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2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/ligo/primitive_class.h"
#include "nel/ligo/primitive.h"
#include "nel/ligo/ligo_config.h"
#include "nel/misc/i_xml.h"
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NLLIGO;
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
bool ReadFloat (const char *propName, float &result, xmlNodePtr xmlNode)
string value;
if (CIXml::getPropertyString (value, xmlNode, propName))
result = (float)atof (value.c_str ());
return true;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
bool ReadInt (const char *propName, int &result, xmlNodePtr xmlNode)
string value;
if (CIXml::getPropertyString (value, xmlNode, propName))
result = atoi (value.c_str ());
return true;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
bool ReadBool (const char *propName, bool &result, xmlNodePtr xmlNode, const char *filename, CLigoConfig &config)
string str;
if (CIXml::getPropertyString (str, xmlNode, propName))
if (str == "true")
result = true;
else if (str == "false")
result = false;
config.syntaxError (filename, xmlNode, "Unknown (%s) parameter (%s), should be false or true", propName, str.c_str ());
return false;
return true;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
bool ReadColor (CRGBA &color, xmlNodePtr node)
// Read the color
// Read the value
if (!ReadFloat ("R", r, node))
return false;
if (!ReadFloat ("G", g, node))
return false;
if (!ReadFloat ("B", b, node))
return false;
if (!ReadFloat ("A", a, node))
a = 255;
// Clamp
clamp (r, 0.f, 255.f);
clamp (g, 0.f, 255.f);
clamp (b, 0.f, 255.f);
clamp (a, 0.f, 255.f);
// Set
color.set((uint8)r, (uint8)g, (uint8)b, (uint8)a);
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
bool ReadChild (CPrimitiveClass::CChild &child, xmlNodePtr childNode, const char *filename, bool _static, CLigoConfig &config)
// Read the class name
if (!config.getPropertyString (child.ClassName, filename, childNode, "CLASS_NAME"))
goto failed;
// Read the name
if (!_static || config.getPropertyString (child.Name, filename, childNode, "NAME"))
// Read the parameters
child.Parameters.reserve (CIXml::countChildren (childNode, "PARAMETER"));
for ( xmlNodePtr childParamNode = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (childNode, "PARAMETER");
childParamNode != NULL;
childParamNode = CIXml::getNextChildNode (childParamNode, "PARAMETER"))
// Add a static child
child.Parameters.push_back (CPrimitiveClass::CInitParameters ());
// Child ref
CPrimitiveClass::CInitParameters &childParam = child.Parameters.back ();
// Read the class name
if (!config.getPropertyString (childParam.Name, filename, childParamNode, "NAME"))
goto failed;
// Read the parameters
uint defaultId = 0;
childParam.DefaultValue.resize (CIXml::countChildren (childParamNode, "DEFAULT_VALUE"));
for ( xmlNodePtr childParamValueNode = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (childParamNode, "DEFAULT_VALUE");
childParamValueNode != NULL;
childParamValueNode = CIXml::getNextChildNode (childParamValueNode, "DEFAULT_VALUE"))
// Gen id flag
childParam.DefaultValue[defaultId].GenID = false;
// Read the gen id flag
string value;
if (CIXml::getPropertyString (value, childParamValueNode, "GEN_ID") && (value != "false"))
childParam.DefaultValue[defaultId].GenID = true;
if (!config.getPropertyString (value, filename, childParamValueNode, "VALUE"))
goto failed;
childParam.DefaultValue[defaultId].Name = value;
// Ok
return true;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CPrimitiveClass::read (xmlNodePtr primitiveNode,
const char *filename,
const char *className,
std::set<std::string> &contextStrings,
std::map<std::string, std::string> &contextFilesLookup,
CLigoConfig &config,
bool parsePrimitiveComboContent)
// init default parameters
AutoInit = false;
Deletable = true;
FileExtension = "";
FileType = "";
Collision = false;
LinkBrothers = false;
ShowArrow = true;
Numberize = true;
Visible = true;
// read parent class properties
string parentClass;
if (CIXml::getPropertyString (parentClass, primitiveNode, "PARENT_CLASS"))
const CPrimitiveClass *parent = config.getPrimitiveClass(parentClass.c_str());
if (parent == NULL)
config.syntaxError (filename, primitiveNode, "Can't find parent class (%s) for class (%s)", parentClass.c_str (), className);
return false;
// copy all the properties
*this = *parent;
// The name
Name = className;
// Read the type
std::string type;
if (!config.getPropertyString (type, filename, primitiveNode, "TYPE"))
goto failed;
// Good type ?
