
945 lines
28 KiB

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "std3d.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_multi_lod.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_multi_lod_instance.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_instance.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_mrm.h"
#include "nel/3d/scene.h"
#include "nel/3d/coarse_mesh_manager.h"
#include "nel/3d/skeleton_model.h"
#include "nel/misc/fast_floor.h"
#include "nel/3d/mesh_blender.h"
#include "nel/3d/visual_collision_mesh.h"
#include "nel/misc/debug.h"
#include "nel/misc/hierarchical_timer.h"
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace std;
namespace NL3D
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::build(CMeshMultiLodBuild &mbuild)
// Clear the mesh
clear ();
// Build the base mesh
CMeshBase::buildMeshBase (mbuild.BaseMesh);
// Static flag
// Resize the array
_MeshVector.resize (mbuild.LodMeshes.size());
// For each slots
for (uint slot=0; slot<mbuild.LodMeshes.size(); slot++)
// Dist max
// BlendLength
// Flags
// Blend in ?
if (mbuild.LodMeshes[slot].Flags & CMeshMultiLodBuild::CBuildSlot::BlendIn)
// Blend out ?
if (mbuild.LodMeshes[slot].Flags & CMeshMultiLodBuild::CBuildSlot::BlendOut)
// Coarse mesh ?
if (mbuild.LodMeshes[slot].Flags & CMeshMultiLodBuild::CBuildSlot::CoarseMesh)
// Flag
// Is opaque
if (mbuild.LodMeshes[slot].Flags & CMeshMultiLodBuild::CBuildSlot::IsOpaque)
// Is transparent
if (mbuild.LodMeshes[slot].Flags & CMeshMultiLodBuild::CBuildSlot::IsTransparent)
// MeshGeom
nlassert (mbuild.LodMeshes[slot].MeshGeom);
// Valid pointer ?
if (_MeshVector[slot].Flags&CMeshSlot::CoarseMesh)
// If it is a coarse mesh, it must be a CMeshGeom.
if (dynamic_cast<CMeshGeom*>(mbuild.LodMeshes[slot].MeshGeom)==NULL)
// If it is a coarse mesh, it must be a CMeshGeom.
_MeshVector[slot].MeshGeom = NULL;
delete mbuild.LodMeshes[slot].MeshGeom;
// Ok, no prb
_MeshVector[slot].MeshGeom = mbuild.LodMeshes[slot].MeshGeom;
// Ok, no prb
_MeshVector[slot].MeshGeom = mbuild.LodMeshes[slot].MeshGeom;
// Sort the slot by the distance...
for (int i=(uint)mbuild.LodMeshes.size()-1; i>0; i--)
for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
// Bad sort ?
if (_MeshVector[j].DistMax>_MeshVector[j+1].DistMax)
// Exchange slots
CMeshSlot tmp=_MeshVector[j];
// Calc start and end polygon count
for (uint k=0; k<mbuild.LodMeshes.size(); k++)
// Get start distance
float startDist;
if (k==0)
// Get start poly count
float startPolyCount;
startPolyCount=_MeshVector[k].MeshGeom->getNumTriangles (startDist);
// Get end distance
float endDist=_MeshVector[k].DistMax;
// Get end poly count
if (k==mbuild.LodMeshes.size()-1)
_MeshVector[k].EndPolygonCount=_MeshVector[k].MeshGeom->getNumTriangles (endDist);
if (startPolyCount==_MeshVector[k].EndPolygonCount)
_MeshVector[k].EndPolygonCount=_MeshVector[k+1].MeshGeom->getNumTriangles (endDist);
// Calc A
if (endDist==startDist)
// Calc A
// End: compile some stuff
// ***************************************************************************
CTransformShape *CMeshMultiLod::createInstance(CScene &scene)
// Create a CMeshInstance, an instance of a multi lod mesh.
CMeshMultiLodInstance *mi=(CMeshMultiLodInstance*)scene.createModel(NL3D::MeshMultiLodInstanceId);
mi->Shape= this;
// instanciate the material part of the Mesh, ie the CMeshBase.
