2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ifndef R2_EDITOR_H
# define R2_EDITOR_H
2012-05-23 02:13:58 +00:00
# include "nel/gui/lua_object.h"
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
# include "instance.h"
# include "tool.h"
# include "../decal.h"
# include "../decal_anim.h"
# include "entity_custom_select_box.h"
# include "island_collision.h"
# include "prim_render.h"
# include "nel/misc/singleton.h"
# include "nel/misc/class_registry.h"
# include "nel/misc/time_nl.h"
# include "nel/misc/sstring.h"
# include "nel/misc/array_2d.h"
# include "dmc/dmc.h"
# include "game_share/object.h"
# include "game_share/scenario_entry_points.h"
# include "game_share/r2_types.h"
class CGroupTree ;
class CEntityCL ;
namespace NL3D
class CPackedWorld ;
namespace R2
class CDynamicMapService ;
class CUserComponentsManager ;
class CEntitySorter ;
// texture for the default mouse cursor
extern const char * DEFAULT_CURSOR ;
class CDisplayerVisualEntity ;
/** Ryzom Ring in game editor
* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* The ui can be in one of the following states :
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* No tool is displayed as " highlighted "
2010-06-24 13:00:31 +00:00
* 1 ) Mouse in 3 D view
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* The mouse cursor has a little star to indicate " creation mode " .
* If creation is not possible at the mouse position , then there ' s is a little ' stop ' icon shown
* No instance selection is done
* - - - - - - - -
* LCLICK - > create
* RCLICK - > cancel & restore default tool
* NB : we don ' t do creation on LDOWN or RUP in order to allow camera manipulation
2010-06-24 13:00:31 +00:00
* 2 ) Mouse over UI
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* The mouse cursor still has a little star to indicate " creation mode " .
* Ideally on some actions , the creation is canceled , and the default tool is backuped ;
* NB nico : this is unclear to me atm , is it for button clicks only ?
* ( for example just moving a slider do not seem a good reason to cancel the tool . . . )
* so no - op for now
* ( TODO : exception for the minimap , if we want to be able to create by clicking on it ? )
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* The standard mouse cursor is displayed .
* - - - - - - - -
* LDOWN / RDOWN - > cancel the menu
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* . . . same as ' context menu mode '
* = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* The current tool icon is highlighted in the toolbar
* std tool includes :
* - Move
* - Rotate
* . . .
2010-06-24 13:00:31 +00:00
* 1 ) Mouse in 3 D view
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* a ) Mouse over empty space in scene
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* The standard mouse cursor is displayed
* - - - - - - - -
* nothing to do here , camera event are handled by the ' UserControls ' global object
* If the right button is up without being preceded by a camera move , then the context
* menu is shown
* b ) Mouse over an instance in scene that is not the selection
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* The mouse with a little circle is displayed
* - - - - - - - -
* RDOWN - > Test and see which one is best :
* - a new slection is done and the context menu is shown ?
* - nothing ? ( e . g no selection and the context menu is trigerred by
* the ' UserControls ' global object as usual ?
* RDOWN while maintained action : cancel the current action and restore
* state ( same behaviour as most apps )
* LDOWN - > selection + tool dependent ( instant action or maintained action )
* a maintained action ( such as moving an entity ) will usually
* capture the mouse .
* others - > tool dependent
* c ) Mouse over an instance in scene that the selection
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* The mouse shows the action that can be performed
* RDOWN - > same as previous
* others - > tool dependent
* RDOWN while maintained action : cancel the current action and restore
* state ( same behaviour as most apps )
* NB : a tool may want to capture the mouse , in this case it must call CTool : : captureMouse
* and CTool : : releaseMouse when it is done
* - Maybe it would be cool to make camera manipulation totally orthogonal to the system ,
* and transparently layered on top of it .
* This would requires using something like the middle button or some shift / control combination
* to avoid conflict with the previous events . . .
2010-06-24 13:00:31 +00:00
* 2 ) Mouse over UI
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* The mouse is dipslayed as usual
* Events are taken in account by the UI , not by the tool
* This is transparent for CTool derivers , because mouse events won ' t reach them
* Clicking in the interface doesn ' t change the current tool
* \ author Nicolas Vizerie
* \ author Nevrax France
* \ date 5 / 2005
class CEditor : public NLMISC : : CSingleton < CEditor >
public :
enum TMode { NotInitialized = 0 , EditionMode , GoingToDMMode , GoingToEditionMode , TestMode , DMMode ,
AnimationModeLoading , AnimationModeWaitingForLoading , AnimationModeDm , AnimationModePlay ,
AnimationModeGoingToDm , AnimationModeGoingToPlay , ModeCount } ;
enum TAccessMode { AccessEditor = 0 , AccessDM , AccessOutlandOwner , AccessModeCount , AccessModeUnknown = AccessModeCount } ;
// OBJECT //
CEditor ( ) ;
~ CEditor ( ) ;
// Init what's need to be initialized depending on the configuration
void autoConfigInit ( bool serverIsRingSession ) ;
// Release what's need to be released depending on the configuration
void autoConfigRelease ( bool serverIsRingSession ) ;
// initialisation of modules & gw
void initModules ( bool connectDMC ) ;
void releaseModules ( ) ;
// wait first scenario to be received (may be an empty one ...)
