diff --git a/code/nel/include/nel/gui/interface_expr.h b/code/nel/include/nel/gui/interface_expr.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..edfb0645b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/include/nel/gui/interface_expr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+#include "nel/misc/ucstring.h"
+#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
+namespace NLMISC{
+ class ICDBNode;
+ class CCDBNodeLeaf;
+ class CCDBNodeBranch;
+namespace NLGUI
+ struct CInterfaceExprUserType;
+ class CInterfaceExprNode;
+ /** a value that can be returned by a CInterfaceExpr instance
+ * It supports basic type;
+ * It can be extended by user defined types
+ */
+ class CInterfaceExprValue
+ {
+ public:
+ enum TType { Boolean = 0, Integer, Double, String, RGBA, UserType, NoType };
+ public:
+ // default ctor
+ CInterfaceExprValue() : _Type(NoType) {}
+ // copy ctor
+ CInterfaceExprValue(const CInterfaceExprValue &other);
+ // assignment operator
+ CInterfaceExprValue &operator = (const CInterfaceExprValue &other);
+ // dtor
+ ~CInterfaceExprValue() { clean(); }
+ TType getType() const { return _Type; }
+ // get. Should be used only if the type is valid
+ bool getBool() const;
+ sint64 getInteger() const;
+ double getDouble() const;
+ std::string getString() const;
+ NLMISC::CRGBA getRGBA() const;
+ const ucstring &getUCString() const;
+ CInterfaceExprUserType *getUserType() const;
+ // set
+ void setBool(bool value) { clean(); _Type = Boolean; _BoolValue = value; }
+ void setInteger(sint64 value) { clean(); _Type = Integer; _IntegerValue = value; }
+ void setDouble(double value) { clean(); _Type = Double; _DoubleValue = value; }
+ void setString(const std::string &value) { clean(); _Type = String; _StringValue = value; }
+ void setUCString(const ucstring &value) { clean(); _Type = String; _StringValue = value; }
+ void setRGBA(NLMISC::CRGBA value) { clean(); _Type = RGBA; _RGBAValue = (uint32)(value.R+(value.G<<8)+(value.B<<16)+(value.A<<24)); }
+ void setUserType(CInterfaceExprUserType *value);
+ // reset this object to initial state (no type)
+ void clean();
+ // conversions. They return true if success
+ bool toBool();
+ bool toInteger();
+ bool toDouble();
+ bool toString();
+ bool toType(TType type);
+ bool toRGBA();
+ // test if the value if a bool, double, or integer
+ bool isNumerical() const;
+ /** evaluate a from a string
+ * \param expr : where to start the evaluation
+ * \return the position following the token, or NULL if the parsing failed
+ */
+ const char *initFromString(const char *expr);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private:
+ TType _Type;
+ union
+ {
+ bool _BoolValue;
+ sint64 _IntegerValue;
+ double _DoubleValue;
+ CInterfaceExprUserType *_UserTypeValue;
+ uint32 _RGBAValue;
+ };
+ ucstring _StringValue; // well, can't fit in union, unless we do some horrible hack..
+ private:
+ const char *evalBoolean(const char *expr);
+ const char *evalNumber(const char *expr);
+ const char *evalString(const char *expr);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Base class for user defined types that are use by the 'CInterfaceExprValue' class
+ * Derivers should include the 'clone' method
+ *
+ * CInterfaceExprValue instances have ownership of this object.
+ *
+ * \author Nicolas Vizerie
+ * \author Nevrax France
+ * \date 2003
+ */
+ struct CInterfaceExprUserType
+ {
+ // cloning method
+ virtual CInterfaceExprUserType *clone() const = 0;
+ // dtor
+ virtual ~CInterfaceExprUserType() {}
+ };
+ /** Evaluate expressions used in interface.
+ * It can retrieve values from the database.
+ * It can also build a list of database values it depends of.
+ *
+ * An expression can be :
+ *
+ * - a string : 'toto', 'abcd', 'a\nbcd', 'a\\t', the escape sequences are the one of C
+ * - a integer 1, 2, 3
+ * - a double 1.1, 2.2
+ * - a database entry : @ui:interface:toto:truc. If the address is a leaf, it returns the leaf value and put an observer on it. If not a leaf, it returns 0, but put an observer on it.
+ * - a database indirection @db:value[db:index] is replaced by @db:value0 if db:index == 0 for example
+ * - a user function call : fct(expr0, epxr1, ...).
+ *
+ * NB : The lua language has been integrated since then (2005), and should be more suited
+ * for most of the tasks.
+ *
+ *
+ * \author Nicolas Vizerie
+ * \author Nevrax France
+ * \date 2002
+ */
+ class CInterfaceExpr
+ {
+ public:
+ // list of argument for a function
+ typedef std::vector TArgList;
+ /** prototype of a user callable function
+ * It should return true if the result is meaningful. If not, the rest of the evaluation is stopped
+ */
+ typedef bool (* TUserFct) (TArgList &args, CInterfaceExprValue &result);
+ public:
+ // release memory
+ static void release();
+ /** This try to eval the provided expression.
+ * - This returns a result
+ * - This eventually fill a vector with a set of database entries it has dependencies on
+ * \param expr The expression to evaluate
+ * \param result The result value
+ * \param nodes If not NULL, will be filled with the database nodes this expression depends on
+ * Node will only be inserted once, so we end up with a set of node (not ordered)
+ * \param noFctCalls when set to true, the terminal function calls will not be made, so the evaluation is only used to see which database entries the expression depends on.
+ */
+ static bool eval(const std::string &expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector *nodes = NULL, bool noFctCalls = false);
+ /** Build a tree from the given expression so that it can be evaluated quickly.
+ * This is useful for a fixed expression that must be evaluated often
+ */
+ static CInterfaceExprNode *buildExprTree(const std::string &expr);
+ /** Register a function that can have several arguments
+ * // NB : this is case sensitive
+ */
+ static void registerUserFct(const char *name, TUserFct fct);
+ // Simple evaluations
+ static bool evalAsInt(const std::string &expr, sint64 &dest);
+ static bool evalAsDouble(const std::string &expr, double &dest);
+ static bool evalAsBool(const std::string &expr, bool &dest);
+ static bool evalAsString(const std::string &expr, std::string &dest);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private:
+ // map of user functions
+ typedef std::map TUserFctMap;
+ private:
+ static TUserFctMap *_UserFct;
+ private:
+ /** eval the value of a single expression
+ * \return position to the next valid character
+ */
+ static const char *evalExpr(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector *nodes, bool noFctCalls);
+ static const char *evalFct(const char *expr,CInterfaceExprValue &result,std::vector *nodes, bool noFctCalls);
+ static const char *evalDBEntry(const char *expr,CInterfaceExprValue &result,std::vector *nodes);
+ public:
+ static const char *unpackDBentry(const char *expr, std::vector *nodes, std::string &dest, bool *hasIndirections = NULL);
+ /** Build tree of a single expression
+ * \return position to the next valid character
+ */
+ private:
+ static const char *buildExprTree(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprNode *&result);
+ static const char *buildFctNode(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprNode *&result);
+ static const char *buildDBEntryNode(const char *expr,CInterfaceExprNode *&result);
+ };
+ // helper macro to register user functions at startup
+ #define REGISTER_INTERFACE_USER_FCT(name, fct) \
+ const struct __InterUserFctRegister__##fct\
+ {\
+ __InterUserFctRegister__##fct() { CInterfaceExpr::registerUserFct(name, fct); }\
+ } __InterUserFctRegisterInstance__##fct;
+ // helper macro to declare a user function
+ // the code must follow
+ // arguments are available in 'args', result should be put in 'result'
+ bool name(CInterfaceExpr::TArgList &args, CInterfaceExprValue &result)
+ // helper macro to declare a C constant mirroring
+ #define DECLARE_INTERFACE_CONSTANT(_name, _cconst) \
+ { \
+ result.setInteger(_cconst); \
+ return true; \
+ } \
diff --git a/code/nel/include/nel/gui/interface_expr_node.h b/code/nel/include/nel/gui/interface_expr_node.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8b8aea90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/include/nel/gui/interface_expr_node.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+#include "interface_expr.h"
+namespace NLGUI
+ /** Base node of an interface expression parse tree
+ * \author Nicolas Vizerie
+ * \author Nevrax France
+ * \date 2003
+ */
+ class CInterfaceExprNode
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual ~CInterfaceExprNode() {}
+ // eval result of expression, and eventually get the nodes the epression depends on
+ virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result) = 0;
+ // The same, but get db nodes the expression depends on (appended to vector)
+ virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes) = 0;
+ // Get dependencies of the node (appended to vector)
+ virtual void getDepends(std::vector &nodes) = 0;
+ };
+ // *******************************************************************************************************
+ /** A constant value already parsed by interface (in a interface expr parse tree)
+ */
+ class CInterfaceExprNodeValue : public CInterfaceExprNode
+ {
+ public:
+ CInterfaceExprValue Value;
+ public:
+ virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
+ virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes);
+ virtual void getDepends(std::vector &nodes);
+ };
+ // *******************************************************************************************************
+ /** A fct call (in a interface expr parse tree)
+ */
+ class CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall : public CInterfaceExprNode
+ {
+ public:
+ CInterfaceExpr::TUserFct Func;
+ // list of parameters
+ std::vector Params;
+ public:
+ virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
+ virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes);
+ virtual void getDepends(std::vector &nodes);
+ virtual ~CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall();
+ };
+ // *******************************************************************************************************
+ /** A db leaf read (in a interface expr parse tree)
+ */
+ class CInterfaceExprNodeDBLeaf : public CInterfaceExprNode
+ {
+ public:
+ class NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *Leaf;
+ public:
+ virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
+ virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes);
+ virtual void getDepends(std::vector &nodes);
+ };
+ // *******************************************************************************************************
+ /** A db branch read (in a interface expr parse tree)
+ */
+ class CInterfaceExprNodeDBBranch : public CInterfaceExprNode
+ {
+ public:
+ class NLMISC::CCDBNodeBranch *Branch;
+ public:
+ virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
+ virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes);
+ virtual void getDepends(std::vector &nodes);
+ };
+ // *******************************************************************************************************
+ /** A dependant db read (in a interface expr parse tree)
+ * This is rarely used so no real optim there..
+ */
+ class CInterfaceExprNodeDependantDBRead : public CInterfaceExprNode
+ {
+ public:
+ std::string Expr;
+ public:
+ virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
+ virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes);
+ virtual void getDepends(std::vector &nodes);
+ };
diff --git a/code/nel/include/nel/misc/rgba.h b/code/nel/include/nel/misc/rgba.h
index a9aa1316e..700c98a41 100644
--- a/code/nel/include/nel/misc/rgba.h
+++ b/code/nel/include/nel/misc/rgba.h
@@ -326,6 +326,8 @@ public:
void buildFromHLS(float h, float l, float s);
+ static CRGBA stringToRGBA( const char *ptr );
/// Swap the B and R components, to simulate a CBRGA
void swapBR()
diff --git a/code/nel/src/gui/interface_expr.cpp b/code/nel/src/gui/interface_expr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1feed6e26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/src/gui/interface_expr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,939 @@
+// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+#include "nel/misc/algo.h"
+#include "nel/gui/db_manager.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr_node.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace NLMISC;
+namespace NLGUI
+ // Yoyo: Act like a singleton, else registerUserFct may crash.