CMeshBase::instanciateMeshBase(mi, &scene);
// Create the necessary space for Coarse Instanciation
// For all lods, do some instance init for MeshGeom
for(uint i=0; i<_MeshVector.size(); i++)
// init the Filter type
return mi;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CMeshMultiLod::clip(const std::vector<CPlane> &pyramid, const CMatrix &worldMatrix)
// Look for the biggest mesh
uint meshCount=(uint)_MeshVector.size();
for (uint i=0; i<meshCount; i++)
// Ref on slot
CMeshSlot &slot=_MeshVector[i];
// Is mesh present ?
if (slot.MeshGeom)
// Clip this mesh
return slot.MeshGeom->clip (pyramid, worldMatrix);
return true;
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::render(IDriver *drv, CTransformShape *trans, bool passOpaque)
// Render good meshes
CMeshMultiLodInstance *instance=safe_cast<CMeshMultiLodInstance*>(trans);
// Static or dynamic coarse mesh ?
CCoarseMeshManager *manager;
// Get the coarse mesh manager
// *** Render Lods
// Second lod ?
if ( (instance->Lod1!=0xffffffff) && (passOpaque==false) )
// build rdrFlags to rdr both transparent and opaque materials,
// use globalAlphaBlend, and disable ZWrite for Lod1
uint32 rdrFlags= IMeshGeom::RenderOpaqueMaterial | IMeshGeom::RenderTransparentMaterial |
IMeshGeom::RenderGlobalAlpha | IMeshGeom::RenderGADisableZWrite;
// NB: very important to render Lod1 first, because Lod0 is still rendered with ZWrite enabled.
renderMeshGeom (instance->Lod1, drv, instance, instance->PolygonCountLod1, rdrFlags, 1.f-instance->BlendFactor, manager);
// Have an opaque pass ?
if ( (instance->Flags&CMeshMultiLodInstance::Lod0Blend) == 0)
// Is this slot a CoarseMesh?
if ( _MeshVector[instance->Lod0].Flags&CMeshSlot::CoarseMesh )
// render as a CoarseMesh the lod 0, only in opaque pass
renderCoarseMesh (instance->Lod0, drv, instance, manager);
// build rdrFlags the normal way (as CMesh::render() for example)
uint32 mask= (0-(uint32)passOpaque);
uint32 rdrFlags;
// select rdrFlags, without ifs.
rdrFlags= mask & (IMeshGeom::RenderOpaqueMaterial | IMeshGeom::RenderPassOpaque);
rdrFlags|= ~mask & (IMeshGeom::RenderTransparentMaterial);
// Only render the normal way the first lod
renderMeshGeom (instance->Lod0, drv, instance, instance->PolygonCountLod0, rdrFlags, 1, manager);
// Should not be in opaque
nlassert (passOpaque==false);
// build rdrFlags to rdr both transparent and opaque materials,
// use globalAlphaBlend, BUT Don't disable ZWrite for Lod0
uint32 rdrFlags= IMeshGeom::RenderOpaqueMaterial | IMeshGeom::RenderTransparentMaterial |
// Render first lod in blend mode. Don't disable ZWrite for Lod0
renderMeshGeom (instance->Lod0, drv, instance, instance->PolygonCountLod0, rdrFlags, instance->BlendFactor, manager);
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream)
/* ***********************************************
* WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance
* It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance
* ***********************************************/
// Serial a version number
(void)f.serialVersion (0);
// serial Materials infos contained in CMeshBase.
// Static lod flag
f.serial (_StaticLod);
// Serial the values
f.serialCont (_MeshVector);
// if reading, compile some stuff
if (f.isReading())
// ***************************************************************************
float CMeshMultiLod::getNumTrianglesWithCoarsestDist(float distance, float coarsestMeshDist) const
// Look in the table for good distances..
uint meshCount=(uint)_MeshVector.size();
// At least on mesh
if (meshCount>0)
if (coarsestMeshDist != -1)
if (coarsestMeshDist != 0)
// rescale distance to new coarse mesh distance..
distance *= _MeshVector[meshCount - 1].DistMax / coarsestMeshDist;
uint i=0;
// Look for good i
while ( _MeshVector[i].DistMax < distance)
if (i==meshCount-1)
// Abort if last one
// Ref on slot
const CMeshSlot &slot=_MeshVector[i];
// Is mesh present ?
if (slot.MeshGeom)
// Get the polygon count with the distance
float polyCount=slot.A * distance + slot.B;
/*// Get the perfect polygon count in this slot for the asked distance
float goodPolyCount=slot.MeshGeom->getNumTriangles (distance);
// Get the next slot perfect polygon count
float realEndPolyCount;
// Last slot ?
if ( (i<meshCount-1) && _MeshVector[i+1].MeshGeom )
// Take end number polygon count in the next slot
realEndPolyCount=_MeshVector[i+1].MeshGeom->getNumTriangles (slot.DistMax);
// Take end number polygon count in the this slot
// Return blended polygon count to have a continous decreasing function
return (goodPolyCount-slot.BeginPolygonCount) * (realEndPolyCount-slot.BeginPolygonCount) /
(slot.EndPolygonCount-slot.BeginPolygonCount) + slot.BeginPolygonCount;*/
return polyCount;
return 0;
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::getAABBox(NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox) const
// Get count
uint count=(uint)_MeshVector.size();
for (uint slot=0; slot<count; slot++)
// Shape ?
if (_MeshVector[slot].MeshGeom)
// Get the bounding box
// ok
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::clear ()
_MeshVector.clear ();
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::CMeshSlot::serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream)
// Check version
(void)f.serialVersion (0);
f.serialPolyPtr (MeshGeom);
f.serial (A);
f.serial (B);
f.serial (DistMax);
f.serial (EndPolygonCount);
f.serial (BlendLength);
f.serial (Flags);
if (f.isReading())
// ***************************************************************************
CMeshMultiLod::CMeshSlot::CMeshSlot ()
CoarseNumTris= 0;
// ***************************************************************************
CMeshMultiLod::CMeshSlot::~CMeshSlot ()
if (MeshGeom)
delete MeshGeom;
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::renderMeshGeom (uint slot, IDriver *drv, CMeshMultiLodInstance *trans, float numPoylgons, uint32 rdrFlags, float alpha, CCoarseMeshManager *manager)
// Ref
CMeshSlot &slotRef=_MeshVector[slot];
// MeshGeom exist?
if (slotRef.MeshGeom)
// NB Here, the meshGeom may still be a coarseMesh, but rendered through CMeshGeom
// Render only for opaque material
if(manager && (rdrFlags & IMeshGeom::RenderOpaqueMaterial) )
bool gaDisableZWrite= (rdrFlags & IMeshGeom::RenderGADisableZWrite)?true:false;
// Render the CoarseMesh with the manager material
CMaterial &material= manager->getMaterial();
// modulate material for alphaBlend transition
// ----------
// get average sun color for this coarseMesh
CRGBA newCol= trans->getCoarseMeshLighting();
// Use a CMeshBlender to modify material and driver.
CMeshBlender blender;
blender.prepareRenderForGlobalAlphaCoarseMesh(material, drv, newCol, alpha, gaDisableZWrite);
// render simple the coarseMesh
CMeshGeom *meshGeom= safe_cast<CMeshGeom*>(slotRef.MeshGeom);
// Force corse mesh vertex buffer in system memory
const_cast<CVertexBuffer&>(meshGeom->getVertexBuffer ()).setPreferredMemory (CVertexBuffer::RAMPreferred, false);
meshGeom->renderSimpleWithMaterial(drv, trans->getWorldMatrix(), material);
// resetup standard CoarseMeshMaterial material values
// ----------
// blender restore
blender.restoreRenderCoarseMesh(material, drv, gaDisableZWrite);
// Render the geom mesh
// Disable ZWrite only if in transition and for rendering Lod1
slotRef.MeshGeom->render (drv, trans, numPoylgons, rdrFlags, alpha);
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::renderCoarseMesh (uint slot, IDriver *drv, CMeshMultiLodInstance *trans, CCoarseMeshManager *manager)
// if the manager is NULL, quit.
// get the scene
CScene *scene= trans->getOwnerScene();
// If filtered...
if( (scene->getFilterRenderFlags() & UScene::FilterCoarseMesh)==0 )
// Ref
CMeshSlot &slotRef=_MeshVector[slot];
// the slot must be a Coarse mesh
// Get a pointer on the geom mesh
CMeshGeom *meshGeom= safe_cast<CMeshGeom*>(slotRef.MeshGeom);
// ** If not the same as Before (or if NULL before...)
if ( trans->_LastCoarseMesh!=meshGeom )
uint numVerts= meshGeom->getVertexBuffer().getNumVertices();
uint numTris= slotRef.CoarseNumTris;
// If empty meshGeom, erase cache (each frame, ugly but error mgt here...)
if( numTris==0 || numVerts==0 )
trans->_LastCoarseMesh= NULL;
// Cache
trans->_LastCoarseMesh= meshGeom;
trans->_LastCoarseMeshNumVertices= numVerts;
// Check setuped size.
nlassert( trans->_CoarseMeshVB.size() >= numVerts*manager->getVertexSize() );
// Fill only UVs here. (Pos updated in Matrix pass. Color in Lighting Pass)
trans->setUVCoarseMesh( *meshGeom, manager->getVertexSize(), manager->getUVOff() );
// Dirt the matrix
// Dirt the lighting. NB: period maximum is 255. Hence the -256, to ensure lighting compute now
trans->_LastLodLightingDate= -0x100;
// ** If setuped, update and render
if( trans->_LastCoarseMesh )
// Matrix has changed ?
if ( trans->ITransformable::compareMatrixDate (trans->_LastLodMatrixDate) )
// Get date
trans->_LastLodMatrixDate = trans->ITransformable::getMatrixDate();
// Set matrix
trans->setPosCoarseMesh ( *meshGeom, trans->getMatrix(), manager->getVertexSize() );
// Lighting: test if must update lighting, according to date of HrcTrav (num of CScene::render() call).
sint64 currentDate= scene->getHrcTrav().CurrentDate;
if( trans->_LastLodLightingDate < currentDate - scene->getCoarseMeshLightingUpdate() )
// reset the date.
trans->_LastLodLightingDate= currentDate;
// get average sun color
CRGBA sunContrib= trans->getCoarseMeshLighting();
// Invert BR if driver is BGRA
// Set color
trans->setColorCoarseMesh ( sunContrib, manager->getVertexSize(), manager->getColorOff());
// Add dynamic to the manager
if( !manager->addMesh(trans->_LastCoarseMeshNumVertices, &trans->_CoarseMeshVB[0], slotRef.CoarseNumTris, &slotRef.CoarseTriangles[0] ) )
// If failure, flush the manager
// then try to re-add. No-op if fails this time..
manager->addMesh(trans->_LastCoarseMeshNumVertices, &trans->_CoarseMeshVB[0], slotRef.CoarseNumTris, &slotRef.CoarseTriangles[0] );
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::compileDistMax()
// Last element
IShape::_DistMax= -1;
IShape::_DistMax= _MeshVector.back().DistMax;
// ***************************************************************************
const IMeshGeom& CMeshMultiLod::getMeshGeom (uint slot) const
// Checks
nlassert (slot<getNumSlotMesh ());
return *_MeshVector[slot].MeshGeom;
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::changeMRMDistanceSetup(float distanceFinest, float distanceMiddle, float distanceCoarsest)
// no-op if empty.
if(getNumSlotMesh ()==0)
// If not NULL
// verify it is a CMeshMRMGeom. else no-op.
CMeshMRMGeom *mgeom= dynamic_cast<CMeshMRMGeom*>(_MeshVector[0].MeshGeom);
// ok, setup.
mgeom->changeMRMDistanceSetup(distanceFinest, distanceMiddle, distanceCoarsest);
// ***************************************************************************
IMeshGeom *CMeshMultiLod::supportMeshBlockRendering (CTransformShape *trans, float &polygonCount ) const
IMeshGeom *ret= NULL;
// get the instance
CMeshMultiLodInstance *instance=safe_cast<CMeshMultiLodInstance*>(trans);
// Must not be in blend transition.
if ( (instance->Flags&CMeshMultiLodInstance::Lod0Blend) == 0)
uint slot= instance->Lod0;
// The slot must not be a CoarseMesh
if ( (_MeshVector[slot].Flags&CMeshSlot::CoarseMesh)==0 )
// MeshGeom exist?
ret= _MeshVector[slot].MeshGeom;
// Ok if meshGeom is ok.
if( ret && ret->supportMeshBlockRendering() )
polygonCount= instance->PolygonCountLod0;
return ret;
return NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::profileMeshGeom (uint slot, CRenderTrav *rdrTrav, CMeshMultiLodInstance *trans, float numPoylgons, uint32 rdrFlags)
// Ref
CMeshSlot &slotRef=_MeshVector[slot];
// MeshGeom exist?
