
127 lines
6.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

-- config file for the r2 environment
verboseDebugInfo = false -- when set to true, debug infos will be preceded by the number of the line that generated them
traceFunctions = false -- when set to true, each function enter / function leave are dumped to the stack
-- TODO nico : a table with predefined colors
r2.Config =
PrimDisplayEnabled = true, -- should route and zones be displayed ?
FloatingShapeRefScale = 1.0, -- size of the floating mesh displayed at the mouse position when view-ray didn't hit a valid pos (in creation mode)
RegionFadeTimeInMs = 300, -- time in ms needed for a region to get higlighted
TestPaletteSelection = false, -- complete the palette for a test for selection by ecosystem & level
VerboseGetUI = false, -- some getUI can be made silent when they fail by turning this option to 'false'
ResetWindowPos = true, -- TMP : should windows pos be reseted at startup ?
ActMaxQuota = 99, -- 'hardcoded" : max content that can be added into an act (checked by server too, but value is not taken from this file of course ..)
-- decals look
HightlightDecalLook =
DurationInMs = 1000,
Texture = "r2_highlight_decal.tga",
EndScaleFactor = 1,
EndAngleInDegrees = 0,
StartDiffuse = CRGBA(255, 255, 255),
EndDiffuse = CRGBA(127, 0, 255),
StartEmissive = CRGBA(0, 0, 0),
EndEmissive = CRGBA(0, 0, 0),
SelectDecalLook =
DurationInMs = 1000,
Texture = "r2_select_decal.tga",
EndScaleFactor = 1.2,
EndAngleInDegrees = 0,
StartDiffuse = CRGBA(255, 0, 0),
EndDiffuse = CRGBA(255, 0, 0, 127),
StartEmissive = CRGBA(0, 0, 0),
EndEmissive = CRGBA(127, 127, 127),
SelectingDecalLook =
DurationInMs = 200,
Texture = "r2_select_decal.tga",
EndScaleFactor = 1.2,
EndAngleInDegrees = 90,
StartDiffuse = CRGBA(255, 255, 255),
EndDiffuse = CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 0),
StartEmissive = CRGBA(0, 0, 0),
EndEmissive = CRGBA(0, 0, 0)
PionneerDecalLook =
DurationInMs = 3000,
Texture = "r2_pionneer_edit.tga",
EndScaleFactor = 1.05,
EndAngleInDegrees = 0,
StartDiffuse = CRGBA(255, 0, 0, 255),
EndDiffuse = CRGBA(255, 0, 0, 192),
StartEmissive = CRGBA(0, 64, 0),
EndEmissive = CRGBA(0, 0, 0)
MapEntityInvalidTexture = "r2_icon_map_invalid.tga", -- over displayed on minimap when object in on invalid pos
MapEntityInvalidTextureSmall = "r2_icon_map_invalid_small.tga", -- over displayed on minimap when object in on invalid pos, small version
MapEntityFrozenColor = CRGBA(0, 255, 255, 80),
MapEntityLockedColor = CRGBA(127, 0, 200, 80),
ArrayInstanceColor = CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 127),
MapEntityDefaultTexture = "brick_default.tga"; -- Bitmap to be used when one of the following bitmaps wasn't found
MapEntitySelectTexture = "r2_icon_select.tga", -- The 'circle' bitmap draw on the map over selected / highlighted entities
MapEntityHighlightColor = CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255), -- Color of selection bitmap over an entity on the map
MapEntitySelectColor = CRGBA(255, 0, 0, 255), -- Color of highlight bitmap over an entity on the map
MapEntityFarTexture = "r2_icon_far.tga", -- Texture to display on the border of the map when the current selection is out
-- ... of the current visible world part in the map
MapEntityFarArrowSize = 10, -- Size of the "MapEntityFarTexture" texture in pixels (scale applied ..)
MapEntitySmallTexture = "r2_icon_map_entity_small.tga", -- Texture for entities when map is zoomed out
MapEntitySmallHighlightTexture = "r2_icon_map_entity_small_highlight.tga",
MapEntityOrientTexture = "r2_icon_map_entity_orient.tga", -- arrow to signal entity orientation in close view
MapEntityOrientOriginDist = 9, -- distance from entity to its orient texture
MapEntityOrientOriginDistSmall = 5, -- distance from entity to its orient texture when the entity is small and wihle it is being rotated
MapEntityOrientBlendTimeInMs = 300, -- time that the orientation arrow need to get back to alpha = 0 when rotation is stopped
MapEntityCloseDist = 0.24, -- number of meter per pixel for the close view
MapGlowStarTexture = "r2_glow_star.tga", -- Texture displayed in the border of the map to signal that an object is too far to be seen
MapGlowStarSpeed1 = 0.50, -- rotation speed of first map glow star
MapGlowStarSpeed2 = -0.60, -- rotation speed of second map glow star
MapGlowStarSize = 7, -- size of glow star
-- color of regions in the 3D scene
FocusedRegionColor = CRGBA(63, 127, 255, 100),
SelectedRegionColor = CRGBA(192, 127, 64, 100),
UnselectedRegionColor = CRGBA(0, 0, 255, 80),
FrozenRegionColor = CRGBA(0, 255, 255, 80),
LockedRegionColor = CRGBA(127, 0, 200, 80),
-- colors for selected / focused entities / instance in scene (such as creature & npcs)
FocusedInstanceColor = CRGBA(200, 32, 64, 127),
SelectedInstanceColor = CRGBA(127, 127, 127),
UnselectedInstanceColor = CRGBA(0, 0, 0),
FrozenInstanceColor = CRGBA(0, 255, 255, 80),
LockedInstanceColor = CRGBA(127, 0, 200, 80),
-- world map auto pan
MapAutoPanBorder = 20, -- number of pixels in the border of the map for which the auto pan is tested
MapAutoPanDeltaInMs = 300, -- delta between each map pan when the mouse is on an auto-pan region
MapAutoPanFastDeltaInMs = 100, -- delta between each map pan when fast pan is active
MapAutoPanSpeedInPixels = 15, -- number of pixel to pan the map
MapAutoFastPanNumTicks = 4, -- number of 'slow' pan to do before entering fast pan mode
-- foot steps / wander look
FootStepMapTexture = "r2_map_foot_steps.tga",
FootStepDecalTexture = "r2_foot_steps.tga",
FootStepMapWidth = 3,
FootStepDecalUScale = 1.5,
FootStepDecalWidth = 0.15,
FootStepDecalSelectedColor = CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255),
FootStepDecalHiddenColor = CRGBA(0, 0, 255, 120),
FootStepDecalFocusedColor = CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 127),
FootStepMapSelectedColor = CRGBA(180, 0, 192, 255),
FootStepMapHiddenColor = CRGBA(150, 0, 192, 100),
FootStepMapFocusedColor = CRGBA(150, 0, 192, 160),
WanderDecalTexture = "r2_wander.tga",
WanderDecalSize = 0.55,
AutoGroupMaxDist = 4,
-- display of inaccessible pos on map
InaccessiblePosColor0 = CRGBA(255, 0, 0, 255),
InaccessiblePosColor1 = CRGBA(200, 217, 0, 255),
InaccessiblePosAnimDurationInMS = 500,
DecalTopBlendStartDist = 3, -- Distance in meters at which the color starts to fade for player & selection decals (at top)
DecalBottomBlendStartDist = 1, -- Distance in meters at which the color starts to fade for player & selection decals (at bottom)
DecalBlendLength = 1.5 -- Length for decal color fading (player & selection decals)
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00