Adding movements to character #1

opened 2022-02-02 14:12:08 +00:00 by yannk · 29 comments
yannk commented 2022-02-02 14:12:08 +00:00 (Migrated from

The character should be able to move using a combination of Mouse clicks (LMB - Left Mouse Button, MMB - Middle Mouse Button, WMB - Wheel Mouse Button and RMB - Right Mouse Button) and Keyboard inputs inspired by Ryzom :

  • RMB : set the cursor invisible, to show we can’t no more select anything in the screen.
  • RMB + mouse move : turn camera around character, the character moves automatically to align back turning its back to camera. Includes collisions for the camera and max angle on azimuth.
  • LMB + RMB + move mouse : character goes forward, turning progressively if the camera turns
  • WMB : Camera distance (with min and max and steps defined)
  • RMB + Left|Right : character strafe left|right
  • Left|Right : Turns camera left|right, realigns the character similarly as RMB + mouse moving horizontally
  • Forward : Character goes forward
  • Backward :Character goes backward
  • Automove : Character goes forward untill pressed again
  • Walk/Run : Character goes from walking to running speed untill pressed again
  • Sit : Character sits where it stands
The character should be able to move using a combination of Mouse clicks (LMB - Left Mouse Button, MMB - Middle Mouse Button, WMB - Wheel Mouse Button and RMB - Right Mouse Button) and Keyboard inputs inspired by Ryzom : - [x] RMB : set the cursor invisible, to show we can’t no more select anything in the screen. - [x] RMB + mouse move : turn camera around character, the character moves automatically to align back turning its back to camera. Includes collisions for the camera and max angle on azimuth. - [x] LMB + RMB + move mouse : character goes forward, turning progressively if the camera turns - [x] WMB : Camera distance (with min and max and steps defined) - [x] RMB + Left|Right : character strafe left|right - [x] Left|Right : Turns camera left|right, realigns the character similarly as RMB + mouse moving horizontally - [x] Forward : Character goes forward - [x] Backward :Character goes backward - [x] Automove : Character goes forward untill pressed again - [x] Walk/Run : Character goes from walking to running speed untill pressed again - [x] Sit : Character sits where it stands
yannk commented 2022-02-02 14:12:08 +00:00 (Migrated from

assigned to @aleajactaest

assigned to @aleajactaest
yannk commented 2022-02-02 15:32:40 +00:00 (Migrated from

I have created a scene for that, called player, which includes character and adds the collision.

I have begun to add the camera and its script but haven’t go far yet.

I have created a scene for that, called `player`, which includes `character` and adds the collision. I have begun to add the camera and its script but haven’t go far yet.
yannk commented 2022-02-02 17:02:04 +00:00 (Migrated from

mentioned in commit e8ce4f675c

mentioned in commit e8ce4f675c850621f07c86c1c260b1e2f91a785f
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 00:47:29 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item RMB : set the cursor invisible, to show we can’t no more select anything in the screen. as completed

marked the checklist item **RMB : set the cursor invisible, to show we can’t no more select anything in the screen.** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 00:48:27 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item RMB : set the cursor invisible, to show we can’t no more select anything in the screen. as incomplete

marked the checklist item **RMB : set the cursor invisible, to show we can’t no more select anything in the screen.** as incomplete
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 00:48:29 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item RMB + mouse move : turn camera around character, the character moves automatically to align back turning its back to camera. Includes collisions for the camera and max angle on azimuth. as completed

marked the checklist item **RMB + mouse move : turn camera around character, the character moves automatically to align back turning its back to camera. Includes collisions for the camera and max angle on azimuth.** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 00:53:00 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Sit : Character sits where it stands as completed

marked the checklist item **Sit : Character sits where it stands** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 00:53:01 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Sit : Character sits where it stands as incomplete

marked the checklist item **Sit : Character sits where it stands** as incomplete
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 00:56:39 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Forward : Character goes forward as completed

marked the checklist item **Forward : Character goes forward** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 00:56:41 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Backward :Character goes backward as completed

marked the checklist item **Backward :Character goes backward** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 00:56:45 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Walk/Run : Character goes from walking to running speed untill pressed again as completed

