// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdmisc.h" #include "di_keyboard_device.h" #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS #include "nel/misc/win_event_emitter.h" #include #include #include "Mmsystem.h" #ifdef DEBUG_NEW #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif namespace NLMISC { // used to do a conversion from DX key code to Nel keys enums struct CKeyConv { uint DIKey; TKey NelKey; const char *KeyName; bool Repeatable; }; // this is used to build a conversion table static const CKeyConv DIToNel[] = { // {DIK_F1, KeyF1, "F1", true}, {DIK_F2, KeyF2, "F2", true}, {DIK_F3, KeyF3, "F3", true}, {DIK_F4, KeyF4, "F4", true}, {DIK_F5, KeyF5, "F5", true}, {DIK_F6, KeyF6, "F6", true}, {DIK_F7, KeyF7, "F7", true}, {DIK_F8, KeyF8, "F8", true}, {DIK_F9, KeyF9, "F9", true}, {DIK_F10, KeyF10, "F10", true}, {DIK_F11, KeyF11, "F11", true}, {DIK_F12, KeyF12, "F12", true}, {DIK_F13, KeyF13, "F13", true}, {DIK_F14, KeyF14, "F14", true}, {DIK_F15, KeyF15, "F15", true}, // {DIK_NUMPAD0, KeyNUMPAD0, "NUMPAD0", true}, {DIK_NUMPAD1, KeyNUMPAD1, "NUMPAD1", true}, {DIK_NUMPAD2, KeyNUMPAD2, "NUMPAD2", true}, {DIK_NUMPAD3, KeyNUMPAD3, "NUMPAD3", true}, {DIK_NUMPAD4, KeyNUMPAD4, "NUMPAD4", true}, {DIK_NUMPAD5, KeyNUMPAD5, "NUMPAD5", true}, {DIK_NUMPAD6, KeyNUMPAD6, "NUMPAD6", true}, {DIK_NUMPAD7, KeyNUMPAD7, "NUMPAD7", true}, {DIK_NUMPAD8, KeyNUMPAD8, "NUMPAD8", true}, {DIK_NUMPAD9, KeyNUMPAD9, "NUMPAD9", true}, // {DIK_DIVIDE, KeyDIVIDE, "/", true}, {DIK_DECIMAL, KeyDECIMAL, "NUMPAD .", true}, // {DIK_LSHIFT, KeyLSHIFT, "LEFT SHIFT", false}, {DIK_RSHIFT, KeyRSHIFT, "RIGHT SHIFT", false}, // {DIK_LCONTROL, KeyLCONTROL, "LEFT CONTROL", false}, {DIK_RCONTROL, KeyRCONTROL, "RIGHT CONTROL", false}, // {DIK_LMENU, KeyLMENU, "ALT", false}, {DIK_RMENU, KeyRMENU, "ALT GR", false}, // {DIK_UP, KeyUP, "UP", true}, {DIK_PRIOR, KeyPRIOR, "PRIOR", true}, {DIK_LEFT, KeyLEFT, "LEFT", true}, {DIK_RIGHT, KeyRIGHT, "RIGHT", true}, {DIK_END, KeyEND, "END", true}, {DIK_DOWN, KeyDOWN, "DOWN", true}, {DIK_NEXT, KeyNEXT, "NEXT", true}, {DIK_INSERT, KeyINSERT, "INSERT", true}, {DIK_DELETE, KeyDELETE, "DELETE", true}, {DIK_HOME, KeyHOME, "HOME", true}, {DIK_LWIN, KeyLWIN, "LEFT WIN", false}, {DIK_RWIN, KeyRWIN, "RIGHT WIN", false}, {DIK_APPS, KeyAPPS, "APPS", false}, {DIK_BACK, KeyBACK, "BACK", true}, // {DIK_SYSRQ, KeySNAPSHOT, "SNAPSHOT", false}, {DIK_SCROLL, KeySCROLL, "SCROLL", false}, {DIK_PAUSE, KeyPAUSE, "PAUSE", false}, // {DIK_NUMLOCK, KeyNUMLOCK, "NUMLOCK", false}, // {DIK_NUMPADENTER, KeyRETURN, "RETURN", true}, //{DIK_NUMPADENTER, KeyRETURN, "ENTER", true}, // {DIK_CONVERT, KeyCONVERT, "CONVERT", false}, {DIK_NOCONVERT, KeyNONCONVERT, "NOCONVERT", true}, // {DIK_KANA, KeyKANA, false}, {DIK_KANJI, KeyKANJI, false}, }; ///======================================================================== const CKeyConv *CDIKeyboard::DIKeyToNelKeyTab[CDIKeyboard::NumKeys]; ///======================================================================== CDIKeyboard::CDIKeyboard(CWinEventEmitter *we, HWND hwnd) : _Keyboard(NULL), _WE(we), ShiftPressed(false), CtrlPressed(false), AltPressed(false), _CapsLockToggle(true), _hWnd(hwnd), _RepeatDelay(250), _RepeatPeriod(200), _FirstPressDate(-1), _LastDIKeyPressed(0) { if (::GetKeyboardState((PBYTE) _VKKeyState) == FALSE) { std::fill(_VKKeyState, _VKKeyState + NumKeys, 0); } // test whether the user toggle its keyboard with shift or not.. HKEY hKey; if (::RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Keyboard Layout", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD type = REG_DWORD; DWORD value; DWORD size = sizeof(DWORD); if (::RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "Attributes", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE) &value, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _CapsLockToggle = (value & (1 << 16)) == 0; } ::RegCloseKey(hKey); } // get repeat delay and period int keybDelay; if (::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETKEYBOARDDELAY, 0, &keybDelay, 0) != 0) { _RepeatDelay = 250 + 250 * keybDelay; } DWORD keybSpeed; if (::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETKEYBOARDSPEED, 0, &keybSpeed, 0) != 0) { _RepeatPeriod = (uint) (1000.f / (keybSpeed * (27.5f / 31.f) + 2.5f)); } // get keyboard layout _KBLayout = ::GetKeyboardLayout(NULL); _RepetitionDisabled.resize(NumKeys); _RepetitionDisabled.clearAll(); } ///======================================================================== void CDIKeyboard::updateVKKeyState(uint diKey, bool pressed, TKey &keyValue, TKey &charValue) { bool extKey; bool repeatable; keyValue = DIKeyToNelKey(diKey, extKey, repeatable); // if (keyValue == 0) { charValue = keyValue; return; } // if (pressed) { // check for toggle key switch (keyValue) { case KeyPAUSE: case KeyKANA: case KeyKANJI: _VKKeyState[keyValue] ^= 0x01; // toggle first bit break; case KeyCAPITAL: if (_CapsLockToggle) { _VKKeyState[keyValue] ^= 0x01; //toggleCapsLock(false); } else { if ((_VKKeyState[keyValue] & 0x01) == 0) { _VKKeyState[keyValue] |= 0x01; //toggleCapsLock(false); } } break; case KeyNUMLOCK: _VKKeyState[keyValue] ^= 0x01; //setNumLock((_VKKeyState[keyValue] & 0x01) != 0); break; case KeySCROLL: _VKKeyState[keyValue] ^= 0x01; //toggleScrollLock(); break; } _VKKeyState[keyValue] |= 0x80; } else { _VKKeyState[keyValue] &= ~0x80; } // switch (keyValue) { case KeyLSHIFT: charValue = KeySHIFT; break; case KeyRSHIFT: charValue = KeySHIFT; break; case KeyLCONTROL: charValue = KeyCONTROL; break; case KeyRCONTROL: charValue = KeyCONTROL; break; case KeyLMENU: charValue = KeyMENU; break; case KeyRMENU: charValue = KeyMENU; break; default: charValue = keyValue; break; } // if (charValue == KeySHIFT && !_CapsLockToggle) { if (_VKKeyState[KeyCAPITAL] & 0x01) { _VKKeyState[KeyCAPITAL] &= ~0x01; //toggleCapsLock(true); } } // if (charValue != keyValue) { _VKKeyState[charValue] = _VKKeyState[keyValue]; } // updateCtrlAltShiftValues(); } ///======================================================================== void CDIKeyboard::updateCtrlAltShiftValues() { ShiftPressed = (_VKKeyState[KeySHIFT] & 0x80) != 0; CtrlPressed = (_VKKeyState[KeyCONTROL] & 0x80) != 0; AltPressed = (_VKKeyState[KeyMENU] & 0x80) != 0; } ///======================================================================== CDIKeyboard::~CDIKeyboard() { if (_Keyboard) { _Keyboard->Unacquire(); _Keyboard->Release(); } } ///======================================================================== CDIKeyboard *CDIKeyboard::createKeyboardDevice(IDirectInput8 *di8, HWND hwnd, CDIEventEmitter *diEventEmitter, CWinEventEmitter *we ) throw(EDirectInput) { std::auto_ptr kb(new CDIKeyboard(we, hwnd)); kb->_DIEventEmitter = diEventEmitter; HRESULT result = di8->CreateDevice(GUID_SysKeyboard, &kb->_Keyboard, NULL); if (result != DI_OK) throw EDirectInputNoKeyboard(); result = kb->_Keyboard->SetCooperativeLevel(hwnd, DISCL_FOREGROUND | DISCL_EXCLUSIVE); if (result != DI_OK) throw EDirectInputCooperativeLevelFailed(); result = kb->_Keyboard->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard); kb->setBufferSize(16); kb->_Keyboard->Acquire(); // Enable win32 keyboard messages only if hardware mouse in normal mode if (kb->_WE) kb->_WE->enableKeyboardEvents(false); return kb.release(); } ///======================================================================== void CDIKeyboard::poll(CInputDeviceServer *dev) { nlassert(_Keyboard); nlassert(_KeyboardBufferSize > 0); static std::vector datas; datas.resize(_KeyboardBufferSize); DWORD numElements = _KeyboardBufferSize; HRESULT result = _Keyboard->GetDeviceData(sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA), &datas[0], &numElements, 0); if (result == DIERR_NOTACQUIRED || result == DIERR_INPUTLOST) { result = _Keyboard->Acquire(); if (result != DI_OK) return; // get device state ::GetKeyboardState((unsigned char *) _VKKeyState); _LastDIKeyPressed = 0; updateCtrlAltShiftValues(); result = _Keyboard->GetDeviceData(sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA), &datas[0], &numElements, 0); if (result != DI_OK) return; } else if (result != DI_OK) { return; } _PollTime = (uint32) CTime::getLocalTime(); // process each message in the list for (uint k = 0; k < numElements; ++k) { CDIEvent *die = new CDIEvent; die->Emitter = this; die->Datas = datas[k]; dev->submitEvent(die); } } ///======================================================================== void CDIKeyboard::transitionOccured(CEventServer *server, const IInputDeviceEvent *nextMessage) { repeatKey(buildDateFromEvent(nextMessage), server); } ///======================================================================== TKeyButton CDIKeyboard::buildKeyButtonsFlags() const { return (TKeyButton) ( (ShiftPressed ? shiftKeyButton : 0) | (CtrlPressed ? ctrlKeyButton : 0) | (AltPressed ? altKeyButton : 0) ); } ///======================================================================== void CDIKeyboard::keyTriggered(bool pressed, uint dikey, CEventServer *server, uint32 date) { #if 0 const uint numPairs = sizeof(DIToNel) / sizeof(CKeyConv); for (uint k = 0; k < numPairs; ++k) { if (DIToNel[k].DIKey == key) { nlinfo(DIToNel[k].KeyName); } } #endif TKey keyValue, charValue; updateVKKeyState(dikey, pressed, keyValue, charValue); if (keyValue == 0) return; CEventKey *ek; if (pressed ) { ek = new CEventKeyDown(keyValue, buildKeyButtonsFlags(), true, _DIEventEmitter); } else { ek = new CEventKeyUp(keyValue, buildKeyButtonsFlags(), _DIEventEmitter); } server->postEvent(ek); if (pressed) { if (_RepetitionDisabled[(uint) keyValue] == false) { _LastEmitDate = _FirstPressDate = date; _LastDIKeyPressed = dikey; } else // not a repeatable key { _LastDIKeyPressed = 0; return; } } else { // key released ? if (dikey == _LastDIKeyPressed) { _LastDIKeyPressed = 0; } if (_RepetitionDisabled[(uint) keyValue] == true) { return; } } // first char event (if repetition not disabled) if (keyValue >= KeyNUMPAD0 && keyValue <= KeyNUMPAD9 || keyValue == KeyDECIMAL) { if ((_VKKeyState[KeyNUMLOCK] & 0x01) != 0) { sendUnicode(charValue, dikey, server, pressed); } } else { sendUnicode(charValue, dikey, server, pressed); } _FirstPressDate = (uint32) NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime(); // can't use the time stamp, because we can't not sure it matches the local time. // time stamp is used for