if (type == "node")
Type = Node;
else if (type == "point")
Type = Point;
else if (type == "path")
Type = Path;
else if (type == "zone")
Type = Zone;
else if (type == "bitmap")
Type = Bitmap;
else if (type == "alias")
Type = Alias;
config.syntaxError (filename, primitiveNode, "Unknown primitive type (%s)", type.c_str ());
goto failed;
// Read the color
ReadColor (Color, primitiveNode);
// Autoinit
ReadBool ("AUTO_INIT", AutoInit, primitiveNode, filename, config);
// Deletable
ReadBool ("DELETABLE", Deletable, primitiveNode, filename, config);
// File extension
CIXml::getPropertyString (FileExtension, primitiveNode, "FILE_EXTENSION");
// File type
CIXml::getPropertyString (FileType, primitiveNode, "FILE_TYPE");
// Collision
ReadBool ("COLLISION", Collision, primitiveNode, filename, config);
// LinkBrothers
ReadBool ("LINK_BROTHERS", LinkBrothers, primitiveNode, filename, config);
// ShowArrow
ReadBool ("SHOW_ARROW", ShowArrow, primitiveNode, filename, config);
// Numberize when copy the primitive
ReadBool ("NUMBERIZE", Numberize, primitiveNode, filename, config);
// Visible ?
ReadBool ("VISIBLE", Visible, primitiveNode, filename, config);
// Read the parameters
for ( xmlNodePtr paramNode = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (primitiveNode, "PARAMETER");
paramNode != NULL;
paramNode = CIXml::getNextChildNode (paramNode, "PARAMETER"))
// Read the property name
if (!config.getPropertyString (type, filename, paramNode, "NAME"))
goto failed;
// look if the parameter is not already defined by the parent class
uint i=0;
while (i<Parameters.size())
if (Parameters[i].Name == type)
// the param already exist, remove parent param
Parameters.erase(Parameters.begin() + i);
// Add a parameter
Parameters.push_back (CParameter ());
// The parameter ref
CParameter &parameter = Parameters.back ();
// Set the name
parameter.Name = type;
// Read the type
if (!config.getPropertyString (type, filename, paramNode, "TYPE"))
goto failed;
// Good type ?
if (type == "boolean")
parameter.Type = CParameter::Boolean;
else if (type == "const_string")
parameter.Type = CParameter::ConstString;
else if (type == "string")
parameter.Type = CParameter::String;
else if (type == "string_array")
parameter.Type = CParameter::StringArray;
else if (type == "const_string_array")
parameter.Type = CParameter::ConstStringArray;
config.syntaxError (filename, paramNode, "Unknown primitive parameter type (%s)", type.c_str ());
goto failed;
// Visible
parameter.Visible = true;
ReadBool ("VISIBLE", parameter.Visible, paramNode, filename, config);
// Filename
parameter.Filename = false;
ReadBool ("FILENAME", parameter.Filename, paramNode, filename, config);
// Lookup
parameter.Lookup = false;
ReadBool ("LOOKUP", parameter.Lookup, paramNode, filename, config);
// Read only primitive
parameter.ReadOnly = false;
ReadBool ("READ_ONLY", parameter.ReadOnly, paramNode, filename, config);
// Deletable
parameter.Editable = false;
ReadBool ("EDITABLE", parameter.Editable, paramNode, filename, config);
// sort combo box entries
parameter.SortEntries = false;
ReadBool ("SORT_ENTRIES", parameter.SortEntries, paramNode, filename, config);
// Display horizontal scroller in multi-line edit box
parameter.DisplayHS = false;
ReadBool ("SHOW_HS", parameter.DisplayHS, paramNode, filename, config);
// Lookup
parameter.WidgetHeight = 100;
int temp;
if (ReadInt ("WIDGET_HEIGHT", temp, paramNode))
parameter.WidgetHeight = (uint)temp;
// Read the file extension
parameter.FileExtension = "";
CIXml::getPropertyString (parameter.FileExtension, paramNode, "FILE_EXTENSION");
parameter.FileExtension = toLower(parameter.FileExtension);
// Autonaming preference
parameter.Autoname = "";
CIXml::getPropertyString (parameter.Autoname, paramNode, "AUTONAME");
// Read the file extension
parameter.Folder = "";
CIXml::getPropertyString (parameter.Folder, paramNode, "FOLDER");
parameter.Folder = toLower(parameter.Folder);
// Read the combo values
