LITERAL ( literal lit ) { [$lit$] } SHOPKEEPER_NO_SELL(bot b) { shopkeeper_no_sell [I have nothing to sell right now, come back later.] } TOO_ENCUMBERED() { too_encumbered [&CHK& You are too encumbered.] } ROOM_TOO_ENCUMBERED () { [&CHK& Your appartment is too encumbered.] } ANIMAL_PACKER_TOO_ENCUMBERED () { [&CHK& Your animal is too encumbered.] } TELEPORT_USED ( int i ) { [&SYS& You will be teleported in $i$ seconds.] } TELEPORT_CANCELED() { [&SYS&Teleportation has been canceled.] } ABANDON_TEAM_MISSION_REFUSED() { abandon_team_mission_refused [&CHK& only leaders can abandon a team mission.] } NO_ACTION_WHILE_EQUIPPING() { [&CHK&you cannot use an action while equipping.] } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // item decay messages //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ITEM_UNSPOILED(item item) { [&ITMF&Your $item$ is unspoiled.] } ITEM_WORN_STATE_1(item item) { [&ITMF&Your $item$ is slightly worned.] } ITEM_WORN_STATE_2(item item) { [&ITMF&Your $item$ is moderately worned.] } ITEM_WORN_STATE_3(item item) { [&ITMF&Your $item$ is heavily worned. You should start to think about replacing it.] } ITEM_WORN_STATE_4(item item) { [&ITMF&Your $item$ is nearly completely worned. You should replace it as soon as possible.] } ITEM_WORNED(item item) { [&ITMF&Your $item$ is now completely worned and you can no longer progress by using it. You should find a new one as soon as possible.] } ITEM_WORNED_DESTROYED(item item) { [&ITMF&Your $item$ was so worned it has been destroyed.] } GMOTD (literal s) { // Guilde Message Of The Day [&MTD&Guild message of the day: $s$] } MOTD (literal s) { // Message Of The Day [&MTD&MOTD: $s$] } BROADCAST (literal s) { // broadcast message [&BC&$s$] } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // generic system messages //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CHARACTER_SAVED (player p) { [&SYS&"$p$" has been saved.] } WHO_GM_INTRO() { [&SYS&Afficher les CSRs en ligne : ] } WHO_INVISIBLE_GM_INTRO() { [&SYS&Displaying invisible online gamemasters and guides :.] } WHO_SGM_LIST( player p ) { [&SYS&<senior GM>$p$.] } WHO_GM_LIST( player p ) { [&SYS&<GM>$p$.] } WHO_VG_LIST( player p ) { [&SYS&<veteran Guide>$p$.] } WHO_SG_LIST( player p ) { [&SYS&<senior Guide>$p$.] } WHO_G_LIST( player p ) { [&SYS&<Guide>$p$.] } WHO_REGION_INTRO(place pl) { [&SYS&Displaying online characters in region "$pl$"] } WHO_REGION_LIST( player p ) { [&SYS&$p$.] } WHO_NO_ANSWER () { [&SYS&No character found.] } TELL_PLAYER_AFK( player p ) { [&SYS&$p$ is "away from keybord".] } TELL_PLAYER_UNKNOWN( literal name ) { [&SYS&$name$ is unknown or not online. Your message cannot be delivered.] } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // compass related messages //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NEW_COMPASS () { new_compass [&SYS&New target added to the compass.] } COMPASS_BOT (bot b) { [$b$] } COMPASS_PLACE (place p) { [$p$] } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSR related messages //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CSR_BAD_TARGET () { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR> Invalid command target.] } CSR_PENDING_CHARACTER_LOG () { [&SYS&<CSR COMMAND PENDING> Target not found, your command are fowarded to pending system for later execution when your target are login.] } CSR_NOT_SUMMONED () { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR> command target was not previously summoned.] } CSR_NAME_EXISTS () { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR> new name already attributed. Please try another one.] } CSR_BAD_GUILD () { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR> Invalid guild.] } CSR_NOT_ATTACKABLE () { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR> Cant kill non attackable bot.] } CSR_ROOT_ENDS () { [&SPL&The root effect placed on you by a GM has vanished.] } CSR_ALREADY_ROOTED ( player p ) { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR>$p$ is already rooted by a GM command.] } CSR_ROOT_OK( player p ) { [&SYS&$p$ is now rooted.] } CSR_IS_ROOTED_BY( player p ) { [&SPL&$p$ has rooted you through a gamemaster power.] } CSR_UNROOT_OK( player p ) { [&SYS&$p$ was successfully unrooted.] } CSR_IS_UNROOTED_BY( player p ) { [&SPL&$p$ has successfully unrooted you.] } CSR_NOT_ROOTED( player p ) { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR>$p$ is not rooted.] } CSR_HAS_MISSION () { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR>Cant monitor another player mission if you have a mission.] } CSR_BAD_MISSION () { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR>The chosen mission is invalid.] } CSR_BAD_RIGHTS() { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR>You dont have the right to affect this player.] } CSR_BAD_NAME() { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR>The name you are trying to assign to this player is invalid or is already taken.] } CSR_UNKNOWN_PLAYER (literal p) { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR> Unknown player: $p$.] } CSR_OFFLINE_PLAYER (literal p) { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR> $p$ is offline.] } CSR_GUILD_NOT_MEMBER (literal p, string_id guild) { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR> $p$ is not a member of the guild '$guild$'.] } CSR_GUILD_UNKNOWN_GRADE () { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR> Unknown grade.] } CSR_GUILD_ALREADY_HAS_GRADE (literal p) { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR> $p$ already has this grade.] } CSR_GUILD_MAX_GRADE_COUNT (int i) { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR> Maximum count for this grade ($i$) has been reached.] } CSR_GUILD_ALREADY_MEMBER (player p) { [&CHK&<CSR COMMAND ERROR> $p$ already is member of a guild.] } CSR_GUILD_NEW_GRADE (literal p, literal grade) { [&SPL&$p$ now has grade $grade$.] } CSR_GUILD_NEW_MEMBER (player p, string_id guild) { [&SPL&$p$ now is a member of guild '$guild$'.] } CSR_GUILD_MEMBER_LIST (literal p, literal grade) { [&SYS&<CSR> $p$: $grade$.] } CSR_START_EVENT (literal e) { [&SYS&<CSR> event '$e$' has been started.] } CSR_STOP_EVENT (literal e) { [&SYS&<CSR> event '$e$' has been stoped.] } CSR_CLEAR_EVENT_FACTION (player p) { [&SYS&<CSR> $p$ now has no event faction.] } CSR_GET_EVENT_FACTION (player p, event_faction ef) { [&SYS&<CSR> $p$ is in event faction '$ef$'.] } CSR_UNKNOWN_RESPAWN_POINT () { [&CHK&<CSR> Unknown respawn point.] } CSR_MUTE_OK(player p) { [&SYS&Vous avez rendu muet le joueur $p$.] } CSR_IS_MUTED_BY(player p) { [&SYS&CSR $p$ vous a rendu muet.] } CSR_UNMUTE_OK(player p) { [&SYS&Vous avez rendu la parole au joueur $p$.] } CSR_IS_UNMUTED_BY(player p) { [&SYS&CSR $p$ vous a rendu la parole.] } CSR_NOT_MUTED(player p) { [&SYS&Le joueur $p$ n'est pas muet, vous ne pouvez donc pas lui rendre la parole.] } CSR_MUTE_ENDS() { [&SYS&Vous n'êtes plus muet.] } CSR_UNIVERSE_MUTE_OK(player p) { [&SYS&Vous avez rendu muet le joueur $p$ sur le channel universe.] } CSR_IS_UNIVERSE_MUTED_BY(player p) { [&SYS&CSR $p$ vous a rendu muet sur le channel universe.] } CSR_UNIVERSE_UNMUTE_OK(player p) { [&SYS&Vous avez rendu la parole au joueur $p$ sur le channel universe.] } CSR_IS_UNIVERSE_UNMUTED_BY(player p) { [&SYS&CSR $p$ vous a rendu la parole sur le channel universe.] } CSR_NOT_UNIVERSE_MUTED(player p) { [&SYS&Le joueur $p$ n'est pas muet sur le channel universe, vous ne pouvez donc pas lui rendre la parole.] } CSR_UNIVERSE_MUTE_ENDS() { [&SYS&Vous n'êtes plus muet sur le channel universe.] } OPS_TEAM_MAX_SIZE_REACHED () { [&CHK&The team has reached its size limit and cannot accept anymore players.] } EGS_CANT_SELL_ANYTHING () { [&SYS&I have nothing of interest for you to buy, sorry but come back later.] } EGS_CANT_CONSTRUCT_ANYTHING () { [&CHK&Vous ne pouvez plus rien construire.] } OPS_WELCOME () { [&AROUND&Welcome to Khanat !] } EGS_USE_LAST_AMMO () { [&CHKCB&You have used your last ammo.] } OPS_NOT_ENOUGHT_SEED () { [&CHK&You are not rich enough to buy this.] } EGS_NOT_ENOUGHT_SP () { [&CHK&You do not have enough skill points to buy this.] } OPS_PACT_GAIN_U (int i) { [&SYS&You have won a survival pact of level $i$.] } EGS_NOT_ENOUGH_AMMO () { [&CHKCB&This strategy needs more ammunition.] } BS_NO_AMMO () { [&CHKCB&This weapon needs ammo.] } COMBAT_TARGET_DEAD () { [&CHKCB&You cannot attack a corpse.] } BS_TARGET_TOO_FAR_OR () { [&CHKCB&Your target is too far away or you are not facing it.] } BS_TARGET_TOO_FAR () { [&CHKCB&Your target is too far away.] } EGS_TOO_EXPENSIVE_STAMINA () { [&CHKCB&You do not have enough stamina for this action.] } EGS_TOO_EXPENSIVE_HP () { [&CHKCB&You do not have enough hp to pay this action cost.] } EGS_TOO_EXPENSIVE_FOCUS () { [&CHKCB&You do not have enough focus to pay this action cost.] } BS_ITEM_INCOMPATIBLE () { [&CHKCB&This formula or action phrase is incompatible with the item in your hand.] } EGS_OPENING_SUCCESS () { [&SPLM&You successfully take the opening.] } EGS_FORAGE_INTERRUPTED () { [&CHK&Your foraging action has been interrupted.] } EGS_QUARTER_INTERRUPTED () { [&CHK&Your quartering action has been interrupted.] } EGS_ACTOR_CASTING_INTERUPT () { [&MISM&The incantation of your spell is broken.] } EGS_HARVEST_CORPSE_TOO_FAR () { [&CHK&The corpse you are trying to skin is too far away, get closer.] } EGS_CANNOT_ATTACK_IN_WATER () { [&CHKCB&You cannot attack while you are near water.] } OPS_HARVEST_MP_IN_PROGRESS_E (entity entity) { [&CHK&You are already harvesting raw material on $entity$.] } MIS_FAME_GAIN (faction faction) { [&TSK&You gain fame with $faction.da$ $faction$] } NO_ACTION_WHILE_SWIMMING() { no_action_while_swimming [&CHK&You cannot use actions while you are near water.] } NO_ACTION_WHEN_SITTING() { no_action_when_sitting [&CHK&You cannot use actions when sitting.] } NO_ACTION_WHILE_INTANGIBLE() { no_action_while_intangible [&CHK&You cannot use actions while you are intangible.] } NO_ACTION_WHILE_MOUNTED() { no_action_while_mounted [&CHK&You cannot use actions while you are mounted.] } NO_ACTION_WHILE_TRANSACTION() { no_action_while_transaction [&CHK&You cannot use actions while you have a bot chat or a transaction in progress.] } MAGIC_CAN_ONLY_CAST_ON_PLAYERS() { magic_can_only_cast_on_players [&CHKCB&You can only use this spell on other players.] } KILLED_BY_GOO() { [&CHKCB&You have been killed by GOO !.] } SUFFER_GOO_DAMAGE() { [&CHKCB&You suffer GOO damage!.] } DISCONNECT_CANCELED() { [&CHK&Disconnection canceled.] } OPERATION_OFFLINE() { [&CHK&Le joueur n'existe pas ou n'est pas actuellement connecté.] } NON_DROPABLE_ITEM() { [&CHK&You cannot drop this item.] } CRAFT_NEED_CRAFTING_TOOL() { [&CHK&You need appropriate tool to craft this item.] } EGS_COSMETIC_SAME_HAIR_COLOR() { [&CHK&You cannot buy this hair color : this is your current one.] } EGS_COSMETIC_SAME_HAIR() { [&CHK&You cannot buy this hair cut : this is your current one.] } EGS_COSMETIC_SAME_TATOO() { [&CHK&You cannot buy this tatoo : this is your current one.] } TRADE_FAME_TOO_LOW(bot b) { [&CHK&$b$ refuses to trade with you because of your bad reputation.] } ALREADY_TELEPORTING() { [&CHK&You are already using a teleport ticket.] } TP_FORBIDEN_IN_RING_INSTANCE() { [&CHK&Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser un ticket de TP pendant une aventure Ring ou une session d'edition Ring.] } MOUNT_CANT_WHILE_TP() { [&CHK&Vous ne pouvez pas monter sur votre monture pendant une téléportation.] } ONLY_ENCHANTED_ITEMS_CAN_BE_RECHARGED() { [&CHK&Only enchanted items can be recharged.] } ROLL_DICE(entity e, int min, int max, int roll) { [$e.da$ $e$ a fait $roll$ sur un tirage entre $min$ et $max$.] } CONSUMABLE_OVERDOSE_TIMER(item item, int m, int s) { (m>0) [&CHK&Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser votre $item$ avant $m$ minutes et $s$ secondes.] [&CHK&Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser votre $item$ avant $s$ secondes.] } CONSUMABLE_CONSUME_ITEM_BEGIN(item item) { [Vous utilisez votre $item$.] } CONSUMABLE_NOT_STAND_UP() { [&CHK&Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser cet objet en étant debout.] } CONSUMABLE_CANCEL() { [&SYS&L'action est annulée et l'objet n'est pas consommé.] } XP_CATALYSER_NO_MORE_ACTIVE() { [&SYS&Vous n'avez plus de catalyseur d'expérience actif.] } XP_CATALYSER_ACTIVE(int i) { [&SYS&Vous activez un catalyseur d'expérience de niveau $i$.] } XP_CATALYSER_PROGRESS_NORMAL_GAIN(skill s, int i, int j) { [&XP&You gain $i$($j$) experience points in '$s$'.] } XP_CATALYSER_CONSUME(int i, int j) { [&SYS&Vous consommez $i$ catalyseurs d'expérience de niveau $j$.] } COMBAT_PROC_VAMPIRISM_ATTACKER(entity defender, int drain) { combat_proc_vampirism_attackers_n [&ISE&Déclenchement de l'effet vol de vie, votre arme vous donne $drain$ des points de vie de $defender.da$ $defender$.] } COMBAT_PROC_VAMPIRISM_DEFENDER(entity attacker, int drain) { combat_proc_vampirism_defenders_n [&ISE&L'arme de $attacker.da$ $attacker$ lui donne $drain$ de vos points de vie.] } COMBAT_PROC_VAMPIRISM_SPECTATORS(entity attacker, entity defender, int drain) { combat_proc_vampirism_spectators_n [&ISE&L'arme de $attacker.da$ $attacker$ lui donne $drain$ des points de vie de $defender.da$ $defender$.] } ISE_MAGIC_DIVINE_INTERVENTION() { [&ISE&Déclenchement de l'effet intervention divine, les crédits de votre sort ne sont pas consommés.] } ISE_MAGIC_SHOOT_AGAIN() { [&ISE&Déclenchement de l'effet feu gratuit, votre prochain sort sera incanté en un temps minimum.] } // ISE2 is for an additional display on the center of the screen (as there is no flying text for craft) ISE_CRAFT_ADD_STAT_BONUS(score s, int param) { [&ISE2&Déclenchement de l'effet bonus de stat, l'item que vous avez créé a un bonus de $s$ de $param$.] } // ISE2 is for an additional display on the center of the screen (as there is no flying text for craft) ISE_CRAFT_ADD_LIMIT(int param) { [&ISE2&Déclenchement de l'effet limites étendues, les limites de l'item que vous avez créé sont étendues de $param$%.] } ISE_FORAGE_ADD_RM(int param) { [&ISE&Déclenchement de l'effet bonus de récolte, vous avez récolté $param$% de ressources supplémentaires sur cette action.] } ISE_FORAGE_NO_RISK() { [&ISE&Déclenchement de l'effet source sans risque, une des sources que vous avez trouvées ne peux pas exploser.] } MAGIC_YOU_BREAK_ENEMY_CAST(entity e) { [&SYS&Vous interrompez $e.da$ $e$.] } OUTPOST_LEAVE_ZONE(outpost o) { [&SYS&Vous quittez l'avant poste $$.] } GUILD_CANT_INVITE_OUTPOST_ENEMY() { [&CHK&Vous ne pouvez pas inviter un ennemi d'avant-poste dans votre guilde] } MENU_OUTPOST() { [Consulter l'enseigne d'avant-poste] } MISSION_GOAL_STEP_ANY_OR(dyn_string_id id) { [Soit $id$] } MENU_RING_ENTRY() { [Choisir sa destination Ring] } UNIVERSE_NOT_AVAILABLE_ON_RING() { [Le canal univers est réservé aux éditeurs et animateurs Ring.] } RING_ANI() { [Ring Channel ani.] } RING_LEA() { [Ring Channel lea.] } RING_ARI() { [Ring Channel ari.] } RING_CHO() { [Ring Channel cho.] } RING_SEA() { [Ring Channel sea.] } RING_CSR() { [Ring Channel CSR] } RING_TOO() { [Ring Channel too] } RING_TRE() { [Ring Channel tre.] } YES() { [Oui.] } NO() { [Non.] } SHUTDOWN_WARNING(int delay) { [&SYS&The shard will be shutdown in $delay$ seconds, please disconnect ASAP.] } AMMO_BUYING_QUANTITY_TOO_LOW(int magazineSize) { [&CHK&Ce type de munition ne peut être acheté que par un ou plusieurs lots de $magazineSize$ munitions.] } AMMO_SELLING_QUANTITY_TOO_LOW(int magazineSize) { [&CHK&Ce type de munition ne peut être vendu que par un ou plusieurs lots de $magazineSize$ munitions.] } TRAITRE_CORSAIRE_ARRIVE() { [Que faites-vous ici ?! Voleur ! Laissez cette perle là où elle est !] }