if (slotRef.MeshGeom)
// NB Here, the meshGeom may still be a coarseMesh, but rendered through CMeshGeom
// Render only for opaque material
if(rdrFlags & IMeshGeom::RenderOpaqueMaterial)
slotRef.MeshGeom->profileSceneRender(rdrTrav, trans, numPoylgons, rdrFlags);
slotRef.MeshGeom->profileSceneRender(rdrTrav, trans, numPoylgons, rdrFlags);
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::profileSceneRender(CRenderTrav *rdrTrav, CTransformShape *trans, bool passOpaque)
// Render good meshes
CMeshMultiLodInstance *instance=safe_cast<CMeshMultiLodInstance*>(trans);
// Second lod ?
if ( (instance->Lod1!=0xffffffff) && (passOpaque==false) )
// build rdrFlags to rdr both transparent and opaque materials,
// use globalAlphaBlend, and disable ZWrite for Lod1
uint32 rdrFlags= IMeshGeom::RenderOpaqueMaterial | IMeshGeom::RenderTransparentMaterial |
IMeshGeom::RenderGlobalAlpha | IMeshGeom::RenderGADisableZWrite;
// NB: very important to render Lod1 first, because Lod0 is still rendered with ZWrite enabled.
profileMeshGeom (instance->Lod1, rdrTrav, instance, instance->PolygonCountLod1, rdrFlags);
// Have an opaque pass ?
if ( (instance->Flags&CMeshMultiLodInstance::Lod0Blend) == 0)
// Is this slot a CoarseMesh?
if ( _MeshVector[instance->Lod0].Flags&CMeshSlot::CoarseMesh )
// build rdrFlags the normal way (as CMesh::render() for example)
uint32 mask= (0-(uint32)passOpaque);
uint32 rdrFlags;
// select rdrFlags, without ifs.
rdrFlags= mask & (IMeshGeom::RenderOpaqueMaterial | IMeshGeom::RenderPassOpaque);
rdrFlags|= ~mask & (IMeshGeom::RenderTransparentMaterial);
// Only render the normal way the first lod
profileMeshGeom (instance->Lod0, rdrTrav, instance, instance->PolygonCountLod0, rdrFlags);
// Should not be in opaque
nlassert (passOpaque==false);
// build rdrFlags to rdr both transparent and opaque materials,
// use globalAlphaBlend, BUT Don't disable ZWrite for Lod0
uint32 rdrFlags= IMeshGeom::RenderOpaqueMaterial | IMeshGeom::RenderTransparentMaterial |
// Render first lod in blend mode. Don't disable ZWrite for Lod0
profileMeshGeom (instance->Lod0, rdrTrav, instance, instance->PolygonCountLod0, rdrFlags);
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::instanciateCoarseMeshSpace(CMeshMultiLodInstance *mi)
CCoarseMeshManager *manager= mi->getOwnerScene()->getCoarseMeshManager();
// For all MeshSlots that have a CoarseMesh, count max Coarse NumVertices;
uint numVertices= 0;
for(uint i=0;i<_MeshVector.size();i++)
CMeshSlot &slotRef= _MeshVector[i];
if( slotRef.Flags & CMeshSlot::CoarseMesh )
// Get a pointer on the geom mesh
CMeshGeom *meshGeom= safe_cast<CMeshGeom*>(slotRef.MeshGeom);
numVertices= max(numVertices, (uint)meshGeom->getVertexBuffer().getNumVertices() );
// Then allocate vertex space for dest manager vertex size.
mi->_CoarseMeshVB.resize( numVertices*manager->getVertexSize() );
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::compileCoarseMeshes()
// For All Slots that are CoarseMeshes.