for ( xmlNodePtr comboValueNode = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (paramNode, "COMBO_VALUES");
comboValueNode != NULL;
comboValueNode = CIXml::getNextChildNode (comboValueNode, "COMBO_VALUES"))
// Read the context
if (!config.getPropertyString (type, filename, comboValueNode, "CONTEXT_NAME"))
goto failed;
// Add this context
contextStrings.insert (type);
// Add a combo value
pair<std::map<std::string, CParameter::CConstStringValue>::iterator, bool> insertResult =
parameter.ComboValues.insert (std::map<std::string, CParameter::CConstStringValue>::value_type (type, CParameter::CConstStringValue ()));
// The combo value ref
CParameter::CConstStringValue &comboValue = insertResult.first->second;
// Read the values
for ( xmlNodePtr comboValueValueNode = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (comboValueNode, "CONTEXT_VALUE");
comboValueValueNode != NULL;
comboValueValueNode = CIXml::getNextChildNode (comboValueValueNode, "CONTEXT_VALUE"))
// Read the value
if (!config.getPropertyString (type, filename, comboValueValueNode, "VALUE"))
goto failed;
comboValue.Values.push_back (type);
// Read the combo files
for ( xmlNodePtr comboValueNode = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (paramNode, "COMBO_FILES");
comboValueNode != NULL;
comboValueNode = CIXml::getNextChildNode (comboValueNode, "COMBO_FILES"))
// Read the context
if (!config.getPropertyString (type, filename, comboValueNode, "CONTEXT_NAME"))
goto failed;
// Read the path to search
string path;
if (CIXml::getPropertyString (path, comboValueNode, "PATH"))
if (!parsePrimitiveComboContent)
// Look for files in the path
std::vector<std::string> files;
CPath::getPathContent (path, true, false, true, files);
// Not empty ?
if (files.empty ())
// Add this context
contextStrings.insert (type);
// For each file
for (uint i=0; i<files.size (); i++)
// Good extension ?
if (toLower(NLMISC::CFile::getExtension (files[i])) != parameter.FileExtension)
// Add a combo value
pair<std::map<std::string, CParameter::CConstStringValue>::iterator, bool> insertResult =
parameter.ComboValues.insert (std::map<std::string, CParameter::CConstStringValue>::value_type (type, CParameter::CConstStringValue ()));
// The combo value ref
CParameter::CConstStringValue &comboValue = insertResult.first->second;
// Get the filename without extension
string nameWithoutExt = toLower(NLMISC::CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension (files[i]));
// Add the values
comboValue.Values.push_back (nameWithoutExt);
// Add the value for lookup
contextFilesLookup.insert (map<string, string>::value_type (nameWithoutExt, files[i]));
string primpath;
if (!config.getPropertyString (primpath, filename, comboValueNode, "PRIM_PATH"))
goto failed;
// Add this context
contextStrings.insert (type);
// Add a combo value
pair<std::map<std::string, CParameter::CConstStringValue>::iterator, bool> insertResult =
parameter.ComboValues.insert (std::map<std::string, CParameter::CConstStringValue>::value_type (type, CParameter::CConstStringValue ()));
// The combo value ref
CParameter::CConstStringValue &comboValue = insertResult.first->second;
// Read parameters default values
uint defaultId = 0;
parameter.DefaultValue.resize (CIXml::countChildren (paramNode, "DEFAULT_VALUE"));
for ( xmlNodePtr defaultValueNode = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (paramNode, "DEFAULT_VALUE");
defaultValueNode != NULL;
defaultValueNode = CIXml::getNextChildNode (defaultValueNode, "DEFAULT_VALUE"))
// Gen id flag
parameter.DefaultValue[defaultId].GenID = false;
// Read the gen id flag
string value;
if (CIXml::getPropertyString (value, defaultValueNode, "GEN_ID") && (value != "false"))
parameter.DefaultValue[defaultId].GenID = true;
if (!config.getPropertyString (value, filename, defaultValueNode, "VALUE"))
goto failed;
parameter.DefaultValue[defaultId].Name = value;
// Read static children
StaticChildren.reserve (StaticChildren.size() + CIXml::countChildren (primitiveNode, "STATIC_CHILD"));
