2010-05-06 02:08:41 +02:00

406 lines
16 KiB

<generator header_tag="CHARACTER_SYNC_ITF">
<include file="nel/misc/entity_id.h"/>
<include file="r2_share/r2_basic_types.h"/>
<include file="continent.h"/>
<cpp-include file="stdpch.h"/>
<namespace name="CHARSYNC">
<enum name="TRace">
<item name="r_fyros"/>
<item name="r_matis"/>
<item name="r_tryker"/>
<item name="r_zorai"/>
<enum name="TCivilisation">
<item name="c_neutral"/>
<item name="c_fyros"/>
<item name="c_matis"/>
<item name="c_tryker"/>
<item name="c_zorai"/>
<enum name="TCult">
<item name="c_neutral"/>
<item name="c_kami"/>
<item name="c_karavan"/>
<!-- ############################################################## -->
<class name="TCharInfo">
<doc line="Info about a character, used for block tranfert"/>
<!-- activate serial generation -->
<property type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="CharEId" byref="true" doc="The entity id the the character"/>
<property type="std::string" name="CharName" byref="true" doc="The name of the character"/>
<property type="uint32" name="HomeSessionId" doc="The session id the the character home mainland"/>
<property type="sint32" name="BestCombatLevel" doc="The best combat level of the character"/>
<property type="uint32" name="GuildId" doc="The guild id of this player"/>
<property type="CONTINENT::TRespawnPointCounters" name="RespawnPoints"
doc="the list of respawn points validated by the character"/>
<property type="TRace" name="Race" />
<property type="TCivilisation" name="Civilisation" />
<property type="TCult" name="Cult" />
<property type="bool" name="Newcomer" />
<!-- ############################################################## -->
<class name="TCharBestLevelInfo">
<doc line="Info about a the best level of a character, used for block tranfert"/>
<!-- activate serial generation -->
<property type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="CharEId" byref="true" doc="The entity id the the character"/>
<property type="sint32" name="BestCombatLevel" doc="The best combat level of the character"/>
<!-- ############################################################## -->
<module_interface name="CCharacterSync">
<doc line="Interface used by EGS and implemented in the SU"/>
<doc line="Used by EGS to send characters info update to the SU"/>
<doc line="for synchronising the ring database"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="addCharacter" msg="CS_ACH">
<doc line="A new character have been create by a client"/>
<param type="TCharInfo" name="charInfo" byref="true"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="deleteCharacter" msg="CS_DCH">
<doc line="A character have been deleted"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- <method name="updateCharName" msg="CS_UPDCN">
<doc line="The name of a character have been changed"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="charEId" byref="true"/>
<param type="std::string" name="charName" byref="true"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="updateCharGuild" msg="CS_UPDCG">
<doc line="A character guild have changed"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="charEId" byref="true"/>
<param type="uint32" name="guildId" />
<method name="updateCharRespawnPoints" msg="CS_UPDCR">
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<doc line="Update the respawn points count of a character"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="charEId" byref="true"/>
<param type="CONTINENT::TRespawnPointCounters" name="respawnPoints" byref="true" serial="Cont"/>
<method name="updateCharsBestLevel" msg="CS_UPDCL">
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<doc line="Update the best level for a set of characters"/>
<param type="std::vector &lt; TCharBestLevelInfo &gt;" name="charLevelInfos" byref="true" serial="Cont"/>
<method name="updateCharNewbieFlag" msg="CS_UPCNF">
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<doc line="Update the newbie flag of a characters"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="charEId" byref="true"/>
<param type="bool" name="newbie" />
<method name="updateCharAllegiance" msg="CS_UPDCA">
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<doc line="Update the allegiance of a characters"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="charEId" byref="true"/>
<param type="TCivilisation" name="civilisation" />
<param type="TCult" name="cult" />
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="updateCharHomeMainlandSessionId" msg="CS_UPDCHMSI">