for(uint i=0;i<_MeshVector.size();i++)
CMeshSlot &slotRef= _MeshVector[i];
if( slotRef.Flags & CMeshSlot::CoarseMesh )
// reset
slotRef.CoarseNumTris= 0;
// Get a pointer on the geom mesh
CMeshGeom *meshGeom= safe_cast<CMeshGeom*>(slotRef.MeshGeom);
// For All RdrPass of the 1st matrix block
if( meshGeom->getNbMatrixBlock()>0 )
// 1st count
for(uint i=0;i<meshGeom->getNbRdrPass(0);i++)
slotRef.CoarseNumTris+= meshGeom->getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock(0, i).getNumIndexes()/3;
// 2nd allocate and fill
if( slotRef.CoarseNumTris )
slotRef.CoarseTriangles.resize(slotRef.CoarseNumTris * 3);
TCoarseMeshIndexType *dstPtr= &slotRef.CoarseTriangles[0];
for(uint i=0;i<meshGeom->getNbRdrPass(0);i++)
const CIndexBuffer &pb= meshGeom->getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock(0, i);
CIndexBufferRead ibaRead;
pb.lock (ibaRead);
uint numTris= pb.getNumIndexes()/3;
if (pb.getFormat() == CIndexBuffer::Indices16)
if (sizeof(TCoarseMeshIndexType) == sizeof(uint16))
memcpy(dstPtr, (uint16 *) ibaRead.getPtr(), numTris*3*sizeof(uint16));
// 16 -> 32
uint16 *src = (uint16 *) ibaRead.getPtr();
for(uint k = 0; k < numTris; ++k)
*dstPtr++ = (TCoarseMeshIndexType) *src++;
*dstPtr++ = (TCoarseMeshIndexType) *src++;
*dstPtr++ = (TCoarseMeshIndexType) *src++;
if (sizeof(TCoarseMeshIndexType) == sizeof(uint32))
memcpy(dstPtr, (uint32 *) ibaRead.getPtr(), numTris*3*sizeof(uint32));
const uint32 *src = (const uint32 *) ibaRead.getPtr();
for(uint k = 0; k < numTris; ++k)
// 32 -> 16
nlassert(src[0] <= 0xffff);
nlassert(src[1] <= 0xffff);
nlassert(src[2] <= 0xffff);
*dstPtr++ = (TCoarseMeshIndexType) *src++;
*dstPtr++ = (TCoarseMeshIndexType) *src++;
*dstPtr++ = (TCoarseMeshIndexType) *src++;
dstPtr+= numTris*3;
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::compileRunTime()
/* ***********************************************
* WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance
* It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance
* ***********************************************/
// **** MultiLod basics
// **** try to build a Visual Collision Mesh
// clear first
delete _VisualCollisionMesh;
_VisualCollisionMesh= NULL;
// build only if wanted
if( (_CollisionMeshGeneration==AutoCameraCol && !_LightInfos.empty()) ||
_CollisionMeshGeneration==ForceCameraCol )
// try to retrieve the info from a CMeshGeom only
const CMeshGeom *meshGeom= dynamic_cast<const CMeshGeom*>(&getMeshGeom(0));
vector<CVector> vertices;
vector<uint32> indices;
if(meshGeom->retrieveVertices(vertices) && meshGeom->retrieveTriangles(indices))
// ok, can build!
_VisualCollisionMesh= new CVisualCollisionMesh;
// if fails to build cause of too many vertices/indices for instance
if(!_VisualCollisionMesh->build(vertices, indices,const_cast<CVertexBuffer&>(meshGeom->getVertexBuffer())))
// delete
delete _VisualCollisionMesh;
_VisualCollisionMesh= NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
void CMeshMultiLod::buildSystemGeometry()
// clear any
// Use the first lod, for system geometry copy
// the first is a meshGeom?
const CMeshGeom *meshGeom= dynamic_cast<const CMeshGeom*>(&getMeshGeom(0));
// retrieve geometry (if VB/IB not resident)
if( !meshGeom->retrieveVertices(_SystemGeometry.Vertices) ||
// else it is a mrm geom?
const CMeshMRMGeom *meshMRMGeom= dynamic_cast<const CMeshMRMGeom*>(&getMeshGeom(0));
// Choose the best Lod available for system geometry
uint lodId= meshMRMGeom->getNbLodLoaded()-1;
// retrieve geometry (if VB/IB not resident)
if( !meshMRMGeom->buildGeometryForLod(lodId, _SystemGeometry.Vertices, _SystemGeometry.Triangles) )
// TestYoyo
/*static uint32 totalMem= 0;
totalMem+= _SystemGeometry.Vertices.size()*sizeof(CVector);
totalMem+= _SystemGeometry.Triangles.size()*sizeof(uint32);
nlinfo("CMeshMultiLod: TotalMem: %d", totalMem);*/
} // NL3D