tool extends WindowDialog const Util = preload("../../util/") const Logger = preload("../../util/") const HTerrainData = preload("../../") const ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT = 0 const ANCHOR_TOP = 1 const ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT = 2 const ANCHOR_LEFT = 3 const ANCHOR_CENTER = 4 const ANCHOR_RIGHT = 5 const ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT = 6 const ANCHOR_BOTTOM = 7 const ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT = 8 const ANCHOR_COUNT = 9 const _anchor_dirs = [ [-1, -1], [0, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [-1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1] ] const _anchor_icon_names = [ "anchor_top_left", "anchor_top", "anchor_top_right", "anchor_left", "anchor_center", "anchor_right", "anchor_bottom_left", "anchor_bottom", "anchor_bottom_right" ] signal permanent_change_performed(message) onready var _resolution_dropdown = $VBoxContainer/GridContainer/ResolutionDropdown onready var _stretch_checkbox = $VBoxContainer/GridContainer/StretchCheckBox onready var _anchor_control = $VBoxContainer/GridContainer/HBoxContainer/AnchorControl const _resolutions = HTerrainData.SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS var _anchor_buttons = [] var _anchor_buttons_grid = {} var _anchor_button_group = null var _selected_anchor = ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT var _logger = Logger.get_for(self) var _terrain = null func set_terrain(terrain): _terrain = terrain static func _get_icon(name): return load("res://addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/icons/icon_" + name + ".svg") func _ready(): if Util.is_in_edited_scene(self): return # TEST #show() for i in len(_resolutions): _resolution_dropdown.add_item(str(_resolutions[i]), i) _anchor_button_group = _anchor_buttons.resize(ANCHOR_COUNT) var x = 0 var y = 0 for i in _anchor_control.get_child_count(): var child = _anchor_control.get_child(i) assert(child is Button) child.toggle_mode = true child.rect_min_size = child.rect_size child.icon = null child.connect("pressed", self, "_on_AnchorButton_pressed", [i, x, y]) = _anchor_button_group _anchor_buttons[i] = child _anchor_buttons_grid[Vector2(x, y)] = child x += 1 if x >= 3: x = 0 y += 1 _anchor_buttons[_selected_anchor].pressed = true # The signal apparently doesn't trigger in this case _on_AnchorButton_pressed(_selected_anchor, 0, 0) func _notification(what): if what == NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED: if visible: # Select current resolution if _terrain != null and _terrain.get_data() != null: var res = _terrain.get_data().get_resolution() for i in len(_resolutions): if res == _resolutions[i]: break func _on_AnchorButton_pressed(anchor0, x0, y0): _selected_anchor = anchor0 for button in _anchor_buttons: button.icon = null for anchor in ANCHOR_COUNT: var d = _anchor_dirs[anchor] var nx = x0 + d[0] var ny = y0 + d[1] var k = Vector2(nx, ny) if not _anchor_buttons_grid.has(k): continue var button = _anchor_buttons_grid[k] var icon = _get_icon(_anchor_icon_names[anchor]) button.icon = icon func _set_anchor_control_active(active): for button in _anchor_buttons: button.disabled = not active func _on_ResolutionDropdown_item_selected(id): pass func _on_StretchCheckBox_toggled(button_pressed): _set_anchor_control_active(not button_pressed) func _on_ApplyButton_pressed(): var stretch = _stretch_checkbox.pressed var res = _resolutions[_resolution_dropdown.get_selected_id()] var dir = _anchor_dirs[_selected_anchor] _apply(res, stretch, Vector2(dir[0], dir[1])) hide() func _on_CancelButton_pressed(): hide() func _apply(p_resolution, p_stretch, p_anchor): if _terrain == null: _logger.error("Cannot apply resize, terrain is not set") return var data = _terrain.get_data() if data == null: _logger.error("Cannot apply resize, terrain has no data") return data.resize(p_resolution, p_stretch, p_anchor) data.notify_full_change() emit_signal("permanent_change_performed", "Resize terrain")