for ( xmlNodePtr childrenNode = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (primitiveNode, "STATIC_CHILD");
childrenNode != NULL;
childrenNode = CIXml::getNextChildNode (childrenNode, "STATIC_CHILD"))
// Add a static child
StaticChildren.push_back (CChild ());
// Child ref
CChild &child = StaticChildren.back ();
// Read the child
if (!ReadChild (child, childrenNode, filename, true, config))
goto failed;
// Read dynamic children
DynamicChildren.reserve (DynamicChildren.size() + CIXml::countChildren (primitiveNode, "DYNAMIC_CHILD"));
for ( xmlNodePtr childrenNode = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (primitiveNode, "DYNAMIC_CHILD");
childrenNode != NULL;
childrenNode = CIXml::getNextChildNode (childrenNode, "DYNAMIC_CHILD"))
// Add a static child
DynamicChildren.push_back (CChild ());
// Child ref
CChild &child = DynamicChildren.back ();
// Read the child
if (!ReadChild (child, childrenNode, filename, false, config))
goto failed;
// Read generated children
GeneratedChildren.reserve (GeneratedChildren.size() + CIXml::countChildren (primitiveNode, "GENERATED_CHILD"));
for ( xmlNodePtr childrenNode = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (primitiveNode, "GENERATED_CHILD");
childrenNode != NULL;
childrenNode = CIXml::getNextChildNode (childrenNode, "GENERATED_CHILD"))
// Add a static child
GeneratedChildren.push_back (CChild ());
// Child ref
CChild &child = GeneratedChildren.back ();
// Read the child
if (!ReadChild (child, childrenNode, filename, false, config))
goto failed;
return true;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************
CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::CParameter (const NLLIGO::IProperty &property, const char *propertyName)
Name = propertyName;
Filename = false;
Visible = true;
Type = (typeid (property) == typeid (CPropertyString)) ? CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::String : CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::StringArray;
// ***************************************************************************
// CPrimitiveClass::CParameter
// ***************************************************************************
bool CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::operator== (const CParameter &other) const
return (Type == other.Type) &&
(Name == other.Name) &&
(Visible == other.Visible) &&
(Filename == other.Filename) &&
(ComboValues == other.ComboValues) &&
(DefaultValue == other.DefaultValue);
// ***************************************************************************
bool CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::operator< (const CParameter &other) const
return (Name < other.Name) ? true : (Name > other.Name) ? false :
(Type < other.Type) ? true : (Type > other.Type) ? false :
(Visible < other.Visible) ? true : (Visible > other.Visible) ? false :
(Filename < other.Filename) ? true : (Filename > other.Filename) ? false :
(ComboValues < other.ComboValues) ? true : (ComboValues > other.ComboValues) ? false :
(DefaultValue < other.DefaultValue) ? true : (DefaultValue > other.DefaultValue) ? false :
// ***************************************************************************
// CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::CConstStringValue
// ***************************************************************************
bool CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::CConstStringValue::operator== (const CConstStringValue &other) const
return Values == other.Values;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::CConstStringValue::operator< (const CConstStringValue &other) const
return Values < other.Values;
void CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::CConstStringValue::appendFilePath(std::vector<std::string> &pathList) const
pathList.insert(pathList.end(), Values.begin(), Values.end());
void CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::CConstStringValue::appendPrimPath(std::vector<std::string> &pathList, const std::vector<const IPrimitive*> &relativePrimPaths) const
