string &params = "",
const std::string &id = std::string(),
const std::string &cond = std::string(), const std::string &texture="",
bool checkable = false, bool checked = false
void setUserGroupRight(uint line, CInterfaceGroup *gr, bool ownerShip = true);
void setUserGroupLeft(uint line, CInterfaceGroup *gr, bool ownerShip = true);
// clear all sub menus
void reset ();
// set the minW of the RootMenu.
void setMinW(sint32 minW);
// Gray a line on the RootMenu
void setGrayedLine(uint line, bool g);
CGroupSubMenu *getRootMenu() const { return _RootMenu; }
// Max Visible Line (-1 == no limit)
void setMaxVisibleLine(sint32 mvl) { _RootMenu->setMaxVisibleLine(mvl); }
sint32 getMaxVisibleLine() { return _RootMenu->getMaxVisibleLine(); }
// special for menu launched from a modal....
bool getCloseSubMenuUsingPopModal() const {return _CloseSubMenuUsingPopModal;}
void setCloseSubMenuUsingPopModal(bool state) {_CloseSubMenuUsingPopModal= state;}
int luaGetRootMenu(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSetMinW(CLuaState &ls);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getRootMenu", luaGetRootMenu);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setMinW", luaSetMinW);
TCaseMode _CaseMode;
CGroupSubMenu *_RootMenu;
std::string _Extends;
// Text lookup
NLMISC::CRGBA _ShadowColor;
bool _CloseSubMenuUsingPopModal;
bool _Shadow;
bool _Formatted;
uint8 _Space;
sint32 _FontSize;
NLMISC::CRGBA _ColorOver; // Color of the text when the mouse is over it
NLMISC::CRGBA _ShadowColorOver; // Color of the shadow when the mouse is over it
NLMISC::CRGBA _HighLightOver; // Background color of the selection
NLMISC::CRGBA _ColorGrayed; // Color of the text when it is unusable
NLMISC::CRGBA _ShadowColorGrayed; // Color of the shadow when it is unusable
friend class CGroupSubMenu;
#endif // RZ_GROUP_MENU_H
/* End of group_menu.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_frame.h"
namespace NLGUI
// ***************************************************************************
* A group with special modal options
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CGroupModal : public CGroupFrame
bool SpawnOnMousePos : 1;
bool ExitClickOut : 1;
bool ExitClickL : 1;
bool ExitClickR : 1;
bool ForceInsideScreen : 1;
bool ExitKeyPushed : 1;
sint32 SpawnMouseX, SpawnMouseY;
std::string Category;
std::string OnClickOut; // Launched when clicking out of the window, and BEFORE a new control has been cpatured
std::string OnClickOutParams;
std::string OnPostClickOut; // Launched when clicking out of the window, and AFTER a new control has been captured
std::string OnPostClickOutParams;
/// Constructor
CGroupModal(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void updateCoords ();
void setBaseX(sint32 x) { _MouseDeltaX = x;}
void setBaseY(sint32 y) { _MouseDeltaY = y;}
// ******************
sint32 _MouseDeltaX, _MouseDeltaY;
#endif // NL_GROUP_MODAL_H
/* End of group_modal.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_frame.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_text.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_link.h"
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_button.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlLink : public CCtrlButton
CCtrlLink (const TCtorParam &param) : CCtrlButton(param)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CGroupParagraph : public CInterfaceGroup
enum EAlign
Bottom = 0,
CGroupParagraph(const TCtorParam &param);
// dtor
* add a child element to the group at the last position
* 'order' of the element is set to the last order + 1
* \param child : pointer to the child element
void addChild (CViewBase* child, bool deleteOnRemove=true);
* add a link element to the group at the last position
* \param child : pointer to the child element
void addChildLink (CViewLink* child, bool deleteOnRemove=true);
/** add a child before the element at the given index.
* 'order' of the element is set to 0
* \return true if there was enough room for that child
bool addChildAtIndex(CViewBase *child, uint index, bool deleteOnRemove = true);
* add a text child element to the group, using the text template
* \param line : text to be added
* \param color : text color
void addTextChild (const ucstring& line,const NLMISC::CRGBA &textColor, bool multiLine = true);
* add a text child element to the group, using the text template
* \param line : text to be added
void addTextChild (const ucstring& line, bool multiLine = true);
/// Same as adding a text child but the text will be taken from the string manager
void addTextChildID (uint32 id, bool multiLine = true);
// the same, but with id taken from the database
void addTextChildID (const std::string &dbPath, bool multiLine = true);
void delChild (CViewBase* child);
void delChild(uint index);
CViewBase *getChild(uint index) const { return _Elements[index].Element; }
void deleteAllChildren();
// void removeHead();
// Get the number of children
uint getNumChildren() const { return (uint)_Elements.size(); }
// Get the number of active children
uint getNumActiveChildren() const;
* set the template that will be used to add text;
* \templ : a CViewText object. Only its font size, color and shadow are required.
void setTextTemplate(const CViewText& templ);
* set the template that will be used to add text;
* \templ : a CViewText object. Only its font size, color and shadow are required.
CViewText * getTextTemplatePtr()
return &_Templ;
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
* parse the element and initalize it
* \paral cur : pointer to the node describing this element
* \param parentGroup : the parent group of this element
* \return true if success
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
//virtual uint32 getMemory();
* init or reset the children element coords. Orverloaded from CInterfaceGroup because we begin with the last inserted element here
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual void checkCoords();
virtual void draw();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor& eventDesc);
virtual void clearViews();
virtual void clearControls();
virtual void clearGroups();
void setSpace (sint32 s) { _Space = s; }
virtual CInterfaceElement* getElement (const std::string &id)
{ return CInterfaceGroup::getElement (id); }
sint32 getNbElement() { return (sint32)_Elements.size(); }
sint32 getSpace() { return _Space; }
void forceSizeW (sint32 newSizeW);
void forceSizeH (sint32 newSizeH);
void setMinW(sint32 minW);
void setMinH(sint32 minH);
sint32 getMinW() const {return _MinW;}
sint32 getMinH() const {return _MinH;}
// set the rank for the element at the given index (used to reinsert container after they have been turned into popups)
void setOrder(uint index, uint order) { _Elements[index].Order = order; }
uint getOrder(uint index) const { return _Elements[index].Order; }
// get element of index or -1 if not found
sint32 getElementIndex(CViewBase* child) const;
// swap 2 entries in the list (and also their orders)
// void swapChildren(uint index1, uint index2);
// deleteOnRemove flag
void setDelOnRemove(uint index, bool delOnRemove);
bool getDelOnRemove(uint index) const;
void setTopSpace(uint topSpace)
_TopSpace = topSpace;
uint getTopSpace()
return _TopSpace;
void setIndent(uint indent) { _Indent = indent; }
void setFirstViewIndent(sint indent)
_FirstViewIndentView = indent;
// Set the HTML group used for links
void setBrowseGroup (CInterfaceElement *group)
_BrowseGroup = group;
/// \from CInterfaceElement
void onInvalidateContent();
sint32 getMaxUsedW() const;
sint32 getMinUsedW() const;
// Content validated
bool _ContentValidated;
// Where to add next element
EAlign _AddElt;
// Where to align the newly added element
EAlign _Align;
// Space between two elements in pixel
sint32 _Space;
// Text template
CViewText _Templ;
// Current id of the view
sint32 _IdCounter;
// Do we have a color under the element pointed by the mouse
bool _Over;
// If over is true so we have a color
// Current elt over the pointer
sint32 _OverElt;
struct CElementInfo
uint Order; // Used to sort the window by their insertion order.
// This is used to put back a window at the right place if it was turned into a popup.
CViewBase *Element;
bool EltDeleteOnRemove;
friend struct CRemoveViewPred;
friend struct CRemoveCtrlPred;
friend struct CRemoveGroupPred;
// The list is forced to be at least this size in updateCoords().
sint32 _MinW;
sint32 _MinH;
// To conserve elements in the order they have been added
// (the element drawn are stored in _views, _contrlos or _childrengroups of cinterfacegroup
std::vector<CElementInfo> _Elements;
// Last parent width
sint32 _LastW;
// Top space
uint _TopSpace;
// Indent
uint _Indent; // Left margin
sint _FirstViewIndentView; // Additionnal left margin for the first view
// A link structure
class CLink
CLink(CViewLink *link);
// The link view
CViewLink *Link;
// The three control button
CCtrlLink *CtrlLink[3];
// The links
std::vector<CLink> _Links;
// The HTML group used
CInterfaceElement *_BrowseGroup;
std::string _HardText;
uint32 _TextId;
void setupSizes();
void onTextChanged();
// void setHSGroup (CViewBase *child, EAlign addElt, EAlign align);
// void setHSParent(CViewBase *view, EAlign addElt, EAlign align, uint space);
/* End of group_paragraph.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlBaseButton;
class CCtrlScroll;
class CGroupList;
// Can be used to build a chat window or anything that displays sequences of strings
* Widget to have a resizable scrolltext and its scrollbar
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CGroupScrollText : public CInterfaceGroup
/// Constructor
CGroupScrollText(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
/// CInterfaceGroup Interface
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void updateCoords ();
virtual void checkCoords ();
virtual void draw ();
virtual void clearViews ();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &eventDesc);
// get the list associated to this group
CGroupList *getList() const { return _List; }
// Get the scroll bar
CCtrlScroll *getScrollBar() const { return _ScrollBar; }
// from CCtrlBase
virtual void elementCaptured(CCtrlBase *capturedElement);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CGroupScrollText, CInterfaceGroup)
CGroupList *_List;
CCtrlScroll *_ScrollBar;
CCtrlBaseButton *_ButtonAdd;
CCtrlBaseButton *_ButtonSub;
bool _Settuped;
bool _InvertScrollBar;
sint32 _ListHeight;
void setup();
void updateScrollBar();
// private use for action handlers
sint32 _StartHeight;
sint64 _EllapsedTime;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/group_frame.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CGroupSubMenuBase : public CGroupFrame
CGroupSubMenuBase( const TCtorParam &param );
virtual void openSubMenu( sint32 nb );
virtual void hideSubMenus();
REFLECT_EXPORT_START( CGroupSubMenuBase, CGroupFrame )

