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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "u_transform.h"
#include "u_instance_material.h"
#include "u_shape.h"
#include "nel/misc/aabbox.h"
namespace NL3D
class UInstanceMaterial;
// ***************************************************************************
* Game interface for manipulating Objects, animations etc...
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class UInstance : public UTransform
/** Get the untransformed AABBox of the mesh. NULL (gtSize()==0) if no mesh.
void getShapeAABBox(NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox) const;
* Set the blend shape factor for this instance
* blenShapeName is the name of the blendshape we want to set
* factor the blendshape percentage from -100.0 to 100.0
* dynamic tells the optimizer if the blendshape have to change in real time
void setBlendShapeFactor (const std::string &blendShapeName, float factor, bool dynamic);
/// \name Material access.
// @{
/// return number of materials this mesh instance use.
uint getNumMaterials() const;
/// return a local access on a material, to change its values. (NB: overwrite, if animated).
UInstanceMaterial getMaterial(uint materialId);
/** Select textures of material among several sets (if available)
* NB: if success and if getAsyncTextureMode()==true, then setAsyncTextureDirty(true) is called
void selectTextureSet(uint id);
// @}
/** Change MRM Distance setup. Only for mesh which support MRM. NB MeshMultiLod apply it only on Lod0
* (if Lod0 is a MRM).
* NB: This apply to the shape directly!! ie All instances using same shape will be affected
* NB: no-op if distanceFinest<0, distanceMiddle<=distanceFinest or if distanceCoarsest<=distanceMiddle.
* \param distanceFinest The MRM has its max faces when dist<=distanceFinest.
* \param distanceMiddle The MRM has 50% of its faces at dist==distanceMiddle.
* \param distanceCoarsest The MRM has faces/Divisor (ie near 0) when dist>=distanceCoarsest.
void changeMRMDistanceSetup(float distanceFinest, float distanceMiddle, float distanceCoarsest);
/** Change Max Display distance. After this distance the shape won't be displayed.
* setting <0 means -1 and so means DistMax = infinite (default in meshs but multilod meshes).
* NB: This apply to the shape directly!! ie All instances using same shape will be affected
* Note: If the instance is skinned/sticked to a skeleton, this setup is not taken into account. But you can
* call USkeleton::setShapeDistMax() to have same effect.
* Note (complex): All instances of the same shape which are freezeHRC()-ed and are linked to the
* QuadGridClipManager (ie not linked to a cluster) may not be updated correctly.
* In other words, you should setup this value only at beginning of program, just after creating your
* instance (more exactly before UScene::render()), and all instances of the same shape should be setuped
* with same value (or don't call setShapeDistMax() for subsequent instances).
* If you don't do this, QuadGridClipManager may clip such instances nearer than they should
void setShapeDistMax(float distMax);
/// see setShapeDistMax()
float getShapeDistMax() const;
/// Test if there is a start/stop caps in the objects (some fxs such as remanence)
bool canStartStop();
// For instance that have a start/stop caps
void start();
// For instance that have a start/stop caps
void stop() ;
// For instance that have a start/stop caps
bool isStarted() const;
// Get the model distmax.
float getDistMax() const;
// Set the model distmax.
void setDistMax(float distMax);
// If the model has a coarse mesh, it set its dist. Set to -1 to keep default
void setCoarseMeshDist(float dist);
// If the model has a coarse mesh, it returns its distance if it has been set, or -1 if default is used (or if no coarse mesh present)
float getCoarseMeshDist() const;
/// \name Async Texture Loading
/** All those methods no-op or return 0/false if the instance is not a CMeshBaseInstance.
* isAsyncTextyreReady() return true if the instance is not a CMeshBaseInstance.
// @{
/** if true, the instance is said in "AsyncTextureMode". Ie user must fill AsyncTextures field with name of the
* textures to load. At each startAsyncTextureLoading(), the system start to load async them.
* Then, isAsyncTextureReady() should be test each frame, to know if loading has completed.
* By default, AsyncTextureMode=false.
* When it swap from false to true, each texture file in Materials are replaced with
* "blank.tga", and true fileNames are copied into AsyncTextures.
* When it swap from true to false, the inverse is applied.
* NB: calling enableAsyncTextureMode(true) calls setAsyncTextureDirty(true)
void enableAsyncTextureMode(bool enable);
bool getAsyncTextureMode() const;
/** Start to load all textures in AsyncTextures array (if needed)
* NB: old setup is kept in Material => instance is still rendered with "coherent" textures, until new textures
* are ready
* no op if not in async texture mode.
void startAsyncTextureLoading();
/** return true if all the async textures of the instances are uploaded.
* if was not ready before, this swap the upload textures into the rendered ones so they are rendered
* return always true if not in async texture mode, or if startAsyncTextureLoading() has not been called
* since last enableAsyncTextureMode(true)
bool isAsyncTextureReady();
/** For Lod of texture, and load balancing, set the approximate distance of the instance to the camera.
void setAsyncTextureDistance(float dist);
/** \see setAsyncTextureDistance()
float getAsyncTextureDistance() const;
/** User is free to flag this state, to know if startAsyncTextureLoading() should be called.
* Internal system don't use this flag.
* Default is false
void setAsyncTextureDirty(bool flag);
/// see dirtAsyncTextureState()
bool isAsyncTextureDirty() const;
// @}
/** Trails specific. Set the slice time (period used to sample the trail pos)
* If the object is not a trail, this has no effect
// @{
void setSliceTime(float duration);
float getSliceTime() const;
// @}
/** Test if driver support rendering of all material of that shape.
* \param forceBaseCaps When true, the driver is considered to have the most basic required caps (2 stages hardwares, no pixelShader), so that any fancy material will fail the test.
bool supportMaterialRendering(UDriver &drv, bool forceBaseCaps);
/// get the shape. NULL if no instance bound
UShape getShape() const;
// get the shape name. empty if no instance bound
const std::string &getShapeName() const;
// dynamic cast from a transform. empty if cast fail
void cast(UTransform object);
/// \name access default position. Valid only for CMeshBaseInstance
/// NB: return false if the instance is not a CMeshBaseInstance (value not modified)
// @{
bool getDefaultPos (CVector &) const;
bool getDefaultRotQuat (CQuat &) const;
bool getDefaultScale (CVector &) const;
/** Set a scale relative to the default exported matrix
* NB: really useful for instance if you want to scale an instance relatively to the scale
* exported from the artist (if he had not set a "reset XForm")
* NB: no op if the object is not a CMeshBaseInstance
void setRelativeScale (const CVector &rs);
// @}
/// Proxy interface
/// Constructors
UInstance() { _Object = NULL; };
UInstance(class CTransformShape *object) { _Object = (ITransformable*)object; };
/// Attach an object to this proxy
void attach(class CTransformShape *object) { _Object = (ITransformable*)object; }
/// Detach the object
void detach() { _Object = NULL; }
/// Return true if the proxy is empty() (not attached)
bool empty() const {return _Object==NULL;}
/// For advanced usage, get the internal object ptr
class CTransformShape *getObjectPtr() const {return (CTransformShape*)_Object;}
} // NL3D
#endif // NL_U_INSTANCE_H
/* End of u_instance.h */