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2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Local includes
#include "simulation_service.h"
#include "game_share/ring_session_manager_itf.h"
#include "simulated_ring_session_manager.h"
#include "simulation_random.h" // for exponential()
#include "client_cfg.h"
#include "r2_share/object.h"
// Nel Misc and Net
#include "nel/misc/command.h"
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
#include "nel/net/module_manager.h"
// Debug
#include "game_share/handy_commands.h" // misc commands for pdr bin->xml, e.g.
#include "nel/misc/sheet_id.h" // must call CSheetId::init() for above command
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NLNET;
using namespace std;
using namespace RSMGR;
const TTime UpdatePeriod = 100;
CSimulationService *CSimulationService::s_pSimService = NULL;
void cbServiceUp( const string &serviceName, uint16 serviceId, void * );
void cbServiceDown( const string &serviceName, uint16 serviceId, void * );
void onProcessModuleMessage(NLNET::IModuleProxy *senderModuleProxy, NLNET::CMessage &message);
* CallbackArray
NLNET::TUnifiedCallbackItem CallbackArray[] =
{ "nop", NULL },
* CVariables
CVariable<uint> SimTime( "SS", "SimTime", "Simulation time in seconds since Start", 0 );
CVariable<int> SleepTime( "SS", "SleepTime", "Sleep time in seconds last update", 0 );
CVariable<bool> RequestQuit( "SS", "RequestQuit", "Set to true to start quitting", false );
CVariable<uint> UserId( "SS", "UserId", "First UserId to use", 100, 0, true );
CVariable<uint> NumActs( "SS", "NumActs", "Number of acts in current scenario", 0 );
CVariable<uint> NumEditorsConnected( "SS", "NumEditorsConnected", "Number of simulated editors connected", 0 );
CVariable<uint> NumClientsConnected( "SS", "NumClientsConnected", "Number of simulated clients connected", 0 );
CVariable<uint> NumSessionsCreated( "SS", "NumSessionsCreated", "Number of editor sessions created", 0 );
CVariable<string> Scenario( "SS", "Scenario", "Scenario filename to use", "test", 0, true );
CVariable<uint> CurrentEditor( "SS", "CurrentEditor", "Index of currently selected editor", 0 );
CVariable<uint> CurrentAct( "SS", "CurrentAct", "Index of act that current editor is running", 0 );
CVariable<uint> SES( "SS", "SES", "SimEditorStatus", 0 );
CVariable<string> EditorState( "SS", "EditorState", "Current editor state", "" );
CVariable<string> Status( "SS", "Status", "Current status of simulation sequencing", "Uninitialized" );
// cfg file options
CVariable<uint> NumClientsWanted( "SS", "NumClientsWanted", "Number of simulated clients to create", 0, 0, true );
CVariable<uint> NumEditorsWanted( "SS", "NumEditorsWanted", "Number of simulated editors to create", 0, 0, true );
CVariable<bool> SleepWhileWaiting( "SS", "SleepWhileWaiting", "Sleep client while waiting to join or connect", false, 0, true );
CVariable<bool> WaitTilAllJoin( "SS", "WaitTilAllJoin", "Wait for all editors to join before continuing", false, 0, true );
CVariable<bool> WaitTilAllLogin( "SS", "WaitTilAllLogin", "Wait for all editors to login before continuing", false, 0, true );
CVariable<bool> WaitTilAllConnect( "SS", "WaitTilAllConnect", "Wait for all editors to connect before continuing", false, 0, true );
CVariable<bool> AutoSimulate( "SS", "AutoSimulate", "Set to true to start state machine and scheduler automatically", false, 0, true );
CVariable<bool> AutoStart( "SS", "AutoStart", "Set to true to start sim automatically", false, 0, true );
CVariable<bool> AutoLogin( "SS", "AutoLogin", "Set to true to login to FES automatically", false, 0, true );