View file

@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef NL_GROUP_TAB_H
#define NL_GROUP_TAB_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_text_button.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlTabButton;
// ***************************************************************************
* Group handling Ctrl Tab, to easily simulate Tab ctrl.
* NB: controlled groups doesn't have to be child of the GroupTab, they are searched in order:
* - in this group
* - in the parent group
* - in global
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CGroupTab : public CInterfaceGroup
/// Constructor
CGroupTab(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void updateCoords ();
// select the ctrl tab. -1 will invalidate all.
void select(sint index);
sint getSelection() const;
// select with a CCtrlTabButton ptr
void selectFromCtrl(CCtrlTabButton *button);
// select a default activated tab, if the current is a special ctrlTab
void selectDefault(CCtrlTabButton *ifSelectionIs);
// select a default activated tab, if the current is hid
void selectDefaultIfCurrentHid();
// add new tab
void addTab(CCtrlTabButton *tabB);
void addTab(CCtrlTabButton *tabB, sint index);
int luaAddTab(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddTabWithOrder(CLuaState &ls);
// remove selected tab
void removeTab(sint index);
int luaRemoveTab(CLuaState &ls);
// remove all tabs
void removeAll();
int luaRemoveAll(CLuaState &ls);
// tab number
void setTabButtonNb(sint32 /* val */){}
sint32 getTabButtonNb() const {return (sint32)_Buttons.size();}
// selection index
void setIndexSelection(sint32 val){select((sint)val);}
sint32 getIndexSelection() const {return (sint32)_NextSelection;}
// selection index
void setAssociatedGroupSelection(const std::string & /* assG */){}
std::string getAssociatedGroupSelection() const;
// get group from index
CInterfaceGroup* getGroup(sint index);
int luaGetGroup(CLuaState &ls);
// get tab from index
CCtrlTabButton* getTabButton(sint index);
int luaGetTabButton(CLuaState &ls);
// first showed tab button
sint32 getFirstTabButton() const {return (sint32)_FirstTabIndex;}
// last showed tab button
sint32 getLastTabButton() const {return (sint32)_LastTabIndex;}
// update showed tab buttons on function of GroupTab width
void updateFirstTabButton();
int luaShowTabButton(CLuaState &ls);
void dummySet(sint32 /* value */){}
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CGroupTab, CInterfaceGroup)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addTab", luaAddTab)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addTabWithOrder", luaAddTabWithOrder)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("removeTab", luaRemoveTab)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("removeAll", luaRemoveAll)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getGroup", luaGetGroup)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getTabButton", luaGetTabButton)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("showTabButton", luaShowTabButton)
REFLECT_SINT32 ("tabButtonNb", getTabButtonNb, setTabButtonNb)
REFLECT_SINT32 ("selection", getIndexSelection, setIndexSelection)
REFLECT_SINT32 ("firstTabButton", getFirstTabButton, dummySet)
REFLECT_SINT32 ("lastTabButton", getLastTabButton, dummySet)
REFLECT_STRING ("associatedGroupSelection", getAssociatedGroupSelection, setAssociatedGroupSelection)
std::vector<CCtrlTabButton*> _Buttons; // can't be NULL.
std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*> _Groups; // may be NULL
sint _Selection;
sint _NextSelection;
sint _BaseRenderLayer;
bool _Setuped;
bool _HideOutTabs;
sint _FirstTabIndex;
sint _LastTabIndex;
std::string _AHOnChange;
std::string _ParamsOnChange;
void setup();
// ***************************************************************************
* Used with CGroupTab
class CCtrlTabButton : public CCtrlTextButton
CCtrlTabButton(const TCtorParam &param);
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void setActive(bool state);
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event);
void setBlink (bool b);
std::string _AssociatedGroup;
IActionHandler *_AHOnLeftClick2;
sint32 _DefaultX;
bool _Blinking;
NLMISC::CRGBA _TextColorNormalBlink;
bool _TextModulateGlobalColorNormalBlink;
sint64 _BlinkDate;
bool _BlinkState;
#endif // NL_GROUP_TAB_H
/* End of group_tab.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_frame.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_text.h"
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_button.h"
namespace NLGUI
* This group is used to simulate HTML cells.
* They have specific parameters to be aligned like HTML cells.
* (Percent of the table size
class CGroupCell: public CInterfaceGroup
friend class CGroupTable;
CGroupCell(const TCtorParam &param);
enum TAlign
enum TVAlign
/// \from CInterfaceElement
virtual void draw();
virtual sint32 getMaxUsedW() const;
virtual sint32 getMinUsedW() const;
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
// to be called by CGroupTable
bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, uint columnIndex, uint rowIndex);
// If the cell is a new line. This is the first <td> after a <tr>
bool NewLine;
bool IgnoreMaxWidth;
bool IgnoreMinWidth;
bool AddChildW;
// The table width cell ratio. This is the <td width="50%"> parameter
float TableRatio;
// The Width you want in pixel. This is the <td width="100"> parameter
sint32 WidthWanted;
// The min height of the cell
sint32 Height;
// Memorize max width
sint32 WidthMax;
// The cell color
// Texture
CViewRenderer::CTextureId _TextureId; /// Accelerator
bool _UserTexture;
bool _TextureTiled;
bool _TextureScaled;
// Alignment
TAlign Align;
TVAlign VAlign;
sint32 LeftMargin;
// The cell group
CInterfaceGroup *Group;
// The cell is nowrap
bool NoWrap;
void setTexture(const std::string & TxName);
void setTextureTile(bool tiled);
void setTextureScale(bool scaled);
static void setDebugUICell( bool d ){ DebugUICell = d; }
static bool getDebugUICell(){ return DebugUICell; }
void setEnclosedGroupDefaultParams();
static bool DebugUICell;
* This group is used to simulate HTML table. Support "percent of the parent width" sizeRef mode.
class CGroupTable : public CInterfaceGroup
CGroupTable(const TCtorParam &param);
// dtor
// Add a cell in the table
void addChild (CGroupCell* child);
// The ratio you want [0 ~1]. This is the <table width="50%"> parameter
float TableRatio;
// The Width you want in pixel. This is the <table width="100"> parameter
sint32 ForceWidthMin;
// Table borders
sint32 Border;
sint32 CellPadding;
sint32 CellSpacing;
// The table color
uint8 CurrentAlpha;
bool ContinuousUpdate;
std::string getProperties( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
/// \from CInterfaceElement
void onInvalidateContent();
sint32 getMaxUsedW() const;
sint32 getMinUsedW() const;
void draw ();
* init or reset the children element coords. Orverloaded from CInterfaceGroup because we begin with the last inserted element here
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual void checkCoords();
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
// Content validated
bool _ContentValidated;
// Last parent width
sint32 _LastParentW;
// Children
std::vector<CGroupCell *> _Cells;
// Table column
class CColumn
Width = 0;
WidthMax = 0;
WidthWanted = 0;
TableRatio = 0;
Height = 0;
sint32 Width;
sint32 Height;
sint32 WidthWanted;
sint32 WidthMax;
float TableRatio;
// Table row
class CRow
Height = 0;
sint32 Height;
// Column table
std::vector<CColumn> _Columns;
// Column table
std::vector<CRow> _Rows;
#endif // NL_GROUP_TABLE_H
/* End of group_table.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_frame.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CViewText;
class CViewBitmap;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CGroupTree : public CInterfaceGroup
struct SNode;
// optional callback that is called when a node has been added
struct INodeAddedCallback
/** A node has just been added in the CGroupTree object
* \param node The logic node from which the ui node was built
* \param interfaceElement The ui node that was built
virtual void nodeAdded(SNode *node, CInterfaceElement *interfaceElement) = 0;
// Logic structure to initialize the group tree (root node is not displayed and is always opened)
struct SNode : public CReflectableRefPtrTarget
typedef NLMISC::CRefPtr<SNode> TRefPtr;
// Common
std::string Id; // If not present auto-generated
bool Opened;
bool DisplayText; // If false instanciate a template
bool Show; // If false, the node is not displayed (true default, Root ignored)
sint32 YDecal;
// Text
ucstring Text; // Internationalized displayed text
sint32 FontSize; // If -1 (default), then take the groupTree one
// Template
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CInterfaceGroup> Template;
// Actions Handlers (for left button)
std::string AHName;
std::string AHCond;
std::string AHParams;
// Actions Handlers (for right button)
std::string AHNameRight;
std::string AHParamsRight;
// Actions Handlers (close/open node)
std::string AHNameClose;
std::string AHParamsClose;
// bitmap at this level of hierarchy
std::string Bitmap; // additionnal bitmap
// Hierarchy
std::vector<SNode*> Children;
SNode *Father;
// updated at display
SNode *LastVisibleSon; // filled at build time, meaningfull only if son is shown and opened, undefined otherwise
// Node added callback
INodeAddedCallback *NodeAddedCallback;
CGroupTree *ParentTree;
// ----------------------------
void updateLastVisibleSon();
void detachChild(SNode *pNode);
void deleteChild(SNode *pNode);
void addChild (SNode *pNode);
bool isChild(SNode *pNode) const;
void addChildFront (SNode *pNode);
void addChildAtIndex (SNode *pNode, sint index);
void addChildSorted(SNode *pNode);
void addChildSortedByBitmap(SNode *pNode);
void setParentTree(CGroupTree *parent);
void setFather(SNode *father);
void closeAll();
void makeOrphan();
bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CGroupTree *parentGroup);
uint getNumBitmap() const { return Bitmap.empty() ? 0 : 1; }
SNode *getNodeFromId(const std::string &id);
// accessors
void setBitmap(const std::string &bitmap) { Bitmap = bitmap; }
std::string getBitmap() const { return Bitmap; }
void setOpened(bool opened) { Opened = opened; }
bool getOpened() const { return Opened; }
void setText(const ucstring &text) { Text = text; }
const ucstring& getText() const { return Text; }
sint32 getFontSize() const { return FontSize; }
void setFontSize(sint32 value) { FontSize = value; }
sint32 getYDecal() const { return YDecal; }
void setYDecal(sint32 value) { YDecal = value; }
std::string getId() const { return Id; }
void setId(const std::string &value) { Id = value; }
bool getShow() const { return Show; }
void setShow(bool value) { Show = value; }
std::string getAHName() const { return AHName; }
void setAHName(const std::string &value) { AHName = value; }
std::string getAHCond() const { return AHCond; }
void setAHCond(const std::string &value) { AHCond = value; }
std::string getAHParams() const { return AHParams; }
void setAHParams(const std::string &value) { AHParams = value; }
std::string getAHNameRight() const { return AHNameRight; }
void setAHNameRight(const std::string &value) { AHNameRight = value; }
std::string getAHParamsRight() const { return AHParamsRight; }
void setAHParamsRight(const std::string &value) { AHParamsRight = value; }
std::string getAHNameClose() const { return AHNameClose; }
void setAHNameClose(const std::string &value) { AHNameClose = value; }
std::string getAHParamsClose() const { return AHParamsClose; }
void setAHParamsClose(const std::string &value) { AHParamsClose = value; }
NLMISC::CRGBA getColor() const { return Color; }
void setColor(NLMISC::CRGBA color) { Color = color; }
// sort branch & sons alphabetically
void sort();
// sort branch & sons alphabetically & by bitmap name (blank bitmap being the first)
void sortByBitmap();
// lua bindings
int luaGetNumChildren(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetChild(CLuaState &ls);
int luaDetachChild(CLuaState &ls);
int luaDeleteChild(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddChild(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddChildSorted(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddChildSortedByBitmap(CLuaState &ls);
int luaIsChild(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddChildFront (CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddChildAtIndex (CLuaState &ls);
int luaCloseAll(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetFather(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSort(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSortByBitmap(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetNodeFromId(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetParentTree(CLuaState &ls);
// get node from first parameter on lua stack and throw necessary exception if not present
static SNode *luaGetNodeOnStack(CLuaState &ls, const char *funcName);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CGroupTree::SNode, CReflectable)
REFLECT_STRING("Id", getId, setId);
REFLECT_STRING("Bitmap", getBitmap, setBitmap);
REFLECT_SINT32("FontSize", getFontSize, setFontSize);
REFLECT_SINT32("YDecal", getYDecal, setYDecal);
REFLECT_STRING("AHName", getAHName, setAHName);
REFLECT_STRING("AHCond", getAHCond, setAHCond);
REFLECT_RGBA("Color", getColor, setColor);
REFLECT_STRING("AHParams", getAHParams, setAHParams);
REFLECT_STRING("AHNameRight", getAHNameRight, setAHNameRight);
REFLECT_STRING("AHParamsRight", getAHParamsRight, setAHParamsRight);
REFLECT_STRING("AHNameClose", getAHNameClose, setAHNameClose);
REFLECT_STRING("AHParamsClose", getAHParamsClose, setAHParamsClose);
REFLECT_BOOL("Opened", getOpened, setOpened);
REFLECT_BOOL("Show", getShow, setShow);
REFLECT_UCSTRING("Text", getText, setText);
// lua
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getNumChildren", luaGetNumChildren);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getChild", luaGetChild);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("detachChild", luaDetachChild);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("deleteChild", luaDeleteChild);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addChild", luaAddChild);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addChildSorted", luaAddChildSorted);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addChildSortedByBitmap", luaAddChildSortedByBitmap);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addChildFront", luaAddChildFront);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addChildAtIndex", luaAddChildAtIndex);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("isChild", luaIsChild);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("closeAll", luaCloseAll);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getFather", luaGetFather);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("sort", luaSort);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("sortByBitmap", luaSortByBitmap);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getNodeFromId", luaGetNodeFromId);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getParentTree", luaGetParentTree);
CGroupTree(const TCtorParam &param);
// dtor
virtual ~CGroupTree();
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual void checkCoords();
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual void draw();
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor& eventDesc);
void reset();
// force rebuild the tree at next updateCoords()
void forceRebuild();
// For SNode
sint32 getIdNumber() { _IdGenerator++; return _IdGenerator; }
sint32 getFontSize() { return _FontSize; }
sint32 getYDecal() { return _YDecal; }
// Set root node and delete the last one the user must not delete all allocated sub node. Nb: selection is reseted
void setRootNode (SNode *);
// Remove all lines bitmaps and templates or texts
void removeAll();
// unselect current node in tree
void unselect();
// Select a node by its line index (depends on opened nodes). no-op if not possible (AH not here, line>size)
void selectLine(uint line, bool runAH = true);
// simulate right button click on the given line (this also select the line)
bool rightButton(uint line);
// Get the Selected Node Id. empty if none selected
const std::string &getSelectedNodeId() const;
// Select by the node Id. return false if not found (selection is not reseted)
// NB: if the node was already selected, no-op (no action handler launched)
bool selectNodeById(const std::string &nodeId, bool triggerAH = true);
// Get the root node (Opened State represent the current state)
SNode *getRootNode () const {return _RootNode;}
// get current SNode under the mouse (possibly NULL)
SNode *getNodeUnderMouse() const;
// Get/Change the NavigateOneBrnahc option. if false, then perform a reset before
bool getNavigateOneBranch() const {return _NavigateOneBranch;}
void changeNavigateOneBranch(bool newState);
// should be called by action handler when thy want to cancel the selection of the line that triggered them
void cancelNextSelectLine();
// Get selected node
SNode * getSelectedNode() { return _SelectedNode;}
// lua bindings
int luaGetRootNode(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSetRootNode(CLuaState &ls);
int luaForceRebuild(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSelectNodeById(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetSelectedNodeId(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSelectLine(CLuaState &ls);
int luaUnselect(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetNodeUnderMouse(CLuaState &ls);
int luaCancelNextSelectLine(CLuaState &ls);
// Reflection
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CGroupTree, CInterfaceGroup)
REFLECT_BOOL ("navigate_one_branch", getNavigateOneBranch, changeNavigateOneBranch);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getRootNode", luaGetRootNode);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setRootNode", luaSetRootNode);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("forceRebuild", luaForceRebuild);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getSelectedNodeId", luaGetSelectedNodeId);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("selectNodeById", luaSelectNodeById);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("selectLine", luaSelectLine);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("unselect", luaUnselect);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getNodeUnderMouse", luaGetNodeUnderMouse);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("cancelNextSelectLine", luaCancelNextSelectLine);
void setupArbo();
sint32 _BmpW, _BmpH, _FontSize, _YDecal;
sint32 _XExtend;
// Display structure
struct SLine
CViewBase *TextOrTemplate;
std::vector<CViewBitmap*> Bmps;
SNode::TRefPtr Node;
uint8 Depth;
TextOrTemplate = NULL;
uint getNumAdditionnalBitmap() const;
void rebuild();
void addTextLine (uint8 nDepth, SNode *pNode);
void addHierarchyBitmaps();
SNode *selectNodeByIdRecurse(SNode *pNode, const std::string &nodeId);
SNode *_RootNode;
sint32 _IdGenerator;
bool _MustRebuild;
std::vector<SLine> _Lines;
sint32 _OverLine;
NLMISC::CRGBA _OverColorBack;
SNode *_SelectedNode;
sint32 _SelectedLine;
NLMISC::CRGBA _SelectedColor;
// If a node is closed and a son of this node was selected, then this option force the ancestor being the new selection
bool _SelectAncestorOnClose;
bool _NavigateOneBranch;
bool _AvoidSelectNodeByIdIR;
// when an action handler is run, it can call 'cancelSelectLine' if no selection should be done for real
bool _CancelNextSelectLine;
// Bitmap For arbo
std::string _ArboOpenFirst;
std::string _ArboCloseJustOne;
std::string _ArboSonWithoutSon;
std::string _ArboSonLast;
std::string _ArboSon;
std::string _ArboLevel;
std::string _ArboXExtend;
// Special rectangle
bool _RectangleOutlineMode;
sint32 _RectangleX, _RectangleY;
sint32 _RectangleW, _RectangleH;
sint32 _RectangleDeltaRL;
sint32 getHrcIconXStart(sint32 depth);
sint32 getHrcIconXEnd(sint32 depth);
void drawSelection(sint x, sint y, sint w, NLMISC::CRGBA col);
CViewBitmap *createViewBitmap(uint line, const std::string &idPrefix, const std::string &texture);
#endif // NL_GROUP_TREE_H
/* End of group_tree.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
namespace NLGUI
// Special group to handle the mouse wheel message
class CInterfaceGroupWheel : public CInterfaceGroup
/// Constructor
CInterfaceGroupWheel(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
/// Coming from CInterfaceElement
virtual bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event);
IActionHandler *_AHWheelUp;
CStringShared _AHWheelUpParams;
IActionHandler *_AHWheelDown;
CStringShared _AHWheelDownParams;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/event_descriptor.h"
namespace NLGUI
@brief Interface for accepting GUI input events.
class IInputEventListener
virtual ~IInputEventListener(){}
virtual bool handleEvent( const CEventDescriptor &eventDesc ) = 0;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/events.h"
#include "nel/gui/event_descriptor.h"
#include "nel/gui/input_event_listener.h"
namespace NLGUI{
@brief The input event entry point of the GUI library.
Translates the NEL input events and forwards them.
class CInputHandler
bool handleEvent( const NLMISC::CEvent &evnt );
bool handleSetFocusEvent( const NLMISC::CEvent &evnt );
bool handleKeyboardEvent( const NLMISC::CEvent &evnt );
bool handleMouseEvent( const NLMISC::CEvent &evnt );
bool handleMouseMoveEvent( const NLMISC::CEvent &evnt );
bool handleMouseButtonDownEvent( const NLMISC::CEvent &evnt );
bool handleMouseButtonUpEvent( const NLMISC::CEvent &evnt );
bool handleMouseDblClickEvent( const NLMISC::CEvent &evnt );
bool handleMouseWheelEvent( const NLMISC::CEvent &evnt );
void setListener( IInputEventListener* listener );
IInputEventListener *listener;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/interface_property.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_link.h"
#include "nel/3d/animation_time.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_track.h"
namespace NLGUI
* class managing an animation track
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CInterfaceTrack
virtual ~CInterfaceTrack();
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
void update (double currentTime);
bool isDynamic () { return _Dynamic; }
void eval(); // Evaluate dynamic keys
enum ETrackType
struct SDynKey
std::string Time;
std::string Value;
std::string InTan;
std::string OutTan;
std::string Step;
std::string Tension;
std::string Continuity;
std::string Bias;
std::string EaseTo;
std::string EaseFrom;
bool _Dynamic;
std::vector<SDynKey> _DynKeys;
ETrackType _Type;
NL3D::UTrackKeyframer *_TrackKeyFramer;
std::vector<CInterfaceLink::CTargetInfo> _Targets;
* class managing an animation of the interface
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CInterfaceAnim
virtual ~CInterfaceAnim();
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
void update();
void start();
void stop();
bool isFinished() { return _Finished; }
bool isDisableButtons() { return _DisableButtons; }
CInterfaceGroup *_Parent;
// Parsed properties
double _Duration;
bool _DisableButtons;
std::string _AHOnFinish;
std::string _AHOnFinishParams;
std::string _Id;
std::vector<CInterfaceTrack*> _Tracks;
// Current anim
double _CurrentTime;
bool _Finished;
bool _AnimHasToBeStopped;
/* End of interface_anim.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
enum WindowsPriority
enum THotSpot
Hotspot_BL = 36, // 100100,
Hotspot_BM = 34, // 100010,
Hotspot_BR = 33, // 100001,
Hotspot_ML = 20, // 010100,
Hotspot_MM = 18, // 010010
Hotspot_MR = 17, // 010001
Hotspot_TL = 12, // 001100
Hotspot_TM = 10, // 001010
Hotspot_TR = 9, // 001001
Hotspot_xR = 1, // 000001
Hotspot_xM = 2, // 000010
Hotspot_xL = 4, // 000100
Hotspot_Bx = 32, // 100000
Hotspot_Mx = 16, // 010000
Hotspot_Tx = 8, // 001000
Hotspot_TTAuto = 0, // Special For Tooltip PosRef. Auto mode. see CCtrlBase and tooltip info
#define DECLARE_UI_CLASS(_class_) \
virtual std::string getClassName() {return #_class_;} \
static NLMISC::IClassable *creator() {return new _class_(CViewBase::TCtorParam());}
#define REGISTER_UI_CLASS(_class_) \
class CRegisterUIClassHelper_##_class_ \
{ \
public: \
CRegisterUIClassHelper_##_class_() \
{ \
NLMISC::CClassRegistry::init(); \
NLMISC::CClassRegistry::registerClass(#_class_, _class_::creator, typeid(_class_).name()); \
} \
} RegisterUIClassHelper_##_class_;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/string_mapper.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_property.h"
#include "nel/gui/reflect.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_common.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CGroupList;
class CInterfaceLink;
class CInterfaceElement;
class CInterfaceGroup;
class CViewBase;
class CCtrlBase;
class IActionHandler;
class CGroupParagraph;
* A visitor to walk a tree of interface elements and apply a teartment on them.
* For each vsited element, visitElement() is called
* If the element is a control, then visitCtrl() is called, and then visitElement()
* If the element is a view, then visitView() is called, and then visitElement()
* If the element is a group, then visitGoup() is called, and then visitElement()
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CInterfaceElementVisitor
virtual void visit(CInterfaceElement * /* elem */) {}
virtual void visitGroup(CInterfaceGroup * /* group */) {}
virtual void visitView(CViewBase * /* view */) {}
virtual void visitCtrl(CCtrlBase * /* ctrl */) {}
* class describing a localisable interface element, i.e. : an element with coordinates
* \author Nicolas Brigand
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CInterfaceElement : public CReflectableRefPtrTarget, public NLMISC::IStreamable
enum EStrech
/// Constructor
_Parent = NULL;
_XReal = _YReal = _WReal = _HReal = 0;
_X = _Y = _W = _H = 0;
//_Snap = 1;
_PosRef = Hotspot_BL;
_ParentPosRef = Hotspot_BL;
_ParentPos = NULL;
_SizeRef = 0;
_SizeDivW = 10;
_SizeDivH = 10;
_ParentSize = NULL;
_Links = NULL;
_Active= true;
// default to 3 pass
_InvalidCoords= 3;
_ModulateGlobalColor= true;
_RenderLayer= 0;
_AvoidResizeParent= false;
editorSelected = false;
serializable = true;
// dtor
virtual ~CInterfaceElement();
/** Cloning
* Cloning is actually performed using a serial / unserial in a memory stream
* NB Nico : if too slow, should use a CFastStream version instead, that is designedto work in memory only
virtual CInterfaceElement *clone();
// help to serialize an action handler
static void serialAH(NLMISC::IStream &f, IActionHandler *&ah);
static std::string stripId( const std::string &fullId );
virtual std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
virtual void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
virtual xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
/// Parse the element and initalize it
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
/// Debug info on memory
virtual uint32 getMemory () { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
/// helper: display a parse error with the id of the lement
void parseError (CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup, const char *reason = NULL);
/// Accessors : GET
const std::string& getId() const { return _Id; }
std::string getShortId() const;
std::string getIdByValue() const { return _Id; }
CInterfaceGroup* getParent() const { return _Parent; }
CInterfaceElement* getParentPos() const { return _ParentPos; }
CInterfaceElement* getParentSize() const { return _ParentSize; }
/// Get the master group of this element (recurs call.
CInterfaceElement* getMasterGroup() const;
// get a possible group container
CInterfaceGroup* getParentContainer();
bool getActive() const { return _Active; }
sint32 getX() const { return _X; }
sint32 getY() const { return _Y; }
sint32 getW() const { return (_Active?_W:0); }
sint32 getW(bool bTestActive) const { return (bTestActive?(_Active?_W:0):_W); }
sint32 getH() const { return (_Active?_H:0); }
sint32 getH(bool bTestActive) const { return (bTestActive?(_Active?_H:0):_H); }
* Get the max width used by the window.
* The view must return the largest width its content can take if it will be resized at maximum.
* Typical use : for a CTextView multiline, it returns the size of the whole string.
* This method is used by the container CCGroupTable that need to know this information about its children in its resizing algorithm.
virtual sint32 getMaxUsedW() const { return INT_MAX; };
* Get the min width used by the window.
* The view must return the smallest width its content can take if it will be resized at minimum.
* Typical use : for a CTextView multiline without word clipping, it returns the size of the largest word.
* This method is used by the container CCGroupTable that need to know this information about its children in its resizing algorithm.
virtual sint32 getMinUsedW() const { return 0; };
//bool isSnapped() const { return (_Snap>1); }
//sint32 getSnapping() const { return _Snap; }
sint32 getXReal() const { return _XReal; }
sint32 getYReal() const { return _YReal; }
sint32 getWReal() const { return (_Active?_WReal:0); }
sint32 getHReal() const { return (_Active?_HReal:0); }
THotSpot getPosRef () const { return _PosRef; }
THotSpot getParentPosRef () const { return _ParentPosRef; }
sint32 getSizeRef() const { return _SizeRef; } // none == 0, w == 1, h == 2, wh == 3
void setSizeRef(sint32 value) { _SizeRef = value; }
/// Accessors : SET
void setId (const std::string &newID) { _Id = newID; }
inline void setName(const std::string &name) { _Name = name; }
inline const std::string& getName() { return _Name; }
virtual void setIdRecurse(const std::string &newID);
void setParent (CInterfaceGroup *pIG) { _Parent = pIG; }
void setParentPos (CInterfaceElement *pIG) { _ParentPos = pIG; }
void setParentSize (CInterfaceElement *pIG) { _ParentSize = pIG; }
virtual void setActive (bool state);
void setX (sint32 x) { _X = x; }
void setXAndInvalidateCoords (sint32 x) { _X = x; invalidateCoords(); }
void setY (sint32 y) { _Y = y; }
void setYAndInvalidateCoords (sint32 y) { _Y = y; invalidateCoords(); }
void setW (sint32 w);
void setWAndInvalidateCoords (sint32 w) { setW(w); invalidateCoords(); }
void setH (sint32 h);
void setHAndInvalidateCoords (sint32 h) { setH(h); invalidateCoords(); }
void setPosRef (THotSpot hs) { _PosRef = hs; }
void setParentPosRef (THotSpot hs) { _ParentPosRef = hs; }
// Get the coordinate of a corner on screen
void getCorner(sint32 &px, sint32 &py, THotSpot hotSpot);
/** Test if the given coordinates are inside this element
bool isIn(sint x, sint y) const;
/** Test if the given box intersect the element
bool isIn(sint x, sint y, uint width, uint height) const;
/** Test if another interface element intersect this one
bool isIn(const CInterfaceElement &other) const;
* get the window containing the element
* \return NULL if the element is not on the window, otherwise returns a pointer to the window
CInterfaceGroup* getRootWindow();
/** get the element Depth, ie the number of parent he has (0 if _Parent==NULL)
* \warning slow test. don't take into account CCtrlBase::getDeltaDepth() (since method not virtual)
uint getParentDepth() const;
* true if the element and all its parents are active (recurs up to the root window)
bool isActiveThroughParents() const;
* move the element (add dx and dy to its coords)
* \param dx : value added to _X
* \param dy : value added to _Y
virtual void move (sint32 dx, sint32 dy);
//void resizeBR (sint32 sizex, sint32 sizey);
//void stopResizeBR();
//void startResizeBR();
// Some tools
void relativeSInt64Read (CInterfaceProperty &rIP, const std::string &prop, const char *val,
const std::string &defVal);
void relativeSInt32Read (CInterfaceProperty &rIP, const std::string &prop, const char *val,
const std::string &defVal);
void relativeBoolRead (CInterfaceProperty &rIP, const std::string &prop, const char *val,
const std::string &defVal);
void relativeRGBARead (CInterfaceProperty &rIP, const std::string &prop, const char *val,
const std::string &defVal);
// Parse tools
static std::string HotSpotToString( THotSpot spot );
static std::string HotSpotCoupleToString( THotSpot parentPosRef, THotSpot posRef );
static THotSpot convertHotSpot (const char *ptr); //
static void convertHotSpotCouple (const char *ptr, THotSpot &parentPosRef, THotSpot &posRef);
static NLMISC::CRGBA convertColor (const char *ptr);
static bool convertBool (const char *ptr);
static NLMISC::CVector convertVector (const char *ptr);
/** Convert a value that is in the form like width="50" or width="10%"
* if the value is absolute like '50' then 'pixels' is filled, else
* the ratio is remapped to the [0, 1] range and is copied in 'ratio'
static void convertPixelsOrRatio(const char *ptr, sint32 &pixels, float &ratio);
// add an interface link to that element (kept in a smart ptr)
void addLink(CInterfaceLink *link);
// remove a link from that element; There's one less reference on the link (which is referenced by a smart ptr)
void removeLink(CInterfaceLink *link);
/** Update all links for this instance and its sons.
* Derivers should override this to update their sons.
virtual void updateAllLinks();
/** This allow to force opening an element. By default it just activate the element.
* It allow to have different behaviour on more complex containers
virtual void forceOpen() { setActive(true); }
virtual void enableBlink(uint /* numBlinks */ = 0) {}
virtual void disableBlink() {}
virtual bool getBlink() const { return false; }
// Options for views to be modulated by interface global color or not. Parsed with "global_color". Default: true
void setModulateGlobalColor(bool state) {_ModulateGlobalColor= state;}
bool getModulateGlobalColor() const {return _ModulateGlobalColor;}
void dummySet(sint32 value);
void dummySet(const std::string &value);
// lua methods
int luaUpdateCoords(CLuaState &ls);
int luaInvalidateCoords(CLuaState &ls);
int luaInvalidateContent(CLuaState &ls);
int luaCenter(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSetPosRef(CLuaState &ls);
int luaSetParentPos(CLuaState &ls);
// set sizeref as a string, like "wh", "wh5" ....
void setSizeRef(const std::string &sizeref);
std::string getSizeRefAsString() const;
std::string getSizeRefAsString( const sint32 &sizeRef, const sint32 &sizeDivW, const sint32 &sizeDivH ) const;
// export some properties
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CInterfaceElement, CReflectable)
REFLECT_BOOL ("active", getActive, setActive);
REFLECT_BOOL ("global_color", getModulateGlobalColor, setModulateGlobalColor);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("x", getX, setXAndInvalidateCoords);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("y", getY, setYAndInvalidateCoords);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("w", getW, setWAndInvalidateCoords);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("h", getH, setHAndInvalidateCoords);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("x_real", getXReal, dummySet);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("y_real", getYReal, dummySet);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("w_real", getWReal, dummySet);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("h_real", getHReal, dummySet);
REFLECT_STRING ("id", getIdByValue, dummySet);
REFLECT_STRING ("sizeref", getSizeRefAsString, setSizeRef);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("updateCoords", luaUpdateCoords);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("invalidateCoords", luaInvalidateCoords);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("invalidateContent", luaInvalidateContent);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("center", luaCenter);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setPosRef", luaSetPosRef);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setParentPos", luaSetParentPos);
/* invalidate coords. set numPass==1 if you are SURE that only XReal/YReal need to be updated
* Default 3 is needed for:
* 1: update _W/_H and _WReal/_HReal according to Sons
* 2: update XReal/YReal (eg: according to Scroll offset)
void invalidateCoords(uint8 numPass= 2);
uint8 getInvalidCoords() const {return _InvalidCoords;}
/* Invalidates the content of the window. This method invalidate the content of the window (for CViewText or CGroupTable).
* It invalidates the content of the parent too.
void invalidateContent();
/* This call back is called when the content or the content of a child is been invalidated.
virtual void onInvalidateContent() {}
// called by interfaceManager for master window only
void resetInvalidCoords();
/// Update the elements coords convert x,y,w,h (parentpos coord) to xreal,yreal,wreal,hreal (BL coord)
virtual void updateCoords();
/// Called each frame before draw to possibly invalidateCoords().
virtual void checkCoords();
/// Test if this element is son of the given element
bool isSonOf(const CInterfaceElement *other) const;
/// Called after first frame initialised
virtual void launch () {}
void setRenderLayer(sint8 rl) {_RenderLayer= rl;}
sint8 getRenderLayer() const { return _RenderLayer; }
void copyOptionFrom(const CInterfaceElement &other);
// center the element in middle of screen
void center();
// for debug only: draw wired quad to see where groups and hotspots are
enum TRenderWired
// if uiFilter is not empty, draw a quad only if the element id match
virtual void renderWiredQuads(TRenderWired type, const std::string &uiFilter);
void drawHotSpot(THotSpot hs, NLMISC::CRGBA col);
// Returns 'true' if that element can be downcasted to a view
virtual bool isView() const { return false; }
// Returns 'true' if that element can be downcasted to a ctrl
virtual bool isCtrl() const { return false; }
// Returns 'true' if that element can be downcasted to an interface group
virtual bool isGroup() const { return false; }
/** This is called before the config loading begins. This is the place to restore default state for config info.
virtual void onLoadConfig() {}
/** Tells whether that element wants to save info in a config stream. If this returns true, then serialConfig
* is called.
virtual bool wantSerialConfig() const { return false; }
// Serial config info about that element. This is called only if wantSerialConfig() returns true
virtual void serialConfig(NLMISC::IStream &f);
// visit the node of the ui tree
virtual void visit(CInterfaceElementVisitor *visitor);
/** When user is quitting the interface, this is called. Then the interface config is saved
* This is where the element get the opportunity to do some cleanup.
virtual void onQuit() {}
/// Whent an element is added to a CInterfaceGroup via addCtrl, addGroup or addView, this is called after the add.
virtual void onAddToGroup() {}
/** typically used only in conjunction with CGroupInScene. Such groups move every Frames. so
* this function is called on each children elements to move the XReal/Yreal only (with a delta)
virtual void onFrameUpdateWindowPos(sint dx, sint dy);
/// if true, InterfaceGroup child resize won't take this element into account
bool avoidResizeParent() const {return _AvoidResizeParent;}
void setAvoidResizeParent(bool state) {_AvoidResizeParent= state;}
virtual std::string getClassName()
nlassert(0); // forgot to implement serial & to register the class ?
return "";
bool isInGroup( CInterfaceGroup *group );
static void setEditorMode( bool b ){ editorMode = b; }
void setEditorSelected( bool b ){ editorSelected = b; }
bool isEditorSelected() const{ return editorSelected; }
void setPosParent( const std::string &id );
void setSizeParent( const std::string &id );
void setSerializable( bool b ){ serializable = b; }
bool IsSerializable() const{ return serializable; }
bool editorSelected;
static bool editorMode;
///the parent
CInterfaceGroup* _Parent;
///the id of the element
std::string _Id;
std::string _Name;
///is the element active?
bool _Active;
// if 0, don't need updateCoords(), else tell the number of pass needed
uint8 _InvalidCoords;
// Real display coords
sint32 _XReal, _YReal, _WReal, _HReal;
// Relative coords
sint32 _X;
sint32 _Y;
sint32 _W;
sint32 _H;
//sint32 _Snap;
// position references e.g. : _PosRef=BL, _ParentPosref=MM : the bottom left corner of the element
// will be placed on the center (middle middle) of the parent window
THotSpot _PosRef;
THotSpot _ParentPosRef;
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CInterfaceElement> _ParentPos; // RefPtr in case of group destroyed in a parent group with posref on it
sint32 _SizeRef; // none == 0, w == 1, h == 2, wh == 3
sint32 _SizeDivW, _SizeDivH;
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CInterfaceElement> _ParentSize; // RefPtr in case of group destroyed in a parent group with posref on it
// Friend Class
friend class CGroupList;
friend class CGroupParagraph;
// True if must modulate the global color with the view
bool _ModulateGlobalColor;
// Index of layer to render it.
sint8 _RenderLayer;
// Used for CInterfaceGroup ChildResize feature
bool _AvoidResizeParent;
virtual void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
void parseSizeRef(const char *sizeRef);
void parseSizeRef(const char *sizeRefStr, sint32 &sizeref, sint32 &sizeDivW, sint32 &sizeDivH);
//void snapSize();
bool serializable;
typedef NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CInterfaceLink> TLinkSmartPtr;
typedef std::vector<TLinkSmartPtr> TLinkVect;
TLinkVect *_Links; // links, or NULL if no link
* class to compress string usage in the interface
* \author Matthieu 'Trap' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date October 2003
class CStringShared
_Id = NLMISC::CStringMapper::emptyId();
const CStringShared& operator=(const std::string &str)
_Id = _UIStringMapper->localMap(str);
return *this;
const CStringShared& operator=(const CStringShared &str)
_Id = str._Id;
return *this;
const std::string &toString() const
return _UIStringMapper->localUnmap(_Id);
operator const std::string &() const
return _UIStringMapper->localUnmap(_Id);
bool empty() const
return _Id == NLMISC::CStringMapper::emptyId();
static CStringShared emptyString()
return CStringShared();
NLMISC::TStringId getStringId() const { return _Id; }
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f)
std::string str;
if (f.isReading())
*this = str;
str = this->toString();
static void createStringMapper();
static void deleteStringMapper();
NLMISC::TStringId _Id;
static NLMISC::CStringMapper *_UIStringMapper;
inline bool operator==(const CStringShared &lhs, const CStringShared &rhs) { return lhs.getStringId() == rhs.getStringId(); }
inline bool operator!=(const CStringShared &lhs, const CStringShared &rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
using namespace NLGUI;
/* End of interface_element.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/ucstring.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
namespace NLMISC{
class ICDBNode;
class CCDBNodeLeaf;
class CCDBNodeBranch;
namespace NLGUI
struct CInterfaceExprUserType;
class CInterfaceExprNode;
/** a value that can be returned by a CInterfaceExpr instance
* It supports basic type;
* It can be extended by user defined types
class CInterfaceExprValue
enum TType { Boolean = 0, Integer, Double, String, RGBA, UserType, NoType };
// default ctor
CInterfaceExprValue() : _Type(NoType) {}
// copy ctor
CInterfaceExprValue(const CInterfaceExprValue &other);
// assignment operator
CInterfaceExprValue &operator = (const CInterfaceExprValue &other);
// dtor
~CInterfaceExprValue() { clean(); }
TType getType() const { return _Type; }
// get. Should be used only if the type is valid
bool getBool() const;
sint64 getInteger() const;
double getDouble() const;
std::string getString() const;
NLMISC::CRGBA getRGBA() const;
const ucstring &getUCString() const;
CInterfaceExprUserType *getUserType() const;
// set
void setBool(bool value) { clean(); _Type = Boolean; _BoolValue = value; }
void setInteger(sint64 value) { clean(); _Type = Integer; _IntegerValue = value; }
void setDouble(double value) { clean(); _Type = Double; _DoubleValue = value; }
void setString(const std::string &value) { clean(); _Type = String; _StringValue = value; }
void setUCString(const ucstring &value) { clean(); _Type = String; _StringValue = value; }
void setRGBA(NLMISC::CRGBA value) { clean(); _Type = RGBA; _RGBAValue = (uint32)(value.R+(value.G<<8)+(value.B<<16)+(value.A<<24)); }
void setUserType(CInterfaceExprUserType *value);
// reset this object to initial state (no type)
void clean();
// conversions. They return true if success
bool toBool();
bool toInteger();
bool toDouble();
bool toString();
bool toType(TType type);
bool toRGBA();
// test if the value if a bool, double, or integer
bool isNumerical() const;
/** evaluate a from a string
* \param expr : where to start the evaluation
* \return the position following the token, or NULL if the parsing failed
const char *initFromString(const char *expr);
TType _Type;
bool _BoolValue;
sint64 _IntegerValue;
double _DoubleValue;
CInterfaceExprUserType *_UserTypeValue;
uint32 _RGBAValue;
ucstring _StringValue; // well, can't fit in union, unless we do some horrible hack..
const char *evalBoolean(const char *expr);
const char *evalNumber(const char *expr);
const char *evalString(const char *expr);
* Base class for user defined types that are use by the 'CInterfaceExprValue' class
* Derivers should include the 'clone' method
* CInterfaceExprValue instances have ownership of this object.
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
struct CInterfaceExprUserType
// cloning method
virtual CInterfaceExprUserType *clone() const = 0;
// dtor
virtual ~CInterfaceExprUserType() {}
/** Evaluate expressions used in interface.
* It can retrieve values from the database.
* It can also build a list of database values it depends of.
* An expression can be :
* - a string : 'toto', 'abcd', 'a\nbcd', 'a\\t', the escape sequences are the one of C
* - a integer 1, 2, 3
* - a double 1.1, 2.2
* - a database entry : @ui:interface:toto:truc. If the address is a leaf, it returns the leaf value and put an observer on it. If not a leaf, it returns 0, but put an observer on it.
* - a database indirection @db:value[db:index] is replaced by @db:value0 if db:index == 0 for example
* - a user function call : fct(expr0, epxr1, ...).
* NB : The lua language has been integrated since then (2005), and should be more suited
* for most of the tasks.
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CInterfaceExpr
// list of argument for a function
typedef std::vector<CInterfaceExprValue> TArgList;
/** prototype of a user callable function
* It should return true if the result is meaningful. If not, the rest of the evaluation is stopped
typedef bool (* TUserFct) (TArgList &args, CInterfaceExprValue &result);
// release memory
static void release();
/** This try to eval the provided expression.
* - This returns a result
* - This eventually fill a vector with a set of database entries it has dependencies on
* \param expr The expression to evaluate
* \param result The result value
* \param nodes If not NULL, will be filled with the database nodes this expression depends on
* Node will only be inserted once, so we end up with a set of node (not ordered)
* \param noFctCalls when set to true, the terminal function calls will not be made, so the evaluation is only used to see which database entries the expression depends on.
static bool eval(const std::string &expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> *nodes = NULL, bool noFctCalls = false);
/** Build a tree from the given expression so that it can be evaluated quickly.
* This is useful for a fixed expression that must be evaluated often
static CInterfaceExprNode *buildExprTree(const std::string &expr);
/** Register a function that can have several arguments
* // NB : this is case sensitive
static void registerUserFct(const char *name, TUserFct fct);
// Simple evaluations
static bool evalAsInt(const std::string &expr, sint64 &dest);
static bool evalAsDouble(const std::string &expr, double &dest);
static bool evalAsBool(const std::string &expr, bool &dest);
static bool evalAsString(const std::string &expr, std::string &dest);
// map of user functions
typedef std::map<std::string, TUserFct> TUserFctMap;
static TUserFctMap *_UserFct;
/** eval the value of a single expression
* \return position to the next valid character
static const char *evalExpr(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> *nodes, bool noFctCalls);
static const char *evalFct(const char *expr,CInterfaceExprValue &result,std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> *nodes, bool noFctCalls);
static const char *evalDBEntry(const char *expr,CInterfaceExprValue &result,std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> *nodes);
static const char *unpackDBentry(const char *expr, std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> *nodes, std::string &dest, bool *hasIndirections = NULL);
/** Build tree of a single expression
* \return position to the next valid character
static const char *buildExprTree(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprNode *&result);
static const char *buildFctNode(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprNode *&result);
static const char *buildDBEntryNode(const char *expr,CInterfaceExprNode *&result);
// helper macro to register user functions at startup
#define REGISTER_INTERFACE_USER_FCT(name, fct) \
const struct __InterUserFctRegister__##fct\
__InterUserFctRegister__##fct() { CInterfaceExpr::registerUserFct(name, fct); }\
} __InterUserFctRegisterInstance__##fct;
// helper macro to declare a user function
// the code must follow
// arguments are available in 'args', result should be put in 'result'
bool name(CInterfaceExpr::TArgList &args, CInterfaceExprValue &result)
// helper macro to declare a C constant mirroring
#define DECLARE_INTERFACE_CONSTANT(_name, _cconst) \
{ \
result.setInteger(_cconst); \
return true; \
} \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "interface_expr.h"
namespace NLGUI
/** Base node of an interface expression parse tree
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CInterfaceExprNode
virtual ~CInterfaceExprNode() {}
// eval result of expression, and eventually get the nodes the epression depends on
virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result) = 0;
// The same, but get db nodes the expression depends on (appended to vector)
virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> &nodes) = 0;
// Get dependencies of the node (appended to vector)
virtual void getDepends(std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> &nodes) = 0;
// *******************************************************************************************************
/** A constant value already parsed by interface (in a interface expr parse tree)
class CInterfaceExprNodeValue : public CInterfaceExprNode
CInterfaceExprValue Value;
virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> &nodes);
virtual void getDepends(std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> &nodes);
// *******************************************************************************************************
/** A fct call (in a interface expr parse tree)
class CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall : public CInterfaceExprNode
CInterfaceExpr::TUserFct Func;
// list of parameters
std::vector<CInterfaceExprNode *> Params;
virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> &nodes);
virtual void getDepends(std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> &nodes);
virtual ~CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall();
// *******************************************************************************************************
/** A db leaf read (in a interface expr parse tree)
class CInterfaceExprNodeDBLeaf : public CInterfaceExprNode
class NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *Leaf;
virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> &nodes);
virtual void getDepends(std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> &nodes);
// *******************************************************************************************************
/** A db branch read (in a interface expr parse tree)
class CInterfaceExprNodeDBBranch : public CInterfaceExprNode
class NLMISC::CCDBNodeBranch *Branch;
virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> &nodes);
virtual void getDepends(std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> &nodes);
// *******************************************************************************************************
/** A dependant db read (in a interface expr parse tree)
* This is rarely used so no real optim there..
class CInterfaceExprNodeDependantDBRead : public CInterfaceExprNode
std::string Expr;
virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> &nodes);
virtual void getDepends(std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> &nodes);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_base.h"
#include "nel/gui/action_handler.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CInterfaceGroup : public CCtrlBase
/// Constructor
CInterfaceGroup(const TCtorParam &param);
/// Destructor
virtual ~CInterfaceGroup();
virtual void setIdRecurse(const std::string &id);
/// Coming from CInterfaceElement
virtual bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
xmlNodePtr serializeGroup( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
xmlNodePtr serializeSubGroups( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const;
xmlNodePtr serializeControls( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const;
xmlNodePtr serializeViews( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const;
virtual xmlNodePtr serializeTreeData( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const;
bool serializeLinks( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const;
virtual uint32 getMemory ();
virtual CInterfaceElement* getElement (const std::string &id);
CInterfaceElement* findFromShortId(const std::string &id);
/// Dynamic creation
virtual void addView (CViewBase *child , sint eltOrder = -1);
virtual void addCtrl (CCtrlBase *child, sint eltOrder = -1);
virtual void addGroup (CInterfaceGroup *child, sint eltOrder = -1);
CViewBase* getView (const std::string &id);
CCtrlBase* getCtrl (const std::string &id);
CInterfaceGroup* getGroup(const std::string &id) const;
// Delete know type by ptr (return true if found and removed)
virtual bool delView (CViewBase *child, bool dontDelete = false);
virtual bool delCtrl (CCtrlBase *child, bool dontDelete = false);
virtual bool delGroup (CInterfaceGroup * child, bool dontDelete = false);
// Delete know type by name (return true if found and removed)
virtual bool delView (const std::string &id, bool dontDelete = false);
virtual bool delCtrl (const std::string &id, bool dontDelete = false);
virtual bool delGroup (const std::string &id, bool dontDelete = false);
// Delete unknow type by name or ptr. NB: additionaly, if it's a group, unmakeWindow() is called as necessary
bool delElement (const std::string &id, bool noWarning=false);
bool delElement (CInterfaceElement *pIE, bool noWarning=false);
uint getNumGroup() const { return (uint)_ChildrenGroups.size(); }
CInterfaceGroup *getGroup(uint index) const;
sint32 getMaxUsedW() const;
sint32 getMinUsedW() const;
/// Coming from CCtrlBase
virtual bool handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event);
void executeControl (const std::string &sControlName);
const std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*> & getGroups () { return _ChildrenGroups; }
const std::vector<CCtrlBase*> & getControls() { return _Controls; }
const std::vector<CViewBase*> & getViews() { return _Views; }
// test is a group is a direct child of this interface group
bool isChildGroup(const CInterfaceGroup *group) const;
virtual bool isWindowUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y); // Virtual for menu that is not square
CInterfaceGroup *getGroupUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y);
virtual bool getViewsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 clipX, sint32 clipY, sint32 clipW, sint32 clipH, std::vector<CViewBase*> &vVB); // Return true if x,y under the group
virtual bool getCtrlsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 clipX, sint32 clipY, sint32 clipW, sint32 clipH, std::vector<CCtrlBase*> &vICL);
virtual bool getGroupsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 clipX, sint32 clipY, sint32 clipW, sint32 clipH, std::vector<CInterfaceGroup *> &vIGL);
void absoluteToRelative (sint32 &x, sint32 &y);
/// Coming from CViewBase
virtual void draw ();
// Draw with no clip (if clip is done by parent)
virtual void drawNoClip();
/// Tool function to draw a single Element that should exist in the group (clipped by the group)
void drawElement (CViewBase *el);
* update the elements coords
virtual void checkCoords();
virtual void updateCoords();
/// remove all views
virtual void clearViews();
/// remove all controls
virtual void clearControls();
/// remove all groups
virtual void clearGroups();
void setParentSizeMax(CInterfaceElement *pIE) { _ParentSizeMax = pIE; }
void setMaxW (sint32 maxw) { _MaxW = maxw; }
void setMaxH (sint32 maxh) { _MaxH = maxh; }
void setOfsX (sint32 x) { _OffsetX = x; }
void setOfsY (sint32 y) { _OffsetY = y; }
bool moveSBTrackY (CInterfaceGroup *target, sint32 dy);
bool moveSBTargetY (CInterfaceGroup *target, sint32 dy);
void setResizeFromChildW(bool resize) { _ResizeFromChildW = resize; }
void setResizeFromChildH(bool resize) { _ResizeFromChildH = resize; }
// Valid only for windows InterfaceGroup.
// escapable
void setEscapable(bool b) { _Escapable= b; }
bool getEscapable() const { return _Escapable; }
void setAHOnEscape(const std::string &ah) { _AHOnEscape = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH(ah, _AHOnEscapeParams); }
const std::string &getAHOnEscape() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName(_AHOnEscape); }
void setAHOnEscapeParams(const std::string &ah) { _AHOnEscapeParams = ah; }
const std::string &getAHOnEscapeParams() const { return _AHOnEscapeParams; }
// enterable
void setAHOnEnter(const std::string &ah) { _AHOnEnter = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH(ah, _AHOnEnterParams); }
const std::string &getAHOnEnter() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName(_AHOnEnter); }
void setAHOnEnterParams(const std::string &ah) { _AHOnEnterParams = ah; }
const std::string &getAHOnEnterParams() const { return _AHOnEnterParams; }
uint8 getPriority() const { return _Priority; }
void setPriority(uint8 nprio);
sint32 getMaxW () const { return _MaxW; }
sint32 getMaxH () const { return _MaxH; }
sint32 getMaxWReal () const { return _Active ? _MaxWReal : 0; }
sint32 getMaxHReal () const { return _Active ? _MaxHReal : 0; }
sint32 getOfsX () const { return _OffsetX; }
sint32 getOfsY () const { return _OffsetY; }
bool getResizeFromChildW() const { return _ResizeFromChildW; }
bool getResizeFromChildH() const { return _ResizeFromChildH; }
sint32 getResizeFromChildWMargin() const { return _ResizeFromChildWMargin; }
sint32 getResizeFromChildHMargin() const { return _ResizeFromChildHMargin; }
void setResizeFromChildWMargin(sint32 margin) { _ResizeFromChildWMargin = margin; }
void setResizeFromChildHMargin(sint32 margin) { _ResizeFromChildHMargin = margin; }
bool getOverlappable() const { return _Overlappable; }
virtual void setActive (bool state);
// eval dimension of children bbox
void evalChildrenBBox(bool resizeFromChildW, bool resizeFromChildH, sint &width, sint &height) const;
virtual void launch ();
// right & left clicks handler
void setLeftClickHandler(const std::string &handler);
void setRightClickHandler(const std::string &handler);
void setLeftClickHandlerParams(const std::string &params) { _AHOnLeftClickParams = params; }
void setRightClickHandlerParams(const std::string &params) { _AHOnRightClickParams = params; }
void setOnActiveHandler(const std::string &h) { _AHOnActive = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH(h,_AHOnActiveParams); }
void setOnActiveParams(const std::string &p) { _AHOnActiveParams = p; }
void setOnDeactiveHandler(const std::string &h) { _AHOnDeactive = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH(h,_AHOnDeactiveParams); }
void setOnDeactiveParams(const std::string &p) { _AHOnDeactiveParams = p; }
const std::string &getLeftClickHandler() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName(_AHOnLeftClick); }
const std::string &getLeftClickHandlerParams() const { return _AHOnLeftClickParams; }
const std::string &getRightClickHandler() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName(_AHOnRightClick); }
const std::string &getRightClickHandlerParams() const { return _AHOnRightClickParams; }
const std::string &getOnActiveHandler() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName(_AHOnActive); }
const std::string &getOnActiveParams() const { return _AHOnActiveParams; }
const std::string &getOnDeactiveHandler() const { return CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName(_AHOnDeactive); }
const std::string &getOnDeactiveParams() const { return _AHOnDeactiveParams; }
// find a sub view/ctrl/group in this group from its id
int luaFind(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetEnclosingContainer(CLuaState &ls);
int luaDeleteLUAEnvTable(CLuaState &ls);
int luaAddGroup(CLuaState &ls);
int luaDelGroup(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetNumGroups(CLuaState &ls);
int luaGetGroup(CLuaState &ls);
void setMaxSizeRef(const std::string &maxSizeRef);
std::string getMaxSizeRefAsString() const;
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CInterfaceGroup, CCtrlBase)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("find", luaFind);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("deleteLUAEnvTable", luaDeleteLUAEnvTable);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getEnclosingContainer", luaGetEnclosingContainer);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("addGroup", luaAddGroup);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("delGroup", luaDelGroup);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getNumGroups", luaGetNumGroups);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("getGroup", luaGetGroup);
REFLECT_STRING ("left_click", getLeftClickHandler, setLeftClickHandler);
REFLECT_STRING ("right_click", getRightClickHandler, setRightClickHandler);
REFLECT_STRING ("left_click_params", getLeftClickHandlerParams, setLeftClickHandlerParams);
REFLECT_STRING ("right_click_params", getRightClickHandlerParams, setRightClickHandlerParams);
REFLECT_STRING ("on_active", getOnActiveHandler, setOnActiveHandler);
REFLECT_STRING ("on_active_params", getOnActiveParams, setOnActiveParams);
REFLECT_STRING ("on_deactive", getOnDeactiveHandler, setOnDeactiveHandler);
REFLECT_STRING ("on_deactive_params", getOnDeactiveParams, setOnDeactiveParams);
REFLECT_STRING ("on_enter", getAHOnEnter, setAHOnEnter);
REFLECT_STRING ("on_enter_params", getAHOnEnterParams, setAHOnEnterParams);
REFLECT_STRING ("on_escape", getAHOnEscape, setAHOnEscape);
REFLECT_STRING ("on_escape_params", getAHOnEscapeParams, setAHOnEscapeParams);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("ofsx", getOfsX, setOfsX);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("ofsy", getOfsY, setOfsY);
REFLECT_BOOL("child_resize_w", getResizeFromChildW, setResizeFromChildW);
REFLECT_SINT32("child_resize_wmargin", getResizeFromChildWMargin, setResizeFromChildWMargin);
REFLECT_BOOL("child_resize_h", getResizeFromChildH, setResizeFromChildH);
REFLECT_SINT32("child_resize_hmargin", getResizeFromChildHMargin, setResizeFromChildHMargin);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("ofsy", getOfsY, setOfsY);
REFLECT_STRING("max_sizeref", getMaxSizeRefAsString, setMaxSizeRef);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("max_w", getMaxW, setMaxW);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("max_h", getMaxH, setMaxH);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("max_w_real", getMaxWReal, dummySet);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("max_h_real", getMaxHReal, dummySet);
// From CCtrlBase
virtual void updateAllLinks();
/// return true for some containers. false by default
virtual bool isMovable() const {return false;}
virtual sint32 getAlpha() const;
virtual void setAlpha (sint32 a);
/// Eval current clip coords. This is not incremental as with makeNewClip, and thus more slow. This also doesn't change the current clip window.
void getClip(sint32 &x, sint32 &y, sint32 &w, sint32 &h) const;
// quick way to know if the group is a CGroupContainer
bool isGroupContainer() const { return _IsGroupContainer; }
bool isGroupScrollText() const{ return _IsGroupScrollText; }
bool isGroupInScene() const{ return _IsGroupInScene; }
bool isGroupList() const{ return _IsGroupList; }
CInterfaceGroup* getEnclosingContainer();
sint getInsertionOrder(CViewBase *vb) const;
// for debug only
void dumpGroups();
void dumpEltsOrder();
virtual void renderWiredQuads(CInterfaceElement::TRenderWired type, const std::string &uiFilter);
virtual bool isGroup() const { return true; }
// clear all edit box in the ui
virtual void clearAllEditBox();
// restore all backuped positions for containers
virtual void restoreAllContainersBackupPosition();
virtual void dumpSize(uint depth = 0) const;
// From CInterfaceElement
virtual void visit(CInterfaceElementVisitor *visitor);
/// Visits only this group's sub-groups and then the group itself
virtual void visitGroupAndChildren( CInterfaceElementVisitor *visitor );
// Check cursor
void setUseCursor(bool use);
bool getUseCursor() const { return _UseCursor; }
// From CInterfaceElement
virtual void onFrameUpdateWindowPos(sint dx, sint dy);
// true for CGroupInScene for instance
bool isNeedFrameUpdatePos() const {return _NeedFrameUpdatePos;}
/// \name LUA specific
// @{
// Create a LUA Environement if don't exist, then push it on the LUA stack
void pushLUAEnvTable();
// Free the LUA Env Table
void deleteLUAEnvTable(bool recurse = false);
// Set the LUA script to execute at checkCoords time (empty to reset)
void setLuaScriptOnDraw(const std::string &script);
void executeLuaScriptOnDraw();
// Set the LUA script to execute when a list of DB change (of forms: "@DB1,@DB2" ....). The dbList is the key
void addLuaScriptOnDBChange(const std::string &dbList, const std::string &script);
// Remove the LUA script to execute when a list of DB change
void removeLuaScriptOnDBChange(const std::string &dbList);
// @}
virtual CInterfaceElement *clone();
virtual void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
// Return the current Depth, with no ZBias applied.
float getDepthForZSort() const { return _DepthForZSort; }
void makeNewClip (sint32 &oldClipX, sint32 &oldClipY, sint32 &oldClipW, sint32 &oldClipH);
void restoreClip (sint32 oldSciX, sint32 oldSciY, sint32 oldSciW, sint32 oldSciH);
// Compute clip contribution for current window, and a previous clipping rectangle. This doesn't change the clip window in the driver.
void computeCurrentClipContribution(sint32 prevX, sint32 prevY, sint32 prevW, sint32 prevH,
sint32 &newX, sint32 &newY, sint32 &newW, sint32 &newH) const;
void delEltOrder (CViewBase *pElt);
// update coords one time
void doUpdateCoords();
// notify children controls & groups that 'active' has been called on one of their parent
void notifyActiveCalled(const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorActiveCalledOnParent &desc);
/// children interface elements
std::vector<CInterfaceGroup*> _ChildrenGroups;
std::vector<CCtrlBase*> _Controls;
std::vector<CViewBase*> _Views;
std::vector<CViewBase*> _EltOrder;
/// Scroll properties
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CInterfaceElement> _ParentSizeMax; // RefPtr in case of group destroyed in a parent group with posref on it
sint32 _MaxW, _MaxH;
sint32 _MaxWReal, _MaxHReal;
sint32 _OffsetX, _OffsetY;
uint8 _Priority;
// Misc prop
bool _Overlappable : 1;
bool _ResizeFromChildW : 1;
bool _ResizeFromChildH : 1;
bool _Escapable : 1;
bool _UseCursor : 1;
bool _IsGroupContainer : 1; // faster than a virual call
bool _IsGroupScrollText : 1;
bool _IsGroupInScene : 1;
bool _IsGroupList : 1;
bool _NeedFrameUpdatePos : 1; // typically For CGroupInScene
sint32 _ResizeFromChildWMargin;
sint32 _ResizeFromChildHMargin;
sint32 _GroupSizeRef;
// Projected Depth with no ZBias applied
float _DepthForZSort;
// handler for activation
IActionHandler *_AHOnActive;
CStringShared _AHOnActiveParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnDeactive;
CStringShared _AHOnDeactiveParams;
// right & left clicks
IActionHandler *_AHOnLeftClick;
CStringShared _AHOnLeftClickParams;
IActionHandler *_AHOnRightClick;
CStringShared _AHOnRightClickParams;
// enter params.
IActionHandler *_AHOnEnter;
CStringShared _AHOnEnterParams;
// escape AH
IActionHandler *_AHOnEscape;
CStringShared _AHOnEscapeParams;
void addToEltOrder(CViewBase *view, sint order);
/// \name LUA specific
// @{
// Lua Env Table created. Table is in the LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, with key as this CInterfaceGroup* userdata
bool _LUAEnvTableCreated;
// The LUA script to be executed on Draw (checkCoords)
CStringShared _LUAOnDraw;
// The InterfaceLink created specialy for Lua Script to be executed at some DB change
typedef std::map<std::string, NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CInterfaceLink> > TLUAOnDbChange;
TLUAOnDbChange _LUAOnDbChange;
void removeAllLUAOnDbChange();
void parseMaxSizeRef(const char *ptr);
// @}
/* End of interface_group.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/cdb_branch.h"
#include "nel/misc/cdb_branch_observing_handler.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CReflectedProperty;
class CInterfaceExprValue;
class CInterfaceExprNode;
class CInterfaceElement;
class CInterfaceGroup;
/** A link in an interface.
* A link is an object that can read one or several values from the database, that can evaluate an expression
* on these database entries (simple computation, using the CInterfaceExpr class), and that can affect the result to
* an interface property that has been exported by an interface element (the export system uses reflect.h).
* The first time it is created, it places observers on the database entries that are needed by the expression, so each
* time a database value changes, the link is marked as 'triggered'
* When updateTrigeredLinks() is called, all links are effectively updated.
* Example of use : connecting a change in the db tree to the 'active' state of a window
* NB : an additionnal action handler can be provided
* NB : The links are owned by the interface element (using a smart pointer)
* NB : Several targets may be used.
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CInterfaceLink : public NLMISC::ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver
#ifdef NL_DEBUG
// for debugging purposes : if this link is 'named' e.g is owner by CInterfaceManager
// and was created by calling CInterfaceManager::addLink, contains the name of this link
std::string LinkName;
struct CTargetInfo
CInterfaceElement *Elem;
std::string PropertyName;
/** Affect a value to this target.
* \return true if the affectation could be made
bool affect(const CInterfaceExprValue &value);
/// Updates triggered interface links when triggered by the observed branch
class CInterfaceLinkUpdater : public NLMISC::CCDBBranchObservingHandler::IBranchObserverCallFlushObserver
void onObserverCallFlush();
~CInterfaceLink(); // this object should only be destroyed by a CInterfaceElement
/** Make a link between the given interface element properties and a value that depends on database entries.
* The link is automatically added in the link list of the targets element (it calls CInterfaceElement::addLink), so when all target elements are removed, the link is.
* If there are no target element, the link is permanent (removed at exit)
* NB : The target is not updated during this call.
bool init(const std::vector<CTargetInfo> &targets, const std::string &expr, const std::string &actionHandler, const std::string &ahParams, const std::string &ahCond, CInterfaceGroup *parent);
// force all the links that have been created to update their targets. This can be called when the interface has been loaded, and when the databse entries have been retrieved.
static void updateAllLinks();
// force all trigered links to be updated
static void updateTrigeredLinks();
// remove from the _LinksWithNoTarget list if the link has no target
void uninit();
// Force an update of the target of this link
void update();
/** Remove a target element. It won't be updated anymore by that link
* NB : this don't call removeLink() on the target
void removeTarget(CInterfaceElement *elem);
// Get the number of targets of this link
uint getNumTargets() const { return (uint)_Targets.size(); }
// Get the i-th target
CInterfaceElement *getTarget(uint index) const { return _Targets[index]._InterfaceElement; }
static void removeAllLinks();
static void setTargetProperty (const std::string & Target, const CInterfaceExprValue &val);
static bool isUpdatingAllLinks() { return _UpdateAllLinks; }
/** From a target name of a link, retrieve the target element and its target target property
* \return true if the target is valid
static bool splitLinkTarget(const std::string &target, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup, std::string &propertyName, CInterfaceElement *&targetElm);
/** From several target names of a link (seprated by ','), retrieve the target elements and their target properties
* \return true if all targets are valid
static bool splitLinkTargets(const std::string &targets, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup, std::vector<CInterfaceLink::CTargetInfo> &targetsVect);
friend struct CRemoveTargetPred;
// a target property
struct CTarget
CInterfaceElement *_InterfaceElement;
const CReflectedProperty *_Property;
typedef std::list<CInterfaceLink *> TLinkList;
typedef NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CInterfaceLink> TLinkSmartPtr;
typedef std::vector<TLinkSmartPtr> TLinkVect;
typedef std::vector<NLMISC::ICDBNode *> TNodeVect;
std::vector<CTarget> _Targets;
TNodeVect _ObservedNodes;
std::string _Expr;
CInterfaceExprNode *_ParseTree;
std::string _ActionHandler;
std::string _AHParams;
std::string _AHCond;
CInterfaceGroup *_AHParent;
static TLinkList _LinkList;
TLinkList::iterator _ListEntry;
bool _On;
static TLinkVect _LinksWithNoTarget; // there should be an owner for links with no targets
static bool _UpdateAllLinks;
///\ name triggered link mgt
// next/previous link that was trigered. NULL means end or start of list
// each ptr is duplicated because with manage 2 lists : one list in which links are added, and one list in which we update links.
// This way one link can trigger another with no prb
CInterfaceLink *_PrevTriggeredLink[2];
CInterfaceLink *_NextTriggeredLink[2];
bool _Triggered[2];
// global lists
static CInterfaceLink *_FirstTriggeredLink[2];
static CInterfaceLink *_LastTriggeredLink[2];
// iterators in current list being updated : they're global so that deleting a CInterfaceLink instance prevent them from becoming dangling pointers
static CInterfaceLink *_CurrUpdatedLink;
static CInterfaceLink *_NextUpdatedLink;
// Index of the list in which triggered link must be inserted
static uint _CurrentTriggeredLinkList;
void linkInTriggerList(uint list);
void unlinkFromTriggerList(uint list);
/** Inherited from ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver
* This doesn't update the node directly, but mark it as 'triggered'
* The node is really updated during the call to 'updateTrigeredLinks()'
virtual void update(NLMISC::ICDBNode *node);
void createObservers(const TNodeVect &nodes);
void removeObservers(const TNodeVect &nodes);
// debug : check that there are as many targets as reference to a link
void checkNbRefs();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/debug.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "libxml/globals.h"
#include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h"
namespace NL3D
class UAnimationSet;
namespace NLGUI
// ***************************************************************************
class CInterfaceOptionValue
_Color= NLMISC::CRGBA::White;
_Int= 0;
_Float= 0;
_Boolean= false;
const std::string &getValStr () const {return _Str;}
sint32 getValSInt32() const {return _Int;}
float getValFloat () const {return _Float;}
NLMISC::CRGBA getValColor () const {return _Color;}
bool getValBool () const {return _Boolean;}
void init(const std::string &str);
// returned when InterfaceOptions param not found
static const CInterfaceOptionValue NullValue;
std::string _Str;
sint32 _Int;
float _Float;
bool _Boolean;
// ***************************************************************************
class CInterfaceOptions : public NLMISC::CRefCount
// for factory construction
struct TCtorParam
CInterfaceOptions( const TCtorParam &/* param */ );
virtual ~CInterfaceOptions();
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur);
virtual xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const std::string &name ) const;
// return NullValue if param not found
const CInterfaceOptionValue &getValue(const std::string &sParamName) const;
// shortcuts to getValue(paramName).getValXXX()
const std::string &getValStr (const std::string &sParamName) const;
sint32 getValSInt32 (const std::string &sParamName) const;
float getValFloat (const std::string &sParamName) const;
NLMISC::CRGBA getValColor (const std::string &sParamName) const;
bool getValBool (const std::string &sParamName) const;
// copy basic map only from other CInterfaceOptions (non virtual method)
void copyBasicMap(const CInterfaceOptions &other);
std::map<std::string, CInterfaceOptionValue> _ParamValue;
// ***************************************************************************
class COptionsLayer : public CInterfaceOptions
COptionsLayer( const TCtorParam &/* param */ );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const std::string &name ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur);
// Container optimizer
sint32 Tile_Blank;
sint32 Tile_M_Header, Tile_M_Scrollbar;
sint32 Tile_T, Tile_B, Tile_L, Tile_R;
sint32 Tile_B_Open, Tile_EM_Open, Tile_M_Open;
sint32 Scrollbar_Offset_X;
sint32 Scrollbar_W;
sint32 TxId_B_Scrollbar, W_B_Scrollbar, H_B_Scrollbar;
sint32 TxId_M_Scrollbar, W_M_Scrollbar, H_M_Scrollbar;
sint32 TxId_T_Scrollbar, W_T_Scrollbar, H_T_Scrollbar;
sint32 TxId_L_Header, W_L_Header, H_L_Header;
sint32 TxId_M_Header, W_M_Header, H_M_Header;
sint32 TxId_R_Header, W_R_Header, H_R_Header;
sint32 TxId_TL, W_TL, H_TL;
sint32 TxId_T, W_T, H_T;
sint32 TxId_TR, W_TR, H_TR;
sint32 TxId_L, W_L, H_L;
sint32 TxId_R, W_R, H_R;
sint32 TxId_Blank, W_Blank, H_Blank;
sint32 TxId_BL, W_BL, H_BL;
sint32 TxId_B, W_B, H_B;
sint32 TxId_BR, W_BR, H_BR;
sint32 TxId_BL_Open, W_BL_Open, H_BL_Open;
sint32 TxId_B_Open, W_B_Open, H_B_Open;
sint32 TxId_BR_Open, W_BR_Open, H_BR_Open;
sint32 TxId_EL_Open, W_EL_Open, H_EL_Open;
sint32 TxId_EM_Open, W_EM_Open, H_EM_Open;
sint32 TxId_ER_Open, W_ER_Open, H_ER_Open;
sint32 TxId_E_Open, W_E_Open, H_E_Open;
sint32 TxId_M_Open, W_M_Open, H_M_Open;
sint32 TxId_TL_HighLight;
sint32 TxId_T_HighLight;
sint32 TxId_TR_HighLight;
sint32 TxId_L_HighLight;
sint32 TxId_R_HighLight;
sint32 TxId_BL_HighLight;
sint32 TxId_B_HighLight;
sint32 TxId_BR_HighLight;
sint32 HeaderH;
// ***************************************************************************
class COptionsContainerInsertion : public CInterfaceOptions
COptionsContainerInsertion( const TCtorParam &/* param */ );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const std::string &name ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur);
sint32 TxId_R_Arrow;
sint32 TxId_L_Arrow;
sint32 TxId_T_Arrow;
sint32 TxId_B_Arrow;
sint32 TxId_InsertionBar;
// ***************************************************************************
class COptionsContainerMove : public CInterfaceOptions
COptionsContainerMove( const TCtorParam &/* param */ );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const std::string &name ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur);
sint32 TrackW;
sint32 TrackH;
sint32 TrackY;
sint32 TrackYWithTopResizer;
sint32 TrackHWithTopResizer;
sint32 ResizerSize;
// ***************************************************************************
* read a list of <param> with no name. id auto incremented
class COptionsList : public CInterfaceOptions
COptionsList( const TCtorParam &/* param */ );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const std::string &name ) const;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur);
uint getNumParams() const {return _NumParams;}
// get a value by its index (from 0 to numParams)
const CInterfaceOptionValue &getValue(uint paramId) const;
uint _NumParams;
/* End of interface_layer.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_texture.h"
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_sheet_selection.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_link.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/gui/lua_helper.h"
#include "nel/gui/proc.h"
#include "nel/gui/widget_manager.h"
#include "nel/gui/link_data.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CInterfaceElement;
class CInterfaceGroup;
class CInterfaceOptions;
class CInterfaceLink;
class CCtrlBase;
class CGroupList;
class CGroupContainer;
class CInterfaceAnim;
class CViewPointer;
// ***************************************************************************
* class managing the interface parsing
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CInterfaceParser : public IParser
/// Interface for parser modules
/// Such modules can be plugged into CInterfaceParser, and
/// the modules then can parse GUI XMLs for widget classes that are not
/// generic enough to be in the GUI library.
class IParserModule
/// Various parsing stages
enum ParsingStage
None = 0, /// module cannot parse in any stage.
Unresolved = 1, /// module can parse in the first stage when styles, templates, etc have not been resolved yet
Resolved = 2, /// module can parse after resolving styles and templates
GroupChildren = 4 /// module can parse when parsing the group children
parser = NULL;
parsingStage = None;
virtual ~IParserModule(){}
bool canParseInStage( ParsingStage stage )
if( ( parsingStage & static_cast< uint >( stage ) ) != 0 )
return true;
return false;
virtual bool parse( xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup ) = 0;
void setParser( CInterfaceParser *p ){ parser = p; }
CInterfaceParser *parser;
uint parsingStage;
/// Interface for event handlers which can be called when setting up the options.
class ISetupOptionCallbackClass
virtual void setupOptions() = 0;
struct VariableData
std::string entry;
std::string type;
std::string value;
uint32 size;
size = 0;
virtual ~CInterfaceParser();
* Parsing methods
/** Load a set of xml files
* \param isFilename true if xmlFileNames array contains the names of the xml file, false, if each
* array is a script itself
bool parseInterface (const std::vector<std::string> &xmlFileNames, bool reload, bool isFilename = true, bool checkInData = false);
bool parseXMLDocument (xmlNodePtr root, bool reload);
bool parseTemplateNode (xmlNodePtr node,xmlNodePtr instance,xmlNodePtr templ);
bool parseInstance(xmlNodePtr cur);
bool parseVector (xmlNodePtr cur);
bool parseVariable (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
bool parseOptions (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
bool parseGroup (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, bool reload);
bool parseGroupChildren(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, bool reload);
bool parseControl (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, bool reload);
bool parseLink (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
bool parseView (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, bool reload);
bool parseTreeNode (xmlNodePtr cur, CGroupContainer *parentGroup);
bool parseTree (xmlNodePtr cur, CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup *parentGroup);
bool parseDefine(xmlNodePtr cur);
bool parseProcedure(xmlNodePtr cur, bool reload);
bool parseSheetSelection(xmlNodePtr cur);
bool parseAnim(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
bool parseStyle(xmlNodePtr cur);
bool parseLUAScript (xmlNodePtr cur);
bool setupTree (xmlNodePtr cur, CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup *parentGroup);
bool setupTreeNode (xmlNodePtr cur, CGroupContainer *parentGroup);
void savePointerSettings( xmlNodePtr node );
void saveKeySettings( xmlNodePtr node );
void addModule( std::string name, IParserModule *module );
IParserModule* getModuleFor( std::string name ) const;
void removeAllModules();
// Called by each parse in parseXMLDocument
bool solveDefine(xmlNodePtr cur);
bool solveStyle(xmlNodePtr cur);
// Solve All define in a string. return false if some define not founs (defError contains this define)
bool solveDefine(const std::string &propVal, std::string &newPropVal, std::string &defError);
// Called after template & options parsing
void setupOptions();
* Initializer
bool initCoordsAndLuaScript ();
/// Association builders : associate an element of the interface with the string ID of
/// another element used as reference for position values
void addParentPositionAssociation (CInterfaceElement *element, const std::string &parentID);
std::string getParentPosAssociation( CInterfaceElement *element ) const;
void addParentSizeAssociation (CInterfaceElement *element, const std::string &parentID);
std::string getParentSizeAssociation( CInterfaceElement *element ) const;
void addParentSizeMaxAssociation (CInterfaceElement *element, const std::string &parentID);
std::string getParentSizeMaxAssociation( CInterfaceElement *element ) const;
/// LUA Class Association builder : associate a lua script to a group (called for each group after every document parsed)
void addLuaClassAssociation(CInterfaceGroup *group, const std::string &luaScript);
std::string getLuaClassAssociation( CInterfaceGroup *group ) const;
* Accessors
// access to control sheet selection
CCtrlSheetSelection &getCtrlSheetSelection() { return _CtrlSheetSelection; }
/// \name Parameter variable
// @{
const std::string& getDefine(const std::string &id) const;
bool isDefineExist(const std::string &id) const;
void setDefine(const std::string &id, const std::string &value);
// @}
/// \name Dynamic links mgt
// @{
/** Associate the given dynamic link with an ID
* \return true if succesful
bool addLink(CInterfaceLink *link, const std::string &id);
/** remove the given link from its ID
* \return true if succesful
bool removeLink(const std::string &id);
// @}
/** create a template from an instance consisting of a single group
* \param templateName name of the template in the xml
* \param templateParams array containing each template parameter and its name
* \param number of template parameters in the array
CInterfaceGroup *createGroupInstance(const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, const std::pair<std::string, std::string> *templateParams, uint numParams, bool updateLinks = true);
CInterfaceGroup *createGroupInstance(const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > &templateParams, bool updateLinks = true)
if (templateParams.size() > 0)
return createGroupInstance(templateName, parentID, &templateParams[0], (uint)templateParams.size(), updateLinks);
return createGroupInstance(templateName, parentID, NULL, 0, updateLinks);
/** create a template from an instance consisting of a single control or group
* \param templateName name of the template in the xml
* \param templateParams array containing each template parameter and its name
* \param number of template parameters in the array
CInterfaceElement *createUIElement(const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, const std::pair<std::string,std::string> *templateParams, uint numParams, bool updateLinks /* = true */);
CInterfaceElement *createUIElement(const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > &templateParams, bool updateLinks = true)
if (templateParams.size() > 0)
return createUIElement(templateName, parentID, &templateParams[0], (uint)templateParams.size(), updateLinks);
return createUIElement(templateName, parentID, NULL, 0, updateLinks);
static void freeXMLNodeAndSibblings(xmlNodePtr node);
// search a "tree" node in the hierarchy that match node. may return root! NULL if not found
static xmlNodePtr searchTreeNodeInHierarchy(xmlNodePtr root, const char *node);
/// \name Clearing mgt
// @{
void removeAllLinks();
void removeAllProcedures();
void removeAllDefines();
void removeAllTemplates();
void removeAllAnims();
void removeAll();
// @}
/// Procedure list
typedef TProcedureMap::iterator ItProcedureMap;
typedef TProcedureMap::const_iterator CstItProcedureMap;
TProcedureMap _ProcedureMap;
// get info on procedure. return 0 if procedure not found
uint getProcedureNumActions( const std::string &procName ) const;
// return false if procedure not found, or if bad action index. return false if has some param variable (@0...)
bool getProcedureAction( const std::string &procName, uint actionIndex, std::string &ah, std::string &params ) const;
void setCacheUIParsing( bool b ){ cacheUIParsing = b; }
CInterfaceAnim* getAnim( const std::string &name ) const;
CProcedure* getProc( const std::string &name );
const TProcedureMap& getProcMap() const{ return _ProcedureMap; }
* Temporary data for init
/// vector storing parsed templates during init. At the end of init, only used template are kept
std::vector<xmlNodePtr> _Templates;
// map linking an element to its parent position used during init only
std::map<CInterfaceElement*,std::string> _ParentPositionsMap;
std::map<CInterfaceElement*,std::string> _ParentSizesMap;
std::map<CInterfaceElement*,std::string> _ParentSizesMaxMap;
// map linking a group to its lua script. used during init only
std::map<CInterfaceGroup*,std::string> _LuaClassAssociation;
* Data of initialized interface
/// Define Variable list
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> TVarMap;
typedef TVarMap::iterator ItVarMap;
typedef TVarMap::const_iterator CstItVarMap;
TVarMap _DefineMap;
bool validDefineChar(char c) const;
class CStyleProperty
std::string Name;
std::string Value;
class CStyle
std::vector<CStyleProperty> Properties;
// mgt of sheet selections (inventory, buy, sell..)
CCtrlSheetSelection _CtrlSheetSelection;
// Map of dynamic links
typedef std::map<std::string, NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CInterfaceLink> > TLinkMap;
TLinkMap _LinkMap;
// Map of anims
typedef std::map<std::string, CInterfaceAnim *> TAnimMap;
TAnimMap _AnimMap;
// Map of styles.
typedef std::map<std::string, CStyle> TStyleMap;
TStyleMap _StyleMap;
std::map< std::string, IParserModule* > moduleMap;
// List of script loaded (for reloadLua command)
std::set<std::string> _LuaFileScripts;
bool cacheUIParsing;
bool luaInitialized;
ISetupOptionCallbackClass *setupCallback;
uint32 linkId;
std::map< uint32, SLinkData > links;
bool editorMode;
std::map< std::string, VariableData > variableCache;
std::map< std::string, std::string > pointerSettings;
std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, std::string > > keySettings;
void initLUA();
void uninitLUA();
bool isLuaInitialized() const{ return luaInitialized; }
/// Load A .lua. false if parse error. string 'error' contains the eventual error desc (but warning still displayed)
bool loadLUA( const std::string &luaFile, std::string &error );
/// Reload all LUA scripts inserted through <lua>
void reloadAllLuaFileScripts();
void setSetupOptionsCallback( ISetupOptionCallbackClass *cb ){ setupCallback = cb; }
bool hasProc( const std::string &name ) const;
bool addProc( const std::string &name );
bool removeProc( const std::string &name );
const std::map< uint32, SLinkData >& getLinkMap() const{ return links; }
uint32 addLinkData( SLinkData &linkData );
void removeLinkData( uint32 id );
bool getLinkData( uint32 id, SLinkData &linkData );
void updateLinkData( uint32 id, const SLinkData &linkData );
void setEditorMode( bool b ){ editorMode = b; }
bool serializeVariables( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const;
bool serializeProcs( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const;
bool serializePointerSettings( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const;
bool serializeKeySettings( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "nel/misc/cdb.h"
#include "nel/misc/cdb_leaf.h"
#include "nel/misc/cdb_branch.h"
namespace NLGUI
* interface property
* class used to managed all the interface member values
* As the database contains only sint64, several methods are needed to do the conversion
* \author Nicolas Brigand
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CInterfaceProperty
//enum defining a hot spot
/// Constructor
_VolatileValue = NULL;
NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf* getNodePtr() const
return _VolatileValue;
void setNodePtr(NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *ptr)
_VolatileValue = ptr;
bool link (const char *DBProp);
bool link( NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *dbNode );
bool link( NLMISC::CCDBNodeBranch *dbNode, const std::string &leafId, NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *defaultLeaf = NULL );
/// float operations
void setDouble (double value) {setSInt64((sint64&) value);}
double getDouble () const {sint64 i = getSInt64(); return (double &) i; }
void readDouble (const char* value, const std::string& id);
/// sint32 operations
void setSInt32 (sint32 value) {_VolatileValue->setValue32 (value);}
sint32 getSInt32 () const {return _VolatileValue->getValue32();}
void readSInt32(const char* value, const std::string& id);
/// sint64 operations
void setSInt64 (sint64 value) {_VolatileValue->setValue64(value);}
sint64 getSInt64 () const {return _VolatileValue->getValue64();}
void readSInt64(const char* value, const std::string& id);
/// CRGBA operations
void setRGBA (const NLMISC::CRGBA & value);
NLMISC::CRGBA getRGBA () const;
void readRGBA (const char* value, const std::string& id);
/// HotSpot operations
void readHotSpot (const char* value, const std::string& id);
/// bool operations
void setBool (bool value);
bool getBool () const;
void readBool (const char* value, const std::string& id);
// Swap the content of this 2 property (no-op if one is NULL)
void swap32(CInterfaceProperty &o);
/// volatile value of the property (pointer to a leaf of the database)
NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf* _VolatileValue;
/* End of interface_property.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef CL_LIB_WWW_H
#define CL_LIB_WWW_H
extern "C"
#include "libwww/WWWInit.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlBaseButton;
class CCtrlScroll;
class CGroupList;
// ***************************************************************************
// Init the libwww
void initLibWWW();
// Get an url and setup a local domain
const std::string &setCurrentDomain(const std::string &url);
extern std::string CurrentCookie;
// ***************************************************************************
// Some DTD table
// Here, modify the DTD table to change the HTML parser (add new tags for exemples)
#undef HTML_ATTR
#define HTML_ATTR(t,a) MY_HTML_##t##_##a
#undef HTML_ATTR
// ***************************************************************************
// A smart ptr for LibWWW strings
class C3WSmartPtr
C3WSmartPtr ()
_Ptr = NULL;
C3WSmartPtr (const char *ptr)
_Ptr = ptr;
~C3WSmartPtr ()
void operator=(const char *str)
clear ();
_Ptr = str;
operator const char *() const
return _Ptr;
void clear()
if (_Ptr)
void *ptr = (void*)_Ptr;
_Ptr = NULL;
const char *_Ptr;
// ***************************************************************************
// Read a width HTML parameter. "100" or "100%". Returns true if percent (0 ~ 1) else false
bool getPercentage (sint32 &width, float &percent, const char *str);
// ***************************************************************************
// Parse a HTML color
NLMISC::CRGBA getColor (const char *color);
// ***************************************************************************
void _VerifyLibWWW(const char *function, bool ok, const char *file, int line);
#define VerifyLibWWW(a,b) _VerifyLibWWW(a,(b)!=FALSE,__FILE__,__LINE__)
// ***************************************************************************
// Standard request terminator
int requestTerminater (HTRequest * request, HTResponse * response, void * param, int status) ;
// ***************************************************************************

