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233 lines
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# \file export.py
# \brief Useful scripts
# \date 2009-02-18 09:22GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# Useful scripts
# NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util
def printLog(log, text):
log.write(text + "\n")
print text
def mkPath(log, path):
printLog(log, "DIR " + path)
def needUpdate(log, source, dest):
if (os.path.isfile(source)):
if (os.path.isfile(dest)):
if (os.stat(source).st_mtime > os.stat(dest).st_mtime):
return 1
return 0
return 1
printLog(log, "needUpdate: source doest not exist?! " + source)
return 0
def needUpdateRemoveDest(log, source, dest):
if (os.path.isfile(source)):
if (os.path.isfile(dest)):
if (os.stat(source).st_mtime > os.stat(dest).st_mtime):
return 1
return 0
return 1
printLog(log, "needUpdate: source doest not exist?! " + source)
return 0
def needUpdateLogRemoveDest(log, source, dest):
if (os.path.isfile(source)):
if (os.path.isfile(dest)):
if (os.stat(source).st_mtime > os.stat(dest).st_mtime):
printLog(log, source + " -> " + dest)
return 1
printLog(log, "SKIP " + dest)
return 0
printLog(log, source + " -> " + dest)
return 1
printLog(log, "needUpdate: source doest not exist?! " + source)
printLog(log, "SKIP " + dest)
return 0
def copyFileList(log, dir_source, dir_target, files):
for fileName in files:
if fileName != ".svn":
printLog(log, dir_source + "/" + fileName + " -> " + dir_target + "/" + fileName)
shutil.copy(dir_source + "/" + fileName, dir_target + "/" + fileName)
def copyFileListNoTree(log, dir_source, dir_target, files):
for fileName in files:
if fileName != ".svn":
printLog(log, dir_source + "/" + fileName + " -> " + dir_target + "/" + os.path.basename(fileName))
shutil.copy(dir_source + "/" + fileName, dir_target + "/" + os.path.basename(fileName))
def copyFileListNoTreeIfNeeded(log, dir_source, dir_target, files):
for fileName in files:
if fileName != ".svn" and fileName != "*.*":
srcFile = dir_source + "/" + fileName
destFile = dir_target + "/" + os.path.basename(fileName)
if needUpdateLogRemoveDest(log, srcFile, destFile):
shutil.copy(srcFile, destFile)
def removeFilesRecursive(log, dir_files):
files = os.listdir(dir_files)
for fileName in files:
if (fileName != ".svn"):
if os.path.isdir(dir_files + "/" + fileName):
removeFilesRecursive(log, dir_files + "/" + fileName)
printLog(log, "RM " + dir_files + "/" + fileName)
os.remove(dir_files + "/" + fileName)
def copyFilesRecursive(log, dir_source, dir_target):
files = os.listdir(dir_source)
mkPath(log, dir_target)
for fileName in files:
if (fileName != ".svn"):
if os.path.isdir(dir_source + "/" + fileName):
copyFilesRecursive(log, dir_source + "/" + fileName, dir_target + "/" + fileName)
printLog(log, dir_source + "/" + fileName + " -> " + dir_target + "/" + fileName)
shutil.copy(dir_source + "/" + fileName, dir_target + "/" + fileName)
def copyFiles(log, dir_source, dir_target):
copyFileList(log, dir_source, dir_target, os.listdir(dir_source))
def copyFilesExt(log, dir_source, dir_target, file_ext):
files = os.listdir(dir_source)
len_file_ext = len(file_ext)
for fileName in files:
if (fileName != ".svn") and (fileName[-len_file_ext:].lower() == file_ext.lower()):
printLog(log, dir_source + "/" + fileName + " -> " + dir_target + "/" + fileName)
shutil.copy(dir_source + "/" + fileName, dir_target + "/" + fileName)
def copyFilesExtNoTree(log, dir_source, dir_target, file_ext):
files = findFiles(log, dir_source, "", file_ext)
