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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef NL_BUF_SOCK_H
#define NL_BUF_SOCK_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/hierarchical_timer.h"
#include "buf_net_base.h"
#include "tcp_sock.h"
#include "net_log.h"
//#include <deque>
namespace NLNET {
#define nlnettrace(__msg) //LNETL1_DEBUG("LNETL1: %s",__msg);
class CTcpSock;
class CServerReceiveTask;
class CBufNetBase;
* CBufSock
* A socket and its sending buffer
class CBufSock
/// Destructor
virtual ~CBufSock();
/// Sets the application identifier
void setAppId( uint64 id ) { _AppId = id; }
/// Returns the application identifier
uint64 appId() const { return _AppId; }
/// Returns a string with the characteristics of the object
std::string asString() const;
/// get the TCP sock object
const CTcpSock *getTcpSock() const { return Sock;}
/// Little tricky but this string is used by Layer4 to know which callback is authorized.
/// This is empty when all callback are authorized.
std::string AuthorizedCallback;
friend class CBufClient;
friend class CBufServer;
friend class CClientReceiveTask;
friend class CServerReceiveTask;
friend class CCallbackClient;
friend class CCallbackServer;
friend class CCallbackNetBase;
/** Constructor
* \param sock To provide an external socket. Set it to NULL to create it internally.
CBufSock( CTcpSock *sock=NULL );
///@name Sending data
/// Update the network sending (call this method evenly). Returns false if an error occured.
bool update();
/** Sets the time flush trigger (in millisecond). When this time is elapsed,
* all data in the send queue is automatically sent (-1 to disable this trigger)
void setTimeFlushTrigger( sint32 ms );
/** Sets the size flush trigger. When the size of the send queue reaches or exceeds this
* calue, all data in the send queue is automatically sent (-1 to disable this trigger )
void setSizeFlushTrigger( sint32 size ) { _TriggerSize = size; }
/** Force to send data pending in the send queue now. In the case of a non-blocking socket
* (see CNonBlockingBufSock), if all the data could not be sent immediately,
* the returned nbBytesRemaining value is non-zero.
* \param nbBytesRemaining If the pointer is not NULL, the method sets the number of bytes still pending after the flush attempt.
* \returns False if an error has occured (e.g. the remote host is disconnected).
* To retrieve the reason of the error, call CSock::getLastError() and/or CSock::errorString()
bool flush( uint *nbBytesRemaining=NULL );
/// Returns "CLT " (client)
virtual std::string typeStr() const { return "CLT "; }
/** Pushes a disconnection message into bnb's receive queue, if it has not already been done
* (returns true in this case). You can either specify a sockid (for server) or InvalidSockId (for client)
bool advertiseDisconnection( CBufNetBase *bnb, TSockId sockid )
#ifdef NL_DEBUG
if ( sockid != InvalidSockId )
nlassert( sockid == this );
return advertiseSystemEvent( bnb, sockid, _KnowConnected, true, CBufNetBase::Disconnection );
/** Pushes a system message into bnb's receive queue, if the flags meets the condition, then
* resets the flag and returns true. You can either specify a sockid (for server) or InvalidSockId (for client).
bool advertiseSystemEvent(
CBufNetBase *bnb, TSockId sockid, bool& flag, bool condition, CBufNetBase::TEventType event )
#ifdef NL_DEBUG
if ( sockid != InvalidSockId )
nlassert( sockid == this );
// Test flag
if ( flag==condition )
LNETL1_DEBUG( "LNETL1: Pushing event to %s", asString().c_str() );
std::vector<uint8> buffer;
if ( sockid == InvalidSockId )
// Client: event type only
buffer.resize( 1 );
buffer[0] = uint8(event);
// Server: sockid + event type
buffer.resize( sizeof(TSockId) + 1 );
memcpy( &*buffer.begin(), &sockid, sizeof(TSockId) );
buffer[sizeof(TSockId)] = uint8(event);
// Push
bnb->pushMessageIntoReceiveQueue( buffer );
// Reset flag
flag = !condition;
return true;
return false;
/** Pushes a buffer to the send queue and update,
* or returns false if the socket is not physically connected the or an error occured during sending
bool pushBuffer( const NLMISC::CMemStream& buffer )
nlassert (this != InvalidSockId); // invalid bufsock
// LNETL1_DEBUG( "LNETL1: Pushing buffer to %s", asString().c_str() );
static uint32 biggerBufferSize = 64000;
if (buffer.length() > biggerBufferSize)
biggerBufferSize = buffer.length();
LNETL1_DEBUG ("LNETL1: new record! bigger network message pushed (sent) is %u bytes", biggerBufferSize);
if ( Sock->connected() )
// Push into host's send queue
SendFifo.push( buffer );
// Update sending
bool res = update ();
return res; // not checking the result as in CBufServer::update()
return false;
/*bool pushBuffer( const std::vector<uint8>& buffer )
nlassert (this != InvalidSockId); // invalid bufsock
// LNETL1_DEBUG( "LNETL1: Pushing buffer to %s", asString().c_str() );
static uint32 biggerBufferSize = 64000;
if (buffer.size() > biggerBufferSize)
biggerBufferSize = buffer.size();
nlwarning ("LNETL1: new record! bigger network message pushed (sent) is %u bytes", biggerBufferSize);
