mirror of
synced 2024-12-30 12:50:53 +00:00
Changed: #1038 Implement copy/paste for Linux
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 164 additions and 176 deletions
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "types_nl.h"
#include "class_id.h"
#include "ucstring.h"
#include <map>
#include <list>
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ protected:
const CClassId EventKeyDownId (0x3c2643da, 0x43f802a1);
const CClassId EventKeyUpId (0x1e62e85, 0x68a35d46);
const CClassId EventCharId (0x552255fe, 0x75a2373f);
const CClassId EventStringId (0x49b5af8f, 0x7f52cd26);
// Window events
const CClassId EventActivateId (0x7da66b0a, 0x1ef74519);
@ -327,6 +329,20 @@ private:
* CEventString
class CEventString : public CEventKey
CEventString (const ucstring &str, IEventEmitter* emitter) : CEventKey (noKeyButton, emitter, EventStringId)
String = str;
ucstring String;
virtual CEvent *clone() const {return new CEventString(*this);}
* CEventMouse.
@ -29,6 +29,11 @@
typedef bool (*x11Proc)(NL3D::IDriver *drv, XEvent *e);
static Atom XA_CLIPBOARD = 0;
static Atom XA_UTF8_STRING = 0;
static Atom XA_TARGETS = 0;
static Atom XA_NEL_SEL = 0;
namespace NLMISC {
CUnixEventEmitter::CUnixEventEmitter ():_dpy(NULL), _win(0), _emulateRawMode(false), _driver(NULL)
@ -51,18 +56,12 @@ void CUnixEventEmitter::init(Display *dpy, Window win, NL3D::IDriver *driver)
_driver = driver;
XSelectInput (_dpy, _win, KeyPressMask|KeyReleaseMask|ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|PointerMotionMask|StructureNotifyMask|ExposureMask);
_PrecomputedAtom[0] = XInternAtom(dpy, "CLIPBOARD", False);
#define XA_CLIPBOARD _PrecomputedAtom[0]
_PrecomputedAtom[1] = XInternAtom(dpy, "UTF8_STRING", False);
#define XA_UTF8_STRING _PrecomputedAtom[1]
_PrecomputedAtom[2] = XInternAtom(dpy, "TARGETS", False);
#define XA_TARGETS _PrecomputedAtom[2]
_PrecomputedAtom[3] = XInternAtom(dpy, "ATOM", False);
//#define XA_ATOM _PrecomputedAtom[3]
_PrecomputedAtom[4] = XInternAtom(dpy, "NeL_SEL", False);
#define XA_NEL_SEL _PrecomputedAtom[4]
_PrecomputedAtom[5] = XInternAtom(dpy, "TEXT", False);
#define XA_TEXT _PrecomputedAtom[5]
// define Atoms used by clipboard
XA_CLIPBOARD = XInternAtom(dpy, "CLIPBOARD", False);
XA_UTF8_STRING = XInternAtom(dpy, "UTF8_STRING", False);
XA_TARGETS = XInternAtom(dpy, "TARGETS", False);
XA_NEL_SEL = XInternAtom(dpy, "NeL_SEL", False);
TODO: implements all useful events processing
@ -568,10 +567,23 @@ bool CUnixEventEmitter::processMessage (XEvent &event, CEventServer *server)
ucstring ucstr;
server->postEvent (new CEventChar (ucstr[0], noKeyButton, this));
CEventChar *charEvent = new CEventChar (ucstr[0], noKeyButton, this);
// raw if not processed by IME
charEvent->setRaw(keyCode != 0);
server->postEvent (charEvent);
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
server->postEvent (new CEventChar ((ucchar)(unsigned char)Text[i], noKeyButton, this));
CEventChar *charEvent = new CEventChar ((ucchar)(unsigned char)Text[i], noKeyButton, this);
// raw if not processed by IME
charEvent->setRaw(keyCode != 0);
server->postEvent (charEvent);
@ -612,12 +624,10 @@ bool CUnixEventEmitter::processMessage (XEvent &event, CEventServer *server)
if (req.target == XA_TARGETS)
nlwarning("Client is asking for TARGETS");
Atom targets[] =
@ -625,23 +635,21 @@ bool CUnixEventEmitter::processMessage (XEvent &event, CEventServer *server)
XChangeProperty(req.display, req.requestor, req.property, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)targets, 3 /* number of element */);
else if (req.target == XA_TEXT || req.target == XA_STRING )
else if (req.target == XA_STRING)
nlwarning("client want TEXT");
respond.xselection.property = req.property;
std::string str = _CopiedString.toString();
XChangeProperty(req.display, req.requestor, req.property, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, (const unsigned char*)str.c_str(), str.length());
else if (req.target == XA_UTF8_STRING)
nlwarning("Client want UTF8 STRING");
