<html><body> <head> <title>The Saga Of Ryzom Credits</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> </head> <body bgcolor="#33333300" text="#FFFFFF" link="#00FF00" vlink="#FF0000" alink="#0000FF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center"> <h2>THE SAGA OF RYZOM CREDITS</h2> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center"> <h3>'SOR' PRODUCTION TEAM</h3> </td> </tr> </table> <br> </p> <h4>Associate Producer:</h4> <p>Milko BERSET</p> <br> </p> <h4>Executive Producer & Editorial Director:</h4> <p>David COHEN CORVAL ('Kaeru')</p> <br> <h4>Producer & Technical Director:</h4> <p>Daniel MILLER ('Sadge')</p> <br> <h4>Assistant Producers:</h4> <p>Vincent 'Vince' DOUVIER (Projet Setup)</p> <p>Pascal MORY (Production Tracking)</p> <p>Guillaume PUZIN (Game design)</p> <br> <h4>Leads:</h4> <p>Boris 'Sonix' BOUCHER (AI & Level Design)</p> <p>Thomas 'Korrigan' BOULARD (Concept Art)</p> <p>Cyril 'Hulud' CORVAZIER (3D Code)</p> <p>Vianney 'Ace' LECROART (Network Code & Administration)</p> <p>Alain SAFFRAY (Game Development)</p> <p>Eric SIMON (Game design)</p> <p>Sithik 'Syk' TRAN (3D Art & Animation)</p> <br> <h4>3D Art & Animation - Team Coordinators:</h4> <p>Arnaud 'Nono'BEAUME (Animation)</p> <p>Alex 'Actarus' GATTO (3D Art)</p> <p>Christophe 'Chelnov' MOYNE (3D Art)</p> <p>Lémuel 'LeM' WUIBOUT (3D Art)</p> <br> <h4>3D Artists & Animators:</h4> <p>Abdel 'Dedel' AMMARI (3D)</p> <p>Alain BERNHARD (3D)</p> <p>Francis GIBOUT (3D)</p> <p>Joaquim GOMES (Animator)</p> <p>Stéphane 'Norm' MACRE (3D)</p> <p>Bruno 'Kionk' MILLAS (Animator)</p> <p>Stéphan 'Foufou' PELAYO (3D)</p> <p>Xavier 'Kiki' RANG (Animator)</p> <br> <h4>Engineers:</h4> <p>Lionel 'Boz' BERENGUIER (3D code)</p> <p>Matthieu 'Trap' BESSON (3D code)</p> <p>Nicolas VIZERIE (3D code)</p> <p>Jérôme VUARAND (AI)</p> <p>Nicolas BRIGAND (Game development)</p> <p>Stéphane 'Victor' COUTELAS (Game development)</p> <p>David 'Malkav' FLEURY (Game development)</p> <p>Sébastien 'kxu' GUIGNOT (Game development)</p> <p>Guillaume PUZIN (Game development)</p> <p>Olivier CADO (Network code)</p> <p>Benjamin 'Ben' LEGROS (Network code)</p> <p>Interns : Jean Baptiste CARDOUAT, Tirdad CHAHARLENGI, Francois Regis EGLIN</p> <br> <h4>Level Designers:</h4> <p>Christophe 'Evilkiss' MONNEROT</p> <p>Simon CAMERLO</p> <p>David GHOZLAND</p> <p>Chanh LY</p> <p>Alexandre MANDRYKA</p> <p>Bruno MARTIN</p> <p>Olivier MEA </p> <p>Geoffroy 'Skemeth' PELOILLE</p> <p>Matthieu 'Nyg' MAUDUIT</p> <p>Jean-Marc 'RatDog' GUENEY</p> <p>Jimmy 'Kura' KALHART</p> <p>Jeremy 'Malface' SONNET</p> <p>Even 'Barbak' WIZENBERG</p> <p>Christophe 'Raskous' GARNIER</p> <p>Intern: Chadi 'cant mine copter' El ZIBAOUI</p> <p>Intern: Ludovic 'Nales' SADRI-FAURE</p> <p>Intern: Nicolas 'cerber barrier lover' SNIEG</p> <p>Marco 'defenestrator' SCHNITTGER</p> <p>Intern: Sebastien DELORD</p> <br> <h4>Game Designers:</h4> <p>Nicolas FAVRE</p> <p>Patrick RECEVEUR</p> <br> <h4>Writing:</h4> <p>Paul MONK</p> <br> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center"> <h3>OTHER NEVRAX TEAMS</h3> </td> </tr> </table> <h4>Corporate:</h4> <p>Marine TREPPOZ (COO)</p> <p>Florence LEGENTIL (CFO)</p> <p>Patricia 'Mum' BUREAU (Administration)</p> <p>Carina STROMQVIST (Assistant)</p> <br> <h4>Customer Support Management:</h4> <p>Vincent 'Vince' DOUVIER (Lead)</p> <p>Anthony 'Yogin' POWLES (Tools)</p> <p>Thomas 'Pezito' RUNGEARD (The Man!)