void waitScenario ( ) ;
TAccessMode getAccessMode ( ) const { return _AccessMode ; }
void setAccessMode ( TAccessMode mode ) ;
// Initialisation of the editor
void init ( TMode initialMode , TAccessMode accessMode ) ;
// reload xml, lua & translation & reset. scenario is preserved
void reset ( ) ;
// reload xml, lua & translation & reset. scenario is reseted
void resetScenario ( ) ;
// reload xml, lua & translation & reset. Last save scenario is reloaded
void reloadScenario ( ) ;
// load / reload the work language file
void loadLanguageFile ( ) ;
void release ( ) ;
// clear all content in the map, client side
void clearContent ( ) ;
bool isInitialized ( ) const { return _Initialized ; }
// (re)load the ui if its date changed
void reloadUI ( ) ;
// set current mode of the editor
void setMode ( TMode mode ) ;
TMode getMode ( ) const { return _Mode ; }
// test if user is DMing (be it masterless or not)
bool isDMing ( ) const ;
/** Events handling
* Handle an user input event
* \ return true if the event was handled by the editor
2012-05-10 21:31:39 +00:00
bool handleEvent ( const NLGUI : : CEventDescriptor & eventDesc ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Handle copy, reaches the editor if no edit box is currently active
void copy ( ) ;
// Handle paste, reaches the editor if no edit box is currently active
void paste ( ) ;
// An entity has been selected with the standard selection system (usually in test mode)
void inGameSelection ( const CLFECOMMON : : TCLEntityId & slot ) ;
void onContinentChanged ( ) ;
/** update of editor just before precamera call for entities
void updatePreCamera ( ) ;
/** update of editor (after update of entities just before render)
void updateBeforeRender ( ) ;
/** Update of editor (just after render of the scene and entities update and before rendering of the interface)
* This is the place to display additionnal visual infos ( slection bbox etc . . . )
void updateAfterRender ( ) ;
// called after main loop 'swap buffer'
void updateBeforeSwapBuffer ( ) ;
// CLIENT OBJECTS (yet named 'instances' ) //
// NB about this tmp mess
// 'CInstance' are client counterparts of 'CObjectTable'
// set current selected instance in the editor
void setSelectedInstance ( CInstance * inst ) ;
void forceSetSelectedInstance ( CInstance * inst ) ;
// get current selected instance in the editor
CInstance * getSelectedInstance ( ) const ;
// set current highlighted instance in the editor
void setFocusedInstance ( CInstance * inst ) ;
// get current higlighted entity in the editor (with mouseoverit)
CInstance * getFocusedInstance ( ) const ;
bool hasInstance ( const CInstance * instance ) const ;
// Check if there's an instance with the given id
bool hasInstanceWithId ( const TInstanceId & id ) const ;
// Get an instance from its id
CInstance * getInstanceFromId ( const TInstanceId & id ) const ;
/** Create Visual Properties for an instance
* Return false if can not retrieve VisualProperties
bool getVisualPropertiesFromObject ( CObject * instance , SPropVisualA & vA , SPropVisualB & vB , SPropVisualC & vC ) ;
/** Generate a new user readable name for an object in the scene
* If the name if already postfixed by a number , it will be stripped .
* Example : Npc 1 , Npc 2 , Group 1 , Bandit camp 1 etc .
* Localised base name is given ( for example " road " if using english )
* The function looks in all road instances and finds the first free number .
* \ param baseClass Filter base class for the search : only class that derived from ( or are of ) that class will
* be considered when looking for a new name
ucstring genInstanceName ( const ucstring & baseName ) ;
// test if an instance name is post fixed by a number
static bool isPostFixedByNumber ( const ucstring & baseName ) ;
/** test if a ucstring has the format of a generated name that is : baseName + " " + index
* Return index on success or - 1 on failure
static sint getGeneratedNameIndex ( const std : : string & nameUtf8 , const std : : string & baseNameUtf8 ) ;
/** Set a local user value (we name it a "cookie") that should be attached to an instance at creation time
* ( that is , when the object will be created on client - > when the server creation msg is received )
* The value will be stored in the ' User ' lua table .
* The ' User ' table is attached to each instances in the editor and is Read / Write
* ( other properties in client and server and are read only , and should be modified by sending a requestxxx network message )
* This table is local only ( that is , not seen by the server , nor by other clients editing the same map ) .
* Example of use :
* We want that when a road is created , a dialog pop to enter the name of the road .
* First we must be able to distinguish between roads created by ourselves and road created by
* other persons editing the map .