View file

@ -20,11 +20,9 @@
#include "HTProt.h"
#include "libwww/HTProt.h"
extern "C" HTProtCallback HTLoadNeLFile;
extern "C" PUBLIC HTInputStream * HTNeLReader_new (HTHost * host, HTChannel * ch,
void * param, int mode);
extern "C" PUBLIC HTInputStream * HTNeLReader_new (HTHost * host, HTChannel * ch, void * param, int mode);

View file

@ -14,45 +14,29 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef LINKDATA_H
#define LINKDATA_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include <string>
#include "view_text.h"
// ***************************************************************************
* Display a text in the form of val / max or "empty"
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CDBViewQuantity : public CViewText
namespace NLGUI
/// Constructor
CDBViewQuantity(const TCtorParam &param);
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual void draw ();
struct SLinkData
uint32 id;
std::string parent;
std::string expr;
std::string target;
std::string action;
std::string params;
std::string cond;
CInterfaceProperty _Number;
CInterfaceProperty _NumberMax;
sint32 _Cache;
sint32 _CacheMax;
ucstring _EmptyText;
void buildTextFromCache();
/* End of dbview_quantity.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
extern "C"
#include "lua_loadlib.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CLuaState;
namespace LuaHelperStuff
void formatLuaStackContext( std::string &stackContext );
std::string formatLuaErrorSysInfo( const std::string &error );
std::string formatLuaErrorNlWarn( const std::string &error );
// ***************************************************************************
/** Helper class to see if a stack is restored at its initial size (or with n return results).
* Check that the stack size remains unchanged when the object goes out of scope
class CLuaStackChecker
CLuaStackChecker(CLuaState *state, int numWantedResults = 0);
/** Increment exception context counter
* When an exception is thrown, lua stack checker do any assert bu will
* rather restore the lua stack at its original size, and will
* let the exception a chance to propagate
static void incrementExceptionContextCounter();
static void decrementExceptionContextCounter();
CLuaState *_State;
int _FinalWantedSize;
static uint _ExceptionContextCounter;
// **************************************************************************
/** Helper class to restore the lua stack to the desired size when this object goes out of scope
class CLuaStackRestorer
CLuaStackRestorer(CLuaState *state, int finalSize);
int _FinalSize;
CLuaState *_State;
class ELuaError : public NLMISC::Exception
ELuaError() { CLuaStackChecker::incrementExceptionContextCounter(); }
virtual ~ELuaError() throw() { CLuaStackChecker::decrementExceptionContextCounter(); }
ELuaError(const std::string &reason) : Exception(reason) { CLuaStackChecker::incrementExceptionContextCounter(); }
// what(), plus append the Reason
virtual std::string luaWhat() const throw() {return NLMISC::toString("LUAError: %s", what());}
// A parse error occured
class ELuaParseError : public ELuaError
ELuaParseError() {}
ELuaParseError(const std::string &reason) : ELuaError(reason) {}
virtual ~ELuaParseError() throw() { }
// what(), plus append the Reason
virtual std::string luaWhat() const throw() {return NLMISC::toString("ELuaParseError: %s", what());}
/** Exception thrown when something went wrong inside a wrapped function called by lua
class ELuaWrappedFunctionException : public ELuaError
ELuaWrappedFunctionException(CLuaState *luaState);
ELuaWrappedFunctionException(CLuaState *luaState, const std::string &reason);
ELuaWrappedFunctionException(CLuaState *luaState, const char *format, ...);
virtual ~ELuaWrappedFunctionException() throw() { }
virtual const char *what() const throw() {return _Reason.c_str();}
void init(CLuaState *ls, const std::string &reason);
std::string _Reason;
// A execution error occured
class ELuaExecuteError : public ELuaError
ELuaExecuteError() {}
ELuaExecuteError(const std::string &reason) : ELuaError(reason) {}
virtual ~ELuaExecuteError() throw() { }
// what(), plus append the Reason
virtual std::string luaWhat() const throw() {return NLMISC::toString("ELuaExecuteError: %s", what());}
// A bad cast occured when using lua_checkcast
class ELuaBadCast : public ELuaError
ELuaBadCast() {}
ELuaBadCast(const std::string &reason) : ELuaError(reason) {}
// what(), plus append the Reason
virtual std::string luaWhat() const throw() {return NLMISC::toString("ELuaBadCast: %s", what());}
// Error when trying to indexate an object that is not a table
class ELuaNotATable : public ELuaError
ELuaNotATable() {}
ELuaNotATable(const std::string &reason) : ELuaError(reason) {}
// what(), plus append the Reason
virtual std::string luaWhat() const throw() {return NLMISC::toString("ELuaNotATable: %s", what());}
// ***************************************************************************
// a function to be used with a CLuaState instance
typedef int (* TLuaWrappedFunction) (CLuaState &ls);
// ***************************************************************************
/** C++ version of a lua state
class CLuaState : public NLMISC::CRefCount
typedef NLMISC::CRefPtr<CLuaState> TRefPtr;
// Create a new environement
CLuaState( bool debugger = false );
/// \name Registering
// @{
// register a wrapped function
void registerFunc(const char *name, TLuaWrappedFunction function);
// @}
/// \name Script execution
// @{
/** Parse a script and push as a function in top of the LUA stack
* \throw ELuaParseError
* \param dbgSrc is a string for debug. Should be a filename (preceded with '@'), or a short script.
void loadScript(const std::string &code, const std::string &dbgSrc);
/** Execute a script from a string, possibly throwing an exception if there's a parse error
* \throw ELuaParseError, ELuaExecuteError
void executeScript(const std::string &code, int numRet = 0);
/** Execute a script from a string. If an errors occurs it is printed in the log
* \return true if script execution was successful
bool executeScriptNoThrow(const std::string &code, int numRet = 0);
/** Load a Script from a File (maybe in a BNP), and execute it
* \return false if file not found
* \throw ELuaParseError, ELuaExecuteError
bool executeFile(const std::string &pathName);
/** execute a very Small Script (a function call for instance)
* It is different from doString() in such there is a cache (where the key is the script itself)
* so that the second time this script is executed, there is no parsing
* Note: I experienced optim with about 10 times faster than a executeScript() on a simple "a= a+1;" script
* \throw ELuaParseError, ELuaExecuteError
void executeSmallScript(const std::string &script);
// @}
/// \name Stack Manipulation
// @{
// stack manipulation (indices start at 1)
void setTop(int index); // set new size of stack
void clear() { setTop(0); }
int getTop();
bool empty() { return getTop() == 0; }
void pushValue(int index); // copie nth element of stack to the top of the stack
void remove(int index); // remove nth element of stack
void insert(int index); // insert last element of the stack before the given position
void replace(int index); // replace nth element of the stack with the top of the stack
void pop(int numElem = 1); // remove n elements from the top of the stack
// test the type of an element in the stack
// return one of the following values :
int type(int index = -1);
const char *getTypename(int type);
bool isNil(int index = -1);
bool isBoolean(int index = -1);
bool isNumber(int index = -1);
bool isString(int index = -1);
bool isTable(int index = -1);
bool isFunction(int index = -1);
bool isCFunction(int index = -1);
bool isUserData(int index = -1);
bool isLightUserData(int index = -1);
// converting then getting a value from the stack
bool toBoolean(int index = -1);
lua_Number toNumber(int index = -1);
const char *toString(int index = -1);
void toString(int index, std::string &str); // convert to a std::string, with a NULL check.
size_t strlen(int index = -1);
lua_CFunction toCFunction(int index = -1);
void *toUserData(int index = -1);
const void *toPointer(int index = -1);
/** Helper functions : get value of the wanted type in the top table after conversion
* A default value is used if the stack entry is NULL.
* If conversion fails then an exception is thrown (with optional msg)
bool getTableBooleanValue(const char *name, bool defaultValue= false);
double getTableNumberValue(const char *name, double defaultValue= 0);
const char *getTableStringValue(const char *name, const char *defaultValue= NULL);
// pushing value onto the stack
void push(bool value);
void push(lua_Number value);
void push(const char *str);
void push(const char *str, int length);
void push(const std::string &str);
void pushNil();
void push(lua_CFunction f);
void push(TLuaWrappedFunction function);
void pushLightUserData(void *); // push a light user data (use newUserData to push a full userdata)
// metatables
bool getMetaTable(int index = -1);
bool setMetaTable(int index = -1); // set the metatable at top of stack to the object at 'index' (usually -2), then pop the metatable
// even if asignment failed
// comparison
bool equal(int index1, int index2);
bool rawEqual(int index1, int index2);
bool lessThan(int index1, int index2);
// concatenation of the n element at the top of the stack (using lua semantic)
void concat(int numElem);
// tables
void newTable(); // create a new table at top of the stack
void getTable(int index); // get value from a table at index 'index' (key is at top)
void rawGet(int index);
void setTable(int index); // set (key, value) from top of the stack into the given table
// both key and value are poped
void rawSet(int index);
bool next(int index); // table traversal
// UserData
void *newUserData(uint size);
// seting value by int index in a table
void rawSetI(int index, int n);
void rawGetI(int index, int n);
/** Calling functions (it's up to the caller to clear the results)
* The function should have been pushed on the stack
void call(int nargs, int nresults);
int pcall(int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc = 0);
/** Helper : Execute a function by name. Lookup for the function is done in the table at the index 'funcTableIndex'
* the behaviour is the same than with call of pcall.
int pcallByName(const char *functionName, int nargs, int nresults, int funcTableIndex = LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, int errfunc = 0);
// push a C closure (pop n element from the stack and associate with the function)
void pushCClosure(lua_CFunction function, int n);
// @}
/// \name Misc
// @{
/** Retrieve pointer to a CLuaState environment from its lua_State pointer, or NULL
* if there no such environment
static CLuaState *fromStatePointer(lua_State *state);
// Get state pointer. The state should not be closed (this object has ownership)
lua_State *getStatePointer() const {return _State;}
// check that an index is valid when accessing the stack
// an assertion is raised if the index is not valid
void checkIndex(int index);
// registering C function to use with a lua state pointer
void registerFunc(const char *name, lua_CFunction function);
// Garbage collector
int getGCCount(); // get memory in use in KB
int getGCThreshold(); // get max memory in KB
void setGCThreshold(int kb); // set max memory in KB (no-op with ref-counted version)
// handle garbage collector for ref-counted version of lua (no-op with standard version, in which case gc handling is automatic)
void handleGC();
/** For Debug: get the Stack context of execution (filename / line)
* \param stackLevel: get the context of execution of the given stackLevel.
* 0 for the current function
* 1 for the function that called 0
* 2 ....
* NB: if called from a C function called from LUA, remember that stackLevel 0 is the current function.
* Hence if you want to know what LUA context called you, pass stackLevel=1!
* \param ret string cleared if any error, else filled with formated FileName / LineNumber
void getStackContext(std::string &ret, uint stackLevel);
// @}
// for debug : dump the current content of the stack (no recursion)
void dumpStack();
static void dumpStack(lua_State *ls);
void getStackAsString(std::string &dest);
lua_State *_State;
int _GCThreshold; // if refcounted gc is used, then garbage collector is handled manually
// Small Script Cache
uint _SmallScriptPool;
typedef std::map<std::string, uint> TSmallScriptCache;
TSmallScriptCache _SmallScriptCache;
static const char * _NELSmallScriptTableName;
// this object isn't intended to be copied
CLuaState(const CLuaState &/* other */):NLMISC::CRefCount() { nlassert(0); }
CLuaState &operator=(const CLuaState &/* other */) { nlassert(0); return *this; }
void executeScriptInternal(const std::string &code, const std::string &dbgSrc, int numRet = 0);
// Access to lua function
// one should not include lua.h directly because if a debugger is present, lua
// function pointer will be taken from a dynamic library.
// include implementation
#include "lua_helper_inline.h"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef NL_LUA_IHM_H
#define NL_LUA_IHM_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/lua_helper.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_element.h"
#define IHM_LUA_METATABLE "__ui_metatable"
#define IHM_LUA_ENVTABLE "__ui_envtable"
namespace NLMISC
class CPolygon2D;
class CVector2f;
class CRGBA;
namespace NLGUI
class CReflectable;
class CReflectedProperty;
// ***************************************************************************
/* Use this Exception for all LUA Error (eg: scripted passes bad number of paramters).
* Does not herit from Exception because avoid nlinfo, because sent twice (catch then resent)
* This is special to lua and IHM since it works with CLuaStackChecker, and also append to the error msg
* the FileName/LineNumber
class ELuaIHMException : public ELuaWrappedFunctionException
static CLuaState *getLuaState();
ELuaIHMException() : ELuaWrappedFunctionException(getLuaState())
ELuaIHMException(const std::string &reason) : ELuaWrappedFunctionException(getLuaState(), reason)
ELuaIHMException(const char *format, ...) : ELuaWrappedFunctionException(getLuaState())
std::string reason;
NLMISC_CONVERT_VARGS (reason, format, NLMISC::MaxCStringSize);
init(getLuaState(), reason);
// ***************************************************************************
* Define Functions to export from C to LUA
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2004
class CLuaIHM
static void registerAll(CLuaState &ls);
/** CReflectableInterfaceElement management on stack, stored by a CRefPtr.
* May be called as well for ui element, because they derive from CReflectableRefPtrTarget
static void pushReflectableOnStack(CLuaState &ls, class CReflectableRefPtrTarget *pRPT);
static bool isReflectableOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index);
static CReflectableRefPtrTarget *getReflectableOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index);
// ucstring
static bool pop(CLuaState &ls, ucstring &dest);
static void push(CLuaState &ls, const ucstring &value);
static bool isUCStringOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index);
static bool getUCStringOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index, ucstring &dest);
static bool pop(CLuaState &ls, NLMISC::CRGBA &dest);
// CVector2f
static bool pop(CLuaState &ls, NLMISC::CVector2f &dest);
// helper : get a 2D poly (a table of cvector2f) from a lua table (throw on fail)
static void getPoly2DOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index, NLMISC::CPolygon2D &dest);
// argument checkin helpers
static void checkArgCount(CLuaState &ls, const char* funcName, uint nArgs); // check that number of argument is exactly the one required
static void checkArgMin(CLuaState &ls, const char* funcName, uint nArgs); // check that number of argument is at least the one required
static void checkArgMax(CLuaState &ls, const char* funcName, uint nArgs); // check that number of argument is at most the one required
static void check(CLuaState &ls, bool ok, const std::string &failReason);
static void checkArgType(CLuaState &ls, const char *funcName, uint index, int argType);
static void checkArgTypeRGBA(CLuaState &ls, const char *funcName, uint index);
static void checkArgTypeUCString(CLuaState &ls, const char *funcName, uint index);
/** throw a lua expection (inside a C function called from lua) with the given reason, and the current call stack
* The various check... function call this function when their test fails
static void fails(CLuaState &ls, const char *format, ...);
// pop a sint32 from a lua stack, throw an exception on fail
static bool popSINT32(CLuaState &ls, sint32 & dest);
bool popString(CLuaState &ls, std::string & dest);
/** read/write between values on a lua stack & a property exported from a 'CReflectable' derived object
* (throws on error)
static void luaValueToReflectedProperty(CLuaState &ls, int stackIndex, CReflectable &target, const CReflectedProperty &property) throw(ELuaIHMException);
// push a reflected property on the stack
// NB : no check is done that 'property' is part of the class info of 'reflectedObject'
static void luaValueFromReflectedProperty(CLuaState &ls, CReflectable &reflectedObject, const CReflectedProperty &property);
// Functions for the ui metatable
static class CInterfaceElement* getUIRelative( CInterfaceElement *pIE, const std::string &propName );
static int luaUIIndex( CLuaState &ls );
static int luaUINewIndex( CLuaState &ls );
static int luaUIEq( CLuaState &ls );
static int luaUINext( CLuaState &ls );
static int luaUIDtor( CLuaState &ls );
static void registerBasics(CLuaState &ls);
static void registerIHM(CLuaState &ls);
static void createLuaEnumTable(CLuaState &ls, const std::string &str);
static void pushUIOnStack(CLuaState &ls, CInterfaceElement *pIE);
static bool isUIOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index);
static CInterfaceElement *getUIOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index);
static void checkArgTypeUIElement(CLuaState &ls, const char *funcName, uint index);
//////////////////////////////////////////// Exported functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static uint32 getLocalTime();
static double getPreciseLocalTime();
static std::string findReplaceAll(const std::string &str, const std::string &search, const std::string &replace);
static ucstring findReplaceAll(const ucstring &str, const ucstring &search, const ucstring &replace);
static ucstring findReplaceAll(const ucstring &str, const std::string &search, const std::string &replace);
static ucstring findReplaceAll(const ucstring &str, const std::string &search, const ucstring &replace);
static ucstring findReplaceAll(const ucstring &str, const ucstring &search, const std::string &replace);
static int luaMethodCall(lua_State *ls);
static int setOnDraw(CLuaState &ls); // params: CInterfaceGroup*, "script". return: none
static int addOnDbChange(CLuaState &ls); // params: CInterfaceGroup*, "dblist", "script". return: none
static int removeOnDbChange(CLuaState &ls);// params: CInterfaceGroup*. return: none
static int setCaptureKeyboard(CLuaState &ls);
static int resetCaptureKeyboard(CLuaState &ls);
static int getUIId(CLuaState &ls); // params: CInterfaceElement*. return: ui id (empty if error)
static int runAH(CLuaState &ls); // params: CInterfaceElement *, "ah", "params". return: none
static int getWindowSize(CLuaState &ls);
static int setTopWindow(CLuaState &ls); // set the top window
static int getTextureSize(CLuaState &ls);
static int disableModalWindow(CLuaState &ls);
static int deleteUI(CLuaState &ls); // params: CInterfaceElement*.... return: none
static int deleteReflectable(CLuaState &ls); // params: CInterfaceElement*.... return: none
static int getCurrentWindowUnder(CLuaState &ls); // params: none. return: CInterfaceElement* (nil if none)
static bool fileExists(const std::string &fileName);
static int runExprAndPushResult(CLuaState &ls, const std::string &expr); // Used by runExpr and runFct
static int runExpr(CLuaState &ls); // params: "expr". return: any of: nil,bool,string,number, RGBA, UCString
static int runFct(CLuaState &ls); // params: "expr", param1, param2.... return: any of: nil,bool,string,number, RGBA, UCString
static int runCommand(CLuaState &ls); // params: "command name", param1, param2 ... return true or false
static int isUCString(CLuaState &ls);
static int concatUCString(CLuaState &ls); // workaround for + operator that don't work in luabind for ucstrings ...
static int concatString(CLuaState &ls); // speedup concatenation of several strings
static int tableToString(CLuaState &ls); // concat element of a table to build a string
static int getPathContent(CLuaState &ls);
#endif // NL_LUA_IHM_H
/* End of lua_ihm.h */