</p> <br> <h4>Marketing:</h4> <p>Laurence GUILLAUME (Marketing Director)</p> <p>Damien KIEKEN (intern)</p> <br> <h4>Network Administrators:</h4> <p>Xavier ANTOVIAQUE</p> <p>Pierre MAUMONT</p> <br> <h4>Testers:</h4> <p>Pierre FLEAU</p> <p>Aymeric HEYNAULT</p> <p>Carl HUYGUES DESPOINTES</p> <p>Matthieu CLOIX</p> <br> <h4>Web & Video:</h4> <p>Yann BABILLOT (Web programmer)</p> <p>Diane DUFRAISY (Web artist)</p> <p>Baptiste FIRROLINI (Video Editing)</p> <br> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center"> <h3>PAST CONTRIBUTIONS</h3> </td> </tr> </table> <h4>Concept Art:</h4> <p>Georges 'Gorg' BOUCHELAGHEIM</p> <p>Humbert CHABUEL</p> <p>Pierre Alain CHARTIER</p> <p>Patrice GARCIA</p> <p>Stephane ROSA</p> <p>Kamel TAZIT</p> <br> <h4>Others:</h4> <p>Ulrick BRUNIN (3D)</p> <p>Maxime DESMETTRE (3D)</p> <p>Laurent FISHER (3D)</p> <p>Stéphane LEDORZE (AI)</p> <p>Matthieu MAUDUIT (Level Design)</p> <p>Philippe NOUHRA (Game Design)</p> <p>Pierre PORTIER (AI)</p> <p>Sébastien POTET (Animator)</p> <p>Salomé STRAPPAZON (3D)</p> <p>Interns : Jean Brice de CAZENOVE, Thomas CORVAZIER</p> <br> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center"> <h3>CONTRACTORS:</h3> </td> </tr> </table> <h4>Customer support:</h4> <p>A warm and special thank you to our customer support partners, who helped us to bring the game out through Beta!</p> <p>Jolt Online Gaming, in charge of SoR European English Community</p> <p>MDO Entertainment, in charge of SoR German and French Community</p> <p>The Themis Group, in charge of SoR North America Community</p> <br> <h4>Hosting & Bandwidth:</h4> <p>Jolt Online Gaming</p> <br> <h4>Music & Sound:</h4> <p>Bjorn Lagim ARVE (Musical Theme)</p> <p>Amazing Sound (sound)</p> <p>Frédéric 'Elmobo' MOTTE (sound)</p> <p>Arnaud LALANNE (sound)</p> <br> <h4>Marketing & PR:</h4> <p>The Themis Group</p> <p>Arctic Lights</p> <p>Borgmeier</p> <p>ComVitamin</p> <p>Lunch PR</p> <p>Former PR : Julia COOMBS, Rhianna PRATCHETT</p> <br> <h4>Translations :</h4> <p>Claire CARO (TRANSATLANTIC)</p> <p>Dirk CONZE (MDO)</p> <br> <h4>Original concept:</h4> <p>Developed in collaboration with Multisim, Frederic WEIL.</p> <br> <h4>Miscellaneous:</h4> <p>Artsonik (web design)</p> <p>Bug Tracker & Enzyme Lab (Tests)</p> <p>Design Management (Marketing Design)</p> <p>Game Consulting (3D & texts)</p> <p>Jérôme France (2D designs)</p> <p>Jolt Online Gaming (Web design - Marketing design)</p> <br> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center"> <h3>ACKNOWLEDGMENTS</h3> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <h4>Special thanks to:</h4> <p>Our beta testers, who provided us with great feedback.</p> <p>Our GMs, who were always here to help during tough times!</p> <p>BUTERCAP, Pascal KAMINA and Bridgette PATROVSKY for their precious and continued support, every time we needed it!</p> <p>Romain Poirot Lelling and Stéphane Martinez, for their friendship.</p> <br> <p>And of course our families, who supported us all during all those years!</p> </body> </html>