copyFileListNoTree(log, dir_source, dir_target, files)
def copyFilesExtNoTreeIfNeeded(log, dir_source, dir_target, file_ext):
files = findFiles(log, dir_source, "", file_ext)
copyFileListNoTreeIfNeeded(log, dir_source, dir_target, files)
def copyFilesNoTreeIfNeeded(log, dir_source, dir_target):
copyFileListNoTreeIfNeeded(log, dir_source, dir_target, os.listdir(dir_source))
def copyFileListExtReplaceNoTreeIfNeeded(log, dir_source, dir_target, files, file_ext, target_ext):
for fileName in files:
if fileName != ".svn" and fileName != "*.*":
srcFile = dir_source + "/" + fileName
destFile = dir_target + "/" + os.path.basename(fileName)[0:-len(file_ext)] + target_ext
if needUpdateLogRemoveDest(log, srcFile, destFile):
shutil.copy(srcFile, destFile)
def copyFilesExtReplaceNoTreeIfNeeded(log, dir_source, dir_target, file_ext, target_ext):
files = findFiles(log, dir_source, "", file_ext)
copyFileListExtReplaceNoTreeIfNeeded(log, dir_source, dir_target, files, file_ext, target_ext)
def copyFileIfNeeded(log, srcFile, destFile):
if needUpdateLogRemoveDest(log, srcFile, destFile):
shutil.copy(srcFile, destFile)
def moveFileListNoTree(log, dir_source, dir_target, files):
for fileName in files:
if fileName != ".svn":
printLog(log, dir_source + "/" + fileName + " -> " + dir_target + "/" + os.path.basename(fileName))
shutil.move(dir_source + "/" + fileName, dir_target + "/" + os.path.basename(fileName))
def moveFilesExtNoTree(log, dir_source, dir_target, file_ext):
files = findFiles(log, dir_source, "", file_ext)
moveFileListNoTree(log, dir_source, dir_target, files)
def findFiles(log, dir_where, dir_sub, file_ext):
result = [ ]
files = os.listdir(dir_where + "/" + dir_sub)
len_file_ext = len(file_ext)
for fileName in files:
if fileName != ".svn" and fileName != "*.*":
filePath = dir_sub + fileName
fileFull = dir_where + "/" + dir_sub + fileName
if os.path.isfile(fileFull):
if fileName[-len_file_ext:].lower() == file_ext.lower():
result += [ filePath ]
elif os.path.isdir(fileFull):
result += findFiles(log, dir_where, filePath + "/", file_ext)
printLog(log, "findFiles: file not dir or file?!" + filePath)
return result
def findFile(log, dir_where, file_name):
files = os.listdir(dir_where)
for fileName in files:
if fileName != ".svn" and fileName != "*.*":
filePath = dir_where + "/" + fileName
if os.path.isfile(filePath):
if fileName == file_name:
return filePath
elif os.path.isdir(filePath):
result = findFile(log, filePath, file_name)
if result != "":
return result
printLog(log, "findFile: file not dir or file?! " + filePath)
return ""
def findTool(log, dirs_where, file_name, suffix):
for dir in dirs_where:
tool = findFile(log, dir, file_name + suffix)
if tool != "":
printLog(log, "TOOL " + tool)
return tool
except Exception, e:
printLog(log, "EXCEPTION " + str(e))
printLog(log, "TOOL NOT FOUND " + file_name + suffix)
return ""
def findMax(log, dir, file):
tool = dir + "/" + file
if os.path.isfile(tool):
printLog(log, "3DSMAX " + tool)
return tool
printLog(log, "3DSMAX NOT FOUND " + file)
return ""
def toolLogFail(log, tool, suffix):
printLog(log, "FAIL " + tool + suffix + " is not found")
def askVar(log, name, default):
sys.stdout.write(name + " (" + default + "): ")
line = sys.stdin.readline()
linestrip = line.strip()
if linestrip == "--":
log.write(name + " (" + default + "): ''\n")
return ""
elif linestrip == "":
log.write(name + " (" + default + "): '" + default + "'\n")
return default
log.write(name + " (" + default + "): '" + linestrip + "'\n")
return linestrip