if ( Sock->connected() )
// Push into host's send queue
SendFifo.push( buffer );
// Update sending
bool res = update ();
return res; // not checking the result as in CBufServer::update()
return false;
/// Connects to the specified addr; set connectedstate to true if no connection advertising is needed
void connect( const CInetAddress& addr, bool nodelay, bool connectedstate );
/// Disconnects; set connectedstate to false if no disconnection advertising is needed
void disconnect( bool connectedstate );
/// Sets the "logically connected" state (changed when processing a connection/disconnection callback)
void setConnectedState( bool connectedstate ) { _ConnectedState = connectedstate; }
/// Returns the "logically connected" state (changed when processing a connection/disconnection callback)
bool connectedState() const { return _ConnectedState; }
// Send queue
// Socket (pointer because it can be allocated by an accept())
CTcpSock *Sock;
// Prevents from pushing a connection/disconnection event twice
bool _KnowConnected;
#ifdef NL_DEBUG
enum TFlushTrigger { FTTime, FTSize, FTManual };
TFlushTrigger _FlushTrigger;
NLMISC::TTime _LastFlushTime; // updated only if time trigger is enabled (TriggerTime!=-1)
NLMISC::TTime _TriggerTime;
sint32 _TriggerSize;
NLMISC::CObjectVector<uint8> _ReadyToSendBuffer;
TBlockSize _RTSBIndex;
uint64 _AppId;
// Connected state (from the user's point of view, i.e. changed when the connection/disconnection event is at the front of the receive queue)
bool _ConnectedState;
* CNonBlockingBufSock
* A socket, its send buffer plus a nonblocking receiving system
class CNonBlockingBufSock : public CBufSock
friend class CBufClient;
friend class CClientReceiveTask;
/** Constructor
* \param sock To provide an external socket. Set it to NULL to create it internally.
* \maxExpectedBlockSize Default value: receiving limited to 10 M per block)
CNonBlockingBufSock( CTcpSock *sock=NULL, uint32 maxExpectedBlockSize=10485760 );
/** Call this method after connecting (for a client connection) to set the non-blocking mode.
* For a server connection, call it as soon as the object is constructed
void setNonBlocking() { Sock->setNonBlockingMode( true ); }
/// Set the size limit for received blocks
void setMaxExpectedBlockSize( sint32 limit ) { _MaxExpectedBlockSize = limit; }
/** Receives a part of a message (nonblocking socket only)
* \param nbExtraBytes Number of bytes to reserve for extra information such as the event type
* \return True if the message has been completely received
bool receivePart( uint32 nbExtraBytes );
/// Fill the event type byte at pos length()(for a client connection)
void fillEventTypeOnly() { _ReceiveBuffer[_Length] = (uint8)CBufNetBase::User; }
/** Return the length of the received block (call after receivePart() returns true).
* The total size of received buffer is length() + nbExtraBytes (passed to receivePart()).
uint32 length() const { return _Length; }
/** Returns the filled buffer (call after receivePart() returns true).
* Its size is length()+1.
const std::vector<uint8> receivedBuffer() const { nlnettrace( "CServerBufSock::receivedBuffer" ); return _ReceiveBuffer; }
// Buffer for nonblocking receives
std::vector<uint8> _ReceiveBuffer;
// Max payload size than can be received in a block
uint32 _MaxExpectedBlockSize;
// True if the length prefix has already been read
bool _NowReadingBuffer;
// Counts the number of bytes read for the current element (length prefix or buffer)
TBlockSize _BytesRead;
// Length of buffer to read
TBlockSize _Length;
class CBufServer;
* CServerBufSock
* A socket, its send buffer plus a nonblocking receiving system for a server connection
class CServerBufSock : public CNonBlockingBufSock
friend class CBufServer;
friend class CListenTask;
friend class CServerReceiveTask;
/** Constructor with an existing socket (created by an accept()).
* Don't forget to call setOwnerTask().
CServerBufSock( CTcpSock *sock );
/// Sets the task that "owns" the CServerBufSock object
void setOwnerTask( CServerReceiveTask* owner ) { _OwnerTask = owner; }
/// Returns the task that "owns" the CServerBufSock object
CServerReceiveTask *ownerTask() { return _OwnerTask; }
/** Pushes a connection message into bnb's receive queue, if it has not already been done
* (returns true in this case).
bool advertiseConnection( CBufServer *bnb )
return advertiseSystemEvent( (CBufNetBase*)bnb, this, _KnowConnected, false, CBufNetBase::Connection );
/// Returns "SRV " (server)
virtual std::string typeStr() const { return "SRV "; }
/// Fill the sockid and the event type byte at the end of the buffer
void fillSockIdAndEventType( TSockId sockId )
memcpy( (&*_ReceiveBuffer.begin()) + length(), &sockId, sizeof(TSockId) );
_ReceiveBuffer[length() + sizeof(TSockId)] = (uint8)CBufNetBase::User;
/// True after a connection callback has been sent to the user, for this connection
bool _Advertised;
// The task that "owns" the CServerBufSock object
CServerReceiveTask *_OwnerTask;
} // NLNET
#endif // NL_BUF_SOCK_H
/* End of buf_sock.h */