CVariable<bool> AutoConnect( "SS", "AutoConnect", "Set to true to connect to DSS automatically", false, 0, true );
CVariable<bool> AutoUpload( "SS", "AutoUpload", "Set to true to upload scenario rtdata automatically", false, 0, true );
CVariable<bool> AutoRun( "SS", "AutoRun", "Set to true to start test run of scenario as animator automatically", false, 0, true );
CVariable<bool> AutoNext( "SS", "AutoNext", "Set to true to change to next act of scenario automatically", false, 0, true );
CVariable<bool> AutoEnd( "SS", "AutoEnd", "Set to true to end scenario and return to editor mode automatically", false, 0, true );
CVariable<bool> UseScheduler( "SS", "UseScheduler", "Set to true to use scheduler", false, 0, true );
CVariable<float> MeanTimeBetweenLogins( "SS", "MeanTimeBetweenLogins", "Mean time between logins to FES for editors (in sec)", 2.0, 0, true );
CVariable<float> MeanTimeBetweenConnections( "SS", "MeanTimeBetweenConnections", "Mean time between connections to DSS for editors (in sec)", 2.0, 0, true );
CVariable<float> MeanTimeBetweenUploads( "SS", "MeanTimeBetweenUploads", "Mean time between uploads for editors (in sec)", 2.0, 0, true );
CSimulationService::CSimulationService() :
_NumClients( 0 ),
_NumEditors( 0 ),
_bConnected( false ),
_bSimComplete( false ),
_bDSSup( false ),
_bAISup( false ),
_ScenarioStub( NULL ),
_ScenarioRtData( NULL ),
_sss( sssUninitialized ),
_minSes( sesUninitialized ),
_StartTime( 0 )
nlassert( !s_pSimService );
s_pSimService = this;
Status = "Uninitialized";
EditorState = SimEditorStateNames[sssUninitialized];
// initialize transition times and mean arrival times for scheduler
TLocalTime currentTime = GetCurrentTime();
for( SimEditorState ses = sesUninitialized; ses < sesLASTSTATE; ses = (SimEditorState)(ses+1) )
_LastTransitionTimeToState[ses] = currentTime;
_MeanArrivalTimeAtState[ses] = 0;
// release();
// Service Init :
void CSimulationService::init()
// DEBUG: must call this before running console helper handy command pdrBin2Xml
// load config file
ClientCfg.init( "r2_shard/cfg/simulation_service.cfg" );
_MeanArrivalTimeAtState[sesLoggingIn] = (uint)MeanTimeBetweenLogins * 1000;
_MeanArrivalTimeAtState[sesConnecting] = (uint)MeanTimeBetweenConnections * 1000;
_MeanArrivalTimeAtState[sesLoadingScenario] = (uint)MeanTimeBetweenUploads * 1000;
// uint32 updateTimeout = NLNET::IService::getInstance()->ConfigFile.getVar("UpdateTimeout").asInt();
// setUpdateTimeout(updateTimeout);
// initialize callbacks for impulse messages
// create the sim clients and sim editors
if( NumEditorsWanted )
_Editors.resize( NumEditorsWanted );
for( uint i = 0; i < NumEditorsWanted; ++i )
_Editors[i] = new CSimulatedEditor(i);
_NumEditors = NumEditorsWanted;
nlinfo( "%d sim editors created", _NumEditors );
if( NumClientsWanted )
_Clients.resize( NumClientsWanted );
for( uint i = 0; i < NumClientsWanted; ++i )
_Clients[i] = new CSimulatedClient(i);
_NumClients = NumClientsWanted;
nlinfo( "%d sim clients created", _NumClients );
// initialize callbacks for service up / down
CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->setServiceUpCallback("*", cbServiceUp, NULL);
CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->setServiceDownCallback( "*", cbServiceDown, NULL);
// CMirrors::init(cbTick, NULL, cbTickRelease);
_sss = sssInitialized;
Status = "Initialized";
EditorState = SimEditorStateNames[sssInitialized];
// if( AutoStart )
// start();
// connect sim clients to server
void CSimulationService::connectSimClients()
if( !_NumClients )