* Secondly we don ' t want that all roads to have this behaviour ( for example , a road in a more complex system
* would be named automatically )
* In lua script it would look like :
* At creation request time :
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* local road = r2 . newComponent ( " Road " )
* r2 . setCookie ( road . InstanceId , " AskName " , true )
* r2 . requestInsertNode ( . . . - > send newtork creation message for the road
* When creation message is received ( may be placed in the ' onCreate ' method of a displayer attached to that instance )
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* function roadDisplayer : onCreate ( road )
* if road . User . AskName = = true then
* - - road was created by this client
* - - dialog to enter the name was asked
* - - = > popup the dialog
* . . . .
* end
* end
* Other example : when an act is created by the user it becomes the current act
void setCookie ( const TInstanceId & instanceId , const std : : string & key , CLuaObject & value ) ;
// helpers to add cookie of predefined type (to be completed ..)
void setCookie ( const TInstanceId & instanceId , const std : : string & key , bool value ) ;
struct IInstanceObserver : public NLMISC : : CRefCount // refptr'ed observers
2010-11-04 18:27:35 +00:00
virtual ~ IInstanceObserver ( ) { }
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
typedef NLMISC : : CRefPtr < IInstanceObserver > TRefPtr ;
// called when the watched instance has been created
virtual void onInstanceCreated ( CInstance & /* instance */ ) { }
virtual void onInstanceErased ( CInstance & /* instance */ ) { }
virtual void onInstancePreHrcMove ( CInstance & /* instance */ ) { }
virtual void onInstancePostHrcMove ( CInstance & /* instance */ ) { }
virtual void onPreHrcMove ( CInstance & /* instance */ ) { }
virtual void onPostHrcMove ( CInstance & /* instance */ ) { }
virtual void onInstanceEraseRequest ( CInstance & /* instance */ ) { }
virtual void onAttrModified ( CInstance & /* instance */ , const std : : string & /* attrName */ , sint32 /* attrIndex */ ) { }
} ;
typedef sint TInstanceObserverHandle ;
enum { BadInstanceObserverHandle = - 1 } ;
/** add a watch to know when an instance is created (the instance is identified by its instance id)
* returns a handle for removal , or ' BadInstanceObserverHandle ' if creation failed
TInstanceObserverHandle addInstanceObserver ( const TInstanceId & instanceId , IInstanceObserver * observer ) ;
// Get a pointer to an observer from its handle (or NULL if not found)
IInstanceObserver * getInstanceObserver ( TInstanceObserverHandle handle ) ;
// Remove an instance observer from its handle (but do not delete it). Return the pointer to the observer
IInstanceObserver * removeInstanceObserver ( TInstanceObserverHandle handle ) ;
/** Test from a pointer if the object is currently observing an instance
* NB : slow because of linear search
bool isInstanceObserver ( IInstanceObserver * observer ) const ;
// get table for global variables in lua environment (equivallent to _G lua variable)
CLuaObject & getGlobals ( ) { return _Globals ; }
// get table for registry in lua environment
CLuaObject & getRegistry ( ) { return _Registry ; }
// get lua classes (the r2.Classes table)
CLuaObject getClasses ( ) throw ( ELuaError ) ;
// get R2 environment (the 'r2' table into lua global environment)
CLuaObject & getEnv ( ) ;
// get the config table (that is the 'r2.Config' table)
CLuaObject getConfig ( ) ;
// get a reference to the lua state object
CLuaState & getLua ( ) ;
/** Project a CObjectTable into lua (accessor is pushed onto the lua stack)
* property of the table , which is a C + + object , will be accessible from lua ( by using metatable )
void projectInLua ( const CObjectTable * table ) ;
// get the default feature for the current selected act
CInstance * getDefaultFeature ( ) ;
// get the default feature for the given act
CInstance * getDefaultFeature ( CInstance * act ) ;
// set the current act (NULL being synonimous with the base act)
void setCurrentAct ( CInstance * act ) ;
void setCurrentActFromTitle ( const std : : string & title ) ;
CInstance * getCurrentAct ( ) const { return _CurrentAct ; }
CInstance * getBaseAct ( ) const { return _BaseAct ; }
/** helper : calls a function in the lua r2ed environment
* Arguments must have already been pushed on the stack
* If the call fails then an error msg is printed in the log , and no arguments are returned
* \ param funcName name of the function to call ( must resides in the r2ed table )
* \ param numArgs , numbers of arguments that the functions will receive
* \ param numRet : Number of parameters that the function returns
* As usual the stack will be adjusted to that size after the call
bool callEnvFunc ( const char * funcName , int numArgs , int numRet = 0 ) ;
// Behave like 'callEnvFunc', but call a method instead (r2 is passed as the 'self' parameter, that is)
bool callEnvMethod ( const char * funcName , int numArgs , int numRet = 0 ) ;
// access to interface with server
CDynamicMapClient & getDMC ( ) const { nlassert ( _DMC ) ; return * _DMC ; }
/** Set a property of an object locally. No network msg is sent, but modification events are triggered to signal that
* the object has been modified ( rooted to one of the CDisplayerBase derived object , attached to the object being modified . see displayer_base . h ) .