+ CInterfaceExpr::TUserFctMap *CInterfaceExpr::_UserFct= NULL;
+ static const std::string ExprLuaId="lua:";
+ //==================================================================
+ // release memory
+ void CInterfaceExpr::release()
+ {
+ delete _UserFct;
+ _UserFct = NULL;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ void formatLuaCall(const std::string &expr, std::string &tempStr)
+ {
+ /* Call the LUA interface exp fct, with the script as line, and resolve string definition conflicts:
+ eg: replace
+ lua:getSkillFromName('SM')
+ into
+ lua('getSkillFromName(\"SM\")')
+ */
+ tempStr= expr.substr(ExprLuaId.size()); // eg: tempStr= getSkillFromName('SM')
+ while(strFindReplace(tempStr, "'", "\\\"")); // eg: tempStr= getSkillFromName(\"SM\")
+ tempStr= string("lua('") + tempStr + "')"; // eg: tempStr= lua('getSkillFromName(\"SM\")')
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ bool CInterfaceExpr::eval(const std::string &expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector *nodes, bool noFctCalls /* = false */)
+ {
+ // Yoyo: Special InterfaceExpr Form to execute lua code?
+ if(expr.compare(0, ExprLuaId.size(), ExprLuaId) ==0 )
+ {
+ std::string tempStr;
+ formatLuaCall(expr, tempStr);
+ return evalExpr(tempStr.c_str(), result, nodes, noFctCalls) != NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return evalExpr(expr.c_str(), result, nodes, noFctCalls) != NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ CInterfaceExprNode *CInterfaceExpr::buildExprTree(const std::string &expr)
+ {
+ CInterfaceExprNode *node;
+ // Yoyo: Special InterfaceExpr Form to execute lua code?
+ if(expr.compare(0, ExprLuaId.size(), ExprLuaId) ==0 )
+ {
+ std::string tempStr;
+ formatLuaCall(expr, tempStr);
+ if (!buildExprTree(tempStr.c_str(), node)) return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!buildExprTree(expr.c_str(), node)) return false;
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ void CInterfaceExpr::registerUserFct(const char *name,TUserFct fct)
+ {
+ if(!_UserFct) _UserFct= new TUserFctMap;
+ nlassert(fct != NULL);
+ (*_UserFct)[std::string(name)] = fct;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ /** tool fct : skip space, tab and carret-returns
+ */
+ static const char *skipBlank(const char *start)
+ {
+ nlassert(start);
+ while (*start == ' ' || *start == '\t' || *start == '\r' || *start == '\n') ++start;
+ return start;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ const char *CInterfaceExpr::evalExpr(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector *nodes, bool noFctCalls)
+ {
+ nlassert(expr != NULL);
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ if (isalpha(*expr)) // alpha character means this is a function name
+ {
+ return evalFct(expr, result, nodes, noFctCalls);
+ }
+ else if (*expr == '@') // is it a database entry ?
+ {
+ ++ expr;
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ return evalDBEntry(expr, result, nodes);
+ }
+ // try to parse a literal value
+ const char *newExpr = result.initFromString(expr);
+ if (!newExpr)
+ {
+ nlwarning(" : syntax error : %s", expr);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return newExpr;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ const char *CInterfaceExpr::buildExprTree(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprNode *&result)
+ {
+ nlassert(expr != NULL);
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ if (isalpha(*expr)) // alpha character means this is a function name
+ {
+ return buildFctNode(expr, result);
+ }
+ else if (*expr == '@') // is it a database entry ?
+ {
+ ++ expr;
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ return buildDBEntryNode(expr, result);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CInterfaceExprValue value;
+ // try to parse a literal value
+ const char *newExpr = value.initFromString(expr);
+ if (!newExpr)
+ {
+ nlwarning(" : syntax error : %s", expr);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ CInterfaceExprNodeValue *node = new CInterfaceExprNodeValue;
+ node->Value = value;
+ result = node;
+ return newExpr;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ const char *CInterfaceExpr::evalFct(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector *nodes, bool noFctCalls)
+ {
+ if(!_UserFct) _UserFct= new TUserFctMap;
+ const char *start = expr;
+ while (isalnum(*expr)) ++ expr;
+ std::string fctName(start, expr - start);
+ // find entry in the map
+ TUserFctMap::iterator fctIt = _UserFct->find(fctName);
+ if (fctIt == _UserFct->end())
+ {
+ nlwarning(" : Unknown function %s", fctName.c_str());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ nlassert(fctIt->second != NULL);
+ // eval list of arguments
+ TArgList argList;
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ if (*expr != '(')
+ {
+ nlwarning(" : '(' expected for function %s", fctName.c_str());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ++ expr;
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ if (*expr != ')')
+ {
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ // parse an argument
+ argList.push_back(CInterfaceExprValue());
+ expr = evalExpr(expr, argList.back(), nodes, noFctCalls);
+ if (expr == NULL) return NULL;
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ if (*expr == ')') break;
+ // if it isn't the end of the expression, then we should find a ',' before next argument
+ if (*expr != ',')
+ {
+ nlwarning(" : ',' expected in function %s", fctName.c_str());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ++ expr;
+ }
+ }
+ ++ expr;
+ // call the fct
+ if (!noFctCalls) // should we make terminal function calls ?
+ {
+ if (fctIt->second(argList, result)) return expr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return expr;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ const char *CInterfaceExpr::buildFctNode(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprNode *&result)
+ {
+ if(!_UserFct) _UserFct= new TUserFctMap;
+ const char *start = expr;
+ while (isalnum(*expr)) ++ expr;
+ std::string fctName(start, expr - start);
+ // find entry in the map
+ TUserFctMap::iterator fctIt = _UserFct->find(fctName);
+ if (fctIt == _UserFct->end())
+ {
+ nlwarning(" : Unknown function %s", fctName.c_str());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ nlassert(fctIt->second != NULL);
+ // List of parameters
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ if (*expr != '(')
+ {
+ nlwarning(" : '(' expected for function %s", fctName.c_str());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ++ expr;
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ std::vector Params;
+ if (*expr != ')')
+ {
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ // parse an argument
+ CInterfaceExprNode *node = NULL;
+ expr = buildExprTree(expr, node);
+ if (expr == NULL)
+ {
+ for(uint k = 0; k < Params.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ delete Params[k];
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Params.push_back(node);
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ if (*expr == ')') break;
+ // if it isn't the end of the expression, then we should find a ',' before next argument
+ if (*expr != ',')
+ {
+ for(uint k = 0; k < Params.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ delete Params[k];
+ }
+ nlwarning("CInterfaceExpr::evalFct : ',' expected in function %s", fctName.c_str());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ++ expr;
+ }
+ }
+ ++ expr;
+ CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall *node = new CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall;
+ node->Params.swap(Params);
+ node->Func = fctIt->second;
+ result = node;
+ return expr;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ const char *CInterfaceExpr::evalDBEntry(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector *nodes)
+ {
+ std::string dbEntry;
+ expr = unpackDBentry(expr, nodes, dbEntry);
+ if (!expr) return NULL;
+ // TestYoyo
+ //nlassert(NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(dbEntry, false) || CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getDbBranch(dbEntry));
+ // get the db value
+ CCDBNodeLeaf *nl = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(dbEntry);
+ if (nl)
+ {
+ if (nodes)
+ {
+ // insert node if not already present
+ if (std::find(nodes->begin(), nodes->end(), nl) == nodes->end())
+ {
+ nodes->push_back(nl);
+ }
+ }
+ result.setInteger(nl->getValue64());
+ return expr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CCDBNodeBranch *nb = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbBranch(dbEntry);
+ if (nodes && nb)
+ {
+ if (std::find(nodes->begin(), nodes->end(), nb) == nodes->end())
+ {
+ nodes->push_back(nb);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!nb) return NULL;
+ result.setInteger(0);
+ return expr;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ const char *CInterfaceExpr::buildDBEntryNode(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprNode *&result)
+ {
+ std::string dbEntry;
+ bool indirection;
+ const char *startChar = expr;
+ expr = unpackDBentry(expr, NULL, dbEntry, &indirection);
+ if (!expr) return NULL;
+ if (indirection)
+ {
+ // special node with no optimisation
+ CInterfaceExprNodeDependantDBRead *node = new CInterfaceExprNodeDependantDBRead;
+ node->Expr.resize(expr - startChar + 1);
+ std::copy(startChar, expr, node->Expr.begin() + 1);
+ node->Expr[0] = '@';
+ result = node;
+ return expr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TestYoyo
+ //nlassert(NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(dbEntry, false) || CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getDbBranch(dbEntry));
+ CCDBNodeLeaf *nl = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(dbEntry);
+ if (nl)
+ {
+ CInterfaceExprNodeDBLeaf *node = new CInterfaceExprNodeDBLeaf;
+ node->Leaf = nl;
+ result = node;
+ return expr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CCDBNodeBranch *nb = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbBranch(dbEntry);
+ if (nb)
+ {
+ CInterfaceExprNodeDBBranch *node = new CInterfaceExprNodeDBBranch;
+ node->Branch = nb;
+ result = node;
+ return expr;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ const char *CInterfaceExpr::unpackDBentry(const char *expr, std::vector *nodes, std::string &dest, bool *hasIndirections /* = NULL*/)
+ {
+ std::string entryName;
+ bool indirection = false;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (*expr == '[')
+ {
+ indirection = true;
+ ++ expr;
+ std::string subEntry;
+ expr = unpackDBentry(expr, nodes, subEntry);
+ if (!expr) return NULL;
+ // Read DB Index Offset.
+ sint32 indirectionOffset= 0;
+ if (*expr == '-' || *expr =='+' )
+ {
+ bool negative= *expr == '-';
+ std::string offsetString;
+ ++ expr;
+ while(*expr!=0 && isdigit(*expr))
+ {
+ offsetString.push_back(*expr);
+ ++ expr;
+ }
+ // get offset
+ fromString(offsetString, indirectionOffset);
+ if(negative)
+ indirectionOffset= -indirectionOffset;
+ }
+ // Test end of indirection
+ if (*expr != ']')
+ {
+ nlwarning("CInterfaceExpr::unpackDBentry: ']' expected");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ++ expr;
+ // get the db value at sub entry
+ // TestYoyo
+ //nlassert(NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(subEntry, false) || CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getDbBranch(subEntry));
+ CCDBNodeLeaf *nl = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(subEntry);
+ if (nodes)
+ {
+ if (std::find(nodes->begin(), nodes->end(), nl) == nodes->end())
+ {
+ nodes->push_back(nl);
+ }
+ }
+ // compute indirection, (clamp).
+ sint32 indirectionValue= nl->getValue32() + indirectionOffset;
+ indirectionValue= std::max((sint32)0, indirectionValue);
+ // Append to entry name.