for( uint i = 0; i < _NumClients; ++i )
// create remote gateway and module on FES
NumClientsConnected = NumClientsConnected + 1;
nlinfo( "%d sim clients connected", NumClientsConnected );
// this must be done before SEM receives onModuleUp from CEM
void CSimulationService::createEditorSessions()
if( !_NumEditors )
if( NumSessionsCreated )
nlwarning( "SS: Editor Sessions already created!" );
// get our Sim Ring Session manager
IModuleManager &mm = IModuleManager::getInstance();
IModule *myRSModule = mm.getLocalModule( "SimRingSessionManager" );
CRingSessionManager *myRSM = safe_cast<RSMGR::CRingSessionManager *>(myRSModule);
nlassert( myRSM );
Status = "Creating sessions";
for( uint i = 0; i < _NumEditors; ++i )
// have SimRSM create a session for each editor
// this must be done before the SEM receives onModuleUp from the CEM,
uint userId = UserId + _Editors[i]->id();
uint sessionId = userId;
myRSM->on_startSession( NULL, userId, sessionId );
NumSessionsCreated = NumSessionsCreated + 1;
nlinfo( "%s sessions created", NumSessionsCreated.toString(true).c_str() );
Status = "Sessions created";
void CSimulationService::connectSimEditors()
if( !_NumEditors )
Status = "Connecting editors";
for( uint i = 0; i < _NumEditors; ++i )
uint userId = UserId + _Editors[i]->id();
// _Editors[i]->start();
NumEditorsConnected = NumEditorsConnected + 1;
nlinfo( "%s sim editors connected", NumEditorsConnected.toString(true).c_str() );
Status = "Editors connected";
////////////////// state machines ////////////////////
void CSimulationService::onTick()
if( _sss < sssInitialized )
if( AutoSimulate )
// advance simulation state machine
bool CSimulationService::simulate()
uint editorId = 0;
SimEditorState newMinSes = sesLASTSTATE;
switch( _sss )
case sssUninitialized:
nlassert( false );
case sssInitialized:
_sss = sssAwaitingDSS;
Status = "Awaiting DSS";
case sssAwaitingDSS:
if( _bDSSup )
_sss = sssStartingSimulation;
Status = "Starting Simulation";
case sssStartingSimulation:
case sssRunning:
while ( editorId < _NumEditors )
SimEditorState ses = simulateEditor( editorId );
if( newMinSes > ses )
newMinSes = ses;
// do a max of one login per tick
if( ses == sesAwaitingLogin )
// do a max of one connect per tick
if( ses == sesAwaitingConnection )
_minSes = newMinSes;
if( UseScheduler )
if( _minSes >= sesScenarioUploaded )
_sss = sssRunning;
Status = "Running Simulation";
case sssQuitting:
// AJM TODO: quitting state
nlassert( false );
nlinfo( "state %d nop", _sss );
// update status variables
nlassert( CurrentEditor < _NumEditors );
CSimulatedEditor *ed = _Editors[CurrentEditor];
nlassert( ed );
SES = ed->getState();
EditorState = SimEditorStateNames[SES];
return true;
void CSimulationService::transition( CSimulatedEditor *ed, SimEditorState toState )
NLMISC::TLocalTime currentTime = GetCurrentTime();
if( _LastTransitionTimeToState[toState] < currentTime )
_LastTransitionTimeToState[toState] = currentTime;
ed->setState( toState );
// advance editor state machine
SimEditorState CSimulationService::simulateEditor( uint editorId )
// nldebug("simulateEditor");
nlassert( editorId < _NumEditors );
CSimulatedEditor *ed = _Editors[editorId];
nlassert( ed );
SimEditorState ses = ed->getState();
switch( ses )
case sesUninitialized:
case sesInitialized:
if( AutoStart )
if( !_bStarted )
SimTime = 0;
_bStarted = true;
transition( ed, sesStartingSession );
Status = "Ready to start";
case sesStartingSession:
if( startSession0( editorId ) )
transition( ed, sesAwaitingSessionStart );
case sesAwaitingSessionStart:
