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====== The Khan of Eons ======
<WRAP center box 220px centeralign>{{ :wiki:khan.png?200 |The symbol of the "Khan of Eons"}} in [[dscript|sacred writing]]</WRAP>
===== His name =====
No one is certain of the real name of the khan and many are circulating. Knowing the real name of a person(or thing) is to conferring power over it, no wonder that the khan's is fluctuating according to the sources.
**xancedra**: trad. Litt. Of the [[lojban|sacred language]]: Khan of Era/Eons, it phonetically became one of the nicknames of the "khanat: the Ancestor". Some believing his name to be: "An Tshe-Thra".
===== Residence =====
The Khan of Eons lives in a gigantic palace of which only a part emerges on the surface, it's name in [[lojban|sacred language]] is // [[en:vaitua|va'itu'a]] //: [[Http://|rafsi]] // va'i //, value and // tu'a //, earth).
It's said that this is where all secrets are kept, and where only the most deserving ones may/can have access. Other designations may be encountered:
* The Secret of Secrets.
* The Palace of an thousand doors...