<doc line="The home mainland has changed (used when converting a character file from an old version)"/>
<param type="NLMISC::CEntityId" name="charEId" byref="true"/>
<param type="TSessionId" name="homeMainlandSessionId"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="syncUserChars" msg="CS_UPDCS">
<doc line="The characters for a player have been loaded"/>
<doc line="EGS send the full list to SU to make"/>
<doc line="sure any divergence in the database is cleared"/>
<doc line="SU send back the list of character with there"/>
<doc line="unified names and home session ID"/>
<param type="uint32" name="userId"/>
<param type="std::vector &lt; TCharInfo &gt;" name="charInfos" byref="true" serial="Cont"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- === Name manager related methods ===================== -->
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<!-- ############################################################## -->
<enum name="TCharacterNameResult">
<item name="cnr_ok"/>
<item name="cnr_invalid_name"/>
<item name="cnr_already_exist"/>
<class name="CValidateNameResult">
<property type="TCharacterNameResult" name="Result"/>
<property type="uint32" name="UserId"/>
<property type="uint8" name="CharIndex"/>
<property type="ucstring" name="FullName"/>
<class name="CGuildInfo">
<property type="ucstring" name="GuildName" byref="true"/>
<property type="uint32" name="GuildId"/>
<!-- ############################################################## -->
<module_interface name="CNameUnifier">
<doc line="Interface to the name unifier used by EGS, implemented in shard unifier"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="registerNameUnifierClient" msg="NU_RNUC">
<doc line="EGS register it's name unifier in order to receive"/>
<doc line="an updated eid to name translation table"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="validateCharacterName" msg="NU_VCN">
<doc line="EGS ask to validate a character name"/>
<doc line="If the NU valide the name, it temporary"/>
<doc line="lock it to the associated player."/>
<doc line="This function is called before character creation."/>
<!-- <return type="CValidateNameResult" />-->
<param type="uint32" name="userId"/>
<param type="uint8" name="charIndex"/>
<param type="std::string" name="name" byref="true"/>
<param type="uint32" name="homeMainlandSessionId"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="assignNameToCharacter" msg="NU_ANTC">
<doc line="EGS ask to assign a name to a character"/>
<doc line="This function is called during character creation"/>
<!-- <return type="CValidateNameResult" />-->
<param type="uint32" name="charId"/>
<param type="std::string" name="name" byref="true"/>
<param type="uint32" name="homeSessionId"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="renameCharacter" msg="NU_RC">
<doc line="EGS ask to rename a character."/>
<doc line="Renaming consist of assigning a default ramdomly generated name to the character"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="registerLoadedGuildNames" msg="NU_RLGN">
<doc line="EGS send info about the list of loaded guild."/>
<doc line="The name unifier will update is internal name table if needed"/>
<doc line="and rename any guild having a conflicting name."/>
<doc line="If any guild is renamed, then the name unifier send back"/>
<doc line="a guildRenamed message to EGS."/>
<param type="uint32" name="chardId"/>
<param type="std::vector &lt; CGuildInfo &gt;" name="guildInfos" byref="true" serial="Cont"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="validateGuildName" msg="NU_VGN">
<doc line="EGS ask to the name unifier to validate a new guild name"/>
<param type="uint32" name="guildId"/>
<param type="ucstring" name="guildName" byref="true"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="addGuild" msg="NU_AG">
<doc line="EGS add newly created guild info"/>
<param type="uint32" name="shardId"/>
<param type="uint32" name="guildId"/>
<param type="ucstring" name="guildName" byref="true"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="removeGuild" msg="NU_RG">
<doc line="EGS remove deleted guild info"/>
<param type="uint32" name="shardId"/>
<param type="uint32" name="guildId"/>
<!-- ############################################################## -->
<class name="TNameEntry">
<property type="uint32" name="UserId"/>
<property type="uint8" name="CharIndex"/>
<property type="ucstring" name="Name" byref="true"/>
<property type="std::string" name="UserName" byref="true"/>