if( receivedSessionCreated.find( UserId + editorId ) != receivedSessionCreated.end() )
receivedSessionCreated.erase( UserId + editorId );
transition( ed, sesSessionStarted );
case sesSessionStarted:
if( joinSession0( editorId ) )
transition( ed, sesSessionJoined );
case sesSessionJoined:
if( WaitTilAllJoin && (_minSes < sesSessionJoined) )
if( !AutoLogin )
Status = "Ready to login";
if( !UseScheduler )
transition( ed, sesLoggingIn );
transition( ed, sesScheduledForLogin );
scheduleEvent( editorId, sesLoggingIn );
case sesScheduledForLogin:
case sesLoggingIn:
transition( ed, sesAwaitingLogin );
case sesAwaitingLogin:
if( ed->isLoggedIn() )
nlinfo( "SimEditor %d is logged in to FES", editorId );
transition( ed, sesLoggedIn );
else if( SleepWhileWaiting )
nlinfo( "SimEditor %d is sleeping to await login to FES", editorId );
case sesLoggedIn:
if( WaitTilAllLogin && (_minSes < sesLoggedIn) )
if( !AutoConnect )
Status = "Ready to connect";
if( !UseScheduler )
transition( ed, sesConnecting );
transition( ed, sesScheduledForConnection );
scheduleEvent( editorId, sesConnecting );
case sesScheduledForConnection:
case sesConnecting:
transition( ed, sesAwaitingConnection );
case sesAwaitingConnection:
if( ed->isConnected() )
nlinfo( "SimEditor %d is connected to DSS", editorId );
NumEditorsConnected = NumEditorsConnected + 1;
transition( ed, sesConnected );
else if( SleepWhileWaiting )
nlinfo( "SimEditor %d is sleeping to await connection to DSS", editorId );
case sesConnected:
if( WaitTilAllConnect && (_minSes < sesConnected) )
if( !AutoUpload )
Status = "Ready to upload";
if( !UseScheduler )
transition( ed, sesLoadingScenario );
transition( ed, sesScheduledForUpload );
scheduleEvent( editorId, sesLoadingScenario );
case sesLoadingScenario:
if( loadScenario0( editorId ) )
transition( ed, sesUploadingScenario );
nlwarning( "Failed to load scenario!" );
delete _ScenarioStub;
_ScenarioStub = NULL;
delete _ScenarioRtData;
_ScenarioRtData = NULL;
AutoUpload.set( false );
transition( ed, sesConnected );
case sesScheduledForUpload:
case sesUploadingScenario:
// AJM TODO: verify scenario actually uploaded
if( uploadScenario0( editorId ) )
transition( ed, sesScenarioUploaded );
case sesScenarioUploaded:
transition( ed, sesRunningAsEditor );
case sesRunningAsEditor:
CurrentAct = 1;
if( !AutoRun )
Status = "Ready to run";
transition( ed, sesRunningAsAnimator );
AutoEnd = 0; // prevent cycling between run and end
case sesRunningAsAnimator:
if( NumActs > CurrentAct )
if( !AutoNext && !AutoEnd )
Status = "Ready for next act or end";
if( AutoNext )
CurrentAct = CurrentAct + 1;
ed->startAct( CurrentAct );
transition( ed, sesRunningAsAnimator );
else if( AutoEnd )
transition( ed, sesEndingScenario );
AutoRun = 0; // avoid cycling between run and end
else if( !AutoEnd )
Status = "Ready to end";
transition( ed, sesEndingScenario );
AutoRun = 0; // avoid cycling between run and end
case sesEndingScenario:
if( receivedStopTest.find( UserId + editorId ) != receivedStopTest.end() )
receivedStopTest.erase( UserId + editorId );
transition( ed, sesRunningAsEditor );
case sesQuitting:
// AJM TODO: quitting
nlassert( false );
nlinfo( "editor %d, state %d nop", editorId, ses );
// AJM TODO: update SimClients too in simulation mode
if( ses >= sesLoggingIn )
return ed->getState();
// add a state transition event to the schedule
void CSimulationService::scheduleEvent( uint editorId, SimEditorState toState )
SimScheduleEvent newEvent( editorId, toState );
NLMISC::TLocalTime currentTime = GetCurrentTime();
NLMISC::TLocalTime lastTime = _LastTransitionTimeToState[toState];
