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299 lines
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extends KinematicBody
signal equip( p_slot, p_item )
signal unequip( p_slot )
var character = null
var rotation_speed_factor = 0.1
var move_speed = 2.5
var run_speed = 5.0
var max_speed = 12.0
export var gravity = -9.0
var velocity: = Vector3.ZERO
var is_running = false
var can_turn = false
var ground_contacts = 0
var is_jump_started = false
var is_jumping = false
var jump_strength = 250.0
var is_falling = false
var is_on_ground = true
var is_readying_weapon = false
var is_weapon_ready = false
var can_attack = true
var is_dying = false
var is_dead = false
var direction = Vector3.ZERO
var orientation = 0.0
export( PLAYER_RELATION ) var player_relation = PLAYER_RELATION.neutre
export( String ) var creature_filename = null setget set_creature_filename
func set_creature_filename( p_filename ):
creature_filename = p_filename
self.load_from_name( p_filename )
func _process( delta ):
# Calculate a move direction vector relative to the camera
# The basis stores the (right, up, -forwards) vectors of our camera.
var forwards: Vector3 = $look_at.global_transform.basis.z * direction.z
var right: Vector3 = $look_at.global_transform.basis.x * direction.x
if forwards:
right = Vector3.ZERO
var move_direction: = forwards + right
if move_direction.length() > 1.0:
move_direction = move_direction.normalized()
move_direction.y = 0
# Rotation.
#if (self.has_node( "creature" ) and $creature.can_turn()) or self.is_readying_weapon or self.is_weapon_ready:
self.rotate_y( rotation_speed_factor * orientation )
# Movement.
velocity = self.calculate_velocity(velocity, move_direction, delta)
if not self.is_readying_weapon and not self.is_weapon_ready:
if not self.is_jumping and not self.is_jump_started and not self.is_falling:
velocity = self.move_and_slide_with_snap(velocity, Vector3.DOWN, Vector3.UP, true)
velocity = self.move_and_slide(velocity, Vector3.UP, true)
# Animation.
if self.has_node( "creature" ):
# if self.is_dead:
# $creature.play( "dead_loop" )
# elif self.is_dying:
# $creature.play( "dying", 2.0 )
# elif self.is_readying_weapon:
# $creature.play( "1h_pistol_ready_start" )
# elif self.is_weapon_ready:
# $creature.play( "1h_pistol_ready_loop" )
# elif direction and not self.is_jump_started and not self.is_jumping and not self.is_falling:
# if direction.z < 0.0:
# if self.is_running:
# $creature.play( "run" , 2.0 )
# else:
# $creature.play( "walk" )
# elif direction.z > 0.0:
# if self.is_running:
# $creature.play_backwards( "run", 2.0 )
# else:
# $creature.play_backwards( "walk" )
# elif direction.x > 0.0:
# $creature.play( "strafe_right" )
# elif direction.x < 0.0:
# $creature.play( "strafe_left" )
# elif self.is_jump_started and not self.is_jumping:
# $creature.play( "jump_start" )
# elif self.is_jumping or self.is_falling:
# if not self.is_on_ground:
# $creature.play( "jump_loop" )
# else:
# $creature.play( "jump_end", 2 )
# elif not self.orientation == 0.0:
# if self.orientation < 0.0:
# $creature.play( "turn_right", 2.0 )
# elif self.orientation > 0.0:
# $creature.play( "turn_left", 2.0 )
# else:
# $creature.play( "idle" )
$creature.play( "idle" )
func calculate_velocity(
velocity_current: Vector3,
move_direction: Vector3,
delta: float
) -> Vector3:
# var velocity_new := move_direction
var velocity_new = Vector3.ZERO
if not self.is_jump_started:
velocity_new = move_direction
if self.is_running:
velocity_new *= run_speed
velocity_new *= move_speed
if velocity_new.length() > max_speed:
velocity_new = velocity_new.normalized() * max_speed
velocity_new.y = velocity_current.y + gravity * delta
if self.is_jumping:
velocity_new.y += self.jump_strength * delta
self.is_jumping = false
self.is_falling = true
if self.is_falling:
velocity_new.x *= 2.0
velocity_new.z *= 2.0
return velocity_new
func load_from_name( p_name, p_emplacement = null ):
var creature = Datas.Creature.new()
creature.set_data( "name", p_name )
creature.load( null, p_emplacement )
# if creature.get_data( "race" ) == Globals.RACE.human:
# if creature.get_data( "sex" ) == Globals.SEX.female:
# self.change_creature( "res://scenes/creatures/human/human_female.tscn" )
# elif creature.get_data( "sex" ) == Globals.SEX.male:
# self.change_creature( "res://scenes/creatures/human/human_male.tscn" )
if $creature:
$creature.load_from_name( p_name, p_emplacement )
func change_creature( new_model_path ):
if $creature:
var old_model = $creature
self.remove_child( old_model )
var new_model = load( new_model_path )
if new_model:
new_model = new_model.instance()
new_model.name = "creature"
self.add_child( new_model )
new_model.connect( "animation_finished", self, "_on_creature_animation_finished" )
func set_blend_shape( p_blend_shape_name, p_value ):
$creature.set_blend_shape( p_blend_shape_name, p_value )
