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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "nel/misc/triangle.h"
#include "nel/misc/matrix.h"
#include "nel/misc/plane.h"
#include "nel/misc/mutex.h"
#include "nel/misc/bit_set.h"
#include "nel/misc/pool_memory.h"
#include "nel/misc/random.h"
#include "nel/misc/bitmap.h"
#include "nel/misc/mutex.h"
#include "nel/3d/frustum.h"
#include "nel/3d/zone.h"
#include "nel/3d/quad_grid.h"
#include "nel/3d/cube_grid.h"
#include "nel/3d/patchuv_locator.h"
#include "nel/3d/tile_light_influence.h"
#include <list>
namespace NL3D
class CZone;
class CPatchUVLocator;
class IShape;
class CLightRunnable;
class CCalcLightableShapeRunnable;
class CMeshGeom;
class CMeshBase;
class CMeshMRMGeom;
class CWaterShape;
class CRenderZBuffer;
class CMaterial;
// The zone lighter
class CZoneLighter
friend class NL3D::CLightRunnable;
friend class NL3D::CRenderZBuffer;
CZoneLighter ();
virtual ~CZoneLighter () {}
// Light decription structure
class CLightDesc
// Default Ctor
CLightDesc ();
// Grid size
uint GridSize;
// Grid size
float GridCellSize;
// Height field size
float HeightfieldSize;
// Height field cell size
float HeightfieldCellSize;
// Render shadows
bool Shadow;
/// \name Sun parameters
// Sun direction
NLMISC::CVector SunDirection;
// Distance of the sun
float SunDistance;
// FOV of the sun in radian
float SunFOV;
// Center of the landscape pointed by the sun
NLMISC::CVector SunCenter;
// Sun radius, (for softshadow sampling)
float SunRadius;
/// \name ZBuffer parameters
// Landscape ZBuffers size for all the landscape. There is one zbuffer like this one per softshadow sample.
uint ZBufferLandscapeSize;
// Object ZBuffers size for all the landscape. This zbuffer is typically finer. There is only one zbuffer like this.
uint ZBufferObjectSize;
/// \name Softshadows
// Square root of the number of soft shadow samples
uint SoftShadowSamplesSqrt;
// Soft shadow jitter (0 ~ 1) to smooth softshadow aliasing when sampling number is small
float SoftShadowJitter;
// Use sun contribution
bool SunContribution;
// Use sky contribution
bool SkyContribution;
// Sky intensity [0, 1]
float SkyIntensity;
// z-bias for water rendering
float WaterShadowBias;
// Water ambient intensity
float WaterAmbient;
// This is used to modulate the direct contribution of light to water
float WaterDiffuse;
// Sky contribution for water
bool SkyContributionForWater;
// True to enable modulation with water previous texture
bool ModulateWaterColor;
/// Evaluation of the max height, in meters, of the vegetables. Needed when we compute whether a tile is below or above water.
float VegetableHeight;
// Nombrer of CPU used
uint NumCPU;
// A triangle used to light the zone
class CTriangle
friend class CZoneLighter;
enum TFlags
Landscape = 1,
DoubleSided = 2,
ClampU = 4,
ClampV = 8,
// Ctors
CTriangle (const NLMISC::CTriangle& triangle, bool doubleSided, const NLMISC::CBitmap *texture, bool clampU, bool clampV, float *u, float *v, uint8 alphaTestThreshold)
// Copy the triangle
// Draw it in the heightmap
Flags = 0;
// Double sided
Flags |= doubleSided ? DoubleSided : 0;
// Texture
Texture = texture;
// Texture used ?