NLMISC::TLocalTime meanTime = _MeanArrivalTimeAtState[toState];
// interarrival time is exponentially distributed
float exponTime = exponential();
nldebug( "** scheduling event: current time: %d", (uint)GetCurrentTime() );
NLMISC::TLocalTime interarrivalTime = meanTime * exponTime;
NLMISC::TLocalTime scheduleTime = lastTime + interarrivalTime;
if( scheduleTime < currentTime )
scheduleTime = currentTime;
nldebug( " editor %d will transition to %s at %d (in %d ms)", editorId, SimEditorStateNames[toState].c_str(), (uint)scheduleTime, (uint)(scheduleTime - currentTime) );
nldebug( " mean time %d, exponential rand: %.2f, interarrival time: %d", (uint)meanTime, exponTime, (uint)interarrivalTime );
nldebug( " last event scheduled at %d (%d ms ago)", (uint)lastTime, (uint)(currentTime - lastTime) );
_Schedule.insert(SimScheduleEntryType(scheduleTime, newEvent));
_LastTransitionTimeToState[toState] = scheduleTime;
// process the schedule, executing any events whose time has arrived
void CSimulationService::processSchedule()
TLocalTime currentTime = GetCurrentTime();
static TLocalTime foo;
if( currentTime - foo > 1000 )
foo = currentTime;
nldebug( "current time: %d", (uint)GetCurrentTime() );
SimScheduleType::iterator it = _Schedule.begin();
SimScheduleType::iterator itEnd = _Schedule.end();
while( it != itEnd )
if( it->first > currentTime )
uint editorId = it->second.editorId;
nlassert( editorId < _NumEditors );
CSimulatedEditor *ed = _Editors[editorId];
nlassert( ed );
SimEditorState toState = it->second.toState;
TLocalTime deltaTime = currentTime - it->first;
nldebug( "** event firing: current time: %d", (uint)GetCurrentTime() );
nldebug( " editor %d transitioning to %s, scheduled for %d (%d ms late)", ed->id(), SimEditorStateNames[toState].c_str(), (uint)it->first, (uint)deltaTime );
transition( ed, toState );
SimScheduleType::iterator itRemove = it++;
_Schedule.erase( itRemove );
// ask the RSM to startup an empty scenario for this user
// this must be done before SEM receives onModuleUp from CEM
bool CSimulationService::startSession0( uint editorId )
// can't proceed til DSS is started
if( !_bDSSup )
return false;
IModuleManager &mm = IModuleManager::getInstance();
IModule *myRSModule = mm.getLocalModule( "SimRingSessionManager" );
CRingSessionManager *myRSM = safe_cast<RSMGR::CRingSessionManager *>(myRSModule);
nlassert( myRSM );
// Status = toString( "Starting session %d", editorId );
uint userId = UserId + editorId;
uint sessionId = userId;
myRSM->on_startSession( NULL, userId, sessionId );
return true;
// ask the RSM to join this user's slot 0 character to his default scenario
// this must be done before SEM receives onModuleUp from CEM
// but after the sessionCreated message is received
bool CSimulationService::joinSession0( uint editorId )
// get our Sim Ring Session manager
IModuleManager &mm = IModuleManager::getInstance();
IModule *myRSModule = mm.getLocalModule( "SimRingSessionManager" );
CRingSessionManager *myRSM = safe_cast<RSMGR::CRingSessionManager *>(myRSModule);
nlassert( myRSM );
// Status = toString( "Joining session %d", editorId );
uint userId = UserId + editorId;
uint sessionId = userId;
uint charId = userId<<4;
myRSM->on_joinSession( NULL, charId, sessionId );
return true;
// load scenario high-level data file from disk
// build a scenario stub (description only)
// load scenario rtdata file from disk and check for validity
bool CSimulationService::loadScenario0( uint editorId )
nlassert( editorId < _NumEditors );
CSimulatedEditor *ed = _Editors[editorId];
nlassert( ed );
