tool # Independent quad tree designed to handle LOD class Quad: var children = null var origin_x := 0 var origin_y := 0 var data = null func _init(): pass func clear(): clear_children() data = null func clear_children(): children = null func has_children(): return children != null var _tree := var _max_depth := 0 var _base_size := 16 var _split_scale := 2.0 var _make_func : FuncRef = null var _recycle_func : FuncRef = null var _vertical_bounds_func : FuncRef = null func set_callbacks(make_cb: FuncRef, recycle_cb: FuncRef, vbounds_cb: FuncRef): _make_func = make_cb _recycle_func = recycle_cb _vertical_bounds_func = vbounds_cb func clear(): _join_all_recursively(_tree, _max_depth) _max_depth = 0 _base_size = 0 static func compute_lod_count(base_size: int, full_size: int) -> int: var po = 0 while full_size > base_size: full_size = full_size >> 1 po += 1 return po func create_from_sizes(base_size: int, full_size: int): clear() _base_size = base_size _max_depth = compute_lod_count(base_size, full_size) func get_lod_count() -> int: # TODO _max_depth is a maximum, not a count. Would be better for it to be a count (+1) return _max_depth + 1 # The higher, the longer LODs will spread and higher the quality. # The lower, the shorter LODs will spread and lower the quality. func set_split_scale(p_split_scale: float): var MIN := 2.0 var MAX := 5.0 # Split scale must be greater than a threshold, # otherwise lods will decimate too fast and it will look messy if p_split_scale < MIN: p_split_scale = MIN if p_split_scale > MAX: p_split_scale = MAX _split_scale = float(p_split_scale) func get_split_scale() -> float: return _split_scale func update(view_pos: Vector3): _update(_tree, _max_depth, view_pos) # This makes sure we keep seeing the lowest LOD, # if the tree is cleared while we are far away if not _tree.has_children() and == null: = _make_chunk(_max_depth, 0, 0) # TODO Should be renamed get_lod_factor func get_lod_size(lod: int) -> int: return 1 << lod func _update(quad: Quad, lod: int, view_pos: Vector3): # This function should be called regularly over frames. var lod_factor := get_lod_size(lod) var chunk_size := _base_size * lod_factor var world_center := \ chunk_size * (Vector3(quad.origin_x, 0, quad.origin_y) + Vector3(0.5, 0, 0.5)) if _vertical_bounds_func != null: var vbounds = _vertical_bounds_func.call_func(quad.origin_x, quad.origin_y, lod) world_center.y = (vbounds.x + vbounds.y) / 2.0 var split_distance := _base_size * lod_factor * _split_scale if not quad.has_children(): if lod > 0 and world_center.distance_to(view_pos) < split_distance: # Split quad.children = [null, null, null, null] for i in 4: var child := child.origin_x = quad.origin_x * 2 + (i & 1) child.origin_y = quad.origin_y * 2 + ((i & 2) >> 1) quad.children[i] = child = _make_chunk(lod - 1, child.origin_x, child.origin_y) # If the quad needs to split more, we'll ask more recycling... if != null: _recycle_chunk(, quad.origin_x, quad.origin_y, lod) = null else: var no_split_child := true for child in quad.children: _update(child, lod - 1, view_pos) if child.has_children(): no_split_child = false if no_split_child and world_center.distance_to(view_pos) > split_distance: # Join if quad.has_children(): for i in 4: var child = quad.children[i] _recycle_chunk(, child.origin_x, child.origin_y, lod - 1) = null quad.clear_children() assert( == null) = _make_chunk(lod, quad.origin_x, quad.origin_y) func _join_all_recursively(quad: Quad, lod: int): if quad.has_children(): for i in range(4): var child = quad.children[i] _join_all_recursively(child, lod - 1) quad.clear_children() elif != null: _recycle_chunk(, quad.origin_x, quad.origin_y, lod) = null func _make_chunk(lod: int, origin_x: int, origin_y: int): var chunk = null if _make_func != null: chunk = _make_func.call_func(origin_x, origin_y, lod) return chunk func _recycle_chunk(chunk, origin_x: int, origin_y: int, lod: int): if _recycle_func != null: _recycle_func.call_func(chunk, origin_x, origin_y, lod) func debug_draw_tree(ci: CanvasItem): var quad := _tree _debug_draw_tree_recursive(ci, quad, _max_depth, 0) func _debug_draw_tree_recursive(ci: CanvasItem, quad: Quad, lod_index: int, child_index: int): if quad.has_children(): for i in range(0, quad.children.size()): var child = quad.children[i] _debug_draw_tree_recursive(ci, child, lod_index - 1, i) else: var size := get_lod_size(lod_index) var checker := 0 if child_index == 1 or child_index == 2: checker = 1 var chunk_indicator := 0 if != null: chunk_indicator = 1 var r := Rect2(Vector2(quad.origin_x, quad.origin_y) * size, Vector2(size, size)) ci.draw_rect(r, Color(1.0 - lod_index * 0.2, 0.2 * checker, chunk_indicator, 1))