# Bakes normals asynchronously in the editor as the heightmap gets modified. # It uses the heightmap texture to change the normalmap image, which is then uploaded like an edit. # This is probably not a nice method GPU-wise, but it's way faster than GDScript. tool extends Node const HTerrainData = preload("../hterrain_data.gd") const VIEWPORT_SIZE = 64 const STATE_PENDING = 0 const STATE_PROCESSING = 1 var _viewport = null var _ci = null var _pending_tiles_grid = {} var _pending_tiles_queue = [] var _processing_tile = null var _terrain_data = null func _init(): assert(VIEWPORT_SIZE <= HTerrainData.MIN_RESOLUTION) _viewport = Viewport.new() _viewport.size = Vector2(VIEWPORT_SIZE + 2, VIEWPORT_SIZE + 2) _viewport.render_target_update_mode = Viewport.UPDATE_DISABLED _viewport.render_target_clear_mode = Viewport.CLEAR_MODE_ALWAYS _viewport.render_target_v_flip = true _viewport.world = World.new() _viewport.own_world = true add_child(_viewport) var mat = ShaderMaterial.new() mat.shader = load("res://addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/bump2normal_tex.shader") _ci = Sprite.new() _ci.centered = false _ci.material = mat _viewport.add_child(_ci) set_process(false) func set_terrain_data(data): if data == _terrain_data: return _pending_tiles_grid.clear() _pending_tiles_queue.clear() _processing_tile = null _ci.texture = null set_process(false) if data == null: _terrain_data.disconnect("map_changed", self, "_on_terrain_data_map_changed") _terrain_data.disconnect("resolution_changed", self, "_on_terrain_data_resolution_changed") _terrain_data = data if _terrain_data != null: _terrain_data.connect("map_changed", self, "_on_terrain_data_map_changed") _terrain_data.connect("resolution_changed", self, "_on_terrain_data_resolution_changed") _ci.texture = data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT) func _on_terrain_data_map_changed(maptype, index): if maptype == HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT: _ci.texture = _terrain_data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT) func _on_terrain_data_resolution_changed(): # TODO Workaround issue https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/24463 _ci.update() func request_tiles_in_region(min_pos, size): assert(is_inside_tree()) assert(_terrain_data != null) var res = _terrain_data.get_resolution() min_pos -= Vector2(1, 1) var max_pos = min_pos + size + Vector2(1, 1) var tmin = (min_pos / VIEWPORT_SIZE).floor() var tmax = (max_pos / VIEWPORT_SIZE).ceil() var ntx = res / VIEWPORT_SIZE var nty = res / VIEWPORT_SIZE tmin.x = clamp(tmin.x, 0, ntx) tmin.y = clamp(tmin.y, 0, nty) tmax.x = clamp(tmax.x, 0, ntx) tmax.y = clamp(tmax.y, 0, nty) for y in range(tmin.y, tmax.y): for x in range(tmin.x, tmax.x): request_tile(Vector2(x, y)) func request_tile(tpos): assert(tpos == tpos.round()) if _pending_tiles_grid.has(tpos): var state = _pending_tiles_grid[tpos] if state == STATE_PENDING: return _pending_tiles_grid[tpos] = STATE_PENDING _pending_tiles_queue.push_front(tpos) set_process(true) func _process(delta): if not is_processing(): return if _processing_tile != null and _terrain_data != null: var src = _viewport.get_texture().get_data() var dst = _terrain_data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_NORMAL) src.convert(dst.get_format()) #src.save_png(str("test_", _processing_tile.x, "_", _processing_tile.y, ".png")) var pos = _processing_tile * VIEWPORT_SIZE var w = src.get_width() - 1 var h = src.get_height() - 1 dst.blit_rect(src, Rect2(1, 1, w, h), pos) _terrain_data.notify_region_change(Rect2(pos.x, pos.y, w, h), HTerrainData.CHANNEL_NORMAL) if _pending_tiles_grid[_processing_tile] == STATE_PROCESSING: _pending_tiles_grid.erase(_processing_tile) _processing_tile = null if _has_pending_tiles(): var tpos = _pending_tiles_queue[-1] _pending_tiles_queue.pop_back() # The sprite will be much larger than the viewport due to the size of the heightmap. # We move it around so the part inside the viewport will correspond to the tile. _ci.position = -VIEWPORT_SIZE * tpos + Vector2(1, 1) _viewport.render_target_update_mode = Viewport.UPDATE_ONCE _processing_tile = tpos _pending_tiles_grid[tpos] = STATE_PROCESSING else: set_process(false) func _has_pending_tiles(): return len(_pending_tiles_queue) > 0