if( !_ScenarioStub )
_ScenarioStub = ed->loadScenarioStub( Scenario );
if( !_ScenarioStub )
return false;
if( !_ScenarioRtData )
_ScenarioRtData = ed->loadRtData( Scenario );
if( !_ScenarioRtData )
return false;
CurrentAct = 0;
NumActs = ed->getNumActs( _ScenarioRtData );
if( !NumActs )
nlwarning( "No acts in scenario rtdata!" );
return false;
return true;
// upload scenario stub and rtdata to server
bool CSimulationService::uploadScenario0( uint editorId )
nlassert( editorId < _NumEditors );
CSimulatedEditor *ed = _Editors[editorId];
nlassert( ed );
nlassert( _ScenarioStub );
nlassert( _ScenarioRtData );
ed->uploadScenario( _ScenarioStub, _ScenarioRtData );
return true;
// end scenario and return to edition mode
bool CSimulationService::endScenario0( uint editorId )
nlassert( editorId < _NumEditors );
CSimulatedEditor *ed = _Editors[editorId];
nlassert( ed );
return true;
// Service update :
bool CSimulationService::update()
if( _sss < sssInitialized )
return false;
if( _bStarted )
SimTime = (uint)(GetCurrentTime() - _StartTime) / 1000;
TTime t0 = CTime::getLocalTime();
if( AutoSimulate )
// TTime t0 = CTime::getLocalTime();
if( _minSes >= sesLoggedIn ) // wait til logged into dss, then quit when all clients/editors disconnect
static uint nbQuit = 0;
if( nbQuit >= (_NumClients+_NumEditors) )
return false;
// Update editors
for( uint i = 0; i < _NumEditors; ++i )
CSimulatedEditor *pEditor = _Editors[i];
CSimulatedClient::TLoginState loginStateBeforeUpdating = pEditor->getCurrentLoginState();
bool posInitialized = pEditor->UserEntity.isInitialized();
if ( loginStateBeforeUpdating < CSimulatedClient::LSQuitting )
if( !pEditor->update() )
if( pEditor->getCurrentLoginState() != loginStateBeforeUpdating )
nlinfo( "Editor %s to state %u", pEditor->name().c_str(), pEditor->getCurrentLoginState() );
if( pEditor->UserEntity.isInitialized() != posInitialized )
nlinfo( "Editor %s placed at %s", pEditor->name().c_str(), pEditor->UserEntity.pos().asVector().toString().c_str() );
if( RequestQuit )
// Update clients
for( uint i = 0; i < _NumClients; ++i )
CSimulatedClient::TLoginState loginStateBeforeUpdating = _Clients[i]->getCurrentLoginState();
bool posInitialized = _Clients[i]->UserEntity.isInitialized();
if ( loginStateBeforeUpdating < CSimulatedClient::LSQuitting )
if( !_Clients[i]->update() )
if( _Clients[i]->getCurrentLoginState() != loginStateBeforeUpdating )
nlinfo( "Client %s to state %u", _Clients[i]->name().c_str(), _Clients[i]->getCurrentLoginState() );
if( _Clients[i]->UserEntity.isInitialized() != posInitialized )
nlinfo( "Client %s placed at %s", _Clients[i]->name().c_str(), _Clients[i]->UserEntity.pos().asVector().toString().c_str() );
if( RequestQuit )
TTime t1 = CTime::getLocalTime();
TTime elapsed = t1 - t0;
t0 = t1;
if ( elapsed < UpdatePeriod )
nlSleep( (uint)(UpdatePeriod - elapsed) );
SleepTime = (int)(UpdatePeriod - elapsed);
return true;
// Service release :
void CSimulationService::release()
for( uint i = 0; i < _NumClients; ++i )
delete _Clients[i];
for( uint i = 0; i < _NumEditors; ++i )
delete _Editors[i];
delete _ScenarioStub;
delete _ScenarioRtData;
// --------------------------------------------------
// debug test method
void CSimulationService::test()
CSimulatedEditor *pFirstEditor = _Editors[0];
if( !pFirstEditor )
nlwarning( "no editors running!" );
void CSimulationService::start()
AutoStart = true;
void CSimulationService::login()
AutoLogin = true;
void CSimulationService::connect()
AutoConnect = true;
void CSimulationService::upload()
AutoUpload = true;
void CSimulationService::run()