+ entryName += NLMISC::toString(indirectionValue);
+ }
+ else if (isalnum(*expr) || *expr == '_' || *expr == ':')
+ {
+ entryName += *expr;
+ ++ expr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasIndirections)
+ {
+ *hasIndirections = indirection;
+ }
+ dest = entryName;
+ return expr;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ bool CInterfaceExpr::evalAsInt(const std::string &expr, sint64 &dest)
+ {
+ CInterfaceExprValue result;
+ if (!eval(expr, result)) return false;
+ if (!result.toInteger())
+ {
+ nlwarning(" Can't convert value to an integer, expr = %s", expr.c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ dest = result.getInteger();
+ return true;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ bool CInterfaceExpr::evalAsDouble(const std::string &expr, double &dest)
+ {
+ CInterfaceExprValue result;
+ if (!eval(expr, result)) return false;
+ if (!result.toDouble())
+ {
+ nlwarning(" Can't convert value to a double, expr = %s", expr.c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ dest = result.getDouble();
+ return true;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ bool CInterfaceExpr::evalAsBool(const std::string &expr, bool &dest)
+ {
+ CInterfaceExprValue result;
+ if (!eval(expr, result)) return false;
+ if (!result.toBool())
+ {
+ nlwarning(" Can't convert value to a boolean, expr = %s", expr.c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ dest = result.getBool();
+ return true;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ bool CInterfaceExpr::evalAsString(const std::string &expr, std::string &dest)
+ {
+ CInterfaceExprValue result;
+ if (!eval(expr, result)) return false;
+ if (!result.toString())
+ {
+ nlwarning(" Can't convert value to a string, expr = %s", expr.c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ dest = result.getString();
+ return true;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ //==================================================================
+ //==================================================================
+ //==================================================================
+ //==================================================================
+ bool CInterfaceExprValue::toBool()
+ {
+ switch(_Type)
+ {
+ case Boolean: return true;
+ case Integer: setBool(_IntegerValue != 0); return true;
+ case Double: setBool(_DoubleValue != 0); return true;
+ case String: return evalBoolean(_StringValue.toString().c_str()) != NULL;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ bool CInterfaceExprValue::toInteger()
+ {
+ switch(_Type)
+ {
+ case Boolean: setInteger(_BoolValue ? 1 : 0); return true;
+ case Integer: return true;
+ case Double: setInteger((sint64) _DoubleValue); return true;
+ case String:
+ if (evalNumber(_StringValue.toString().c_str())) return toInteger();
+ return false;
+ case RGBA: setInteger((sint64) _RGBAValue); return true;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ bool CInterfaceExprValue::toDouble()
+ {
+ switch(_Type)
+ {
+ case Boolean: setDouble(_BoolValue ? 1 : 0); return true;
+ case Integer: setDouble((double) _IntegerValue); return true;
+ case Double: return true;
+ case String:
+ if (evalNumber(_StringValue.toString().c_str())) return toBool();
+ return false;
+ case RGBA: setDouble((double) _RGBAValue); return true;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ bool CInterfaceExprValue::toString()
+ {
+ switch(_Type)
+ {
+ case Boolean: setString(_BoolValue ? "true" : "false"); return true;
+ case Integer: setString(NLMISC::toString(_IntegerValue)); return true;
+ case Double: setString(NLMISC::toString("%.2f", _DoubleValue)); return true;
+ case String: return true;
+ case RGBA:
+ {
+ uint r,g,b,a;
+ r= (_RGBAValue&0xff);
+ g= ((_RGBAValue>>8)&0xff);
+ b= ((_RGBAValue>>16)&0xff);
+ a= ((_RGBAValue>>24)&0xff);
+ setString(NLMISC::toString("%d %d %d %d", r, g, b, a));
+ return true;
+ }
+ default: break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ bool CInterfaceExprValue::toRGBA()
+ {
+ switch(_Type)
+ {
+ case RGBA:
+ return true;
+ case Integer:
+ setRGBA(NLMISC::CRGBA((uint8)(_IntegerValue&0xff), (uint8)((_IntegerValue>>8)&0xff),
+ (uint8)((_IntegerValue>>16)&0xff), (uint8)((_IntegerValue>>24)&0xff)));
+ return true;
+ case String:
+ setRGBA( NLMISC::CRGBA::stringToRGBA(_StringValue.toString().c_str()));
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ bool CInterfaceExprValue::isNumerical() const
+ {
+ return _Type == Boolean || _Type == Integer || _Type == Double;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ const char *CInterfaceExprValue::initFromString(const char *expr)
+ {
+ nlassert(expr);
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ if (isdigit(*expr) || *expr == '.' || *expr == '-') return evalNumber(expr);
+ switch(*expr)
+ {
+ case 't':
+ case 'T':
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ return evalBoolean(expr);
+ case '\'':
+ return evalString(expr);
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ const char *CInterfaceExprValue::evalBoolean(const char *expr)
+ {
+ nlassert(expr);
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ if (toupper(expr[0]) == 'T' &&
+ toupper(expr[1]) == 'R' &&
+ toupper(expr[2]) == 'U' &&
+ toupper(expr[3]) == 'E')
+ {
+ setBool(true);
+ return expr + 4;
+ }
+ //
+ if (toupper(expr[0]) == 'F' &&
+ toupper(expr[1]) == 'A' &&
+ toupper(expr[2]) == 'L' &&
+ toupper(expr[3]) == 'S' &&
+ toupper(expr[4]) == 'E')
+ {
+ setBool(false);
+ return expr + 5;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ const char *CInterfaceExprValue::evalNumber(const char *expr)
+ {
+ bool negative;
+ bool hasPoint = false;
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ if (*expr == '-')
+ {
+ negative = true;
+ ++ expr;
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ negative = false;
+ }
+ const char *start = expr;
+ while (*expr == '.' || isdigit(*expr))
+ {
+ if (*expr == '.') hasPoint = true;
+ ++ expr;
+ }
+ if (start == expr) return NULL;
+ if (!hasPoint)
+ {
+ sint64 value = 0;
+ // this is an integer
+ for (const char *nbPtr = start; nbPtr < expr; ++ nbPtr)
+ {
+ value *= 10;
+ value += (sint64) (*nbPtr - '0');
+ }
+ setInteger(negative ? - value : value);
+ return expr;
+ }
+ else // floating point value : use scanf
+ {
+ // well, for now, we only parse a float
+ float value;
+ std::string floatValue(start, expr - start);
+ if (fromString(floatValue, value))
+ {
+ setDouble(negative ? - value : value);
+ return expr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ const char *CInterfaceExprValue::evalString(const char *expr)
+ {
+ expr = skipBlank(expr);
+ if (*expr != '\'') return NULL;
+ ++expr;
+ std::string str;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (expr == '\0')
+ {
+ nlwarning("CInterfaceExprValue::evalString : end of buffer encountered in a string");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ if (*expr == '\'')
+ {
+ ++ expr;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*expr == '\\') // special char
+ {
+ ++ expr;
+ switch (*expr)
+ {
+ case 't': str += '\t'; break;
+ case 'r': str += '\r'; break;
+ case 'n': str += '\n'; break;
+ case '\'': str += '\''; break;
+ case '"': str += '"'; break;
+ case '\\': str += '\\'; break;
+ case '\n':
+ case '\r':
+ // string continue on next line, so do nothing
+ break;
+ case '\0': continue;
+ default:
+ nlwarning("CInterfaceExprValue::evalString : unknown escape sequence : \\%c", *expr);
+ if (*expr) str += *expr;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (*expr == '\n' || *expr == '\r')
+ {
+ nlwarning("CInterfaceExprValue::evalString : line break encountered in a string");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ str += *expr;
+ }
+ ++ expr;
+ }
+ setString(str);
+ return expr;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ bool CInterfaceExprValue::toType(TType type)
+ {
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case Boolean: return toBool();
+ case Integer: return toInteger();
+ case Double: return toDouble();
+ case String: return toString();
+ case RGBA: return toRGBA();
+ default: return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ void CInterfaceExprValue::clean()
+ {
+ switch (_Type)
+ {
+ case String: _StringValue.clear(); break;
+ case UserType: delete _UserTypeValue; break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ void CInterfaceExprValue::setUserType(CInterfaceExprUserType *value)
+ {
+ if (_Type == UserType && value == _UserTypeValue) return;
+ clean();
+ _Type = UserType;
+ _UserTypeValue = value;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ bool CInterfaceExprValue::getBool() const
+ {
+ if (_Type != Boolean)
+ {
+ nlwarning(" bad type!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return _BoolValue;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ sint64 CInterfaceExprValue::getInteger() const
+ {
+ if (_Type != Integer)
+ {
+ nlwarning(" bad type!");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return _IntegerValue;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ double CInterfaceExprValue::getDouble() const
+ {
+ if (_Type != Double)
+ {
+ nlwarning(" bad type!");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return _DoubleValue;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ std::string CInterfaceExprValue::getString() const
+ {
+ if (_Type != String)
+ {
+ nlwarning(" bad type!");
+ return "";
+ }
+ return _StringValue.toString();
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ NLMISC::CRGBA CInterfaceExprValue::getRGBA() const
+ {
+ if (_Type != RGBA)
+ {
+ nlwarning(" bad type!");
+ return CRGBA::White;
+ }
+ col.R = (uint8)(_RGBAValue&0xff);
+ col.G = (uint8)((_RGBAValue>>8)&0xff);
+ col.B = (uint8)((_RGBAValue>>16)&0xff);
+ col.A = (uint8)((_RGBAValue>>24)&0xff);
+ return col;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ const ucstring &CInterfaceExprValue::getUCString() const
+ {
+ if (_Type != String)
+ {
+ nlwarning(" bad type!");
+ static ucstring emptyString;
+ return emptyString;
+ }
+ return _StringValue;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ CInterfaceExprUserType *CInterfaceExprValue::getUserType() const
+ {
+ if (_Type != UserType)
+ {
+ nlwarning(" bad type!");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return _UserTypeValue;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ CInterfaceExprValue::CInterfaceExprValue(const CInterfaceExprValue &other) : _Type(NoType)
+ {
+ *this = other;
+ }
+ //==================================================================
+ CInterfaceExprValue &CInterfaceExprValue::operator = (const CInterfaceExprValue &other)
+ {
+ if (this != &other)
+ {
+ clean();
+ switch(other._Type)
+ {
+ case Boolean: _BoolValue = other._BoolValue; break;
+ case Integer: _IntegerValue = other._IntegerValue; break;
+ case Double: _DoubleValue = other._DoubleValue; break;
+ case String: _StringValue = other._StringValue; break;
+ case RGBA: _RGBAValue = other._RGBAValue; break;
+ case UserType:
+ if (other._UserTypeValue != NULL)
+ {
+ _UserTypeValue = other._UserTypeValue->clone();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _UserTypeValue = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ case NoType: break;
+ default:
+ nlwarning(" bad source type") ;
+ return *this;
+ break;
+ }
+ _Type = other._Type;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
diff --git a/code/nel/src/gui/interface_expr_node.cpp b/code/nel/src/gui/interface_expr_node.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1328153b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/src/gui/interface_expr_node.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+#include "nel/misc/cdb_leaf.h"
+#include "nel/misc/cdb_branch.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr_node.h"
+using NLMISC::ICDBNode;
+using NLMISC::CCDBNodeBranch;
+using NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf;
+namespace NLGUI
+ // *******************************************************************************************************
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeValue::eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result)
+ {
+ result = Value;
+ }
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeValue::evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &/* nodes */)
+ {
+ result = Value;
+ }
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeValue::getDepends(std::vector &/* nodes */)
+ {
+ }
+ // *******************************************************************************************************
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall::eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result)
+ {
+ nlassert(Func);
+ uint numParams = (uint)Params.size();
+ std::vector params(numParams);
+ for(uint k = 0; k < numParams; ++k)
+ {
+ Params[k]->eval(params[k]);
+ }
+ Func(params, result); // do actual call
+ }
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall::evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes)
+ {
+ nlassert(Func);
+ uint numParams = (uint)Params.size();
+ std::vector params(numParams);
+ for(uint k = 0; k < numParams; ++k)
+ {
+ Params[k]->evalWithDepends(params[k], nodes);
+ }
+ Func(params, result); // do actual call
+ }
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall::getDepends(std::vector &nodes)
+ {
+ uint numParams = (uint)Params.size();
+ for(uint k = 0; k < numParams; ++k)
+ {
+ Params[k]->getDepends(nodes);
+ }
+ }
+ CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall::~CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall()
+ {
+ for(uint k = 0; k < Params.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ delete Params[k];
+ }
+ }
+ // *******************************************************************************************************
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeDBLeaf::eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result)
+ {
+ nlassert(Leaf);
+ result.setInteger(Leaf->getValue64());
+ }
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeDBLeaf::evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result,std::vector &nodes)
+ {
+ nlassert(Leaf);
+ result.setInteger(Leaf->getValue64());
+ if (std::find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), Leaf) == nodes.end())
+ {
+ nodes.push_back(Leaf);
+ }
+ }
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeDBLeaf::getDepends(std::vector &nodes)