evenrts sorting only } ///======================================================================== void CDIKeyboard::submit(IInputDeviceEvent *deviceEvent, CEventServer *server) { CDIEvent *die = safe_cast(deviceEvent); bool pressed = (die->Datas.dwData & 0x80) != 0; keyTriggered(pressed, (uint) die->Datas.dwOfs, server, die->Datas.dwTimeStamp); } ///======================================================================== TMouseButton CDIKeyboard::buildKeyboardButtonFlags() const { nlassert(_Keyboard); return _DIEventEmitter->buildKeyboardButtonFlags(); } ///======================================================================== bool CDIKeyboard::setBufferSize(uint size) { nlassert(size > 0); nlassert(_Keyboard); _Keyboard->Unacquire(); DIPROPDWORD dipdw; dipdw.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); dipdw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dipdw.diph.dwObj = 0; dipdw.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dipdw.dwData = size; HRESULT r = _Keyboard->SetProperty( DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &dipdw.diph ); if (r != DI_OK) return false; _KeyboardBufferSize = size; return true; } ///======================================================================== uint CDIKeyboard::getBufferSize() const { return _KeyboardBufferSize; } ///======================================================================== TKey CDIKeyboard::DIKeyToNelKey(uint diKey, bool &extKey, bool &repeatable) { // some key are not handled by MapVirtualKeyEx so we need to convert them ourselves static bool tableBuilt = false; if (!tableBuilt) { uint k; for (k = 0; k < NumKeys; ++k) { DIKeyToNelKeyTab[k] = NULL; // set as not a valid key by default } const uint numPairs = sizeof(DIToNel) / sizeof(CKeyConv); for (k = 0; k < numPairs; ++k) { DIKeyToNelKeyTab[DIToNel[k].DIKey] = &DIToNel[k]; } tableBuilt = true; } // if (DIKeyToNelKeyTab[diKey] != NULL) { const CKeyConv &keyConv = *DIKeyToNelKeyTab[diKey]; extKey = true; repeatable = keyConv.Repeatable; return keyConv.NelKey; } // try doing the conversion using MapVirtualKey TKey key = (TKey) ::MapVirtualKeyEx(diKey, 1, _KBLayout); extKey = false; return key; } ///======================================================================== void CDIKeyboard::sendUnicode(TKey vkey, uint dikey, CEventServer *server, bool pressed) { uint8 oldShift = _VKKeyState[KeySHIFT]; /// If caps lock is off when pressing shift, we must disable shift, to get no minuscule letters when it is pressed and capslocks is on. if (!_CapsLockToggle && _VKKeyState[KeyCAPITAL] & 0x01) { _VKKeyState[KeySHIFT] = 0; } // 'ToUnicode??' is supported since NT4.0 only // Check if there's support static bool init = false; static bool toUnicodeSupported = false; if (!init) { init = true; OSVERSIONINFO osvi; osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if (::GetVersionEx (&osvi)) { if (osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { if (osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 4) { toUnicodeSupported = true; } } } } if (toUnicodeSupported) { const uint maxNumKeys = 8; WCHAR keyUnicodes[maxNumKeys]; int res = ::ToUnicodeEx(vkey, dikey | (pressed ? 0 : (1 << 15)), (unsigned char *) _VKKeyState, keyUnicodes, maxNumKeys, 0, _KBLayout); // _VKKeyState[KeySHIFT] = oldShift; // for (sint k = 0; k < res; ++k) { CEventChar *evc = new CEventChar((ucchar) keyUnicodes[k], buildKeyButtonsFlags(), _DIEventEmitter); server->postEvent(evc); } } else { unsigned char buf[2]; int res = ::ToAsciiEx(vkey, dikey | (pressed ? 