AutoRun = true;
void CSimulationService::next()
AutoNext = true;
void CSimulationService::end()
AutoEnd = true;
// create and upload scenario on current editor
void CSimulationService::createScenario( const std::string scenarioName )
if( (CurrentEditor < 0) || (CurrentEditor >= NumEditorsConnected) )
nlwarning( "Editor %d not connected!", CurrentEditor );
CSimulatedEditor *pEditor = _Editors[CurrentEditor];
nlassert( pEditor );
pEditor->testCreateScenario( scenarioName );
// run scenario on current editor
void CSimulationService::runScenario()
if( (CurrentEditor < 0) || (CurrentEditor >= NumEditorsConnected) )
nlwarning( "Editor %d not connected!", CurrentEditor );
CSimulatedEditor *pEditor = _Editors[CurrentEditor];
nlassert( pEditor );
// end scenario on current editor
void CSimulationService::endScenario()
if( (CurrentEditor < 0) || (CurrentEditor >= NumEditorsConnected) )
nlwarning( "Editor %d not connected!", CurrentEditor );
CSimulatedEditor *pEditor = _Editors[CurrentEditor];
nlassert( pEditor );
void CSimulationService::joinSession( uint sessionId )
if( (CurrentEditor < 0) || (CurrentEditor >= NumEditorsConnected) )
nlwarning( "Editor %d not connected!", CurrentEditor );
if( (sessionId < UserId) || (sessionId >= (UserId + NumSessionsCreated)) )
nlwarning( "Session %d not created!", sessionId );
// get our Sim Ring Session manager
IModuleManager &mm = IModuleManager::getInstance();
IModule *myRSModule = mm.getLocalModule( "SimRingSessionManager" );
CRingSessionManager *myRSM = safe_cast<RSMGR::CRingSessionManager *>(myRSModule);
nlassert( myRSM );
CSimulatedEditor *pEditor = _Editors[CurrentEditor];
nlassert( pEditor );
uint currentUserId = UserId + pEditor->id();
uint charId = currentUserId << 4;
myRSM->on_joinSession( NULL, charId, sessionId ); // charId, sessionId
void CSimulationService::displayEditorStates()
for( uint i = 0; i < _NumEditors; ++i )
nlinfo( "Editor %d (user %d): %s", i, UserId+i, toString(SimEditorStateNames[_Editors[i]->getState()]).c_str() );
void CSimulationService::displaySchedule()
SimScheduleType::iterator it = _Schedule.begin();
SimScheduleType::iterator itEnd = _Schedule.end();
TLocalTime currentTime = GetCurrentTime();
while( it != itEnd )
nlinfo( "in %.2f sec: Editor %d transition to %s", 0.001f * (float)(it->first - currentTime), it->second.editorId, SimEditorStateNames[it->second.toState].c_str() );
Callback functions
// Callback called at service connection
void cbServiceUp( const string &serviceName, uint16 serviceId, void * )
nlinfo( "Service '%s' (%d) up", serviceName.c_str(), serviceId );
if( !strcmp( serviceName.c_str(), "DSS" ) )
CSimulationService::getSS().setDSSup( true );
if( !strcmp( serviceName.c_str(), "AIS" ) )
CSimulationService::getSS().setAISup( true );
// Callback called at service down
void cbServiceDown( const string &serviceName, uint16 serviceId, void * )
nlinfo( "Service %s (%d) down", serviceName.c_str(), serviceId );
if( !strcmp( serviceName.c_str(), "AIS" ) )
CSimulationService::getSS().setAISup( false );
// Callback called on each tick message from tick service
void cbTick()
// if( CMirrors::Mirror.mirrorIsReady() )
// CSimulationService:;getSS().onTick();
void onProcessModuleMessage(NLNET::IModuleProxy *senderModuleProxy, NLNET::CMessage &message)
nlassert( senderModuleProxy );
std::string senderModuleName = senderModuleProxy->getModuleClassName();
const char *szSenderName = senderModuleName.c_str();
std::string operationName = message.getName();
const char *szOpName = operationName.c_str();
nlinfo( "CSimulationService: onProcessModuleMessage: %s", szOpName );