marked the checklist item **Walk/Run : Character goes from walking to running speed untill pressed again** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 00:57:16 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Left|Right : Turns camera left|right, realigns the character similarly as RMB + mouse moving horizontally as completed

marked the checklist item **Left|Right : Turns camera left|right, realigns the character similarly as RMB + mouse moving horizontally** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 00:57:32 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item WMB : Camera distance (with min and max and steps defined) as completed

marked the checklist item **WMB : Camera distance (with min and max and steps defined)** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 00:58:15 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item RMB : set the cursor invisible, to show we can’t no more select anything in the screen. as completed

marked the checklist item **RMB : set the cursor invisible, to show we can’t no more select anything in the screen.** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 00:58:43 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item RMB + Left|Right : character strafe left|right as completed

marked the checklist item **RMB + Left|Right : character strafe left|right** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 00:59:56 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Sit : Character sits where it stands as completed

marked the checklist item **Sit : Character sits where it stands** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-02-05 01:07:02 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Automove : Character goes forward untill pressed again as completed

marked the checklist item **Automove : Character goes forward untill pressed again** as completed
zatalyz commented 2022-02-06 11:30:57 +00:00 (Migrated from

mentioned in issue #5

mentioned in issue #5
zatalyz commented 2022-02-06 12:04:15 +00:00 (Migrated from

Notes sur le mappage actuel parce que j'ai un peu cherché...

  • X : s'asseoir
  • W : marche automatique
  • C : Vol (c'était pas marqué !)
  • Maj + flèche haut : course

Les touches "z q s d" marchent aussi bien que "← ↑ → ↓" pour se déplacer (c'est très bien !).

Dans les trucs qui ne sont pas comme sur le ticket :

  • Le curseur invisible semble être sur LMB et non RMB.
  • "RMB + Left|Right : character strafe left|right" => ici aussi ça semble plutôt sur LMB.

Je m'attendais aussi à ce que le clic gauche me permette de tourner la caméra autour du perso sans que ce dernier ne bouge (LMB + mouse move).

Par ailleurs, petites suggestions sur les déplacements de base. Attention cela vaut sur un clavier azerty avec clavier numérique, ça marche moins bien sur clavier de portable par exemple :

  • Courir/marcher : garder une touche appuyée est logique pour un sprint court, mais si la course ne dépense pas d'énergie, mieux vaut une touche qui active/désactive la course. "Maj Lock" serait "logique" mais amène à ce qu'ensuite on écrive en majuscule dans les chat. Sur clavier Azerty, je considère que la touche "suppr" convient bien (étant rarement utilisée par ailleurs et sans effet si on n'est pas dans un espace de saisie de texte).
  • S'asseoir : ce n'est pas une action qu'on doit faire "rapidement", je la relègue donc à côté de la touche pour courir, soit "Inser".
  • Marche automatique : quand on utilise la combinaison "zqsd" c'est bien que la marche auto soit à côté. "R" est bien côté ergonomie (mais on peut en discuter).
  • Pas de côté : vous les avez mis avec clic-gauche+ Q/D. Je préconise qu'ils soient utilisables sans souris. A/E sont de bonnes touches pour ça :)

Le Vol demandera du travail, là c'est surtout intéressant parce que comme ça on a l'option. Mais ça demande à la fois de trouver la bonne ergonomie (regarder ce qui se fait sur des jeux au clavier avec vol stationnaire) mais aussi la façon dont cela fonctionne côté gamedesign. Un gros morceau, je conseille donc de laisser ça de côté pour le moment, le fonctionnement actuel étant déjà très bien pour avoir une base et le prendre en compte :)

Notes sur le mappage actuel parce que j'ai un peu cherché... - X : s'asseoir - W : marche automatique - C : Vol (c'était pas marqué !) - Maj + flèche haut : course Les touches "z q s d" marchent aussi bien que "← ↑ → ↓" pour se déplacer (c'est très bien !). Dans les trucs qui ne sont pas comme sur le ticket : - Le curseur invisible semble être sur LMB et non RMB. - "RMB + Left|Right : character strafe left|right" => ici aussi ça semble plutôt sur LMB. Je m'attendais aussi à ce que le clic gauche me permette de tourner la caméra autour du perso sans que ce dernier ne bouge (LMB + mouse move). Par ailleurs, petites suggestions sur les déplacements de base. Attention cela vaut sur un clavier azerty avec clavier numérique, ça marche moins bien sur clavier de portable par exemple : - Courir/marcher : garder une touche appuyée est logique pour un sprint court, mais si la course ne dépense pas d'énergie, mieux vaut une touche qui active/désactive la course. "Maj Lock" serait "logique" mais amène à ce qu'ensuite on écrive en majuscule dans les chat. Sur clavier Azerty, je considère que la touche "suppr" convient bien (étant rarement utilisée par ailleurs et sans effet si on n'est pas dans un espace de saisie de texte). - S'asseoir : ce n'est pas une action qu'on doit faire "rapidement", je la relègue donc à côté de la touche pour courir, soit "Inser". - Marche automatique : quand on utilise la combinaison "zqsd" c'est bien que la marche auto soit à côté. "R" est bien côté ergonomie (mais on peut en discuter). - Pas de côté : vous les avez mis avec clic-gauche+ Q/D. Je préconise qu'ils soient utilisables sans souris. A/E sont de bonnes touches pour ça :) Le Vol demandera du travail, là c'est surtout intéressant parce que comme ça on a l'option. Mais ça demande à la fois de trouver la bonne ergonomie (regarder ce qui se fait sur des jeux au clavier avec vol stationnaire) mais aussi la façon dont cela fonctionne côté gamedesign. Un gros morceau, je conseille donc de laisser ça de côté pour le moment, le fonctionnement actuel étant déjà très bien pour avoir une base et le prendre en compte :)
zatalyz commented 2022-02-06 13:15:52 +00:00 (Migrated from

mentioned in issue #7

mentioned in issue #7
zatalyz commented 2022-02-08 12:08:15 +00:00 (Migrated from

mentioned in issue #14

mentioned in issue #14
aleajactaest commented 2022-03-06 21:20:52 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item RMB + mouse move : turn camera around character, the character moves automatically to align back turning its back to camera. Includes collisions for the camera and max angle on azimuth. as incomplete

marked the checklist item **RMB + mouse move : turn camera around character, the character moves automatically to align back turning its back to camera. Includes collisions for the camera and max angle on azimuth.** as incomplete
aleajactaest commented 2022-03-06 21:20:52 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item RMB + mouse move : turn camera around character, the character moves automatically to align back turning its back to camera. Includes collisions for the camera and max angle on azimuth. as completed

marked the checklist item **RMB + mouse move : turn camera around character, the character moves automatically to align back turning its back to camera. Includes collisions for the camera and max angle on azimuth.** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-03-06 21:20:53 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item RMB + mouse move : turn camera around character, the character moves automatically to align back turning its back to camera. Includes collisions for the camera and max angle on azimuth. as incomplete

marked the checklist item **RMB + mouse move : turn camera around character, the character moves automatically to align back turning its back to camera. Includes collisions for the camera and max angle on azimuth.** as incomplete
aleajactaest commented 2022-03-06 21:29:21 +00:00 (Migrated from

mentioned in commit d26ec0da5c

mentioned in commit d26ec0da5c05f0a82ff04e94ffa6b18e345bd5e8
aleajactaest commented 2022-03-07 21:59:22 +00:00 (Migrated from

mentioned in commit a1940e3d45

mentioned in commit a1940e3d453522dcb9cba57cec9e40f798d87aa6
aleajactaest commented 2022-03-29 19:53:27 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item LMB + RMB + move mouse : character goes forward, turning progressively if the camera turns as completed

marked the checklist item **LMB + RMB + move mouse : character goes forward, turning progressively if the camera turns** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-03-29 19:53:27 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item RMB + mouse move : turn camera around character, the character moves automatically to align back turning its back to camera. Includes collisions for the camera and max angle on azimuth. as completed

marked the checklist item **RMB + mouse move : turn camera around character, the character moves automatically to align back turning its back to camera. Includes collisions for the camera and max angle on azimuth.** as completed
aleajactaest commented 2022-03-29 20:35:02 +00:00 (Migrated from

pushed, to be check

pushed, to be check
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Reference: YannK/godot-third-person-basic-scene#1
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