+ {
+ nlassert(Leaf);
+ if (std::find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), Leaf) == nodes.end())
+ {
+ nodes.push_back(Leaf);
+ }
+ }
+ // *******************************************************************************************************
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeDBBranch::eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result)
+ {
+ nlassert(Branch);
+ result.setInteger(0);
+ }
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeDBBranch::evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result,std::vector &nodes)
+ {
+ nlassert(Branch);
+ result.setInteger(0);
+ if (std::find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), Branch) == nodes.end())
+ {
+ nodes.push_back(Branch);
+ }
+ }
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeDBBranch::getDepends(std::vector &nodes)
+ {
+ nlassert(Branch);
+ if (std::find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), Branch) == nodes.end())
+ {
+ nodes.push_back(Branch);
+ }
+ }
+ // *******************************************************************************************************
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeDependantDBRead::eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result)
+ {
+ // no gain there, but barely used
+ CInterfaceExpr::eval(Expr, result);
+ }
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeDependantDBRead::evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes)
+ {
+ CInterfaceExpr::eval(Expr, result, &nodes);
+ }
+ void CInterfaceExprNodeDependantDBRead::getDepends(std::vector &nodes)
+ {
+ CInterfaceExprValue dummyResult;
+ CInterfaceExpr::eval(Expr, dummyResult, &nodes, true);
+ }
diff --git a/code/nel/src/misc/rgba.cpp b/code/nel/src/misc/rgba.cpp
index 598d8eb53..b0ae2edc9 100644
--- a/code/nel/src/misc/rgba.cpp
+++ b/code/nel/src/misc/rgba.cpp
@@ -728,6 +728,21 @@ void CRGBA::buildFromHLS(float h, float l, float s)
+CRGBA CRGBA::stringToRGBA( const char *ptr )
+ if (!ptr)
+ return NLMISC::CRGBA::White;
+ int r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255;
+ sscanf( ptr, "%d %d %d %d", &r, &g, &b, &a );
+ clamp( r, 0, 255 );
+ clamp( g, 0, 255 );
+ clamp( b, 0, 255 );
+ clamp( a, 0, 255 );
+ return CRGBA( r,g,b,a );
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/client_cfg.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/client_cfg.cpp
index e0ed33abe..46e04d3f9 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/client_cfg.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/client_cfg.cpp
@@ -1374,7 +1374,7 @@ void CClientConfig::setValues()
SPrintfCommand pcom;
pcom.X = pc->asInt(i);
pcom.Y = pc->asInt(i+1);
- pcom.Color = stringToRGBA( pc->asString(i+2).c_str() );
+ pcom.Color = CRGBA::stringToRGBA( pc->asString(i+2).c_str() );
pcom.FontSize = pc->asInt(i+3);
pcom.Text = pc->asString(i+4);
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/connection.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/connection.cpp
index 03b63e232..d2efd56bb 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/connection.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/connection.cpp
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
#include "interface_v3/ctrl_button.h"
#include "interface_v3/input_handler_manager.h"
#include "interface_v3/group_editbox.h"
-#include "interface_v3/interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "init_main_loop.h"
#include "continent_manager.h"
#include "interface_v3/group_quick_help.h"
@@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@ void setTarget(CCtrlBase *ctrl, const string &targetName, ucstring &value)
CInterfaceExprValue exprValue;
- CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTargets(targetName, ig, targets);
+ CInterfaceLink::splitLinkTargets(targetName, ig, targets);
for(uint k = 0; k < targets.size(); ++k)
if (targets[k].Elem) targets[k].affect(exprValue);
@@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ void setTarget(CCtrlBase *ctrl, const string &targetName, uint32 value)
CInterfaceExprValue exprValue;
- CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTargets(targetName, ig, targets);
+ CInterfaceLink::splitLinkTargets(targetName, ig, targets);
for(uint k = 0; k < targets.size(); ++k)
if (targets[k].Elem) targets[k].affect(exprValue);
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@ string getTarget(CCtrlBase * /* ctrl */, const string &targetName)
string sTmp = targetName;
std::vector targetsVector;
- CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTargets(sTmp, NULL, targetsVector);
+ CInterfaceLink::splitLinkTargets(sTmp, NULL, targetsVector);
CInterfaceLink::CTargetInfo &rTI = targetsVector[0];
@@ -1835,7 +1835,7 @@ ucstring getUCTarget(CCtrlBase * /* ctrl */, const string &targetName)
string sTmp = targetName;
std::vector targetsVector;
- CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTargets(sTmp, NULL, targetsVector);
+ CInterfaceLink::splitLinkTargets(sTmp, NULL, targetsVector);
CInterfaceLink::CTargetInfo &rTI = targetsVector[0];
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler.cpp
index 323bdd3a5..07af4a28f 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
#include "action_handler.h"
#include "action_handler_misc.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "interface_manager.h"
#include "group_container.h"
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ public:
if (ig != NULL)
- CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTargets(property, ig, targets);
+ CInterfaceLink::splitLinkTargets(property, ig, targets);
for(uint k = 0; k < targets.size(); ++k)
if (targets[k].Elem) targets[k].affect(value);
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_game.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_game.cpp
index 1e91de65b..2d6ee545d 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_game.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_game.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
#include "bot_chat_page_ring_sessions.h"
#include "dbctrl_sheet.h"
#include "ctrl_sheet_selection.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "group_menu.h"
#include "group_container.h"
#include "group_editbox.h"
@@ -3902,7 +3902,7 @@ public:
uint entity;
fromString(getParam(sParams, "entity"), entity);
- CRGBA color = stringToRGBA(getParam(sParams, "color").c_str());
+ CRGBA color = CRGBA::stringToRGBA(getParam(sParams, "color").c_str());
if (entity < 256)
EntitiesMngr.entity (entity)->addHPOutput (CI18N::get (text), color);
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_help.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_help.cpp
index ccb220e1f..16b5c93b5 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_help.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_help.cpp
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include "../sheet_manager.h"
#include "skill_manager.h"
#include "dbctrl_sheet.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "group_container.h"
#include "group_editbox.h"
#include "group_quick_help.h"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_item.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_item.cpp
index d15f910cf..b5fb53fea 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_item.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_item.cpp
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include "dbctrl_sheet.h"
#include "dbgroup_list_sheet.h"
#include "group_editbox.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "player_trade.h"
#include "../user_entity.h"
#include "../net_manager.h"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_misc.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_misc.cpp
index fad47b05f..358b94d88 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_misc.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_misc.cpp
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#include "group_editbox.h"
#include "people_interraction.h"
#include "nel/misc/algo.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "interface_link.h"
#include "../client_chat_manager.h"
#include "../motion/user_controls.h"
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ class CActionHandlerAddLink : public IActionHandler
std::vector targetsVect;
- bool result = CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTargets(targets, parentGroup, targetsVect);
+ bool result = CInterfaceLink::splitLinkTargets(targets, parentGroup, targetsVect);
if (!result)
nlwarning(" Couldn't parse all links");
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_outpost.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_outpost.cpp
index 02c34e921..34808c9bf 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_outpost.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/action_handler_outpost.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
#include "action_handler.h"
#include "action_handler_tools.h"
#include "game_share/outpost.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "group_map.h"
#include "../sheet_manager.h"
#include "../net_manager.h"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/bar_manager.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/bar_manager.cpp
index 3de83ee0a..88ebc2b6a 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/bar_manager.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/bar_manager.cpp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#include "bar_manager.h"
#include "interface_manager.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "../time_client.h"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/chat_window.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/chat_window.cpp
index 344f8a761..1bbd86d89 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/chat_window.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/chat_window.cpp
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ void CChatGroupWindow::displayMessage(const ucstring &msg, NLMISC::CRGBA col, CC
// on a new message, change the Tab color
CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
- CRGBA newMsgColor= stringToRGBA(pIM->getDefine("chat_group_tab_color_newmsg").c_str());
+ CRGBA newMsgColor= CRGBA::stringToRGBA(pIM->getDefine("chat_group_tab_color_newmsg").c_str());
ucstring newmsg = msg;
ucstring prefix;
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/dbctrl_sheet.h b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/dbctrl_sheet.h
index 7b6021415..ed6abde2b 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/dbctrl_sheet.h
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/dbctrl_sheet.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// client
#include "nel/gui/reflect.h"
#include "ctrl_base.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "action_handler.h"
#include "sphrase_manager.h"
// game share
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/group_menu.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/group_menu.cpp
index 2aaac86c6..dcadb3e82 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/group_menu.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/group_menu.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "interface_manager.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "group_menu.h"
#include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h"
#include "view_bitmap.h"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/group_phrase_skill_filter.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/group_phrase_skill_filter.cpp
index a45487a8c..775a0acf2 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/group_phrase_skill_filter.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/group_phrase_skill_filter.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include "group_phrase_skill_filter.h"
#include "interface_manager.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "view_text.h"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/group_skills.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/group_skills.cpp
index 234050eef..619438f12 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/group_skills.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/group_skills.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
#include "group_skills.h"
#include "interface_manager.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "view_text.h"
#include "view_bitmap.h"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_anim.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_anim.cpp
index 18e3f9b08..436b84133 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_anim.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_anim.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
#include "interface_anim.h"
#include "interface_manager.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "nel/misc/xml_auto_ptr.h"
#include "action_handler.h"
#include "../time_client.h"
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ bool CInterfaceTrack::parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup)
- if (!CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTargets (ptr, parentGroup, _Targets))
+ if (!CInterfaceLink::splitLinkTargets (ptr, parentGroup, _Targets))
nlwarning ("no target for track");
return false;
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_element.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_element.cpp
index 63494ff53..bca3816af 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_element.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_element.cpp
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ void CInterfaceElement::convertHotSpotCouple (const char *ptr, THotSpot &parent
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NLMISC::CRGBA CInterfaceElement::convertColor (const char *ptr)
- return stringToRGBA(ptr);
+ return NLMISC::CRGBA::stringToRGBA(ptr);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5888017ac..000000000
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,930 +0,0 @@
-// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-#include "stdpch.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
-#include "interface_manager.h"
-#include "interface_expr_node.h"
-#include "../misc.h"
-#include "nel/misc/algo.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace NLMISC;
-// Yoyo: Act like a singleton, else registerUserFct may crash.
