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2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
; AutoExp.Dat - templates for automaticially expanding data
; Copyright(c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
; Location: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin
; While debugging, Data Tips and items in the Watch and Variable
; windows are automatically expanded to show their most important
; elements. The expansion follows the format given by the rules
; in this file. You can add rules for your types or change the
; predefined rules.
; For good examples, read the rules in this file.
; To find what the debugger considers the type of a variable to
; be, add it to the Watch window and right-click and select
; Properties.
; An AutoExpand rule is a line with the name of a type, an equals
; sign, and text with replaceable parts in angle brackets. The
; part in angle brackets names a member of the type and an
; optional Watch format specifier.
; AutoExpand rules use the following syntax. The equals sign (=),
; angle brackets (<>), and comma are taken literally. Square
; brackets ([]) indicate optional items.
; type=[text]<member[,format]>...
; type Name of the type (may be followed by <*> for template
; types such as the ATL types listed below).
; text Any text.Usually the name of the member to display,
; or a shorthand name for the member.
; member Name of a member to display.
; format Watch format specifier. One of the following:
; Letter Description Sample Display
; ------ -------------------------- ------------ -------------
; d,i Signed decimal integer 0xF000F065,d -268373915
; u Unsigned decimal integer 0x0065,u 101
; o Unsigned octal integer 0xF065,o 0170145
; x,X Hexadecimal integer 61541,X 0X0000F065
; l,h long or short prefix for 00406042,hx 0x0c22
; d, i, u, o, x, X
; f Signed floating-point 3./2.,f 1.500000
; e Signed scientific-notation 3./2.,e 1.500000e+000
; g Shorter of e and f 3./2.,g 1.5
; c Single character 0x0065,c 'e'
; s Zero-terminated string 0x0012fde8,s "Hello world"
; su Unicode string 0x007200c4,su "Hello world"
; st String in ANSI or Unicode depending on current setting
; The special format <,t> specifies the name of the most-derived
; type of the object. This is especially useful with pointers or
; references to a base class.
; If there is no rule for a class, the base classes are checked for
; a matching rule.
; -------
; Unicode
; -------
; If your application is built for Unicode, you'll want Unicode
; strings to automatically expand as text, rather than arrays of
; unsigned short. To automatically display Unicode strings as
; text, go to Tools/Options/Debug tab and check 'Display Unicode
; strings'.
; from windef.h
tagPOINT =x=<x> y=<y>
tagRECT =top=<top> bottom=<bottom> left=<left> right=<right>
; from winuser.h
tagMSG =msg=<message,x> wp=<wParam,x> lp=<lParam,x>
; from afxwin.h
CDC =hDC=<m_hDC> attrib=<m_hAttribDC>
CPaintDC =<,t> hWnd=<m_hWnd>
CPoint =x=<x> y=<y>
CRect =top=<top> bottom=<bottom> left=<left> right=<right>
CSize =cx=<cx> cy=<cy>
CWnd =<,t> hWnd=<m_hWnd>
CWinApp =<,t> <m_pszAppName,s>
CWinThread =<,t> h=<m_hThread> proc=<m_pfnThreadProc>
; from afxcoll.h
CPtrList =cnt=<m_nCount>
; from afxstat_.h
CProcessLocalObject =<,t>
CThreadLocalObject =<,t>
; from afx.h
CArchiveException =cause=<m_cause>
CFile =hFile=<m_hFile> name=<m_strFileName.m_pchData,s>
CFileException =cause=<m_cause> OS Error=m_lOsError
CMemFile =pos=<m_nPosition> size=<m_nFileSize>
CObject =<,t>
CRuntimeClass =<m_lpszClassName,s>
CStdioFile =FILE*=<m_pStream> name=<m_strFilename.m_pchData,s>
CString =<m_pchData,st>
CTimeSpan =time=<m_time>
CTime =time=<m_time>
; from afxcoll.h
CByteArray =count=<m_nCount>
CStringList =count=<m_nCount>
; same for all CXXXArray classes
; same for CXXXList
; same for CMapXXToXX
; new for VC98
_bstr_t=<m_Data->m_wstr,su> (<m_Data->m_RefCount,u>)
; new for VC98 using built-ins
; STLport
_STLD::vector<*>=size=<size(),d> begin=<_M_start,x>
_STL::vector<*>=size=<size(),d> begin=<_M_start,x>
; NeL
NLMISC::CStringStream=size=<length(),u> buf=<_Buffer._M_start,s>
NLNET::CInetAddress=hostname=<hostName()._M_start,s> port=<port(),hu>