View file

@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
extern "C"
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lualib.h>
#include <lua/lua.h>
#include <lua/lauxlib.h>
#include <lua/lualib.h>
// load the lua dll, return 1 on success

View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CLuaState;
Lua Manager
Provides a single global access point to the Lua state, and related stuff. :(
class CLuaManager
static CLuaManager& getInstance()
if( instance == NULL )
instance = new CLuaManager();
return *instance;
/// Enables attaching the Lua debugger in the CLuaState instance, only matters on startup.
static void enableLuaDebugging(){ debugLua = true; }
/// Returns the Lua state.
NLGUI::CLuaState* getLuaState() const{ return luaState; }
Executes a Lua script
@param luaScript - the script we want to execute ( the actual script, not the filename! )
@param smallScript - true if the script is very small, so it can be cached for the possible next execution.
bool executeLuaScript( const std::string &luaScript, bool smallScript = false );
/// Resets the Lua state, that is deallocates it and allocates a new one.
void ResetLuaState();
/// Forces the Garbage Collector to run.
void forceGarbageCollect();
static void setEditorMode( bool b ){ editorMode = b; }
static CLuaManager *instance;
static bool debugLua;
static bool editorMode;
NLGUI::CLuaState *luaState;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "nel/gui/lua_helper.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CLuaEnumeration;
* Wrapper to a lua value
* Useful to navigate through lua tables without having to deal with the stack.
* The following types are tracked by reference :
* - lua table
* - lua user data
* - lua functions
* The following types are kept by value :
* - lua numbers
* - lua strings ?
* - lua boolean
* - lua light user datas
* - lua 'pointers'
* Each reference object has an id giving its path in order to track bugs more easily
class CLuaObject
CLuaObject() {}
// Build this object by popping it from the given lua state
CLuaObject(CLuaState &state, const char *id ="");
CLuaObject(CLuaState &state, const std::string &id);
// Build this object from another object
CLuaObject(const CLuaObject &other);
// Copy refrence to another lua object
CLuaObject &operator=(const CLuaObject &other);
// Get id for that object
const std::string &getId() const { return _Id; }
// Set id for that object
void setId(const std::string &id) { _Id = id; }
// See if the obj
bool isValid() const;
// Pop a new value for this lua object from the top of the stack. The stack must not be empty
void pop(CLuaState &luaState, const char *id ="");
// Push the object that is being referenced on the stack
// An assertion is raised if 'pop' hasn't been called or
// if the lua state has been destroyed
void push() const;
// Get the lua state in which the object resides.
CLuaState *getLuaState() const;
// Release the object. 'pop' must be called to make the object valid again
void release();
// type queries
int type() const;
const char *getTypename() const;
bool isNil() const;
bool isNumber() const;
bool isBoolean() const;
bool isString() const;
bool isFunction() const;
bool isCFunction() const;
bool isTable() const;
bool isUserData() const;
bool isLightUserData() const;
bool isRGBA() const;
// equality
bool rawEqual(const CLuaObject &other) const;
// conversions (no throw) : the actual value of object is not modified!!
NLMISC::CRGBA toRGBA() const; // default to black if not a crgba
bool toBoolean() const;
lua_Number toNumber() const;
std::string toString() const;
lua_CFunction toCFunction() const;
void *toUserData() const;
const void *toPointer() const;
// implicit conversions (no throw)
operator bool() const;
operator float() const;
operator double() const;
operator std::string() const;
/** create a sub table for this object, with a string as a key
* This object must be a table or an exception if thrown
CLuaObject newTable(const char *tableName) throw(ELuaNotATable);
/** Set a value in a table.
* If this object is not a table then an exception is thrown
* NB : value should came from the same lua environment
* \TODO other type of keys
void setValue(const char *key, const CLuaObject &value) throw(ELuaNotATable);
void setValue(const std::string &key, const CLuaObject &value) throw(ELuaNotATable) { setValue(key.c_str(), value); }
void setValue(const char *key, const std::string &value) throw(ELuaNotATable);
void setValue(const char *key, const char *value) throw(ELuaNotATable);
void setValue(const char *key, bool value) throw(ELuaNotATable);
void setValue(const char *key, TLuaWrappedFunction value) throw(ELuaNotATable);
void setValue(const char *key, double value) throw(ELuaNotATable);
void setValue(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) throw(ELuaNotATable) { setValue(key.c_str(), value); }
void setNil(const char *key) throw(ELuaNotATable);
void setNil(const std::string &key) throw(ELuaNotATable) { setNil(key.c_str()); }
/** Erase a value in a table by its key.
* If this object is not a table then an exception is thrown.
* \TODO other type of keys
void eraseValue(const char *key) throw(ELuaNotATable);
void eraseValue(const std::string &key) throw(ELuaNotATable) { eraseValue(key.c_str()); }
// test is this object is enumerable
bool isEnumerable() const;
// Enumeration of a table. If the object is not a table, an exception is thrown.
CLuaEnumeration enumerate() throw(ELuaNotATable);
// retrieve metatable of an object (or nil if object has no metatable)
CLuaObject getMetaTable() const;
// set metatable for this object
bool setMetaTable(CLuaObject &metatable);
/** Access to a sub element of a table (no throw).
* if the element is not a table, then 'nil' is returned
* TODO nico : add other key types if needed
* TODO nico : version that takes destination object as a reference in its parameter to avoid an object copy
CLuaObject operator[](double key) const;
CLuaObject operator[](const char *key) const;
CLuaObject operator[](const std::string &key) const { return operator[](key.c_str()); }
/** Checked access to a sub element of a table. An exception is thrown is the element is not a table.
CLuaObject at(const char *key) const throw (ELuaNotATable);
CLuaObject at(const std::string &key) const { return at(key.c_str()); }
// Test is that table has the given key. The object must be a table or an exception is thrown
bool hasKey(const char *key) const;
/** debug : recursively get value (useful for table)
* \param maxDepth (0 for no limit)
* \param alreadySeen pointer to lua tables that have already been displayed by the command (to avoid infinite recursion when a cycluic graph is encountered)
std::string toStringRecurse(uint depth = 0, uint maxDepth = 20, std::set<const void *> *alreadySeen = NULL) const;
/** dump the value in the log (includes tables)
* \param alreadySeen pointer to lua tables that have already been displayed by the command (to avoid infinite recursion when a cycluic graph is encountered)
void dump(uint maxDepth = 20, std::set<const void *> *alreadySeen = NULL) const;
// concatenate identifiers, adding a dot between them if necessary. If right is a number then brackets are added
static std::string concatId(const std::string &left, const std::string &right);
// If this object is a function, then call it and return true on success
bool callNoThrow(int numArgs, int numRet);
// Call a method of this table by name (no throw version)
bool callMethodByNameNoThrow(const char *name, int numArgs, int numRet);
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CLuaState> _LuaState;
std::string _Id;
/** enumeration of the content of a lua table
* Example of use :
CLuaObject table;
table.pop(luaState); // retrieve table from the top of a lua stack
CLuaEnumeration enueration = table.enumerate();
while (enumeration.hasNext())
nlinfo('key = %s", enumeration.nextKey().toString().c_str());
nlinfo('value = %s", enumeration.nextValue().toString().c_str());;
* There is a macro called 'ENUM_LUA_TABLE' to automate that process.
* Previous code would then be written as follow :
CLuaObject table;
table.pop(luaState); // retrieve table from the top of a lua stack
ENUM_LUA_TABLE(table, enumeration);
nlinfo('key = %s", enumeration.nextKey().toString().c_str());
nlinfo('value = %s", enumeration.nextValue().toString().c_str());
class CLuaEnumeration
// is there a next key,value pair in the table
bool hasNext() { return _HasNext; }
// Return next key. Assertion if 'hasNext' is false
const CLuaObject &nextKey() const;
// Return next value. Assertion if 'hasNext' is false
CLuaObject &nextValue();
// Go to the next value. Assertion if there's no such value
void next();
friend class CLuaObject;
// current value & key
CLuaObject _Table;
CLuaObject _Key;
CLuaObject _Value;
CLuaObject _NextFunction; // pointer to the global 'next' function
bool _HasNext;
// construction from a table on the stack
CLuaEnumeration(CLuaObject &table);
/** macro to ease lua table enumeration
* \param object A CLuaObject which must be a table, and on which enumeration is done. An exception will be thrown as 'CLuaObject::enumerate' is
* called if this is not the case
* \param enumerator The enumerator object
#define ENUM_LUA_TABLE(object, enumerator) for(CLuaEnumeration enumerator = (object).enumerate(); enumerator.hasNext();
//opitmized lua string for fast comparison
class CLuaString
explicit CLuaString(const char *value = "")
nlassert( value != NULL );
_Str = value;
const std::string& getStr() const{ return _Str; }
std::string _Str;
mutable CLuaState::TRefPtr _LuaState; // ref ptr so that statics get rebuilt on lua restart
mutable CLuaObject _InLua;
inline bool operator==(const char* lh, const CLuaString& rh)
return std::string(lh) == rh.getStr();
inline bool operator==( const CLuaString& lh, const CLuaString& rh)
return lh.getStr() == rh.getStr();
inline bool operator==(const CLuaString& lh, const char* rh)
return std::string(rh) == lh.getStr();
inline bool operator==( const CLuaString& lh, const std::string& rh)
return lh.getStr() == rh;
inline bool operator==(const std::string& lh, const CLuaString& rh)
return lh == rh.getStr();
class CLuaHashMapTraits
static const size_t bucket_size = 4;
static const size_t min_buckets = 8;
// hasher for lua string -> they are unique pointers for each string, so just hash a pointer instead of a string...
size_t operator()(const char *value) const { return ((size_t) value) >> 3; }
// equality for lua string for hash_map -> they are unique pointer -> compare pointers instead of string content
bool operator()(const char *lhs, const char *rhs) const { return lhs < rhs; }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef PARSER_H
#define PARSER_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/proc.h"
#include "nel/gui/link_data.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CInterfaceElement;
class CInterfaceGroup;
class CInterfaceAnim;
class CCtrlSheetSelection;
class CInterfaceLink;
/// Interface for the GUI XML parser class.
class IParser
virtual ~IParser();
static IParser* createParser();
virtual void addParentPositionAssociation( CInterfaceElement *element, const std::string &parentID ) = 0;
virtual void addParentSizeAssociation( CInterfaceElement *element, const std::string &parentID ) = 0;
virtual void addParentSizeMaxAssociation( CInterfaceElement *element, const std::string &parentID ) = 0;
virtual void addLuaClassAssociation( CInterfaceGroup *group, const std::string &luaScript ) = 0;
virtual std::string getParentPosAssociation( CInterfaceElement *element ) const = 0;
virtual std::string getParentSizeAssociation( CInterfaceElement *element ) const = 0;
virtual std::string getParentSizeMaxAssociation( CInterfaceElement *element ) const = 0;
virtual std::string getLuaClassAssociation( CInterfaceGroup *group ) const = 0;
virtual CInterfaceGroup* createGroupInstance( const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, const std::pair< std::string, std::string > *templateParams, uint numParams, bool updateLinks = true ) = 0;
virtual CInterfaceGroup* createGroupInstance( const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &templateParams, bool updateLinks = true ) = 0;
virtual bool parseGroupChildren( xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, bool reload ) = 0;
virtual uint getProcedureNumActions( const std::string &procName ) const = 0;
virtual bool getProcedureAction( const std::string &procName, uint actionIndex, std::string &ah, std::string &params ) const = 0;
virtual const std::string& getDefine(const std::string &id) const = 0;
virtual CInterfaceAnim* getAnim( const std::string &name ) const = 0;
virtual CProcedure* getProc( const std::string &name ) = 0;
virtual const TProcedureMap& getProcMap() const = 0;
virtual bool parseInterface( const std::vector< std::string > &xmlFileNames, bool reload, bool isFilename = true, bool checkInData = false ) = 0;
virtual void initLUA() = 0;
virtual void uninitLUA() = 0;
virtual bool isLuaInitialized() const = 0;
virtual bool loadLUA( const std::string &luaFile, std::string &error ) = 0;
virtual void reloadAllLuaFileScripts() = 0;
virtual void removeAllTemplates() = 0;
virtual bool solveDefine( const std::string &propVal, std::string &newPropVal, std::string &defError ) = 0;
virtual CInterfaceElement* createUIElement( const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, const std::pair< std::string,std::string> *templateParams, uint numParams, bool updateLinks ) = 0;
virtual CInterfaceElement* createUIElement( const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &templateParams, bool updateLinks = true ) = 0;
virtual bool isDefineExist( const std::string &id ) const = 0;
virtual CCtrlSheetSelection &getCtrlSheetSelection() = 0;
virtual bool addLink( CInterfaceLink *link, const std::string &id ) = 0;
virtual bool removeLink( const std::string &id ) = 0;
virtual void removeAll() = 0;
virtual bool hasProc( const std::string &name ) const = 0;
virtual bool addProc( const std::string &name ) = 0;
virtual bool removeProc( const std::string &name ) = 0;
virtual void setEditorMode( bool b ) = 0;
virtual const std::map< uint32, SLinkData >& getLinkMap() const = 0;
virtual uint32 addLinkData( SLinkData &linkData ) = 0;
virtual void removeLinkData( uint32 id ) = 0;
virtual bool getLinkData( uint32 id, SLinkData &linkData ) = 0;
virtual void updateLinkData( uint32 id, const SLinkData &linkData ) = 0;
virtual bool serializeVariables( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const = 0;
virtual bool serializeProcs( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const = 0;
virtual bool serializePointerSettings( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const = 0;
virtual bool serializeKeySettings( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const = 0;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef PROC_H
#define PROC_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
namespace NLGUI
class CParamBlock
// -1 if not a param id, but a string
sint32 NumParam;
std::string String;
NumParam = -1;
class CProcAction
// a condition to launch this action handler (is an expression)
std::vector< CParamBlock > CondBlocks;
// the action handler (may be proc!!)
std::string Action;
std::string Parameters;
std::string Conditions;
// A list of string/or param number => to build the final params at execution
std::vector< CParamBlock > ParamBlocks;
// build a paramBlock from a string
void buildParamBlock( const std::string &params );
// from ParamBlock, and a paramList (skip the 0th), build params.
void buildParams( const std::vector< std::string > &paramList, std::string &params ) const;
void buildCondBlock( const std::string &params );
void buildCond( const std::vector< std::string > &paramList, std::string &cond ) const;
static void buildBlocks( const std::string &in, std::vector< CParamBlock > &out );
static void eval( const std::vector< std::string > &inArgs, const std::vector< CParamBlock > &inBlocks, std::string &out );
class CActionNameIs
CActionNameIs( const std::string &n )
name = n;
bool operator()( const CProcAction &action )
if( action.Action == name )
return true;
return false;
std::string name;
class CProcedure
// List of the actions
std::vector< CProcAction > Actions;
bool hasAction( const std::string &name ) const
std::vector< CProcAction >::const_iterator itr
= std::find_if( Actions.begin(), Actions.end(), CActionNameIs( name ) );
if( itr != Actions.end() )
return true;
return false;
bool swap( uint32 i1, uint32 i2 )
if( i1 == i2 )
return false;
if( i1 >= Actions.size() )
return false;
if( i2 >= Actions.size() )
return false;
CProcAction a = Actions[ i1 ];
Actions[ i1 ] = Actions[ i2 ];
Actions[ i2 ] = a;
return true;
bool addAction( const std::string &name )
Actions.push_back( CProcAction() );
Actions.back().Action = name;
return true;
bool removeAction( uint32 i )
if( i >= Actions.size() )
return false;
std::vector< CProcAction >::iterator itr = Actions.begin() + i;
Actions.erase( itr );
return true;
typedef std::map< std::string, CProcedure > TProcedureMap;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef CL_REFLECT_H
#define CL_REFLECT_H
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "nel/gui/lua_object.h"
#include <string>
namespace NLGUI
class CReflectable;
class CLuaState;
struct CClassInfo;
/** A property of a reflectable object
* NB: multiple inheritance not supported
class CReflectedProperty
enum TType { Boolean = 0,
}; // other types will be added when needed
// define some pointer-to-member types
typedef bool (CReflectable::* TGetBool) () const;
typedef sint32 (CReflectable::* TGetSInt32) () const;
typedef uint32 (CReflectable::* TGetUInt32) () const;
typedef float (CReflectable::* TGetFloat) () const;
typedef std::string (CReflectable::* TGetString) () const;
typedef ucstring (CReflectable::* TGetUCString) () const;
typedef NLMISC::CRGBA (CReflectable::* TGetRGBA) () const;
typedef void (CReflectable::* TSetBool) (bool);
typedef void (CReflectable::* TSetSInt32) (sint32);
typedef void (CReflectable::* TSetUInt32) (uint32);
typedef void (CReflectable::* TSetFloat) (float);
typedef void (CReflectable::* TSetString) (const std::string &);
typedef void (CReflectable::* TSetUCString) (const ucstring &);
typedef void (CReflectable::* TSetRGBA) (NLMISC::CRGBA col);
typedef int (CReflectable:: *TLuaMethod) (CLuaState &luaState);
TType Type;
// In each union we have method pointers to retrieve / set the data of the desired type (as told in 'Type')
TGetBool GetBool;
TGetSInt32 GetSInt32;
TGetUInt32 GetUInt32;
TGetFloat GetFloat;
TGetString GetString;
TGetUCString GetUCString;
TLuaMethod GetLuaMethod; // lua method can only be obtained, not written ...
} GetMethod;
TSetBool SetBool;
TSetSInt32 SetSInt32;
TSetUInt32 SetUInt32;
TSetFloat SetFloat;
TSetString SetString;
TSetUCString SetUCString;
} SetMethod;
// name of the property
std::string Name;
mutable CLuaObject LuaMethodRef; // cache pointer to function call if type == LuaMethod
const CClassInfo *ParentClass; // filled when 'registerClass' is called
// a vector of reflected properties
typedef std::vector<CReflectedProperty> TReflectedProperties;
struct CClassInfo;
/** Base class for a reflectable object
* NB: multiple inheritance not supported
class CReflectable
virtual ~CReflectable() {}
virtual const char *getReflectedClassName() const { return "CReflectable"; }
virtual const char *getRflectedParentClassName() const { return ""; }
/** When registering classes, the reflect system will call this function on each class
* to know which properties they exports.
* To defines which properties are exported use the REFLECT_EXPORT_** macros.
* By doing so, a new 'getReflectedProperties' function will be defined
static void getReflectedProperties(TReflectedProperties &/* props */)
// get class infos for this reflectable object
const CClassInfo *getClassInfo();
/** get a property from this object by name
* TODO nico : optimized version for lua string (found in CLuaIHM) would maybe fit better here ...
const CReflectedProperty *getReflectedProperty(const std::string &propertyName, bool dspWarning= true) const;
struct CLuaIndexedProperty
const CReflectedProperty *Prop;
CLuaString Id; // must keep id here, so that we are sure the string is not gc in lua and its pointer remains valid
struct CClassInfo
TReflectedProperties Properties; // the properties exported by this class
const CClassInfo *ParentClass; // pointer to infos of the parent class, or NULL if it is a root class
std::string ClassName;
/** For lua speedup (used by CLuaIHM) : because lua string are unique, we can use them to access property directly.
typedef CHashMap<const char *, CLuaIndexedProperty, CLuaHashMapTraits> TLuaStrToPropMap;
mutable TLuaStrToPropMap LuaStrToProp;
/** Simple reflection system.
* Used by the GUI and some other objects.
* It is used to export some properties so that we can easily manipulate them in the GUI scripts (either lua or with CInterfaceExpr).
* NB: multiple inheritance not supported
* Example of use : a class exporting a boolean
* class CTestClass : public CReflectable
* {
* public:
* void setValue(bool value) { _Value = value; }
* bool getValue() const { return _Value; }
* \\ export the bool value
* REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CTestClass, CReflectable)
* REFLECT_BOOL("myValue", setValue, getValue)
* private:
* bool _Value;
* };
* The class must then be registered with :
* NB: It should be registered after its parents
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CReflectSystem
typedef std::map<std::string, CClassInfo> TClassMap;
// release memory
static void release();
/** register a class and its properties
* NB : class should be registered after their parent have been, or an assertion will be raised
static void registerClass(const std::string &className, const std::string &parentName, const TReflectedProperties properties);
// retrieve a property of a reflectable class, or NULL if unknown
static const CReflectedProperty *getProperty(const std::string &className, const std::string &propertyName, bool dspWarning= true);
// get the list of class for debug or read purpose (NULL if no register has been called)
static const TClassMap *getClassMap() {return _ClassMap;}
static TClassMap *_ClassMap; // each class and its infos
/** Helper macros to export properties of a reflectable class
/** Start a declaration of a reflectable class exports
* Should be placed inside the class
#define REFLECT_EXPORT_START(className, parentName) \
virtual const char *getReflectedClassName() const { return #className; } \
virtual const char *getReflectedParentClassName() const { return #parentName; } \
static void getReflectedProperties(TReflectedProperties &props) \
{ \
typedef className A; \
typedef bool (className::* TGetBoola) () const; \
typedef sint32 (className::* TGetSInt32a) () const; \
typedef uint32 (className::* TGetUInt32a) () const; \
typedef float (className::* TGetFloata) () const; \
typedef std::string (className::* TGetStringa) () const; \
typedef ucstring (className::* TGetUCStringa) () const; \
typedef NLMISC::CRGBA (className::* TGetRGBAa) () const; \
typedef void (className::* TSetBoola) (bool); \
typedef void (className::* TSetSInt32a) (sint32); \
typedef void (className::* TSetUInt32a) (uint32); \
typedef void (className::* TSetFloata) (float); \
typedef void (className::* TSetStringa) (const std::string &); \
typedef void (className::* TSetUCStringa) (const ucstring &); \
typedef void (className::* TSetRGBAa) (NLMISC::CRGBA col); \
typedef int (className:: *TLuaMethoda) (CLuaState &luaState); \
// export a boolean value, by giving the name of the get and the set method
#define REFLECT_BOOL(exportName, getMethod, setMethod) \
{ \
CReflectedProperty prop; \
prop.Name = exportName; \
prop.Type = CReflectedProperty::Boolean; \
prop.GetMethod.GetBool = (CReflectedProperty::TGetBool) (TGetBoola) &A::getMethod; \
prop.SetMethod.SetBool = (CReflectedProperty::TSetBool) (TSetBoola) &A::setMethod; \
props.push_back(prop); \
// export a sint32 value, by giving the name of the get and the set method
#define REFLECT_SINT32(exportName, getMethod, setMethod) \
{ \
CReflectedProperty prop; \
prop.Name = exportName; \
prop.Type = CReflectedProperty::SInt32; \
prop.GetMethod.GetSInt32 = (CReflectedProperty::TGetSInt32) (TGetSInt32a) &A::getMethod; \
prop.SetMethod.SetSInt32 = (CReflectedProperty::TSetSInt32) (TSetSInt32a) &A::setMethod; \
props.push_back(prop); \
// export a sint32 value, by giving the name of the get and the set method
#define REFLECT_UINT32(exportName, getMethod, setMethod) \
{ \
CReflectedProperty prop; \
prop.Name = exportName; \
prop.Type = CReflectedProperty::UInt32; \
prop.GetMethod.GetUInt32 = (CReflectedProperty::TGetUInt32) (TGetUInt32a) &A::getMethod; \
prop.SetMethod.SetUInt32 = (CReflectedProperty::TSetUInt32) (TSetUInt32a) &A::setMethod; \
props.push_back(prop); \
// export a float value, by giving the name of the get and the set method
#define REFLECT_FLOAT(exportName, getMethod, setMethod) \
{ \
CReflectedProperty prop; \
prop.Name = exportName; \
prop.Type = CReflectedProperty::Float; \
prop.GetMethod.GetFloat = (CReflectedProperty::TGetFloat) (TGetFloata) &A::getMethod; \
prop.SetMethod.SetFloat = (CReflectedProperty::TSetFloat) (TSetFloata) &A::setMethod; \
props.push_back(prop); \
// export a string value, by giving the name of the get and the set method
#define REFLECT_STRING(exportName, getMethod, setMethod) \
{ \
CReflectedProperty prop; \
prop.Name = exportName; \
prop.Type = CReflectedProperty::String; \
prop.GetMethod.GetString = (CReflectedProperty::TGetString) (TGetStringa) &A::getMethod; \
prop.SetMethod.SetString = (CReflectedProperty::TSetString) (TSetStringa) &A::setMethod; \
props.push_back(prop); \
// export a unicode string value, by giving the name of the get and the set method
#define REFLECT_UCSTRING(exportName, getMethod, setMethod) \
{ \
CReflectedProperty prop; \
prop.Name = exportName; \
prop.Type = CReflectedProperty::UCString; \
prop.GetMethod.GetUCString = (CReflectedProperty::TGetUCString) (TGetUCStringa) &A::getMethod; \
prop.SetMethod.SetUCString = (CReflectedProperty::TSetUCString) (TSetUCStringa) &A::setMethod; \
props.push_back(prop); \
// export a color value, by giving the name of the get and the set method
#define REFLECT_RGBA(exportName, getMethod, setMethod) \
{ \
CReflectedProperty prop; \
prop.Name = exportName; \
prop.Type = CReflectedProperty::RGBA; \
prop.GetMethod.GetRGBA = (CReflectedProperty::TGetRGBA) (TGetRGBAa) &A::getMethod; \
prop.SetMethod.SetRGBA = (CReflectedProperty::TSetRGBA) (TSetRGBAa) &A::setMethod; \
props.push_back(prop); \
// export a lua method
#define REFLECT_LUA_METHOD(exportName, method) \
{ \
CReflectedProperty prop; \
prop.Name = exportName; \
prop.Type = CReflectedProperty::LuaMethod; \
prop.GetMethod.GetLuaMethod = (CReflectedProperty::TLuaMethod) (TLuaMethoda) &A::method; \
props.push_back(prop); \
// ends an export declaration
// This macro registers a reflectable class to the manager
#define REGISTER_REFLECTABLE_CLASS(className, parentName) \
{ \
TReflectedProperties props; \
className::getReflectedProperties(props); \
CReflectSystem::registerClass(#className, #parentName, props); \
/** Reflectable refcounted object
* NB nico : added this intermediate class so that the binding from lua to the reflection
* system that are found in CLuaIHM can be reused for other objects as well
* NOTE: The class is named 'CReflectableRefPtrTarget' and not 'CReflectableRefCount'
* because the refcount part is only used for ref pointing in the ui
class CReflectableRefPtrTarget : public CReflectable, public NLMISC::CRefCount
virtual ~CReflectableRefPtrTarget();
class CReflectableLuaRef
CReflectableLuaRef(CReflectableRefPtrTarget *ptr = NULL) : Ptr(ptr), _ClassInfo(NULL) {}
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CReflectableRefPtrTarget> Ptr;
const CClassInfo &getClassInfo() const;
// IMPORTANT : luaStringPtr should have been obtained from lua, see remark in CClassInfo
const CReflectedProperty *getProp(const char *luaStringPtr) const;
// cache to class definition of the pointee object (once a CReflectableLuaRef created in lua, it remains a *const* pointer)
mutable const CClassInfo *_ClassInfo;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace NLGUI
/// Helper class to register reflectable classes
class CReflectableRegister
static void registerClasses();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/ucstring.h"
namespace NLGUI
enum TCaseMode
CaseNormal = 0, // Nothing done
CaseLower, // All letters in lowercase
CaseUpper, // All letters in uppercase
CaseFirstStringLetterUp, // The first letter of the string is uppercase, the others are lowercase
CaseFirstSentenceLetterUp, // The first letter of the string and each sentences are uppercase, the others are lowercase. Sentences are seprated with '.'.
CaseFirstWordLetterUp, // The first letter of each word is uppercase, the others are lowercase
void setCase( ucstring &str, TCaseMode mode );

View file

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef RZ_VIEW_BASE_H
#define RZ_VIEW_BASE_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/factory.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_element.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CViewBase : public CInterfaceElement
// for factory construction
struct TCtorParam
/// Constructor
CViewBase(const TCtorParam &/* param */) : CInterfaceElement()
/// Destructor
virtual ~CViewBase();
// Returns 'true' if that element can be downcasted to a view
virtual bool isView() const { return true; }
/// Draw the view from XReal, YReal, WReal, HReal (implemented by derived classes)
/// this coordinates are relative to the screen bottom left and begins the bottom left of the view
virtual void draw () = 0;
virtual void updateCoords() { CInterfaceElement::updateCoords(); }
/// Debug
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
/// Reflection
virtual sint32 getAlpha() const { return -1; } // Not obliged to implement this
virtual void setAlpha (sint32 /* a */) {} // Not obliged to implement this
void copyOptionFrom(const CViewBase &other)
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CViewBase, CInterfaceElement)
REFLECT_SINT32 ("alpha", getAlpha, setAlpha);
virtual void dumpSize(uint depth = 0) const;
// from CInterfaceElement
virtual void visit(CInterfaceElementVisitor *visitor);
// special for mouse over : return true and fill the name of the cursor to display
virtual bool getMouseOverShape(std::string &/* texName */, uint8 &/* rot */, NLMISC::CRGBA &/* col */) { return false; }
#endif // RZ_VIEW_BASE_H
/* End of view_base.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/view_base.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_texture.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_renderer.h"
namespace NLGUI
* class implementing a bitmap view
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CViewBitmap : public CViewBase
enum EType { Stretched = 0, Tiled, TypeCount };
/// Constructor
CViewBitmap(const TCtorParam &param) : CViewBase(param)
_Color = NLMISC::CRGBA(255,255,255,255);
_Scale = false;
_Rot = 0;
_Flip = false;
_Tile = false;
_Align = 0;
_Type = Stretched;
_InheritGCAlpha = false;
// Default parameters for createTexture
_TxtOffsetX = 0;
_TxtOffsetY = 0;
_TxtWidth = -1;
_TxtHeight = -1;
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
* parse an xml node and initialize the base view mambers. Must call CViewBase::parse
* \param cur : pointer to the xml node to be parsed
* \param parentGroup : the parent group of the view
* \partam id : a refence to the string that will receive the view ID
* \return true if success
bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur,CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
virtual void updateCoords ();
/// Draw the view
virtual void draw ();
bool getScale() const { return _Scale; }
void setScale (bool s) { _Scale = s; }
bool getTile() const { return _Tile; }
void setTile (bool s) { _Tile = s; }
void setColor (const NLMISC::CRGBA &r) { _Color = r; }
// Reflected
virtual void setTexture(const std::string & TxName);
virtual std::string getTexture () const;
/** Force the bitmap to match current texture size
* The 'scale' flag isnot modified
void fitTexture();
bool isTextureValid() const { return _TextureId != -1; }
void setColorAsString(const std::string & col);
std::string getColorAsString() const;
void setColorAsInt(sint32 col);
sint32 getColorAsInt() const;
void setColorRGBA(NLMISC::CRGBA col);
NLMISC::CRGBA getColorRGBA() const;
virtual sint32 getAlpha() const { return _Color.A; }
virtual void setAlpha (sint32 a) { _Color.A = (uint8)a; }
REFLECT_STRING ("color", getColorAsString, setColorAsString);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("color_as_int", getColorAsInt, setColorAsInt);
REFLECT_RGBA ("color_rgba", getColorRGBA, setColorRGBA);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("alpha", getAlpha, setAlpha);
REFLECT_STRING ("texture", getTexture, setTexture);
REFLECT_BOOL("scale", getScale, setScale);
/// \from CInterfaceElement
sint32 getMaxUsedW() const;
sint32 getMinUsedW() const;
virtual void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
CViewRenderer::CTextureId _TextureId; /// Accelerator
sint32 _Rot;
sint32 _Align; /// 1st bit - Left/Right (0/1) 2nd bit - Bottom/Top (0/1)
EType _Type;
bool _Scale : 1;
bool _Flip : 1;
bool _Tile : 1;
bool _InheritGCAlpha : 1;
// For single texture
sint32 _TxtOffsetX; // Offset X of the single texture
sint32 _TxtOffsetY; // Offset Y of the single texture
sint32 _TxtWidth; // Width of the single texture
sint32 _TxtHeight; // Height of the single texture
#endif // NL_VIEW_BITMAP_H
/* End of view_bitmap.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/cdb.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_base.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_texture.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace NLGUI
/** Description of a combo box, this can be parsed from an xml node
* The bitmap layout is as follow :
* I W I W I W
* t G t G t G
* e a e a e a
* m p m p m p
* W S W W
* i e i i
* d l d d
* t e t t
* h c h h
* t
* e
* d
* +----+---+----+---+---+---+---+--...
* |ssss| |****| |***| |***|
* ItemHeight |ssss| |****| |***| |***
* +----+---+----+---+---+---+---+--...
* | | | | | | | |
* HGapSeleted | | | | | | | |
* +----+---+----+---+---+---+---+--...
* |****| |****| |***| |***|
* ItemHeight |****| |****| |***| |***|
* +----+---+----+---+---+---+---+--...
* | | | | | | | |
* HGap | | | | | | | |
* +----+---+----+---+---+---+---+--...
* |****| |****| |***| |***|
* ItemHeight |****| |****| |***| |***|
* . . . . . . . .
* . . . . . . . .
* s : selected item. . . . . . .
* * : where bitmap are displayed
struct CComboBoxDesc
bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceElement *owner);
void addObserver(NLMISC::ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver *obs);
void getGridSize(uint &numRow,uint &numCol) const;
void getDimensions(uint &width, uint &height) const;
CInterfaceProperty NumRow;
CInterfaceProperty NumCol;
CInterfaceProperty CurrSelected;
CInterfaceProperty ItemWidth;
CInterfaceProperty ItemHeight;
CInterfaceProperty Unrolled;
CInterfaceProperty WGapSelected;
CInterfaceProperty WGap;
CInterfaceProperty HGapSelected;
CInterfaceProperty HGap;
CInterfaceProperty NumSel;
CInterfaceProperty Align;
* A combo box with several bitmaps in it
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CViewBitmapCombo : public CViewBase, public NLMISC::ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver
typedef std::vector<sint32> TIdArray;
typedef std::vector<std::string> TStringArray;
typedef std::vector<NLMISC::CRGBA> TColorArray;
/// ctor
CViewBitmapCombo(const TCtorParam &param);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
* parse an xml node and initialize the base view members. Must call CViewBase::parse
* \param cur : pointer to the xml node to be parsed
* \param parentGroup : the parent group of the view
* \partam id : a refence to the string that will receive the view ID
* \return true if success
bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur,CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
* draw the view
void draw();
// access to texture & colors
const TStringArray &getTexs() const { return _Texs; }
const TStringArray &getTexsOver() const { return _TexsOver; }
const TStringArray &getTexsPushed() const { return _TexsPushed; }
const TColorArray &getColors() const { return _Col; }
const TColorArray &getColorsOver() const { return _ColOver; }
const TColorArray &getColorsPushed() const { return _ColPushed; }
void setTexs(const char * const tex[], uint numTex);
void setTexsOver(const char * const tex[], uint numTex);
void setTexsPushed(const char * const tex[], uint numTex);
void setColors(const NLMISC::CRGBA colors[], uint numColors);
void setColorsOver(const NLMISC::CRGBA colors[], uint numColors);
void setColorsPushed(const NLMISC::CRGBA colors[], uint numColors);
TStringArray _Texs;
TStringArray _TexsOver;
TStringArray _TexsPushed;
TIdArray _TexsId;
TIdArray _TexsOverId;
TIdArray _TexsPushedId;
TColorArray _Col;
TColorArray _ColOver;
TColorArray _ColPushed;
CComboBoxDesc _CD;
CInterfaceElement *_Owner;
void parseTexList(const std::string &names, TStringArray &dest);
void parseColList(const std::string &names, TColorArray &dest);
void getTexList( const TStringArray &arr, std::string &dest ) const;
void getColList( const TColorArray &arr, std::string &dest ) const;
void setupSize();
void getDimensions(uint &numRow, uint &numCol);
// From ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver
void update(NLMISC::ICDBNode *leaf);
// Return a color from the array, or white if it is empty
static NLMISC::CRGBA getCol(const TColorArray &array, uint index);
static const std::string *getTex(const TStringArray &array, uint index);
static sint32 getTexId(const TIdArray &array, uint index);