-CInterfaceExpr::TUserFctMap *CInterfaceExpr::_UserFct= NULL;
-static const std::string ExprLuaId="lua:";
-// release memory
-void CInterfaceExpr::release()
- delete _UserFct;
- _UserFct = NULL;
-void formatLuaCall(const std::string &expr, std::string &tempStr)
- /* Call the LUA interface exp fct, with the script as line, and resolve string definition conflicts:
- eg: replace
- lua:getSkillFromName('SM')
- into
- lua('getSkillFromName(\"SM\")')
- */
- tempStr= expr.substr(ExprLuaId.size()); // eg: tempStr= getSkillFromName('SM')
- while(strFindReplace(tempStr, "'", "\\\"")); // eg: tempStr= getSkillFromName(\"SM\")
- tempStr= string("lua('") + tempStr + "')"; // eg: tempStr= lua('getSkillFromName(\"SM\")')
-bool CInterfaceExpr::eval(const std::string &expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector *nodes, bool noFctCalls /* = false */)
- // Yoyo: Special InterfaceExpr Form to execute lua code?
- if(expr.compare(0, ExprLuaId.size(), ExprLuaId) ==0 )
- {
- std::string tempStr;
- formatLuaCall(expr, tempStr);
- return evalExpr(tempStr.c_str(), result, nodes, noFctCalls) != NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- return evalExpr(expr.c_str(), result, nodes, noFctCalls) != NULL;
- }
-CInterfaceExprNode *CInterfaceExpr::buildExprTree(const std::string &expr)
- CInterfaceExprNode *node;
- // Yoyo: Special InterfaceExpr Form to execute lua code?
- if(expr.compare(0, ExprLuaId.size(), ExprLuaId) ==0 )
- {
- std::string tempStr;
- formatLuaCall(expr, tempStr);
- if (!buildExprTree(tempStr.c_str(), node)) return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!buildExprTree(expr.c_str(), node)) return false;
- }
- return node;
-void CInterfaceExpr::registerUserFct(const char *name,TUserFct fct)
- if(!_UserFct) _UserFct= new TUserFctMap;
- nlassert(fct != NULL);
- (*_UserFct)[std::string(name)] = fct;
-/** tool fct : skip space, tab and carret-returns
- */
-static const char *skipBlank(const char *start)
- nlassert(start);
- while (*start == ' ' || *start == '\t' || *start == '\r' || *start == '\n') ++start;
- return start;
-const char *CInterfaceExpr::evalExpr(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector *nodes, bool noFctCalls)
- nlassert(expr != NULL);
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- if (isalpha(*expr)) // alpha character means this is a function name
- {
- return evalFct(expr, result, nodes, noFctCalls);
- }
- else if (*expr == '@') // is it a database entry ?
- {
- ++ expr;
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- return evalDBEntry(expr, result, nodes);
- }
- // try to parse a literal value
- const char *newExpr = result.initFromString(expr);
- if (!newExpr)
- {
- nlwarning(" : syntax error : %s", expr);
- return NULL;
- }
- return newExpr;
-const char *CInterfaceExpr::buildExprTree(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprNode *&result)
- nlassert(expr != NULL);
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- if (isalpha(*expr)) // alpha character means this is a function name
- {
- return buildFctNode(expr, result);
- }
- else if (*expr == '@') // is it a database entry ?
- {
- ++ expr;
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- return buildDBEntryNode(expr, result);
- }
- else
- {
- CInterfaceExprValue value;
- // try to parse a literal value
- const char *newExpr = value.initFromString(expr);
- if (!newExpr)
- {
- nlwarning(" : syntax error : %s", expr);
- return NULL;
- }
- CInterfaceExprNodeValue *node = new CInterfaceExprNodeValue;
- node->Value = value;
- result = node;
- return newExpr;
- }
- return NULL;
-const char *CInterfaceExpr::evalFct(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector *nodes, bool noFctCalls)
- if(!_UserFct) _UserFct= new TUserFctMap;
- const char *start = expr;
- while (isalnum(*expr)) ++ expr;
- std::string fctName(start, expr - start);
- // find entry in the map
- TUserFctMap::iterator fctIt = _UserFct->find(fctName);
- if (fctIt == _UserFct->end())
- {
- nlwarning(" : Unknown function %s", fctName.c_str());
- return NULL;
- }
- nlassert(fctIt->second != NULL);
- // eval list of arguments
- TArgList argList;
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- if (*expr != '(')
- {
- nlwarning(" : '(' expected for function %s", fctName.c_str());
- return NULL;
- }
- ++ expr;
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- if (*expr != ')')
- {
- for(;;)
- {
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- // parse an argument
- argList.push_back(CInterfaceExprValue());
- expr = evalExpr(expr, argList.back(), nodes, noFctCalls);
- if (expr == NULL) return NULL;
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- if (*expr == ')') break;
- // if it isn't the end of the expression, then we should find a ',' before next argument
- if (*expr != ',')
- {
- nlwarning(" : ',' expected in function %s", fctName.c_str());
- return NULL;
- }
- ++ expr;
- }
- }
- ++ expr;
- // call the fct
- if (!noFctCalls) // should we make terminal function calls ?
- {
- if (fctIt->second(argList, result)) return expr;
- }
- else
- {
- return expr;
- }
- return NULL;
-const char *CInterfaceExpr::buildFctNode(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprNode *&result)
- if(!_UserFct) _UserFct= new TUserFctMap;
- const char *start = expr;
- while (isalnum(*expr)) ++ expr;
- std::string fctName(start, expr - start);
- // find entry in the map
- TUserFctMap::iterator fctIt = _UserFct->find(fctName);
- if (fctIt == _UserFct->end())
- {
- nlwarning(" : Unknown function %s", fctName.c_str());
- return NULL;
- }
- nlassert(fctIt->second != NULL);
- // List of parameters
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- if (*expr != '(')
- {
- nlwarning(" : '(' expected for function %s", fctName.c_str());
- return NULL;
- }
- ++ expr;
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- std::vector Params;
- if (*expr != ')')
- {
- for(;;)
- {
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- // parse an argument
- CInterfaceExprNode *node = NULL;
- expr = buildExprTree(expr, node);
- if (expr == NULL)
- {
- for(uint k = 0; k < Params.size(); ++k)
- {
- delete Params[k];
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- Params.push_back(node);
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- if (*expr == ')') break;
- // if it isn't the end of the expression, then we should find a ',' before next argument
- if (*expr != ',')
- {
- for(uint k = 0; k < Params.size(); ++k)
- {
- delete Params[k];
- }
- nlwarning("CInterfaceExpr::evalFct : ',' expected in function %s", fctName.c_str());
- return NULL;
- }
- ++ expr;
- }
- }
- ++ expr;
- CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall *node = new CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall;
- node->Params.swap(Params);
- node->Func = fctIt->second;
- result = node;
- return expr;
-const char *CInterfaceExpr::evalDBEntry(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector *nodes)
- std::string dbEntry;
- expr = unpackDBentry(expr, nodes, dbEntry);
- if (!expr) return NULL;
- // TestYoyo
- //nlassert(NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(dbEntry, false) || CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getDbBranch(dbEntry));
- // get the db value
- CCDBNodeLeaf *nl = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(dbEntry);
- if (nl)
- {
- if (nodes)
- {
- // insert node if not already present
- if (std::find(nodes->begin(), nodes->end(), nl) == nodes->end())
- {
- nodes->push_back(nl);
- }
- }
- result.setInteger(nl->getValue64());
- return expr;
- }
- else
- {
- CCDBNodeBranch *nb = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbBranch(dbEntry);
- if (nodes && nb)
- {
- if (std::find(nodes->begin(), nodes->end(), nb) == nodes->end())
- {
- nodes->push_back(nb);
- }
- }
- if (!nb) return NULL;
- result.setInteger(0);
- return expr;
- }
- return NULL;
-const char *CInterfaceExpr::buildDBEntryNode(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprNode *&result)
- std::string dbEntry;
- bool indirection;
- const char *startChar = expr;
- expr = unpackDBentry(expr, NULL, dbEntry, &indirection);
- if (!expr) return NULL;
- if (indirection)
- {
- // special node with no optimisation
- CInterfaceExprNodeDependantDBRead *node = new CInterfaceExprNodeDependantDBRead;
- node->Expr.resize(expr - startChar + 1);
- std::copy(startChar, expr, node->Expr.begin() + 1);
- node->Expr[0] = '@';
- result = node;
- return expr;
- }
- else
- {
- // TestYoyo
- //nlassert(NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(dbEntry, false) || CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getDbBranch(dbEntry));
- CCDBNodeLeaf *nl = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(dbEntry);
- if (nl)
- {
- CInterfaceExprNodeDBLeaf *node = new CInterfaceExprNodeDBLeaf;
- node->Leaf = nl;
- result = node;
- return expr;
- }
- else
- {
- CCDBNodeBranch *nb = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbBranch(dbEntry);
- if (nb)
- {
- CInterfaceExprNodeDBBranch *node = new CInterfaceExprNodeDBBranch;
- node->Branch = nb;
- result = node;
- return expr;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
-const char *CInterfaceExpr::unpackDBentry(const char *expr, std::vector *nodes, std::string &dest, bool *hasIndirections /* = NULL*/)
- std::string entryName;
- bool indirection = false;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (*expr == '[')
- {
- indirection = true;
- ++ expr;
- std::string subEntry;
- expr = unpackDBentry(expr, nodes, subEntry);
- if (!expr) return NULL;
- // Read DB Index Offset.
- sint32 indirectionOffset= 0;
- if (*expr == '-' || *expr =='+' )
- {
- bool negative= *expr == '-';
- std::string offsetString;
- ++ expr;
- while(*expr!=0 && isdigit(*expr))
- {
- offsetString.push_back(*expr);
- ++ expr;
- }
- // get offset
- fromString(offsetString, indirectionOffset);
- if(negative)
- indirectionOffset= -indirectionOffset;
- }
- // Test end of indirection
- if (*expr != ']')
- {
- nlwarning("CInterfaceExpr::unpackDBentry: ']' expected");
- return NULL;
- }
- ++ expr;
- // get the db value at sub entry
- // TestYoyo
- //nlassert(NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(subEntry, false) || CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getDbBranch(subEntry));
- CCDBNodeLeaf *nl = NLGUI::CDBManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(subEntry);
- if (nodes)
- {
- if (std::find(nodes->begin(), nodes->end(), nl) == nodes->end())
- {
- nodes->push_back(nl);
- }
- }
- // compute indirection, (clamp).
- sint32 indirectionValue= nl->getValue32() + indirectionOffset;
- indirectionValue= std::max((sint32)0, indirectionValue);
- // Append to entry name.