if (Texture)
// Alpha test threshold
AlphaTestThreshold = alphaTestThreshold;
// Flags
Flags |= clampU ? ClampU : 0;
Flags |= clampV ? ClampV : 0;
// Copy U and V
for (uint i=0; i<3; i++)
U[i] = u[i];
V[i] = v[i];
// Ctor for lansdcape triangles
CTriangle (const NLMISC::CTriangle& triangle)
// Copy the triangle
// Draw it in the heightmap
Flags = Landscape;
// Texture
Texture = NULL;
// The triangle
NLMISC::CTriangle Triangle;
// Flags
uint8 Flags;
uint8 AlphaTestThreshold;
// UV
float U[3];
float V[3];
// Texture
const NLMISC::CBitmap *Texture;
// Other info
const CPlane &getPlane() const {return _Plane;}
NLMISC::CPlane _Plane;
#define SHAPE_MAX 500
#define MAX_CPU_PROCESS 10
// A lumel
class CLumelDescriptor
CLumelDescriptor ()
NLMISC::CVector Position;
NLMISC::CVector Normal;
float S;
float T;
// A lumel corner
class CLumelCorner
CLumelCorner ()
NLMISC::CVector Position;
// The ZBuffer struct
class CZBuffer
std::vector<float> Pixels;
NL3D::CFrustum WorldToZBufferFrustum;
NLMISC::CMatrix WorldToZBuffer;
sint LocalZBufferXMin;
sint LocalZBufferXMax;
sint LocalZBufferYMin;
sint LocalZBufferYMax;
float LocalZBufferZMin;
float LocalZBufferZMax;
sint LocalZBufferWidth;
sint LocalZBufferHeight;
sint ZBufferPixelSize;
NLMISC::CVector BoundingBoxVectors[8];
// A hierarchical heightfield
class CHeightField
enum TDirection
// Build the heightfield
void build (std::vector<float>& heightField, const NLMISC::CVector &origine, float cellSeize, uint width, uint height);
// Get max height on a direction
float getMaxHeight (const NLMISC::CVector &position, TDirection direction) const;
std::vector<std::vector<float> > HeightFields;
// Init the system
void init ();
// Light a zone
void light (CLandscape &landscape, CZone& output, uint zoneToLight, const CLightDesc& description,
std::vector<CTriangle>& obstacles, std::vector<uint> &listZone);
// patch a zone, to compute only the tile water states.
void computeTileFlagsOnly (CLandscape &landscape, CZone& output, uint zoneToLight, const CLightDesc& description,
std::vector<uint> &listZone);
// Add triangles from a landscape
void addTriangles (CLandscape &landscape, std::vector<uint> &listZone, uint order, std::vector<CTriangle>& triangleArray);
// Add triangles from a transform shape. Work only for CMesh, CMultiMesh and CMeshMRM all without skinning.
void addTriangles (const IShape &shape, const NLMISC::CMatrix& modelMT, std::vector<CTriangle>& triangleArray);
/** Some shape (water shapes for now) can be lit.
* This add such a shape to the process of lighting.
* \see isLightableShape()
void addLightableShape(IShape *shape, const NLMISC::CMatrix& modelMT);
/// Add a water shape. This is needed to decide whether tiles are above / below water
void addWaterShape(CWaterShape *shape, const NLMISC::CMatrix &MT);
/// get the number of water shapes added
uint getNumWaterShape() const {return (uint)_WaterShapes.size();}
/// check whether a shape is lightable.
static bool isLightableShape(IShape &shape);
// Progress callback
virtual void progress (const char *message, float progress) {}
// Compute shadow attenuation
float attenuation (const CVector &pos, const CZoneLighter::CLightDesc &description);
/// \name Static PointLights mgt.
/// Append a static point light to compute. call at setup stage (before light() ).
void addStaticPointLight(const CPointLightNamed &pln);
friend class CCalcLightableShapeRunnable;
// Add triangles from a non skinned CMeshGeom.
void addTriangles (const CMeshBase &meshBase, const CMeshGeom &meshGeom, const NLMISC::CMatrix& modelMT, std::vector<CTriangle>& triangleArray);
// Add triangles from a non skinned CMeshMRMGeom.