func _on_ground_area_body_entered(body):
if not body == self:
self.ground_contacts += 1
if self.ground_contacts > 0:
# self.is_falling = false
self.is_on_ground = true
func _on_ground_area_body_exited(body):
if not body == self:
self.ground_contacts -= 1
if self.ground_contacts <= 0:
self.is_falling = true
self.is_on_ground = false
func _on_creature_animation_finished(anim_name):
if anim_name == "jump_start":
self.is_jump_started = false
self.is_jumping = true
elif anim_name == "jump_end":
self.is_falling = false
elif anim_name == "turn_right":
self.can_turn = false
elif anim_name == "turn_left":
self.can_turn = false
elif anim_name == "1h_pistol_ready_start":
self.is_readying_weapon = false
self.is_weapon_ready = true
elif anim_name == "dying":
self.is_dying = false
self.is_dead = true
func set_focus( p_focus = true ):
if p_focus:
if self.player_relation == PLAYER_RELATION.neutre:
$focus.get_surface_material( 0 ).albedo_color = Color.white
elif self.player_relation == PLAYER_RELATION.friend:
$focus.get_surface_material( 0 ).albedo_color = Color.green
elif self.player_relation == PLAYER_RELATION.ennemy:
$focus.get_surface_material( 0 ).albedo_color = Color.red
func get_weapons():
var weapons = []
if Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hands in $creature.slots:
if $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hands ].item:
weapons.push_back( $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hands ].item )
if not weapons.size() > 0:
if Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_right in $creature.slots:
if $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_right ].item:
weapons.push_back( $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_right ].item )
if Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_left in $creature.slots:
if $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_left ].item:
weapons.push_back( $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_left ].item )
return weapons
func get_main_weapon_node():
var weapon = null
if Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hands in $creature.slots:
if $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hands ].item:
if $creature/body_parts/body/skeleton/attachment_hand_R/handle.get_children().size() > 0:
weapon = $creature/body_parts/body/skeleton/attachment_hand_R/handle.get_children()[0]
if not weapon and Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_right in $creature.slots:
if $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_right ].item:
if $creature/body_parts/body/skeleton/attachment_hand_R/handle.get_children().size() > 0:
weapon = $creature/body_parts/body/skeleton/attachment_hand_R/handle.get_children()[0]
if not weapon and Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_left in $creature.slots:
if $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_left ].item:
if $creature/body_parts/body/skeleton/attachment_hand_L/handle.get_children().size() > 0:
weapon = $creature/body_parts/body/skeleton/attachment_hand_R/handle.get_children()[0]
return weapon
func attack():
if self.can_attack:
var weapon = null
var attachment = null
weapon = $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_right ].item
attachment = $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_right ].attachment
if not weapon:
weapon = $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_left ].item
attachment = $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hand_left ].attachment
if not weapon:
weapon = $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hands ].item
attachment = $creature.slots[ Datas.Equipment.SLOT.weapon_hands ].attachment
if weapon:
print( "pan " + str(weapon.get_data( "damage" )) )
var weapon_node = $creature/body_parts/body/skeleton.get_node( attachment )
if weapon_node:
weapon_node = weapon_node.get_node( "handle" ).get_children()[0]
# if weapon_node is preload( "res://scenes/items/equipments/weapons/firearm.gd" ):
# weapon_node.fire( self, [self] )
self.can_attack = false
func hit( p_damage, p_from = null ):
$creature.creature.set_data( "current_life", $creature.creature.get_data( "current_life" )-p_damage )
$head_infos_viewport/head_infos/bars/life.max_value = $creature.creature.get_max_life()
$head_infos_viewport/head_infos/bars/life.value = $creature.creature.get_data( "current_life", 0 )
func die():
self.is_dying = true
func _on_creature_equip(p_slot, p_item):
var weapons = self.get_weapons()
if weapons.size() > 0:
var max_delay = null
for weapon in weapons:
if not max_delay:
max_delay = weapon.get_data( "attack_delay" )
max_delay = max( max_delay, weapon.get_data( "attack_delay" ) )
$attack_delay.wait_time = max_delay
emit_signal( "equip", p_slot, p_item )
func _on_creature_unequip(p_slot):
emit_signal( "unequip", p_slot )
func _on_attack_delay_timeout():
self.can_attack = true
func _on_creature_is_dead():