68 lines
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68 lines
1.8 KiB
extends Control
@export var traits:Array = [
"Estime de soi",
@export var amount: int = 3
@export var seed: int = 0
# variables for nodes
@onready var traits_list: ItemList = $Trait
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
func generate_traits(traits_list: Array = traits, chosen_seed: int = 0, chosen_amount: int = 3) -> Dictionary:
# Return a dictionary, with trait as key and boolean as value
# chosen_seed for random seed
# chosen_amount for the amount of traits to return
var picked_traits: Dictionary = {}
var traits_duplicate = traits_list.duplicate()
for select in range(chosen_amount):
# Pick a trait first and then choose if it is up or down
var picked_trait:Dictionary = {}
var random = RandomNumberGenerator.new()
random.seed = chosen_seed
var result: int = random.randi_range(0, traits_duplicate.size() - 1)
var random_value = RandomNumberGenerator.new()
random_value.seed = chosen_seed
var value: bool = random_value.randi_range(0, 1)
# Add the key and value to the array
picked_traits[traits_duplicate[result]] = value
# Delete the chosen trait from the possible list
return picked_traits
func populate(traits: Array = traits, seed: int = 0, amount: int = 3) -> void:
# To create an itemlist with traits and values
var char_traits: Dictionary = generate_traits(traits, seed, amount)
for char_trait in char_traits:
var value: String = ""
if char_traits[char_trait]:
value = "↑"
value = "↓"
var full_line: String = char_trait + " " + value