View file

@ -19,37 +19,43 @@
#ifndef NL_VIEW_LINK_H
#define NL_VIEW_LINK_H
#include "view_text.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_text.h"
* class implementing a link view
* \author Cyril 'Hulud' Corvazier
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CViewLink : public CViewText
namespace NLGUI
// Default constructor
CViewLink (const TCtorParam &param);
class CGroupHTML;
// The URI
std::string Link;
* class implementing a link view
* \author Cyril 'Hulud' Corvazier
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CViewLink : public CViewText
std::string LinkTitle;
// Default constructor
CViewLink (const TCtorParam &param);
// Set the main group
void setHTMLView(class CGroupHTML *html);
bool getMouseOverShape(std::string &texName, uint8 &rot, NLMISC::CRGBA &col);
// The URI
std::string Link;
std::string LinkTitle;
// The main HTML group
// Set the main group
void setHTMLView( CGroupHTML *html);
bool getMouseOverShape(std::string &texName, uint8 &rot, NLMISC::CRGBA &col);
// The main HTML group
#endif // NL_VIEW_LINK_H

View file

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/events.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_pointer_base.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlBase;
class CGroupContainer;
* class describing the pointer
* \author Matthieu 'Trap' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CViewPointer : public CViewPointerBase
CViewPointer( const TCtorParam &param );
virtual ~CViewPointer(){}
bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur,CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
void draw();
// Set cursor mode
void setStringMode (bool stringCursor);
bool getStringMode() const {return _StringMode;}
// Set cursor string
void setString (const ucstring &str);
void setCursor (const std::string &name)
_TxDefault = name;
_TxIdDefault = -2;
/// Show or hide the pointer. Please, use SetMouseMode (bool freelook) instead.
void show(bool s) {_PointerVisible = s;}
static void setHWMouse( bool hw ){ hwMouse = hw; }
static void forceLink();
/// Drawing helpers
virtual bool drawResizer(CCtrlBase* pCB, NLMISC::CRGBA col){ return false; }
virtual bool drawRotate(CCtrlBase* pCB, NLMISC::CRGBA col){ return false; }
virtual bool drawScale(CCtrlBase* pCB, NLMISC::CRGBA col){ return false; }
virtual bool drawColorPicker(CCtrlBase* pCB, NLMISC::CRGBA col){ return false; }
virtual bool drawLink(CCtrlBase* pCB, NLMISC::CRGBA col){ return false; }
virtual bool drawBrowse(CCtrlBase* pCB, NLMISC::CRGBA col){ return false; }
virtual bool drawPan(CCtrlBase* pCB, NLMISC::CRGBA col){ return false; }
virtual bool drawCustom(CCtrlBase* pCB);
// Look of the cursor in different situation
std::string _TxDefault;
std::string _TxMoveWindow;
std::string _TxResizeBRTL;
std::string _TxResizeBLTR;
std::string _TxResizeTB;
std::string _TxResizeLR;
std::string _TxRotate;
std::string _TxScale;
std::string _TxColPick;
std::string _TxPan;
std::string _TxCanPan;
std::string _TxPanR2;
std::string _TxCanPanR2;
sint32 _TxIdDefault;
sint32 _TxIdMoveWindow;
sint32 _TxIdResizeBRTL;
sint32 _TxIdResizeBLTR;
sint32 _TxIdResizeTB;
sint32 _TxIdResizeLR;
sint32 _TxIdRotate;
sint32 _TxIdScale;
sint32 _TxIdColPick;
sint32 _TxIdPan;
sint32 _TxIdCanPan;
sint32 _TxIdPanR2;
sint32 _TxIdCanPanR2;
sint32 _OffsetX;
sint32 _OffsetY;
CGroupContainer *_LastHightLight;
// Cursor mode
bool _StringMode;
bool _ForceStringMode;
CInterfaceGroup *_StringCursor;
CInterfaceGroup *_StringCursorHardware;
ucstring _ContextString;
// draw current cursor with the given texture, or, if in hardware mode, change the hardware cursor shape
void drawCursor(sint32 texId, NLMISC::CRGBA col, uint8 rot);
// set the string into frame for software or hardware version
void setString (const ucstring &str, CInterfaceGroup *target);
static bool hwMouse;
/* End of view_pointer.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/events.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_base.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CViewPointerBase : public CViewBase
DECLARE_UI_CLASS( CViewPointerBase )
CViewPointerBase( const TCtorParam &param );
virtual ~CViewPointerBase();
// Set the pointer position.
void setPointerPos (sint32 x, sint32 y);
void setPointerDispPos (sint32 x, sint32 y);
void resetPointerPos ();
void setPointerDown (bool pd);
void setPointerDownString (const std::string &s);
void getPointerPos (sint32 &x, sint32 &y);
void getPointerDispPos (sint32 &x, sint32 &y);
void getPointerOldPos (sint32 &x, sint32 &y);
void getPointerDownPos (sint32 &x, sint32 &y);
bool getPointerDown ();
std::string getPointerDownString ();
bool getPointerDrag ();
/// Is the pointer visible ?
bool show() const {return _PointerVisible;}
void draw(){}
/// set button state
void setButtonState(NLMISC::TMouseButton state) { _Buttons = state; }
/// get buttons state
NLMISC::TMouseButton getButtonState() const { return _Buttons; }
// (x,y) is from the TopLeft corner of the window
sint32 _PointerX; // Current pointer position (raw, before snapping)
sint32 _PointerY;
sint32 _PointerOldX; // Previous frame pointer position
sint32 _PointerOldY;
bool _PointerDown; // Is the pointer down ?
sint32 _PointerDownX; // Pointer down position
sint32 _PointerDownY;
std::string _PointerDownString; // What is under the pointer at the down position
bool _PointerDrag; // Is the pointer down and we have moved ?
bool _PointerVisible; // Is the pointer visible or hidden ?
NLMISC::TMouseButton _Buttons;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/view_base.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_renderer.h"
#include "nel/misc/geom_ext.h"
#include "nel/misc/polygon.h"
namespace NLGUI
/** Display of an arbitrary polygon in the ui.
* polygon is clipped & batched
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 1/2006
class CViewPolygon : public CViewBase
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual void draw();
void setVertices(const std::vector<NLMISC::CVector> &vertices);
// color
void setColorRGBA(NLMISC::CRGBA col) { _Color = col; }
NLMISC::CRGBA getColorRGBA() const { return _Color; }
// from CViewBase
virtual sint32 getAlpha() const { return (sint32) _Color.A; }
virtual void setAlpha (sint32 a);
NLMISC::CPolygon _Poly;
bool _Touched;
std::vector<NLMISC::CTriangle> _Tris;
std::vector<NLMISC::CTriangle> _RealTris; // clipped tris in screen coordinates

View file

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef RZ_VIEW_QUAD_H
#define RZ_VIEW_QUAD_H
#include "nel/gui/view_base.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_renderer.h"
#include "nel/misc/geom_ext.h"
namespace NLGUI
/** Display of an arbitrary textured quad in the UI. The applied texture is filtered.
* Unlike CViewBitmap, the texture is always scaled here, and this ui element coordinates
* are driven by the quad vertices coordinates (see setQuad)
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 12/2005
class CViewQuad : public CViewBase
enum TWrapMode { Repeat = 0, Clamp, WrapModeCount };
// from CInterfaceElement
bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur,CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual void draw();
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
// from CViewBase
virtual sint32 getAlpha() const { return (sint32) _Color.A; }
virtual void setAlpha (sint32 a);
// texture
void setTexture(const std::string &texName);
std::string getTexture () const;
// color
void setColorRGBA(NLMISC::CRGBA col) { _Color = col; }
NLMISC::CRGBA getColorRGBA() const { return _Color; }
/** Set a new quad relative to parent pos
* x,y, w, h & hotspot are updated to fit the bounding rect of the quad
void setQuad(const NLMISC::CQuad &quad);
void setQuad(const NLMISC::CVector &start, const NLMISC::CVector &end, float thickness);
/** Fit the given texture size (no hotspot for now, always centered)
* NB : current texture is not modified.
void setQuad(const std::string &texName, const NLMISC::CVector &pos, float angle = 0.f, float offCenter = 0.f);
void setQuad(const NLMISC::CVector &pos, float radius, float angle = 0.f);
const NLMISC::CQuad &getQuad() const { return _Quad; }
void setAdditif(bool additif);
bool getAdditif() const { return _Additif; }
void setPattern(float umin, float umax, TWrapMode wrapMode);
NLMISC::CQuad _Quad;
NLMISC::CQuadUV _RealQuad; // absolute coords
float _ClampedUCorrection;
CViewRenderer::CTextureId _TextureId; /// Accelerator
bool _Additif;
float _UMin;
float _UMax;
TWrapMode _WrapMode;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "nel/misc/uv.h"
#include "nel/misc/plane.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_texture.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_material.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_text_context.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_driver.h"
#include "nel/3d/frustum.h"
namespace NLGUI
// ***************************************************************************
#define VR_NUM_LAYER 32
// ***************************************************************************
* class rendering the views
* All the quads of the interface are displayed in the following order
* 3--2
* | |
* 0--1
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CViewRenderer
enum TSystemTexture
QuantityCrossTexture= 0,
/** That class hold a texture id. It handle texture id destruction.
* Please use this class in your view and not sint32 to hold a texture id
class CTextureId
// Default constructor
CTextureId ()
_TextureId = -2;
// Destructor call deleteTextureId;
~CTextureId ();
// Set the texture id
bool setTexture (const char *textureName, sint32 offsetX = 0, sint32 offsetY = 0, sint32 width = -1, sint32 height = -1,
bool uploadDXTC=true, bool bReleasable=true);
// Convert in texture id
operator sint32 () const
return _TextureId;
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
sint32 _TextureId;
static CViewRenderer* getInstance();
/// setup the default values for everything
void setup();
/// init when TextContext and Driver are created
void init();
/// set the driver render states for the interface
void setRenderStates ();
/// Delete all textures and the like and reset the view renderer
void reset();
/// Release the resources of CViewRenderer, and delete the Singleton
static void release();
/// Retrieves the 3d driver we are using
static NL3D::UDriver* getDriver();
/// Sets the current TextContext.
static void setTextContext( NL3D::UTextContext *textcontext );
/// Sets the current driver
static void setDriver( NL3D::UDriver *driver );
* setClipWindow : set the current clipping window
* (this window do not inherit properties from parent or whatever)
void setClipWindow (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 w, sint32 h);
* getClipWindow : get the current clipping region
void getClipWindow (sint32 &x, sint32 &y, sint32 &w, sint32 &h)
x = _ClipX;
y = _ClipY;
w = _ClipW;
h = _ClipH;
* true if the clipping region is empty: clipW or clipH is <=0
bool isClipWindowEmpty() const {return _ClipW<=0 || _ClipH<=0;}
* checkNewScreenSize : check if the opengl screen size. This is SLOW !
* NB: if the window is minimized (w==h==0), then the old screen size is kept, and isMinimized() return true
void checkNewScreenSize ();
* getScreenSize : get the screen window size changed (at last checkNewScreenSize called)
void getScreenSize (uint32 &w, uint32 &h);
* get OOW / OOH
void getScreenOOSize (float &oow, float &ooh);
* is the Screen minimized?
bool isMinimized() const {return _IsMinimized;}
* drawBitmap : this is the interface with all the views
void drawRotFlipBitmap (sint layerId, sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 width, sint32 height, uint8 rot, bool flipv,
sint32 nTxId, const NLMISC::CRGBA &col = NLMISC::CRGBA(255,255,255,255));
* Draw a simple wired quad. No flushing is done as the draw is done instantly (usually for debug)
void drawWiredQuad(sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 width, sint32 height, NLMISC::CRGBA col = NLMISC::CRGBA::White);
* Draw a simple filled quad. No flushing is done as the draw is done instantly (usually for debug)
void drawFilledQuad(sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 width, sint32 height, NLMISC::CRGBA col = NLMISC::CRGBA::White);
* drawBitmap : Tiled version
* \param tileOrigin 2 bits 1 - Left/Right (0/1) 2 - Bottom/Top (0/1) (0-BL)(1-BR)(2-TL)(3-TR)
void drawRotFlipBitmapTiled (sint layerId, sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 width, sint32 height, uint8 rot, bool flipv,
sint32 nTxId, uint tileOrigin, const NLMISC::CRGBA &col = NLMISC::CRGBA(255,255,255,255));
* drawBitmap : draw a bitmap roted by 90 degrees in CW 'rot times'
* flipv is a boolean that indicates if there is a vertical flip
* this is a 1:1 ratio so if texture is x long there are x pixels on screen
void draw11RotFlipBitmap (sint layerId, sint32 x, sint32 y, uint8 rot, bool flipv, sint32 nTxId,
const NLMISC::CRGBA &col = NLMISC::CRGBA(255,255,255,255));
/** Draw an arbitrary quad (fast version) , possibly clipping it. Unlike draw11RotFlipBitmap & the like, texture is filtered here.
* quads are all batched in the same render layer
void drawQuad(sint layerId, const NLMISC::CQuadUV &quadUV, sint32 nTxId,
NLMISC::CRGBA col, bool additif, bool filtered = true);
/** Draw a set of untextured triangle in the given layer. all triangles of the same layer are batched
void drawUnclippedTriangles(sint layerId, const std::vector<NLMISC::CTriangle> &tris, NLMISC::CRGBA col);
* Draw a text
void drawText (sint layerId, float x, float y, uint wordIndex, float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax, NL3D::UTextContext &textContext);
* loadTextures : load all textures associated with the interface
* this function add a globaltexture to the vector of global textures
bool loadTextures (const std::string &textureFileName, const std::string &uvFileName, bool uploadDXTC);
* createTexture : create a texture for the interface, possibly from an externally created texture
* If no external texture is given, then 'sGlobalTextureName' is the filename of the big texture
* You should call deleteTexture when the texture is not used anymore
* The method returns the texture id of the new texture
sint32 createTexture (const std::string &sGlobalTextureName, // unique id identifying this big texture, (its filename if not externally created)
sint32 offsetX = 0,
sint32 offsetY = 0,
sint32 width = -1,
sint32 height = -1,
bool uploadDXTC=true,
bool bReleasable=true
// change position of a sub-texture (inside its big texture) from the sub-texture filename
void updateTexturePos(const std::string &texturefileName,
sint32 offsetX = 0,
sint32 offsetY = 0,
sint32 width = -1,
sint32 height = -1
/** Add / change a global texture from an externally created texture
* \param defaultTexWidth width to used when CTextureId::createTexture is used without giving the width (e.g width = -1), useful for cropped textures
* \param defaultTexHeight height to used when CTextureId::createTexture is used without giving the height (e.g height = -1), useful for cropped textures
void setExternalTexture(const std::string &sGlobalTextureName,
NL3D::UTexture *externalTexture = NULL,
uint32 externalTexWidth = 1,
uint32 externalTexHeight = 1,
uint32 defaultTexWidth = 1,
uint32 defaultTexHeight = 1
* deleteTexture : create a texture for the interface
void deleteTexture (sint32 textureId);
// get a global texture pointer from its name
NL3D::UTexture *getGlobalTexture(const std::string &name);
* Flush all parsed view and computed strings to screen
void flush ();
* get a texture file pointer from a string name. O(logN)
* \param id : the id of the texture
* \return a texture file pointer. -1 if not found or if sName is empty()
sint32 getTextureIdFromName (const std::string &sName) const;
std::string getTextureNameFromId (sint32 TxID);
void getTextureSizeFromId (sint32 id, sint32 &width, sint32 &height);
NLMISC::CRGBA getTextureColor(sint32 id, sint32 x, sint32 y);
* \return the texture associated with the param figur
sint32 getFigurTextureId(uint index)
nlassert(index < 10);
return _IndexesToTextureIds[index];
* \return the texture for figur separator '-'
sint32 getFigurSeparator() const { return _FigurSeparatorTextureId; }
sint32 getFigurTextureW() const {return _WFigurTexture;}
sint32 getFigurTextureH() const {return _HFigurTexture;}
sint32 getFigurSeparatorW() const {return _WFigurSeparatorTexture;}
sint32 getFigurSeparatorH() const {return _HFigurSeparatorTexture;}
sint32 getFigurBlankTextureId ()
return _FigurBlankId;
sint32 getBlankTextureId ()
return _BlankId;
sint32 getTypoTextureW(char c);
sint32 getTypoTextureH(char c);
sint32 getTypoTextureId(char c);
/// System Texture Manager. Used to avoid storing an id in each Ctrl for some texture code is aware of
// @{
sint32 getSystemTextureId(TSystemTexture e) const {return _SystemTextures[e].Id;}
sint32 getSystemTextureW(TSystemTexture e) const {return _SystemTextures[e].W;}
sint32 getSystemTextureH(TSystemTexture e) const {return _SystemTextures[e].H;}
// @}
/// For string rendering, get the RenderBuffer to the specified layer
NL3D::URenderStringBuffer *getStringRenderBuffer(sint layerId);
/** Custom Rendering Interface
* Note that this function is EXTREMLY SLOW so it should be used with care
* This function flush the quad cache, clip the quad passed with current clipping region
* and draw (with drawQuedUV2) it with the material passed in parameter. There is no cache operation done.
* uv used are from (0,0) -> (1,1) for the 2 stages
void drawCustom (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 width, sint32 height, NLMISC::CRGBA col, NL3D::UMaterial Mat);
// Same but we can control uv mapping of first stage
void drawCustom (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 width, sint32 height,
const NLMISC::CUV &uv0Min, const NLMISC::CUV &uv0Max,
NLMISC::CRGBA col, NL3D::UMaterial Mat);
// Same but we can control uv mapping of 2 stages
void drawCustom (sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 width, sint32 height,
const NLMISC::CUV &uv0Min, const NLMISC::CUV &uv0Max, const NLMISC::CUV &uv1Min, const NLMISC::CUV &uv1Max,
NLMISC::CRGBA col, NL3D::UMaterial Mat);
// **** World space interface methods
/** Set the current Z in projCenter.z.
* If you want to scale the window position, set a scale!=1. projCenter.x/y is used as the
* pivot (in window coordinates)
void setInterfaceDepth (const NLMISC::CVector &projCenter, float scale);
// Activate world space transformation
void activateWorldSpaceMatrix (bool activate);
// Set the screen to world space matrix
void setWorldSpaceFrustum (const NL3D::CFrustum &cameraFrustum);
// Get the current Frustum
const NL3D::CFrustum &getFrustum () const
return _CameraFrustum;
* init the map _IndexesToTextures
void initIndexesToTextureIds ();
void initTypo ();
bool needClipping (const NLMISC::CQuad &q);
void clip (NLMISC::CQuadColorUV &qout, const NLMISC::CQuadColorUV &qin, uint rot);
void clip (NLMISC::CQuadColorUV2 &qout, const NLMISC::CQuadColorUV2 &qin);
// A layer is a vector of Quads.
class CLayer
// unfiltered quads
std::vector<NLMISC::CQuadColorUV> Quads;
uint32 NbQuads;
std::vector<NLMISC::CTriangleColorUV> Tris;
// filtered alpha blended quads
std::vector<NLMISC::CQuadColorUV> FilteredAlphaBlendedQuads;
// filtered alpha blended tris
std::vector<NLMISC::CTriangleColorUV> FilteredAlphaBlendedTris;
// filtered additif blended quads
std::vector<NLMISC::CQuadColorUV> FilteredAdditifQuads;
// filtered additif blended tris
std::vector<NLMISC::CTriangleColorUV> FilteredAdditifTris;
NbQuads= 0;
// SGlobalTexture is a texture that regroup other texture. We store also current quads to render
struct SGlobalTexture
SGlobalTexture ()
FromGlobaleTexture = true;
uint32 Width, Height;
uint32 DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight;
NL3D::UTexture *Texture;
std::string Name;
bool FromGlobaleTexture;
// Array of layers
CLayer Layers[VR_NUM_LAYER];
// For each Layer, store a string Buffer
NL3D::URenderStringBuffer *_StringRBLayers[VR_NUM_LAYER];
// For each Layer, tells if empty or not
bool _EmptyLayer[VR_NUM_LAYER];
// SImage is one texture of the SGlobalTexture textures
struct SImage
std::string Name;
SGlobalTexture *GlobalTexturePtr;
// Assign UV of this image to a quad depending on the flip and rot
void setupQuadUV(bool flipv, uint8 rot, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV &dest);
// ***************************************************************************
// \name Texture management
// ***************************************************************************
// SImage accessors
SImage *getSImage(sint32 textureId)
return &(*(_SImageIterators[textureId]));
// Add a SImage
sint32 addSImage(const SImage &image)
uint i;
for (i=0; i<_SImageIterators.size(); i++)
// Free ?
if (_SImageIterators[i] == _SImages.end())
// Nothing free ?
if (i == _SImageIterators.size())
_SImageIterators[i] = _SImages.end();
return (sint32)i;
// Remove a SImage
void removeSImage(sint32 textureId)
// Allocated ?
nlassert (_SImageIterators[textureId] != _SImages.end());
// Remove the image
_SImages.erase (_SImageIterators[textureId]);
// Remove the index entry
_SImageIterators[textureId] = _SImages.end();
typedef std::list<SGlobalTexture> TGlobalTextureList;
typedef std::list<SImage> TSImageList;
typedef std::vector<std::list<SImage>::iterator> TSImageIterator;
// List of global textures
TGlobalTextureList _GlobalTextures;
// List of SImage
TSImageList _SImages;
// Array used to convert a texture ID in _SImages iterator
TSImageIterator _SImageIterators;
// ***************************************************************************
typedef std::map<std::string, uint> TTextureMap;
TTextureMap _TextureMap;
NL3D::UMaterial _Material;
// Clip & screen system
sint32 _ClipX, _ClipY, _ClipW, _ClipH;
float _XMin, _XMax, _YMin, _YMax;
sint32 _ScreenW, _ScreenH;
float _OneOverScreenW, _OneOverScreenH;
bool _IsMinimized;
//map linking a uint to a bitmap. Used to display figurs
std::vector<sint32> _IndexesToTextureIds;
sint32 _FigurSeparatorTextureId;
sint32 _FigurBlankId, _BlankId;
sint32 _WFigurTexture;
sint32 _HFigurTexture;
sint32 _WFigurSeparatorTexture;
sint32 _HFigurSeparatorTexture;
SGlobalTexture *_BlankGlobalTexture;
// System textures
class CSystemTexture
sint32 Id;
sint32 W;
sint32 H;
Id= -1;
W= H= 0;
CSystemTexture _SystemTextures[NumSystemTextures];
// Typo texture
NumTypoChar= 127,
sint32 _TypoCharToTextureIds[NumTypoChar];
sint32 _TypoCharWs[NumTypoChar];
sint32 _TypoH;
void addSystemTexture(TSystemTexture e, const char *s);
void initSystemTextures();
* put a new quad in the cache (call flush if texture different)
void putQuadInLayer (SGlobalTexture &gt, sint layerId, const NLMISC::CQuadColorUV &qcoluv, uint rot);
// World space interface methods
void worldSpaceTransformation (NLMISC::CQuadColorUV &qcoluv);
bool _WorldSpaceTransformation; // Transform into world space
float _CurrentZ; // Current z used for the scene
NL3D::CFrustum _CameraFrustum; // Transform from screen space to world space
NLMISC::CMatrix _WorldSpaceMatrix; // Matrix to be applied for world space transformation
bool _WorldSpaceScale;
static CViewRenderer *instance;
static NL3D::UDriver *driver;
static NL3D::UTextContext *textcontext;
static NL3D::UTextContext* getTextContext(){ return textcontext; }
/// Set of hw cursor images
static std::set< std::string > *hwCursors;
static float hwCursorScale;
/* End of view_renderer.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef NL_VIEW_TEXT_H
#define NL_VIEW_TEXT_H
#include "nel/gui/view_base.h"
#include "nel/gui/string_case.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_text_context.h"
namespace NLGUI
class CCtrlToolTip;
* class implementing a text view
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CViewText : public CViewBase
enum TTextMode { ClipWord, DontClipWord, Justified };
/// Constructor
CViewText (const TCtorParam &param);
/// Constructor
CViewText (const std::string& id, const std::string Text="", sint FontSize=12,
NLMISC::CRGBA Color=NLMISC::CRGBA(255,255,255), bool Shadow=false);
virtual ~CViewText();
CViewText &operator=(const CViewText &vt);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
std::string getTextProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
bool setTextProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
bool serializeTextOptions( xmlNodePtr node ) const;
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
void parseTextOptions (xmlNodePtr cur);
bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual uint32 getMemory() { return (uint32)(sizeof(*this)+_Id.size()); }
/// Updating
virtual void draw ();
void updateTextContext ();
virtual void checkCoords();
virtual void updateCoords();
virtual void onAddToGroup();
/// From CInterfaceElement
sint32 getMaxUsedW() const;
sint32 getMinUsedW() const;
/// Accessors
/// Set
void setText (const ucstring &text);
void setFontSize (sint nFontSize);
void setColor (const NLMISC::CRGBA &color);
void setShadow (bool bShadow);
void setShadowColor (const NLMISC::CRGBA &color);
void setLineMaxW (sint nMaxW, bool invalidate=true);
void setMultiLine (bool bMultiLine);
void setMultiLineSpace (sint nMultiLineSpace);
void setMultiLineMaxWOnly (bool state);
void setMultiLineClipEndSpace (bool state); // use it for multiline edit box for instance
void setFirstLineX (uint firstLineX);
void setMultiMaxLine(uint l) { _MultiMaxLine = l; }
// Force only a subset of letter to be displayed. Default is 0/0xFFFFFFFF
void enableStringSelection(uint start, uint end);
void disableStringSelection();
/// Get
ucstring getText() const { return _Text; }
sint getFontSize() const;
NLMISC::CRGBA getColor() { return _Color; }
bool getShadow() { return _Shadow; }
NLMISC::CRGBA getShadowColor() { return _ShadowColor; }
sint getLineMaxW() const { return _LineMaxW; }
bool getMultiLine() const { return _MultiLine; }
sint getMultiLineSpace() const { return _MultiLineSpace; }
bool getMultiLineMaxWOnly() const { return _MultiLineMaxWOnly; }
uint32 getMultiMaxLine() const { return _MultiMaxLine; }
// get current Hint font width, in pixels
uint getFontWidth() const;
// get current font height, in pixels
uint getFontHeight() const;
// get current font leg height, in pixels
uint getFontLegHeight() const;
// Set the display mode (supported with multiline only for now)
void setTextMode(TTextMode mode);
TTextMode getTextMode() const { return _TextMode; }
uint getNumLine() const;
uint getFirstLineX() const;
uint getLastLineW () const;
void setUnderlined (bool underlined) { _Underlined = underlined; }
bool getUnderlined () const { return _Underlined; }
// true if the viewText is a single line clamped.
bool isSingleLineTextClamped() const {return _SingleLineTextClamped;}
// Character positions
/** Get position of the ith character, position are relative to the BR corner of the text.
* \param lineEnd. When set to true, return the coordinate of the previous line if the index is at the start of a line.
* When looking at standard edit box, we see that if a line is split accross to line with no
* This also returns the height of the line
void getCharacterPositionFromIndex(sint index, bool lineEnd, sint &x, sint &y, sint &height) const;
/** From a coordinate relative to the BR BR corner of the text, return the index of a character.
* If no character is found at the given position, the closest character is returned (first or last character, for the line or the whole text)
void getCharacterIndexFromPosition(sint x, sint y, uint &index, bool &lineEnd) const;
/** From a character index, get the index of the line it belongs to, or -1 if the index is invalid
* \param cursorDisplayedAtEndOfPreviousLine true if the cursor is displayed at the end of the previous line that match its index
sint getLineFromIndex(uint index, bool cursorDisplayedAtEndOfPreviousLine = true) const;
/// From a line number, get the character at which it starts, or -1 if invalid
sint getLineStartIndex(uint line) const;
/// From a line number, get the character at which it ends (not including any '\n' ), or -1 if invalid
void getLineEndIndex(uint line, sint &index, bool &endOfPreviousLine) const;
std::string getHardText() const { std::string result; _Text.toString (result); return result; }
void setHardText (const std::string &ht);
std::string getColorAsString() const;
void setColorAsString(const std::string &ht);
NLMISC::CRGBA getColorRGBA() const;
void setColorRGBA(NLMISC::CRGBA col);
virtual sint32 getAlpha() const { return _Color.A; }
virtual void setAlpha (sint32 a) { _ShadowColor.A = _Color.A = (uint8)a; }
/** Setup a Text with Format Tags. Text is store without color/format tags, and special array is allocated for Format association
void setTextFormatTaged(const ucstring &text);
void setSingleLineTextFormatTaged(const ucstring &text);
// Remove end space
void removeEndSpaces();
// Reset the text index because the text context has changed
void resetTextIndex();
// Case mode
void setCaseMode (TCaseMode caseMode);
TCaseMode getCaseMode () const;
// OverExtendViewText
void setOverExtendViewText(bool state) {_OverExtendViewText= state;}
bool getOverExtendViewText() const {return _OverExtendViewText;}
// OverExtendViewTextUseParentRect
void setOverExtendViewTextUseParentRect(bool state) {_OverExtendViewTextUseParentRect= state;}
bool getOverExtendViewTextUseParentRect() const {return _OverExtendViewTextUseParentRect;}
// see if text ellipsis if done at right side of the text
bool isClampRight() const { return _ClampRight; }
int luaSetLineMaxW(CLuaState &ls);
REFLECT_STRING("hardtext", getHardText, setHardText);
REFLECT_UCSTRING("uc_hardtext", getText, setText);
REFLECT_UCSTRING("uc_hardtext_format", getText, setTextFormatTaged);
REFLECT_UCSTRING("uc_hardtext_single_line_format", getText, setSingleLineTextFormatTaged);
REFLECT_STRING ("color", getColorAsString, setColorAsString);
REFLECT_RGBA ("color_rgba", getColorRGBA, setColorRGBA);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("alpha", getAlpha, setAlpha);
REFLECT_BOOL ("overExtendViewText", getOverExtendViewText, setOverExtendViewText);
REFLECT_BOOL ("overExtendViewTextUseParentRect", getOverExtendViewTextUseParentRect, setOverExtendViewTextUseParentRect);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setLineMaxW", luaSetLineMaxW);
virtual void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
std::string _HardtextFormat;
/// Text to display.
ucstring _Text;
/// index of the computed String associated to this text control
uint _Index;
/// info on the computed String associated to this text control
NL3D::UTextContext::CStringInfo _Info;
/// the font size
sint _FontSize;
// width of the font in pixel. Just a Hint for tabing format (computed with '_')
uint _FontWidth;
// height of the font in pixel.
// use getFontHeight
uint _FontHeight;
uint _FontLegHeight;
float _SpaceWidth;
/// the text color
/// the shadow mode
bool _Shadow;
/// the case mode
TCaseMode _CaseMode;
/// the text shadow color
NLMISC::CRGBA _ShadowColor;
/// Is the line (under p loop) should be considered at bottom (if false bottom is under p leg)
/// maxw for the line/multiline
sint32 _LineMaxW;
/// For single line, true if the text is clamped (ie displayed with "...")
bool _SingleLineTextClamped;
/// Multiple lines handling
bool _MultiLine;
bool _MultiLineMaxWOnly;
bool _MultiLineClipEndSpace;
uint8 _AutoClampOffset;
TTextMode _TextMode;
sint _MultiLineSpace;
sint _LastMultiLineMaxW;
uint32 _MultiMaxLine;
/// FormatTag handling
struct CFormatInfo
// The color to change
// The Tabulation to apply, in number of "_" characters.
uint TabX;
// Index in vector
sint IndexTt;
Color= NLMISC::CRGBA::White;
TabX= 0;
IndexTt = -1;
bool operator==(const CFormatInfo &o) const {return Color==o.Color && TabX==o.TabX && IndexTt==o.IndexTt;}
bool operator!=(const CFormatInfo &o) const {return !operator==(o);}
struct CFormatTag : public CFormatInfo
uint Index;
// compare 2 tags, not a tag and a CFormatInfo
bool sameTag(const CFormatTag &o) const
return CFormatInfo::operator==(o) && Index==o.Index;
std::vector<CFormatTag> _FormatTags;
/// Get the current maxW for multiline, accordgin to parent and _MultiLineOptionMaxW
sint getCurrentMultiLineMaxW() const;
NL3D::ULetterColors * _LetterColors;
// A word in a line
class CWord
// default ctor
CWord(uint numSpaces = 0) : Index(0), NumSpaces(numSpaces) {}
ucstring Text;
uint Index; // index of the info for this word
NL3D::UTextContext::CStringInfo Info;
uint NumSpaces; // number of spaces before this word
// The specialized color/format of this word. White if none
CFormatInfo Format;
// build from a string, using the current text context
void build(const ucstring &text, uint numSpaces= 0);
typedef std::vector<CWord> TWordVect;
// A line of text (which is made of one word with space, or of several words with no spaces in them)
class CLine : public NLMISC::CRefCount
// ctor
// Clear the line & remove text contexts
void clear();
// Add a new word (and its context) in the line + a number of spaces to append at the end of the line
void addWord(const ucstring &word, uint numSpaces, const CFormatInfo &wordFormat, uint fontWidth);
void addWord(const CWord &word, uint fontWidth);
uint getNumWords() const { return (uint)_Words.size(); }
CWord &getWord(uint index) { return _Words[index]; }
float getSpaceWidth() const { return _SpaceWidth; }
void setSpaceWidth(float width) { _SpaceWidth = width; }
// Get the number of chars in the line, not counting the end spaces, but couting the spaces in words
uint getNumChars() const { return _NumChars; }
// Get the total number of spaces between words (not including those in words, but there should not be if text is justified)
uint getNumSpaces() const { return _NumSpaces; }
float getStringLine() const { return _StringLine; }
float getWidthWithoutSpaces() const { return _WidthWithoutSpaces; }
// get total width including spaces, but not including end spaces
float getWidth() const { return _WidthWithoutSpaces + _SpaceWidth * _NumSpaces; }
// Get the number of spaces at the end of the line
void setEndSpaces(uint numSpaces) { _EndSpaces = numSpaces; }
// Set the number of spaces at the end of the line
uint getEndSpaces() const { return _EndSpaces; }
// Test if there's a line feed at the end of the line
bool getLF() const { return _HasLF; }
void setLF(bool lf) { _HasLF = lf; }
void resetTextIndex();
TWordVect _Words;
uint _NumChars;
uint _NumSpaces;
float _SpaceWidth; // width of a space, in pixels (used with multispace alignment)
float _StringLine;
float _WidthWithoutSpaces; // width without space (see the Field NumSpaces in the CWord class).
// NB : space inserted inside a word are counted, however!
uint _EndSpaces; // spaces at the end of the line
bool _HasLF; // a linefeed is at end of line (no breaking due to line full)
/// NB : we keep pointers on lines (each line contains a vector, that we don't want to be copied, and this occurs as the vector of lines grows..)
typedef NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CLine> TLineSPtr;
typedef std::vector<TLineSPtr> TLinePtVect;
/** Data of the updated text for multiline. It is built from the _Text field in the updateTextContext member function,
* and is used to perform the draw
TLinePtVect _Lines;
/// if true, and if the view text is isSingleLineTextClamped(), then an over will be drawn, with the text
bool _OverExtendViewText : 1;
/// if true and _OverExtendViewText true too, use the parent rectangle to know if must display the over or not
bool _OverExtendViewTextUseParentRect : 1;
/// Letter selection handling
bool _AutoClamp : 1;
bool _ClampRight : 1;
bool _TextSelection : 1;
bool _InvalidTextContext : 1;
bool _Underlined : 1;
bool _ContinuousUpdate : 1;
bool _Setuped : 1;
uint _TextSelectionStart;
uint _TextSelectionEnd;
// First line X coordinate
uint _FirstLineX;
/// Dynamic tooltips
std::vector<CCtrlToolTip*> _Tooltips;
void setup ();
void setupDefault ();
void setStringSelectionSkipingSpace(uint stringId, const ucstring &text, sint charStart, sint charEnd);
// void pushString(const ucstring &str, bool deleteSpaceAtStart = false);
/// \from CInterfaceElement
void onInvalidateContent();
// may append a new line, and append a word to the last line (no spaces)
void flushWordInLine(ucstring &ucCurrentWord, bool &linePushed, const CFormatInfo &wordFormat);
// Clear all the lines and free their datas
void clearLines();
// Update in the case of a multiline text
void updateTextContextMultiLine(uint nMaxWidth);
// Update in the case of a multiline text with justification
void updateTextContextMultiLineJustified(uint nMaxWidth, bool expandSpaces);
// Recompute font size info
void computeFontSize ();
// used for "donctClipWord" case in updateTextContextMultiLineJustified(). currLine is reseted
void addDontClipWordLine(std::vector<CWord> &currLine);
// FormatTag build.
static void buildFormatTagText(const ucstring &text, ucstring &textBuild, std::vector<CFormatTag> &formatTags, std::vector<ucstring> &tooltips);
// FormatTag parsing.
bool isFormatTagChange(uint textIndex, uint ctIndex) const;
void getFormatTagChange(uint textIndex, uint &ctIndex, CFormatInfo &wordFormat) const;
#endif // NL_VIEW_TEXT_H
/* End of view_text.h */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/view_text.h"
namespace NLGUI
/** The same as a view text id, but with some display option
* The input is a formated string, every character is copied, but subsitution is done for each character preceded by $
* $p -> expand the player name
* $P -> expand the player name in uppercase
* $b -> expand the current bot name ( bot with which the player is talking)
* $s -> expand the current short bot name (with no specification/title in it)
* if "ui..." replace the format with CI18N
class CViewTextFormated : public CViewText
/// Interface for classes which can format the text for this view.
class IViewTextFormatter
virtual ~IViewTextFormatter(){}
virtual ucstring formatString( const ucstring &inputString, const ucstring &paramString ) = 0;
CViewTextFormated (const TCtorParam &param) : CViewText(param)
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual void checkCoords();
const ucstring &getFormatString() const { return _FormatString; }
void setFormatString(const ucstring &format);
static ucstring formatString(const ucstring &inputString, const ucstring &paramString);
static void setFormatter( IViewTextFormatter *formatter ){ textFormatter = formatter; }
ucstring _FormatString;
static IViewTextFormatter *textFormatter;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_text.h"
namespace NLMISC{
class CCDBNodeLeaf;
namespace NLGUI
// ***************************************************************************
class IOnReceiveTextId
virtual ~IOnReceiveTextId() {}
// the deriver may change the input text
virtual void onReceiveTextId(ucstring &str) =0;
// ***************************************************************************
* class implementing a text view that take the text from an id
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CViewTextID : public CViewText
/// Interface for classes which can provide text to CViewTextId
class IViewTextProvider
virtual ~IViewTextProvider(){}
virtual bool getString( uint32 stringId, ucstring &result ) = 0;
virtual bool getDynString( uint32 dynStringId, ucstring &result ) = 0;
CViewTextID(const TCtorParam &param) : CViewText(param)
_StringModifier= NULL;
_IsDBLink = false;
_TextId = 0xFFFFFFFF;
_Initialized = false;
_DynamicString = false;
_IsTextFormatTaged= false;
// ctor with a text id
CViewTextID (const std::string& id, uint32 nID, sint FontSize=12,
NLMISC::CRGBA Color=NLMISC::CRGBA(255,255,255), bool Shadow=false) :
CViewText (id, std::string(""), FontSize, Color, Shadow)
_StringModifier= NULL;
_IsDBLink = false;
_TextId = nID;
_Initialized = false;
_DynamicString = false;
_IsTextFormatTaged= false;
// ctor with a db path entry
CViewTextID (const std::string& id,
const std::string &idDBPath,
sint FontSize=12,
NLMISC::CRGBA Color=NLMISC::CRGBA(255,255,255),
bool Shadow=false);
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual void checkCoords();
bool parseTextIdOptions(xmlNodePtr cur);
uint32 getTextId () const;
void setTextId (uint32 id);
/** set a text id from a db path
* \return true if the link could be done
bool setDBTextID(const std::string &dbPath);
// set a text from a db leaf
void setDBLeaf(NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *leaf);
std::string getTextIdDbLink() const;
void setTextIdDbLink(const std::string &link);
void setDynamicString(bool state) {_DynamicString= state;}
bool getDynamicString() const {return _DynamicString;}
// modify name when received
void setOnReceiveTextId(IOnReceiveTextId *callBack) {_StringModifier= callBack;}
IOnReceiveTextId *getOnReceiveTextId() const {return _StringModifier;}
REFLECT_UINT32("textid", getTextId, setTextId);
REFLECT_STRING("textid_dblink", getTextIdDbLink, setTextIdDbLink);
static void setTextProvider( IViewTextProvider *provider ){ textProvider = provider; }
bool _IsDBLink;
CInterfaceProperty _DBTextId;
uint32 _TextId;
bool _Initialized;
// If true, use a dynamic string (CStringManagerClient::getDynString), else use a server string id (CStringManagerClient::getString)
bool _DynamicString;
// If true, setTextFormatted() is used instead of setText()
bool _IsTextFormatTaged;
// Optional ucstring modifier
IOnReceiveTextId *_StringModifier;
std::string _DBPath;
static IViewTextProvider* getTextProvider(){ return textProvider; }
static IViewTextProvider *textProvider;
#endif // NL_VIEW_TEXT_ID_H
/* End of view_text_id.h */