* Changes to local value must be commited or cancelled when edition is finish by calling ' requestCommitLocalNode ' or
* ' requestRollbackLocalNode '
* Typical use is by the slider widget : real value is sent accross the network only when the user release the mouse , but
* local update of object property related to the slider is done each time the slider is modified before release .
* During the maintained action , no network message are desireable .
* NB : a copy of input parameter ' value ' will be done . Caller is responsible for deleting ' value ' after use .
void requestSetLocalNode ( const std : : string & instanceId , const std : : string & attrName , const CObject * value ) ;
void requestCommitLocalNode ( const std : : string & instanceId , const std : : string & attrName ) ;
void requestRollbackLocalNode ( const std : : string & instanceId , const std : : string & attrName ) ;
// DECALS //
void showHighlightDecal ( const NLMISC : : CVector & pos , float scale ) ;
void showSelectDecal ( const NLMISC : : CVector & pos , float scale ) ;
void addSelectingDecal ( const NLMISC : : CVector & pos , float scale ) ;
void showSelectBox ( const NLMISC : : CAABBox & localBox , const NLMISC : : CMatrix & worldMat ) ;
void showHighlightBox ( const NLMISC : : CAABBox & localBox , const NLMISC : : CMatrix & worldMat ) ;
CIslandCollision & getIslandCollision ( ) { return _IslandCollision ; }
// MISC //
// Shortcut to the GUI
static CInterfaceManager & getUI ( ) ;
/** Set current edition tool. NULL will reset to the default tool (selection tool)
void setCurrentTool ( CTool * tool ) ;
// Get current tool for edition
CTool * getCurrentTool ( ) const { return _CurrentTool ; }
/** Helper to execute a lua script
* \ param filename name of the lua script file
* \ param fileDescText short description of the script function ( for error messages )
* \ return true on success
bool doLuaScript ( const char * filename , const char * fileDescText ) ;
// helper : create an entity in scene at the given slot & position, replacing any previous entity in that slot
static CEntityCL * createEntity ( uint slot , const NLMISC : : CSheetId & sheetId , const NLMISC : : CVector & pos , float heading , const std : : string & permanentStatutIcon = std : : string ( " " ) ) ;
// helper : get an instance from a CEntityCL pointer
CInstance * getInstanceFromEntity ( CEntityCL * entity ) const ;
// helper : clear content of the debug window
void clearDebugWindow ( ) ;
// display the editor contextual menu
void displayContextMenu ( ) ;
// tmp, for debug
void dumpInstances ( ) ;
// helper : return the entity under the mouse
CInstance * getInstanceUnderPos ( float x , float y , float distSelection , bool & isPlayerUnderCursor ) ;
// helper : test intersection between an entity and a ray
static float preciseEntityIntersectionTest ( CEntityCL & entity , const NLMISC : : CVector & worldRayStart , const NLMISC : : CVector & worldRayDir ) ;
// Tmp show the connexion window and display a msg in it. An empty msg will close the window
static void connexionMsg ( const std : : string & stringId ) ;
TEntityCustomSelectBoxMap & getEntityCustomSelectBoxMap ( ) { return _EntityCustomSelectBoxMap ; }
// from a pointer on an entity, retrieve its local selection bbox (possibly redefined in r2_ui_custom_boxes_data.lua
const NLMISC : : CAABBox & getLocalSelectBox ( CEntityCL & entity ) const ;
// from a pointer on an entity, retrieve its local selection bbox (possibly redefined in r2_ui_custom_boxes_data.lua
NLMISC : : CAABBox getSelectBox ( CEntityCL & entity ) const ;
// check if there's room left to create new objects in the scene
sint getLeftQuota ( ) ;
bool checkRoomLeft ( ) ;
// display an error msg to prompt the user to make room for new objects in its scenario
void makeRoomMsg ( ) ;
// check if there is room in specific category if not display an error msg
// verify ther is at least size object in category StaticObject or AiObject
bool verifyRoomLeft ( uint aiCost , uint staticCost ) ;
// rename delete auto_save9, rename auto_save1.r2 to auto_save2.r2 and so until auto_save8.r2, copy auto_save.r2 to auto_save1.r2,
void autoSave ( ) ;
/** Season driven from editor
* This value is usually ' Unknwown ' unless the mode is " edit'.
* In this case , the value depends on the act being edited
enum TSeason { Automatic = 0 , Spring , Summer , Autumn , Winter , UnknownSeason } ;
TSeason getSeason ( ) const ;
void tpReceived ( ) ;
bool getFixedLighting ( ) const { return _FixedLighting ; }
void setFixedLighting ( bool enabled ) ;
/** Get current infos of a plot item plot display in the editor
* Plot items are items with SCROLL_R2 as family . Each sheet can be used only once in
* a scenario ( meaning that each icon can only be seen for a single plot item ) .