std::set<std::string> relativePrimPathString;
for (std::vector<const IPrimitive*>::const_iterator it=relativePrimPaths.begin(), itEnd=relativePrimPaths.end(); it!=itEnd;++it)
const uint nbChilds=(*it)->getNumChildren();
for (uint childIndex=0;childIndex<nbChilds;childIndex++)
const IPrimitive*child=NULL;
if ( !(*it)->getChild(child,childIndex)
|| !child )
std::string str;
if (child->getPropertyByName("name", str))
pathList.insert(pathList.end(), relativePrimPathString.begin(), relativePrimPathString.end());
void CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::CConstStringValue::getPrimitivesForPrimPath (std::vector<const IPrimitive*> &relativePrimPaths, const std::vector<const IPrimitive*> &startPrimPath) const
for (uint i=0; i<PrimitivePath.size (); i++)
set<const IPrimitive*> relativePrimPath;
for (uint locIndex=0;locIndex<startPrimPath.size();locIndex++)
const IPrimitive *const cursor=startPrimPath[locIndex]->getPrimitive(PrimitivePath[i]);
if (cursor)
if (relativePrimPath.size()==1)
// ***************************************************************************
bool CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::translateAutoname (std::string &result, const IPrimitive &primitive, const CPrimitiveClass &primitiveClass) const
result = "";
string::size_type strBegin = 0;
string::size_type strEnd = 0;
while (strBegin != Autoname.size())
strEnd = Autoname.find ('$', strBegin);
if (strEnd == string::npos)
strEnd = Autoname.size();
result += Autoname.substr (strBegin, strEnd-strBegin);
// Copy the remaining string
result += Autoname.substr (strBegin, strEnd-strBegin);
if (strEnd != Autoname.size())
strBegin = strEnd+1;
strEnd = Autoname.find ('$', strBegin);
if (strEnd == string::npos)
strEnd = Autoname.size();
string keyWord = Autoname.substr (strBegin, strEnd-strBegin);
// Loop for the parameter
uint i;
for (i=0; i<primitiveClass.Parameters.size (); i++)
if (primitiveClass.Parameters[i].Name == keyWord)
// Get its string value
string str;
const IProperty *prop;
if (primitive.getPropertyByName (keyWord.c_str(), prop))
// The property has been found ?
if (prop)
// Array or string ?
const CPropertyString *_string = dynamic_cast<const CPropertyString *>(prop);
// Is a string ?
if (_string)
if (!(_string->String.empty()))
result += _string->String;
// Try an array
const CPropertyStringArray *array = dynamic_cast<const CPropertyStringArray *>(prop);
// Is an array ?
if (array)
if (!(array->StringArray.empty()))
uint i;
for (i=0; i<array->StringArray.size()-1; i++)
result += array->StringArray[i] + "\n";
result += array->StringArray[i];
// Get its default value
std::string result2;
if (primitiveClass.Parameters[i].getDefaultValue (result2, primitive, primitiveClass))
result += result2;
strBegin = strEnd;
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::getDefaultValue (std::string &result, const IPrimitive &primitive, const CPrimitiveClass &primitiveClass, std::string *fromWhere) const
result = "";
if (!Autoname.empty())
if (fromWhere)
*fromWhere = "Autoname value : "+Autoname;
return translateAutoname (result, primitive, primitiveClass);
if (fromWhere)
*fromWhere = "Default value";
if (!DefaultValue.empty())
result = DefaultValue[0].Name;
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CPrimitiveClass::CParameter::getDefaultValue (std::vector<std::string> &result, const IPrimitive &primitive, const CPrimitiveClass &primitiveClass, std::string * /* fromWhere */) const
if (!Autoname.empty())
string temp;
if (translateAutoname (temp, primitive, primitiveClass))
result.clear ();
if (!temp.empty())
string tmp;
uint i;
for (i=0; i<temp.size(); i++)
if (temp[i] == '\n')
result.push_back (tmp);
if (!tmp.empty())
result.push_back (tmp);
return true;
return false;
uint i;
result.resize (DefaultValue.size());
for (i=0; i<DefaultValue.size(); i++)
result[i] = DefaultValue[i].Name;
return true;
// ***************************************************************************