respond.xselection.property = req.property;
std::string str = _CopiedString.toUtf8();
XChangeProperty(req.display, req.requestor, respond.xselection.property, XInternAtom(_dpy, "UTF8_STRING", False), 8, PropModeReplace, (const unsigned char*)str.c_str(), strlen((char*)str.c_str()));
XChangeProperty(req.display, req.requestor, respond.xselection.property, XA_UTF8_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, (const unsigned char*)str.c_str(), str.length());
nlwarning("Target doesn't want a string %u", (uint)req.target); // Note: Calling XGetAtomName with arbitrary value crash the client, maybe req.target have been sanitized by X11 server
// Note: Calling XGetAtomName with arbitrary value crash the client, maybe req.target have been sanitized by X11 server
respond.xselection.property = None;
@ -650,156 +658,38 @@ bool CUnixEventEmitter::processMessage (XEvent &event, CEventServer *server)
case SelectionClear:
_SelectionOwned = false;
_CopiedString = "";
case FocusIn:
// keyboard focus
if (_ic) XSetICFocus(_ic);
case FocusOut:
// keyboard focus
if (_ic) XUnsetICFocus(_ic);
case KeymapNotify:
case MappingNotify:
// update keymap
XRefreshKeyboardMapping((XMappingEvent *)&event);
case DestroyNotify:
// XIM server has crashed
// nlinfo("UnknownEvent");
// XtDispatchEvent(&event);
case SelectionNotify:
Atom target = event.xselection.target;
Atom actualType = 0;
int actualFormat = 0;
unsigned long nitems = 0, bytesLeft = 0;
// some applications are sending ATOM and other TARGETS
if (target == XA_TARGETS || target == XA_ATOM)
Atom *supportedTargets = NULL;
// list NeL selection properties
if (XGetWindowProperty(_dpy, _win, XA_NEL_SEL, 0, XMaxRequestSize(_dpy), False, AnyPropertyType, &actualType, &actualFormat, &nitems, &bytesLeft, (unsigned char**)&supportedTargets) != Success)
return false;
if (bytesLeft > 0)
nlwarning("Paste: Supported TARGETS list too long.");
return true;
* This function copy a selection into propertyName.
* It is subject to timeout.
* @param selection: A Selection Atom
* @param requestedFormat: Target format Atom
* @param propertyName: Target property Atom
* @return true if successfull, false if timeout occured or X11 call failed
bool CUnixEventEmitter::prepareSelectionContent (Atom selection, Atom requestedFormat, Atom propertyName)
XConvertSelection(_dpy, selection, requestedFormat, propertyName, _win, CurrentTime);
XSync(_dpy, False);
int i = 0;
bool gotReply = false;
XEvent event;
gotReply = XCheckTypedWindowEvent(_dpy, _win, SelectionNotify, &event);
if (gotReply)
return true;
while (i<20);
return false;
bool CUnixEventEmitter::copyTextToClipboard(const ucstring &text)
_CopiedString = text;
XSetSelectionOwner (_dpy, XA_CLIPBOARD, _win, CurrentTime);
Window selectionOwner = XGetSelectionOwner (_dpy, XA_CLIPBOARD);
if ( selectionOwner != _win )
nlwarning("Can't aquire selection");
return false;
_SelectionOwned = true;
nlwarning("Owning selection");
return true;
nlwarning("Paste: Can't acquire selection.");
return false;
bool CUnixEventEmitter::pasteTextFromClipboard(ucstring &text)
// check if we own the selection
if (_SelectionOwned)
text = _CopiedString;
return true;
Window selectionOwner = XGetSelectionOwner (_dpy, XA_CLIPBOARD);
if (selectionOwner != None)
Atom *supportedTargets;
uint8 *data;
sint result;
unsigned long nitems, bytesLeft;
Atom actualType;
sint actualFormat;
sint bestTargetElect=0, bestTarget=0;
nlwarning("Selection owner is %u", (uint)selectionOwner);
// Find supported methods
bool bres = prepareSelectionContent(XA_CLIPBOARD, XA_TARGETS, XA_NEL_SEL);
if (!bres)
nlwarning("Paste: Cannot ennumerate TARGETS");
return false;
result = XGetWindowProperty(_dpy, _win, XA_NEL_SEL, 0, XMaxRequestSize(_dpy), False, AnyPropertyType, &actualType, &actualFormat, &nitems, &bytesLeft,(unsigned char**) &supportedTargets);
if (result != Success)
return false;
if ( bytesLeft>0 )
nlwarning("Paste: Supported TARGETS list too long."); // We hope we find what we need in the first packet.