- entryName += NLMISC::toString(indirectionValue);
- }
- else if (isalnum(*expr) || *expr == '_' || *expr == ':')
- {
- entryName += *expr;
- ++ expr;
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (hasIndirections)
- {
- *hasIndirections = indirection;
- }
- dest = entryName;
- return expr;
-bool CInterfaceExpr::evalAsInt(const std::string &expr, sint64 &dest)
- CInterfaceExprValue result;
- if (!eval(expr, result)) return false;
- if (!result.toInteger())
- {
- nlwarning(" Can't convert value to an integer, expr = %s", expr.c_str());
- return false;
- }
- dest = result.getInteger();
- return true;
-bool CInterfaceExpr::evalAsDouble(const std::string &expr, double &dest)
- CInterfaceExprValue result;
- if (!eval(expr, result)) return false;
- if (!result.toDouble())
- {
- nlwarning(" Can't convert value to a double, expr = %s", expr.c_str());
- return false;
- }
- dest = result.getDouble();
- return true;
-bool CInterfaceExpr::evalAsBool(const std::string &expr, bool &dest)
- CInterfaceExprValue result;
- if (!eval(expr, result)) return false;
- if (!result.toBool())
- {
- nlwarning(" Can't convert value to a boolean, expr = %s", expr.c_str());
- return false;
- }
- dest = result.getBool();
- return true;
-bool CInterfaceExpr::evalAsString(const std::string &expr, std::string &dest)
- CInterfaceExprValue result;
- if (!eval(expr, result)) return false;
- if (!result.toString())
- {
- nlwarning(" Can't convert value to a string, expr = %s", expr.c_str());
- return false;
- }
- dest = result.getString();
- return true;
-bool CInterfaceExprValue::toBool()
- switch(_Type)
- {
- case Boolean: return true;
- case Integer: setBool(_IntegerValue != 0); return true;
- case Double: setBool(_DoubleValue != 0); return true;
- case String: return evalBoolean(_StringValue.toString().c_str()) != NULL;
- default: break;
- }
- return false;
-bool CInterfaceExprValue::toInteger()
- switch(_Type)
- {
- case Boolean: setInteger(_BoolValue ? 1 : 0); return true;
- case Integer: return true;
- case Double: setInteger((sint64) _DoubleValue); return true;
- case String:
- if (evalNumber(_StringValue.toString().c_str())) return toInteger();
- return false;
- case RGBA: setInteger((sint64) _RGBAValue); return true;
- default: break;
- }
- return false;
-bool CInterfaceExprValue::toDouble()
- switch(_Type)
- {
- case Boolean: setDouble(_BoolValue ? 1 : 0); return true;
- case Integer: setDouble((double) _IntegerValue); return true;
- case Double: return true;
- case String:
- if (evalNumber(_StringValue.toString().c_str())) return toBool();
- return false;
- case RGBA: setDouble((double) _RGBAValue); return true;
- default: break;
- }
- return false;
-bool CInterfaceExprValue::toString()
- switch(_Type)
- {
- case Boolean: setString(_BoolValue ? "true" : "false"); return true;
- case Integer: setString(NLMISC::toString(_IntegerValue)); return true;
- case Double: setString(NLMISC::toString("%.2f", _DoubleValue)); return true;
- case String: return true;
- case RGBA:
- {
- uint r,g,b,a;
- r= (_RGBAValue&0xff);
- g= ((_RGBAValue>>8)&0xff);
- b= ((_RGBAValue>>16)&0xff);
- a= ((_RGBAValue>>24)&0xff);
- setString(NLMISC::toString("%d %d %d %d", r, g, b, a));
- return true;
- }
- default: break;
- }
- return false;
-bool CInterfaceExprValue::toRGBA()
- switch(_Type)
- {
- case RGBA: return true;
- case Integer: setRGBA(NLMISC::CRGBA((uint8)(_IntegerValue&0xff), (uint8)((_IntegerValue>>8)&0xff),
- (uint8)((_IntegerValue>>16)&0xff), (uint8)((_IntegerValue>>24)&0xff))); return true;
- case String:
- setRGBA(stringToRGBA(_StringValue.toString().c_str())); return true;
- default: break;
- }
- return false;
-bool CInterfaceExprValue::isNumerical() const
- return _Type == Boolean || _Type == Integer || _Type == Double;
-const char *CInterfaceExprValue::initFromString(const char *expr)
- nlassert(expr);
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- if (isdigit(*expr) || *expr == '.' || *expr == '-') return evalNumber(expr);
- switch(*expr)
- {
- case 't':
- case 'T':
- case 'f':
- case 'F':
- return evalBoolean(expr);
- case '\'':
- return evalString(expr);
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
-const char *CInterfaceExprValue::evalBoolean(const char *expr)
- nlassert(expr);
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- if (toupper(expr[0]) == 'T' &&
- toupper(expr[1]) == 'R' &&
- toupper(expr[2]) == 'U' &&
- toupper(expr[3]) == 'E')
- {
- setBool(true);
- return expr + 4;
- }
- //
- if (toupper(expr[0]) == 'F' &&
- toupper(expr[1]) == 'A' &&
- toupper(expr[2]) == 'L' &&
- toupper(expr[3]) == 'S' &&
- toupper(expr[4]) == 'E')
- {
- setBool(false);
- return expr + 5;
- }
- return NULL;
-const char *CInterfaceExprValue::evalNumber(const char *expr)
- bool negative;
- bool hasPoint = false;
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- if (*expr == '-')
- {
- negative = true;
- ++ expr;
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- }
- else
- {
- negative = false;
- }
- const char *start = expr;
- while (*expr == '.' || isdigit(*expr))
- {
- if (*expr == '.') hasPoint = true;
- ++ expr;
- }
- if (start == expr) return NULL;
- if (!hasPoint)
- {
- sint64 value = 0;
- // this is an integer
- for (const char *nbPtr = start; nbPtr < expr; ++ nbPtr)
- {
- value *= 10;
- value += (sint64) (*nbPtr - '0');
- }
- setInteger(negative ? - value : value);
- return expr;
- }
- else // floating point value : use scanf
- {
- // well, for now, we only parse a float
- float value;
- std::string floatValue(start, expr - start);
- if (fromString(floatValue, value))
- {
- setDouble(negative ? - value : value);
- return expr;
- }
- else
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
-const char *CInterfaceExprValue::evalString(const char *expr)
- expr = skipBlank(expr);
- if (*expr != '\'') return NULL;
- ++expr;
- std::string str;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (expr == '\0')
- {
- nlwarning("CInterfaceExprValue::evalString : end of buffer encountered in a string");
- return NULL;
- }
- else
- if (*expr == '\'')
- {
- ++ expr;
- break;
- }
- if (*expr == '\\') // special char
- {
- ++ expr;
- switch (*expr)
- {
- case 't': str += '\t'; break;
- case 'r': str += '\r'; break;
- case 'n': str += '\n'; break;
- case '\'': str += '\''; break;
- case '"': str += '"'; break;
- case '\\': str += '\\'; break;
- case '\n':
- case '\r':
- // string continue on next line, so do nothing
- break;
- case '\0': continue;
- default:
- nlwarning("CInterfaceExprValue::evalString : unknown escape sequence : \\%c", *expr);
- if (*expr) str += *expr;
- break;
- }
- }
- else if (*expr == '\n' || *expr == '\r')
- {
- nlwarning("CInterfaceExprValue::evalString : line break encountered in a string");
- return NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- str += *expr;
- }
- ++ expr;
- }
- setString(str);
- return expr;
-bool CInterfaceExprValue::toType(TType type)
- switch(type)
- {
- case Boolean: return toBool();
- case Integer: return toInteger();
- case Double: return toDouble();
- case String: return toString();
- case RGBA: return toRGBA();
- default: return false;
- }
-void CInterfaceExprValue::clean()
- switch (_Type)
- {
- case String: _StringValue.clear(); break;
- case UserType: delete _UserTypeValue; break;
- default: break;
- }
-void CInterfaceExprValue::setUserType(CInterfaceExprUserType *value)
- if (_Type == UserType && value == _UserTypeValue) return;
- clean();
- _Type = UserType;
- _UserTypeValue = value;
-bool CInterfaceExprValue::getBool() const
- if (_Type != Boolean)
- {
- nlwarning(" bad type!");
- return false;
- }
- return _BoolValue;
-sint64 CInterfaceExprValue::getInteger() const
- if (_Type != Integer)
- {
- nlwarning(" bad type!");
- return 0;
- }
- return _IntegerValue;
-double CInterfaceExprValue::getDouble() const
- if (_Type != Double)
- {
- nlwarning(" bad type!");
- return 0;
- }
- return _DoubleValue;
-std::string CInterfaceExprValue::getString() const
- if (_Type != String)
- {
- nlwarning(" bad type!");
- return "";
- }
- return _StringValue.toString();
-NLMISC::CRGBA CInterfaceExprValue::getRGBA() const
- if (_Type != RGBA)
- {
- nlwarning(" bad type!");
- return CRGBA::White;
- }
- col.R = (uint8)(_RGBAValue&0xff);
- col.G = (uint8)((_RGBAValue>>8)&0xff);
- col.B = (uint8)((_RGBAValue>>16)&0xff);
- col.A = (uint8)((_RGBAValue>>24)&0xff);
- return col;
-const ucstring &CInterfaceExprValue::getUCString() const
- if (_Type != String)
- {
- nlwarning(" bad type!");
- static ucstring emptyString;
- return emptyString;
- }
- return _StringValue;
-CInterfaceExprUserType *CInterfaceExprValue::getUserType() const
- if (_Type != UserType)
- {
- nlwarning(" bad type!");
- return NULL;
- }
- return _UserTypeValue;
-CInterfaceExprValue::CInterfaceExprValue(const CInterfaceExprValue &other) : _Type(NoType)
- *this = other;
-CInterfaceExprValue &CInterfaceExprValue::operator = (const CInterfaceExprValue &other)
- if (this != &other)
- {
- clean();
- switch(other._Type)
- {
- case Boolean: _BoolValue = other._BoolValue; break;
- case Integer: _IntegerValue = other._IntegerValue; break;
- case Double: _DoubleValue = other._DoubleValue; break;
- case String: _StringValue = other._StringValue; break;
- case RGBA: _RGBAValue = other._RGBAValue; break;
- case UserType:
- if (other._UserTypeValue != NULL)
- {
- _UserTypeValue = other._UserTypeValue->clone();
- }
- else
- {
- _UserTypeValue = NULL;
- }
- break;
- case NoType: break;
- default:
- nlwarning(" bad source type") ;
- return *this;
- break;
- }
- _Type = other._Type;
- }
- return *this;
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr.h b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 33c6b70af..000000000
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-#include "nel/misc/ucstring.h"
-#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
-namespace NLMISC{
-class ICDBNode;
-class CCDBNodeLeaf;
-class CCDBNodeBranch;
-struct CInterfaceExprUserType;
-class CInterfaceExprNode;
-/** a value that can be returned by a CInterfaceExpr instance
- * It supports basic type;
- * It can be extended by user defined types
- */
-class CInterfaceExprValue
- enum TType { Boolean = 0, Integer, Double, String, RGBA, UserType, NoType };
- // default ctor
- CInterfaceExprValue() : _Type(NoType) {}
- // copy ctor
- CInterfaceExprValue(const CInterfaceExprValue &other);
- // assignment operator
- CInterfaceExprValue &operator = (const CInterfaceExprValue &other);
- // dtor
- ~CInterfaceExprValue() { clean(); }
- TType getType() const { return _Type; }
- // get. Should be used only if the type is valid
- bool getBool() const;
- sint64 getInteger() const;
- double getDouble() const;
- std::string getString() const;
- NLMISC::CRGBA getRGBA() const;
- const ucstring &getUCString() const;
- CInterfaceExprUserType *getUserType() const;
- // set
- void setBool(bool value) { clean(); _Type = Boolean; _BoolValue = value; }
- void setInteger(sint64 value) { clean(); _Type = Integer; _IntegerValue = value; }
- void setDouble(double value) { clean(); _Type = Double; _DoubleValue = value; }
- void setString(const std::string &value) { clean(); _Type = String; _StringValue = value; }
- void setUCString(const ucstring &value) { clean(); _Type = String; _StringValue = value; }
- void setRGBA(NLMISC::CRGBA value) { clean(); _Type = RGBA; _RGBAValue = (uint32)(value.R+(value.G<<8)+(value.B<<16)+(value.A<<24)); }
- void setUserType(CInterfaceExprUserType *value);
- // reset this object to initial state (no type)
- void clean();
- // conversions. They return true if success
- bool toBool();
- bool toInteger();
- bool toDouble();
- bool toString();
- bool toType(TType type);
- bool toRGBA();
- // test if the value if a bool, double, or integer
- bool isNumerical() const;
- /** evaluate a from a string
- * \param expr : where to start the evaluation
- * \return the position following the token, or NULL if the parsing failed
- */
- const char *initFromString(const char *expr);
- TType _Type;
- union
- {
- bool _BoolValue;
- sint64 _IntegerValue;
- double _DoubleValue;
- CInterfaceExprUserType *_UserTypeValue;
- uint32 _RGBAValue;
- };
- ucstring _StringValue; // well, can't fit in union, unless we do some horrible hack..