* The name of a plot item can also be change by using the lua command r2 : setPlotItemName ( sheetId , ucName )
void setPlotItemInfos ( const TMissionItem & infos ) ;
const TMissionItem * getPlotItemInfos ( uint32 sheetId ) const ;
// convert name of a class in R2 to a unique index (-1 if not found)
sint classToIndex ( const std : : string & className ) const ;
// this if one class id 'indexOf' another from their index
bool isKindOf ( sint testedClassIndex , sint kindClassIndex ) const ;
// from one class index, returns the index to the derived class (-1 if not found)
sint getBaseClass ( sint derivedClass ) const ;
// > 254 entities management //
CEntitySorter * getEntitySorter ( ) const ;
private :
CEntitySorter * _EntitySorter ;
// mapping from sheet id to plot item name
std : : map < uint32 , TMissionItem > _PlotItemInfos ;
CIslandCollision _IslandCollision ;
bool _SerializeUIConfig ;
TMode _Mode ;
TAccessMode _AccessMode ;
typedef std : : map < const CObjectTable * , CInstance : : TSmartPtr > TInstanceMap ;
private :
CLuaObject _Globals ; // match to the '_G' lua global variable
CLuaObject _Registry ;
CLuaObject _Env ;
CLuaObject _Config ;
CLuaObject _ObjectProjectionMetatable ;
CLuaObject _LuaUIMainLoop ;
TInstanceMap _Instances ;
CInstance * _SelectedInstance ;
CInstance * _FocusedInstance ;
CHashMap < std : : string , uint > _ClassNameToIndex ; // Map each class name to an unique index (filled at init)
NLMISC : : CArray2D < uint8 > _KindOfTable ; // Table to test if one class derives from another (filled at init)
std : : vector < sint > _BaseClassIndices ; // for each class, give index of thebase class (vector ordered by classes indices)
typedef CHashMultiMap < ucstring , CInstance * , NLMISC : : CUCStringHashMapTraits > TInstanceByName ;
bool _MaxVisibleEntityExceededFlag ;
// instance sorted by name
class CSortedInstances
public :
void insert ( const ucstring & name , CInstance * inst ) ;
void remove ( CInstance * inst ) ;
bool contains ( CInstance * inst ) const ;
TInstanceByName : : iterator begin ( ) { return _ByName . begin ( ) ; }
TInstanceByName : : iterator end ( ) { return _ByName . end ( ) ; }
private :
typedef std : : map < CInstance * , TInstanceByName : : iterator > TInstanceToIter ;
TInstanceByName _ByName ;
TInstanceToIter _InstanceToIter ;
} ;
// typedef TInstanceByDispName; // for usage by CInstance
// list of instances for each classes (ordered by class index)
std : : vector < CSortedInstances > _InstancesByDispName ; // instances sorted by their display name (private use)
//priv for debug
bool isRegisteredByDispName ( CInstance * inst ) const ;
// Cookies (local objects attached to instances at creation time, see setCookie)
struct CCookie
std : : string Key ;
CLuaObject Value ;
} ;
typedef std : : list < CCookie > TCookieList ; // for a single instance, map each key to its value
typedef std : : map < TInstanceId , TCookieList > TCookieMap ;
TCookieMap _Cookies ;
CInstance : : TRefPtr _CurrentAct ;
CInstance : : TRefPtr _BaseAct ;
CInstance : : TRefPtr _ScenarioInstance ;
CObjectTable * _Scenario ;
std : : string _WantedActOnInit ;
friend class CDynamicMapClientEventForwarder ;
friend class CAHR2QuitConnectingScreen ;
CDynamicMapClient * _DMC ; // replication of server map state on that client
CDynamicMapService * _DMS ; // the server (hosted in local for now)
CInstance : : TRefPtr _LastInstanceUnderPos ;
CTool : : TSmartPtr _CurrentTool ;
static bool _ReloadWanted ;
CDecal _HighlightDecal ;
CDecalAnim _HighlightDecalAnim ;
CDecal _SelectDecal ;
CDecalAnim _SelectDecalAnim ;
CDecalAnim _SelectingDecalAnim ;
CDecal _PionneerDecal ;
// alternative selection for huge element like particle systems, display a box on ground rather than
// the selection circle
CPrimRender _SelectBox ;
CPrimRender _HighlightBox ;
NLMISC : : TTime _LastAutoSaveTime ;
CDecalAnim _PionneerDecalAnim ;
struct CSelectingDecal : public NLMISC : : CRefCount
CDecal Decal ;
sint64 EndDate ;
NLMISC : : CVector Pos ;
float Scale ;
} ;
std : : vector < NLMISC : : CSmartPtr < CSelectingDecal > > _SelectingDecals ;
sint64 _DecalRefTime ; // reference time for "decals" animation
bool _EnteredInSetSelectedInstance ; // prevent recursive call from CEditor::setSelectedInstance
bool _Initialized ;
bool _ForceDesktopReset [ 4 ] ;
// cache to avoid to reparse the ui : last modification date of ui files
std : : map < std : : string , uint32 > _LastUIModificationDate ;
TEntityCustomSelectBoxMap _EntityCustomSelectBoxMap ;
/** system for local generation of name : for each kind of name, gives the locally allocated ids
* - > Used to generate name for instances , taking in account instance that have not been added to the scene yet .