Atom bestTarget = 0;
sint bestTargetElect = 0;
// Elect best type
for (uint i=0; i < nitems; i++)
nldebug(" - Type=%s", XGetAtomName(_dpy, supportedTargets[i]));
if (supportedTargets[i] == XA_STRING )
if (bestTargetElect < 1)
bestTarget = XA_STRING;
bestTargetElect = 1;
// nlwarning(" - Type=%s (%u)", XGetAtomName(_dpy, supportedTargets[i]), (uint)supportedTargets[i]);
if (supportedTargets[i] == XA_UTF8_STRING )
if (bestTargetElect < 2)
@ -808,6 +698,14 @@ bool CUnixEventEmitter::pasteTextFromClipboard(ucstring &text)
bestTargetElect = 2;
else if (supportedTargets[i] == XA_STRING )
if (bestTargetElect < 1)
bestTarget = XA_STRING;
bestTargetElect = 1;
@ -818,42 +716,118 @@ bool CUnixEventEmitter::pasteTextFromClipboard(ucstring &text)
return false;
// Ask for selection lenght && copy to buffer
bres = prepareSelectionContent(XA_CLIPBOARD, bestTarget, XA_NEL_SEL);
if (!bres)
nlwarning ("Paste: cannot obtain data. Aborting.");
return false;
// request string conversion
XConvertSelection(_dpy, XA_CLIPBOARD, bestTarget, XA_NEL_SEL, _win, CurrentTime);
else if (target == XA_UTF8_STRING || target == XA_STRING)
uint8 *data = NULL;
XGetWindowProperty(_dpy, _win, XA_NEL_SEL, 0, XMaxRequestSize(_dpy), False, AnyPropertyType, &actualType, &actualFormat, &nitems, &bytesLeft,(unsigned char**) &data);
// get selection
if (XGetWindowProperty(_dpy, _win, XA_NEL_SEL, 0, XMaxRequestSize(_dpy), False, AnyPropertyType, &actualType, &actualFormat, &nitems, &bytesLeft, (unsigned char**)&data) != Success)
return false;
ucstring text;
std::string tmpData = (const char*)data;
switch (bestTargetElect)
// convert buffer to ucstring
if (target == XA_UTF8_STRING)
case 1: // XA_STRING
text = tmpData;
return true;
case 2: // XA_UTF8_STRING
text = ucstring::makeFromUtf8(tmpData);
return true;
else if (target == XA_STRING)
text = tmpData;
nlwarning("Unknow format %u", (uint)target);
// sent string event to event server
server->postEvent (new CEventString (text, this));
nlwarning("Unknow target %u", (uint)target);
nlwarning("Paste: buffer is not a text buffer.");
case FocusIn:
// keyboard focus
server->postEvent (new CEventSetFocus (true, this));
if (_ic) XSetICFocus(_ic);
case FocusOut:
// keyboard focus
server->postEvent (new CEventSetFocus (false, this));
if (_ic) XUnsetICFocus(_ic);
case KeymapNotify:
case MappingNotify:
// update keymap
XRefreshKeyboardMapping((XMappingEvent *)&event);
case DestroyNotify:
// XIM server has crashed
case ClientMessage:
if ((xevent.xclient.format == 32) && (xevent.xclient.data.l[0] == videodata->WM_DELETE_WINDOW))
server->postEvent (new CEventDestroyWindow (this));
// nlinfo("UnknownEvent");
// XtDispatchEvent(&event);
return false;
nlwarning("Paste: error !");
return false;
return true;
bool CUnixEventEmitter::copyTextToClipboard(const ucstring &text)
_CopiedString = text;
// NeL window is the owner of clipboard
XSetSelectionOwner(_dpy, XA_CLIPBOARD, _win, CurrentTime);
// check we are owning the clipboard
if (XGetSelectionOwner(_dpy, XA_CLIPBOARD) != _win)
nlwarning("Can't aquire selection");
return false;
_SelectionOwned = true;
return true;
bool CUnixEventEmitter::pasteTextFromClipboard(ucstring &text)
// check if we own the selection
if (_SelectionOwned)
text = _CopiedString;
return true;
// check if there is a data in clipboard
if (XGetSelectionOwner(_dpy, XA_CLIPBOARD) == None)
return false;
// request supported methods
XConvertSelection(_dpy, XA_CLIPBOARD, XA_TARGETS, XA_NEL_SEL, _win, CurrentTime);
// don't return result now
return false;
@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ private:
void createIM();
bool prepareSelectionContent (Atom selection, Atom requestedFormat, Atom propertyName);
Display* _dpy;
Window _win;
@ -109,7 +108,6 @@ private:
NL3D::IDriver* _driver;
CUnixEventServer _InternalServer;
ucstring _CopiedString;
Atom _PrecomputedAtom[6];
bool _SelectionOwned;
Reference in a new issue