void addTriangles (const CMeshBase &meshBase, const CMeshMRMGeom &meshGeom, const CMatrix& modelMT, std::vector<CTriangle>& triangleArray);
// One process method
void processCalc (uint process, const CLightDesc& description);
// Build internal zone information
void buildZoneInformation (CLandscape &landscape, const std::vector<uint> &listZone, const CLightDesc &lightDesc);
// Exclude all the patch of a landscape from refine all
void excludeAllPatchFromRefineAll (CLandscape &landscape, std::vector<uint> &listZone, bool exclude);
// Get positions and normal from a patch
void getPatchNormalAndPositions (std::vector<CLumelDescriptor>& lumels, CLandscape &landscape, uint zoneToLight, uint patch,
CPatchUVLocator *locator, bool *binded);
// Calc sky contribution. Used by getSkyContribution
float calcSkyContribution (sint s, sint t, float height, float skyIntensity, const CVector& normal) const;
/// compute the sky contribution at the given position
float getSkyContribution(const CVector &pos, const CVector &normal, float SkyIntensity) const;
// Get max height
uint8 getMaxPhi (sint s, sint t, sint deltaS, sint deltaT, float heightPos) const;
// Eval a normal in the neighborhood
void getNormal (const NL3D::CPatch *pPatch, sint16 lumelS, sint16 lumelT, std::vector<NL3D::CPatchUVLocator> &locator,
const std::vector<NL3D::CPatch::CBindInfo> &bindInfo, const std::vector<bool> &binded, std::set<uint64>& visited,
float deltaS, float deltaT, uint rotation, const NL3D::CBezierPatch &bezierPatch, uint lastEdge=5);
// Tell if the edge lumel must be oversampled
bool isLumelOnEdgeMustBeOversample (uint patch, uint edge, sint s, sint t, const std::vector<bool> &binded,
const std::vector<bool> &oversampleEdges, std::vector<CPatchUVLocator> &locator,
uint8 shadowed, std::vector<std::vector<uint8> >& shadowBuffer);
/// Struct describing the position of a lightable shape
struct CShapeInfo
IShape *Shape;
/// A vector of lightable shapes
typedef std::vector<CShapeInfo> TShapeVect;
/// Launch a set of threads to perform lighting of lightable shapes
void lightShapes(uint zoneID, const CLightDesc& description);
/// Process lighting for a set of lightable shapes. This is called by the threads created by lightShapes().
void processLightableShapeCalc (uint process,
TShapeVect *shapeToLit,
uint firstShape,
uint lastShape,
const CLightDesc& description);
/// Compute the lighting for a single lightable shape
void lightSingleShape(CShapeInfo &lsi, const CLightDesc& description, uint cpu);
/// Compute the lighting for a water shape
void lightWater(CWaterShape &ws, const CMatrix &MT, const CLightDesc& description, uint cpu);
/** Make a quad grid of all the water shapes that where registered by calling addWaterShape()
* The vector of water shapes is released then
* \param bbox the bbox of the zone containing the water shapes
void makeQuadGridFromWaterShapes(NLMISC::CAABBox zoneBBox);
/** For each tile of the current zone, check whether it below or above water.
* The result is stored in the flags of the tile.
* The quadtree is removed then.
void computeTileFlagsForPositionTowardWater(const CLightDesc &lightDesc,
std::vector<const CTessFace*> &tessFaces
/** If no water surface overlap the zone, so we set all the flags to 'AboveWater", or don't change them if they
* were set to 'DisableVegetable'
void setTileFlagsToDefault(std::vector<const CTessFace*> &tessFaces);
/** This copy the flags of the tiles from the source zone to a dest zone (result of the lighting).
* This is needed beacuse these flags are updated to say whether a given tile is above / below water
* IMPORTANT : the source and destination zones must match of course...