* ( that is , requestSetNode message has been sent , but server has not added object to the scenario yet )
typedef std : : set < uint > TNameSet ;
typedef std : : map < std : : string , TNameSet > TGeneratedNameMap ;
TGeneratedNameMap _LocalGeneratedNames ;
// instance observers
typedef std : : multimap < TInstanceId , IInstanceObserver : : TRefPtr > TInstanceObserverMap ;
TInstanceObserverMap _InstanceObservers ;
typedef std : : map < TInstanceObserverHandle , TInstanceObserverMap : : iterator > TInstanceObserverHandleMap ;
TInstanceObserverHandleMap _InstanceObserverHandles ; // map each observer handle into an entry in the map
TInstanceObserverHandle _InstanceObserverHandleCounter ; // current handle to generate when adding a new observer
TSeason _Season ;
bool _FixedLighting ;
bool _IsWaitingTPForSeasonChange ;
bool _UpdatingScenario ;
bool _WillTP ; // true if a teleport should be expected after the scenario has been updated
// in this case, first season change is ignored, because it is done during the teleport
bool _ScenarioReceivedFlag ; // for the wait screen ...
bool _TPReceivedFlag ; // for the wait screen ...
bool _WaitScenarioScreenWanted ; // lua requests that we display the 'wait scenario' screen
bool _WaitScenarioScreenActive ; // the 'wait scenario' screen is being displayed
bool _EditionModeDisconnectedFlag ;
CObject * _NewScenario ; // new scenario that will be updated just after the wait screen is over
2010-11-12 13:26:38 +00:00
uint32 _NewScenarioInitialAct ; // the start at which the user start an edition session (can be ~= from 1 after a test session)
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
bool _PostponeScenarioUpdated ;
// Contextual selection
// We keep track of the last selected 'logic entity' (npc most of the time),
// and the last list of primitive through which its current activity sequence goes
// This way we can handle the following scenario :
// - create a npc
// - make him wander in zone A then zone B
// - select contextual visibility for primitive
// - click on npc : both zone shows
// - click on zone A : zone B dissapear -> strange
// By keeping the last list of contextual primitive, we ensure that contextual selection
// remains visible when one click on one element in the currently displayed sequence
CInstance : : TRefPtr _LastContextualLogicEntity ;
std : : vector < CInstance : : TRefPtr > _LastContextualPrims ;
private :
void nodeErased ( const std : : string & instanceId , const std : : string & attrName , sint32 position ) ;
void nodeInserted ( const std : : string & instanceId , const std : : string & attrName , sint32 position ,
const std : : string & key , CObject * value ) ;
virtual void nodeSet ( const std : : string & instanceId , const std : : string & attrName , CObject * value ) ;
void nodeMoved ( const std : : string & instanceId , const std : : string & attrName , sint32 position ,
const std : : string & destInstanceId , const std : : string & destAttrName , sint32 destPosition ) ;
void scenarioUpdated ( CObject * highLevel , bool willTP , uint32 startingActIndex ) ;
// send the needed events to tell that the attr at 'attrName' inside 'parentInstance' (possibly at position (indexInArray') has been modified
void onAttrModified ( CInstance & parentInstance , const std : : string & attrName , sint32 indexInArray = - 1 ) ;
// send the needed events to tell that an object has been modified (& propagate to parents)
void onAttrModified ( const CObject * value ) ;
void onResetEditionMode ( ) ;
void onEditionModeConnected ( uint32 userSlotId , uint32 adventureId , CObject * highLevel , const std : : string & versionName , bool willTP , uint32 initialActIndex ) ;
void onAnimationModeConnected ( const CClientMessageAdventureUserConnection & connected ) ;
void onEditionModeDisconnected ( ) ;
void onTestModeConnected ( ) ;
// deconnect from test or play
void onTestModeDisconnected ( TSessionId sessionId , uint32 lasAct , TScenarioSessionType sessionType ) ;
// EDITOR OBJECTS (instances) / CObjectTable mapping //
public :
// Get a CObjectTable from its id
const CObjectTable * getObjectTableFromId ( const TInstanceId & id ) const ;
private :
// Erase the current Scenario (and block outgoing message)
void eraseScenario ( ) ;
void onErase ( CObject * object ) ;
void onErase ( CObject * object , bool & foundInBase , std : : string & nameInParent ) ;
/** Create a new CInstance for the given CObject
* - Displayer are attached
* - Object is inserted in the object map
* - ' onCreate ' msg is sent
* ' obj ' must be a table or it fails
void createNewInstanceForObjectTable ( const CObject * obj ) ;
void createNewInstanceForObjectTableInternal ( const CObject * obj ) ;
void onPostCreate ( const CObject * obj ) ;
void waitScenarioScreen ( ) ;
public :
/** private : retrieve lua 'User' table attached to an object (a read / write table)
* The table is pushed on stack
static void getLuaUserTableFromObject ( CLuaState & ls , const CObjectTable & table ) ;
private :
static int luaGetVisualPropertiesFromInstanceId ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaGetSelectedInstanceId ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaGetSelectedInstance ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaSetSelectedInstanceId ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaSetCurrentTool ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaGetCurrentTool ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaGetInstanceFromId ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaDisplayContextMenu ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaConnectAsCreator ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaDofile ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // equivalent of the 'dofile' lua function, but with more info output