0 : (1 << 15)), (unsigned char *) _VKKeyState, (LPWORD) buf, 0, _KBLayout); for (sint k = 0; k < res; ++k) { CEventChar *evc = new CEventChar((ucchar) buf[k], buildKeyButtonsFlags(), _DIEventEmitter); server->postEvent(evc); } } } ///======================================================================== void CDIKeyboard::repeatKey(uint32 currentDate, CEventServer *server) { if (_LastDIKeyPressed == 0 || _LastDIKeyPressed == DIK_INSERT) return; bool extKey; bool repeatable; TKey vkey = DIKeyToNelKey(_LastDIKeyPressed, extKey, repeatable); if (vkey == 0) return; if (currentDate - _FirstPressDate < _RepeatDelay) return; sint32 firstDate = _LastEmitDate - (_FirstPressDate + _RepeatDelay); sint32 lastDate = currentDate - (_FirstPressDate + _RepeatDelay); if (firstDate < 0) firstDate = 0; if (lastDate < firstDate) return; uint numRep = (uint) ((lastDate + _RepeatPeriod - 1) / _RepeatPeriod - (firstDate + _RepeatPeriod - 1) / _RepeatPeriod); //numRep = std::min(16u, numRep); // too much repetitions don't make sense... if ((sint) numRep < 0) return; // 50 days loop.. numRep = 1; // fix : for now it seems better to limit the number of repetition to 1 per frame (it can be greater than 1 only if framerate is slow, but its not very useable) // numpad case if (vkey >= KeyNUMPAD0 && vkey <= KeyNUMPAD9 || vkey == KeyDECIMAL) { // check whether numlock is activated if ((_VKKeyState[KeyNUMLOCK] & 0x01) != 0) { for (uint k = 0; k < numRep; ++k) { sendUnicode(vkey, _LastDIKeyPressed, server, true); } } else { // arrow, home, end.. events for (uint k = 0; k < numRep; ++k) { CEventKey *ek = new CEventKeyDown(vkey, buildKeyButtonsFlags(), false, _DIEventEmitter); server->postEvent(ek); } } } else { for (uint k = 0; k < numRep; ++k) { // if it is an extended key, repetition won't be managed by sendUnicode if (extKey && repeatable) { CEventKey *ek = new CEventKeyDown(vkey, buildKeyButtonsFlags(), false, _DIEventEmitter); server->postEvent(ek); } else { sendUnicode(vkey, _LastDIKeyPressed, server, true); } } } _LastEmitDate = currentDate; } ///======================================================================== uint32 CDIKeyboard::buildDateFromEvent(const IInputDeviceEvent *deviceEvent) { if (deviceEvent) { const CDIEvent *die = safe_cast(deviceEvent); return (uint32) die->Datas.dwData; } else { return _PollTime; } } ///======================================================================== void CDIKeyboard::disableRepetition(const TKey *keyTab, uint numKey) { _RepetitionDisabled.clearAll(); for (uint k = 0; k < numKey; ++k) { _RepetitionDisabled.set((sint) keyTab[k]); } if (_LastDIKeyPressed != 0) { bool extKey; bool repeatable; TKey key = DIKeyToNelKey(_LastDIKeyPressed, extKey, repeatable); if (_RepetitionDisabled[(uint) key]) { // disable this key repetition _LastDIKeyPressed = 0; } } } ///======================================================================== uint CDIKeyboard::getNumDisabledRepetition() const { uint numKey = 0; for (uint k = 0; k < NumKeys; ++k) { if (_RepetitionDisabled[k]) ++numKey; } return numKey; } ///======================================================================== void CDIKeyboard::getDisabledRepetitions(TKey *destTab) const { for (uint k = 0; k < NumKeys; ++k) { if (_RepetitionDisabled[k]) *destTab++ = (TKey) k; } } } // NLMISC #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS