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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdligo.h"
// Ligo include
#include "zone_edge.h"
#include "nel/ligo/ligo_config.h"
#include "ligo_error.h"
// NeL include
#include "nel/misc/matrix.h"
using namespace NLMISC;
namespace NLLIGO
// ***************************************************************************
bool CZoneEdge::build (const std::vector<NLMISC::CVector> &theEdge, const std::vector<uint32> &theId, uint rotation,
sint32 offsetX, sint32 offsetY, const CLigoConfig &config, CLigoError &errors)
// Some checks
// no need, it s an uint nlassert (rotation>=0);
nlassert (rotation<=3);
nlassert (theEdge.size() == theId.size());
// Cancels errors
errors.clear ();
// Errors ?
bool ok = true;
// Check first position
CVector toCheck (theEdge[0].x, theEdge[0].y, 0);
if ((float)fabs (toCheck.norm())>config.Snap)
// Vertex error
errors.pushVertexError (CLigoError::UnknownError, 0);
ok = false;
// Check last position
uint lastIndex = (uint)theEdge.size()-1;
toCheck = CVector (theEdge[lastIndex].x, theEdge[lastIndex].y, 0);
if (((toCheck-CVector (config.CellSize, 0, 0)).norm())>config.Snap)
// Vertex error
errors.pushVertexError (CLigoError::UnknownError, 0);
ok = false;
// No error ? Build!
if (ok)
_TheEdge = theEdge;
_Rotation = rotation;
_OffsetX = offsetX;
_OffsetY = offsetY;
_Id = theId;
return ok;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CZoneEdge::isSymetrical (const CLigoConfig &config, CLigoError &errors) const
// Cancels errors
errors.clear ();
// Errors ?
bool ok = true;
// For each internal vertices
uint vert;
for (vert=0; vert<_TheEdge.size(); vert++)
// Symmetrical value
CVector sym = CVector (config.CellSize-_TheEdge[vert].x, _TheEdge[vert].y, _TheEdge[vert].z);
// Others vertices
uint vert2;
for (vert2=0; vert2<_TheEdge.size(); vert2++)
// Not the same ?
if (vert != vert2)
// Snapped ?
if ((_TheEdge[vert2]-sym).norm() <= config.Snap)
// Good, next one
// Not found ?
if (vert2>=_TheEdge.size())
// Error
ok = false;
// Push error message
errors.pushVertexError (CLigoError::NotSymetrical, _Id[vert]);
errors.MainError = CLigoError::NotSymetrical;
// Return error code
return ok;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CZoneEdge::isTheSame (const CZoneEdge &other, const CLigoConfig &config, CLigoError &errors) const
// Same vertex count ?
if (_TheEdge.size() != other._TheEdge.size())
// Error
errors.MainError = CLigoError::NotSameVerticesNumber;
return false;
// Errors ?
bool ok = true;
// For each internal vertices
uint vert;
for (vert=0; vert<_TheEdge.size(); vert++)
// The same ?
const CVector &pos0 = _TheEdge[vert];
const CVector &pos1 = other._TheEdge[vert];
if ((pos0-pos1).norm() > config.Snap)
// Error
ok = false;
// Push error message
errors.pushVertexError (CLigoError::NotSameVertex, other._Id[vert]);
errors.MainError = CLigoError::NotSameVertex;
// Return error code
return ok;
// ***************************************************************************
void CZoneEdge::serial (NLMISC::IStream& s)
// Serial the version
/*sint ver =*/ s.serialVersion (0);
s.xmlPush ("VERTICES");
s.serialCont (_TheEdge);
s.xmlPop ();
s.xmlPush ("VERTICES_ID");
s.serialCont (_Id);
s.xmlPop ();
s.xmlSerial (_Rotation, "ROTATION");
s.xmlSerial (_OffsetX, _OffsetY, "OFFSET");
// ***************************************************************************
void CZoneEdge::invert (const CLigoConfig &config)
// Copy the array
const std::vector<NLMISC::CVector> copy = _TheEdge;
// For each internal vertices
uint vert;
for (vert=0; vert<_TheEdge.size(); vert++)
// Invert
const CVector &pos = copy[_TheEdge.size()-vert-1];
_TheEdge[vert] = CVector (config.CellSize - pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
// ***************************************************************************
void CZoneEdge::buildMatrix (NLMISC::CMatrix& mat, const CLigoConfig &config) const
// Build a transformation matrix
mat.rotateZ ((float)Pi*(float)_Rotation/2.f);
mat.setPos (CVector (config.CellSize*(float)_OffsetX, config.CellSize*(float)_OffsetY, 0));
// ***************************************************************************