- const char *evalBoolean(const char *expr);
- const char *evalNumber(const char *expr);
- const char *evalString(const char *expr);
- * Base class for user defined types that are use by the 'CInterfaceExprValue' class
- * Derivers should include the 'clone' method
- *
- * CInterfaceExprValue instances have ownership of this object.
- *
- * \author Nicolas Vizerie
- * \author Nevrax France
- * \date 2003
- */
-struct CInterfaceExprUserType
- // cloning method
- virtual CInterfaceExprUserType *clone() const = 0;
- // dtor
- virtual ~CInterfaceExprUserType() {}
-/** Evaluate expressions used in interface.
- * It can retrieve values from the database.
- * It can also build a list of database values it depends of.
- *
- * An expression can be :
- *
- * - a string : 'toto', 'abcd', 'a\nbcd', 'a\\t', the escape sequences are the one of C
- * - a integer 1, 2, 3
- * - a double 1.1, 2.2
- * - a database entry : @ui:interface:toto:truc. If the address is a leaf, it returns the leaf value and put an observer on it. If not a leaf, it returns 0, but put an observer on it.
- * - a database indirection @db:value[db:index] is replaced by @db:value0 if db:index == 0 for example
- * - a user function call : fct(expr0, epxr1, ...).
- *
- * NB : The lua language has been integrated since then (2005), and should be more suited
- * for most of the tasks.
- *
- *
- * \author Nicolas Vizerie
- * \author Nevrax France
- * \date 2002
- */
-class CInterfaceExpr
- // list of argument for a function
- typedef std::vector TArgList;
- /** prototype of a user callable function
- * It should return true if the result is meaningful. If not, the rest of the evaluation is stopped
- */
- typedef bool (* TUserFct) (TArgList &args, CInterfaceExprValue &result);
- // release memory
- static void release();
- /** This try to eval the provided expression.
- * - This returns a result
- * - This eventually fill a vector with a set of database entries it has dependencies on
- * \param expr The expression to evaluate
- * \param result The result value
- * \param nodes If not NULL, will be filled with the database nodes this expression depends on
- * Node will only be inserted once, so we end up with a set of node (not ordered)
- * \param noFctCalls when set to true, the terminal function calls will not be made, so the evaluation is only used to see which database entries the expression depends on.
- */
- static bool eval(const std::string &expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector *nodes = NULL, bool noFctCalls = false);
- /** Build a tree from the given expression so that it can be evaluated quickly.
- * This is useful for a fixed expression that must be evaluated often
- */
- static CInterfaceExprNode *buildExprTree(const std::string &expr);
- /** Register a function that can have several arguments
- * // NB : this is case sensitive
- */
- static void registerUserFct(const char *name, TUserFct fct);
- // Simple evaluations
- static bool evalAsInt(const std::string &expr, sint64 &dest);
- static bool evalAsDouble(const std::string &expr, double &dest);
- static bool evalAsBool(const std::string &expr, bool &dest);
- static bool evalAsString(const std::string &expr, std::string &dest);
- // map of user functions
- typedef std::map TUserFctMap;
- static TUserFctMap *_UserFct;
- /** eval the value of a single expression
- * \return position to the next valid character
- */
- static const char *evalExpr(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector *nodes, bool noFctCalls);
- static const char *evalFct(const char *expr,CInterfaceExprValue &result,std::vector *nodes, bool noFctCalls);
- static const char *evalDBEntry(const char *expr,CInterfaceExprValue &result,std::vector *nodes);
- static const char *unpackDBentry(const char *expr, std::vector *nodes, std::string &dest, bool *hasIndirections = NULL);
- /** Build tree of a single expression
- * \return position to the next valid character
- */
- static const char *buildExprTree(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprNode *&result);
- static const char *buildFctNode(const char *expr, CInterfaceExprNode *&result);
- static const char *buildDBEntryNode(const char *expr,CInterfaceExprNode *&result);
-// helper macro to register user functions at startup
-#define REGISTER_INTERFACE_USER_FCT(name, fct) \
-const struct __InterUserFctRegister__##fct\
- __InterUserFctRegister__##fct() { CInterfaceExpr::registerUserFct(name, fct); }\
-} __InterUserFctRegisterInstance__##fct;
-// helper macro to declare a user function
-// the code must follow
-// arguments are available in 'args', result should be put in 'result'
-bool name(CInterfaceExpr::TArgList &args, CInterfaceExprValue &result)
-// helper macro to declare a C constant mirroring
-#define DECLARE_INTERFACE_CONSTANT(_name, _cconst) \
-{ \
- result.setInteger(_cconst); \
- return true; \
-} \
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_node.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_node.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d999f407..000000000
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_node.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-#include "stdpch.h"
-#include "interface_expr_node.h"
-#include "nel/misc/cdb_leaf.h"
-#include "nel/misc/cdb_branch.h"
-using NLMISC::ICDBNode;
-using NLMISC::CCDBNodeBranch;
-using NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf;
-// *******************************************************************************************************
-void CInterfaceExprNodeValue::eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result)
- result = Value;
-void CInterfaceExprNodeValue::evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &/* nodes */)
- result = Value;
-void CInterfaceExprNodeValue::getDepends(std::vector &/* nodes */)
-// *******************************************************************************************************
-void CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall::eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result)
- nlassert(Func);
- uint numParams = (uint)Params.size();
- std::vector params(numParams);
- for(uint k = 0; k < numParams; ++k)
- {
- Params[k]->eval(params[k]);
- }
- Func(params, result); // do actual call
-void CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall::evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes)
- nlassert(Func);
- uint numParams = (uint)Params.size();
- std::vector params(numParams);
- for(uint k = 0; k < numParams; ++k)
- {
- Params[k]->evalWithDepends(params[k], nodes);
- }
- Func(params, result); // do actual call
-void CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall::getDepends(std::vector &nodes)
- uint numParams = (uint)Params.size();
- for(uint k = 0; k < numParams; ++k)
- {
- Params[k]->getDepends(nodes);
- }
- for(uint k = 0; k < Params.size(); ++k)
- {
- delete Params[k];
- }
-// *******************************************************************************************************
-void CInterfaceExprNodeDBLeaf::eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result)
- nlassert(Leaf);
- result.setInteger(Leaf->getValue64());
-void CInterfaceExprNodeDBLeaf::evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result,std::vector &nodes)
- nlassert(Leaf);
- result.setInteger(Leaf->getValue64());
- if (std::find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), Leaf) == nodes.end())
- {
- nodes.push_back(Leaf);
- }
-void CInterfaceExprNodeDBLeaf::getDepends(std::vector &nodes)
- nlassert(Leaf);
- if (std::find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), Leaf) == nodes.end())
- {
- nodes.push_back(Leaf);
- }
-// *******************************************************************************************************
-void CInterfaceExprNodeDBBranch::eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result)
- nlassert(Branch);
- result.setInteger(0);
-void CInterfaceExprNodeDBBranch::evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result,std::vector &nodes)
- nlassert(Branch);
- result.setInteger(0);
- if (std::find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), Branch) == nodes.end())
- {
- nodes.push_back(Branch);
- }
-void CInterfaceExprNodeDBBranch::getDepends(std::vector &nodes)
- nlassert(Branch);
- if (std::find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), Branch) == nodes.end())
- {
- nodes.push_back(Branch);
- }
-// *******************************************************************************************************
-void CInterfaceExprNodeDependantDBRead::eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result)
- // no gain there, but barely used
- CInterfaceExpr::eval(Expr, result);
-void CInterfaceExprNodeDependantDBRead::evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes)
- CInterfaceExpr::eval(Expr, result, &nodes);
-void CInterfaceExprNodeDependantDBRead::getDepends(std::vector &nodes)
- CInterfaceExprValue dummyResult;
- CInterfaceExpr::eval(Expr, dummyResult, &nodes, true);
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_node.h b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_node.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dc30f8b8..000000000
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_node.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-#include "interface_expr.h"
-/** Base node of an interface expression parse tree
- * \author Nicolas Vizerie
- * \author Nevrax France
- * \date 2003
- */
-class CInterfaceExprNode
- virtual ~CInterfaceExprNode() {}
- // eval result of expression, and eventually get the nodes the epression depends on
- virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result) = 0;
- // The same, but get db nodes the expression depends on (appended to vector)
- virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes) = 0;
- // Get dependencies of the node (appended to vector)
- virtual void getDepends(std::vector &nodes) = 0;
-// *******************************************************************************************************
-/** A constant value already parsed by interface (in a interface expr parse tree)
- */
-class CInterfaceExprNodeValue : public CInterfaceExprNode
- CInterfaceExprValue Value;
- virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
- virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes);
- virtual void getDepends(std::vector &nodes);
-// *******************************************************************************************************
-/** A fct call (in a interface expr parse tree)
- */
-class CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall : public CInterfaceExprNode
- CInterfaceExpr::TUserFct Func;
- // list of parameters
- std::vector Params;
- virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
- virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes);
- virtual void getDepends(std::vector &nodes);
- virtual ~CInterfaceExprNodeValueFnCall();
-// *******************************************************************************************************
-/** A db leaf read (in a interface expr parse tree)
- */
-class CInterfaceExprNodeDBLeaf : public CInterfaceExprNode
- class NLMISC::CCDBNodeLeaf *Leaf;
- virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
- virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes);
- virtual void getDepends(std::vector &nodes);
-// *******************************************************************************************************
-/** A db branch read (in a interface expr parse tree)
- */
-class CInterfaceExprNodeDBBranch : public CInterfaceExprNode
- class NLMISC::CCDBNodeBranch *Branch;
- virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
- virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes);
- virtual void getDepends(std::vector &nodes);
-// *******************************************************************************************************
-/** A dependant db read (in a interface expr parse tree)
- * This is rarely used so no real optim there..