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#include "view_text_id.h"
#include "nel/gui/view_text_id.h"
/** The same as a view text id, but with some display option
* The input is a formated string, every character is copied, but subsitution is done for each character preceded by $
@ -29,22 +29,27 @@
* $b -> expand the current bot name ( bot with which the player is talking)
* $s -> expand the current short bot name (with no specification/title in it)
class CViewTextIDFormated : public CViewTextID
namespace NLGUI
CViewTextIDFormated(const TCtorParam &param) : CViewTextID(param)
virtual bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual void checkCoords();
const ucstring &getFormatString() const { return _FormatString; }
void setFormatString(const ucstring &format);
ucstring _FormatString;
class CViewTextIDFormated : public CViewTextID
CViewTextIDFormated(const TCtorParam &param) : CViewTextID(param)
std::string getProperty( const std::string &name ) const;
void setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value );
xmlNodePtr serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const;
virtual bool parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup);
virtual void checkCoords();
const ucstring &getFormatString() const { return _FormatString; }
void setFormatString(const ucstring &format);
ucstring _FormatString;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_common.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_options.h"
#include "nel/gui/event_descriptor.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_camera.h"
#include "nel/gui/parser.h"
#include "nel/gui/input_event_listener.h"
namespace NLMISC
class CCDBNodeLeaf;
namespace NLGUI
class CInterfaceElement;
class CCtrlBase;
class CViewBase;
class CInterfaceGroup;
class CViewPointerBase;
class CInterfaceOptions;
class CInterfaceAnim;
class CProcedure;
GUI Widget Manager
Manages the GUI widgets, asks them to draw themselves, etc.
class CWidgetManager : public IInputEventListener{
/// Interface for event handlers that can be called when the screen is resized.
class INewScreenSizeHandler
virtual ~INewScreenSizeHandler(){}
virtual void process( uint32 w, uint32 h ) = 0;
/// Interface for event handlers that can be called when the widgets finished drawing.
class IOnWidgetsDrawnHandler
virtual ~IOnWidgetsDrawnHandler(){};
virtual void process() = 0;
/// Frame render times
struct SInterfaceTimes
/// Time when the last frame was rendered in ms.
sint64 lastFrameMs;
/// Time when the current frame was rendered in ms.
sint64 thisFrameMs;
/// Difference between the two times in ms.
sint64 frameDiffMs;
lastFrameMs = 0;
thisFrameMs = 0;
frameDiffMs = 0;
// Master groups encapsulate all windows
struct SMasterGroup
Group = NULL;
LastTopWindowPriority = WIN_PRIORITY_NORMAL;
CInterfaceGroup *Group;
std::list< CInterfaceGroup* > PrioritizedWindows[ WIN_PRIORITY_MAX ];
void addWindow( CInterfaceGroup *pIG, uint8 nPrio = WIN_PRIORITY_NORMAL );
void delWindow( CInterfaceGroup *pIG );
CInterfaceGroup *getWindowFromId( const std::string &winID );
bool isWindowPresent( CInterfaceGroup *pIG );
// Set a window top in its priority queue
void setTopWindow( CInterfaceGroup *pIG );
void setBackWindow( CInterfaceGroup *pIG );
void deactiveAllContainers();
void centerAllContainers();
void unlockAllContainers();
// Sort the world space group
void sortWorldSpaceGroup ();
uint8 LastTopWindowPriority;
// Infos about a modal window.
struct SModalWndInfo
// Yoyo: store as CRefPtr in case they are deleted (can happen for instance if menu right click on a guild memeber, and guild members are udpated after)
NLMISC::CRefPtr< CInterfaceGroup > ModalWindow; // the current modal window
NLMISC::CRefPtr< CCtrlBase > CtrlLaunchingModal;
bool ModalClip;
bool ModalExitClickOut;
bool ModalExitClickL;
bool ModalExitClickR;
bool ModalExitKeyPushed;
std::string ModalHandlerClickOut;
std::string ModalClickOutParams;
ModalWindow = NULL;
CtrlLaunchingModal = NULL;
ModalExitClickOut = false;
ModalExitClickL = false;
ModalExitClickR = false;
ModalExitKeyPushed = false;
static CWidgetManager* getInstance();
static void release();
CInterfaceGroup* getMasterGroupFromId( const std::string &MasterGroupName );
std::vector< SMasterGroup > &getAllMasterGroup(){ return _MasterGroups; }
SMasterGroup& getMasterGroup( uint8 i ) { return _MasterGroups[ i ]; }
CInterfaceGroup* getWindowFromId( const std::string &groupId );
void addWindowToMasterGroup( const std::string &sMasterGroupName, CInterfaceGroup *pIG );
void removeWindowFromMasterGroup( const std::string &sMasterGroupName, CInterfaceGroup *pIG );
void removeAllMasterGroups();
void activateMasterGroup (const std::string &sMasterGroupName, bool bActive);
CInterfaceElement* getElementFromId( const std::string &sEltId );
CInterfaceElement* getElementFromId( const std::string &sStart, const std::string &sEltId );
* get a window from its Id of its group.
* NB: "ctrl_launch_modal" is a special Id which return the last ctrl which has launch a modal. NULL if modal closed.
* \param groupId : the Id of the window group
/// get an element from a define ID. shortcut for getElementFromId(getDefine(define))
CInterfaceElement* getElementFromDefine( const std::string &defineId );
/// Get the window from an element (ui:interface:###)
CInterfaceGroup* getWindow(CInterfaceElement*);
* set the top window
* \param win : pointer to the window to be set on top
void setTopWindow (CInterfaceGroup *pWin);
* set the back window
* \param win : pointer to the window to be set on top
void setBackWindow (CInterfaceGroup *pWin);
/** get the top window in the first activated masterGroup
CInterfaceGroup* getTopWindow (uint8 nPriority = WIN_PRIORITY_NORMAL) const;
/** get the back window in the first activated masterGroup
CInterfaceGroup* getBackWindow (uint8 nPriority = WIN_PRIORITY_NORMAL) const;
/** get the last escapable top window in the first activated masterGroup
CInterfaceGroup* getLastEscapableTopWindow() const;
void setWindowPriority (CInterfaceGroup *pWin, uint8 nPriority);
/** return the priority of the Last Window setTopWindow()-ed.
uint8 getLastTopWindowPriority() const;
bool hasModal() const;
SModalWndInfo& getModal();
bool isPreviousModal( CInterfaceGroup *wnd ) const;
void enableModalWindow (CCtrlBase *ctrlLaunchingModal, CInterfaceGroup *pIG);
void enableModalWindow (CCtrlBase *ctrlLaunchingModal, const std::string &groupName);
// Disable all modals windows
void disableModalWindow ();
/** Push a modal window that becomes the current modal window
void pushModalWindow(CCtrlBase *ctrlLaunchingModal, CInterfaceGroup *pIG);
void pushModalWindow (CCtrlBase *ctrlLaunchingModal, const std::string &groupName);
void popModalWindow();
// pop all top modal windows with the given category (a string stored in the modal)
void popModalWindowCategory(const std::string &category);
void hideAllWindows();
void hideAllNonSavableWindows();
CCtrlBase *getCtrlLaunchingModal ()
if (_ModalStack.empty()) return NULL;
return _ModalStack.back().CtrlLaunchingModal;
/// get the currently active modal window, or NULL if none
CInterfaceGroup *getModalWindow() const
if (_ModalStack.empty()) return NULL;
return _ModalStack.back().ModalWindow;
void setCurContextHelp( CCtrlBase *curContextHelp ){ this->curContextHelp = curContextHelp; }
CCtrlBase* getCurContextHelp(){ return curContextHelp; }
float _DeltaTimeStopingContextHelp;
float _MaxTimeStopingContextHelp;
sint _LastXContextHelp;
sint _LastYContextHelp;
CViewPointerBase* getPointer(){ return _Pointer; }
void setPointer( CViewPointerBase *pointer ){ _Pointer = pointer; }
* get the window under a spot
* \param : X coord of the spot
* \param : Y coord of the spot
* \return : pointer to the window
CInterfaceGroup* getWindowUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y);
CInterfaceGroup* getCurrentWindowUnder() { return _WindowUnder; }
void setCurrentWindowUnder( CInterfaceGroup *group ){ _WindowUnder = group; }
CInterfaceGroup* getGroupUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y);
void getViewsUnder( sint32 x, sint32 y, std::vector< CViewBase* > &vVB );
void getCtrlsUnder( sint32 x, sint32 y, std::vector< CCtrlBase* > &vICL );
void getGroupsUnder (sint32 x, sint32 y, std::vector< CInterfaceGroup* > &vIGL );
const std::vector< CViewBase* >& getViewsUnderPointer(){ return _ViewsUnderPointer; }
const std::vector< CInterfaceGroup* >& getGroupsUnderPointer() { return _GroupsUnderPointer; }
const std::vector< CCtrlBase* >& getCtrlsUnderPointer() { return _CtrlsUnderPointer; }
void clearViewUnders(){ _ViewsUnderPointer.clear(); }
void clearGroupsUnders() { _GroupsUnderPointer.clear(); }
void clearCtrlsUnders() { _CtrlsUnderPointer.clear(); }
// Remove all references on a view (called when the ctrl is destroyed)
void removeRefOnView( CViewBase *ctrlBase );
// Remove all references on a ctrl (called when the ctrl is destroyed)
void removeRefOnCtrl (CCtrlBase *ctrlBase);
// Remove all references on a group (called when the group is destroyed)
void removeRefOnGroup (CInterfaceGroup *group);
void reset();
void checkCoords();
CInterfaceGroup* getWindowForActiveMasterGroup( const std::string &windowName );
void drawOverExtendViewText();
// Internal : adjust a tooltip with respect to its parent. Returns the number of coordinate that were clamped
// against the screen border
uint adjustTooltipPosition( CCtrlBase *newCtrl, CInterfaceGroup *win, THotSpot ttParentRef,
THotSpot ttPosRef, sint32 xParent, sint32 yParent,
sint32 wParent, sint32 hParent );
void updateTooltipCoords();
// Update tooltip coordinate if they need to be (getInvalidCoords() returns a value != 0)
void updateTooltipCoords(CCtrlBase *newCtrl);
/// for ContextHelp action handler only: set the result name
void setContextHelpText( const ucstring &text ){ _ContextHelpText = text; }
ucstring& getContextHelpText(){ return _ContextHelpText; }
/// force disable the context help
void disableContextHelp();
/// force disable the context help, if it is issued from the given control
void disableContextHelpForControl(CCtrlBase *pCtrl);
CCtrlBase* getNewContextHelpCtrl();
void drawContextHelp();
void setContextHelpActive(bool active);
void getNewWindowCoordToNewScreenSize( sint32 &x, sint32 &y, sint32 w, sint32 h,
sint32 newW, sint32 newH) const;
// move windows according to new screen size
void moveAllWindowsToNewScreenSize(sint32 newScreenW, sint32 newScreenH, bool fixCurrentUI );
void updateAllLocalisedElements();
void drawViews( NL3D::UCamera camera );
bool handleEvent( const CEventDescriptor &evnt );
bool handleMouseMoveEvent( const CEventDescriptor &eventDesc );
// Relative move of pointer
void movePointer (sint32 dx, sint32 dy);
// Set absolute coordinates of pointer
void movePointerAbs(sint32 px, sint32 py);
* Capture
CCtrlBase *getCapturePointerLeft() { return _CapturePointerLeft; }
CCtrlBase *getCapturePointerRight() { return _CapturePointerRight; }
CCtrlBase *getCaptureKeyboard() { return _CaptureKeyboard; }
CCtrlBase *getOldCaptureKeyboard() { return _OldCaptureKeyboard; }
CCtrlBase *getDefaultCaptureKeyboard() { return _DefaultCaptureKeyboard; }
void setCapturePointerLeft(CCtrlBase *c);
void setCapturePointerRight(CCtrlBase *c);
void setOldCaptureKeyboard(CCtrlBase *c){ _OldCaptureKeyboard = c; }
// NB: setCaptureKeyboard(NULL) has not the same effect as resetCaptureKeyboard(). it allows the capture
// to come back to the last captured window (resetCaptureKeyboard() not)
void setCaptureKeyboard(CCtrlBase *c);
/** Set the default box to use when no keyboard has been previously captured
* The given dialog should be static
void setDefaultCaptureKeyboard(CCtrlBase *c){ _DefaultCaptureKeyboard = c; }
void resetCaptureKeyboard();
// True if the keyboard is captured
bool isKeyboardCaptured() const {return _CaptureKeyboard!=NULL;}
// register a view that wants to be notified at each frame (receive the msg 'clocktick')
void registerClockMsgTarget(CCtrlBase *vb);
void unregisterClockMsgTarget(CCtrlBase *vb);
bool isClockMsgTarget(CCtrlBase *vb) const;
void sendClockTickEvent();
void notifyElementCaptured(CCtrlBase *c);
// Add a group into the windows list of its master goup
void makeWindow( CInterfaceGroup *group );
// Remove a group from the windows list of its master group
void unMakeWindow( CInterfaceGroup *group, bool noWarning = false );
void setGlobalColor( NLMISC::CRGBA col );
NLMISC::CRGBA getGlobalColor() const{ return _GlobalColor; }
void setContentAlpha( uint8 alpha );
uint8 getContentAlpha() const{ return _ContentAlpha; }
NLMISC::CRGBA getGlobalColorForContent() const { return _GlobalColorForContent; }
void setGlobalColorForContent( NLMISC::CRGBA col ){ _GlobalColorForContent = col; }
void resetColorProps();
/// Get options by name
CInterfaceOptions* getOptions( const std::string &optName );
void addOptions( std::string name, CInterfaceOptions *options );
void removeOptions( std::string name );
void removeAllOptions();
bool serializeOptions( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const;
bool serializeTreeData( xmlNodePtr parentNode ) const;
// Enable mouse Events to interface. if false, release Captures.
void enableMouseHandling( bool handle );
bool isMouseHandlingEnabled() const{ return _MouseHandlingEnabled; }
bool isMouseOverWindow() const{ return _MouseOverWindow; }
void setMouseOverWindow( bool b ){ _MouseOverWindow = b; }
// Get the User DblClick Delay (according to save...), in milisecond
uint getUserDblClickDelay();
/// \name Global Interface Options
// @{
// List of system options
enum TSystemOption{
void setupOptions();
/** Get a system option by its enum (faster than getOptions() and getVal())
* NB: array updated after each parseInterface()
const CInterfaceOptionValue &getSystemOption( TSystemOption o ) const{ return _SystemOptions[ o ]; }
// @}
CInterfaceElement* getOverExtendViewText(){ return _OverExtendViewText; }
NLMISC::CRGBA& getOverExtendViewTextBackColor(){ return _OverExtendViewTextBackColor; }
// For single lined ViewText that are clipped: on over of viewText too big, the text is drawn on top. A CRefPtr is kept
void setOverExtendViewText( CInterfaceElement *vt, NLMISC::CRGBA backGround ){
_OverExtendViewText = vt;
_OverExtendViewTextBackColor = backGround;
float getAlphaRolloverSpeed();
void resetAlphaRolloverSpeed();
void setContainerAlpha( uint8 alpha );
uint8 getContainerAlpha() const { return _ContainerAlpha; }
uint8 getGlobalContentAlpha() const { return _GlobalContentAlpha; }
uint8 getGlobalContainerAlpha() const { return _GlobalContainerAlpha; }
uint8 getGlobalRolloverFactorContent() const { return _GlobalRolloverFactorContent; }
uint8 getGlobalRolloverFactorContainer() const { return _GlobalRolloverFactorContainer; }
void updateGlobalAlphas();
const SInterfaceTimes& getInterfaceTimes() const{ return interfaceTimes; }
void updateInterfaceTimes( const SInterfaceTimes &times ){ interfaceTimes = times; }
void setIngame( bool i ){ inGame = i; }
bool isIngame() const{ return inGame; }
void setScreenWH( uint32 w, uint32 h ){ screenW = w; screenH = h; }
void registerNewScreenSizeHandler( INewScreenSizeHandler *handler );
void removeNewScreenSizeHandler( INewScreenSizeHandler *handler );
void registerOnWidgetsDrawnHandler( IOnWidgetsDrawnHandler* handler );
void removeOnWidgetsDrawnHandler( IOnWidgetsDrawnHandler *handler );
void startAnim( const std::string &animId );
void stopAnim( const std::string &animId );
void updateAnims();
void removeFinishedAnims();
// execute a procedure. give a list of parameters. NB: the first param is the name of the proc (skipped)...
void runProcedure( const std::string &procName, CCtrlBase *pCaller, const std::vector< std::string > &paramList );
// replace an action in a procedure (if possible)
void setProcedureAction( const std::string &procName, uint actionIndex, const std::string &ah, const std::string &params );
const CEventDescriptorKey& getLastKeyEvent() const{ return lastKeyEvent; }
IParser* getParser() const{ return parser; }
void setCurrentEditorSelection( const std::string &name );
IParser *parser;
static CWidgetManager *instance;
std::vector< SMasterGroup > _MasterGroups;
std::vector< SModalWndInfo > _ModalStack;
static std::string _CtrlLaunchingModalId;
NLMISC::CRefPtr< CCtrlBase > curContextHelp;
CViewPointerBase *_Pointer;
// Options description
std::map< std::string, NLMISC::CSmartPtr< CInterfaceOptions > > _OptionsMap;
NLMISC::CRefPtr< CInterfaceGroup > _WindowUnder;
// Capture
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CCtrlBase> _CaptureKeyboard;
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CCtrlBase> _OldCaptureKeyboard;
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CCtrlBase> _DefaultCaptureKeyboard;
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CCtrlBase> _CapturePointerLeft;
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CCtrlBase> _CapturePointerRight;
// What is under pointer
std::vector< CViewBase* > _ViewsUnderPointer;
std::vector< CCtrlBase* > _CtrlsUnderPointer;
std::vector< CInterfaceGroup* > _GroupsUnderPointer;
// view that should be notified from clock msg
std::vector<CCtrlBase*> _ClockMsgTargets;
NLMISC::CRGBA _GlobalColor;
NLMISC::CRGBA _GlobalColorForContent;
uint8 _ContentAlpha;
NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_RProp;
NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_GProp;
NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_BProp;
NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_AProp;
NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *_AlphaRolloverSpeedDB;
uint8 _ContainerAlpha;
uint8 _GlobalContentAlpha;
uint8 _GlobalContainerAlpha;
uint8 _GlobalRolloverFactorContent;
uint8 _GlobalRolloverFactorContainer;
bool _MouseHandlingEnabled;
// System Options
CInterfaceOptionValue _SystemOptions[ NumSystemOptions ];
// The next ViewText to draw for Over
NLMISC::CRefPtr< CInterfaceElement > _OverExtendViewText;
NLMISC::CRGBA _OverExtendViewTextBackColor;
SInterfaceTimes interfaceTimes;
ucstring _ContextHelpText;
bool _ContextHelpActive;
bool inGame;
bool _MouseOverWindow;
CEventDescriptorKey lastKeyEvent;
uint32 screenH;
uint32 screenW;
std::vector< CInterfaceAnim* > activeAnims;
std::vector< INewScreenSizeHandler* > newScreenSizeHandlers;
std::vector< IOnWidgetsDrawnHandler* > onWidgetsDrawnHandlers;
std::string currentEditorSelection;

View file

@ -20,26 +20,20 @@
#define CDB_H
// misc
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/misc/string_mapper.h"
#include "types_nl.h"
#include "smart_ptr.h"
#include "string_mapper.h"
#include "sstring.h"
#include <libxml/parser.h>
namespace NLMISC
class IProgressCallback;
class CBitMemStream;
class IProgressCallback;
class CBitMemStream;
class CCDBNodeLeaf;
class CCDBNodeBranch;
///global bool, must be set to true if we want to display database modification. See displayDBModifs in commands.cpp
extern bool VerboseDatabase;
class CCDBBankHandler;
* Interface to manage a database node, can contain a unique property or a set of property
@ -48,7 +42,7 @@ extern bool VerboseDatabase;
* \date 2002
class ICDBNode : public NLMISC::CRefCount
class ICDBNode : public CRefCount
// end of IDBNode interface
@ -78,7 +72,7 @@ public:
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class IPropertyObserver : public NLMISC::CRefCount
class IPropertyObserver : public CRefCount
public :
virtual ~IPropertyObserver() {}
@ -198,7 +192,7 @@ public :
* Build the structure of the database from a file
* \param f is the stream
virtual void init( xmlNodePtr node, NLMISC::IProgressCallback &progressCallBack, bool mapBanks=false ) = 0;
virtual void init( xmlNodePtr node, IProgressCallback &progressCallBack, bool mapBanks=false, CCDBBankHandler *bankHandler = NULL ) = 0;
* Save a backup of the database
@ -212,7 +206,7 @@ public :
* \param gc the server gameCycle of this update. Any outdated update are aborted
* \param f : the stream.
virtual void readDelta( NLMISC::TGameCycle gc, NLMISC::CBitMemStream & f ) = 0;
virtual void readDelta( TGameCycle gc, CBitMemStream & f ) = 0;
* Get a node . Create it if it does not exist yet
@ -252,7 +246,7 @@ public :
virtual bool setProp( CTextId& id, sint64 value ) = 0;
/// Reset all leaf data from this point
virtual void resetData(NLMISC::TGameCycle gc, bool forceReset=false) = 0;
virtual void resetData(TGameCycle gc, bool forceReset=false) = 0;
* Clear the node and his children
@ -314,53 +308,60 @@ public :
virtual void display (const std::string &/* prefix */){}
/// Return the string id corresponding to the argument
static NLMISC::TStringId getStringId(const std::string& nodeName)
static TStringId getStringId(const std::string& nodeName)
if (_DBSM == NULL) _DBSM = NLMISC::CStringMapper::createLocalMapper();
if (_DBSM == NULL) _DBSM = CStringMapper::createLocalMapper();
return _DBSM->localMap(nodeName);
/// Return a pointer to the string corresponding to the argument
static const std::string *getStringFromId(NLMISC::TStringId nodeStringId)
static const std::string *getStringFromId(TStringId nodeStringId)
if (_DBSM == NULL) _DBSM = NLMISC::CStringMapper::createLocalMapper();
if (_DBSM == NULL) _DBSM = CStringMapper::createLocalMapper();
return &_DBSM->localUnmap(nodeStringId);
/// release string mapper
static void releaseStringMapper();
static bool isDatabaseVerbose(){ return verboseDatabase; }
static void setVerboseDatabase( bool b ){ verboseDatabase = b; }
/// Constructor
ICDBNode() : _AtomicFlag(false)
if (_DBSM == NULL) _DBSM = NLMISC::CStringMapper::createLocalMapper();
_Name = NLMISC::CStringMapper::emptyId();
if (_DBSM == NULL) _DBSM = CStringMapper::createLocalMapper();
_Name = CStringMapper::emptyId();
/// Constructor
ICDBNode (const std::string &name) : _AtomicFlag(false)
if (_DBSM == NULL) _DBSM = NLMISC::CStringMapper::createLocalMapper();
if (_DBSM == NULL) _DBSM = CStringMapper::createLocalMapper();
_Name = _DBSM->localMap(name);
//_NameDbg = name;
// utility to build full name efficiently (without reallocating the string at each parent level)
void _buildFullName(NLMISC::CSString &fullName);
void _buildFullName(CSString &fullName);
/// Atomic flag: is the branch an atomic group, or is the leaf a member of an atomic group
bool _AtomicFlag : 1;
/// Name of the node
NLMISC::TStringId _Name;
TStringId _Name;
//std::string _NameDbg;
static NLMISC::CStringMapper *_DBSM;
static CStringMapper *_DBSM;
static bool verboseDatabase;
#endif // CDB_H

View file

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <vector>
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
namespace NLMISC{
@brief Manages the bank names and mappings of the CDB it's associated with
Banks are numeric identifiers for the top-level branches of the CDB.
They are used for saving bandwidth, because the local CDBs are updated with deltas,
that identify the updatable top-level branch with this id.
The CCDBBankHandler manages the mapping of banks to their names, unified (node) index,
and the other way around.
class CCDBBankHandler{
@brief The class' constructor
@param maxbanks the maximum number of banks we need to handle
CCDBBankHandler( uint maxbanks );
/// Very surprisingly this is the destructor
@brief Returns the unified (node) index for the specified bank Id.
@param bank The bank whose uid we need.
@return Returns an uid or static_cast< uint >( -1 ) on failure.
uint getUIDForBank( uint bank ) const;
@brief Returns the bank Id for the specified unified (node) index.
@param uid The unified (node) index we need to translate to bank Id.
@return Returns a bank Id.
uint getBankForUID( uint uid ) const{ return _UnifiedIndexToBank[ uid ]; }
/// Returns the last unified (node) index we mapped.
uint getLastUnifiedIndex() const{ return _CDBLastUnifiedIndex; }
@brief Returns the number of bits used to store the number of nodes that belong to this bank.
@param bank The banks whose id bits we need.
@return Returns the number of bits used to store the number of nodes that belong to this bank.
uint getFirstLevelIdBits( uint bank ) const{ return _FirstLevelIdBitsByBank[ bank ]; }
@brief Returns the name of the specified bank.
@param bank The id of the bank we need the name of.
@return Returns the name of the specified bank.
std::string getBankName( uint bank ) const{ return _CDBBankNames[ bank ]; }
@brief Looks up the bank Id of the bank name specified.
@param name The name of the bank whose Id we need.
@return Returns the id of the bank, or static_cast< uint >( -1 ) on fail.
uint getBankByName( const std::string &name ) const;
@brief Maps the specified bank name to a unified (node) index and vica versa.
@param bankName Name of the bank to map.
void mapNodeByBank( const std::string &bankName );
@brief Loads the known bank names from an array ( the order decides the bank Id ).
@param strings The array of the banks names.
@param size The size of the array.
void fillBankNames( const char **strings, uint size );
/// Resets the node to bank mapping vector
void resetNodeBankMapping(){ _UnifiedIndexToBank.clear(); }
/// Resets all maps, and sets _CDBLastUnifiedIndex to 0.
void reset();
uint getUnifiedIndexToBankSize() const{ return _UnifiedIndexToBank.size(); }
/// Calculates the number of bits used to store the number of nodes that belong to the banks.
void calcIdBitsByBank();
@brief Looks up the unified (node) index of a bank node.
@param bank The bank id of the node we are looking up.
@param index The index of the node within the bank.
@return Returns the unified (node) index of the specified bank node.
uint getServerToClientUIDMapping( uint bank, uint index ) const{ return _CDBBankToUnifiedIndexMapping[ bank ][ index ]; }
@brief Resizes the bank holders. WARNING: Resets data contained.
@param newSize - The new maximum number of banks.
void resize( uint newSize );
/// Mapping from server database index to client database index (first-level nodes)
std::vector< std::vector< uint > > _CDBBankToUnifiedIndexMapping;
/// Mapping from client database index to bank IDs (first-level nodes)
std::vector< uint > _UnifiedIndexToBank;
/// Last index mapped
uint _CDBLastUnifiedIndex;
/// Number of bits for first-level branches, by bank
std::vector< uint > _FirstLevelIdBitsByBank;
/// Names of the CDB banks
std::vector< std::string > _CDBBankNames;
/// The number of banks used
uint maxBanks;