static int luaTryFile ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // same as try file, but do not throw an exception on error, just return an error message and return false
static int luaSetEntityCustomSelectBox ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaGetEntityCustomSelectBox ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaChoosePos ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaSnapPosToGround ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // takes x, y, z as parameters and return the snapped position
static int luaGetUserEntityPosition ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaGetUserEntityFront ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaRequestSetLocalNode ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaRequestCommitLocalNode ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaRequestRollbackLocalNode ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaSetCurrentActFromId ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaGetCurrentAct ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaAddInstanceObserver ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // param 1 = instance id of the instance to observe
// param 2 = table of an object that will receive notifications. The table should contain methods
// with the same names than those found in 'IInstanceObserver' (plus parameters are the same)
// the method returns a handle for future deletion
static int luaRemoveInstanceObserver ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // remove an observer that was previously added by a 'addInstanceObserver'
// param 1 = the handle returned by 'addInstanceObserver' at the registration time
// returns a reference to the observer that was registered
static int luaGenInstanceName ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // calls CEditor::genInstanceName, same parameters
// NB : return has type 'ucstring', so may need to call :toUtf8() in the lua script
static int luaIsPostFixedByNumber ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaIsClearingContent ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaSetCookie ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // same than CEditor::setCookie
static int luaIsCreature ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaSetEditorSeason ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // set the weather to display when editing
static int luaSetFixedLighting ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaGetFixedLighting ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaSetPlotItemInfos ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaIsCurrentSelectionPlayer ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaFindEmptyPlace ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaIsInIslandRect ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // test if pos is in the current island (not necessarily a valid pos, but inside the island rect)
// takes x, y as entry, returns true on success
static int luaGetCurrentIslandName ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaWaitScenarioScreen ( CLuaState & ls ) ; // display the wait screen after the scenario creation has been launched
static int luaIsScenarioUpdating ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
// undo / redo possible ?
static int luaCanUndo ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaCanRedo ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
// return the name of the editer
static sint luaGetUserEntityName ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaGetStartingAnimationFilename ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaKickCharacter ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaUnkickCharacter ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaTeleportToCharacter ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
static int luaEnumInstances ( CLuaState & ls ) ;
void connect ( ) ;
// remove all object from the entity manager (but the player)
static void removeAllEntitySlots ( ) ;
public :
static uint getMaxNumPlotItems ( ) ;
2012-04-16 04:08:12 +00:00
static NLMISC : : CCDBNodeLeaf * getPlotItemSheetDBLeaf ( uint index ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
static bool getIsStartingScenario ( ) { return _IsStartingScenario ; }
bool isClearingContent ( ) const { return _ClearingContent ; }
private :
void initPlotItems ( ) ;
void initReferencePlotItems ( ) ;
static void initDummyPlotItems ( ) ;
void resetPlotItems ( ) ;
static void setReferencePlotItemSheet ( uint index , uint32 sheetId ) ;
2012-04-16 04:08:12 +00:00
static NLMISC : : CCDBNodeLeaf * getRefPlotItemSheetDBLeaf ( uint index ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// MISC //
void setMaxVisibleEntityExceededFlag ( bool on ) ;
void backupRequestCommands ( ) ;
void restoreRequestCommands ( ) ;
void setForceDesktopReset ( bool force ) ;
void setUIMode ( uint8 mode ) ;
bool loadUIConfig ( const std : : string & prefix ) ;
void loadStandardUI ( ) ;
void saveUIConfig ( ) ;
void hideRingWindows ( ) ;
std : : string getUIPrefix ( TMode mode ) const ;
void loadKeySet ( const std : : string & keySet ) ;
static std : : string getKeySetPrefix ( TMode mode ) ;
void saveCurrentKeySet ( ) ;
void reloadUI ( const char * filename ) ;
void initHighlightDecal ( ) ;
void updateDecalBlendRegion ( CDecal & decal , const NLMISC : : CVector & pos ) ;
void initPalette ( ) ;
void initObjectProjectionMetatable ( ) ;
void registerDisplayers ( ) ;
void registerTools ( ) ;
void registerLuaFunc ( ) ;
// add a C++ method in the environement
void registerEnvMethod ( const char * name , TLuaWrappedFunction func ) ;
void registerEnvFunction ( const char * name , TLuaWrappedFunction func ) ;
// Initialisation of contextual cursor.