static void copyTileFlags(CZone &destZone, const CZone &srcZone);
// Get texture from a material for alpha test
bool getTexture (const CMaterial &material, NLMISC::CBitmap *&result, bool &clampU, bool &clampV, uint8 &alphaTestThreshold, bool &doubleSided);
// Give a thread a patch to compute
uint getAPatch (uint process);
// The quad grid
CQuadGrid<const CTriangle*> _QuadGrid[MAX_CPU_PROCESS];
NLMISC::CMatrix _RayBasis;
NLMISC::CVector _SunDirection;
uint _ZoneToLight;
NL3D::CLandscape *_Landscape;
float _ShadowBias;
bool _Softshadow;
std::vector<std::vector<uint8> > _ShadowArray;
// Processes
NLMISC::CSynchronized<std::vector<bool> > _PatchComputed;
std::vector<uint> _LastPatchComputed;
uint _NumberOfPatchComputed;
uint _ProcessCount;
uint64 _CPUMask;
NLMISC::CMutex _ProcessExitedMutex;
volatile uint _ProcessExited;
// *** Bitmap sharing
std::map<std::string, NLMISC::CBitmap> _Bitmaps;
// *** The zbuffer
// ZBuffer mutex
NLMISC::CFastMutex _Mutex;
// Zbuffer pixels in meters
std::vector<CZBuffer> _ZBufferLandscape;
CZBuffer _ZBufferObject;
// ZBuffer lookup overflow
bool _ZBufferOverflow;
// Random generator
NLMISC::CRandom _Random;
// The heightfield
std::vector<float> _HeightField;
sint _HeightFieldCellCount;
NLMISC::CVector _OrigineHeightField;
float _HeightfieldCellSize;
class CLumelCorners
// Zone infos
std::vector<CPatchInfo> _PatchInfo;
std::vector<CBorderVertex> _BorderVertices;
std::vector<std::vector<CLumelDescriptor> > _Lumels;
//std::vector<std::vector<CLumelCorners> > _LumelCorners;
std::vector<std::vector<CBezierPatch> > _BezierPatch;
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<CPatchUVLocator> > > _Locator;
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<CPatch::CBindInfo> > > _BindInfo;
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<bool> > > _Binded;
std::vector<std::vector<bool> > _OversampleEdges;
std::map<uint, uint> _ZoneId;
// Get normal info
const NL3D::CPatch *_GetNormalPatch;
NLMISC::CVector _GetNormalNormal;
uint _GetNormalRadius;
uint _GetNormalSqRadius;
static sint16 _GetNormalDeltaS[4];
static sint16 _GetNormalDeltaT[4];
// Precalc
NLMISC::CVector _K[256][8];
/// \name Static PointLights mgt.
/// A PointLight struct to test raytracing.
struct CPointLightRT
CPointLightNamed PointLight;
float OODeltaAttenuation;
// BBox of the pointLight
NLMISC::CBSphere BSphere;
// Faces that may occlude the light. Only Back Faces (from the light pov) are inserted
CCubeGrid<const CTriangle*> FaceCubeGrid;
// Number of TileLightInfluences which use this PointLight.
uint RefCount;
// Final id of the pointLight in the Zone.
uint DstId;
/** Tells if a point is visible from this light. NB: test first if in BSphere
* If occluded or out of radius, return false, else return true.
* Also Skip if the light is an Ambient, and skip if the light is a spot and if the position is out of the cone
bool testRaytrace(const CVector &v);
/// For sort()
struct CPredPointLightToPoint
CVector Point;
bool operator() (CPointLightRT *pla, CPointLightRT *plb) const;
/// An UnCompressed TileLightInfluence.
struct CTileLightInfUnpack
CPointLightRT *Light[CTileLightInfluence::NumLightPerCorner];
float LightFactor[CTileLightInfluence::NumLightPerCorner];
/// A patch with UnCompressed TileInfluences.
struct CPatchForPL
uint OrderS, OrderT;
uint WidthTLI, HeightTLI;
std::vector<CTileLightInfUnpack> TileLightInfluences;
/// List of PointLights
std::vector<CPointLightRT> _StaticPointLights;
/// QuadGrid of PointLights. Builded from _StaticPointLights
CQuadGrid<CPointLightRT*> _StaticPointLightQuadGrid;
/// Fill CubeGrid, and set PointLightRT in _StaticPointLightQuadGrid.
void compilePointLightRT(uint gridSize, float gridCellSize, std::vector<CTriangle>& obstacles, bool doShadow);
/** Process the zone, ie process _PatchInfo.
* MultiCPU: not done for now. Be aware of CPointLightRT::RefCount!!!!
void processZonePointLightRT(std::vector<CPointLightNamed> &listPointLight);
/// lightable shapes
TShapeVect _LightableShapes;
uint _NumLightableShapesProcessed;
/** List of all the water shapes in the zone. We need them to check whether the tiles are above / below water, or if theyr intersect water
TShapeVect _WaterShapes;
typedef CQuadGrid<CShapeInfo> TWaterShapeQuadGrid;
TWaterShapeQuadGrid _WaterShapeQuadGrid;
/// Some constants
static const sint8 TriangleIndexes[10][2][3];
static const sint8 VertexThanCanBeSnappedOnABorder[8][4];
static const sint8 VertexThanCanBeSnappedOnACorner[3][2];
} // NL3D
/* End of zone_lighter.h */