View file

@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
#define CDB_BRANCH_H
#include "cdb.h"
#include "game_share/ryzom_database_banks.h"
namespace NLMISC{
* Database Node which contains a set of properties
@ -32,6 +33,21 @@ class CCDBNodeBranch : public ICDBNode
class ICDBDBBranchObserverHandle
virtual ~ICDBDBBranchObserverHandle(){}
virtual ICDBNode* owner() = 0;
virtual IPropertyObserver* observer() = 0;
virtual bool observesLeaf( const std::string &leafName ) = 0;
virtual bool inList( uint list ) = 0;
virtual void addToFlushableList() = 0;
virtual void removeFromFlushableList( uint list ) = 0;
virtual void removeFromFlushableList() = 0;
// default constructor
CCDBNodeBranch(const std::string &name) : ICDBNode(name)
@ -44,7 +60,7 @@ public:
* Build the structure of the database from a file
* \param f is the stream
void init( xmlNodePtr node, class NLMISC::IProgressCallback &progressCallBack, bool mapBanks=false );
void init( xmlNodePtr node, class IProgressCallback &progressCallBack, bool mapBanks=false, CCDBBankHandler *bankHandler = NULL );
* Add a new sub node
@ -93,10 +109,10 @@ public:
void write( CTextId& id, FILE * f);
/// Update the database from the delta, but map the first level with the bank mapping (see _CDBBankToUnifiedIndexMapping)
void readAndMapDelta( NLMISC::TGameCycle gc, NLMISC::CBitMemStream& s, TCDBBank bank );
void readAndMapDelta( TGameCycle gc, CBitMemStream& s, uint bank, CCDBBankHandler *bankHandler );
/// Update the database from a stream coming from the FE
void readDelta( NLMISC::TGameCycle gc, NLMISC::CBitMemStream & f );
void readDelta( TGameCycle gc, CBitMemStream & f );
* Return the value of a property (the update flag is set to false)
@ -118,19 +134,16 @@ public:
/// Clear the node and his children
void clear();
/// Reset the data corresponding to the bank (works only on top level node)
void resetBank( NLMISC::TGameCycle gc, TCDBBank bank)
void resetNode( TGameCycle gc, uint node )
//nlassert( getParent() == NULL );
for ( uint i=0; i!=_Nodes.size(); ++i )
if ( _UnifiedIndexToBank[i] == bank )
if( node > _Nodes.size() )
_Nodes[ node ]->resetData( gc );
/// Reset all leaf data from this point
void resetData(NLMISC::TGameCycle gc, bool forceReset=false)
void resetData(TGameCycle gc, bool forceReset=false)
for ( uint i=0; i!=_Nodes.size(); ++i )
@ -190,7 +203,7 @@ public:
* and setting a branch observer on it, except you don't need to change your database paths
* and update large amounts of code!).
void addBranchObserver(IPropertyObserver* observer, const std::vector<std::string>& positiveLeafNameFilter=std::vector<std::string>());
void addBranchObserver( ICDBDBBranchObserverHandle* handle, const std::vector<std::string>& positiveLeafNameFilter=std::vector<std::string>());
* Easy version of addBranchObserver() (see above).
@ -198,7 +211,7 @@ public:
* "" -> this node
* "FOO:BAR" -> sub-branch "BAR" of "FOO" which is a sub-branch of this node
void addBranchObserver(const char *dbPathFromThisNode, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver& observer, const char **positiveLeafNameFilter=NULL, uint positiveLeafNameFilterSize=0);
void addBranchObserver( ICDBDBBranchObserverHandle *handle, const char *dbPathFromThisNode, const char **positiveLeafNameFilter=NULL, uint positiveLeafNameFilterSize=0);
// Remove observer from all sub-leaves
bool removeBranchObserver(IPropertyObserver* observer);
@ -208,82 +221,14 @@ public:
virtual bool isLeaf() const { return false; }
/** Update all observers of branchs that have been modified
static void flushObserversCalls();
// mark this branch and parent branch as 'modified'. This is usually called by sub-leaves
void linkInModifiedNodeList(NLMISC::TStringId modifiedLeafName);
void onLeafChanged( TStringId leafName );
/// Find a subnode at this level
ICDBNode * find (const std::string &nodeName);
/// Main init
static void resetNodeBankMapping() { _UnifiedIndexToBank.clear(); }
// reset all static mappings
static void reset();
/// Internal use only
static void mapNodeByBank( ICDBNode *node, const std::string& bankStr, bool clientOnly, uint nodeIndex );
/** Struct identifying an observer of a db branch
* This struct can be linked in a list so that we can update observers only once per pass.
* An observer that watch a whole branch can be updated once and only once after each element of the branch has been modified
class CDBBranchObsInfo
NLMISC::CRefPtr<IPropertyObserver> Observer;
// 2 linked list are required : while the observer is notified, it can triger one other observer, so we must link it in another list
bool Touched[2];
CDBBranchObsInfo *PrevNotifiedObserver[2]; // NULL means this is the head
CDBBranchObsInfo *NextNotifiedObserver[2];
ICDBNode *Owner;
// If non-empty, only a leaf whose name is found here will notify something
// This is equivalent to creating a sub-branch containing only the specified leaves
// and setting a branch observer on it, except you don't need to change your database paths
// and update large amounts of code and script!
std::vector<NLMISC::TStringId> PositiveLeafNameFilter;
/// Constructor. See above for usage of positiveLeafNameFilter.
CDBBranchObsInfo(IPropertyObserver *obs = NULL, ICDBNode *owner = NULL, const std::vector<std::string>& positiveLeafNameFilter=std::vector<std::string>())
Owner = owner;
Observer = obs;
Touched[0] = Touched[1] = false;
PrevNotifiedObserver[0] = PrevNotifiedObserver[1] = NULL;
NextNotifiedObserver[0] = NextNotifiedObserver[1] = NULL;
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator ipf=positiveLeafNameFilter.begin(); ipf!=positiveLeafNameFilter.end(); ++ipf)
PositiveLeafNameFilter.push_back(ICDBNode::getStringId(*ipf)); // the ids are also mapped at database init, we don't need to unmap them in destructor
// should have been unlinked
nlassert(Touched[0] == false);
nlassert(Touched[1] == false);
nlassert(PrevNotifiedObserver[0] == NULL);
nlassert(PrevNotifiedObserver[1] == NULL);
nlassert(NextNotifiedObserver[0] == NULL);
nlassert(NextNotifiedObserver[1] == NULL);
// Unlink from the given list. This also clear the '_Touched' flag
void unlink(uint list);
void link(uint list, NLMISC::TStringId modifiedLeafName);
typedef std::list<CDBBranchObsInfo> TObsList; // must use a list because pointers on CDBObserverInfo instances must remains valids
typedef std::list< ICDBDBBranchObserverHandle* > TObserverHandleList;
CCDBNodeBranch *_Parent;
@ -298,34 +243,13 @@ protected:
bool _Sorted : 1;
// observers for this node or branch
TObsList _Observers;
friend class CDBBranchObsInfo;
// Global list of modified nodes
static CDBBranchObsInfo *_FirstNotifiedObs[2];
static CDBBranchObsInfo *_LastNotifiedObs[2];
static uint _CurrNotifiedObsList; // 0 or 1 => tell in which list observers of modified values must be added
// current & next observers being notified : if such observer if removed during notification, pointer will be valids
static CDBBranchObsInfo *_CurrNotifiedObs;
static CDBBranchObsInfo *_NextNotifiedObs;
/// Mapping from server database index to client database index (first-level nodes)
static std::vector<uint> _CDBBankToUnifiedIndexMapping [NB_CDB_BANKS];
// Mapping from client database index to TCDBBank (first-level nodes)
static std::vector<TCDBBank> _UnifiedIndexToBank;
/// Last index mapped
static uint _CDBLastUnifiedIndex;
/// Number of bits for first-level branches, by bank
static uint _FirstLevelIdBitsByBank [NB_CDB_BANKS];
TObserverHandleList observerHandles;
/// called by clear
void removeAllBranchObserver();
void removeBranchInfoIt(TObsList::iterator it);
#endif // CDB_BRANCH_H

View file

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/cdb_branch.h"
namespace NLMISC{
@brief Manages the CDB branch observers.
When a leaf's data changes, it notifies the branch, which then marks the observers as notifiable.
The marked observers can then be notified and flushed on request.
class CCDBBranchObservingHandler{
/// Notifies the observers, and flushes the list
void flushObserverCalls();
void reset();
void addBranchObserver( CCDBNodeBranch *branch, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver *observer, const std::vector< std::string >& positiveLeafNameFilter );
void addBranchObserver( CCDBNodeBranch *branch, const char *dbPathFromThisNode, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver &observer, const char **positiveLeafNameFilter, uint positiveLeafNameFilterSize );
void removeBranchObserver( CCDBNodeBranch *branch, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver* observer );
void removeBranchObserver( CCDBNodeBranch *branch, const char *dbPathFromThisNode, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver &observer );
///Observer for branch observer flush events.
class IBranchObserverCallFlushObserver : public CRefCount{
virtual ~IBranchObserverCallFlushObserver(){}
virtual void onObserverCallFlush() = 0;
void triggerFlushObservers();
void addFlushObserver( IBranchObserverCallFlushObserver *observer );
void removeFlushObserver( IBranchObserverCallFlushObserver *observer );
@brief Handle to a branch observer.
The handle stores the owner branch, the observer and remembers if it's marked for notifying the observer.
Also it manages adding/removing itself to/from the marked observer handles list, which is handled by CCDBBranchObservingHandler.
class CCDBDBBranchObserverHandle : public CCDBNodeBranch::ICDBDBBranchObserverHandle{
CCDBDBBranchObserverHandle( ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver *observer, CCDBNodeBranch *owner, CCDBBranchObservingHandler *handler );
ICDBNode* owner(){ return _owner; }
ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver* observer(){ return _observer; }
bool observesLeaf( const std::string &leafName );
bool inList( uint list );
void addToFlushableList();
void removeFromFlushableList( uint list );
void removeFromFlushableList();
bool _inList[ MAX_OBS_LST ];
std::vector< std::string > _observedLeaves;
CCDBNodeBranch *_owner;
NLMISC::CRefPtr< ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver > _observer;
CCDBBranchObservingHandler *_handler;
std::list< CCDBNodeBranch::ICDBDBBranchObserverHandle* > flushableObservers[ MAX_OBS_LST ];
CCDBNodeBranch::ICDBDBBranchObserverHandle *currentHandle;
uint currentList;
std::vector< IBranchObserverCallFlushObserver* > flushObservers;

View file

@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "types_nl.h"
namespace NLMISC{
* class implementing check sum for the client database
@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ private:
#endif // NL_CDB_CHECK_SUM_H

View file

@ -21,7 +21,10 @@
#include "cdb.h"
#include "cdb_branch.h"
#include "nel/misc/time_nl.h"
#include "time_nl.h"
#include "rgba.h"
namespace NLMISC{
* Database node which contains a unique property
@ -50,16 +53,16 @@ public:
void setValue8 (sint8 prop);
inline bool getValueBool() { return (_Property!=(sint64)0 ); }
void setValueBool (bool prop);
inline NLMISC::CRGBA getValueRGBA()
inline CRGBA getValueRGBA()
CRGBA col;
col.R = (uint8)(_Property&0xff);
col.G = (uint8)((_Property>>8)&0xff);
col.B = (uint8)((_Property>>16)&0xff);
col.A = (uint8)((_Property>>24)&0xff);
return col;
void setValueRGBA (const NLMISC::CRGBA &color);
void setValueRGBA (const CRGBA &color);
/// Return the value of the property before the database change
inline sint64 getOldValue64() { return _oldProperty; }
@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ public:
* Build the structure of the database from a file
* \param f is the stream
void init( xmlNodePtr node, NLMISC::IProgressCallback &progressCallBack, bool mapBanks=false );
void init( xmlNodePtr node, IProgressCallback &progressCallBack, bool mapBanks=false, CCDBBankHandler *bankHandler = NULL );
* Get a node
@ -132,7 +135,7 @@ public:
* Update the database from a stream coming from the FE
* \param f : the stream.
void readDelta(NLMISC::TGameCycle gc, NLMISC::CBitMemStream & f );
void readDelta(TGameCycle gc, CBitMemStream & f );
* Return the value of a property (the update flag is set to false)
@ -154,10 +157,10 @@ public:
* Set the value of a property, only if gc>=_LastChangeGC
bool setPropCheckGC(NLMISC::TGameCycle gc, sint64 value);
bool setPropCheckGC(TGameCycle gc, sint64 value);
/// Reset all leaf data from this point
void resetData(NLMISC::TGameCycle gc, bool forceReset=false);
void resetData(TGameCycle gc, bool forceReset=false);
* Clear the node and his children
@ -215,7 +218,7 @@ public:
/// get the last change GameCycle (server tick) for this value
NLMISC::TGameCycle getLastChangeGC() const {return _LastChangeGC;}
TGameCycle getLastChangeGC() const {return _LastChangeGC;}
@ -234,7 +237,7 @@ private:
/// gamecycle (servertick) of the last change for this value.
/// change are made in readDelta only for change >= _LastChangeGC
NLMISC::TGameCycle _LastChangeGC;
TGameCycle _LastChangeGC;
/// observers to call when the value really change
std::vector<IPropertyObserver*> _Observers;
@ -249,7 +252,7 @@ private:
#endif // CDB_LEAF_H

View file

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/cdb_branch.h"
#include "nel/misc/cdb_leaf.h"
#include "nel/misc/cdb_bank_handler.h"
#include "nel/misc/cdb_branch_observing_handler.h"
namespace NLMISC{
/// Class that encapsulates the separate CDB components
class CCDBManager{
The constructor
@param maxBanks - The maximum number of banks to be used
CCDBManager( const char *rootNodeName, uint maxBanks );
Returns the specified leaf node from the database.
@param name The name of the leaf node.
@param create Specifies if the node should be created if it doesn't exist yet.
CCDBNodeLeaf* getDbLeaf( const std::string &name, bool create = true );
Returns the specified branch node from the database.
@param name The name of the branch.
CCDBNodeBranch* getDbBranch( const std::string &name );
Deletes the specified database node.
@param name The name of the database node.
void delDbNode( const std::string &name );
Adds an observer to a branch of the database.
@param branchName The name of the branch we want to observe
@param observer The observer we want to add
@param positiveLeafNameFilter A vector of strings containing the names of the leaves we want to observe
void addBranchObserver( const char *branchName, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver *observer, const std::vector< std::string >& positiveLeafNameFilter = std::vector< std::string >() );
Adds an observer to a branch of the database.
@param branch The branch we want to observe
@param observer The observer we want to add
@param positiveLeafNameFilter A vector of strings containing the names of the leaves we want to observe
void addBranchObserver( CCDBNodeBranch *branch, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver *observer, const std::vector< std::string >& positiveLeafNameFilter = std::vector< std::string >() );
Adds an observer to a branch of the database.
@param branchName The name of the branch we start from
@param dbPathFromThisNode The path to the branch we want to observe
@param observer The observer we want to add
@param positiveLeafNameFilter An array of strings containing the names of the leaves we want to observe
@param positiveLeafNameFilterSize The size of the array
void addBranchObserver( const char *branchName, const char *dbPathFromThisNode, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver &observer, const char **positiveLeafNameFilter = NULL, uint positiveLeafNameFilterSize = 0 );
Adds an observer to a branch of the database.
@param branch The branch we start from
@param dbPathFromThisNode The path to the branch we want to observe
@param observer The observer we want to add
@param positiveLeafNameFilter An array of strings containing the names of the leaves we want to observe
@param positiveLeafNameFilterSize The size of the array
void addBranchObserver( CCDBNodeBranch *branch, const char *dbPathFromThisNode, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver &observer, const char **positiveLeafNameFilter, uint positiveLeafNameFilterSize );
Removes an observer from a branch in the database.
@param branchName The name of the branch
@param observer The observer we want to remove
void removeBranchObserver( const char *branchName, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver* observer );
Removes an observer from a branch in the database.
@param branch The branch
@param observer The observer we want to remove
void removeBranchObserver( CCDBNodeBranch *branch, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver* observer );
Removes an observer from a branch in the database.
@param branchName The name of the branch we start from
@param dbPathFromThisNode The path to the branch we want to observe from the starting branch
@param observer The observer we want to remove
void removeBranchObserver( const char *branchName, const char *dbPathFromThisNode, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver &observer );
Removes an observer from a branch in the database.
@param branchName The name of the branch we start from
@param dbPathFromThisNode The path to the branch we want to observe from the starting branch
@param observer The observer we want to remove
void removeBranchObserver( CCDBNodeBranch *branch, const char *dbPathFromThisNode, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver &observer );
Adds a branch observer call flush observer. ( These are notified after the branch observers are notified )
@param observer The observer
void addFlushObserver( CCDBBranchObservingHandler::IBranchObserverCallFlushObserver *observer );
Removes a branch observer call flush observer.
@param observer The observer
void removeFlushObserver( CCDBBranchObservingHandler::IBranchObserverCallFlushObserver *observer );
Notifies the observers whose observed branches were updated.
void flushObserverCalls();
Resets the specified bank.
@param gc GameCycle ( no idea what it is exactly, probably some time value )
@param bank The banks we want to reset
void resetBank( uint gc, uint bank );
@brief Resizes the bank holders. WARNING: Resets data contained.
@param newSize - The new maximum number of banks.
void resizeBanks( uint newSize );
CCDBBankHandler bankHandler;
CCDBBranchObservingHandler branchObservingHandler;
CRefPtr< CCDBNodeBranch > _Database;

View file

@ -206,6 +206,8 @@ public:
static void hashToUCString(uint64 hash, ucstring &dst);
static void setNoResolution( bool b ){ noResolution = b; }
typedef std::map<std::string, ucstring> StrMapContainer;
@ -254,6 +256,9 @@ private:
TLineFormat lineFmt,
bool warnIfIncludesNotFound,
TReadContext &readContext);
// Don't resolve labels
static bool noResolution;

View file

@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
#ifndef NL_RGBA_H
#define NL_RGBA_H
#include "types_nl.h"
#include "common.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace NLMISC
@ -326,6 +326,11 @@ public:
void buildFromHLS(float h, float l, float s);
static CRGBA stringToRGBA( const char *ptr );
std::string toString() const;
bool fromString( const std::string &s );
/// Swap the B and R components, to simulate a CBRGA
void swapBR()

View file

@ -237,7 +237,33 @@ inline bool fromString(const std::string &str, uint64 &val) { bool ret = sscanf(
inline bool fromString(const std::string &str, sint64 &val) { bool ret = sscanf(str.c_str(), "%"NL_I64"d", &val) == 1; if (!ret) val = 0; return ret; }
inline bool fromString(const std::string &str, float &val) { bool ret = sscanf(str.c_str(), "%f", &val) == 1; if (!ret) val = 0.0f; return ret; }
inline bool fromString(const std::string &str, double &val) { bool ret = sscanf(str.c_str(), "%lf", &val) == 1; if (!ret) val = 0.0; return ret; }
inline bool fromString(const std::string &str, bool &val) { val = (str.length() == 1) && str[0] != '0'; return (str.length() == 1) && (str[0] == '0' || str[0] == '1'); }
inline bool fromString(const std::string &str, bool &val)
if( str.length() == 1 )
if( str[ 0 ] == '1' )
val = true;
if( str[ 0 ] == '0' )
val = false;
return false;
if( str == "true" )
val = true;
if( str == "false" )
val = false;
return false;
return true;
inline bool fromString(const std::string &str, std::string &val) { val = str; return true; }
// stl vectors of bool use bit reference and not real bools, so define the operator for bit reference