<property type="uint32" name="ShardId" byref="true"/>
<!-- ############################################################## -->
<class name="TCharSyncResultEntry">
<property type="uint32" name="CharId"/>
<property type="ucstring" name="CharName" byref="true"/>
<property type="uint32" name="HomeSessionId"/>
<property type="bool" name="IsOwnerOfActiveAnimSession"/>
<property type="uint32" name="ActiveAnimSessionId" default = "0"/>
<property type="uint32" name="EditionSessionId"/>
<!-- ############################################################## -->
<module_interface name="CNameUnifierClient">
<doc line="Reponse interface for name unifier"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="initEIdTranslator" msg="NUC_IET">
<doc line="The name unifier send the initial content for the Eid translator."/>
<doc line="EGS need to wait until it receive this message before continuing"/>
<doc line="it's startup sequence in order to have coherent name in guild."/>
<param type="bool" name="firstPacket"/>
<param type="bool" name="lastPacket"/>
<param type="std::vector &lt; TNameEntry &gt;" name="nameEntries" byref="true" serial="Cont"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="updateEIdTranslator" msg="NUC_UET" broadcast="true">
<doc line="The name unifier send an update for the EID translator."/>
<doc line="releasedNames contains a list of charId whose names have been released"/>
<doc line="changedNames contains a list of add or update entries"/>
<param type="std::vector &lt; uint32 &gt;" name="releasedNames" byref="true" serial="Cont"/>
<param type="std::vector &lt; TNameEntry &gt;" name="changedNames" byref="true" serial="Cont"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="validateCharacterNameResult" msg="NUC_VCNR">
<doc line="The name unifier send the result for validation"/>
<doc line="of a character name before creation."/>
<param type="CValidateNameResult" name="nameResult" byref="true"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="assignCharacterNameResult" msg="NUC_ACNR">
<doc line="The name unifier send the result for name assignment"/>
<doc line="of a new character name during creation."/>
<param type="CValidateNameResult" name="nameResult" byref="true"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="characterRenamed" msg="NUC_CR" broadcast="true">
<doc line="The name unifier has renamed a character"/>
<doc line="EGS must do what it need to take the new name into account"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId"/>
<param type="std::string" name="newName" byref="true"/>
<param type="bool" name="sendSummary"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="userCharUpdatedAndValidated" msg="NUC_UCUAV">
<doc line="The name unifier has updated/validated/eventualy renamed"/>
<doc line="all the characters send by EGS for a user."/>
<doc line="EGS can proceed to send the characters summary to client"/>
<doc line="The result message contains the list of all characters"/>
<doc line="with their unified name and home session id from the"/>
<doc line="ring database"/>
<param type="uint32" name="userId"/>
<param type="std::vector &lt; TCharSyncResultEntry &gt;" name="charInfos" byref="true" serial="Cont"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="userCharSyncFailed" msg="NUC_UCSF">
<doc line="The name unifier has failed tp updated/validated/eventualy renamed"/>
<doc line="all the characters send by EGS for a user."/>
<doc line="EGS can proceed to send the characters summary to client"/>
<doc line="but the character names are perhaps not good ?"/>
<param type="uint32" name="userId"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="guildRenamed" msg="NUC_GR">
<doc line="The name unifier has renamed a guild to resolve a name conflict"/>
<param type="uint32" name="guildId"/>
<param type="ucstring" name="newName" byref="true"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="validateGuildNameResult" msg="NUC_VGNR">
<doc line="The name unifier respond to EGS about guild name validation request"/>
<param type="uint32" name="guildId"/>
<param type="ucstring" name="guildName" byref="true"/>
<param type="TCharacterNameResult" name="result"/>
<!-- ========================================================== -->
<method name="removeCharFromGuild" msg="NUC_RCFG">
<doc line="The unifier has detected an invalid guild/character association"/>
<doc line="and ask to the EGS to remove the character from the guild"/>
<param type="uint32" name="charId"/>
<param type="uint32" name="guildId"/>