// simulated Web Interface callback
void CSimulationService::onInvokeResult( uint32 resultCode, const std::string &resultString )
nldebug("SimRSMWeb: invokeResult = %d, %s", resultCode, resultString.c_str());
const char *szResult = resultString.c_str();
uint sessionId;
const char szSessionCreated[] = "sessionCreated ";
const char szStartSession[] = "startSession ";
switch( resultCode )
case 0: // success
if( !strncmp( szResult, szSessionCreated, strlen(szSessionCreated) ) )
// session created successfully
fromString( &szResult[strlen(szSessionCreated)], sessionId );
if( receivedSessionCreated.find( sessionId ) == receivedSessionCreated.end() )
nlinfo( "SimRSMWeb: sessionCreated %d response received", sessionId);
onReceiveSessionCreated( sessionId );
nlwarning( "sessionCreated message received twice for %d", sessionId );
else if( !strncmp( szResult, szStartSession, strlen(szStartSession) ) )
// session started already
fromString( &szResult[strlen(szStartSession)], sessionId );
nlinfo( "SimRSMWeb: startSession %d response received", sessionId);
onReceiveSessionCreated( sessionId );
void CSimulationService::onReceiveSessionCreated( uint sessionId )
nlinfo( "onReceiveSessionCreated %d", sessionId );
receivedSessionCreated.insert( sessionId );
void CSimulationService::onReceiveStopTest( uint editorId )
nlinfo( "onReceiveStopTest %d", editorId );
receivedStopTest.insert( UserId + editorId );
Service register
NLNET_SERVICE_MAIN( CSimulationService, "SS", "simulation_service", 0, EmptyCallbackArray, "", "" )
// last two params are config file directory, log file directory
NLMISC_COMMAND( test, "Test command", "" )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( start, "Create editor sessions on server", "" )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( login, "Login sim editors to frontend server", "" )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( connect, "Connect sim editors to dynamic scenario server", "" )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( upload, "Upload sim editor scenarios to dynamic scenario server", "" )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( run, "Request sim editors to start test", "" )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( next, "Request sim editors to start next act", "" )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( end, "Request sim editors to stop test", "" )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( createScenario, "Load, create and upload a scenario on the current editor", "<filename>" )
if( !args.empty() )
Scenario = args[0];
CSimulationService::getSS().createScenario( Scenario );
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( runScenario, "Run the scenario on the current editor", "" )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( endScenario, "Ending the scenario on the current editor", "" )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( joinSession, "Join the given session with the current editor", "<sessionId>" )
uint sessionId = UserId;
if( !args.empty() )
NLMISC::fromString(args[0], sessionId);
if( sessionId >= (UserId + NumSessionsCreated) )
nlinfo( "Session %d not running!", sessionId );
return false;
CSimulationService::getSS().joinSession( sessionId );
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( displayEditorStates, "Display the current state of each simulated editor", "" )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( displaySchedule, "Display the current schedule of simulated editor events", "" )
return true;