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

View file

@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ IF(WITH_3D)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
FILE(GLOB SRC *.cpp *.h)
FILE(GLOB HEADERS ../../include/nel/gui/*.h)
NL_DEFAULT_PROPS(nelgui "NeL, Library: NeL GUI")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/action_handler.h"
#include "nel/gui/group_container_base.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_property.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "nel/gui/db_manager.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_link.h"
#include "nel/gui/widget_manager.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
namespace NLGUI
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAHManager *CAHManager::_GlobalInstance = NULL;
bool CAHManager::editorMode = false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void skipBlankAtStart (string &start)
while (!start.empty())
if ((start[0] == ' ' || start[0] == '\t' || start[0] == '\r' || start[0] == '\n'))
start = start.substr(1,start.size());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void skipBlankAtEnd (string &end)
while (!end.empty())
if ((end[end.size()-1] == ' ' || end[end.size()-1] == '\t' || end[end.size()-1] == '\r' || end[end.size()-1] == '\n'))
end = end.substr(0,end.size()-1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string IActionHandler::getParam (const string &Params, const string &ParamName)
string allparam = Params;
skipBlankAtStart (allparam);
string param = toLower (ParamName);
while (allparam.size() > 0)
std::string::size_type e = allparam.find('=');
if (e == std::string::npos || e == 0) break;
std::string::size_type p = allparam.find('|');
string tmp = NLMISC::toLower(allparam.substr(0,e));
if (tmp == param)
string tmp2 = allparam.substr(e+1,p-e-1);
return tmp2;
if (p == std::string::npos || p == 0) break;
allparam = allparam.substr(p+1,allparam.size());
skipBlankAtStart (allparam);
return "";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void IActionHandler::getAllParams (const string &Params, vector< pair<string,string> > &vAllParams)
string allparam = Params;
skipBlankAtStart (allparam);
while (allparam.size() > 0)
std::string::size_type e = allparam.find('=');
if (e == std::string::npos || e == 0) break;
std::string::size_type p = allparam.find('|');
string tmp = NLMISC::toLower(allparam.substr(0,e));
string tmp2 = allparam.substr(e+1,p-e-1);
if (p == std::string::npos || p == 0) break;
allparam = allparam.substr(p+1,allparam.size());
skipBlankAtStart (allparam);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IActionHandler* CAHManager::getAH(const std::string &name, std::string &params)
// Special AH form?
string::size_type i= name.find(':');
string ahName= name.substr(0, i);
params= name.substr(i+1);
return getActionHandler(ahName);
// standalone form
return getActionHandler(name);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IActionHandler* CAHManager::getAH(const std::string &name, CStringShared &params)
// Special AH form?
string::size_type i= name.find(':');
string ahName= name.substr(0, i);
params= name.substr(i+1);
return getActionHandler(ahName);
// standalone form
return getActionHandler(name);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAHManager::parseAH(xmlNodePtr cur, const char *ahId, const char *paramId, IActionHandler *&ahRet, std::string &paramRet)
CXMLAutoPtr prop;
// Read the action handler and any param he defines
bool paramSpecifiedInAH= false;
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)ahId );
if (prop)
string ahVal= (const char*)prop;
if(ahVal.find(':')!= string::npos)
paramSpecifiedInAH= true;
ahRet = getAH(ahVal, paramRet);
// Read parameter (if specified)
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)paramId );
/* Precise stuff here (for legacy rules):
If the param is not specified in the ahId, then replace params.
But if it is specified, don't replace it if the prop is empty!!
Because this cause problems with template and parameter replacement.
if ((const char *)prop && (!paramSpecifiedInAH || strlen((const char*)prop)>0) )
paramRet = string((const char*)prop);
void CAHManager::parseAH(xmlNodePtr cur, const char *ahId, const char *paramId, IActionHandler *&ahRet, CStringShared &paramRet)
CXMLAutoPtr prop;
// Read the action handler and any param he defines
bool paramSpecifiedInAH= false;
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)ahId );
if (prop)
string ahVal= (const char*)prop;
if(ahVal.find(':')!= string::npos)
paramSpecifiedInAH= true;
ahRet = getAH(ahVal, paramRet);
// Read parameter (if specified)
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)paramId );
/* Precise stuff here (for legacy rules):
If the param is not specified in the ahId, then replace params.
But if it is specified, don't replace it if the prop is empty!!
Because this cause problems with template and parameter replacement.
if ((const char *)prop && (!paramSpecifiedInAH || strlen((const char*)prop)>0) )
paramRet = string((const char*)prop);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAHManager::runActionHandler (const string &ahCmdLine, CCtrlBase *pCaller, const string &ahUserParams)
if (ahCmdLine.empty()) return;
if( editorMode )
// Special AH form ("ah:params") ?
string::size_type i = ahCmdLine.find(':');
string ahName;
string ahParams;
ahName= ahCmdLine.substr(0, i);
ahParams= ahCmdLine.substr(i+1);
ahName= ahCmdLine;
// Replace params if defined
ahParams= ahUserParams;
// Execute the action handler
map<string, IActionHandler*>::iterator it = FactoryMap.find (ahName);
if (it == FactoryMap.end())
nlwarning ("not found action handler : %s",ahName.c_str());
IActionHandler *pAH = it->second;
pAH->execute (pCaller, ahParams);
// Quick Help
const string submitQuickHelp = "submit_quick_help";
it = FactoryMap.find(submitQuickHelp);
if(it == FactoryMap.end())
nlwarning ("not found action handler : %s", submitQuickHelp.c_str());
pAH = it->second;
const std::string event = ahName + ":" + ahParams;
pAH->execute(NULL, event);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAHManager::runActionHandler (IActionHandler *pAH, CCtrlBase *pCaller, const std::string &Params)
if (pAH == NULL)
nlwarning ("no action handler");
if( editorMode )
pAH->execute (pCaller, Params);
string AHName = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAHName(pAH);
// Quick Help
const string submitQuickHelp = "submit_quick_help";
map<string, IActionHandler*>::iterator it = FactoryMap.find (AHName);
it = FactoryMap.find(submitQuickHelp);
if(it == FactoryMap.end())
nlwarning ("not found action handler : %s", submitQuickHelp.c_str());
pAH = it->second;
const std::string event = AHName + ":" + Params;
pAH->execute(NULL, event);
void CAHManager::submitEvent( const std::string &evt )
// Submit the event to the quick help system
runActionHandler( "submit_quick_help", NULL, evt );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CAHSet : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase *pCaller, const string &Params)
string dblink = getParam (Params, "dblink");
string property = getParam (Params, "target_property");
string propertyToEval = getParam (Params, "target");
string expr = getParam (Params, "value");
//nlinfo("set %s %s %s %s", dblink.c_str(), property.c_str(), propertyToEval.c_str(), expr.c_str());
CInterfaceExprValue value;
if (CInterfaceExpr::eval(expr, value, NULL))
if (!dblink.empty())
// Do not allow Write on SERVER: or LOCAL:
static const std::string dbServer= "SERVER:";
static const std::string dbLocal= "LOCAL:";
static const std::string dbLocalR2= "LOCAL:R2";
if( (, dbServer.size(), dbServer)) ||
(, dbLocal.size(), dbLocal))
if (0!, dbLocalR2.size(), dbLocalR2))
//nlwarning("You are not allowed to write on 'SERVER:...' or 'LOCAL:...' database");
string dblinkeval;
CInterfaceExpr::unpackDBentry(dblink.c_str(), NULL, dblinkeval);
if (!value.toInteger())
nlwarning("<CAHSet:execute> expression doesn't evaluate to a numerical value");
CInterfaceProperty ip;
if (!value.toInteger())
nlwarning("<CAHSet:execute> expression doesn't evaluate to a numerical value");
if ( (dblinkeval.c_str()))
if (!propertyToEval.empty())
CInterfaceExprValue res;
if (!CInterfaceExpr::eval(propertyToEval, res, NULL)) return;
property = res.getString();
if (!property.empty())
std::vector<CInterfaceLink::CTargetInfo> targets;
// find first enclosing group
CCtrlBase *currCtrl = pCaller;
CInterfaceGroup *ig = NULL;
while (currCtrl)
ig = dynamic_cast<CInterfaceGroup *>(currCtrl);
if (ig != NULL) break;
currCtrl = currCtrl->getParent();
if (ig == NULL)
string elt = property.substr(0,property.rfind(':'));
CInterfaceElement *pIE = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(elt);
ig = dynamic_cast<CInterfaceGroup*>(pIE);
if (ig == NULL && pIE != NULL)
ig = pIE->getParent();
if (ig != NULL)
CInterfaceLink::splitLinkTargets(property, ig, targets);
for(uint k = 0; k < targets.size(); ++k)
if (targets[k].Elem) targets[k].affect(value);
nlwarning("<CAHSet::execute> Couldn't evaluate expression to affect, expr = %s", expr.c_str());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CAHCopy : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &Params)
string dbdst = getParam (Params, "dbdst");
string dbsrc = getParam (Params, "dbsrc");
CCDBNodeBranch *pNBdst = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbBranch(dbdst);
CCDBNodeBranch *pNBsrc = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbBranch(dbsrc);
// Branch copy
if ((pNBdst != NULL) && (pNBsrc != NULL))
//nlinfo("copying from %s to %s",pNBsrc->getName()->c_str(), pNBdst->getName()->c_str());
// Parse all children of the src branch
uint nbLeaves = pNBsrc->countLeaves();
for (uint i = 0; i < nbLeaves; ++i)
uint count = i;
CCDBNodeLeaf *pNLsrc = pNBsrc->findLeafAtCount(count);
// Find its access name
string sTmp = *pNLsrc->getName();
CCDBNodeBranch *pParent = pNLsrc->getParent();
while (pParent != pNBsrc)
sTmp = *pParent->getName() + ":" + sTmp;
pParent = pParent->getParent();
// Find the correspondant node in the dst branch
CCDBNodeLeaf *pNLdst = dynamic_cast<CCDBNodeLeaf*>(pNBdst->getNode(ICDBNode::CTextId(sTmp)));
if (pNLdst == NULL)
nlwarning ("cannot find destination leaf %s",sTmp.c_str());
//sint32 nVal = pNLsrc->getValue64();
//nlinfo("set value %d for node %s", nVal, sTmp.c_str());
// Not branch copy so leaf copy
CInterfaceProperty ipsrc;
CInterfaceProperty ipdst;
if (! (dbsrc.c_str()))
nlwarning("cannot find leaf %s",dbsrc.c_str());
if (! (dbdst.c_str()))
nlwarning("cannot find leaf %s",dbdst.c_str());
// copy
ipdst.setSInt64 (ipsrc.getSInt64());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CAHResizeW : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase *pCaller, const string &Params)
string elt = getParam (Params, "elt");
sint32 value;
fromString(getParam(Params, "value"), value);
sint32 limit;
fromString(getParam(Params, "limit"), limit);
CInterfaceElement *pIE = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId (pCaller->getId(), elt);
if (pIE == NULL) return;
sint32 newW = pIE->getW();
newW += value;
if (value < 0)
if (newW < limit)
newW = limit;
if (newW > limit)
newW = limit;
pIE->setW (newW);
// the container whose alpha is being edited
static CGroupContainerBase *AlphaChooserTarget = NULL;
static bool OldUseGlobalAlpha;
static uint8 OldContentAlpha;
static uint8 OldBgAlpha;
static uint8 OldRolloverAlphaBG;
static uint8 OldRolloverAlphaContent;
// observer to change the container alpha
class CContainerAlphaObserver : public ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver
bool On;
enum TTargetAlpha { ContentAlpha = 0, BgAlpha, RolloverAlphaContent, RolloverAlphaBG };
TTargetAlpha Target;
virtual void update(ICDBNode *node)
if (!On) return;
if (!AlphaChooserTarget) return;
CCDBNodeLeaf *leaf = safe_cast<CCDBNodeLeaf *>(node);
case ContentAlpha: AlphaChooserTarget->setContentAlpha((uint8) leaf->getValue32()); break;
case BgAlpha: AlphaChooserTarget->setContainerAlpha((uint8) leaf->getValue32()); break;
case RolloverAlphaContent: AlphaChooserTarget->setRolloverAlphaContent((uint8) (255 - (uint8) leaf->getValue32())); break;
case RolloverAlphaBG: AlphaChooserTarget->setRolloverAlphaContainer((uint8) (255 - (uint8) leaf->getValue32())); break;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CAHChooseUIAlpha : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase *pCaller, const std::string &/* Params */)
CGroupContainerBase *gc = NULL;
CCtrlBase *cb = pCaller;
while (cb)
gc = dynamic_cast<CGroupContainerBase*>(cb);
if (gc) break;
cb = cb->getParent();
if (!gc) return;
AlphaChooserTarget = gc;
if (!_AlphaObserversAdded)
_UiVariableBGAlpha = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:ALPHA_BG");
_UiVariableContentAlpha = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:ALPHA_CONTENT");
_UiVariableRolloverAlphaBG = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:ALPHA_ROLLOVER_BG");
_UiVariableRolloverAlphaContent = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:ALPHA_ROLLOVER_CONTENT");
ICDBNode::CTextId textIdBGAlpha, textIdContentAlpha, textIdRolloverAlphaBG, textIdRolloverAlphaContent;
_UiVariableBGAlpha->addObserver(&_BgAlphaObs, textIdBGAlpha);
_UiVariableContentAlpha->addObserver(&_ContentAlphaObs, textIdContentAlpha);
_UiVariableRolloverAlphaBG->addObserver(&_RolloverAlphaBGObs, textIdRolloverAlphaBG);
_UiVariableRolloverAlphaContent->addObserver(&_RolloverAlphaContentObs, textIdRolloverAlphaContent);
_AlphaObserversAdded = true;
// disable observers
_ContentAlphaObs.On = false;
_BgAlphaObs.On = false;
_RolloverAlphaBGObs.On = false;
_RolloverAlphaContentObs.On = false;
// set alpha of current chosen container
_UiVariableRolloverAlphaBG->setValue32(255 - gc->getRolloverAlphaContainer());
_UiVariableRolloverAlphaContent->setValue32(255 - gc->getRolloverAlphaContent());
// enable observers
_ContentAlphaObs.On = true;
_BgAlphaObs.On = true;
_RolloverAlphaBGObs.On = true;
_RolloverAlphaContentObs.On = true;
// backup current alpha (if the user cancel)
OldContentAlpha = gc->getContentAlpha();
OldBgAlpha = gc->getContainerAlpha();
OldRolloverAlphaBG = gc->getRolloverAlphaContainer();
OldRolloverAlphaContent = gc->getRolloverAlphaContent();
OldUseGlobalAlpha = gc->isUsingGlobalAlpha();
// Enable 'use global alpha' button
NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:USER_ALPHA")->setValue64(gc->isUsingGlobalAlpha() ? 0 : 1);
// show the modal box
CWidgetManager::getInstance()->enableModalWindow(gc, "ui:interface:define_ui_transparency");
_UiVariableContentAlpha = NULL;
_UiVariableBGAlpha = NULL;
_UiVariableRolloverAlphaBG = NULL;
_UiVariableRolloverAlphaContent = NULL;
_AlphaObserversAdded = false;
_BgAlphaObs.Target = CContainerAlphaObserver::BgAlpha;
_ContentAlphaObs.Target = CContainerAlphaObserver::ContentAlpha;
_RolloverAlphaBGObs.Target = CContainerAlphaObserver::RolloverAlphaBG;
_RolloverAlphaContentObs.Target = CContainerAlphaObserver::RolloverAlphaContent;
// instance of observer to copy alpha from db to a container
CContainerAlphaObserver _ContentAlphaObs;
CContainerAlphaObserver _BgAlphaObs;
CContainerAlphaObserver _RolloverAlphaContentObs;
CContainerAlphaObserver _RolloverAlphaBGObs;
// flag to know if observer have been added
bool _AlphaObserversAdded;
// db leaf that contains alpha for the current container
CCDBNodeLeaf *_UiVariableContentAlpha;
CCDBNodeLeaf *_UiVariableBGAlpha;
CCDBNodeLeaf *_UiVariableRolloverAlphaContent;
CCDBNodeLeaf *_UiVariableRolloverAlphaBG;
REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHChooseUIAlpha, "choose_ui_alpha");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CAHCancelChooseUIAlpha : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &/* Params */)
if (AlphaChooserTarget)
REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHCancelChooseUIAlpha, "cancel_choose_ui_alpha");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CAHUseGlobalAlphaSettings : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &/* Params */)
if (AlphaChooserTarget)
NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:USER_ALPHA")->setValue64(AlphaChooserTarget->isUsingGlobalAlpha() ? 0 : 1);
REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHUseGlobalAlphaSettings, "use_global_alpha_settings");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CAHLockUnlock : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase *pCaller, const std::string &/* Params */)
CGroupContainerBase *gc = NULL;
CCtrlBase *cb = pCaller;
while (cb)
gc = dynamic_cast< CGroupContainerBase* >(cb);
if (gc) break;
cb = cb->getParent();
if (!gc) return;
REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHLockUnlock, "lock_unlock");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CAHSetTransparent : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &Params)
CGroupContainerBase *pGC = dynamic_cast< CGroupContainerBase* >(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(Params));
if (pGC != NULL)
pGC->setContainerAlpha((uint8) 0);
pGC->setContentAlpha((uint8) 255);
pGC->setRolloverAlphaContainer((uint8) 255);
pGC->setRolloverAlphaContent((uint8) 0);
REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHSetTransparent, "set_transparent");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CAHSetAlpha : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &Params)
string ui = getParam (Params, "target");
uint8 alpha;
fromString(getParam (Params, "alpha"), alpha);
CGroupContainerBase *pGC = dynamic_cast<CGroupContainerBase*>(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(ui));
if (pGC != NULL)
pGC->setContainerAlpha((uint8) alpha);
pGC->setContentAlpha((uint8) 255);
pGC->setRolloverAlphaContainer((uint8) 0);
pGC->setRolloverAlphaContent((uint8) 0);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CAHUnlockAllContainer : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */)
const vector<CWidgetManager::SMasterGroup> &rVMG = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getAllMasterGroup();
for (uint32 nMasterGroup = 0; nMasterGroup < rVMG.size(); nMasterGroup++)
// const CInterfaceManager::SMasterGroup &rMG = rVMG[nMasterGroup];
REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER (CAHUnlockAllContainer, "unlock_all_container");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "libxml/globals.h"
#include "nel/misc/debug.h"
#include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h"
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_base.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
#include "nel/gui/widget_manager.h"
#include "nel/misc/i18n.h"
using namespace NLMISC;
namespace NLGUI
std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, std::string > > CCtrlBase::AHCache;
// ***************************************************************************
CWidgetManager::getInstance()->removeRefOnCtrl (this);
// ***************************************************************************
bool CCtrlBase::handleEvent(const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor &event)
if (event.getType() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptor::system)
NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem &eds = (NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem&)event;
if (eds.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem::activecalledonparent)
if (!((NLGUI::CEventDescriptorActiveCalledOnParent &) eds).getActive())
// the mouse capture should be lost when the ctrl is hidden
if (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft() == this)
if (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerRight() == this)
// NB : don't call return here because derived class may be interested
// in handling event more speciffically
return false;
std::string CCtrlBase::tooltipParentToString( TToolTipParentType type )
switch( type )
case TTMouse:
return "mouse";
case TTWindow:
return "win";
case TTSpecialWindow:
return "special";
return "";
CCtrlBase::TToolTipParentType CCtrlBase::stringToToolTipParent( const std::string &str )
std::string s = toLower( str );
if( s == "mouse" )
return TTMouse;
if( s == "win" )
return TTWindow;
if( s == "special" )
return TTSpecialWindow;
return TTCtrl;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CCtrlBase::parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup)
if(!CViewBase::parse(cur, parentGroup))
return false;
CXMLAutoPtr prop;
// get static toolTip
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"tooltip" );
if (prop)
const char *propPtr = prop;
_ContextHelp = ucstring(propPtr);
if( !editorMode && ( strlen(propPtr) > 2 ) )
if ((propPtr[0] == 'u') && (propPtr[1] == 'i'))
_ContextHelp = CI18N::get ((const char *) prop);
// Force I18N tooltip
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"tooltip_i18n" );
if ((bool)prop && strlen((const char*)prop)>0)
if( !editorMode )
_ContextHelp = CI18N::get ((const char *) prop);
_ContextHelp = (const char*)prop;
// get dynamic toolTip ActionHandler
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"on_tooltip" );
if (prop)
_OnContextHelp= (const char*)prop;
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"on_tooltip_params" );
if (prop)
_OnContextHelpParams= (const char*)prop;
// Tooltip parent
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"tooltip_parent" );
_ToolTipParent= TTCtrl;
_ToolTipParent = stringToToolTipParent( std::string( prop ) );
// Tooltip special parent
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"tooltip_special_parent" );
_ToolTipSpecialParent= CStringShared();
_ToolTipSpecialParent= std::string((const char*)prop);
// Tooltip posref
THotSpot tmpParentHS, tmpChildHS;
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"tooltip_posref" );
convertTooltipHotSpot(prop, tmpParentHS, tmpChildHS);
_ToolTipParentPosRef= tmpParentHS;
_ToolTipPosRef= tmpChildHS;
// Alternative tooltip posref : this one will be chosen
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"tooltip_posref_alt" );
convertTooltipHotSpot(prop, tmpParentHS, tmpChildHS);
_ToolTipParentPosRefAlt = tmpParentHS;
_ToolTipPosRefAlt = tmpChildHS;
// ToolTip instant
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"instant_help");
_ToolTipInstant= true;
if (prop) _ToolTipInstant = convertBool(prop);
return true;
std::string CCtrlBase::getProperty( const std::string &name ) const
if( name == "tooltip" )
return _ContextHelp.toString();
if( name == "tooltip_i18n" )
return _ContextHelp.toString();
if( name == "on_tooltip" )
return _OnContextHelp.toString();
if( name == "on_tooltip_params" )
return _OnContextHelpParams.toString();
if( name == "tooltip_parent" )
return tooltipParentToString( _ToolTipParent );
if( name == "tooltip_special_parent" )
return _ToolTipSpecialParent.toString();
if( name == "tooltip_posref" )
std::string s;
if( ( _ToolTipParentPosRef == Hotspot_TTAuto ) && ( _ToolTipPosRef == Hotspot_TTAuto ) )
return "auto";
s = CInterfaceElement::HotSpotToString( _ToolTipParentPosRef );
s += " ";
s += CInterfaceElement::HotSpotToString( _ToolTipPosRef );
return s;
if( name == "tooltip_posref_alt" )
std::string s;
if( ( _ToolTipParentPosRefAlt == Hotspot_TTAuto ) && ( _ToolTipPosRefAlt == Hotspot_TTAuto ) )
return "auto";
s = CInterfaceElement::HotSpotToString( _ToolTipParentPosRefAlt );
s += " ";
s += CInterfaceElement::HotSpotToString( _ToolTipPosRefAlt );
return s;
if( name == "instant_help" )
return toString( _ToolTipInstant );
return CInterfaceElement::getProperty( name );
void CCtrlBase::setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value )
if( name == "tooltip" )
_ContextHelp = value;
if( name == "tooltip_i18n" )
_ContextHelp = value;
if( name == "on_tooltip" )
_OnContextHelp = value;
if( name == "on_tooltip_params" )
_OnContextHelpParams = value;
if( name == "tooltip_parent" )
_ToolTipParent = stringToToolTipParent( value );
if( name == "tooltip_special_parent" )
_ToolTipSpecialParent = value;
if( name == "tooltip_posref" )
THotSpot parentHS;
THotSpot HS;
convertTooltipHotSpot( value.c_str(), parentHS, HS );
_ToolTipParentPosRef = parentHS;
_ToolTipPosRef = HS;
if( name == "tooltip_posref_alt" )
THotSpot parentHS;
THotSpot HS;
convertTooltipHotSpot( value.c_str(), parentHS, HS );
_ToolTipParentPosRefAlt = parentHS;
_ToolTipPosRefAlt = HS;
if( name == "instant_help" )
bool b;
if( fromString( value, b ) )
_ToolTipInstant = b;
CInterfaceElement::setProperty( name, value );
xmlNodePtr CCtrlBase::serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const
xmlNodePtr node =
CInterfaceElement::serialize( parentNode, type );
if( node == NULL )
return NULL;
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "tooltip", BAD_CAST _ContextHelp.toString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "tooltip_i18n", BAD_CAST _ContextHelp.toString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "on_tooltip", BAD_CAST _OnContextHelp.toString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "on_tooltip_params", BAD_CAST _OnContextHelpParams.toString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "tooltip_parent", BAD_CAST tooltipParentToString( _ToolTipParent ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "tooltip_special_parent", BAD_CAST _ToolTipSpecialParent.toString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "tooltip_posref",
BAD_CAST TooltipHotSpotToString( _ToolTipParentPosRef, _ToolTipPosRef ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "tooltip_posref_alt",
BAD_CAST TooltipHotSpotToString( _ToolTipParentPosRefAlt, _ToolTipPosRefAlt ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "instant_help", BAD_CAST toString( _ToolTipInstant ).c_str() );
return node;
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlBase::convertTooltipHotSpot(const char *prop, THotSpot &parentHS, THotSpot &childHS)
parentHS = Hotspot_TTAuto;
childHS = Hotspot_TTAuto;
const char *ptr= (const char*)prop;
if(stricmp(ptr, "auto")==0)
parentHS = Hotspot_TTAuto;
childHS = Hotspot_TTAuto;
// valid ref?
else if(strlen(ptr)>=5)
THotSpot parentPosRef;
THotSpot posRef;
CInterfaceElement::convertHotSpotCouple(ptr, parentPosRef, posRef);
parentHS = parentPosRef;
childHS = posRef;
std::string CCtrlBase::TooltipHotSpotToString( THotSpot parent, THotSpot child )
std::string s;
if( ( parent == Hotspot_TTAuto ) && ( child == Hotspot_TTAuto ) )
s = "auto";
s = CInterfaceElement::HotSpotToString( parent );
s += " ";
s += CInterfaceElement::HotSpotToString( child );
return s;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CCtrlBase::emptyContextHelp() const
ucstring help;
std::string sTmp = _OnContextHelp;
return help.empty() && sTmp.empty();
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlBase::visit(CInterfaceElementVisitor *visitor)
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlBase::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f)
THotSpot tmpToolTipParentPosRef = _ToolTipParentPosRef;
THotSpot tmpToolTipPosRef = _ToolTipPosRef;
THotSpot tmpToolTipParentPosRefAlt = _ToolTipParentPosRefAlt;
THotSpot tmpToolTipPosRefAlt = _ToolTipPosRefAlt;
_ToolTipParentPosRef = tmpToolTipParentPosRef;
_ToolTipPosRef = tmpToolTipPosRef;
_ToolTipParentPosRefAlt = tmpToolTipParentPosRefAlt;
_ToolTipPosRefAlt = tmpToolTipPosRefAlt;
nlSerialBitBool(f, _ToolTipInstant);
// ***************************************************************************
std::string CCtrlBase::getContextHelpWindowName() const
return "context_help";
uint32 CCtrlBase::getDepth( CInterfaceGroup *group )
uint32 depth = 1;
CInterfaceGroup *parent = getParent();
while( parent != NULL )
if ( parent == group )
parent = parent->getParent();
// The Resizer Ctrls take the precedence over Sons controls.
return depth + getDeltaDepth();
void CCtrlBase::mapAHString( const std::string &key, const std::string &value )
std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, std::string > >::iterator itr = AHCache.find( getId() );
if( itr == AHCache.end() )
AHCache[ getId() ];
itr = AHCache.find( getId() );
std::map< std::string, std::string > &AHMap = itr->second;
AHMap[ key ] = value;
std::string CCtrlBase::getAHString( const std::string &key ) const
std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, std::string > >::const_iterator itr = AHCache.find( getId() );
if( itr == AHCache.end() )
return "";
std::map< std::string, std::string >::const_iterator itr2 = itr->second.find( key );
if( itr2 == itr->second.end() )
return "";
return itr2->second;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,987 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_base_button.h"
#include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
#include "nel/gui/lua_ihm.h"
#include "nel/gui/widget_manager.h"
#include "nel/gui/db_manager.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
const uint KEY_REPEAT_MIN = 100;
const uint KEY_REPEAT_MAX = 750;
namespace NLGUI
sint64 CCtrlBaseButton::_LastLeftClickDate = 0;
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CCtrlBaseButton> CCtrlBaseButton::_LastLeftClickButton;
// ***************************************************************************
CCtrlBaseButton::CCtrlBaseButton(const TCtorParam &param) : CCtrlBase(param), _Type(ToggleButton)
_Pushed = _Over = false;
_Frozen = false;
_FrozenHalfTone = true;
_OverWhenPushed = true;
_ColorOver = _ColorPushed = _ColorNormal = NLMISC::CRGBA(255,255,255,255);
_ModulateGlobalColorNormal= _ModulateGlobalColorPushed= _ModulateGlobalColorOver= true;
_LeftLongClickHandled = true;
_LeftDblClickHandled = false;
_ClickWhenPushed = false;
_RBRefBut = NULL;
_RBRef = NULL;
_AHOnOver = NULL;
_AHOnLeftClick = NULL;
_AHOnRightClick = NULL;
_AHOnClockTick = NULL;
_AHOnLeftLongClick = NULL;
_AHOnLeftDblClick = NULL;
std::string CCtrlBaseButton::getProperty( const std::string &name ) const
if( name == "button_type" )
return getTypeString();
if( name == "pushed" )
return toString( _Pushed );
if( name == "over_when_pushed" )
return toString( _OverWhenPushed );
if( name == "clicked_when_pushed" )
return toString( _ClickWhenPushed );
if( name == "color" )
return getColorAsString();
if( name == "col_pushed" )
return getColorPushedAsString();
if( name == "col_over" )
return getColorOverAsString();
if( name == "global_color_normal" )
return toString( _ModulateGlobalColorNormal );
if( name == "global_color_pushed" )
return toString( _ModulateGlobalColorPushed );
if( name == "global_color_over" )
return toString( _ModulateGlobalColorOver );
if( name == "onover" )
return getAHString( "onover" );
if( name == "params_over" )
return _getParamsOnOver();
if( name == "onclick_l" )
return getAHString( "onclick_l" );
if( name == "params_l" )
return _getParamsOnLeftClick();
if( name == "ondblclick_l" )
return getAHString( "ondblclick_l" );
if( name == "params_dblclick_l" )
return _AHLeftDblClickParams.toString();
if( name == "onlongclick_l" )
return getAHString( "onlongclick_l" );
if( name == "params_longclick_l" )
return _AHLeftLongClickParams.toString();
if( name == "onclick_r" )
return getAHString( "onclick_r" );
if( name == "params_r" )
return _AHRightClickParams.toString();
if( name == "onclock_tick" )
return getAHString( "onclock_tick" );
if( name == "params_clock_tick" )
return _AHClockTickParams.toString();
if( name == "menu_l" )
return _ListMenuLeft.toString();
if( name == "menu_r" )
return _ListMenuRight.toString();
if( name == "menu_b" )
if( _ListMenuLeft.toString() == _ListMenuRight.toString() )
return _ListMenuLeft.toString();
return "";
if( name == "frozen" )
return toString( _Frozen );
if( name == "frozen_half_tone" )
return toString( _FrozenHalfTone );
return CCtrlBase::getProperty( name );
void CCtrlBaseButton::setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value )
if( name == "button_type" )
setTypeFromString( value );
if( name == "pushed" )
bool b;
if( fromString( value, b ) )
_Pushed = b;
if( name == "over_when_pushed" )
bool b;
if( fromString( value, b ) )
_OverWhenPushed = b;
if( name == "clicked_when_pushed" )
bool b;
if( fromString( value, b ) )
_ClickWhenPushed = b;
if( name == "color" )
setColorAsString( value );
if( name == "col_pushed" )
setColorPushedAsString( value );
if( name == "col_over" )
setColorOverAsString( value );
if( name == "global_color_normal" )
bool b;
if( fromString( value, b ) )
_ModulateGlobalColorNormal = b;
if( name == "global_color_pushed" )
bool b;
if( fromString( value, b ) )
_ModulateGlobalColorPushed = b;
if( name == "global_color_over" )
bool b;
if( fromString( value, b ) )
_ModulateGlobalColorOver = b;
if( name == "onover" )
_AHOnOver = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH( value, std::string() );
mapAHString( "onover", value );
if( name == "params_over" )
_AHOverParams = value;
if( name == "onclick_l" )
_AHOnLeftClick = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH( value, std::string() );
mapAHString( "onclick_l", value );
if( name == "params_l" )
_AHLeftClickParams = value;
if( name == "ondblclick_l" )
_AHOnLeftDblClick = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH( value, std::string() );
mapAHString( "ondblclick_l", value );
if( name == "params_dblclick_l" )
_AHLeftDblClickParams = value;
if( name == "onlongclick_l" )
_AHOnLeftLongClick = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH( value, std::string() );
mapAHString( "onlongclick_l", value );
if( name == "params_longclick_l" )
_AHLeftLongClickParams = value;
if( name == "onclick_r" )
_AHOnRightClick = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH( value, std::string() );
mapAHString( "onclick_r", value );
if( name == "params_r" )
_AHRightClickParams = value;
if( name == "onclock_tick" )
_AHOnClockTick = CAHManager::getInstance()->getAH( value, std::string() );
mapAHString( "onclock_tick", value );
if( name == "params_clock_tick" )
_AHClockTickParams = value;
if( name == "menu_l" )
_ListMenuLeft = value;
if( name == "menu_r" )
_ListMenuRight = value;
if( name == "menu_b" )
_ListMenuLeft = _ListMenuRight = value;
if( name == "frozen" )
bool b;
if( fromString( value, b ) )
_Frozen = b;
if( name == "frozen_half_tone" )
bool b;
if( fromString( value, b ) )
_FrozenHalfTone = b;
CCtrlBase::setProperty( name, value );
xmlNodePtr CCtrlBaseButton::serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const
xmlNodePtr node = CCtrlBase::serialize( parentNode, type );
if( node == NULL )
return NULL;
xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST "button" );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "button_type", BAD_CAST getTypeString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "pushed", BAD_CAST toString( _Pushed ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "over_when_pushed", BAD_CAST toString( _OverWhenPushed ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "clicked_when_pushed", BAD_CAST toString( _ClickWhenPushed ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "color", BAD_CAST getColorAsString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "col_pushed", BAD_CAST getColorPushedAsString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "col_over", BAD_CAST getColorOverAsString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "global_color_normal", BAD_CAST toString( _ModulateGlobalColorNormal ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "global_color_pushed", BAD_CAST toString( _ModulateGlobalColorPushed ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "global_color_over", BAD_CAST toString( _ModulateGlobalColorOver ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "onover", BAD_CAST getAHString( "onover" ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "params_over", BAD_CAST _getParamsOnOver().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "onclick_l", BAD_CAST getAHString( "onclick_l" ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "params_l", BAD_CAST _getParamsOnLeftClick().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "ondblclick_l", BAD_CAST getAHString( "ondblclick_l" ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "params_dblclick_l", BAD_CAST _AHLeftDblClickParams.toString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "onlongclick_l", BAD_CAST getAHString( "onlongclick_l" ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "params_longclick_l", BAD_CAST _AHLeftLongClickParams.toString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "onclick_r", BAD_CAST getAHString( "onclick_r" ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "params_r", BAD_CAST _AHRightClickParams.toString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "onclock_tick", BAD_CAST getAHString( "onclock_tick" ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "params_clock_tick", BAD_CAST _AHClockTickParams.toString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "menu_l", BAD_CAST _ListMenuLeft.toString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "menu_r", BAD_CAST _ListMenuRight.toString().c_str() );
if( _ListMenuLeft.toString() == _ListMenuRight.toString() )
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "menu_b", BAD_CAST _ListMenuLeft.toString().c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "menu_b", BAD_CAST "" );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "frozen", BAD_CAST toString( _Frozen ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "frozen_half_tone", BAD_CAST toString( _FrozenHalfTone ).c_str() );
return node;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CCtrlBaseButton::parse (xmlNodePtr cur,CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup)
CXMLAutoPtr prop;
//try to get props that can be inherited from groups
//if a property is not defined, try to find it in the parent group.
//if it is undefined, set it to zero
if (! CCtrlBase::parse(cur,parentGroup) )
return false;
_Over = false;
// *** try to get the NEEDED specific props
prop = xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"button_type");
string type;
if (prop)
type = (const char*) prop;
if (type.empty() || type == "toggle_button")
_Type = ToggleButton;
else if (type == "push_button")
_Type = PushButton;
else if (type == "radio_button")
_Type = RadioButton;
if (_Pushed)
*_RBRef = this;
nlinfo(("cannot parse button type for button " + getId()).c_str());
prop= (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"pushed");
_Pushed = false;
if (prop)
_Pushed = convertBool(prop);
prop= (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"over_when_pushed");
_OverWhenPushed = true;
if (prop)
_OverWhenPushed = convertBool(prop);
prop= (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"click_when_pushed");
_ClickWhenPushed = false;
if (prop)
_ClickWhenPushed = convertBool(prop);
// *** Read Colors
// get color normal
prop= (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"color" );
_ColorNormal = CRGBA(255,255,255,255);
if (prop)
_ColorNormal = convertColor (prop);
// Get ColorPushed
prop= (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"col_pushed" );
_ColorPushed = CRGBA(255,255,255,255);
if (prop)
_ColorPushed = convertColor(prop);
// Get ColorOver
prop= (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"col_over" );
_ColorOver = CRGBA(255,255,255,255);
if (prop)
_ColorOver = convertColor(prop);
// Default: take "global_color" param interface_element option.
_ModulateGlobalColorNormal= _ModulateGlobalColorPushed= _ModulateGlobalColorOver= getModulateGlobalColor();
// Read special global_color for each state
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"global_color_normal" );
if (prop) _ModulateGlobalColorNormal= convertBool(prop);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"global_color_pushed" );
if (prop) _ModulateGlobalColorPushed= convertBool(prop);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"global_color_over" );
if (prop) _ModulateGlobalColorOver= convertBool(prop);
// *** Read Action handlers
CAHManager::getInstance()->parseAH(cur, "onover", "params_over", _AHOnOver, _AHOverParams);
CAHManager::getInstance()->parseAH(cur, "onclick_l", "params_l", _AHOnLeftClick, _AHLeftClickParams);
CAHManager::getInstance()->parseAH(cur, "ondblclick_l", "params_dblclick_l", _AHOnLeftDblClick, _AHLeftDblClickParams);
CAHManager::getInstance()->parseAH(cur, "onclick_r", "params_r", _AHOnRightClick, _AHRightClickParams);
CAHManager::getInstance()->parseAH(cur, "onlongclick_l", "params_longclick_l", _AHOnLeftLongClick, _AHLeftLongClickParams);
CAHManager::getInstance()->parseAH(cur, "onclock_tick", "params_clock_tick", _AHOnClockTick, _AHClockTickParams);
if( editorMode )
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, BAD_CAST "onover" );
if( prop != NULL )
mapAHString( "onover", std::string( prop ) );
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, BAD_CAST "onclick_l" );
if( prop != NULL )
mapAHString( "onclick_l", std::string( prop ) );
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, BAD_CAST "ondblclick_l" );
if( prop != NULL )
mapAHString( "ondblclick_l", std::string( prop ) );
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, BAD_CAST "onclick_r" );
if( prop != NULL )
mapAHString( "onclick_r", std::string( prop ) );
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, BAD_CAST "onlongclick_l" );
if( prop != NULL )
mapAHString( "onlongclick_l", std::string( prop ) );
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, BAD_CAST "onclock_tick" );
if( prop != NULL )
mapAHString( "onclock_tick", std::string( prop ) );
// Context menu association
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"menu_l" );
if (prop)
_ListMenuLeft = NLMISC::toLower(std::string((const char *) prop));
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"menu_r" );
if (prop)
_ListMenuRight = NLMISC::toLower(std::string((const char *) prop));
// list menu on both clicks
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"menu_b" );
if (prop)
setListMenuBoth(NLMISC::toLower(std::string((const char *) prop)));
prop= (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"frozen");
_Frozen = false;
if (prop)
_Frozen = convertBool(prop);
prop= (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"frozen_half_tone");
_FrozenHalfTone = true;
if (prop)
_FrozenHalfTone = convertBool(prop);
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlBaseButton::setModulateGlobalColorAll(bool state)
// ***************************************************************************
bool CCtrlBaseButton::handleEvent (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptor& event)
if (CCtrlBase::handleEvent(event)) return true;
if (!_Active || _Frozen)
return false;
sint64 T1 = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime();
if (event.getType() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptor::mouse)
const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse &eventDesc = (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse &)event;
if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftup)
if (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft() != this)
return false;
_LeftLongClickHandled = true;
if (!((eventDesc.getX() >= _XReal) &&
(eventDesc.getX() < (_XReal + _WReal))&&
(eventDesc.getY() > _YReal) &&
(eventDesc.getY() <= (_YReal+ _HReal))))
return false;
if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftdown)
if (_AHOnLeftDblClick)
if ((CCtrlBaseButton *) _LastLeftClickButton == this && (T1 - _LastLeftClickDate) < CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getUserDblClickDelay())
CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler (_AHOnLeftDblClick, this, _AHLeftDblClickParams);
_LeftDblClickHandled = true;
_LastLeftClickButton = NULL;
return true;
if (_AHOnLeftLongClick != NULL)
_LeftLongClickHandled = false;
_LeftLongClickDate = T1;
_LeftDblClickHandled = false;
_LastLeftClickButton = NULL;
return true;
if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse::mouseleftup)
if (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft() != this)
return false;
if( editorMode )
CWidgetManager::getInstance()->setCurrentEditorSelection( getId() );
return true;
if (_LeftDblClickHandled) // no effect on mouse up after double click has been handled
_LeftDblClickHandled = false;
return true;
// Do not launch 2 times action handler if we are already pushed ! except if we want.
if (!_ClickWhenPushed)
if ((_Type == RadioButton) && _RBRef && (*_RBRef == this))
return true;
if (_Type == RadioButton)
_Pushed = true;
if(_RBRef) *_RBRef = this;
if (_Type == ToggleButton)
_Pushed = !_Pushed;
// RunAction
if(_AHOnLeftClick != NULL)
//nlinfo("clicked on %s", _Id.c_str());
pIM->submitEvent ("button_click:"+getId());//TEMP
CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler (_AHOnLeftClick, this, _AHLeftClickParams);
//pIM->submitEvent ("button_click:"+getId());
if (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft() == NULL) return true; // event handler may release cpature from this object (if it is removed for example)
// Run Menu
if (!_ListMenuLeft.empty())
CWidgetManager::getInstance()->enableModalWindow (this, _ListMenuLeft);
if (_AHOnLeftDblClick != NULL)
_LastLeftClickDate = T1;
_LastLeftClickButton = this;
// Always return true on LeftClick.
return true;
if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse::mouserightdown)
_LastLeftClickButton = NULL;
return true;
if (eventDesc.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorMouse::mouserightup)
_LastLeftClickButton = NULL;
bool handled= false;
if (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerRight() != this)
return false;
// RunAction
if(_AHOnRightClick != NULL)
handled= true;
CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler (_AHOnRightClick, this, _AHRightClickParams);
if (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerRight() == NULL) return true; // if this become NULL, this ctrl has been deleted
// Run Menu
if (!_ListMenuRight .empty())
handled= true;
CWidgetManager::getInstance()->enableModalWindow (this, _ListMenuRight);
// If not handled here, ret to parent
return handled;
else if (event.getType() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptor::system)
const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem &systemEvent = (const NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem &) event;
if (systemEvent.getEventTypeExtended() == NLGUI::CEventDescriptorSystem::clocktick)
if (_AHOnClockTick != NULL)
CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler(_AHOnClockTick, this, _AHClockTickParams);
if (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft() == this)
if (!_LeftLongClickHandled)
uint nVal = 50;
CCDBNodeLeaf *pNL = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:SAVE:KEY_REPEAT_SPEED");
if (pNL != NULL)
nVal = pNL->getValue32();
uint repeatDelay = (uint)(KEY_REPEAT_MIN + (KEY_REPEAT_MAX-KEY_REPEAT_MIN) * (float)nVal / 100.0f);
if ((T1 - _LeftLongClickDate) > repeatDelay)
_LeftLongClickHandled = true;
CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler(_AHOnLeftLongClick, this, _AHLeftLongClickParams);
return false;
std::string CCtrlBaseButton::getTypeString() const
switch( _Type )
case PushButton:
return "push_button";
case ToggleButton:
return "toggle_button";
case RadioButton:
return "radio_button";
return "";
void CCtrlBaseButton::setTypeFromString( const std::string &type )
if( type.empty() || type == "toggle_button" )
_Type = ToggleButton;
if( type == "push_button" )
_Type = PushButton;
if( type == "radio_button" )
_Type = RadioButton;
if( _Pushed )
*_RBRef = this;
_Type = ToggleButton;
nlinfo( ( "cannot parse button type for button " + getId() ).c_str() );
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlBaseButton::initRBRef()
if (_RBRef != NULL) return;
const vector<CCtrlBase*> &vCB = _Parent->getControls();
uint i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < vCB.size(); ++i)
CCtrlBaseButton *pBut = dynamic_cast<CCtrlBaseButton*>(vCB[i]);
if (pBut && pBut->_Type == RadioButton)
_RBRef = &pBut->_RBRefBut;
// If we are the first radio button of the group and not added
if (i == vCB.size())
_RBRef = &this->_RBRefBut;
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlBaseButton::initRBRefFromRadioButton(CCtrlBaseButton * pBut)
if(pBut && pBut->_Type == RadioButton)
_RBRef = &(pBut->_RBRefBut);
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlBaseButton::setPushed (bool state)
_Pushed = state;
if (_Type == RadioButton && _RBRef)
if (state == true)
*_RBRef = this;
if (*_RBRef == this) // I have to be pushed to unpush me
*_RBRef = NULL; // After that : All radio buttons are NOT pushed
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlBaseButton::setFrozen (bool state)
_Frozen = state;
if (_Frozen)
_Pushed = false;
_Over = false;
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlBaseButton::setFrozenHalfTone(bool enabled)
_FrozenHalfTone = enabled;
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlBaseButton::unselect()
if (_Type == RadioButton)
if (_RBRef) *_RBRef = NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlBaseButton::updateOver(bool &lastOver)
if (!CWidgetManager::getInstance()->isMouseHandlingEnabled())
_Over = false;
if (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft() != NULL)
if (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft() != this)
_Over = false;
const vector<CCtrlBase*> &rVB = CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCtrlsUnderPointer ();
if (!_Frozen)
uint32 i;
lastOver = _Over;
// show over if it is the last control that has the same father
CCtrlBase *candidate = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < rVB.size(); ++i)
if (rVB[i]->getParent() == this->getParent())
candidate = rVB[i];
_Over = (candidate == this);
_Over = false;
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlBaseButton::elementCaptured(CCtrlBase *capturedElement)
// if not me, then reset my '_Over'
if (capturedElement != this)
_Over = false;
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlBaseButton::runLeftClickAction()
if(_AHOnLeftClick != NULL)
//nlinfo("clicked on %s", _Id.c_str());
CAHManager::getInstance()->submitEvent( "button_click:" + getId() );
CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler (_AHOnLeftClick, this, _AHLeftClickParams);
//pIM->submitEvent ("button_click:"+getId());
// ***************************************************************************
int CCtrlBaseButton::luaRunLeftClickAction(CLuaState &ls)
const char *funcName = "onLeftClick";
CLuaIHM::checkArgCount(ls, funcName, 0);
return 0;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/gui/ctrl_button.h"
#include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h"
#include "nel/gui/widget_manager.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NL3D;
NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT(CViewBase, CCtrlButton, std::string, "button");
namespace NLGUI
void CCtrlButton::setAlignFromString( const std::string &s )
_Align = 0;
std::string::size_type i;
for( i = 0; i < s.size(); i++ )
char c = toLower( s[ i ] );
switch( c ){
case 'l':
_Align &= ~1;
case 'r':
_Align |= 1;
case 'b':
_Align &= ~2;
case 't':
_Align |= 2;
std::string CCtrlButton::getProperty( const std::string &name ) const
if( name == "tx_normal" )
return CViewRenderer::getInstance()->getTextureNameFromId( _TextureIdNormal );
if( name == "tx_pushed" )
return CViewRenderer::getInstance()->getTextureNameFromId( _TextureIdPushed );
if( name == "tx_over" )
return CViewRenderer::getInstance()->getTextureNameFromId( _TextureIdOver );
if( name == "scale" )
return toString( _Scale );
if( name == "align" )
std::string align;
if( ( _Align & 1 ) != 0 )
align = "r";
align = "l";
if( ( _Align & 2 ) != 0 )
align += "t";
align += "b";
return align;
return CCtrlBaseButton::getProperty( name );
void CCtrlButton::setProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value )
if( name == "tx_normal" )
std::string s = CViewRenderer::getInstance()->getTextureNameFromId( _TextureIdNormal );
if( !_TextureIdNormal.setTexture( value.c_str() ) )
_TextureIdNormal.setTexture( s.c_str() );
if( name == "tx_pushed" )
std::string s = CViewRenderer::getInstance()->getTextureNameFromId( _TextureIdPushed );
if( !_TextureIdPushed.setTexture( value.c_str() ) )
_TextureIdPushed.setTexture( s.c_str() );
if( name == "tx_over" )
std::string s = CViewRenderer::getInstance()->getTextureNameFromId( _TextureIdOver );
if( !_TextureIdOver.setTexture( value.c_str() ) )
_TextureIdOver.setTexture( s.c_str() );
if( name == "scale" )
bool b;
if( fromString( value, b ) )
_Scale = b;
if( name == "align" )
setAlignFromString( value );
CCtrlBaseButton::setProperty( name, value );
xmlNodePtr CCtrlButton::serialize( xmlNodePtr parentNode, const char *type ) const
xmlNodePtr node = CCtrlBaseButton::serialize( parentNode, type );
if( node == NULL )
return NULL;
xmlSetProp( node, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST "button" );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "tx_normal",
BAD_CAST CViewRenderer::getInstance()->getTextureNameFromId( _TextureIdNormal ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "tx_pushed",
BAD_CAST CViewRenderer::getInstance()->getTextureNameFromId( _TextureIdPushed ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "tx_over",
BAD_CAST CViewRenderer::getInstance()->getTextureNameFromId( _TextureIdOver ).c_str() );
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "scale", BAD_CAST toString( _Scale ).c_str() );
std::string align;
if( ( _Align & 1 ) != 0 )
align = "r";
align = "l";
if( ( _Align & 2 ) != 0 )
align += "t";
align += "b";
xmlNewProp( node, BAD_CAST "align", BAD_CAST align.c_str() );
return node;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CCtrlButton::parse(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup)
CXMLAutoPtr prop;
//try to get props that can be inherited from groups
//if a property is not defined, try to find it in the parent group.
//if it is undefined, set it to zero
if (! CCtrlBaseButton::parse(cur,parentGroup) )
string tmp = "cannot parse view:"+getId()+", parent:"+parentGroup->getId();
return false;
// *** Read Textures
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"tx_normal" );
if (prop)
string TxName = (const char *) prop;
TxName = strlwr(TxName);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"tx_pushed" );
if (prop)
string TxName = (const char *) prop;
TxName = strlwr(TxName);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"tx_over" );
if (prop)
string TxName = (const char *) prop;
TxName = strlwr(TxName);
// *** Misc.
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp( cur, (xmlChar*)"scale" );
_Scale = false;
if (prop)
_Scale = convertBool(prop);
prop = (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"align");
if (prop)
setAlignFromString( std::string( prop ) );
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCtrlButton::draw ()
sint32 nTxId = -1;
CRGBA color;
CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
CRGBA globalColor= CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getGlobalColorForContent();
// *** Detect Over
bool lastOver = false;
sint32 x = _XReal;
sint32 y = _YReal;
sint32 txw, txh;
// the pointer is over the button
if (_Scale)
x = _XReal;
y = _YReal;
txw = _WReal;
txh = _HReal;
x = _XReal;
y = _YReal;
case ToggleButton:
if (_Pushed && !editorMode )
nTxId = _TextureIdPushed;
color = getCurrentColorPushed(globalColor);
nTxId = _TextureIdNormal;
color = getCurrentColorNormal(globalColor);
case RadioButton:
// CViewPointer &rIP = *CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getPointer();
// Init the radio button
if (*_RBRef == this)
// if it is equal to the ref value, then the button must appear pushed
nTxId = _TextureIdPushed;
color = getCurrentColorPushed(globalColor);
if ( (_Over) && (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft() == this) && !editorMode )
nTxId = _TextureIdPushed;
color = getCurrentColorPushed(globalColor);
nTxId = _TextureIdNormal;
color = getCurrentColorNormal(globalColor);
_Pushed = false;
case PushButton:
if ( _Over && (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft() == this) && !editorMode )
nTxId = _TextureIdPushed;
color = getCurrentColorPushed(globalColor);
nTxId = _TextureIdNormal;
color = getCurrentColorNormal(globalColor);
_Pushed = false;
color.A = (uint8)(((sint32)color.A*((sint32)globalColor.A+1))>>8);
// Fromzen ?
if (getFrozen() && getFrozenHalfTone())
color.A >>= 2;
if (!_Scale)
CViewRenderer::getInstance()->getTextureSizeFromId (nTxId, txw, txh);
if (_Align&1)
x = x + _WReal - txw;
if (_Align&2)
y = y + _HReal - txh;
rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap ( _RenderLayer, x, y, txw, txh,
0, false,
color );
if ((_OverWhenPushed == false) && (_Pushed == true || (CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getCapturePointerLeft() == this)))
if ( ( _Over && !editorMode ) || editorSelected )
if( !editorMode && (lastOver == false) && (_AHOnOver != NULL))
CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler (_AHOnOver, this, _AHOverParams);
// the pointer is over the button
color= getCurrentColorOver(globalColor);
color.A = (uint8)(((sint32)color.A*((sint32)globalColor.A+1))>>8);
// Frozen ?
if (getFrozen())
color.A >>= 2;
// draw the over. force upper layer to avoid problem with DXTC/tga
rVR.drawRotFlipBitmap ( _RenderLayer+1, x, y, txw, txh,
0, false,
color );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCtrlButton::updateCoords()
if (!_Scale)
CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
sint32 txw, txh;
rVR.getTextureSizeFromId (_TextureIdNormal, txw, txh);
_W = txw;
_H = txh;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCtrlButton::setTexture(const std::string&name)
// CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
// CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
_TextureIdNormal.setTexture(name.c_str (), 0, 0, -1, -1, false);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCtrlButton::setTexturePushed(const std::string&name)
// CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
// CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
_TextureIdPushed.setTexture(name.c_str (), 0, 0, -1, -1, false);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCtrlButton::setTextureOver(const std::string&name)
// CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
// CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
_TextureIdOver.setTexture(name.c_str (), 0, 0, -1, -1, false);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string CCtrlButton::getTexture() const
CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
return rVR.getTextureNameFromId(_TextureIdNormal);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string CCtrlButton::getTexturePushed() const
CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
return rVR.getTextureNameFromId(_TextureIdPushed);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string CCtrlButton::getTextureOver() const
CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
return rVR.getTextureNameFromId(_TextureIdOver);
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CCtrlButton::getMaxUsedW() const
sint32 txw, txh;
CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
rVR.getTextureSizeFromId (_TextureIdNormal, txw, txh);
return txw;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CCtrlButton::getMinUsedW() const
return getMaxUsedW();
// ***************************************************************************
void CCtrlButton::fitTexture()
CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
sint32 w, h;
rVR.getTextureSizeFromId(_TextureIdNormal, w, h);
// ***************************************************************************
bool CCtrlButton::getMouseOverShape(string &texName, uint8 &rot, CRGBA &col)
if (_AHOnLeftClickString == "browse")
if (!_AHOnLeftClickStringParams.empty())
texName = "@curs_pick.tga@"+_AHOnLeftClickStringParams;
texName = "curs_pick.tga";
rot= 0;
col = CRGBA::White;
return true;
return false;

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