- */
-class CInterfaceExprNodeDependantDBRead : public CInterfaceExprNode
- std::string Expr;
- virtual void eval(CInterfaceExprValue &result);
- virtual void evalWithDepends(CInterfaceExprValue &result, std::vector &nodes);
- virtual void getDepends(std::vector &nodes);
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_user_fct.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_user_fct.cpp
index dd67699f9..3c16cdd75 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_user_fct.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_user_fct.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include "stdpch.h"
// client
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "ctrl_sheet_selection.h"
#include "interface_manager.h"
// game_share
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ static DECLARE_INTERFACE_USER_FCT(userFctGetProp)
string sTmp = args[0].getString();
std::vector targetsVector;
- CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTargets(sTmp, NULL, targetsVector);
+ CInterfaceLink::splitLinkTargets(sTmp, NULL, targetsVector);
if (targetsVector.empty())
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_user_fct_game.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_user_fct_game.cpp
index e71d37bdc..949e0875d 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_user_fct_game.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_user_fct_game.cpp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#include "stdpch.h"
// Interface
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "interface_manager.h"
#include "interface_element.h"
#include "chat_window.h"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_user_fct_items.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_user_fct_items.cpp
index 0de076f35..aa1f880e8 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_user_fct_items.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_expr_user_fct_items.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
// client
#include "../sheet_manager.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "dbctrl_sheet.h"
#include "ctrl_sheet_selection.h"
#include "dbgroup_list_sheet.h"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_link.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_link.cpp
index c59b5b01f..8b783d03b 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_link.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_link.cpp
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "interface_link.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
#include "interface_element.h"
#include "interface_manager.h"
-#include "interface_expr_node.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr_node.h"
#include "nel/gui/reflect.h"
#include "nel/gui/db_manager.h"
#include "nel/misc/cdb_branch.h"
@@ -444,6 +444,88 @@ void CInterfaceLink::removeAllLinks()
+// ***************************************************************************
+bool CInterfaceLink::splitLinkTarget(const std::string &target, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup, std::string &propertyName, CInterfaceElement *&targetElm)
+ // the last token of the target gives the name of the property
+ std::string::size_type lastPos = target.find_last_of(':');
+ if (lastPos == (target.length() - 1))
+ {
+ // todo hulud interface syntax error
+ nlwarning("The target should at least contains a path and a property as follow 'path:property'");
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::string elmPath;
+ std::string elmProp;
+ CInterfaceElement *elm = NULL;
+ if (parentGroup)
+ {
+ if (lastPos == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ elmProp = target;
+ elm = parentGroup;
+ elmPath = "current";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elmProp = target.substr(lastPos + 1);
+ elmPath = parentGroup->getId() + ":" + target.substr(0, lastPos);
+ elm = parentGroup->getElement(elmPath);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!elm)
+ {
+ // try the absolute adress of the element
+ elmPath = target.substr(0, lastPos);
+ elm = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(elmPath);
+ elmProp = target.substr(lastPos + 1);
+ }
+ if (!elm)
+ {
+ // todo hulud interface syntax error
+ nlwarning(" can't find target link %s", elmPath.c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ targetElm = elm;
+ propertyName = elmProp;
+ return true;
+// ***************************************************************************
+bool CInterfaceLink::splitLinkTargets(const std::string &targets, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup,std::vector &targetsVect)
+ std::vector targetNames;
+ NLMISC::splitString(targets, ",", targetNames);
+ targetsVect.clear();
+ targetsVect.reserve(targetNames.size());
+ bool everythingOk = true;
+ for (uint k = 0; k < targetNames.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ CInterfaceLink::CTargetInfo ti;
+ std::string::size_type startPos = targetNames[k].find_first_not_of(" ");
+ if(startPos == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ // todo hulud interface syntax error
+ nlwarning(" empty target encountered");
+ continue;
+ }
+ std::string::size_type lastPos = targetNames[k].find_last_not_of(" ");
+ if (!splitLinkTarget(targetNames[k].substr(startPos, lastPos - startPos+1), parentGroup, ti.PropertyName, ti.Elem))
+ {
+ // todo hulud interface syntax error
+ nlwarning(" Can't get link target");
+ everythingOk = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ targetsVect.push_back(ti);
+ }
+ return everythingOk;
void CInterfaceLink::checkNbRefs()
@@ -470,7 +552,7 @@ void CInterfaceLink::setTargetProperty (const std::string &Target, const CInt
if (pIG != NULL)
std::vector vTargets;
- CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTargets(Target, pIG, vTargets);
+ splitLinkTargets(Target, pIG, vTargets);
if ((vTargets.size() > 0) && (vTargets[0].Elem))
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_link.h b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_link.h
index ae88849dd..33561ff0f 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_link.h
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_link.h
@@ -25,13 +25,14 @@
namespace NLGUI
class CReflectedProperty;
+ class CInterfaceExprValue;
+ class CInterfaceExprNode;
class CInterfaceElement;
-class CInterfaceExprValue;
class CInterfaceGroup;
-class CInterfaceExprNode;
using namespace NLGUI;
@@ -115,6 +116,16 @@ public:
static void setTargetProperty (const std::string & Target, const CInterfaceExprValue &val);
static bool isUpdatingAllLinks() { return _UpdateAllLinks; }
+ /** From a target name of a link, retrieve the target element and its target target property
+ * \return true if the target is valid
+ */
+ static bool splitLinkTarget(const std::string &target, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup, std::string &propertyName, CInterfaceElement *&targetElm);
+ /** From several target names of a link (seprated by ','), retrieve the target elements and their target properties
+ * \return true if all targets are valid
+ */
+ static bool splitLinkTargets(const std::string &targets, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup, std::vector &targetsVect);
friend struct CRemoveTargetPred;
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_manager.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_manager.cpp
index 89fccdb3e..e2a0f5e10 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_manager.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_manager.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
#include "../client_cfg.h"
#include "encyclopedia_manager.h"
// Expr
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "register_interface_elements.h"
// Action / Observers
#include "action_handler.h"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_parser.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_parser.cpp
index f2534eaab..56e5c961f 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_parser.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_parser.cpp
@@ -1403,7 +1403,7 @@ bool CInterfaceParser::parseLink(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup)
ptr = (char*) xmlGetProp (cur, (xmlChar*)"target");
if (ptr)
- splitLinkTargets(std::string((const char*)ptr), parentGroup, targets);
+ CInterfaceLink::splitLinkTargets(std::string((const char*)ptr), parentGroup, targets);
// optional action handler
std::string action;
@@ -2925,88 +2925,6 @@ bool CInterfaceParser::parseSheetSelection(xmlNodePtr cur)
return true;
-// ***************************************************************************
-bool CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTarget(const std::string &target, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup, std::string &propertyName, CInterfaceElement *&targetElm)
- // the last token of the target gives the name of the property
- std::string::size_type lastPos = target.find_last_of(':');
- if (lastPos == (target.length() - 1))
- {
- // todo hulud interface syntax error
- nlwarning("The target should at least contains a path and a property as follow 'path:property'");
- return false;
- }
- std::string elmPath;
- std::string elmProp;
- CInterfaceElement *elm = NULL;
- if (parentGroup)
- {
- if (lastPos == std::string::npos)
- {
- elmProp = target;
- elm = parentGroup;
- elmPath = "current";
- }
- else
- {
- elmProp = target.substr(lastPos + 1);
- elmPath = parentGroup->getId() + ":" + target.substr(0, lastPos);
- elm = parentGroup->getElement(elmPath);
- }
- }
- if (!elm)
- {
- // try the absolute adress of the element
- elmPath = target.substr(0, lastPos);
- elm = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(elmPath);
- elmProp = target.substr(lastPos + 1);
- }
- if (!elm)
- {
- // todo hulud interface syntax error
- nlwarning(" can't find target link %s", elmPath.c_str());
- return false;
- }
- targetElm = elm;
- propertyName = elmProp;
- return true;
-// ***************************************************************************
-bool CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTargets(const std::string &targets, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup,std::vector &targetsVect)
- std::vector targetNames;
- NLMISC::splitString(targets, ",", targetNames);
- targetsVect.clear();
- targetsVect.reserve(targetNames.size());
- bool everythingOk = true;
- for (uint k = 0; k < targetNames.size(); ++k)
- {
- CInterfaceLink::CTargetInfo ti;
- std::string::size_type startPos = targetNames[k].find_first_not_of(" ");
- if(startPos == std::string::npos)
- {
- // todo hulud interface syntax error
- nlwarning(" empty target encountered");
- continue;
- }
- std::string::size_type lastPos = targetNames[k].find_last_not_of(" ");
- if (!splitLinkTarget(targetNames[k].substr(startPos, lastPos - startPos+1), parentGroup, ti.PropertyName, ti.Elem))
- {
- // todo hulud interface syntax error
- nlwarning(" Can't get link target");
- everythingOk = false;
- continue;
- }
- targetsVect.push_back(ti);
- }
- return everythingOk;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CInterfaceParser::addLink(CInterfaceLink *link, const std::string &id)
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_parser.h b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_parser.h
index 0c8b51940..6f318977e 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_parser.h
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/interface_parser.h
@@ -214,16 +214,6 @@ public:
void setDefine(const std::string &id, const std::string &value);
// @}
- /** From a target name of a link, retrieve the target element and its target target property
- * \return true if the target is valid
- */
- static bool splitLinkTarget(const std::string &target, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup, std::string &propertyName, CInterfaceElement *&targetElm);
- /** From several target names of a link (seprated by ','), retrieve the target elements and their target properties
- * \return true if all targets are valid
- */
- static bool splitLinkTargets(const std::string &targets, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup, std::vector &targetsVect);
/// \name Dynamic links mgt
// @{
/** Associate the given dynamic link with an ID
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/lua_ihm_ryzom.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/lua_ihm_ryzom.cpp
index f6f881a47..2209b9742 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/lua_ihm_ryzom.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/lua_ihm_ryzom.cpp
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
#include "game_share/people_pd.h"
#include "group_tree.h"
#include "interface_link.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "people_interraction.h"
#include "nel/misc/algo.h"
#include "nel/misc/file.h"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/macrocmd_key.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/macrocmd_key.cpp
index 5aa4c7823..a4eae623c 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/macrocmd_key.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/macrocmd_key.cpp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#include "dbgroup_combo_box.h"
#include "group_container.h"
#include "group_modal_get_key.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
// tmp
#include "../r2/editor.h"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/people_interraction.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/people_interraction.cpp
index 6a1b54f56..4c2bd1403 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/people_interraction.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/interface_v3/people_interraction.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
// client
#include "../string_manager_client.h"
#include "people_interraction.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "interface_manager.h"
#include "action_handler.h"
#include "action_handler_misc.h"
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#include "group_menu.h"
#include "../client_chat_manager.h"
#include "../string_manager_client.h"
-#include "interface_expr.h"
+#include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
#include "ctrl_button.h"
#include "ctrl_text_button.h"
#include "filtered_chat_summary.h"
@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ class CHandlerChatGroupFilter : public IActionHandler
CCtrlTabButton *pTabButton= dynamic_cast(pCaller);
- CRGBA stdColor= stringToRGBA(pIM->getDefine("chat_group_tab_color_normal").c_str());
+ CRGBA stdColor= CRGBA::stringToRGBA(pIM->getDefine("chat_group_tab_color_normal").c_str());
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/misc.cpp b/code/ryzom/client/src/misc.cpp
index 6353029d8..2dd72ad52 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/misc.cpp
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/misc.cpp
@@ -976,21 +976,6 @@ std::string getStringCategoryIfAny(const ucstring &src, ucstring &dest)
-NLMISC::CRGBA stringToRGBA(const char *ptr)
- if (!ptr) return NLMISC::CRGBA::White;
- int r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255;
- sscanf (ptr, "%d %d %d %d", &r, &g, &b, &a);
- NLMISC::clamp (r, 0, 255);
- NLMISC::clamp (g, 0, 255);
- NLMISC::clamp (b, 0, 255);
- NLMISC::clamp (a, 0, 255);
- return CRGBA(r,g,b,a);
// ***************************************************************************
inline bool isSeparator (ucchar c)
diff --git a/code/ryzom/client/src/misc.h b/code/ryzom/client/src/misc.h
index 77e1df221..1304a1cb1 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/client/src/misc.h
+++ b/code/ryzom/client/src/misc.h
@@ -166,9 +166,6 @@ std::string getStringCategory(const ucstring &src, ucstring &dest, bool alwaysAd
// Get the category from the string (src="&SYS&Who are you?" and dest="Who are you?" and return "SYS"), if no category, return ""
std::string getStringCategoryIfAny(const ucstring &src, ucstring &dest);
-NLMISC::CRGBA stringToRGBA(const char *ptr);
// Number of shortcut