void initDecals ( ) ;
void showDecal ( const NLMISC : : CVector2f & pos , float scale , CDecal & decal , const CDecalAnim & decalAnim ) ;
void updatePrimitiveContextualVisibility ( ) ;
void initClassInheritanceTable ( ) ;
// contextual mouse handling
static void checkCursor ( ) ;
// Forward click from contextual cursor to current tool
static void mouseClick ( bool rightButton , bool dblClick ) ;
// callback to reload the editor when one of the config files changed
static void reloadEditorCallback ( const std : : string & filename ) ;
// update the display of decals created when the player select an instance in the scene
void updateSelectingDecals ( ) ;
// display of highlight or select box (for selection of huge objects)
// the CDecalAnim is used to mimic the color cycle seen when standard selection circle is displayed
// (no CPrimRenderAnim for now)
void showPrimRender ( CPrimRender & dest , const NLMISC : : CAABBox & localBox , const NLMISC : : CMatrix & worldMat , const CDecalAnim & refDecalAnim ) ;
CLuaObject _OldLuaRequestInsertNode ;
CLuaObject _OldLuaRequestInsertGhostNode ;
CLuaObject _OldLuaRequestSetNode ;
CLuaObject _OldLuaRequestEraseNode ;
CLuaObject _OldLuaRequestMoveNode ;
bool _ClearingContent ;
std : : string _ConnexionMsg ;
static std : : string _ScenarioToLoadWhenEntreringIntoAnimation ;
static bool _IsStartingScenario ; // the scenario is an animation scenario launch from the ring access point
//bool _ModeEnabled[ModeCount];
public :
// private method
CInstance * getInstanceFromObject ( const CObject * obj ) const ; // nb : only table have associated instance
void connectAsCreator ( ) ;
// notify obervers of an instance that it has been created
void notifyInstanceObserversOfCreation ( CInstance & inst ) ;
// TMP for debug : dump missing collisions in the log
void checkMissingCollisions ( ) ;
// trigger an instance observers for the given instance id. A copy of the observer list is made, thus
// allowing for safe removal of observer when they are triggered
struct IObserverAction
2010-11-04 18:27:35 +00:00
virtual ~ IObserverAction ( ) { }
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
virtual void doAction ( IInstanceObserver & obs ) = 0 ;
} ;
void triggerInstanceObserver ( const TInstanceId & id , IObserverAction & action ) ;
static void setStartingAnimationFilename ( const std : : string & filename ) ;
// for CInstance usage : allows to keep a list of instances sorted by their display name
void registerInstanceDispName ( const ucstring & displayName , CInstance * inst ) ;
void unregisterInstanceDispName ( CInstance * inst ) ;
} ;
// shortcut function to get the editor
inline CEditor & getEditor ( ) { return CEditor : : getInstance ( ) ; }
// test whether editor is currently enabled and is in EDITION mode. (In this mode, selection is managed by the editor rather than by the entity manager)
bool isEditionCurrent ( ) ;
/** helper to create a class from the registry
* \ TODO a true factory class !
* \ TODO or put this in a better place ( NLMISC ? )
template < class T >
T * createObjectFromClassName ( const std : : string & className )
if ( className . empty ( ) ) return NULL ;
2010-09-25 20:43:11 +00:00
NLMISC : : IClassable * obj = NLMISC : : CClassRegistry : : create ( className ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( ! obj )
nlwarning ( " Couldn't create object of class %s " , className . c_str ( ) ) ;
return NULL ;
T * inst = dynamic_cast < T * > ( obj ) ;
if ( ! inst )
nlwarning ( " <R2::createObjectFromClassName> class %s found in the registry, but does not match the expected class. " ,
obj - > getClassName ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
delete obj ;
return NULL ;
return inst ;
catch ( const NLMISC : : ERegistry & )
return NULL ;
extern bool ResetWanted ;
extern bool ResetScenarioWanted ;
extern bool ReloadScenarioWanted ;
extern bool ConnectionWanted ;
// helper : get a NLMISC::CVector from a DMC::CObject
NLMISC : : CVector getVector ( const CObject * obj ) ;
NLMISC : : CVectorD getVectorD ( const CObject * obj ) ;
//helper : build a CObject from a NLMISC::CVectorD
CObject * buildVector ( const NLMISC : : CVectorD & v , const std : : string & instanceId = " " ) ;
// DMC helpers:
std : : string getString ( const CObject * obj , const std : : string & attrName ) ;
double getNumber ( const CObject * obj , const std : : string & attrName ) ;
const CObject * getObject ( const CObject * obj , const std : : string & attrName ) ;
/** Helper : read an enum from a lua string, printing necessary error if no match is found.
* nil found - > no op
template < class T >
void enumFromLua ( const CLuaObject & value ,
std : : pair < std : : string , T > * enumTable ,
uint numEnum ,
T & dest ,
const std : : string & errorMsgPrefix
if ( value . isNil ( ) )
return ;
if ( ! value . isString ( ) )
nlwarning ( " %s : String expected when reading '%s' " , errorMsgPrefix . c_str ( ) , value . getId ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < numEnum ; + + k )
if ( value . toString ( ) = = enumTable [ k ] . first )
dest = enumTable [ k ] . second ;
return ;
nlwarning ( " %s : Unknown enum %s read from object %s " , errorMsgPrefix . c_str ( ) ,
value . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ,
value . getId ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
} // R2
bool IsInRingMode ( ) ;
# endif